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As humans, we live by our values.

Therefore, it is remarkably crucial to assess our values throughout our

lifetime. Before reading the book, I had not considered taking a serious evaluation of whether my values
were healthy, realistic, and controllable. However, after reading a book full of 'why’s' and 'how’s' – "The
Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" by Mark Manson – I learned many things alongside reevaluating my

This book talks about not sweating on the little things and instead putting more of your focus on what
truly matters in life.

Prior to reading this book, I had less sense of consciousness about what I needed to consider as
important and what needed less attention than it received. For example, when I knew someone did not
like something about me, I tried to change that regardless of whether I needed or wanted to, which
clearly has negative effects on one in the long term. Therefore, when I saw the book and read the table
of contents, I knew I had to read this, and am so happy I did so.

The book is not only about its main point, which is caring about what truly matters, but the small details
given in the book that have got me and helped me profoundly. For example, in the world today, we are
told that life is always the good guy in the story, and you need to see the happiness, then it will
eventually come to you. It is always, without exception, there. The point is, it is not. The world really
does try hard sometimes to go against your will, and even your efforts, and that is okay. To quote,
"Some sufferings are always inevitable – that no matter what you do, life is comprised of failures, loss,
regrets, and even death. After all, the only way to overcome pain is to first learn how to bear it." I
believe, as individuals, we need to cope with these life challenges as best as we can so that the deep
scars, they leave on us will not completely affect how we treat others.

Despite concurring with its ideas, I still must acknowledge the criticisms it comes with. The author’s use
of language might not deter some readers. The things that have helped me might not be the right fit for
others. After all, this book helped me to think twice when deciding whether to care about something.

As I continue on my personal growth journey, reading this book has significantly shifted my outlook. I
now approach each day with a sense of authenticity and am more selective about where I invest my
emotional energy, focusing on things that, at the end of the day, are what truly matter to me, and
shedding concerns that are nothing but distractions. The book has empowered me to embrace
challenges and the uncertainty that comes with it. I am excited to evolve and test the new strategies I
learned from Mr. Mark Manson.

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