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1. Imagine you have won $1,000 from a travel magazine to spend on a group holiday,
lasting a week. Plan your holiday by deciding which:
 type of holiday you want to go on
 accommodation and places you want to visit
 types of activities (daytime and evening) you want to do.

Mai: Hey [Friend's Name], guess what? I won big money! We can go on a
fun trip with friends!

[Friend's Name]: Wow, that's cool, Mai! Where should we go?

Mai: I was thinking a beach trip. We can relax, swim, and enjoy the pretty

[Friend's Name]: That sounds nice! We can also go hiking or kayaking if

we want to be more active.

Mai: Yeah, that's a good idea. We can find a place with both beaches and
fun things to do outside.

[Friend's Name]: And don't forget about the food! We have to try all the
local dishes.

Mai: For sure! I love trying new food.

[Friend's Name]: This is going to be so much fun, Mai! I can't wait to plan
our trip.
Mai: Me too! Let's get together soon to talk about some places to go and
things to do. We can also figure out how much money we want to spend
and start packing our bags.

[Friend's Name]: Sounds good! I'm already excited for our adventure.

Mai: Me too! This is going to be a trip we'll always remember.

2. You are going to make a short presentation to persuade other people to have less
stuff in their homes. Discuss the following points:
 problems
 reasons
 solutions

Person A: Hi, have you ever thought about having less stuff in our homes?

Person B: Hi! No, I haven't really thought about it. Why do you ask?

Person A: Well, I think having too much stuff can cause problems. It makes our homes
feel messy and stressful, don't you think?

Person B: Yeah, I see what you mean. Having too many things can definitely make it hard
to find what we need.

Person A: Exactly! And you know, there are good reasons to have less stuff too.

Person B: Like what?

Person A: Well, for one, having less stuff means less stress and more space to relax. Plus,
studies show that experiences bring more happiness than things.

Person B: That makes sense. So, what can we do about it?

Person A: We can start by decluttering and getting rid of things we don't need. And
maybe we can try to buy less stuff in the future.

Person B: Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Let's do it!

Person A: Great! I think it will make our homes feel much better.

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