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Making a header for startingflash.

Step 1 : Open Flash, and then press “file” and > “new” ,and I’m going to use a “Actionscript
2.0″ file so please use that one.

Step 2: Now we probably need to change our document size, my header is currently (940 px-
width) and (198 px-height) to change the document size in flash you can use this hotkey : Ctrl +

Step 3: Making a background.

Now. Go ahead and create a “New layer”, call it whatever you want, I choose to call it
background because that’s where I am going to place my background.

Step 4 : In the “Background layer” draw a square over the white document, in whatever colour
you want ,just make sure it covers it.
Step 5 : Gradient Color

To get a Gradient color you can use the Hot key ” Alt + Shift + F9″ or go to Window > color.
then select linear gradient on the dropdown menu. Have some fun with it make whatever
gradient color you want then select the “Paint bucket” tool and click on our background.

Step 6: Making a rotating wheel, Go ahead and create Another layer, call it rotating wheel or
whatever you want. I made this out of squares and using the selection tool. Now we want to
make it a movieclip, Press F8 make sure it says movie clip and not a button. And the registration
point should be in the middle like this.

To make this movie clip rotate use the selection tool ( the black mouse icon) press it once, when
a blue border appears around it, press F9

And copy / paste this text inside it

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
this._rotation -= 0.1;

If you want to change the speed the wheel rotates please change the “0.1″ after the “=” to
whatever you want it can be like -= 5; And if you want it to rotate the opposite way just change
the “-” to “+” like += 0.1;

Now press F9 again, now we want to test it.

And the hotkey for that is “Ctrl + Enter” also make sure that our rotating wheel is actually over
our document / background it won’t show if it’s outside the scene .

Step 7: adding text

Make another layer, call it the text layer or whatever you choose. Use the Text tool to write a line
of text wherever on the background you want it. Now press F8 again but this time instead of a
movie clip we want to make a button. When you have made a button press the button once, so
that the blue borders show up around it again. and enter this line of code:

getURL("", "_self");
Now inside the first quotation marks we want to write the webpage address we
want to use
example :
getURL("", "_self");

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