124 Lec Birds of BC

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Lecture: Birds: Answer Sheet

Part 1: Click on the following link and watch the video, after which record into the table the six types of
bird behavior used to identify birds and give one specific example of each type of behavior by naming a
specific bird and explaining how it is identified based on a particular type of behavior.

The National Geographic Guide to Birding in North America | The Great Courses - YouTube

Table: Bird Behavior to identify Birds

The Type of Behavior used to Identify a Bird The Name of and how a Specific Bird can be
identified using this type of behavior
Feeding Behavior: The American Robin, scientifically known as
Turdus migratorius, is frequently observed
hopping on lawns and collecting earthworms.
Recognizable by its distinctive habit of tilting its
head to one side while foraging, this behavior
aids in its identification.
Vocalizations: The Northern Mockingbird, scientifically named
Mimus polyglottos, is recognized for imitating the
songs of various birds. Its varied and melodious
vocalizations serve as distinctive markers for
identifying this species.
Courtship Displays: The American Woodcock, scientifically referred to
as Scolopax minor, engages in a distinctive aerial
exhibition as part of its courtship ritual. This
involves ascending in a spiral motion while
emitting a "peent" sound, followed by a descent.
Foraging Techniques: The Great Blue Heron, scientifically identified as
Ardea herodias, is recognized for its patient
stalking approach when hunting in shallow
waters. Its distinctiveness lies in its deliberate
and unhurried movements.
Nesting Behavior: The Bald Eagle, scientifically known as Haliaeetus
leucocephalus, builds sizable nests atop tall trees
close to bodies of water. Detecting a substantial
nest in the treetops can be indicative of the
presence of this species.
Part 2: For each of the following British Columbia birds in column one, identify a neat fact in column
two, another neat fact in column three, a final neat fact in column four, and paste a photo of the bird in
column five.

Name of Neat Fact 1 Neat Fact 2 Neat Fact 3 Photo of Bird


Common Common Proficient In the

Loon Loons are divers and breeding
Gavia famed for swimmers, season,
immer their eerie Common Common
and haunting Loons employ Loons
calls that their robust showcase a
resonate legs and feet striking black-
across to propel and-white
northern themselves checkered
lakes, with underwater in pattern on
their pursuit of fish. their back
vocalizations However, their plumage and
being hindward- a distinctive
deemed positioned legs necklace-like
iconic sounds render them design on
of the less adept on their throat.
wilderness. land.

Horned In the Constructing Elaborate

Grebe breeding floating nests courtship
Podiceps season, secured to displays by
auritus Horned aquatic Horned
Grebes vegetation Grebes
exhibit enables involve
vibrant red Horned Grebes synchronized
and gold to swimming and
feathers on accommodate rhythmic
their head fluctuations in head-shaking
and neck, water levels movements.
introducing a within their
splash of wetland
color to their habitats.
Mute Swan Mute Swans Recognized for Regarded as
Cygnus olor are their territorial highly
celebrated aggression, intelligent,
for their especially Mute Swans
graceful during the have the
beauty, nesting ability to
featuring long season, Mute associate
necks and Swans may humans with
pristine, all- adopt a food, resulting
white "busking" in both
feathers. pose, raising favorable and
their wings unfavorable
and inflating interactions in
themselves to areas
seem more populated by
imposing. humans.

Northern The Known for Displaying an

Pintail distinctive their extensive elegant and
Anas acuta feature of migrations, unmistakable
male these ducks appearance,
Northern cover Northern
Pintails lies in thousands of Pintails
their long and miles as they feature a
slender tails, journey white neck
which are between their and chest, a
particularly breeding chocolate-
noticeable grounds in brown head,
during flight. northern and a gray
regions and body.
the more
Turkey As scavengers, Distinguished
Vulture Turkey they primarily Sense of
Cathartes Vultures feed on Smell: In
aura demonstrate carrion, and contrast to
exceptional their bare numerous
soaring heads and other birds,
abilities, necks are Turkey
frequently adaptations Vultures
utilizing designed to possess a
thermal stay clean highly
currents for while feeding developed
extended within large sense of
periods animal smell,
without the carcasses. enabling them
need to flap to detect
their wings. carrion from
Their significant
remarkable altitudes.

Cooper’s Cooper's They have Adult

Hawk Hawks are successfully Cooper's
Accipiter adept adjusted to Hawks feature
cooperii hunters, urban blue-gray
celebrated surroundings backs and a
for their and are chest with
agility and frequently rufous
skill in observed barring,
maneuvering hunting birds whereas
through thick in suburban juveniles
forests to areas. exhibit brown
capture prey. backs and
streaks on the
American The Exhibiting American
Coot distinctive strong social Coots are
Fulica lobed toes of behavior, known for
americana American these birds their
Coots play a frequently vocalizations,
crucial role in assemble in emitting a
facilitating large flocks. In diverse range
their the breeding of calls that
swimming season, they include loud
and diving partake in and guttural
activities as elaborate clucking
they search courtship sounds.
for aquatic displays.

KILLDEER Killdeers are In contrast to The origin of

Charadrius recognized numerous their name is
vociferous for their other linked to their
"broken- shorebirds, unique and
wing" display, Killdeers repetitive
a tactic exhibit "kill-deer"
where they nocturnal vocalization.
simulate activity and
injury to may choose
divert nesting
predators locations with
from their artificial
nests or lighting.

Glaucous- Glaucous- The plumage Similar to

winged Gull winged Gulls of these gulls many other
Larus are can exhibit gull species,
glaucescens predominantl considerable they are
y coastal variation, with opportunistic
avians, some feeders and
frequently individuals are commonly
observed in displaying observed
shoreline darker or scavenging for
areas and lighter gray food in the
estuaries. feathers. vicinity of
Rock Dove Rock Doves, During flight, Rock Doves
Columba commonly their wings display a
livia referred to as emit a variety of
pigeons, distinctive color
demonstrate whistling variations,
remarkable sound, and encompassing
adaptability they are the well-
to urban recognized for known gray,
settings and their cooing alongside
can be vocalizations. brown, white,
frequently and even
encountered iridescent
in cities feathers.

Western Similar to Their feathers In the

Screech-owl numerous offer superb evenings,
Otus owl species, camouflage Western
kennicottii the Western against tree Screech-owls
Screech-owl bark, emit a unique
is rendering trill-like call
predominantl them that is
y active at challenging to characteristic
night, preying detect during of their
on small daylight hours. vocalizations.
and birds
under the
cloak of
Great Great Horned They have a Demonstratin
Horned Owl Owls are varied diet g adaptability,
Bubo powerful that Great Horned
virginianus predators, encompasses Owls inhabit a
with the mammals, broad
ability to birds, and spectrum of
capture prey even skunks. environments,
considerably Notably, they ranging from
larger than are among the forests to
their own few predators deserts.
size, including of skunks that
other birds of remain
prey. unaffected by
their defensive

Anna’s The male In contrast to Exhibiting

Hummingbir Anna's numerous exceptional
d Hummingbird migrating hovering skills,
Calypte s feature hummingbirds, they adeptly
anna vibrant Anna's sustain
magenta- Hummingbirds precise mid-
colored are recognized air hovering
throats, for being non- while feeding
employed in migratory and on nectar
competitive can be spotted from flowers.
displays to within their
attract mates. range
the entire
Belted Demonstratin Distinguished The common
Kingfisher g their fishing by a vibrant and distinctive
Ceryle prowess, blue-gray rattling calls of
alcyon Belted plumage, male Belted
Kingfishers Belted Kingfishers,
hover above Kingfishers resembling a
water bodies feature a mechanical
before conspicuous sound, are
executing white collar frequently
headfirst and a heard in the
dives to distinctive blue vicinity of
capture fish, "belt" across rivers and
equipped their chest. In lakes, often
with a contrast, preceding the
specialized females sport bird's actual
bill and feet an extra rufous appearance.
tailored for band.

Downy Downy Similar to their Nourishing

Woodpecker Woodpeckers woodpecker themselves
Picoides , the smallest counterparts, with insects
pubescens woodpeckers Downy and larvae
in North Woodpeckers discovered on
America, communicate tree trunks
sport a through and branches,
recognizable drumming on Downy
black-and- resonant Woodpeckers
white pattern surfaces, with also frequent
on their their backyard
heads, drumming feeders to
sometimes sounds serving partake in
mistaken for as a means of suet and seed
the larger territorial consumption.
Hairy communicatio
Woodpecker. n.
Barn Barn Constructing With a global
Swallow Swallows are cup-shaped presence,
Hirundo celebrated mud nests, Barn Swallows
rustica for their these are
nimble and structures are widespread,
acrobatic commonly inhabiting
flight, located in every
skillfully barns, under continent
capturing eaves, or on except
insects in various Antarctica.
mid-air with structures. The Renowned for
their nests bear a their
precision. characteristic extensive
Featuring shape and are migrations,
long, pointed lined with they
wings and a feathers for showcase
deeply forked added remarkable
tail, they comfort. long-distance
exhibit travel
distinctive capabilities.

Steller’s Jay Steller's Jays Recognized for These jays are

Cyanocitta display a their adept noted for
stelleri remarkable mimicry skills, their food-
combination Steller's Jays caching
of striking can imitate the behavior,
blue and calls of various where they
black bird species collect and
plumage, and even conceal
featuring a certain surplus seeds
distinctive mammals. in the ground
crest on their They employ or tree bark.
heads. The mimicry both This caching
feathers for behavior
surrounding communicatio proves
their eyes n purposes beneficial
create a and to elude during periods
mask-like potential of scarcity.
appearance. predators.
Common Common Being Ravens hold
Raven Ravens rank opportunistic cultural
Corvus corax among the feeders, importance in
most Ravens numerous
intelligent maintain a societies and
birds, diverse diet frequently
showcasing that appear in
impressive encompasses mythology
problem- carrion, and folklore.
solving insects, Their
abilities and berries, and celebrated
the capability small intelligence
to use tools. mammals. and
They also Their adaptability
exhibit scavenging are recurrent
intricate activities are themes in
social commonly various
structures. observed cultural
across traditions.

Red-winged Male Red- In the breeding Frequently

Blackbird winged season, male located in
Agelaius Blackbirds are Red-winged marshes,
phoeniceus readily Blackbirds wetlands, and
distinguished showcase their along water
by their red wing edges, Red-
glossy black patches during winged
feathers territorial Blackbirds
adorned with displays, maintain a
vibrant red aiming to strong
and yellow attract females association
shoulder and discourage with these
patches, potential rival habitats.
while females males.
exhibit a
brown hue.
House House Displaying With a
Sparrow Sparrows social repertoire of
Passer exhibit a behavior, chirps and
domesticus remarkable these birds calls, House
adaptability frequently Sparrows
to urban gather in employ their
settings and sizable flocks, vocalizations
are widely engaging in for
encountered communal communicatio
near human roosting and n within flocks
habitation feeding and during
across the practices. courtship
globe. rituals.

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