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Distributor & Supplier
Equipment & Supplies For Plantations, Agriculture & Forestry
Jl. A. Yani Km. 12,360 No. 168 RT.002 RW.001 Gambut Barat, Gambut Kab Banjar, Kalimantan Selatan
70652 Telp : (+62511) 4281876, 4281898 Fax. : (+62511) 4283717. E-mail :
Representative Office : Komplek Gudang Kusuka Jl. HM. Arsyad KM. 3 Sampit - Kalteng.

To : PT. SKD Date : 15 Februari 2023

Attn. : Bp. Andre Asmara/Bp. Eko Quotation No : 005/AMS-SPT/II/2023

Hal : Penawaran Fire Pump

Berikut kami sampaikan penawaran implement Tractor Roda 4 :

Harga / Unit
No. Description Qty Status
( @ Rp )
1. Emdek Portable Fire Pump, Honda 27 HP-G 1 Rp. 80.000.000/Unit Ready
-Device Weight + 82 Kg
-Maximum Capacity : 1.080L/Min
-Pump Head : 90Mtr
-Out Pressure : 0.5Mpa
-Inlet Suction Hose Size : 2.5” (80mm) x 7 Mtr
-Outlet Spray Hose Size : 2.5”(65mm) x 20 Mtr
-Diameter of Nozzle : 19 mm
-Electric Starter
* Accessories Included:
- 7m Suction Hose c/w Coupling
- Suction Filter
- 20m Spray Hose c/w Coupling
- Spray Nozzle
- Tools & Parts
B. Harga (modifikasi Coupling model Machino
Emdek Floating Fire Pump 5.5 Hp
2. -Device Weight + 26 Kg 1 Rp. 30.000.000/Unit Ready
-Flow/Pressure : 300L-600L/Min
-Diameter of Nozzle : 19 mm
- Enggu=ine 5,5 Hp, Vertikal =, Single-Cylinder, Recoil
Start, Air-Cooled, 4 stroke, 2,2 L tangki capacity
* Accessories Included:
- 20m Suction Hose c/w Coupling
- Spray Nozzle
- Tools & Parts

Terms & Conditions :

- Price : Franco Office RO PT. SKD Sampit, Exclude PPN 11 %.
- Delivery time : Ready Stock Subject Prior Sales, proses setelah PO & Payment diterima
- Payment : Kredit 30 Hari Pada Saat Barang Diterima
- Validity : Harga Dan Stock Tidak mengikat
Distributor & Supplier
Equipment & Supplies For Plantations, Agriculture & Forestry
Jl. A. Yani Km. 12,360 No. 168 RT.002 RW.001 Gambut Barat, Gambut Kab Banjar, Kalimantan Selatan 70652 Telp
: (+62511) 4281876, 4281898, 5511589 Fax. : (+62511) 4283717. E-mail : Representative
Office : Komplek Gudang Kusuka Jl. HM. Arsyad KM. 3 Sampit - Kalteng.

Demikian penawaran harga dari kami, dengan harapan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan perusahaan Bapak/Ibu
dan kami menunggu kabar baik selanjutnya dari Bapak/Ibu.
Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya yang baik kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Contact Person :
Ferdyan Hernandy (Direktur) : 0811505226
Hormat Kami Rinaldy E : 0815 21506777 / 085332541888
Rudy : 081251255368 / 081367112985
PT. AGRITAMA MULTI SARANA Andre Gunardi : 082233427489
Ferdyan Hernandy

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