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Jl. Kol. Pol. M. Taher Talang Banjar – Jambi Telp. 0741-26397, 0741-26977, Fax.


Examination Topics for Mid-Semester 2 Assessment

Primary P3 Enthusiastic
No: 75/SMSJ/SD/II/2024

Jambi, 28 February 2024

Dear Parents,

As stated in the Academic Calendar Semester 2, 2023 – 2024, mid-semester 2 assessment will be conducted
from 4 – 15 March 2024. The topics that are going to be tested for Primary 3 Enthusiastic are as follows:

Berdasarkan Kalender Akademik Semester 2, 2023 - 2024, maka ujian mid-semester 2 akan dilaksanakan
pada tanggal 4 – 15 Maret 2024. Topik ujian untuk SD kelas 3 Enthusiastic adalah sebagai berikut:

Subjects Topics/Unit Types of Test

Unit 3. Poetry: Poems from different cultures
- Apostrophe of contraction (Writing missing letter or letters);
- Words that rhyme;
- Repeated words;
- Long noun phrase (Has more than one adjective);
- Synonyms;
- Alliteration;
- Adding -ed and -ing to verbs with long vowel sound, short vowel sound
Written Test
English and ending in e;
- Daily Test 1.

Unit 8. Poetry: Poems with different structures

- Metaphors;
- Similes;
- Prefix;
- Irregular verbs.
Reading a poem Practical Test
Unit 7. Changes in Materials
Unit 8. Forces Written Test
Bab 4. Ciri dan Kebutuhan Makhluk Hidup
Unit 8. Forces Practical Test
1. Money
2. Length, Mass and Volume
3. Bar Graph Written Test
Mathematics 4. Fractions
5. Word Problems
Explaining how to arrange the fractions in order from the greater to the
Practical Test
least and vice versa, addition and subtraction of fractions.
1. Arah mata angin
2. Menunjukkan lokasi berdasarkan denah
3. Wujud-wujud benda Written Test
Bahasa Indonesia
4. Mencair, membeku, menyumblim (sifat dan contohnya)
5. Daily Test 2
Presentasi menjelaskan tentang arah mata angin Practical Test
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Jl. Kol. Pol. M. Taher Talang Banjar – Jambi Telp. 0741-26397, 0741-26977, Fax. 074125878
Rubrik penilaian :
Presentasi (30%), Konten/isi (30%), Percaya diri (gerakan dan intonasi
suara) (40%)
Contoh: Menjelaskan tentang lokasi rumah dan bangunan-bangunan di
sekitarnya, atau tentang lokasi sekolah dan bangunan-bangunan di
1. Cara menghargai berbagai pekerjaan (seperti: Dokter, Polisi, dll)
2. Pentingnya menghargai orang lain dan pekerjaanya
3. Cara menghormati orang tua Written Test
4. Cara menghargai teman
5. Daily Test 2
IPS Bab 5. Perkembangan Teknologi Written Test
Chinese Made Easy 2
- Textbook & Workbook Lesson 5 and 6 (喜欢的颜色,可爱的弟弟) Written Test
Mandarin - Daily Test 2
Chinese Made Easy 2
Practical Test
Lesson 5&6. Reading text from textbook (pages 30-31 or pages 38)
1. Sakramen Baptis
Religion 2. Sakramen Ekaristi Written Test
3. Sakramen Tobat
ICT Creating table in MS Excel Practical Test
Stemapreneurship Making a brochure for traditional food Practical Test
Physical Education Aktivitas kebugaran jasmani latihan koordinasi gerak Practical Test
Music Memainkan lagu “Rain of the Pond” dengan alat music rekorder Practical Test

We hope that the information above could help your child to prepare for the exam better. Further
details regarding the assessment will be given in due time. For further queries, please feel free to contact
your child’s Homeroom Teacher.

Kami berharap informasi diatas akan membantu anak- anak dalam persiapan ujian. Untuk informasi lebih
lanjut dapat menghubungi wali kelas.

Thank you for your kind attention.


Martha Oktavia. T, S.Pd., M.Hum. Basa Uli Agustina S, S.Pd.

Primary School Principal (Kepala Sekolah SD) Homeroom Teacher (Wali Kelas)

Cc : Hos

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Jl. Kol. Pol. M. Taher Talang Banjar – Jambi Telp. 0741-26397, 0741-26977, Fax. 074125878
MID-SEMESTER 2 Academic Year 2023 – 2024
Primary 3



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

(4 March 2024) (5 March 2024) (6 March 2024) (7 March 2024) (8 March 2024)

English PE Science Mandarin Science

Stemapreneurship Music ICT Math B. Indonesia

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Jl. Kol. Pol. M. Taher Talang Banjar – Jambi Telp. 0741-26397, 0741-26977, Fax. 074125878

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

(12 March 2024) (13 March 2024) (14 March 2024) (15 March 2024)
Homeroom Time Homeroom Time Homeroom Time Homeroom Time
(09.00 – 09.15) (09.00 – 09.15) (09.00 – 09.15) (07.00 – 07.15)

(09.15 – 10.45) (09.15 – 10.45) (09.15 – 10.45) (07.15 – 09.15)

B. Indonesia English Math Science/IPAS

Break Time Break Time Break Time Dismissal Time

(10.45 – 11.00) (10.45 – 11.00) (10.45 – 11.00) (09.15 – 09.30)

(11.00 – 12.30) (11.00 – 12.30) (11.00 – 12.30)

Religion Pend. Pancasila Mandarin

Dismissal Time Dismissal Time Dismissal Time

(12.30 – 12.45) (12.30 – 12.45) (12.30 – 12.45)

Approved by,

Martha Oktavia T. S.Pd., M.Hum.

Primary School Principal
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