Bypass Diodes in Solar Panels and Arrays

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Bypass Diodes in Solar Panels

Bypass Diodesare wired in parallel with individual solar cells or panels, to provide a current path
around them in the event that a cell or panel becomes faulty or open-circuited.

Lithium battery 24V 48V

Lithium battery supplied by manufacturer
Dongping Tai Energy Co. Open


This use of bypass diodes allows a series (called a string) of connected cells or panels to continue
supplying power at a reduced voltage rather than no power at all.

Bypass diodes are connected in reverse bias between a solar cells

(or panel) positive and negative output terminals and has no effect
on its output. Ideally there would be one bypass diode for each
solar cell, but this can be rather expensive so generally one diode is
used per small group of series cells.

A “solar panel” is constructed using individual solar cells, and solar

cells are made from layers of silicon semiconductor materials. One
layer of silicon is treated with a substance to create an excess of electrons. This becomes the
negative or N-type layer. The other layer is treated to create a deficiency of electrons, and becomes
the positive or P-type layer similar to transistors and diodes.

When assembled together with conductors, this silicon arrangement becomes a light-sensitive PN-
junction semiconductor. In fact photovoltaic solar cells or PV’s as they are more commonly called,
are no more than big, flat photo sensitive diodes.
Lithium battery 24V 48V
Dongping Tai Energy Co.

Photovoltaic solar cells convert the photon light around the PN-junction directly into electricity
without any moving or mechanical parts. PV cells produce energy from sunlight, not from heat. In
fact, they are most efficient when they are cold!.

When exposed to sunlight (or other intense light source), the voltage produced by a single solar cell
is about 0.58 volts DC, with the current flow (amps) being proportional to the light energy
(photons). In most photovoltaic cells, the voltage is nearly constant, and the current is proportional
to the size of the cell and the intensity of the light.

The equivalent circuit of a PV, shown on the left, is that of a battery

with a series internal resistance, RINTERNAL, similar to any other
conventional battery. However, due to variations in internal
resistance, the cell voltage and therefore available current will vary
between photovoltaic cells of equivalent size and structure,
connected to the same load, and under the same light source so this
must be accounted for in the solar panel assemblies you buy.

The silicon wafer of the photovoltaic solar cell that faces the sunlight consist of the electrical
contacts and is coated with an anti-reflective coating that helps absorb the sunlight more efficiently.
Electrical contacts provide the connection between the semiconductor material and the external
electrical load, such as a light bulb or battery.

Lithium battery 24V 48V

Lithium battery supplied by manufacturer
Dongping Tai Energy Co. Open

When sunlight shines on a photovoltaic cell, photons of light strike the surface of the
semiconductor material and liberate electrons from their atomic bonds. During manufacture certain
doping chemicals are added to the semiconductors composition to help to establish a path for the
freed electrons. These paths creates a flow of electrons forming an electrical current which starts to
flow over the surface of the photovoltaic solar cell.
Metallic strips are placed across the surface of a photovoltaic cell to collect the electrons which
form the positive (+) connection of the cell. The back of the cell, the side away from the incoming
sunlight consists of a layer of aluminium or molybdenum metal which forms the negative (–)
connection to the cell. Then a photovoltaic solar cell has two electrical connections for
conventional current flow, one positive, and one negative, as shown.

Photovoltaic Solar Cell Construction

When expossed to sunlight, photovoltaic (PV) solar cells produce DC power, the same as from a
battery or cell. With no external circuit or load connected to its terminals, that is IO = 0, most
photovoltaic solar cells produce a maximum “no-load” open circuit voltage ( VOUT ) of about 0.5
to 0.6 volts, much less than a standard 1.5V dry battery cell. But just like batteries, higher voltages
can be obtained by connecting together a number of PV cells in series.

When exposed to sunlight, a photovoltaic cell produces a current ( I ) proportional to the level of
sunlight falling onto its surface. The maximum current a PV cell can produce, called its short-
circuit current ISC, occurs when the cells terminals are shorted together, but under these maximum
current conditions, its terminal voltage would be zero, VOUT = 0. Then a photovoltaic cell’s output
voltage depends very much on the load current demands from ISC to IO. This means that a PV cell
is essentially a low-voltage, high-current device.

The current (and power) output of a photovoltaic cell is proportional the intensity of sunlight
striking the surface of the cell. For example, cloudy or dull days reduce the effectiveness of a PV
cell so the maximum current it could supply to a given load would be low, but the cell would still
be able to provide the full output voltage. In order to increase the current requirements of the load,
a brighter, larger amount of solar radiation would be needed to supply full power.
However, there is a physical limit to the maximum current that a single photovoltaic solar cell can
provide due to its size (surface area) no matter how intense or bright the suns radiation is. This is
called the maximum deliverable current and is symbolised as IMAX

The IMAX value of a single photovoltaic solar cell depends upon the size or surface area of the cell
(especially the PN-junction), the amount of direct sunlight hitting the cell, its efficiency of
converting this solar power into a current and of course the type of semiconductor material that the
cell is manufactured from either silicon, gallium arsenide, cadmium sulphide or cadmium telluride

Lithium battery 24V 48V

Dongping Tai Energy Co.

So when selecting blocking diodes or bypass diodes to connect to solar cells or panels, this
maximum current value, IMAX needs to be taken into account.

Diodes in Photovoltaic Arrays

The PN-junction diode acts like solid state one way electrical valve that only allows electrical
current to flow through themselves in one direction only. The advantage of this is that diodes can
be used to block the flow of electric current from other parts of an electrical solar circuit. When
used with a photovoltaic solar panel, these types of silicon diodes are generally referred to as
Blocking Diodes.

Bypass Diodes are used in parallel with either a single or a number of photovoltaic solar cells to
prevent the current(s) flowing from good, well-exposed to sunlight solar cells overheating and
burning out weaker or partially shaded solar cells by providing a current path around the bad cell.
Blocking diodes are used differently than bypass diodes.

Bypass diodes in solar panels are connected in “parallel” with a photovoltaic cell or panel to shunt
the current around it, whereas blocking diodes are connected in “series” with the PV panels to
prevent current flowing back into them. Blocking diodes are therefore different than bypass diodes
although in most cases the diode is physically the same, but they are installed differently and serve
a different purpose. Consider our photovoltaic solar array below.
Bypass Diodes in Photovoltaic Arrays

As we said earlier, diodes are devices that allow current to flow in one direction only. The diodes
coloured green above are “bypass diodes”, one in parallel with each solar panel to provide a low
resistance path. Bypass diodes in solar panels and arrays need to be able to safely carry this short
circuit current.

The two diodes coloured red are referred to as the “blocking diodes”, one in series with each series
branch. Blocking diodes are different than bypass diodes, but in most cases the two diodes are
physically the same. However they are installed differently and serves a different purpose.

These blocking diodes, also called a series diode or isolation diode, ensure that the electrical
current only flows in one direction “OUT” of the series array to the external load, controller or

The reason for this is to prevent the current generated by the other parallel connected PV panels in
the same array flowing back through a weaker (shaded) network and also to prevent the fully
charged batteries from discharging or draining back through the array at night. So when multiple
solar panels are connected in parallel, blocking diodes should be used in each parallel connected
Generally speaking, blocking diodes are used in PV arrays when there are two or more parallel
branches or there is a possibility that some of the array will become partially shaded during the day
as the sun moves across the sky. The size and type of blocking diode used depends upon the type of
photovoltaic array.

Two types of diodes are available as bypass diodes in solar panels and arrays: the PN-junction
silicon diode and the Schottky barrier diode. Both are available with a wide range of current
ratings. The Schottky barrier diode has a much lower forward voltage drop of about 0.4 volts as
opposed to the PN diodes 0.7 volt drop for a silicon device.

This lower voltage drop allows a savings of one full PV cell in each series branch of the solar array
therefore, the array is more efficient since less power is dissipated in the blocking diode. Most
manufacturers include both blocking diodes and bypass diodes in their solar panels simplifying the

Read more Tutorials inDiodes

1. Semiconductor Basics
2. PN Junction Theory
3. PN Junction Diode
4. The Signal Diode
5. Power Diodes and Rectifiers
6. Full Wave Rectifier
7. The Zener Diode
8. The Light Emitting Diode
9. Bypass Diodes in Solar Panels
10. Diode Clipping Circuits
11. The Schottky Diode


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On a label of any PV panel Is a parameter 1000V or 1500 Volts .What does this means?

Posted on September 30th 2023 | 9:29 pm

Wayne Storr

Photovoltaic solar panels can be connected together in series, called strings, to

increase the total ouput voltage, since their individual voltages are added together. In
theory, any number of PV panels can be linked together but clearly the total output
voltage of the series string at minimum temperatures must not be greater than the
maximum DC input voltage allowed by the connected inverter or charge controller
being used.

But there is also a maximum photovoltaic system DC voltage value which states the
highest voltage (600VDC, 1000VDC, 1500VDC, etc.) at which a solar array could be
operated at for safety reasons, since all components are rated to handle a maximum
voltage. For example, cable insulation and associated wiring, connectors, junction
boxes, protection devices, and the PV panels themselves are sufficiently well insulated
from its external touchable metal edges or frame, etc.

Posted on October 01st 2023 | 7:57 am


1000V on PV means the maximum voltage the solar panel can produce.

Posted on October 01st 2023 | 5:40 am


I need the Diode By Pass PN: SD 001BP50B or SD 001BP50BR. 4.000 pc. COlud you
inform where buy please?

Posted on September 18th 2023 | 8:42 pm

S s poonia poonia

work is worship is our moto:- SS poonia :-Ex-Bits pilani IIT qualified.

Posted on April 09th 2023 | 4:16 pm

Sirelkhatim Nugud

Simple and precise explanation now I know the function of both the blockage and the by
pass diode but what if the blockage diode is damaged or got faulty will this affect the
Thanks for your help

Posted on September 01st 2022 | 3:59 pm


Dear sir.
how many bypass diodes are used for the 144 cells of solar panel?

Posted on July 08th 2022 | 7:15 am

Sajit Viswan

Thank you for the write up. I saw a YouTube video salvaging panel by placing diodes
soldered to the terminals.

Posted on April 24th 2022 | 12:41 pm

Sir akon

Among all types of foods which one is best suit for the prevent under and over chargings ?

Posted on November 25th 2021 | 7:49 pm

Igga Aloysius

Good information about diodes , but why is it that solar installations are design end
positively grounded but motor vehicles are mostly designed negatively ground

Posted on October 06th 2021 | 3:21 am

Walid Ashkar

I am interested in a circuit of 4 solar panels at 90 degree angles fir an output of 15 v. Will
this assembly function all over the 12 hrs of the day? Will you as a company work out on
manufacturing this circuit? I would appreciate if you reply to my email address

Posted on September 26th 2021 | 2:35 pm

Dayyabu Tafida Ikara

a very nice tutorial it has really gained me, how can some one have the pdf please?
Posted on September 07th 2021 | 4:36 pm
Usman Mohammed Awal

I want to get more knowledge about solar installation.

Posted on May 20th 2021 | 11:04 pm


Nice work

Posted on March 02nd 2021 | 5:47 pm

Steve Cain

The paragraph above:

“For example on very cloudy or dull day the current demand would be low and so the cell
could provide the full output voltage, but at a reduced output current. But as the current
demand of the load increases a brighter light (solar radiation) is needed at the junction to
maintain a full output voltage, VOUT”
is not correct.

On a very cloudy day the current SUPPLIED (not demand) would be low because the light
intensity hitting the PV array would be low. Demand is the current the external circuit is
trying to draw. Conversely, the external circuit current demand would not increase as
sunlight levels increase, the amount of current the PV array could SUPPLY would increase
and become available top the load.

Your wording implies that the load varies its current demand depending on the light levels
when in fact the Solar panel is able to supply a variable current source depending on the
ambient light levels.

Posted on February 01st 2021 | 7:32 am


Ive been studying “Solar Energy…” by Smets, Jager, Isabella, Swaaij, And Zeman.

Its reversed biased setup of bypass diodes agrees with me on the difference between pure DC
from solar and filtered AC as DC from generators.

Solar produced DC will pass thru reversed biased diode junctions. So no doubt does battery
produced DC.

While Filetred AC as DC does not. No time too or something like that.


Posted on November 28th 2020 | 9:43 pm


I would like to join you and learn from you guys

Posted on November 15th 2020 | 6:32 am

Ted Alan McArthur

I am getting lots of RF noise I believe from my Solar System. I have opened the Disconnects
both DC and AC I’m Using a String Inverter Sunny Boy. I have also opened the Disconnect
right under the panels on the roof for the Fire Dept. safety. And the RF persists until the Sun
goes Down. I am a Ham Radio Operator and it is very hard to do this with this RF Noise. I
am thinking it must be to the Bypass Diodes. I was thinking that I might be able to either use
a Capacitor to Ground or RF Choke in the j-bax next to the Diodes.
I also think that if they are Schottky Diodes they may be noisier than normal Diodes.

Posted on August 24th 2020 | 4:08 am


hello. forgot to mention. your current vector arrows are aimed in the wrong direction.
Current direction in solar arrays is alway from + to – or it doesnt exist at all. AND the +
HAS to be the highest wattage. For example you connect a 12 watt solar panel to a 20 watt
discharged battery you’ll charge your battery to 12 watts. no more. No diode in a circuit will
change that.

Posted on July 26th 2020 | 1:39 pm


your problem with using diodes in this manner is diodes operate at a different voltage than
photovoltaic cell, so umless you design and make a tailored diode your setup will either
ignore the diode or produce nothing.

diodes were orginally deaigned and still are to block the negitive side of ac in ac to dc
converters. That is the use of a diode.

Posted on July 26th 2020 | 12:21 pm

Dr Sachin

Is it possible schottky diode block 90 percent leakage current

Posted on July 26th 2020 | 7:07 am
Johann Scheepers

John’s reference to ‘shunts’ and ‘clamping’, although correct, is irrelevant. Wayne is

absolutely correct with his comments about forward biased junctions i.e. current ONLY
flows when a junction is forward biased, AC or DC.

Posted on May 18th 2020 | 8:37 am


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