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DPM 46

A to E
A. Words along with their meaning, Pronunciation and usage

Extant ( ek-stuh nt, ik-stant ) adj

-in existence; still existing; not destroyed or lost.

The extant manuscript is kept in the National museum.

Embezzle (em-bez-uhl ) verb

-to appropriate fraudulently to one's own use, as money or property entrusted to one's
The accused is said to have embezzled large sums of money from the company’s

Concomitant ( kon-kom-i-tuhnt, kuhn-) adj

-existing or occurring with something else, often in a lesser way; accompanying;

Careless planning and an inadequately equipped health care system aided the
concomitant increase in the pandemic.

Splinter (v) noun/verb

-a small, thin, sharp piece of wood, bone, or the like, split or broken off from the main
The group splintered due to irreconcilable differences among the members.

Abhorrent (ab-hawr-uhnt, -hor-) adj

-causing repugnance; detestable; loathsome.

The abhorrent manner in which the employees were treated was the root cause of the

Assiduous (uh-sij-oo-uhs ) adj

-constant; unremitting.

-constant in application or effort; working diligently at a task; persevering; industrious.

He is an assiduous worker and that will help him attain success.

Stoical (stoh-i-kuhl) adj

-impassive; characterized by a calm, austere fortitude befitting the Stoics.

The stoical denial of the sufferings of the poor led to the downfall of the government.

Sedulous( sej-uh-luhs) adj

-diligent in application or attention; persevering; assiduous.

-persistently or carefully maintained.

The sedulous village folk re-built the bridge that had been washed away in the storm.

Erstwhile (urst-hwahyl, -wahyl) adj

- former; of times past.

The erstwhile ruler of the province is now living the life of a commoner.

Endemic (en-dem-ik ) adj

-natural to or characteristic of a specific people or place; native; indigenous.

Unemployment is expected to be endemic to the state after the shut-down of the factories.
B. RC Passage (with Link)

Article 1:

Summary : This article examines the problem of the ‘missing middle’—a glaring scarcity of mid-
size firms—in the context of the Indian manufacturing sector. The authors argue that the crux of
the problem is the corruption of ‘predatory institutions’ that these firms have to deal with on a
day-to-day basis. While highlighting inadequacies in the current policy approach, the article
advocates the need for transparency and accountability in government procedures and calls for
strict action against lower-level bureaucrats engaged in petty corruption.

Article 2:

Summary : This article describes the revival plan prescribed by Amit Mitra, Finance Minister,
West Bengal to fight the economic catastrophe unleashed by the Covid-19 pandemic and
reinforce the economy that has been ravaged by the ongoing lockdown. Mitra recommends that
the centre earmark at least 6 per cent of GDP for direct payment of survival money to the
affected people, provide liquidity to the formal and informal sectors, and announce a moratorium
on repayment of loans to the medium and small enterprises (MSMEs), which constitute the
backbone of the economy.

Article 3: Gandhi at the time of the Spanish flu

Summary : Two questions have been put to me over these weeks: one, is it true that Gandhi
was laid up with the Spanish flu in 1918? Two, what would he have been doing now, were he
To answer the first: he was, it is true, ill, grievously ill, within a faltering heart-beat of death,
when the pandemic was sweeping across the world. But he was not down with that deadly flu.

Article 4: The human DNA is littered with fossils of viruses past that attacked us. And lost

Summary : “If Charles Darwin reappeared today, he might be surprised to learn that humans are
descended from viruses as well as from apes,” British microbiologist Robin Weiss wrote in the
journal Retrovirology. He was referring to fragments of retroviruses — close cousins of the
coronavirus — found in the human genome.

Article 5:

Summary : Scientists may have found a cause for the sudden onset of obsessive-compulsive
disorder (OCD) in some children, they report. Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders,
or PANDAS, were first proposed in the 1990s. Thought to be triggered by streptococcal
infections, they account for an unknown portion of youth OCD cases. But the biology
underpinning this disorder has baffled scientists.
C. RC Passage (with Questions)

Four alternative summaries are given below each text. Choose the option that best
captures the essence of the next.

1. India will start a Siberian crane breeding programme in the country to increase the number
of birds in the wild. While a similar plan did not take off a couple of years ago, the environment
ministry is hopeful that this time around "technology” will be the key mover. Cranes are given
flight training as part ,of an experiment in the U.S. to train the cranes raised in captivity to team
up with those born in the wild. The microlite aircraft guides them on their migratory route till they
get accustomed. Now India will do the same to breed the Siberian cranes at Bharatpur where
their numbers have dropped drastically from more than 120 pairs eight years ago to a handful
which arrives from Siberia. One of the main reasons is the lack of water at Bharatpur and the
encroachment around the wetland.

(A) India will start a programme to breed Siberian cranes in order to increase their number the
wild. A similar plan had failed previously.
(B) India will start a Siberian crane breeding programme at Bharatpur as their numbers are
declining. One of the reasons for the decline is lack of water.
(C) India will start a breeding programme for the 'Siberian cranes. In the U.S. the cranes are
given flight training as part of an experiment. Now India will do the same at Bharatpur.
(D) Number of Siberian cranes has dropped drastically from more than 120 pairs to a handful.
So, India is' now planning to start a breeding programme. The reason behind the decline is lack
of water.

2. In a new study, researchers found that the hearts of people who spent more time in front of
TV and computer screens tended to take longer to recover after exercising, even when
researchers took other possible factors into account and tried to reduce their influence on the
statistics. The same thing happened in those who didn't exercise much or at all. They added
that more screen time linked to obesity, blood sugar etc. which were all thought to boost the risk
of heart diseases.
(A) In a new study, researchers found that people who watch TV get tired easily and are prone
to obesity etc. which increases the risk of heart diseases.
(B) Researchers say, people who spend more time watching TV get tired easily when they
exercise as their hearts take longer to recover after exercising.
(C) In a new study researchers found that increasing a person's screen time leads to obesity
and increase in the levels of blood sugar. Researchers; however, took other factors into account
to reduce their influence on the statistics formed.
(D) In a new study, researchers have found that people who spent most of their time watching
TV. or a computer screen are vulnerable to obesity and blood sugar.

3. Over the years, English has been stripped to its skeleton, focusing more and more on
function and less and less on the finer points that exercise the intellect and enhance creativity.
It's a debatable issue' whether the switch over from the structural approach to communicative
has played villain, but most people agree that little attention is given to the art of creative writing
these days. Ever since the functional approach has taken over, thumbing its . nose at grammar,
syntax and ,structure are no longer vital. Worse we encourage redundancies and lack essentials
like sentence construction and punctuation. It's a different matter when learners learn the rules
first and then break them with their skill, creating something new and artistic.

(A) English has become a skeleton as people these days focus less on finer points and more on
functions. The debatable issue is whether the switch has played a Villain, but most people think
that the art of creative writing is not given importance.
(B) People these days give importance to functions than other points in English and they also
agree that a little attention is given to the art of creation, however, they encourage redundancies
and lack essentials.
(C) People these days focus more on functions than finer points of English and encourage
redundancies and lack essentials. However, most people agree that the art of ,creative writing is
no longer given attention.
(D) These days people are focusing more and more on functions and less- and less on finer
points. The art of creative writing no longer exists. However, people must learn the rules and
then break them to create something different.
4. Children should not allow themselves to be licked by pets, nor kiss them or let them into their
beds, warns Ulrich Fegeler, spokesman for Germany's professional Association of Children's
and Young People's Physicians. If a pet licks a child, he says, parents should Immediately wash
the spot thoroughly with soap and water to prevent possible transmission of Yersinia pestis
bacterium as well as other pathogens. In both animals and humans, Yesinia postis bacteria can
settle in the mucous membranes of the throat and nasal conchae, which are shelf-like
protrusions on the walls of the' nasal cavity. The bacteria can cause blood poisoning, ostitis,
pneumonia and meningitis and must be treated quickly with antibiotics. In addition, pets should
be examined regularly by a veterinarian, dewormed and kept free of fleas. Then, Fegeler says,
there is nothing wrong With children having four-legged friends.

(A) Children usually allow themselves to be licked by their pets. They even let them sleep in
their beds. This could lead to 'bacterial infection in mucous membranes of throat and nose. Pets
must be taken to a veterinarian every month in order to avoid this.
(B) A Spokesman of Germany's association said, children must not allow their pots to lick them,
as dogs have a certain bacteria in their saliva, which leads to serious issues. If this is treated, he
says, there is nothing wrong with children having pets.
(C) Ulrich Fegeler, a spokesman for . Germany's association of physicians said, children must
not allow their pets to lick them or take them into their beds as the animal's saliva may have
certain bacteria which would lead to serious health problems. He suggests, pets must be
regularly examined by a veterinarian.
(D). Ulrich Fegeler, spokesman for Germany's professional association of children's and young
people’s Physicians said, children must not be allowed to be licked by their pets as they have
bacteria, Yersinia pests which causes blood poisoning etc. and must be treated by antibiotics. In
addition, the pets must be taken regularly to a veterinarian as he helps in keeping the pets free
from fleas.

5. One of the more blatant and visible scams of the Commonwealth Games (CWG) relates to
how the thousands of workers who worked on the games construction sites were denied
minimum wages, safety equipment, housing -and other benefits constitutionally due to them. As
a country if we are serious about issues of human security and development, then it is
imperative that the CWG Committee also includes violations of labour laws within its purview.
Besides non-payment of the legal wage, other equally important issues relating to the Games
have not as yet received adequate attention. There is yet no figure estimating the total number
of accidents and deaths that have occurred in the course of construction of Games-related
projects. There is another aspect to this; existing penalties for violation of labour law standards
are extremely paltry.

(A) One of the most outrageous scams Of CWG is the denial of minimum wages and other-
facilities to the workers. It is our responsibility to include violations of labour laws and look into
the matter of punishments.
(B) The most visible scam of the CWG is how the thousands of workers who worked on the
game construction sites are denied wages, equipment, etc. We area responsible and hence, we
must include violations of labour laws in the purview.
(C) The most blatant scam of the CWG is; workers not getting paid for their work. If we are
serious about development and security, we must include violations of laws and the exact
number of accidents occurred must be estimated.
(D) Not paying the workers property and denying them of basic facilities is Outrageous. If we
are a serious country, we must include violations of laws and people who violate them be
punished Very severely.
D. Quantitative Aptitude

Q.1 Two circles inscribed in a triangle, touches each other at point E. AD is common tangent to
both circles. AB =12, BC = 18 and AC =10. Find the length of CD.

(A) 12 (B) 8 (C ) 20 (D) 6

Q.2 ABCD is rectangle, where AB =10cm and AC= 8 cm. A circle is drawn such that it passes
through vertices A and C and touches BD. Find the radius of circle.

(A) 5 cm (B) 5.8 cm (C) 4.2 cm (D) 6 cm

Q.3 If a, b, c are positive real numbers such that a2 b3 c4 = 21933 then the minimum value of a +
b + c is_____
(A) 24 (B) 36 (C) 12 (D) 18
Q.4 S= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5...............,N}, where N is more than 5 . X is set consisting of all possible
element subsets of S. The sum of all the numbers in all the elements of X is.
N N 1 N 1 N +1
10* C5 (B) 4* C5 (C ) 10* C5 (D) 10* C5

Q.5 A total of 7 inlet and outlet pipes are fitted to a tank. Each inlet pipe can fill the tank (when
empty) in 24 hours. Each outlet pipe can empty the tank in (when full) 36 hours. If all the pipes
are opened simultaneously, the tank which was initially empty would be filled in 12 hours. The
number of inlet pipes fitted to the tank is_____
(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 3

Q.6 When each of 728, 842 and 937 is divided by a certain natural number, a, the remainder
obtained is x, whereas when each of 257, 487 and 648 is divided by a certain natural number, b,
the remainder obtained is y. If x, y > 0, find the value of a + y.
(A) 52 (B) 23 (C) 61 (D) 33

Q.7 Mr. Chopra has a pond in front of his house. One day, he saw a lotus flower rooted at the
bottom of the pond. The flower was seen m above the water level. As he set enjoying the

beautiful flower a gust of wind swayed the lotus to a distance of 1 m away from its initial

position, measured along the surface of the pond. At this distance the lotus just touched the
surface of the water. Find the height of the water level in the pond.
(A) 2m (B) 3m (C) 3.5m (D) 4.75m

Q.8 If x , the greatest value that attains is

(A) 2/5 (B) 1/3 (C) 1/2 (D) 3/4

Q.9 11 + 11  11 + 11  ......∞ , then the value of x is______

27 + 1 45  1 41  1 41 + 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 2 2 2

Q.10 If log 729 = x, then the value of log 8 in terms of x is_____.

9  3x 6  2x 3 x 3x  9
(A) (B) (C) (D)
x+3 x+3 x+3 x+3
E. DILR – 1 Set

Directions for Q.1 to Q.3

Answer these questions on the basis of the information given below:

170 10 220 21 200 8
160 15 210 28 195 12
150 20 200 32 190 17
140 24 190 46 185 28
130 36 180 48 180 38
120 58 170 57 175 57
110 66 160 59 170 66
100 72 150 66 165 72
90 88 140 78 160 78
80 90 130 88 155 89
70 98 120 92 150 94

IP, PQ and WQ represent intelligence quotient, popularity quotient, and wealth quotient.
NI represents the number of persons whose IQ is more than or equal to the specified level. For
e.g., 24 persons have IQ more than or equal to 140.

Similarly, NP represents the number of persons whose PQ is more than or equal to the
specified level. The same holds true for WQ.

Any person X with a higher IQ than another person Y, also has a higher PQ and a higher WQ
than Y.

The tables shown are drawn for a group of 100 people.

Q.1 How many persons have an IQ more than or equal to130 but a PQ less than 210?
(A) 7 (B) 8 (C) 28 (D) 36
Q.2 How many persons have an IQ more than or equal to110, a PQ less than 200 and WQ
more than or equal to 180?
(A) 6 (B) 5 (C) 38 (D) 33

Q.3 At least 50 person have an IQ more than or equal to x and a PQ less than y, where x and y
represent the IQ and PQ levels as mentioned in the tables. How many pairs of (x,y) exist if IQ,
PQ and WQ values are only in multiples of ten as given in the table?
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 10 (D) 12
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