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Kalicha Primary & Secondary School 2nd Semester Information Technology(IT) 1st Test for

Grade 10th in 2016 E.C.

Name: __________________________________________ Grade & Section: _______ Roll No. ___________

PART-I: Write “True” if the statement is correct or “False” if it is incorrect in the space provided.
_______1. Spreadsheets are used to sort, organize, arrange data efficiently, and perform calculations.
_______2. Software required to solve some specific task of daily use is generally called system software
_______3. The fill handle is the small square at the bottom-right corner of the active (selected) cell.

______4. Table is an arrangement of data made up of horizontal rows and vertical columns.

_______5. To allow Excel to distinguish formulas from data, all formulas begin with dollar sign ($).

PART II- Match the following items under column “A” with their definitions under column “B”


___6. Cell A. Presentation Software

___7. Workbook B. Ctrl + A

___8. Microsoft power point C. A collection of worksheet

___9. Cell Address D. Rectangles that are formed when rows and columns intersect

___10. Select all a text (document) E. B3

F. Ctrl + S

PART-III: Choose the best answer from the given alternatives and write the answer in the space provided

___11. Which one of the following can complete the below steps to open Microsoft Office Word?

A. Wilword B. All program C. Excel D. Winword E. Msaccess
___12. The letter and number of the intersecting column and row is:
A. Cell location B. Cell position C. Cell address D. Cell coordinates
___13. Which one of the following shortcuts is used to close the current document?
A. Ctrl + F4 B. Ctrl + N C. Ctrl + K D. Alt + F4
___14. To move data from one part of the document to another, the following is used. Which one?
A. Cut and Delete B. Cut and Paste C. Copy and Paste D. Copy and Undo
___15. Microsoft Excel is ______.
A. Operating System B. Database software C. Spreadsheet software D. Word processing software

 Write steps used to open Microsoft Office Word (2 Point)

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