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A com perative study of

organizational culture of sbi,

icici, hdfc bank

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A compe rat ive st udy of organizat ional c ult ure of

sbi, icic i, hdfc bank


ComparativeStudy on Organizational Culture of SBI, ICICI
Bank and HDFC Bank “Submitted In the Partial Fulfillment for
the Requirement Of Post Graduate Diploma In Management”
Submitted to: Submitted by: Mr. Kush Sharma Shweta
Mukherjee Roll No. 110 Batch: 2015-2017 Jagannath
International Management School Kalkaji, New Delhi
2. 2 TO WHOMSOEVER IT MAY CONCERN This is to certify
that Ms. Shweta Mukherjee of PGDM batch (2015-17) has
successfully completed her Mentoring Project on the topic
“Comparative Study on Organizational Culture of SBI, ICICI
Bank and HDFC Bank” under my guidance. Her work is up to
my satisfaction and worth appreciation. I wish her all the
best for future endeavors. Kush Sharma Project Guide
3. 3 TO WHOMSOEVER IT MAY CONCERN This is to certify
that Ms. Shweta Mukherjee of PGDM batch (2015-17) has
successfully completed her Mentoring Project on the topic
“Comparative Study on Organizational Culture of SBI, ICICI
Bank and HDFC Bank” under my guidance. Her work is up to
my satisfaction and worth appreciation. I wish him/her all
the best for future endeavors. Divya Gupta Project Guide
4. 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The sense of contentment and
elation that accompanies the successful working of this
project would be incomplete without mentioning the names
of the people who helped me to accomplish this project,
people whose constant guidance, support and
encouragement resulted in its realization. I am highly
indebted to JIMS, Kalkaji for providing me with the
opportunity to be able to do my Mentorship project in Yes
Bank. My earnest thanks to my External Mentor, Mr. Kush
Sharma, for his valuable guidance and support in ensuring
me a free hand during the course of the work. I owe much to
my Internal Mentor Prof. Divya Gupta for the inspiration and
guidance which enabled me to take up work which made me
learn new things and concepts. Shweta Mukherjee JIMS,
5. 5 Table of Content Serial No. Topic Page No. 1
Introduction 6 2 Objective of the Study 7 3 Rationale of the
Study 8 4 Organizational Culture 9-13 5 Importance of
Organizational culture 14 6 Organizational E ectiveness 15
7 Organizational Profiles 16-21 8 Data Collected,
Quantification and Inference 22-70 9 Conclusion 71 10
Appendix 72-73 11 Bibliography 74
6. 6 INTRODUCTION Culture, at workplace, is a very
powerful force, which is consciously and deliberately
cultivated and is passed on to the incoming employees. It is
the very thread that holds the organization together. The
stronger the culture, the more it is directed to the
marketplace, the less need is there for policy manuals,
organization charts, detailed procedures or rules. In these
companies, people way down the line know what they are
supposed to do in most situations because the handful of
guiding values is crystal clear.
7. 7 Objectives of this study are to determine- 1. The
study of current culture of the three organizations. 2. The
comparison of the culture in these three organizations. 3.
To find the best bank to follow high organizational culture.
8. 8 Rationale for the study The three companies SBI,
ICICI and HDFC Bank are the top banking organizations of the
country. The companies have been providing valuable
banking services to the entire nation for many years. They
are now at the top of the list in the ranking. This study
would generate valuable information on the current culture
of these organizations. It would also provide management
with the employees’ outlook of the work culture that is
prevalent within these companies.
9. 9 ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE Organizational culture
has assumed considerable importance in the 21st century,
because of its impact on employee performance and job
satisfaction. It is imperative of every organization to
understand its own dynamic culture so that managers can
capitalize on the insights generated by the cultural
perspective to wield greater control over their
organizations. The culture of an organization has an
important impact on its performance. Robbins postulates
that culture, as a concept, has had a long and chequered
history. In the last decade, it has been used by some
organizational researchers and managers to indicate the
climate and practices that organizations develop around
their handling of people or to refer to the espoused values
and credo of an organization. Schein (1999:200) defines
culture as a pattern of shared basic assumptions that the
group learned as it solved problems of external adaptation
and internal integration that has worked well enough to be
considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new
members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in
relation to those problems. Aswathappa refers to culture
as a, complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art,
morals, law, custom, and other capabilities and habits
acquired by man in a society. Mullins (1999:806) presents a
cultural web, as illustrated in the following figure, which
brings together di erent aspects for the analysis of
organizational culture. Organizational culture is a concept in
the field of Organizational studies and management which
describes the attitudes, experiences, beliefs and values of
an organization. It has been defined as "the specific
collection of values and norms that are shared by people
and groups in an organization and that control the way they
interact with each other and with stakeholders outside the
organization Strong culture is said to exist where sta s
respond to stimulus because of their alignment to
organizational values. Conversely, there is weak culture w
he r e t he r e is lit t le a lignme nt w it h o rganizational
values and control must be exercised through extensive
procedures and bureaucracy. Where culture is strong—
people do things because they believe it is the right thing
to do—there is a risk of another phenomenon, Groupthink .
"Groupthink" was described by Irving L. Janis. He defined it
as "...a quick and easy way to refer to a mode of thinking
that people engage when they are deeply involved in a
cohesiveingroup, when members' strivings for unanimity
override their motivati on torealistically appraise
alternatives of action." This is a state where people, even if
they have di erent ideas, do not challenge organizational
thinking, and therefore there is a reduced capacity for
innovative thoughts. This could occur, for example, where
there is heavy reliance on a central charismatic figure in the
organization, or where there is an evangelical belief in the
organization’s values, or also in groups where a friendly
climate is at the base
10. 10 of their identity (avoidance of conflict). In fact
groupthink is very common, it happens all the time, in
almost every group. Members that are defiant are o en
turned down or seen as a negative influence by the rest of
the group, because they bring conflict. Innovative
organizations need individuals who are prepared to
challenge the status quo—be it groupthink or bureaucracy,
and also need procedures to implement new ideas
e ectively.
11. 11 The cultural web of an organization The cultural
web, help define and develop the culture of an
organization. An organization’s culture can be disseminated
by analyzing each aspect of the cultural web.
12. 12 Levels of organizational culture Hosted (1990)
developed a four - layered hierarchical model of culture
which helps to identify and categorize the constituent
elements of culture, as reflected in the figure The least
visible or deepest level is that of basic shared
assumptions, which represents beliefs about reliability and
human nature that are taken for granted. The next level of
culture is that of cultural values, which represent collective
beliefs, assumptions, and feelings about what things are
good, normal, rational, and valuable. Cultural values might
be very di erent in di erent organizations; in some,
employees may care deeply about money, but, in others,
they may care more about technological innovation or
employee well-being. The next level is that of shared
behaviors, including norms, which are more visible and
somewhat easier to change than values. The reason is that
people may be unaware of the values that bind them
13. 13 The most superficial level of organizational culture
consists of symbols. Cultural symbols are words (jargon or
slang), gestures, and pictures or other physical objects that
carry a particular meaning within a culture.
14. 14 The importance of organizational culture Culture
helps to explain why di erent groups of people perceive
things in their own way and perform things di erently from
other groups. Culture can help reduce complexity and
uncertainty. It provides a consistency in outlook and values,
and makes possible the process of decision-making, co-
ordination and control. There is nothing accidental about
cultural strengths there is a relationship between an
organizations culture and its performance. Types of
organizational culture Harrison and Stokes (1993:13) identify
four culture types. These four culture types are power
culture, role culture, achievement culture and support
culture. The power culture: A power - orientated
organization is based on inequality of access to resources.
In other words, the people in power use resources to either
satisfy or frustrate the needs of others, and, by so doing,
they control behavior of others. The role culture: In a role
culture orientated organization, structures and systems
give protection to sub - ordinates and stability to the
organization. The duties and rewards of employees’ roles
are clearly defined. This is usually defined in writing as a job
description. The achievement culture: The achievement -
orientated organization is known as the ‘aligned’
organization because it lines people up behind a common
vision or purpose. This type of organization uses the
mission to attract and release the personal energy of its
employees in the pursuit of common goals. There is an
inner commitment within these achievement orientated
individuals. The support culture: The support culture may
be defined as an organization climate that is based on
mutual trust between the individual and the organization. In
such organizations, people are valued as human beings and
are not just cogs in a machine. This culture centers on
warmth and even love and it makes people want to come to
work in the morning, not only because they like their work
but also because they care for their colleagues. These four
types of culture all have di erent implications to the
success of a business where the power culture is
dependent on a central power source with rays of power
and influence spreading out from the central figure. These
types of cultures are proud and strong and have the ability
to move quickly and can react well to threat and danger, as
postulated by Handy.
e ectiveness is the concept of how e ective an
organization is in achieving theoutcomest he o r ga niza t io
n int e nd s t o p r o d uc e . The id e a of organizational
e ectiveness is especially important for non-profit
organizations as most people who donate money to
nonprofit organizations and charities areinte rested in
knowing whether the organization is e ective
inaccomplishingitsgoals.A n o r ga niza t io n' s e e c t ive
ne s s is a ls o d e p e nd e nt o n it s c o mmunic a t ive
competence and ethics. The relationship between these
three is simultaneous. Ethics is a foundation found within
organizational e ectiveness. An organization must
exemplify respect, honesty, integrity and equity to allow
communicative competence with the participating
members. Along with ethics and communicative
competence, members in that particular group can finally
achieve their intended goals. Organizational e ectiveness
is an abstract concept and is basically impossible to
measure. Instead of measuring organizational
e ectiveness, the organizationde termines proxy
measures which will be used to represent e ectiveness.
Proxy measures used may include such things as number of
people served, types and sizes of population segments
served, and the demand within those segments for the
services the organization supplies. For instance, a non-
profit organization which supplies meals to house bound
people may collect statistics such as the number of meals
cooked and served, the number of volunteers delivering
meals, the turnover and retention rates of volunteers, the
demographics of the people served, the turnover and
retention of consumers, the number of requests for meals
turned down due to lack of capacity(amount of food,
capacity of meal preparation facilities, and number of
delivery volunteers), and amount of wastage. Since the
organization has as its goal the preparation of meals and
the delivery of those meals to house bound people,
itmeasures its organizational e ectiveness by trying to
determine what actuala ctivities the people in the
organization do in order to generate the outcomes the
organization wants to create. Activities such as fundraising
or volunteer training are important because they provide
the support needed for the organization to deliver its
services but they are not the outcomes per se. These
other activities are overhead activities which assist the
organization in achieving its desired outcomes
16. 16 Organizations profile
17. 17 State Bank of India State Bank of India (SBI) is the
largest Indian banking and financial services company (by
turnover and total assets) with its headquarters in Mumbai,
India. It is state-owned. The bank traces its ancestry to
British India, through the Imperial Bank of India, to the
founding in 1806 of the Bank of Calcutta, making it the
oldest commercial bank in the Indian Subcontinent. The
State Bank of India is the largest of the Big Four banks of
India, along with ICICI Bank, Punjab National Bank and HDFC
Bank—its main competitors. It is the 29th most reputed
company in the world according to Forbes. Also SBI is the
only bank featured in the coveted “top 10 brands of India”
list in an annual survey conducted by Brand Finance and the
Economic Times in 2010. There are seven other associate
banks that fall under SBI. They all use the “State Bank of”
name followed by the regional headquarters’ name: 1. State
Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur 2. State Bank of Hyderabad 3. State
Bank of Indore 4. State Bank of Mysore 5. State Bank of
Patiala 6. State Bank of Saurashtra 7. State Bank of
Travancore Foreign O ices State Bank of India is present in
32 countries, where it has 84 o ices serving the
international needs of the bank’s foreign customers, and in
some cases conducts retail operations. Formalization: The
formalization of the State bank of India is as follows: All
the o icers have certain financial powers and
administrative powers depending upon their positions. ฀
The delegation of financial powers of various grades of
o icials is decided by the Central Board which is revised
from time to time, depending upon the organization’s
requirement and also Government / RBI guidelines.
18. 18 There is a well defined organizational structure
and a clear system of accountability and control system,
which also take into account the RBI / CVC guidelines. ฀
There are quite a number of documents like manuals, book
of instructions, codified circulars, scheme of delegation of
powers, proceedings of the board etc and also the
periodical circulars used by the employees for discharging
various functions. There are quite a number of documents
like manuals, book of instructions, codified circulars,
scheme of delegation of powers, proceedings of the board
etc and also the periodical circulars used by the employees
for discharging various functions. Centralization and
Decentralization in State Bank of India Regarding sanction
of loans, each o icer of the Bank will consider loan
proposals and take a decision in terms of the scheme of
delegation of powers, on the merits of the proposals. If
bank need to purchase any kind of equipment like
computers or so ware branch managers are required to
take permission from the high authority. So in term of
decision making centralization is high and low
decentralization, managers have some power to take
decision but it is very limited.
19. 19 ICICI Bank: ICICI Bank is India's second-largest bank
with total assets of about Rs. 1trillion and a network of
about 540 branches and o ices and over 1,000 ATMs. ICICI
Bank o ers a wide range of banking products and financial
services to corporate and retail customers through a
variety of delivery channels and through its specialized
subsidiaries and a iliates in the areasof investment
banking, life and non- Banking , venture capital, asset
management and information technology. ICICI Bank's
equity shares are listed in India on stock exchanges at
Chennai, Muza ar nagar, Kolkata and Vadodara, the Stock
Exchange, Mumbai and the National Stock Exchange of India
Limited and its American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) are
listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).ICICI Bank was
originally promoted in 1994 by ICICI Limited, an Indianfina nc
ia l ins t it ut io n, a nd w a s it s w ho lly o w ne d s ub s id ia r
y. I C I C I ' s shareholding in ICICI Bank was reduced to 46%
through a public o ering of shares in India in fiscal 1998, an
equity o ering in the form of ADRs listed on the N YSE in
fiscal 2000, ICICI Bank's acquisition of Bank of Madura
Limited in an all-stock amalgamation in fiscal 2001, and
secondary market sales by ICICI to institutional investors in
fiscal 2001 and fiscal 2002. ICICI was formed in 1955 at the
initiative of the World Bank, the Government of India and
representatives of Indian industry. The principal objective
was to create a development financial institution for
providing medium-term andlong- term project financing to
Indian businesses. In the 1990s, ICICItransform ed its
business from a development financial institution o ering
only project finance to a diversified financial services group
o ering a wide variety of products and services, both
directly and through a number of subsidiaries and a iliates
like ICICI Bank. In 1999, ICICI become the first Indian company
and the first bank or financial institution from non-Japan
Asia to be listed on the NYSE. A er consideration of various
corporate structuring alternatives in thec ontext of the
emerging competitive scenario in the Indian bankingindust
ry, and the move towards universal banking, the
managements of ICICI and ICICI Bank formed the view that
the merger of ICICI with ICICI Bank would be the optimal
strategic alternative for both entities, and would create the
optimal legal structure for the ICICI group's universal
banking strategy. The merger would enhance value for ICICI
shareholderst hr o ugh t he me r ge d e nt it y' s a c c e s s t
o lo w - c o s t d e p o s it s , gr e a t e r opportunities for
earning fee-based income and the ability to
20. 20 participate inthe payments system and provide
transaction- banking services. Themerger would enhance
value for ICICI Bank shareholders through a large capital
base and scale of operations, seamless access to ICICI's
strong corporate relationships built up over five decades,
entry into new business segments, higher market share in
various business segments, particularly fee- based
services, and access to the vast talent pool of ICICI and its
subsidiaries. In October 2001, the Boards of Directors of
ICICI and ICICI Bank approved the merger of ICICI and two of
its wholly owned retail finances subsidiaries, ICICI Personal
Financial Services Limited and ICICI Capital Services Limited,
with ICICI Bank. The merger was approved by shareholders
of ICICI and ICICI Bank in January 2002, by the High Court of
Gujarat at Ahmedabad in March 2002, and by the High Court
of Judicature at Mumbai and the Reserve Bank of India in
April 2002. Consequent to theme r ge r , t he I C I C I gr o up '
s fina nc ing a nd b a nk ing o p e r a t io ns , b o t hwholesale
and retail, have been integrated in a single entity. I C I C I Ba
nk ha s s igne d a n a gr e e me nt t o us e t he N C R s w it c h
ma r k t echnology for online networking all its ATMs, the
o icials said they network would come into place in
September. ICICI Bank recently restructured its
organizational structure by setting up strategic business
units for retail banking, corporate banking and fore and
treasury operations, as independent profit centers. ICICI is
all set to launch a 60-second television commercial on
August 15, 1999. 2000ICICI Bank became the first Indian bank
to list on the N ew York Stock Exc ha nge w it h it s $ 1 7 5
millio n A me r ic a n d e p o s it o r y s ha r e s is s ue
generating a demand book 13 times its size at $2.2
billion.The Bank proposes to bring credit cards to the
"large, underserve d population" in rural and semi-urban
21. 21 HDFC Bank The Housing Development Finance
Corporation Limited (HDFC) was amongst the first to receive
an 'in principle' approval from the Reserve Bank of India
(RBI) to set up a bank in the private sector, as part of the
RBI's liberalization of the Indian Banking Industry in 1994.
The bank was incorporated in August 1994 in the name of
'HDFC Bank Limited', with its registered o ice in Mumbai,
India. HDFC Bank commenced operations as a Scheduled
Commercial Bank in January 1995. HDFC Bank began
operations in 1995 with a simple mission: to be a "World-
class Indian Bank".They realised that only a single- minded
focus on productquality and service excellence would help
them get there. Today, they are proud to say that they are
well on our way towards that goal. It is extremely gratifying
that their e orts towards providing customer convenience
have been appreciated both nationally and internationally.
HDFC bank has been showered with a number of awards,
consisting of The Best Employer Award in 2007-2008.
22. 22 Research Methodology Methodology refers to
more than a simple set of methods; rather it refers to the
rationale and the philosophical assumptions that underlie a
particular study. This is why scholarly literature o en
includes a section on the methodology of the researchers.
For the purpose of this study, the type of research
undertaken was primary research, which comprised of
collecting information through questionnaires from the
selected sample. Primary research is more detailed and it
involves getting close information from the sample directly.
PROCEDURE OF THESTUDY: The study was conducted by
getting questionnaires filled by SBI, ICICI and HDFC Bank
employees. Then the data collected was tabulated and
tools like SPSS was used for the quantification of the data
The employees of SBI, ICICI and HDFC Bank, who were
randomly selected as a part of the sample, were told to fill
the questionnaires with legitimate details in the
questionnaire. The sample individuals were also requested
to give t h e t r u e a n d f a i r p i c t u r e o f t h e o r g a n i z a
t i o n a n d t h e w o r k i n g environment of the
organization, as this would help us in getting a fair picture
of the organization and help us get the true findings from
the study.
24. 24 1) Free interaction among employees, each
respecting others’ feelings, competence and sense of
judgment. Response SBI ICICI HDFC Write 4 if it is highly
valued. 4 4 5 Write 3 if it is given a fairly high value. 3 2 2
Write 2 if it is given a rather low value. 2 3 1 Write 1 if it is
given a very low value. 1 1 2 TOTAL 10 10 10 SBI:
25. 25 ICICI: HDFC:
26. 26 INTERPRETATION: A er tabulation of the data and
SPSS histogram it can be said that HDFC Bank is more
positive in free interaction among employees, each
respecting others’ feelings, competence and sense of
judgment rather than SBI and ICICI Bank.
27. 27 2) Facing and not shying away from problems.
Response SBI ICICI HDFC Write 4 if it is highly valued. 2 4 6
Write 3 if it is given a fairly high value. 5 3 3 Write 2 if it is
given a rather low value. 3 2 1 Write 1 if it is given a very low
value. 0 1 0 TOTAL 10 10 10 SBI:
28. 28 ICICI: HDFC:
29. 29 INTERPRITATION: A er tabulation of the data and
SPSS histogram it can be said that HDFC Bank is more
positive in facing and not shying away from problems rather
than SBI and ICICI Bank.
30. 30 3) O ering moral support and help to employees
and colleagues in crisis. Response SBI ICICI HDFC Write 4 if it
is highly valued. 7 4 6 Write 3 if it is given a fairly high value. 2
3 2 Write 2 if it is given a rather low value. 1 2 2 Write 1 if it is
given a very low value. 0 1 0 TOTAL 10 10 10 SBI:
31. 31 ICICI: HDFC:
32. 32 INTERPRITATION: A er tabulation of the data and
SPSS histogram it can be said that SBI Bank is more positive
in o ering moral support and help to employees and
colleagues in crisis rather than HDFC and ICICI Bank.
33. 33 4) Congruity between feelings and expressed
behavior (minimum gap between what people say and do).
Response SBI ICICI HDFC Write 4 if it is highly valued. 4 3 2
Write 3 if it is given a fairly high value. 3 5 4 Write 2 if it is
given a rather low value. 3 1 1 Write 1 if it is given a very low
value. 0` 1 3 TOTAL 10 10 10 SBI:
34. 34 ICICI: HDFC:
35. 35 INTERPRITATION: A er tabulation of the data and
SPSS histogram it can be said that SBI Bank is more positive
in Congruity between feelings and expressed behavior
(minimum gap between what people say and do) rather than
HDFC and ICICI Bank.
36. 36 5) . Preventive action on most matters. Response
SBI ICICI HDFC Write 4 if it is highly valued. 3 4 3 Write 3 if it is
given a fairly high value. 5 4 5 Write 2 if it is given a rather
low value. 2 2 2 Write 1 if it is given a very low value. 0 0 0
TOTAL 10 10 10 SBI:
37. 37 ICICI: HDFC:
38. 38 INTERPRITATION: A er tabulation of the data and
SPSS histogram it can be said that ICICI Bank is more
positive in preventive action on most matters rather than
HDFC and SBI Bank.
39. 39 6) Taking independent action relating to their jobs.
Response SBI ICICI HDFC Write 4 if it is highly valued. 2 3 2
Write 3 if it is given a fairly high value. 5 5 5 Write 2 if it is
given a rather low value. 1 2 1 Write 1 if it is given a very low
value. 2 0 2 TOTAL 10 10 10 SBI:
40. 40 ICICI: HDFC:
41. 41 INTERPRITATION: A er tabulation of the data and
SPSS histogram it can be said that ICICI Bank is more
positive in taking independent action relating to their jobs
rather than HDFC and SBI Bank.
42. 42 7) Team work and team spirit. Response SBI ICICI
HDFC Write 4 if it is highly valued. 6 5 4 Write 3 if it is given a
fairly high value. 2 2 3 Write 2 if it is given a rather low value.
2 1 2 Write 1 if it is given a very low value. 0 2 1 TOTAL 10 10
10 SBI:
43. 43 ICICI: HDFC:
44. 44 INTERPRITATION: A er tabulation of the data and
SPSS histogram it can be said that SBI Bank is more positive
in team work and team spirit rather than HDFC and ICICI
45. 45 8) Trying out innovative ways of solving problems.
Response SBI ICICI HDFC Write 4 if it is highly valued. 2 6 4
Write 3 if it is given a fairly high value. 6 3 4 Write 2 if it is
given a rather low value. 2 1 2 Write 1 if it is given a very low
value. 0 0 0 TOTAL 10 10 10 SBI:
46. 46 ICICI: HDFC:
47. 47 INTERPRITATION: A er tabulation of the data and
SPSS histogram it can be said that ICICI Bank is more
positive in trying out innovative ways of solving problems
rather than HDFC and SBI Bank.
48. 48 9) Genuine sharing of information, feelings and
thoughts in meetings. Response SBI ICICI HDFC Write 4 if it is
highly valued. 3 5 3 Write 3 if it is given a fairly high value. 4 2
5 Write 2 if it is given a rather low value. 2 1 2 Write 1 if it is
given a very low value. 1 2 0 TOTAL 10 10 10 SBI:
49. 49 ICICI: HDFC:
50. 50 INTERPRITATION: A er tabulation of the data and
SPSS histogram it can be said that ICICI Bank is more
positive in genuine sharing of information, feelings and
thoughts in meetings rather than HDFC and SBI Bank.
51. 51 10) Going deeper rather than doing surface-level
analysis of interpersonal problems. Response SBI ICICI HDFC
Write 4 if it is highly valued. 2 2 2 Write 3 if it is given a fairly
high value. 3 5 5 Write 2 if it is given a rather low value. 4 2 3
Write 1 if it is given a very low value. 1 1 0 TOTAL 10 10 10
52. 52 ICICI: HDFC:
53. 53 INTERPRITATION: A er tabulation of the data and
SPSS histogram it can be said that all of the three banks
(SBI, HDFC and ICICI Bank) have the same opinion regarding
going deeper rather than doing surface-level analysis of
interpersonal problems.
54. 54 11) Interpersonal contact and support among
people. Response SBI ICICI HDFC Write 4 if it is highly valued.
2 1 3 Write 3 if it is given a fairly high value. 4 4 5 Write 2 if it
is given a rather low value. 3 2 1 Write 1 if it is given a very
low value. 1 3 1 TOTAL 10 10 10 SBI:
55. 55 ICICI: HDFC:
56. 56 INTERPRITATION: A er tabulation of the data and
SPSS histogram it can be said that HDFC Bank is more
positive in Interpersonal contact and support among
people rather than SBI and ICICI Bank.
57. 57 12) Tactfulness, smartness and even a little
manipulation to get things done. Response SBI ICICI HDFC
Write 4 if it is highly valued. 4 4 4 Write 3 if it is given a fairly
high value. 5 3 3 Write 2 if it is given a rather low value. 1 1 3
Write 1 if it is given a very low value. 0 2 0 TOTAL 10 10 10
58. 58 ICICI: HDFC:
59. 59 INTERPRITATION: A er tabulation of the data and
SPSS histogram it can be said that all of the three banks
(SBI, HDFC and ICICI Bank) have the same opinion regarding
tactfulness, smartness and even a little manipulation to get
things done.
60. 60 13) Seniors encouraging their subordinates to think
about their development and take action in that direction.
Response SBI ICICI HDFC Write 4 if it is highly valued. 2 2 4
Write 3 if it is given a fairly high value. 4 5 2 Write 2 if it is
given a rather low value. 3 3 3 Write 1 if it is given a very low
value. 1 0 1 TOTAL 10 10 10 SBI:
61. 61 ICICI: HDFC:
62. 62 INTERPRITATION: A er tabulation of the data and
SPSS histogram it can be said that HDFC Bank is more
positive in seniors encouraging their subordinates to think
about their development and take action in that direction
rather than SBI and ICICI Bank.
63. 63 14) Close supervision of employees, and directing
their action. Response SBI ICICI HDFC Write 4 if it is highly
valued. 5 3 4 Write 3 if it is given a fairly high value. 3 5 3
Write 2 if it is given a rather low value. 2 1 2 Write 1 if it is
given a very low value. 0 1 1 TOTAL 10 10 10 SBI:
64. 64 ICICI: HDFC:
65. 65 INTERPRITATION: A er tabulation of the data and
SPSS histogram it can be said that SBI Bank is more positive
in Close supervision of employees, and directing their
action rather than HDFC and ICICI Bank.
66. 66 15) Accepting and appreciating help o ered by
others. Response SBI ICICI HDFC Write 4 if it is highly valued.
3 4 7 Write 3 if it is given a fairly high value. 4 3 2 Write 2 if it
is given a rather low value. 1 3 1 Write 1 if it is given a very
low value. 2 0 0 TOTAL 10 10 10 SBI:
67. 67 ICICI: HDFC:
68. 68 INTERPRITATION: A er tabulation of the data and
SPSS histogram it can be said that HDFC Bank is more
positive in Accepting and appreciating help o ered by
others rather than SBI and ICICI Bank.
69. 69 16) Encouraging employees to take a fresh look at
how things are done. Response SBI ICICI HDFC Write 4 if it is
highly valued. 4 4 5 Write 3 if it is given a fairly high value. 3 3
3 Write 2 if it is given a rather low value. 2 1 1 Write 1 if it is
given a very low value. 1 2 1 TOTAL 10 10 10 SBI:
70. 70 ICICI: HDFC:
71. 71 INTERPRITATION: A er tabulation of the data and
SPSS histogram it can be said that SBI and ICICI Bank is more
positive in Encouraging employees to take a fresh look at
how things are done rather than HDFC Bank.
72. 72 17) Free discussion and communication between
seniors and subordinates. Response SBI ICICI HDFC Write 4 if
it is highly valued. 4 4 3 Write 3 if it is given a fairly high value.
3 3 5 Write 2 if it is given a rather low value. 3 3 2 Write 1 if it
is given a very low value. 0 0 0 TOTAL 10 10 10 SBI:
73. 73 ICICI: HDFC:
74. 74 INTERPRITATION: A er tabulation of the data and
SPSS histogram it can be said that SBI and ICICI Bank is more
positive in free discussion and communication between
seniors and subordinates rather than HDFC Bank.
75. 75 18) Facing challenges inherent in the work situation.
Response SBI ICICI HDFC Write 4 if it is highly valued. 3 2 6
Write 3 if it is given a fairly high value. 5 5 2 Write 2 if it is
given a rather low value. 1 3 0 Write 1 if it is given a very low
value. 1 0 2 TOTAL 10 10 10 SBI:
76. 76 ICICI: HDFC:
77. 77 INTERPRITATION: A er tabulation of the data and
SPSS histogram it can be said that HDFC Bank is more
positive in facing challenges inherent in the work situation
rather than SBI and ICICI Bank.
78. 78 19) Confiding in seniors without fear that they will
misuse the trust. Response SBI ICICI HDFC Write 4 if it is
highly valued. 2 4 4 Write 3 if it is given a fairly high value. 5 3
6 Write 2 if it is given a rather low value. 3 2 0 Write 1 if it is
given a very low value. 0 1 0 TOTAL 10 10 10 SBI:
79. 79 ICICI: HDFC:
80. 80 INTERPRITATION: A er tabulation of the data and
SPSS histogram it can be said that ICICI and HDFC Bank is
more positive in Confiding in seniors without fear that they
will misuse the trust rather than SBI Bank.
81. 81 20) Owning up mistakes. Response SBI ICICI HDFC
Write 4 if it is highly valued. 6 3 4 Write 3 if it is given a fairly
high value. 3 5 3 Write 2 if it is given a rather low value. 1 2 2
Write 1 if it is given a very low value. 0 0 1 TOTAL 10 10 10
82. 82 ICICI: HDFC:
83. 83 INTERPRITATION: A er tabulation of the data and
SPSS histogram it can be said that SBI Bank is more positive
in owning up mistakes rather than HDFC and ICICI Bank.
84. 84 21) Considering both positive and negative aspects
before taking action. Response SBI ICICI HDFC Write 4 if it is
highly valued. 4 3 3 Write 3 if it is given a fairly high value. 4 7
5 Write 2 if it is given a rather low value. 2 0 1 Write 1 if it is
given a very low value. 0 0 1 TOTAL 10 10 10 SBI:
85. 85 ICICI: HDFC:
86. 86 INTERPRITATION: A er tabulation of the data and
SPSS histogram it can be said that SBI Bank is more positive
ction rather than HDFC and ICICI Bank.
87. 87 22) Obeying and checking with seniors rather than
acting on your own. Response SBI ICICI HDFC Write 4 if it is
highly valued. 2 6 2 Write 3 if it is given a fairly high value. 5 3
8 Write 2 if it is given a rather low value. 3 1 0 Write 1 if it is
given a very low value. 0 0 0 TOTAL 10 10 10 SBI:
88. 88 ICICI: HDFC:
89. 89 INTERPRETATION: A er tabulation of the data and
SPSS histogram it can be said that ICICI Bank is more
positive in Obeying and checking with seniors rather than
acting on your own rather than HDFC and SBI Bank.
90. 90 23) Performing immediate tasks rather than being
concerned about large organisational goals. Response SBI
ICICI HDFC Write 4 if it is highly valued. 5 2 4 Write 3 if it is
given a fairly high value. 2 4 3 Write 2 if it is given a rather
low value. 1 1 2 Write 1 if it is given a very low value. 2 3 1
TOTAL 10 10 10 SBI:
91. 91 ICICI: HDFC:
92. 92 INTERPRITATION: A er tabulation of the data and
SPSS histogram it can be said that SBI Bank is more positive
in performing immediate tasks rather than being concerned
about large organizational goals rather than HDFC and ICICI
93. 93 24) Making genuine attempts to change behaviour
on the basis of feedback. Response SBI ICICI HDFC Write 4 if
it is highly valued. 4 2 2 Write 3 if it is given a fairly high value.
3 5 5 Write 2 if it is given a rather low value. 2 3 3 Write 1 if it
is given a very low value. 1 0 0 TOTAL 10 10 10 SBI:
94. 94 ICICI: HDFC:
95. 95 INTERPRITATION: A er tabulation of the data and
SPSS histogram it can be said that SBI Bank is more positive
in making genuine attempts to change behavior on the
basis of feedback rather than HDFC and ICICI Bank.
96. 96 Conclusion There is no particular consensus found
in the literature regarding the definition of Organizational
culture, but the most important point is that it is the
perceptions and values of employees working in an
organization, that constitute the culture of an organization.
As the important point of this study is to compare the
organizational culture in three banks (SBI, ICICI and HDFC) an
attempt was made to study the “job related values” and
“perception of employees relating to actual practice in
their banks”. A stratified random sample of 10 employees of
each Bank have been interviewed through OCTAPACE
Profile questionnaire, and the data collected were
processed using SPSS. In all three banks culture plays a
significant role. All these firms already have a good
organizational culture according to the survey done by me.
But according to the response of the person I interviewed,
State Bank of India has the best organizational culture
because the respondents consistently rated highly
satisfied in most of the question asked to them.
97. 97 Appendix OCTAPACEPROFILE Name: Role:
Organisation: Date: Thisinstrumentwill
helpyoutolookat some of the valuesandbeliefsof
yourorganisations.Given beloware statementsthatindicate
some organisational values.If these are valuesof the top
management,theygenerallywill be sharedinthe organisation.
Readeach statementandindicate howmuchthe
spiritcontainedinthe statementisvaluedinyour
organisation.Please be frank. Write 4 if it ishighlyvalued.
Write 3 if it isgivena fairlyhighvalue. Write 2 if it isgivena
ratherlowvalue. Write 1 if it isgivena verylowvalue.
s,competence andsenseof judgment. _____2.Facing and
notshyingawayfrom problems. _____ 3.O eringmoral
_____4.Congruity between
eople say and do). _____5.
Preventiveactiononmostmatters. _____6.
Takingindependentactionrelatingtotheirjobs. _____7. Team
workand teamspirit. _____8. Tryingout innovative waysof
solvingproblems. _____9. Genuine sharingof
information,feelingsandthoughtsinmeetings. _____10.
Going deeperratherthandoingsurface-level analysisof
interpersonal problems. _____11. Interpersonal
contactandsupportamongpeople. _____12.
98. 98 _ _ _ _ _ 13.
heirdevelopmentandtake actionin that direction.
_____14.Close supervisionof
employees,anddirectingtheiraction. _____15.Accepting and
appreciatinghelpo eredbyothers. _____16.Encouraging
employeestotake a freshlookathow thingsare done.
tes. _____18.Facing challengesinherentinthe worksituation.
_____19.Confidingin seniorswithoutfearthattheywill misuse
Wetrust. _____20.Owning
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