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CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore – 560029

Department of Psychology
UG IV Semester

Programme Name: B.Sc. Psychology (Honours) Max. Marks: 50

Course Name: Clinical Psychology Time: 2 Hrs
Course Code: BPSY431

Answer ALL the questions 5X2=10
Questions Answer Mark/s
The field of clinical psychology integrates
science , theory and practice to understand,
predict and alleviate maladjustment, 2 marks -
disability and discomfort as well as promote
human adaptation , adjustment and personal Definition with
Define Clinical development. Clinical psychology focuses on citation
Psychology. intelligence , emotional, biology, psychology, 1 mark - just the
social and behavioral aspects of human meaning of the
functioning across lifespan in varying definition.
cultural and at all socio economic levels
(2002, Society of Clinical Psychology).

It's important for various reasons

1. Ensures that practitioners remain up
to date wrt research, treatment ,
education and enhance quality.
2. Renewal identifies practitioners fit to
The RCI should practice with ethical standards.
implement provisions for 3. Encourage lifelong learning and
0.5 marks to each
2. periodic renewal of professional development point
licensure for mental health 4. Ensure the competence,
practitioners. Comment. professionalism, and ethical conduct
of mental health practitioners,
ultimately benefiting both
practitioners and the public they

Mention any 2 at
State the range of least
Settings:Hospital and clinics, private
employment settings 2 marks for work
practice, community health centers,
where clinical setting and
correctional facilities,military and veterans
3. psychologists may practice example.
affairs , school and educational setting, policy
and provide examples of 1 mark - Either
making, court psychologists.
the types of work they setting or
might do in each setting. example.

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In India, involuntary admissions to mental
health facilities are governed by the Mental
Health Care Act, 2017 which include the
following protocols-

● Application for admission

List the protocols of ● Assessment by mental health Mention at least
involuntary admissions professional
4. 4 protocols
according to mental health ● Duration of admission not exceeding 0.5marks each
law in India. 30 days
● Review by MHRB
● Informed consent
● Humanistic approach, and
● Respect the right and dignity of the

a. Uni-dimensional Models:
● Simplistic View: Mention any 2
● Lack of Holistic Understanding limitations under
a) Articulate the ● Limited Treatment Implications each model
limitations of ● oversimplify the understanding of
uni-dimensional and abnormal behavior, 0.5marks for each
models of abnormal Multi-dimensional Models:
● Complexity and Overlap
● Difficulty in Identifying Causality:
● Limited Predictive Power:
● overly complex and challenging to
apply in practice.


b. Social stigma can play a significant

b) What is the role of role in the manifestation of a
social stigma in psychological disorder in several
ways: Mention any of
manifestation of a
● Delay in Seeking Help the 4 roles
● Underreporting of Symptoms 0.5marks each
● Impact on Self-Esteem
● Social Isolation
● Barriers to Treatment

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Answer ALL the questions 5X4=20
Q. No Questions Answer Marks
Explain the role of Genetic contributions play a crucial role in 5 marks-
genetic contributions in understanding mental health disorders. While description of 5
understanding mental the exact causes of most mental health disorders subheadings with
health disorders are complex and involve a combination of examples
providing examples to genetic, environmental, and developmental 4 marks-
illustrate their relevance factors, genetic factors can significantly description of 4 sub
in clinical practice. influence a person's susceptibility to certain heading with
disorders. examples
Key Subheadings to cover 3 marks-
6. description of 3
● Genetic Predisposition subheadings with
● Gene-Environment Interaction example
● Diathesis stress model 2 marks-
● Epigenetics and the non genomic description of just
“inheritance” of behavior subheadings no
● Complex Inheritance Patterns examples
● Genetic Research 1 mark-
● Treatment Implication Mentioning of
subheadings only.
Justify the need for 5 marks-
mental health law. Mental health laws are essential for protecting description of all
the rights and well-being of individuals with key factors
mental illness, promoting public health and 4 marks-
safety, and advancing research and innovation in description of any 4
the field of mental health. key factors
3 marks-
Key factors to be covered description of any 3
2 marks-
● Protecting Rights and Dignity insufficient
● Ensuring Access to Care explanation of key
● Promoting Public Health and Safety factors
● Regulating Treatment and Care 1 mark- just
● Addressing Stigma and Discrimination mentioning the key
● Facilitating Research and Innovation factors with no
Examine the need for Emotions Plays an Important Role in 5 marks-
understanding emotions Psychopathology. It has as three components description of all
when assessing the key factors
clinical condition of a ○Physiology: Brain changes, effects on body
4 marks-
client. ○Cognition: Appraisal of the situation description of any 4
key factors
○Behaviour: Means of communication; Eg. 3 marks-
Facial expression description of any 3
●Fight-or-flight response: When danger 2 marks-
approaches insufficient

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○Physical rush of adrenaline helps survive explanation of key
○When FoF response occurs due to anticipation: 1 mark- just
Psychopathology mentioning the key
factors with no
○Brings about changes in the brain and in the explanation
body, thereby supporting survival
●Emotions: Experiences that direct behaviour
○Tendency to act in a certain way
○Elicited by external events
○Includes physiological changes
○Causes feelings
●Mood: Persistent
●Affect: Momentary emotions; Negative or
a) How has the
● Scientific observation of phenomena 5 marks- Both
application of
● Study the interaction of biological and positives and
empirical research
psychological factors negatives are
elaborate discussed
contributed to the ● Most aspects of study are inaccessible:
4 marks- Positive
credibility and Hence applying observation and other and negatives are
advancement of empirical methods for studying underlying partially discussed
clinical psychology
phenomena 3 marks- Only
as a scientific
● Evidence-based interventions positives or only
● Constant updation of knowledge and newer negatives discussed
therapeutic strategies 2 marks- Lack of
proper explanation
● Clinicians report nature of cases and 1 mark- Lack of
intervention used, which adds to evidence clear idea of the
● Allows for generalisation and further concept explained
9. strengthening of the diagnostic criteria
● Negative: Loss of information which cannot
be empirically studied; Lack of
generalisability of conditions due to
heightened individual differences
(OR) OR 5 marks- Both
b) Analyze the impact Positive impact: positives and
of technological Increased accessibility to mental health care negatives are
advancements, Ease in interaction between professionals elaborate discussed
such as teletherapy Helps overcome stigma and hesitation in 4 marks- Positive
and digital mental reaching out for in-person therapy and negatives are
health platforms, More handy tools for anytime access partially discussed
on the practice and Cost and time effectiveness 3 marks- Only
delivery of clinical
positives or only
psychology Negative impact: negatives discussed

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Lack of seriousness in handling mental health 2 marks- Lack of
conditions proper explanation
Wider probability for unauthentic information 1 mark- Lack of
and services clear idea of the
Decreased effectiveness due to lack of physical concept explained
presence during therapy and inability to have
closer vigil over the client

Answer ALL the questions 1X10=10
Q. No Questions Answer Marks
Theories: 5
● Classical conditioning marks
● Operant conditioning Advantages: 2
● Model learning marks
● Bobo doll experiment Criticisms: 2
● Life experiences marks
● Learned helplessness Application: 1
Advantages OR
Application in therapy 8-10 marks -
a) Give a brief of the
Behavioural model OR explanation of all
and how it can
the subheadings
imply a causation Psychoanalytic theory is viewed from the mentioned along
in perspective of Clinical Psychology. with influence on
psychopathology. key concepts to cover. clinical
1. Theory of psychoanalytic development, psychology.
personality and neurosis.
10 (OR) 2. Unconsciousness as a symbol of cognitive 5-7 marks-
processes detailed
b) Explain how 3. Psychotherapy
explanation of at
Psychoanalytic 4. Neurosis and Hysteria- issues of emotions,
mixed feelings, hidden wishes, suppression, least 3 aspects
theory is viewed
anger thoughts, dreams images as symbols/\. with influence on
from the
5. Mesmerism and hypnotism- FRANZ clinical
perspective of
ANTON MESMER while treating hysteria psychology
used electrical activity and magnetism when
Psychology. used to mobilize patient beliefs( hypnotism) 2-4 marks-
6. Discovery of repression and resistance - summarized
new situation – psychoanalysis. explanation with
Key assumptions of psychopathology no clear headings
or reference to
1. Structure of personality, topography of mind
and different mental structures for emotional clinical
and behavioural tasks. psychology
2. Psychosexual development
3. Concept of unconsciousness 1 mark -
Influence on clinical psychology explanation of
the theory only

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1. First systematised school of psychotherapy
-psychodynamic therapies
2. Ego psychology, self-psychology, object
relations theory
3. Addressed hidden origins of behaviours and
4. Unconscious defence styles and cognitive
Current status
1. Disorder classification
2. Assessments
3. Projective tests
4. Psychotherapy with classical psychoanalysis
5. Supportive expressive psychotherapy
6. Time limited dynamic psychotherapy
7. Interpersonal therapy

Read the following case and answer ALL the questions 1X10=10
Q. No Questions Answer
Case: Amul
Amul is a client who is 75 years old. Owing to his family history, he has been aware
11 that there is a possibility of him developing a psychopathological condition in the
future. Though he lived with his family, he had the fear that his mental health
concerns might not be addressed to his interest by his family.
The Mental Healthcare Act, 2017, provides
several provisions for individuals with
mental health conditions:

What are the provisions that the 1. Right to Access Mental Healthcare
mental health care act provides 2. Right to Quality, Affordable Mental
a 5
for people with mental health Healthcare
conditions? (5 marks) 3. Advance Directive
4. Appointment of Nominated
5. Right to Confidentiality

As for Amul's preparation to ensure his

mental health is taken care of according to
What is the preparation that
his interests:
Amul could have taken for
b ensuring that his mental health is 3
1. Prepare an Advance Directive:
taken care of according to his
Amul could have prepared an
interests? (3 marks)
advance directive specifying his
preferences for treatment and care

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in case he develops a mental health
condition in the future.
2. Appoint a Nominated
Representative: He could have
appointed a nominated
representative who would make
decisions regarding his treatment
and care according to his wishes if
he is unable to do so himself.
3. Insurance/ consultation/ self-care

Regarding whether his other family

members can claim the right to information
about his mental state after the
preparations have been made:
After the preparations have been
made by Amul, can his other If Amul has prepared an advance directive
family members claim the right and appointed a nominated representative,
c 2
to the information about his his family members may not have the right
mental state. Comment. (2 to access information about his mental
marks) state without his consent. The Act
emphasizes the confidentiality of mental
health information and respects the
autonomy of individuals in making
decisions about their treatment and care.

Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy (RBT) Levels:

L1 – Remembering L2 – Understanding L3 – Applying
L4 – Analyzing L5 – Evaluating L6 – Creating

Prepared by

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