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Simple Past Tense

1. Formula:
 Regular Verbs:
 Positive: Subject + V2 (past form of the verb)
 Negative: Subject + did not (didn't) + V1 (base form of the verb)
 Question: Did + Subject + V1?

 "To Be":
 Positive: Subject + was/were
 Negative: Subject + was/were not (wasn't/weren't)
 Question: Was/Were + Subject?

2. Usage:
 Simple Past Tense is used to express actions or events that happened and
concluded in the past, without any relevance to the present moment.
3. Exercises:
 Complete the following sentences using Simple Past Tense with regular verbs or
"to be."
1. My friends and I (go) __________ to the beach last summer.
2. She (study) __________ for her exams all night.
3. They (be) __________ at the party, but you (not be) __________.
4. I (meet) __________ an old friend in the market yesterday.
5. We (not finish) __________ our project on time.
4. Answers:
1. went
2. studied
3. were, weren't
4. met
5. didn't finish
5. Practice Tips:
 Write a short paragraph narrating an important event from your past, using both
regular verbs and "to be."
 Engage in listening and speaking exercises, sharing memories or events from
your past.

Remember, practice is key to mastering a tense's grammar, and using it in real-life

situations will make it more natural.

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