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Running head: Why Teenagers Tend to Blend with the Society

“Trendy until my Last Penny”

A Case Study on Why Teenagers Tend

to Blend with the Society

A Thesis Presented to the

Senior High School Department

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject

Practical Research 1

Perreras, Nelson

De Vega, Heidi

Garcia, Keianne

Macasias, Lovely Ann

Serrano, Perlie

Tabuga, Chelsea
Why Teenagers Tend to Blend with the Society



Trends defined as the general development or change in a particular situation and

time. All kinds of trends began with great success when there's something new. It can

be started by almost anything that only shares a common factor such as their directions

or their goals. A trend was just a something that accelerate the popularity of a certain

thing. The only permanent in this world is what we call 'change', changes never stop.

Every person nowadays make ultimately trend, from their outfit and even to the

foods they ate, and one of the trendy that the researchers research is there are many

reasons behind why teenagers always wanted to go with latest and the researchers focus

on the technology trends that is one of the major factors why teenagers are always up to


Teens today are spending their time differently than they did a decade ago.

Before, youth are devoted to their studies and spend more time with families. For other

millennials, going with trends served as their passion because it's easy for them to adapt

on what's new through the modern technology. But there are negative effects of being

always latest like skipping meals just to buy gadgets they wanted. Through this,

millennials may lead to become desperate from their personal wants.

Why Teenagers Tend to Blend with the Society

People know that technology is one of the reason why the people everyday living

make easier but some of teenager now a days got accident by it and some teenagers

used that too much technology so that there's some accident that people show in the

social and one of the bad or negative effect of it is teenager tend to buy an expensive

stuff that's not really important and it is fine to those person to have a lot of credit just

to be look rich.

Teenagers tend to buy trendy things even they don't even need this trendy thing.

School is a great place to gather and collect information through surveys and

interviews. The teenagers tend to feel the needs to be "in" on the society including their

living standards that they are willing to go overboard. Through this study, the

researchers can give enlightenment that teenagers don't need to go overboard just to

become trendy.
Why Teenagers Tend to Blend with the Society


This research will focus on answering the following question:

• What are the reasons why teenagers tend to buy things?

• What are the disadvantages of being trending?

• How could being trendy affect our society?

Why Teenagers Tend to Blend with the Society


This research will benefit the following:

Students. It can benefit students because on that way they will be aware to the possible

effects of being trendy. It will be the enlightenment to them that being trendy does not

who define who they are.

Parents. It can benefit parents to better understand what is being studied or what is the

situation all about. It can help to get some additional information about their children to

be able to know how changes can affect their child’s behavior.

Teachers. It can benefit the teachers to inspire students to be themselves and remind

the students to do not attach on being trendy. And let their students know that being

yourself is better than forcing yourself just to be part of the society.

Researcher. It can benefit researcher to understand the problem that has been studied.

It can also help future researchers to understand this kind of problem and to aid them

for their upcoming research.

Why Teenagers Tend to Blend with the Society

Gather and collect

information through The possible effect
Reasons why surveys and of trendy on
teenagers tend interviews. teenagers.
to buy trendy Researchers will also
things use other references Encourage
to have data. teenagers to be

The figure showed the flow of the study. The researchers are willing to determine

the reasons why teenagers tend to buy trendy things. The researchers will gather and

collect the information needed through surveys and interviews. The output may give the

possible effects of trendy on teenagers and encourage to be themselves.


Why Teenagers Tend to Blend with the Society

This study focuses on those teenagers who cannot help to put themselves in a

society, these are types of teenager who were willing to do anything just to take a part

in a society. The researchers will conduct the study at a private school in Pampanga,

school year 2019 to 2020 on those teenagers to find reasons, why those people doing

that such sort of thing.

This research only focuses on those people who were affected in the spreading of

technology that was trending within the society. This research only affects those people

who are related on the topic of the case study: why teenagers tend to blend with the

society that the researchers studied.

Chapter 2
Why Teenagers Tend to Blend with the Society


Each person has their own reasons on choosing to be trendy other that stick on

what is an everyday life of a person, there's a lot of reason just to be able to show their

self, a kind of reason just to make up to their society they live with.

According to “Teen shopping habits, explained by teens” By Eliza Brooke

There are parts that stated “I don’t want to support the whole ‘buy stuff
to buy stuff’ mentality,” says Talia, a high school senior from Charlottesville,
Virginia, “but then I end up doing that because we’ve all been socialized into the
culture of buying things as a social activity or to release stress.”
This article shows that being a trendy is a choice, even though Talia does not

want it, the society feel like it dictates her that she has to, so that she can get along to

the current society she lived in.

Buying trendy things can help Talia to relieved stress but also buying those

kinds of stuffs is quite expensive but Talia does not have a choice but to do that so that

she can get along to the people around her.

According to the site “10 Things Teens Waste Money On” by Dave Ramsey
Although musical tastes and fashion trends have changed over the years,
teens’ spending habits haven’t. Just like we did, they still waste their money on
whatever sounds good in the moment—like a 10-pack of tacos or that new indie-
rock album. And while it’s perfectly okay for young people to have fun with their
money, teens are old enough to stop blowing every last dime on stuff that won’t

In this article shows that kids can freely spend a lot of money to buy things that they

want while teenagers are old enough to avoid wasting money for the things that they

don`t need to. Teenagers are capable enough to know if it is worth it to buy.
Why Teenagers Tend to Blend with the Society

According to “Why Teens Are the Most Elusive and Valuable Customers in Tech”
By Issie Lapowsky
Today's teens are at the center of a massive turf war that's roiling the tech
industry. Teenagers have always been important to brands because they tend to be
early adopters and because, traditionally, their brand preferences aren't yet
firmly defined. The difference with today's teenagers, however, is that they're not
listening to what the media and older generations are telling them is cool. While
older millennial looked to television shows like MTV's Total Request Live to tell
them what was in style, today's teens are discovering trends and deciding for
This simply says that teenagers are easy to target for their preferences aren't firmly

defined. Today's teenagers are also different from the past teenagers because today's

teenagers are deciding for themselves not what the older generations are telling them.

According to “The Guardian Weekly”

Some people love to buy the latest gadget as soon as it is invented. Other
people are more cautious. They wait until gadgets are popular before they buy
This article states that even some people are willing to wait till they get some

feedback about the new products there are still some impulsive buyers that are willing

to buy as soon as it is in the market.

According to the “ValueQua”

The sole reason as per my understanding is the pace with which technology is
changing. If you wait to save the amount for any gadget you want to buy, you will
end up having another technological advancement in gadgets. I mean who wants
to buy a phone which is released a couple of year back. Everyone wants the latest
thing in their pocket.
Why Teenagers Tend to Blend with the Society

In this article, it states that even though saving money for the things that they want

to buy, changes will never end. There`s a possibility that they tend to buy the latest

gadgets rather than the gadgets that they released years ago.


Trendy - influenced by or expressing the most recent fashions or ideas; modern in style
Why Teenagers Tend to Blend with the Society

Millennial - relating to a millennium or to the year 2000

Enlightenment - the state of understanding something

Overboard – to extremes of enthusiasm

Technology - the methods for using scientific discoveries

Literature - written artistic works, especially those with a high and lasting artistic


Dime - an American or Canadian coin that has the value of ten cents

Massive - very large in size, amount, or number

Turf - a surface layer of land consisting of grass and the earth in which its roots grow

Roiling - to (cause to) move quickly in a twisting circular movement

Cautious - careful, well considered, and sometimes slow or uncertain

Sole - being one only; single

Pace - the speed at which someone or something moves

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