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Plus Test series Mrunal’s Economy for UPSC Prelims (PCB10-RAF… MEGA Quiz Economy Prelims (120 MCQ)


All answers

Question 1

Your Time Taken: 5s Avg Time Taken By Others: 6m 37s Attempt Accuracy: 81%

How many of the following actors will benefit if Indian Rupee weakens against foreign
currencies? (यदि भारतीय रुपया विदेशी मुद्राओं के मुकाबले कमजोर होता है, तो निम्नलिखित में से कितने
अभिनेताओं को लाभ होगा?)
1. Indian exporters (भारतीय निर्यातक)
2. Indian Importers (भारतीय आयातक)
3. foreign buyers of Indian products (भारतीय उत्पादों के विदेशी खरीदार)
4. foreign exporters selling to Indian buyers. (भारतीय खरीदारों को बेचने वाले विदेशी निर्यातक।)

only two of these

only one of these

only three of these All four of these

Solution Hide
When the Indian Rupee weakens against foreign currencies, it means that one unit of foreign
currency can buy more Indian Rupees. The following actors will benefit:

1. Indian exporters: Benefit, as their goods and services become cheaper for foreign buyers,
which can lead to increased demand.
2. Indian importers: Do not benefit, as they have to pay more Rupees to buy foreign goods
and services, making imports more expensive.
3. Foreign buyers of Indian products: Benefit, as they can purchase more goods and services
from India with the same amount of foreign currency, making Indian products more
4. Foreign exporters selling to Indian buyers: Do not benefit, as their goods and services
become more expensive for Indian buyers, which can lead to decreased demand.

Two of the actors mentioned will benefit if the Indian Rupee weakens against foreign

Question 2

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 1m 3s Attempt Accuracy: 10%

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How many of the following actions should be taken by the government to improve the tax
collection in India? (भारत में कर संग्रह में सुधार के लिए सरकार को निम्नलिखित में से कौन-सा/से कदम
उठाने चाहिए?)
1. expand the list of activities subjected to TDS (टीडीएस के दायरे में आने वाली गतिविधियों की सूची
का विस्तार करना)
2. reduce the highest slabs of direct taxes. (प्रत्यक्ष करों के उच्चतम स्लैब को कम करना।)

Only 1 Only 2

Neither 1 nor 2
Both 1 and 2

Solution Hide
Both actions mentioned could potentially improve tax collection in India, but their
effectiveness would depend on the specific context and implementation:

1. right. Expanding the list of activities subjected to TDS (Tax Deducted at Source): This action
could improve tax collection by broadening the tax base and ensuring that tax is collected at
the source for more types of income. This could reduce tax evasion and improve compliance.
2. right. Reducing the highest slabs of direct taxes: This action could have a positive impact
on tax collection as per Laffer Curve Lowering tax rates might encourage more taxpayers to
declare their incomes honestly and pay their taxes.
Therefore, the answer is C) both 1 and 2

Question 3

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 57s Attempt Accuracy: 58%

How many of the following actions will NOT be taken by RBI during an easy monetary
policy? (एक आसान मौद्रिक नीति के दौरान आरबीआई द्वारा निम्नलिखित में से कितनी कार्र वाइयां नहीं की
जाएं गी?)
1. Increasing CRR (CRR को बढ़ाना)
2. Reducing SLR (SLR को कम करना)
3. purchasing government securities from public (जनता से सरकारी प्रतिभूतियां खरीदना)
4. reducing bank rate (बैंक दर कम करना)

only one of these

only two of these

only three of these All four of these

Solution Hide

During an easy monetary policy, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) aims to increase the money
supply and promote lending in the economy. The following actions correspond with an easy
monetary policy:

1. wrong. Increasing CRR (Cash Reserve Ratio): NOT consistent with an easy monetary policy.
RBI would decrease the CRR to increase the money supply.
2. right. Reducing SLR (Statutory Liquidity Ratio): Consistent with an easy monetary policy, as
lowering the SLR frees up more funds for banks to lend.
3. right. Purchasing government securities from the public: Consistent with an easy monetary
policy, as it increases the money supply in the economy.

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4. right. Reducing bank rate: Consistent with an easy monetary policy, as it lowers the cost of
borrowing for commercial banks, promoting lending.

Out of these actions, only one (Increasing CRR) is not taken by RBI during an easy monetary
policy. Therefore, the correct answer is:

A) only one of these.

Question 4

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 54s Attempt Accuracy: 54%

How many of the following indicators are NOT published by the UNDP? (निम्नलिखित में से
कितने संके तक यूएनडीपी द्वारा प्रकाशित नहीं किए जाते हैं?)
1. Gender Inequality Index (लैंगिक असमानता सूचकांक)
2. Gender Development Index (लैंगिक विकास सूचकांक)
3. Gender Gap Index (जेंडर गैप इंडेक्स)
4. Multidimensional Poverty Index (बहुआयामी निर्धनता सूचकांक)
5. Happiness Index (हैप्पीनेस इंडेक्स)

only two of these

only three of these

only four of these all five of these

Solution Hide
Out of the indicators mentioned:
1. Gender Inequality Index (GII): Published by UNDP
2. Gender Development Index (GDI): Published by UNDP
3. Gender Gap Index: Published by the World Economic Forum, NOT by UNDP
4. Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI): Published by UNDP
5. Happiness Index: Also known as the World Happiness Report,
published by the Sustainable Development Solutions
Network, NOT by UNDP
Two of these indicators are not published by UNDP. Therefore,
the correct answer is: A) only two of these

Question 5

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 39s Attempt Accuracy: 41%

MGNREGA wages are linked with which of the following indicator as of 2023-March? (मनरे गा
मजदू री 2023-मार्च तक निम्नलिखित में से किस संके तक से जुड़ी है?)

Consumer Price Index for Agricultural

Consumer Price Index for Rural areas
Labour (कृ षि श्रम के लिए उपभोक्ता मूल्य
(ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों के लिए उपभोक्ता मूल्य

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Consumer Price Index for Rural Consumer Price Index for industrial
workers (ग्रामीण श्रमिकों के लिए उपभोक्ता workers (औद्योगिक श्रमिकों के लिए
मूल्य सूचकांक) उपभोक्ता मूल्य सूचकांक)

Solution Hide
Ministry of Rural Development notifies Mahatma Gandhi NREGA wage rate every year for
States/UTs. To compensate the Mahatma Gandhi NREGA workers against inflation, the
Ministry of Rural Development revises the wage rate every year based on change in
Consumer Price Index for Agricultural Labour (CPI-AL). The wage rate is made applicable
from 1st April of each Financial Year.
Therefore, the answer is B.

Question 6

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 44s Attempt Accuracy: 36%

PM Kaushal Vikas 4.0 Will be focusing on how many of the following sectors? (पीएम कौशल
विकास 4.0 निम्नलिखित में से कितने क्षेत्रों पर ध्यान कें द्रित करे गा?)
1. 3D printing (3डी प्रिंटिंग)
2. Drones (ड्रोन)
3. Soft Skills (सॉफ्ट स्किल्स)
4. Adventure Tourism in Hill States (पहाड़ी राज्यों में साहसिक पर्यटन)
5. Mechatronics (मेक्ट्रोनिक्स)
Answer Codes: (उत्तर कोड:)

only two of these only three of these

only four of these

all five of these

Solution Hide
Explanation: new age courses for Industry 4.0 like coding, AI, robotics, mechatronics, IOT, 3D
printing, drones, and soft skills. Adventure Tourism in Hill States not specifically mentioned.

Therefore, the answer is C- only 4.

Question 7

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 1m 13s Attempt Accuracy: 50%

How many of the following concepts are given by John Maynard Keynes? (जॉन मेनार्ड कीन्स ने
निम्नलिखित में से कितनी अवधारणाएँ दी हैं?)
1. liquidity preference theory (तरलता वरीयता सिद्धांत)
2. relative cost advantage theory (सापेक्ष लागत लाभ सिद्धांत)
3. helicopter money (हेलीकॉप्टर मनी)
4. rent seeking behavior (किराया चाहने वाला व्यवहार)
5. aggregate demand and aggregate supply (कु ल मांग और कु ल आपूर्ति)

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only two pairs

only one pair

only three pairs all five pairs

Solution Hide
1. Liquidity preference theory: Keynes
2. Relative cost advantage theory: This is attributed to David Ricardo, not Keynes.
3. Helicopter money: was coined by Milton Friedman.
4. Rent-seeking behavior: David Ricardo
5. Aggregate demand and aggregate supply: Keynes
John Maynard Keynes is associated with two of these concepts (liquidity preference theory
and aggregate demand and aggregate supply). Therefore, the correct answer is: B) only two

Question 8

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 1m 33s Attempt Accuracy: 60%

In Budget 2023 how many of the following schemes are launched for subjects associated
with the environment ministry? (बजट 2023 में पर्यावरण मंत्रालय से जुड़े विषयों के लिए निम्नलिखित में
से कितनी योजनाएँ शुरू की गई हैं?)
1. MISHTI (मिष्टी)
2. Amrit Dharohar (अमृत धरोहर)
3. PM VIKAS (पीएम विकास)
5. BHARAT Shri (भारत श्री)

only two of these

only three of these

only four of these all five of these

Solution Hide
st1 and 2 are right. Mishti for Mangrove plantation. Amrit Dharohar for wetland eco tourism.
Are correct.
St3 wrong: PM Vikas in budget 2023 is for traditional artists
St4 wrong ECLGC is a loan scheme for industries, launched in corona.
St5 wrong BHARAT Shri digital museum for inscriptions

Question 9

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 1m 58s Attempt Accuracy: 51%

How many of the following indicators are used in the GDP calculation formula using
expenditure method? (व्यय पद्धति का उपयोग करके जीडीपी गणना सूत्र में निम्नलिखित में से कितने

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संके तकों का उपयोग किया जाता है?)
1. Consumption (उपभोग)
2. Interest Rate of Loans (ऋण की ब्याज दर)
3. Government expenditure (सरकारी व्यय)
4. Exports (निर्यात)
5. Profit (लाभ)

only three of these

only two of these

only four of these all five of these

Solution Hide
GDP calculation formula using expenditure method is Consumption + I(Investment) + Govt
Expenditure + Export-import
So st1 st2 st4 are right. Others are wrong so B - only 3 of these.

Therefore, the answer is B) only 3.

Question 10

Your Time Taken: 2s Avg Time Taken By Others: 58s Attempt Accuracy: 35%

How many of the following attributes can be given to infrastructure? (अवसंरचना

(infrastructure) की निम्नलिखित में से कितनी विशेषताएँ हो सकती है/हैं?)
1. output is often non-tradable (आउटपुट अक्सर गैर-व्यापार योग्य होता है।)
2. there is rivalry in consumption. (उपभोग में प्रतिद्वंद्विता होती है।)
3. negative externality is created. (नकारात्मक बाह्यता निर्मित होती है।)
4. sunk costs are low. (विफल निवेश कम होता है।)

only one of these

only two of these

only three of these All four of these

Solution Hide

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Let's examine each attribute in relation to infrastructure:

1. true. Output is often non-tradable: True, as infrastructure often provides public goods or
services that cannot be easily traded across borders, such as roads or public transportation
2. false. There is rivalry in consumption: False, as infrastructure often provides non-rivalrous
goods or services, meaning that one person's use does not significantly diminish the
availability for others. Examples include roads, bridges, and public parks.
3. false. Negative externality is created: infrastructure creates positive externalities like
improved job opportunities and economic growth.
4. false. Sunk costs are low: False, as infrastructure projects often involve significant sunk
costs, which are costs that cannot be recovered once they have been incurred. Examples
include large investments in physical structures or equipment.

Out of these attributes, only one can be given to infrastructure. Therefore, the correct answer
is: A.

Question 11

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 46s Attempt Accuracy: 40%

Which of the following pair(s) is/are incorrect ? (निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा युग्म गलत है/ हैं)
1. Stagflation: High level of inflation and High level of economic growth (स्टैगफ्लेशन :
मुद्रास्फीति का उच्च स्तर और आर्थिक विकास का उच्च स्तर)
2. Twin Deficit: High level of current account deficit and high level of capital account
deficit (ट्विन डेफिसिट: चालू खाता घाटा का उच्च स्तर और पूंजी खाता घाटा का उच्च स्तर)

Only 1 Only 2

Both 1 and 2
Neither 1 nor 2

Solution Hide
Statement 1 is not correct: Stagflation is a term that was introduced to the general public in
the 1970s. It refers to a unique period in which unemployment and inflation are high but
economic growth stalls.
Statement 2 is not correct: Twin deficit refers to the fiscal and current account deficit. Fiscal
deficit means higher expenditure over income. The gap between expenditure and income is
bridged through borrowing from market. The term current account deficit is derived from
current account balance.

Question 12

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 24s Attempt Accuracy: 80%

Find the correct objective of Card Tokenization directives of the RBI. (रिजर्व बैंक द्वारा जारी किए
गए कार्ड टोकनाईजेसन नियमों का उद्देश्य क्या है)
1. Transfer of MDR subsidy to merchants. (व्यापारियों को एमडीआर सब्सिडी देना)
2. Enhancing security of the credit card and debit card of a customer. (ग्राहक के क्रे डिट कार्ड
तथा डेबिट कार्ड को ज्यादा सुरक्षित करना)

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Only 1 Only 2

Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2

Solution Hide
st1 is wrong: RBI permitted authorized card payment networks to provide card tokenization
services to any token requestor, or third-party app provider, for a wide range of cases,
including contactless payments, QR-code-based payments, and in-app payments, subject to
certain conditions.
st2 is right: To make online payment transactions through credit and debit cards more safe
and secure, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has ordered all online payment gateways,
merchants, and e-commerce companies to implement tokenization of cards by their
customers while making payments.

Question 13

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 38s Attempt Accuracy: 56%

Find correct pair(s): (सही जोडे ढूंढें:)

1. Phillips curve: direct relationship between the level of unemployment and the rate of
bond yield. (फिलिप्स वक्र: बेरोजगारी के स्तर और बांड यील्ड की दर के बीच सीधा संबंध।)
2. Laffer curve: reducing direct tax rates may help increasing total tax revenue. (लाफे र वक्र:
प्रत्यक्ष कर की दरों को कम करने से सकल राजस्व बढ़ाने में मदद मिल सकती है।)

Only 2
Only 1

Both 1 and 2 None of the above

Solution Hide
Pair 1 is wrong: The Phillips curve given by A.W. Phillips shows that there exists an inverse
relationship between the rate of unemployment and the rate of increase in nominal wages.
Pair 2 is right: The Laffer Curve is based on a theory by supply-side economist Arthur Laffer.
The curve is often used to illustrate the argument that cutting tax rates can result in increased
total tax revenue.

Question 14

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 28s Attempt Accuracy: 80%

The lowering of Bank Rate by the Reserve Bank of India leads to _ _ _ . (भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक द्वारा
बैंक दर को कम करने से _ _ _ में बढ़ोत्तरी होती है)

More liquidity in the market (बाजार में

Less liquidity in the market (बाजार में
कम तरलता)

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No change in the liquidity in the Mobilization of more deposits by
market (तरलता में कोई परिवर्तन नहीं) commercial banks (वाणिज्य बैंकों में जमा)

Solution Hide
A decrease in bank rate will make borrowing from RBI cheap which will eventually lead to an
increase in the money supply in the market i.e. higher liquidity. so opt1 is right.

Question 15

Your Time Taken: 2s Avg Time Taken By Others: 32s Attempt Accuracy: 64%

Constitution of India requires the Government of India to table following documents in the
parliament: (संविधान के हिसाब से भारत सरकार को संसद की मेज पर निम्नलिखित दस्तावेजों को रखने
की आवश्यकता है जिनके नाम है)
1. Railway Budget. (रे ल बजट)
2. Gender Budget. (जेंडर बजट)
3. Plan Budget (योजना बजट)

Only 1 and 2 Only 2 and 3

None of the given

Only 1 and 3

Solution Hide
The President shall in respect of every financial year cause to be laid before both the Houses
of Parliament a statement of the estimated receipts and expenditure of the Government of
India for that year referred to as the "annual financial statement". so opt4 is right.

Question 16

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 43s Attempt Accuracy: 80%

A) During the general election year union government may present an interim budget (आम
चुनावी वर्ष के दौरान कें द्र सरकार अंतरिम बजट पेश कर सकती है)
R) During a general election year Lok Sabha is not allowed to approve the vote on account of
the outgoing union government. (एक आम चुनावी वर्ष के दौरान लोकसभा को तत्कालीन संघ सरकार के
खाते में वोट को मंजूरी देने की अनुमति नहीं है)

Both the Assertion and the Reason The Assertion and the Reason are
are correct and the Reason is the correct but the Reason is not the
correct explanation of the Assertion. correct explanation of the Assertion.
(कथन और कारण दोनों सही है एवं कारण (कथन और कारण दोनों सही है लेकिन कारण
कथन की सही व्याख्या करता है) कथन की सही व्याख्या नहीं करता है)

Assertion is true but the Reason is The statement of the Assertion is

false. (कथन सही है परन्तु कारण गलत) false but the Reason is true. (कथन
CORRECT ANSWER गलत है परन्तु कारण सही)

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Solution Hide
st1 is right: An interim budget is presented by the government when it does not have time to
present a full budget. Mostly, it is because the general election is around the corner.
st2 is wrong: In the election year when the elections are scheduled a few months into the new
financial year, the government prefers to seek a vote on account in Lok sabha instead of
presenting a full Budget because if the government changes after the elections it is not fair to
deny it the right to design its own Budget for the remaining part of the year.

Question 17

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 1m Attempt Accuracy: 42%

RBIs external Benchmark mechanism associated with deciding the interest rates for
following type(s) of loans (भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक की बाह्य मापदण्ड प्रणाली ऋणों के प्रकार (रों) के लिए
ब्याज दरें तय करने से जुडी हैं)
1. Agriculture loans (कृ षि ऋण)
2. Loans to micro enterprises (सूक्ष्म उद्यमों को ऋण)
3. Loans given by RBI to State governments (आरबीआई द्वारा राज्य सरकारों को दिए गए ऋण)
4. Loans for purchase of residential houses (आवासीय मकानों की खरीद के लिए ऋण)

only 2 and 4
only 1 and 4

only 1, 2 and 3 All four

Solution Hide
RBI made External Benchmark Based Interest Rates mandatory for all new floating rate
personal/ retail (housing, auto, etc.) & floating rate loans to MSE.
so opt2 is right

Question 18

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 1m 43s Attempt Accuracy: 46%

Find the correct abbreviation(s) (सही संक्षिप्त नाम खोजें)

1. TRAI : Telecommunication Regulation Authority of India.
2. SEBI : Securities and Exchange Board of India.
3. UIDAI : Unique Identity Authority of India.

Only 2
Only 1 and 2

Only 2 and 3 All three

Solution Hide

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Correct abbreviation : Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), Securities and Exchange
Board of India (SEBI), Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI)
so opt2 is right

Question 19

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 34s Attempt Accuracy: 42%

Example of a Maharaja bond is _ _ _ . (महाराजा बांड का उदाहरण _ _ _ है)

IFC bonds issued within India in

Share market bond issued by Air rupee denomination. (रुपये के मूल्यवर्ग
India. (एयर इंडिया द्वारा जारी शेयर बाजार में भारत के भीतर जारी किए गए आईएफसी
बांड) बॉन्ड)

Debt instruments issued by Indian

Rupee bonds issued outside India.
Public Sector Banks. (भारतीय सार्वजनिक
(भारत के बाहर जारी किया गया रुपया बॉन्ड)
क्षेत्र के बैंकों द्वारा जारी किए गए ऋण साधन)

Solution Hide
To support domestic capital markets of India, the International Finance Corporation (IFC)
Maharaja bonds are issued. Maharaja bonds are rupee-denominated bonds. so opt 2 is right

Question 20

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 23s Attempt Accuracy: 84%

Which of the following is an example of Gig Worker?(निम्नलिखित में से कौन गिग वर्क र का
उदाहरण है)

A construction laborer who is hired

A miner who works in oil drilling
through a contractor (एक निर्माण कार्य
company (एक खननकर्ता जो तेल ड्रि लिंग
में लगा मजदू र जो एक ठे के दार के माध्यम से
कं पनी में काम करता है)
काम पर रखा जाता है)

A freelance plumber who serves a

A person who works in a tea customer through an intermediary
plantation (एक व्यक्ति जो चाय बागान में App (एक स्वतंत्र प्लम्बर जो एक मध्यस्थ ऐप
काम करता है) के माध्यम से ग्राहक की सेवा करता है)

Solution Hide
A Gig worker is a professional who, instead of receiving a regular income, receives wages
based on the one-time projects or gigs they complete. A freelance plumber who serves a
customer through an intermediary App is a Gig worker. so opt4 is right

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Question 21

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Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 39s Attempt Accuracy: 63%

Find correct statement(s) about the interest subvention given to the agriculture sector loans.
(कृ षि क्षेत्र के ऋणों के लिए दिए गए ब्याज उपादान के बारे में सही विवरण / विवरणों का पता लगाएं )
1. Pisciculture farmers are also eligible for this scheme. (इस योजना का लाभ मछलीपालन करने
वाले किसान को भी मिलता है)
2. All farmers are eligible for 5% of interest subvention even if they are not repaying the
loans regularly. (सभी किसान 5% ब्याज उपादान के पात्र हैं भले ही वे नियमित रूप से ऋण नहीं चुका रहे

Only 1
Only 2

1 and 2 both None of the above

Solution Hide
st1 is right: Fish farming or pisciculture involves the commercial breeding of fish. Pisciculture
farmers are also eligible for interest subvention schemes.
st2 is wrong: if farmer not repaying loan promptly, then he'll not get as much interest
subvention as other farmers. refer to pillar1D handout for more.

Question 22

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 1m 30s Attempt Accuracy: 33%

Effective revenue deficit figure is obtained from the revenue deficit figure by _ _ _?(राजस्व
घाटे के आंकड़े से प्रभावी राजस्व घाटे का आंकड़ा प्राप्त के से होता है)
1. subtracting the subsidies given on demerit goods (अवगुण सामानों पर दी जाने वाली सब्सिडी को
2. subtracting the interest paid on previous loans. (पिछले ऋणों पर दिए गए ब्याज को घटाना)

Only 1 Only 2

Neither 1 nor 2
Both 1 and 2

Solution Hide
Effective Revenue Deficit = Revenue Deficit - Grants in aid for capital assets It excludes those
revenues expenditures, which were done in the form of grants for the creation of capital
assets. so opt4 is right

Question 23

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Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 41s Attempt Accuracy: 57%

Which of the following is /are component(s) of Current Account under Balance of Payment?
(निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा भुगतान संतुलन के तहत चालू खाते का/के घटक है / हैं)
1. Remittances (धन का प्रेषण)
2. Donations (दान)
3. NRIs dollar deposits in Indian bank accounts (अप्रवासी भारतीय बैंक खातों में डॉलर जमा करते हैं)

Both 1 and 2
Only 1 and 3

Only 3 Only 1

Solution Hide
The components of the current account are:
Remittances Donations
Import and export of goods
Import and export of services
Unilateral transfers
Factor incomes (COE, interest, dividend, etc.)
so opt1 is right

Question 24

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 1m 14s Attempt Accuracy: 44%

Which of the following sectors has 100% FDI permitted through automatic route? (निम्नलिखित
में से किस सेक्टर में स्वचालित मार्ग से 100% प्रत्यक्ष विदेशी निवेश की अनुमति है)
1. Asset Reconstruction Companies (एसेट रिकं स्ट्र क्शन कं पनियां)
2. White Label ATM Operation (व्हाइट लेबल एटीएम ऑपरे शन)
3. Private Sector Banks (निजी क्षेत्र के बैंक)
4. Credit Information Companies (क्रे डिट सूचना कं पनियाँ)

Only 1, 2 and 4
Only 1 and 4

Only 2 Only 3

Solution Hide
Sectors of the Indian economy where a 100 percent foreign direct investment is permitted
under the automatic route are: Agriculture & Animal Husbandry, Air-Transport Services (non-
scheduled and other services under civil aviation sector), Airports (Greenfield + Brownfield),
Asset Reconstruction Companies, Auto-components, Automobiles, Biotechnology
(Greenfield), Broadcast Content Services (Up-linking & down-linking of TV channels,
Broadcasting Carriage Services, Capital Goods, Cash & Carry Wholesale Trading (including
sourcing from MSEs), Chemicals, Coal & Lignite, Construction Development, Construction of
Hospitals, Credit Information Companies, Duty Free Shops, E-commerce Activities, Electronic
Systems, Food Processing, Gems & Jewellery, Healthcare, Industrial Parks, IT & BPM, Leather,
Manufacturing, Mining & Exploration of metals & non-metal ores, Other Financial Services,
Services under Civil Aviation Services such as Maintenance & Repair Organizations,
Petroleum & Natural gas, Pharmaceuticals, Plantation sector, Ports & Shipping, Railway
Infrastructure, Renewable Energy, Roads & Highways, Single Brand Retail Trading, Textiles &
Garments, Thermal Power, Tourism & Hospitality and White Label ATM Operations. so opt1 is

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Question 25

Your Time Taken: 2s Avg Time Taken By Others: 38s Attempt Accuracy: 33%

Which of the following can help finding India's foreign trade in terms of quantity? (निम्नलिखित
में से कौन भारतीय विदेश व्यापार को आकड़ों के सन्दर्भ में खोजने में मदद कर सकती है)

Balance of trade (व्यापार का संतुलन) Net terms of trade (व्यापार की शुद्ध शर्तें)

Gross terms of trade (व्यापार की सकल

Volumetric terms of trade (व्यापार की

Solution Hide
The gross barter term of trade is a ratio of the total physical quantities of imports to the total
physical quantities of exports of a given country. it can help find India's foreign trade in terms
of quantity. so opt3 is right.

Question 26

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 22s Attempt Accuracy: 79%

Jiwamrita Bijamrita and Neemastra are the terms associated with (जीवामृत बीजामृत और
नीमस्त्र किस्से सम्बद्ध हैं)

Ornamental farming (सजावटी खेती) Integrated farming (एकीकृ त खेती)

Zero Budget Natural Farming (शून्य

बजट प्राकृ तिक खेती) Vedic Farming (वैदिक खेती)

Solution Hide
To manage insects and pests, Zero Budget Natural Farming recommends the use of
‘Agniastra’, ‘Brahmastra’, and ‘Neemastra’, which, like ‘Jiwamrita’ and ‘Bijamrita’, are based
mainly on urine and dung of Indian cow breeds. The idea is that since these too, need not be
purchased, farming remains practically “zero-budget”. so opt3 is right.

Question 27

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 43s Attempt Accuracy: 46%

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Pradhan Mantri Annadata Aay Sanrakshan Abhiyan (PM-AASHA) does not contain these
component(s): (प्रधानमंत्री अन्नदाता आय संरक्षण अभियान में ये घटक शामिल नहीं हैं)
1. Insurance Support Scheme (बीमा सहायता योजना)
2. Price Deficiency Payment Scheme (मूल्य में कमी भुगतान योजना)
3. Public Procurement of milk and vegetables scheme (दू ध और सब्जियों की योजना की सार्वजनिक

Only 1 and 2 Only 2 and 3

Only 1 and 3
1, 2 and 3

Solution Hide
The PM AASHA Scheme has the following components
1. Price Support Scheme (PSS)
2. Price Deficiency Payment Scheme (PDPS)
3. Pilot of Private Procurement & Stockist Scheme (PPPS) so opt3 is right

Question 28

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 24s Attempt Accuracy: 25%

Find incorrect statements about the D10 Club (डी 10 क्लब के बारे में गलत कथन खोजें)
1. United Kingdom has proposed its formation. (यूनाइटेड किं गडम ने इसके गठन का प्रस्ताव दिया है)
2. It is a group of EU-nations who want to quit European Union. (यह यूरोपीय संघ राष्ट्रों का एक
समूह है जो यूरोपीय संघ छोड़ना चाहते हैं)

Only 2
Only 1

1 and 2 both None of the above

Solution Hide
st1 is right: United Kingdom had proposed a ‘D10’ club of democratic partners that groups the
G7 nations with Australia and the Asian technology leaders
st2 is wrong: A so-called 'D10' club of democratic partners, including G7 countries – UK, US,
Italy, Germany, France, Japan, and Canada – plus Australia, South Korea, and India will aim
to create alternative suppliers of 5G equipment and other technologies to avoid relying on

Question 29

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 40s Attempt Accuracy: 67%

Arrange following act(s) in correct chronological order: (सही कालानुक्रम में निम्नलिखित
अधिनियमों की व्यवस्थित करें )
1. Central Vigilance Commission Act (कें द्रीय सतर्क ता आयोग अधिनियम)
2. Right to information Act (सूचना का अधिकार अधिनियम)
3. Lokpal Act (लोकपाल अधिनियम)

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4. National Investigation Agency Act (राष्ट्रीय जांच एजेंसी अधिनियम)


2143 1342

Solution Hide
1. Central Vigilance Commission Act, 2003
2. Right to Information Act, 2005
3. National Investigation Agency Act, 2008
4. Lokpal and Lokayuktas Act, 2013 so opt2 is right

Question 30

Your Time Taken: 2s Avg Time Taken By Others: 39s Attempt Accuracy: 53%

A) India’s GST is an example of regressive tax. (भारत का वस्तु सेवा कर प्रतिगामी कर का एक

उदाहरण है)
R) In India’s GST, luxury goods are subjected to higher tax than daily necessity items. (भारत
के वस्तु सेवा कर में भोग विलास की वस्तुओं को दैनिक आवश्यकता की वस्तुओं की तुलना में अधिक कर के
अधीन किया गया है)

The Assertion and the Reason are

Both the Assertion and the Reason
correct but the Reason is not the
are correct and the Reason is the
correct explanation of the Assertion.
correct explanation of the Assertion.

Assertion is true but the Reason is The statement of the Assertion is

false. false but the Reason is true.

Solution Hide
st1 is right: GST tax system which is an indirect tax is known as a regressive tax compared to
Income Tax a direct tax. because GST will take away more proportion of poor man's income
than a rich man's income. refer to pillar2A lectures for more.
st2 is right: Luxury items such as small cars, consumer durables like AC and Refrigerators,
premium cars, cigarettes, and aerated drinks, and High-end motorcycles are included in 28%
GST which is the highest.

Question 31

Your Time Taken: 2s Avg Time Taken By Others: 1m 31s Attempt Accuracy: 41%

Which of the following statement(s) is/are incorrect about MUDRA ltd? (निम्नलिखित में से कौन
सा / से कथन मुद्रा लिमिटेड के बारे में गलत है)
1. MUDRA scheme provides loans upto 1 crore to entrepreneurs. (मुद्रा योजना उद्यमियों को 1
करोड़ तक का ऋण प्रदान करती है)
2. MUDRA shareholding pattern is Government of India (49%) and SIDBI (51%). (मुद्रा में भारत
सरकार का 49% और सिडबी का 51% शेयरहोल्डिंग पैटर्न है)

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3. Stand up India scheme is a brainchild of MUDRA ltd. (स्टैंड अप इंडिया योजना मुद्रा लिमिटेड से
विकसित हुई है)
4. Small & Marginal Farmers are not eligible to get crop loans from Mudra. (छोटे और सीमांत
किसान मुद्रा से फसल ऋण लेने के पात्र नहीं हैं)

Only 1, 2 and 3
Only 2, 3 and 4

1, 3 and 4 Only 4

Solution Hide
s t1 is wrong: Mudra Loan is a Govt. initiated credit funding scheme to offer business loans
and MSME loans of amounts up to Rs. 10 lakh to individuals, business owners, and enterprises.
St2 is wrong: MUDRA has been initially formed as a wholly owned subsidiary of Small
Industries Development bank of India (SIDBI) with 100% capital being contributed by it.
Presently, the authorized capital of MUDRA is 1000 crores and paid up capital is 750 crore,
fully subscribed by SIDBI.
St3 is wrong: The objective of the Stand-Up India scheme is to facilitate bank loans between
10 lakh and 1 Crore to at least one Scheduled Caste (SC) or Scheduled Tribe (ST) borrower
and at least one woman borrower per bank branch for setting up a greenfield enterprise.
St4 is correct: Any Indian Citizen who has a business plan for a non-farm income generating
activity is eligible for loan.

Question 32

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 26s Attempt Accuracy: 87%

Which of the following statement/s are correct? (निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा कथन सही है)

1) When Bull investors are more 2) When Bear investors are more
active then SENSEX will fall. (जब साँढ़ active then SENSEX will rise. (जब भालू
निवेशक अधिक सक्रिय होंगे तो सेंसेक्स गिर निवेशक अधिक सक्रिय होंगे तो सेंसेक्स में
जाएगा) वृद्धि होगी)

Neither 1 nor 2
Both 1 and 2

Solution Hide
When Bull investors are more active then the SENSEX will go up. When Bear investors are
more active then the SENSEX will go down. so the opt 4 is right.

Question 33

Your Time Taken: 2s Avg Time Taken By Others: 22s Attempt Accuracy: 65%

Find correct statement(s) about Force Majeure (फोर्स मेजयूर के बारे में सही कथन का पता लगाएं )
1. It is a concept from French Jurisprudence (यह फ्रें च न्यायशास्त्र से एक अवधारणा है)
2. It empowers the higher judiciary to hear Public Interest Litigations (PIL) (यह जनहित
याचिकाओं को सुनने के लिए उच्च न्यायपालिका को सशक्त बनाता है)

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Only 1
Only 2

Both 1 and 2 Neither 1 nor 2

Solution Hide
st1 is right: Force majeure, in French, means “major force” or “greater (or superior) force.” The
concept originated in the civil laws of France – part of the Napoleonic Code– and has since
become part of common law in most countries across the world, from the United States to
st2 is wrong: Force majeure means extraordinary events, situations, or circumstances beyond
human control such as an event described as an act of God or superior force.

Question 34

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 36s Attempt Accuracy: 56%

Which of the following statement/s is/are correct regarding National Health Authority (राष्ट्रीय
स्वास्थ्य प्राधिकरण के संबंध में निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा/से कथन सही है/हैं)
1. It is the nodal agency for implementation of Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana. (यह
प्रधान मंत्री जन आरोग्य योजना के कार्यान्वयन के लिए नोडल एजेंसी है)
2. It is the nodal agency for implementation of National Digital Health Mission (NDHM).
(यह राष्ट्रीय डिजिटल स्वास्थ्य मिशन के कार्यान्वयन के लिए नोडल एजेंसी है)
3. It is not a statutory body (यह एक वैधानिक निकाय नहीं है)

Only 1 and 2 Only 2 and 3

1, 2 and 3
1 only

Solution Hide
st1 is right: The National Health Authority (NHA) is the nodal agency for the implementation
of Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri–Jan Arogya Yojana (AB PM-JAY).
st2 is right: The National Health Authority (NHA), is the nodal agency for the mission, has
given the final shape to the National Health Data Management Policy after extensive
consultations with the concerned stakeholders.
st3 is right: The National Health Authority (NHA) has been constituted as an autonomous
entity under the Society Registration Act, of 1860

Question 35

Your Time Taken: 2s Avg Time Taken By Others: 39s Attempt Accuracy: 57%

National Calamity duty shall be levied at a rate of Rs.190 per thousand Cigarettes
containing tobacco and having a length between 65 mm to 75 mm. This is not an example
of: (तंबाकू युक्त और 65 मिमी से 75 मिमी के बीच की लंबाई वाली सिगरे ट पर 190 रुपये प्रति हजार की दर
से राष्ट्रीय आपदा शुल्क लगाया जाएगा यह इसका उदाहरण नहीं है)

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Indirect Tax (अप्रत्यक्ष कर) Regressive Tax (प्रतिगामी कर)

Ad-valorem Tax (एडवैलोरम टैक्स)

Pigouvian Tax (पिगौवियन टैक्स)

Solution Hide
An ad valorem tax is expressed as percentage of value %. Here the tax is chaged on
'quantity' of product and not its 'price' or value. so it 's not ad-valorem tax. so opt3 is right.

Question 36

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 35s Attempt Accuracy: 47%

World Economic Forum (WEF) does not publish this / these report(s): (विश्व आर्थिक मंच निम्न में से
कौन कौन सी रिपोर्ट को प्रकाशित नहीं करता है)
1. Global Gender Gap Report (वैश्विक लैंगिक अंतर रिपोर्ट)
2. Global Innovation Index (वैश्विक नवाचार सूचकांक)
3. Global Competitiveness Report (वैश्विक प्रतिस्पर्धात्मकता रिपोर्ट)
4. Global Risks Report (वैश्विक जोखिम रिपोर्ट)

Only 2
Only 1 and 2

Only 2 and 4 1, 3 and 4

Solution Hide
World Economic Forum (WEF) publishes Global Gender Gap Report, Global Competitiveness
Report, and Global Risks Report. Global Innovation Index (GII) is launched by the World
Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). so the opt2 is right.

Question 37

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 37s Attempt Accuracy: 69%

Find correct statement(s) about RBIs qualitative tools of Monetary Policy: (मौद्रिक नीति के
भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक के गुणात्मक तरीकों के बारे में सही कथन प्राप्त करें )
1. They can be used for preventing flow of credit into undesirable sectors of economy.
(उनका उपयोग अर्थव्यवस्था के अवांछनीय क्षेत्रों में ऋण के प्रवाह को रोकने के लिए किया जा सकता है)
2. They can be used for directing the flow of credit into useful sectors of economy. (उनका
उपयोग अर्थव्यवस्था के उपयोगी क्षेत्रों में ऋण के प्रवाह को निर्देशित करने के लिए किया जा सकता है)
3. RBI began using these tools only after the Narasimham Committee report. (नरसिम्हम
समिति की रिपोर्ट के बाद ही आरबीआई ने इन तरीकों का इस्तेमाल शुरू किया)

Only 1 and 2
Only 2 and 3

Only 1 and 3 All of the given

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Solution Hide
st1 is right: Monetary policy may be defined as the use of money supply by the appropriate
authority (i.e. central bank) to achieve certain economic goals. It can be used for preventing
the flow of credit into undesirable sectors of the economy.
st2 is right: RBI qualitative tools of Monetary Policy used by the central bank to regulate the
flows of credit into particular directions of the economy are called qualitative or selective
methods of credit control.
st3 is wrong: Qualitative Tools of Monetary Policy is a set of instruments used by the Reserve
Bank of India (RBI) which discriminates the use and allocation of credit to different sectors of
the economy. RBI was using these tools before the Narasimham Committee report.

Question 38

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 34s Attempt Accuracy: 48%

Which of the following portals are under the purview of the Department of Expenditure?
(निम्नलिखित में से कौन से पोर्टल व्यय विभाग के अन्तर्गत आता हैं)
1. Government e-Marketplace (GeM) portal (गवर्नमेंट ई मार्के टप्लेस (जेम) पोर्टल)
2. Bharatkosh Portal (भारतकोष पोर्टल)
3. Public Financial Management System (PFMS) portal (सार्वजनिक वित्तीय प्रबंधन प्रणाली
(पीएफएमएस) पोर्टल)

Only 2 and 3
Only 1 and 2

Only 1 and 3 None of the given

Solution Hide
The Department of Commerce Govt of India has developed a GeM (Government E-
Marketplace) portal to bring transparency to the old Tender process of procurement by
The Non-Tax Receipt Portal (NTRP) or BHARATKOSH is the initiative of O/o Controller
General of Accounts, M/o Finance, and the Government of India. it comes under the
department of Expenditure.
Public Financial Management System (PFMS) is a Central Plan Scheme monitoring
system, of the department of expenditure, Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India.
so opt2 is right

Question 39

Your Time Taken: 0s Avg Time Taken By Others: 28s Attempt Accuracy: 72%

Interim Budget-2019 had announced to rename Commerce Ministry’s Department of

Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) to _ _ _ ? (अंतरिम बजट-2019 ने वाणिज्य मंत्रालय के
औद्योगिक नीति और संवर्धन विभाग का नाम बदलकर _ _ _ करने की घोषणा की थी)

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Department for Promotion of

Department for Promotion of
Industry and Internal Trade
Industrial growth and Internal Trade

Department for Promotion of

Department for Promotion of
Internal Trade and Industrial
Internal and Industrial Trade

Solution Hide
The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) has been renamed as the
Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade with a mandate to deal with
matters related to start-ups, facilitating ease of doing business among others. so the opt2 is

Question 40

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 32s Attempt Accuracy: 35%

Arrange the following event in the Post-Indepenent India in the correct chronological
sequence? (स्वतंत्रता के बाद के भारत में निम्नलिखित घटनाओं को सही कालानुक्रम में व्यवस्थित करें )
1. Industrial Policy Resolution (औद्योगिक नीति संकल्प)
2. 1st industrial policy of India (भारत की पहली औद्योगिक नीति)
3. New Industrial Policy (नई औद्योगिक नीति)
4. BOP crisis (बीओपी संकट)


1-2-3-4 2-1-3-4

Solution Hide
1. The first industrial policy after independence was announced on 6th April 1948.
2 The first Industrial Policy Resolution, 1948 Clarified that the Indian economy would follow a
Mixed Economic Model.
3. The New Industrial Policy, of 1991 had the main objective of providing facilities to market
forces and increasing efficiency.
4. The BoP crisis in India refers to that one of 1990-91. This crisis had its origin from the fiscal
year 1979-80 onwards.
so the opt2 is right.

Question 41

Your Time Taken: 2s Avg Time Taken By Others: 36s Attempt Accuracy: 51%

Consider the following statements: (निम्नलिखित कथनों पर विचार करें )

A) From 1966 to 1969 Plan Holiday was declared in India. (1966 से 1969 तक भारत में योजना
अवकाश घोषित किया गया था)
R) Morarji Desai’s Rolling Plan model had built-in provisions for declaring plan holiday during
war and national emergency. (मोरारजी देसाई के रोलिंग प्लान मॉडल में युद्ध और राष्ट्रीय आपातकाल के
दौरान योजना अवकाश घोषित करने के लिए प्रावधान थे)

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Both statements are individually

Both are correct and R explains A
correct but R does not explain A

A is correct but R is false

A is false but R is correct

Solution Hide
st1 is right: The period between 1966-69 is referred to as a planned holiday in India as five-
year plans could not be implemented during this period.
st2 is wrong: The Rolling Plan is a plan in which every year the performance of the plan is
assessed and a new plan is made next year based on this assessment

Question 42

Your Time Taken: 2s Avg Time Taken By Others: 40s Attempt Accuracy: 72%

The study of economic growth is concerned with? (आर्थिक विकास के अध्ययन का संबंध है)
1. increase in the real output of goods and services in the country. (देश में वस्तुओं और सेवाओं
के वास्तविक उत्पादन में वृद्धि)
2. increase in real GDP or per capita income (वास्तविक जीडीपी या प्रति व्यक्ति आय में वृद्धि)
3. structural changes that improve the quality of life of the population. (संरचनात्मक परिवर्तन
जो जनसंख्या के जीवन की गुणवत्ता में सुधार करते हैं)

Only 1 and 2
Only 2 and 3

Only 1 None of the given

Solution Hide
st1 is right: Economic growth is one of the most widely cited economic indicators. When the
economy grows, the number of goods and services increases.
st2 is right: It also increases real GDP or per capita incomes. As a result, people can access a
variety of products and services to meet their needs.
st3 is wrong: economic development is concerned with quality of life whereas economic
growth is not concerned with quality of life

Question 43

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 31s Attempt Accuracy: 50%

Which of the following is or are incorrectly paired: (निम्न में से कौन सा / से गलत जोड़े है)
1. Bureau of Indian Standards : Commerce Ministry (भारतीय मानक ब्यूरो: वाणिज्य मंत्रालय)
2. Bureau of Energy Efficiency: Environment Ministry (ऊर्जा दक्षता ब्यूरो: पर्यावरण मंत्रालय)
3. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India: Agriculture Ministry (भारतीय खाद्य सुरक्षा और
मानक प्राधिकरण: कृ षि मंत्रालय)

Only 1 Only 2

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All 3 incorrect
Only 2 and 3

Solution Hide
Bureau of Indian Standards is the National Standards Body of India under the
Department of Consumer Affairs, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public
Distribution, Government of India.
Bureau of Energy Efficiency is an agency of the Government of India, under the Ministry
of Power created in March 2002 under the provisions of the nation's 2001 Energy
Conservation Act.
Food Safety and Standards Authority of India is a statutory body established under the
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India.
so opt4 is correct

Question 44

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 37s Attempt Accuracy: 45%

Rural Development Ministry is responsible for implementing these scheme(s): (ग्रामीण विकास
मंत्रालय इन योजना / योजनाओं के क्रियान्वयन के लिए जिम्मेदार है)
1. Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana (प्रधानमंत्री आदर्श ग्राम योजना)
2. Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (सांसद आदर्श ग्राम योजना)
3. Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (प्रधानमंत्री ग्राम सड़क योजना)
4. Swachh Bharat Gramin (स्वच्छ भारत ग्रामीण)

Only 2 and 3
Only 1 and 4

Only 3 and 4 Only 4

Solution Hide
Rural Development Ministry is responsible for implementing Saansad Adarsh Gram
Yojana and Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana
The centrally sponsored scheme of Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana (PMAGY) is
being implemented since 2009-10 for the integrated development of Scheduled
Castes(SCs) majority villages by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment.
Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) is a good initiative of the government of India towards
the sanitation of the rural areas for which the guidelines are released by the “Ministry of
Drinking Water and Sanitation”.
so opt2 is right.

Question 45

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 33s Attempt Accuracy: 86%

Which of the following industries are covered by both Index of Eight Core Industries and
Perform Achieve and Trade (PAT) Scheme? (निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा / से उद्योग आठ प्रमुख उद्योगों
के सूचकांक और प्रदर्शन उपलब्धि और व्यापार (पैट) योजना दोनों के अंतर्गत आता है)
1. Aluminium (एल्युमिनियम)

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2. Fertilizer (उर्वरक)
3. Steel (स्टील)
4. Cement (सीमेंट)

Only 1 and 2 Only 1

Only 2, 3 and 4
1, 2 and 4

Solution Hide
Index of Eight Core Industries (ICI) refers to a production volume index that measures the
collective and individual production performances of eight selected core industries. These
industries are Natural Gas, Coal, Refinery Products, Crude Oil, Cement, Electricity, Steel, and
Fertilizers. Perform Achieve and Trade (PAT) Scheme thermal power plants (TPP), cement,
aluminum, iron and steel, pulp and paper, fertilizer, Chlor-alkali, petroleum refineries,
petrochemicals, distribution companies, railways, textile and commercial buildings (hotels and
so opt3 is right

Question 46

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 26s Attempt Accuracy: 53%

Disguised unemployment means: (प्रच्छन्न बेरोजगारी का अर्थ है)

Alternative employment is not

Total productivity of the labour is
available (वैकल्पिक रोजगार उपलब्ध नहीं
zero (श्रम की कु ल उत्पादकता नगण्य है)

Marginal productivity of labour is Individual productivity of workers is

zero (श्रम की सीमांत उत्पादकता नगण्य है) low (श्रमिकों की व्यक्तिगत उत्पादकता कम

Solution Hide
A situation in which available work tasks are split among resources (typically labor) such that
they seem fully employed but in reality, much of their time is spent in unproductive activities
is called disguised unemployment. Here the marginal productivity of labor comes to zero. so
opt3 is right.

Question 47

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 38s Attempt Accuracy: 38%

With reference to National Rural Health Mission which of the following are the jobs of ASHA-
a trained community health worker? (राष्ट्रीय ग्रामीण स्वास्थ्य मिशन के सन्दर्भ में निम्नलिखित में से
कौन सा एक प्रशिक्षित सामुदायिक स्वास्थ्य कार्यकर्ता आशा के कार्य में से हैं) (Asked in UPSC-Pre-2012)
1. Accompanying women to the health facility for antenatal care checkup (प्रसवपूर्व देखभाल
हेतु जांच के लिए महिलाओं को स्वास्थ्य सुविधा तक ले जाना)
2. Using pregnancy test kits for early detection of pregnancy (गर्भावस्था का जल्द पता लगाने के
लिए गर्भावस्था परीक्षण किट का उपयोग करना)
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3. Providing information on nutrition and immunization (पोषण और टीकाकरण के बारे में जानकारी
प्रदान करना)
4. Conducting the delivery of baby (बच्चे के जन्म हेतु प्रसव प्रक्रिया को सम्पादित करना)

1, 2 and 3 only
2 and 4 only

1 and 3 only 1, 2, 3 and 4

Solution Hide
The following are the everyday tasks that an ASHA healthcare worker is trained to handle:
Act as a care provider at the community level.
Facilitating access to healthcare, medicine, and sanitation services.
Raising the level of awareness of health issues among the marginalized sections within the
Advocate for female health and hygiene standards
Advocate for a health-conscious behavior and approach to livelihood.
Accompanying women to the health facility for antenatal care checkups
Using pregnancy test kits for early detection of pregnancy
Providing information on nutrition and immunization so opt1 is right

Question 48

Your Time Taken: 2s Avg Time Taken By Others: 22s Attempt Accuracy: 84%

Which of the following is or are the correct pair/s? (निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा / से सही जोड़े है)
1. Child wasting - Low height for age (बाल निर्बलता उम्र के हिसाब से लंबाई कम होना)
2. Child stunting - Low weight for height (बाल नाटापन ऊं चाई के हिसाब से कम वजन)

Only 1 Only 2

Neither 1 nor 2
Both 1 and 2

Solution Hide
Child wasting refers to a child who is too thin for his or her height and is the result of recent
rapid weight loss or the failure to gain weight. Children are defined as stunted if their height-
for-age is more than two standard deviations below the WHO Child Growth Standards
median. Stunting is defined as low height-for-age. so opt4 is right

Question 49

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 26s Attempt Accuracy: 77%

Find correct pair(s) of constitutional amendments in India: (भारत में संवैधानिक संशोधनों के सही
जोड़े खोजें)
1. 101st Amendment 2016: Introduction of Goods and Services Tax in India. (101वां संशोधन
2016 भारत में वस्तु और सेवा कर की शुरुआत)

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2. 102th Amendment 2018: Giving constitutional status to National Commission for
Backward Classes. (102वां संशोधन 2018 राष्ट्रीय पिछड़ा वर्ग आयोग को संवैधानिक दर्जा देना)
3. 103th Amendment 2019: Reservation for economically weaker sections of the society.
(103वां संशोधन 2019 समाज के आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर वर्गों के लिए आरक्षण)

Only 1 Only 1 and 3

1, 2 and 3 all
Only 2 and 3

Solution Hide
pair 1 is correct: GST Constitutional (101st Amendment) Act 2016 contains the provisions
which are necessary for the implementation of the GST Regime.
pair 2 is correct: The 102nd amendment of 2018 deals with the constitutional status of the
National Commission for Backward Classes.
pair 3 is correct: 103th Amendment 2019 deals with Reservations for economically weaker
sections of society.

Question 50

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 37s Attempt Accuracy: 64%

Who among the following has no representative in the GST Council? (निम्नलिखित में से किसका
जीएसटी परिषद में कोई प्रतिनिधि नहीं है)
1. Puducherry (पुडु चेरी)
2. Laddakh (लद्दाख)
3. Jammu and Kashmir (जम्मू और कश्मीर)
4. Lakshadweep (लक्षद्वीप)

only 2 and 4
only 1 and 2

only 1 and 3 only 4

Solution Hide
To formulate the GST regulations, the government has appointed a GST Council that consists
of 33 members (including various states and UT with legislature), headed by the current Union
Finance Minister. Laddakh and Lakshadweep have no representatives in the GST Council
because they are union territories without legislature. so opt2 is right

Question 51

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 38s Attempt Accuracy: 49%

Among the given four States which one will receive highest allocation in the horizontal tax
devolution formula of the 15th finance commission? (दिए गए चार राज्यों में से कौन 15वें वित्त
आयोग के क्षैतिज कर हस्तांतरण सूत्र के आधार पर सबसे अधिक आवंटन प्राप्त करे गा)

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Punjab Uttarakhand

Solution Hide
Among the given states, Assam receives the highest allocation in the horizontal tax
devolution formula of the 15th finance commission. refer to Pillar2B: GST Handout for more
details. Horizontal devolution is done primarily to enable the States to provide basic public
goods and services with equivalent tax effort.
On Horizontal Devolution: The criteria and the weights assigned for horizontal devolution are:
Population – 15% Area – 15% Forest & Ecology – 10% Income Distance – 45% Tax and Fiscal
Efforts – 2.5% Demographic Performace – 12.5%. so opt2 is right

Question 52

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 26s Attempt Accuracy: 50%

Find correct example(s) of statutory corporation: (वैधानिक निगम का सही उदाहरण खोजें)
1. Reserve Bank of India (भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक)
2. Life Insurance Corporation (जीवन बीमा निगम)
3. BSNL (बीएसएनएल)

Only 1 and 2
Only 1 and 3

Only 2 1, 2 and 3

Solution Hide
Statutory corporations are defined as autonomous corporate bodies that are created by a
special act of Parliament or state legislature having predefined functions, duties, and powers.
The Reserve Bank of India, is India's central bank, statutory corporation, and regulatory
body responsible for the regulation of the Indian banking system. Reserve Bank of India
Act, of 1934 is the legislative act under which the Reserve Bank of India was formed.
Life Insurance Corporation of India is an Indian central public sector undertaking and
statutory corporation headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. The Life insurance
Corporation of India was established on September 1, 1956, when the Parliament of
India passed the Life Insurance of India Act that nationalized the insurance industry in
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited is a central public sector undertaking registered under
companies act, headquartered in New Delhi, India. It is under the ownership of the
Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications, Government of India.
so opt1 is the right answer.

Question 53

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 38s Attempt Accuracy: 52%

Which of the following is/are incorrect about the electoral bonds in India? (निम्नलिखित में से
कौन सा / से कथन भारत में चुनावी बांड के बारे में गलत है/हैं)

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1. They can be purchased by any citizen of India or a company incorporated in India. (उन्हें
भारत के किसी भी नागरिक या भारत में निगमित कं पनी द्वारा खरीदा जा सकता है)
2. They can be donated only to a political party who has won minimum 1 seat in the most
recent Lok Sabha or State Assembly election. (उन्हें के वल उसी राजनीतिक दल को दान किया जा
सकता है जिसने हाल के लोकसभा या राज्य विधानसभा चुनाव में न्यूनतम 1 सीट जीती हो)
3. They can be purchased from any public sector bank or post office in India (इन्हें भारत के
किसी भी सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के बैंक या डाकघर से खरीदा जा सकता है)

Only 2 and 3
Only 1 and 2

Only 1 and 3 All of the given

Solution Hide
st1 is right: An electoral bond is like a promissory note that can be bought by any Indian
citizen or company incorporated in India
st2 is wrong: it can be donated only to party who won minimum x% of votes. refer to handout
Pillar1C for more.
st3 is wrong: can be bought only from selected branches of the State Bank of India.

Question 54

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 33s Attempt Accuracy: 43%

Extra Budgetary Resources (EBR) does not include (अतिरिक्त बजटीय संसाधनों में शामिल नहीं है)
1. Extra dividend given by RBI & other organizations to the govt (आरबीआई और अन्य संगठनों
द्वारा सरकार को दिया गया अतिरिक्त लाभांश)
2. Loans taken by public sector undertakings and Government organizations (सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र
के उपक्रमों और सरकारी संगठनों द्वारा लिए गए ऋण)
3. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds used for financing the govt schemes.
(कॉर्पोरे ट सामाजिक उत्तरदायित्व (सीएसआर) फं ड सरकारी योजनाओं के वित्तपोषण के लिए उपयोग किया
जाता है)

Only 1 and 2 Only 2

Only 1 and 3
Only 3

Solution Hide
Extra Budgetary Resources (EBR) include market borrowings such as financing from banks,
institutional financing, and external investments. It also includes loans taken by public sector
undertakings and Government organizations so opt3 is right

Question 55

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 26s Attempt Accuracy: 40%

A) India’s Net International Investment Position (NIIP) is a positive figure. (भारत की शुद्ध
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय निवेश स्थिति (एनआईआईपी) का एक सकारात्मक/घन आंकड़ा है)

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R) India is the largest recipient of remittances in the whole world. (भारत पूरी दुनिया में प्रेषण का
सबसे बड़ा प्राप्तकर्ता है)

Both A and R are true and R is the Both A and R are true but R is not
correct explanation of A the correct explanation of A

A is false but R is true

A is true but R is false

Solution Hide
st1 is wrong: India's Net International Investment Position reached -359.834 USD bn in Mar
2022, compared with -354.210 USD bn in the previous quarter.
st2 is right: India has been the largest recipient of remittances since 2008. According to the
World Bank’s Migration and Development Brief, India has become the world’s largest
recipient of Remittances

Question 56

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 36s Attempt Accuracy: 56%

Consider the following statements: (निम्नलिखित कथनों पर विचार करें )

A) Along with budget presentation the finance minister puts a document showing women
specific expenditures separately. (बजट प्रस्तुति के साथ-साथ वित्त मंत्री महिलाओं के लिए खर्च होने वाले
विशिष्ट व्यय को अलग से दर्शाने वाला एक दस्तावेज प्रस्तुत करते हैं)
R) FRBM Act requires government to present such expenditure document for gender
budgeting. (एफआरबीएम अधिनियम के लिए सरकार को लैंगिक आधारित बजट के लिए ऐसे व्यय दस्तावेज
प्रस्तुत करने की आवश्यकता है)

Both statements are individually

Both are correct and R explains A
correct but R does not explain A

A is correct but R is false

A is false but R is correct

Solution Hide
st1 is right: The Gender Budget statement comprises two parts: A and B. While Part A
highlights the Women Specific Schemes, with 100% allocation for women, Part B includes
schemes where at least 30% of the allocation is for women.
st2 is wrong: FRBM Act doesn't require it.

Question 57

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 18s Attempt Accuracy: 74%

How is MSP calculated by the Commission for Agricultural Costs & Prices (CACP)? (न्यूनतम
समर्थन मूल्य की गणना कृ षि लागत और मूल्य आयोग द्वारा कै से की जाती है)

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(A2+C2-FL)*1.5 None of the Above

Solution Hide
The Minimum Support Price (MSP) is the price fixed by the government of the crops produced
by farmers. 1.5 times MSP Formula = 1.5 times the A2+FL costs . A2+FL: This is the estimated
value of the unpaid labor for harvesting crops such as the contribution of family members
and others. It is in addition to the paid-out cost. so opt2 is right.

Question 58

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 43s Attempt Accuracy: 46%

Which of the following is / are correct statement/s regarding Poshan Abhiyaan? (पोषण
अभियान के संबंध में निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा/से कथन सही है/हैं)
1. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare is the nodal agency for the implementation of
this program. (स्वास्थ्य और परिवार कल्याण मंत्रालय इस कार्यक्रम के कार्यान्वयन के लिए नोडल एजेंसी है)
2. Prime minister of India is the ex-officio chairman of the Poshan Abhiyan National
Council. (भारत के प्रधान मंत्री राष्ट्रीय पोषण अभियान परिषद के पदेन अध्यक्ष है)
3. This program is targeted only for infants and adolescent girls. (यह कार्यक्रम के वल शिशुओं
और किशोरियों के लिए लक्षित है)

Only 1 and 2 Only 2 and 3

None of the given statements

Only 1 and 3

Solution Hide
st1 is wrong: POSHAN Abhiyaan (also known as National Nutrition Mission) is a flagship
program of the Ministry of Women and Child Development
st2 is wrong: The National Council on India’s Nutritional Challenges (NCN), which has been
created under the Poshan Abhiyaan, has the Vice Chairperson of NITI Aayog as its head.
st3 is wrong: Poshan Abhiyaan aims to improve nutrition among children, pregnant women,
and lactating mothers.

Question 59

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 21s Attempt Accuracy: 78%

In 2020 the Government of India has modified the definition of MSME industries by linking it
with _ _ _ parameters. (2020 में भारत सरकार ने MSME उद्योगों की परिभाषा को _ _ _ मापदंडों से
सम्बद्ध कर संशोधित किया है)
1. Investment (निवेश)
2. Annual Turnover (वार्षिक कारोबार)
3. Number of employees (कर्मचारियों की संख्या)

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Only 1 Only 2 and 3

Only 1 and 2
1, 2 and 3

Solution Hide
The new MSME classification has different criteria for the divisions of micro, small, and
medium sectors. The classification based on the MSME's latest definition is presented below:
Micro industries are defined as those that invest up to the amount of 1 crore rupees and
receive turnover of 5 crore rupees annually. These investment and turnover options can
define the scope of the micro industries in India. so opt3 is right.

Question 60

Your Time Taken: 6s Avg Time Taken By Others: 45s Attempt Accuracy: 38%

A decrease in the exchange rate in a pegged exchange rate system which makes the foreign
currency cheaper in terms of the domestic currency is called _ _ _ of the domestic currency.
(आंकी गई विनिमय दर प्रणाली में विनिमय दर में कमी जो घरे लू मुद्रा के संदर्भ में विदेशी मुद्रा को सस्ता
बनाती है यह घरे लू मुद्रा की _ _ _ कहलाती है)

Revaluation (पुनर्मूल्यांकन)
Devaluation (अवमूल्यन)

Appreciation (अभिमूल्यन) Depreciation (मूल्यह्रास)

Solution Hide
A decrease in the exchange rate in a pegged exchange rate system which makes the foreign
currency cheaper in terms of the domestic currency is called the Revaluation of the domestic
currency. In the revaluation, the price of domestic currency increases with respect to foreign
currency. It is commonly practiced in a fixed exchange rate regime in which the exchange
rate is determined by the central bank or the government. so opt2 is right

Question 61

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 32s Attempt Accuracy: 44%

Debt overhang means (कर्ज का बढ़ना मतलब)

A psychological stress suffered by Obtaining new loans to repay the

the borrower (कर्जदार द्वारा झेला गया एक previous loans (पिछले ऋणों को चुकाने के
मनोवैज्ञानिक तनाव) लिए नए ऋण प्राप्त करना)

When all current income gets used

up in repaying the accumulated debt Loans which are unpaid by the wilful
(जब समस्त वर्तमान आय संचित ऋण को defaulters (ऋण जो विलफु ल डिफॉल्टरों
चुकाने में खर्च हो जाती है) द्वारा भुगतान नहीं किए गए हैं)

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Solution Hide
Debt overhang refers to a debt burden so large that an entity cannot take on additional debt
to finance future projects. This includes entities that are profitable enough to be able to
reduce indebtedness over time. it occurs when all current income gets used up in repaying the
accumulated debt. so opt3 is right.

Question 62

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 21s Attempt Accuracy: 56%

National Land Records Modernization Programme is sponsored by _ _ _ _ . (राष्ट्रीय भूमि

अभिलेख आधुनिकीकरण कार्यक्रम _ _ _ _ द्वारा प्रायोजित है)

Ministry of Rural Development (ग्रामीण

Ministry of Agriculture (कृ षि मंत्रालय) विकास मंत्रालय)

Ministry of Electronics and

Information Technology (इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स Ministry of Law (कानून मंत्रालय)
और सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी मंत्रालय)

Solution Hide
The National Land Records Modernization Programme, under a Centrally Sponsored Scheme
through the Union Government Department of Land Resources of the Ministry of Rural
Development for the Computerization of Land Records in Rural Areas, Urban Areas, and the
Digitalization of Field Measurement Sketches. so opt2 is right

Question 63

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 27s Attempt Accuracy: 83%

In context of India the Trait Fees term/concept remains in the news in context of_ _ _ _ (भारत
के संदर्भ में विशिष्टता-शुल्क शब्द /अवधारणा _ _ _ _ के संदर्भ में समाचारों में बनी हुई है)

Genetically modified cotton seeds

New variety of farm machineries
(कपास के संकरित बीज)
(कृ षि मशीनरी की नई किस्म)

Cattle breeds (मवेशियों की नस्लें) Prawn breeds (झींगे की नस्लें)

Solution Hide
In a notification issued on March 24, 2020, the ministry of agriculture abolished the trait fee
on Bollgard II Bt cottonseed payable to the Bayer group following its acquisition of the
American agricultural biotechnology company, Monsanto. A fee of Rs 20 was included in the
maximum retail price of Rs 730 per pack of 450 grams of Bollgard II Bt cottonseed. 40-odd
seed companies have been enriched at the expense of farmers and the multinational which
provides the genetically-modified (GM) insecticidal Bt trait that is toxic to worms that bore
into cotton bolls and damage them. so opt2 is right

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Question 64

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 26s Attempt Accuracy: 52%

Cobweb Phenomena is associated with _ _ _ . (कोबवेब घटना _ _ _ से संबंधित है)

Cattle Milk Yield (मवेशियों की दू ध की

Crop Yield (फसल की उत्पादकता)

Inflation (मुद्रास्फीति) Subsidies in agriculture (कृ षि में


Solution Hide
Cobweb theory is the idea that price fluctuations can lead to fluctuations in supply which
cause a cycle of rising and falling prices. so opt3 is right

Question 65

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 29s Attempt Accuracy: 50%

Consider the following statements: (निम्नलिखित कथनों पर विचार करें )

A) An infrastructure utility's consumption is often non-rival in nature (एक बुनियादी ढांचा उपयोगिता
की खपत अक्सर प्राकृ तिक रूप से गैर प्रतिद्वंद्वितावादी होती है)
R) Infrastructure usually creates positive externality. (बुनियादी ढांचा आमतौर पर सकारात्मक बाह्यता
पैदा करता है)

Both statements are individually

Both are correct and R explains A correct but R does not explain A

A is correct but R is false A is false but R is correct

Solution Hide
st1 is right: A public good is one that is nonrival in consumption (can be consumed by
everyone at the same time) and nonexcludable (no one can be easily excluded from
consuming the good). An infrastructure utility's consumption is often non-rival in nature.
st2 is right: The development of transport and infrastructure is accompanied by positive
externalities, where society receives non-excludable benefits. On the other hand, transport
activities and the use of infrastructure is accompanied by negative externalities in the form of
pollution, traffic jams, depletion of fossil fuels, climate change, etc.

Question 66

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Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 17s Attempt Accuracy: 72%

Government of India has announced the merger of eight railway personnel services into:
(भारत सरकार ने आठ रे लवे सेवाओं के विलय की घोषणा की है)

Indian Railways Managerial Service Indian Railways personnel Service

(भारतीय रे ल प्रबंधकीय सेवा) (भारतीय रे ल कार्मिक सेवा)

Indian Railways Management

Indian Railways Officers Service
Service (भारतीय रे ल प्रबंधन सेवा)
(भारतीय रे लवे अधिकारी सेवा)

Solution Hide
The eight service cadres of Indian Railways (IR) would soon be merged into one newly created
Indian Railways Management Service (IRMS). According to railway sources, the existing Indian
Railway Services of Engineering (IRSE), the Indian Railway Service of Mechanical Engineering
(IRSME), the Indian Railway Service of Electrical Engineering (IRSEE), the Indian Railways
Service of Signal Engineers (IRSSE), the Indian Railway Store Services (IRSS), the Indian
Railway Traffic Services (IRTS), the Indian Railway Account Service (IRAS) and the Indian
Railway Personnel Service (IRPS) would merger into one. so opt3 is right.

Question 67

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 30s Attempt Accuracy: 34%

Udan Viability Gap Funding (VGF) provides financial assistance to airlines to operate flights
in un-served and under-served regional airports. Government fills money in this VGF fund
from (उड़ान वियाबिलिटी गैप फं डिंग (वीजीएफ) एयरलाइनों को गैर सेवारत और कम सेवा वाले क्षेत्रीय
हवाई अड्डों में उड़ानें संचालित करने के लिए वित्तीय सहायता प्रदान करता है। सरकार इस वीजीएफ फं ड में _
_ _ _ से पैसा भरती है)
1. GST collected on sale of air tickets (हवाई टिकटों की बिक्री पर वसूले गए जीएसटी)
2. Excise on ATF fuel (एटीएफ ईंधन पर उत्पाद शुल्क)

Only 1 Only 2

Neither 1 nor 2
Both 1 and 2

Solution Hide
VGF Funding is obtained by charging extra fees on Airlines which are flying on the major
routes such as Mumbai to Delhi. so opt4 is the right answer.

Question 68

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 23s Attempt Accuracy: 56%

What is the primary objective of the AT-1 bonds? (AT-1 बांड का प्राथमिक उद्देश्य क्या है)

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They are issued by the Aviation and These are special type of tax free
transport sector companies (वे विमानन bonds issued by the American
और परिवहन क्षेत्र की कं पनियों द्वारा जारी government for its citizens (ये अमेरिकी
किए जाते हैं) सरकार द्वारा अपने नागरिकों के लिए जारी
किए गए विशेष प्रकार के कर मुक्त बांड हैं)

Their issued by the banks to comply

with the Basel norms (उन्हें बैंकों द्वारा
बेसल मानदंडों का पालन करने के लिए जारी None of the above
किया गया हैं)

Solution Hide
AT-1 bonds are a type of unsecured, perpetual bonds that banks issue to shore up their core
capital base to meet the Basel-III norms. so opt3 is right

Question 69

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 14s Attempt Accuracy: 95%

Which of the following article of the Indian Constitution contains the provisions for GST
council? (भारतीय संविधान के निम्नलिखित में से किस अनुच्छे द में जीएसटी परिषद के प्रावधान हैं)

Article 279-A
Article 280-A

Article 272-A Article 110-B

Solution Hide
According to Article 279A, it is on the part of the president to give the order to constitute the
council of GST within 60 days from the 12th of September 2016 which is already notified by
the Government. so opt1 is right

Question 70

Your Time Taken: 2s Avg Time Taken By Others: 21s Attempt Accuracy: 58%

What is the objective of Operation Green which was launched in the Budget-2018?
(बजट-2018 में शुरू किए गए ऑपरे शन ग्रीन का उद्देश्य क्या है)

Encouraging the bamboo-based

Plantation of trees along the
industries in North East India (उत्तर पूर्व
national highways (राष्ट्रीय राजमार्गों के
भारत में बांस आधारित उद्योगों को प्रोत्साहित
किनारे वृक्षारोपण)

 ddress the price fluctuations in

Encouraging production of
potato tomato and onion etc. (आलू
renewable energy in India (भारत में
टमाटर और प्याज आदि की कीमतों में उतार
चढ़ाव को सुलझाना)

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नवीकरणीय ऊर्जा के उत्पादन को प्रोत्साहित

Solution Hide
Operation Greens’ was initiated by the Government of India in the 2018-2019 union budget
with the aim to stabilize the supply of Tomato, Onion, and Potato -TOP crops in the country.
The Finance Minister of India on the line of Operation Flood or White Revolution had
announced Operation Greens. so opt4 is right

Question 71

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 18s Attempt Accuracy: 63%

Nobel Prize for Economics is officially known as _ _ _. (अर्थशास्त्र का नोबेल पुरस्कार आधिकारिक
तौर पर _ _ _ के रूप में जाना जाता है)

Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic

Alfred Marshall Prize in Economic
Sciences. (आर्थिक विज्ञान में स्वेरिगेस
Sciences. (आर्थिक विज्ञान में अल्फ्रे ड मार्शल
रिक्सबैंक पुरस्कार)

Royal Swedish Academy Prize in

None of the above. (इनमे से कोई भी
Economics. (अर्थशास्त्र में रॉयल स्वीडिश
अकादमी पुरस्कार)

Solution Hide
The official name for the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences is the Sveriges Riksbank.
The esteemed Nobel Prize in Economics is awarded yearly to individuals making exceptional
contributions to the field of economics. The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in
Memory of Alfred Nobel 2022 was awarded jointly to Ben S. Bernanke, Douglas W. Diamond
and Philip H. Dybvig "for research on banks and financial crises". so opt2 is right

Question 72

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 22s Attempt Accuracy: 64%

India is not a founding member of the _ _ _ organization of the World Bank Group: (भारत विश्व
बैंक समूह के _ _ का संस्थापक सदस्य नहीं है)

International Development International Finance Corporation

Association (अंतर्राष्ट्रीय विकास संघ) (अंतर्राष्ट्रीय वित्त निगम)

International Centre for Settlement

Multilateral Investment Guarantee of Investment Disputes (निवेश विवादों
Agency (बहुपक्षीय निवेश गारं टी एजेंसी) के निपटान के लिए अंतर्राष्ट्रीय कें द्र)

Solution Hide
The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) is an international
arbitration institution established in 1966 for legal dispute resolution and conciliation between

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international investors and States. ICSID is part of and funded by the World Bank Group,
headquartered in Washington, D.C., in the United States. Brazil, India, and South Africa are
countries with large economies that have never been ICSID members. so opt4 is right

Question 73

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 18s Attempt Accuracy: 48%

PM- WANI Scheme stands for _ _ _ _ . (पीएम वाणी योजना का मतलब _ _ है)

Prime Minister Weaker section Atma- Prime Minister Waqf Atma-Nirbhar

Nirbhar initiative initiative

Prime Minister WiFi Access Network

Prime Minister Wireless Access
Network Interface

Solution Hide
PM WANI stands for (Prime Minister Wi-Fi Access Network Interface), an initiative launched by
the Indian Prime Minister. PM WANI (Wi-Fi Access Network Interface) is a scheme meant to
increase Wi-fi access throughout the country. so opt3 is right

Question 74

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 18s Attempt Accuracy: 91%

Which of the following phrase correctly defines Stagflation? (निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा वाक्यांश
स्टैगफ्लेशन को सही परिभाषित करता है)

Persistent high inflation high

Too much money chasing too few unemployment & low growth. (लगातार
goods. (बहुत कम माल का बहुत अधिक उच्च मुद्रास्फीति उच्च बेरोजगारी और कम
पैसे द्वारा पीछा किया जाना) विकास)

Persistent low inflation low

Price rise due to increased cost of
unemployment and low growth.
inputs. (आदानों की लागत में वृद्धि के कारण
(लगातार कम मुद्रास्फीति कम बेरोजगारी और
मूल्य वृद्धि)
कम विकास)

Solution Hide
Stagflation is an economic scenario where stagnation coincides with inflation. The stagnation
of the economy is caused by rising unemployment it shows persistent high inflation combined
with high unemployment and stagnant demand in a country's economy. so opt2 is right

Question 75

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Your Time Taken: 2s Avg Time Taken By Others: 38s Attempt Accuracy: 37%

Find correct statement(s) about the curriculum framework proposed in the National
education policy 2020 (राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति २०२० में प्रस्तावित पाठ्यक्रम के बारे में सही कथन खोजें)
1. Class 3 to 5 will be known as Preparatory stage (कक्षा 3 से 5 को प्रारं भिक चरण के रूप में जाना
2. Class 6 to 8 will be known as Primary stage (कक्षा 6 से 8 को प्राथमिक चरण के रूप में जाना
3. Last stage will cover age 14-18 (अंतिम चरण 14-18 वर्ष की आयु को सम्मलित करे गा)

Only 1 and 2 Only 2 and 3

Only 1 and 3
None of the given statements

Solution Hide
st1 is right: The Preparatory Stage under the National Education Policy will cover school
education from classes 3-5 with a focus on experimental learning. It will cover the age group
of 8-11 years.
st2 is wrong: The middle stage of education comprises of classes 6 to 8.
st3 is right: Age 14-18, Grade 9-12: Secondary Stage (Last stage), multidisciplinary study,
greater critical thinking, flexibility and student choice of subjects.

Question 76

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 23s Attempt Accuracy: 68%

National Education policy 2020 has proposed to expand the MOOC system. MOOC stands
for (राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति 2020 में एमओओसी प्रणाली का विस्तार करने का प्रस्ताव है। इस एमओओसी का
तात्पर्य है)

Massive Online Open Course Masses Open Online Course

Massive Open Online Course

Massive Open-source Online Course

Solution Hide
MOOC stands for ‘massive open online course’. The term originated in the US in 2008 to
describe free, easily accessible, completely online courses. so opt3 is right

Question 77

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 27s Attempt Accuracy: 45%

A) Suresh Tendulkar method for poverty estimation is an example of relative poverty (गरीबी
के आकलन के लिए सुरे श तेंदुलकर तरीका सापेक्षिक गरीबी का उदाहरण है)

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R) Suresh Tendulkar method measures poverty using an artificial line expressed as monthly
expenditure of a person. (सुरे श तेंदुलकर पद्धति किसी व्यक्ति के मासिक खर्च के रूप में व्यक्त की गई
कृ त्रिम रे खा का उपयोग करके गरीबी को मापती है)

Both A and R are true and R is the Both A and R are true but R is not
correct explanation of A the correct explanation of A

A is false but R is true

A is true but R is false

Solution Hide
st1 is wrong: According to the United Nations World Summit on Economic Development,
absolute poverty is defined as a state of extreme deprivation of essential human
requirements such as food, safe drinking water, sanitation, health, shelter, education, and
information. Suresh Tendulkar's method for poverty estimation is an example of absolute
st2 is right: In 2011, the Suresh Tendulkar Committee defined the poverty line on the basis of
monthly spending on food, education, health, electricity, and transport. Suresh Tendulkar's
method measures poverty using an artificial line expressed as the monthly expenditure of a

Question 78

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 11s Attempt Accuracy: 94%

This coefficient can help measuring income inequality among people (यह गुणांक लोगों के बीच
आय असमानता को मापने में मदद कर सकता है)


Pareto Friedmann

Solution Hide
The Gini coefficient (Gini index or Gini ratio) is a statistical measure of economic inequality in
a population. so opt2 is right

Question 79

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 23s Attempt Accuracy: 66%

Super spreader event is likely to occur in a pandemic when basic reproduction number is _ _
_ . [जब मूलभूत पून:उत्पादन अंक _ _ होगा तब सुपर स्प्रेडर घटना होने की संभावना बढ़ती है]

Equal to 0 Equal to 1

Greater than 10
Less than 1

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Solution Hide
The researchers defined super-spreaders as individuals who passed the virus to more than six
other people. Super spreader event is likely to occur in a pandemic when basic reproduction
number is Greater than 10. so opt4 is correct

Question 80

Your Time Taken: 2s Avg Time Taken By Others: 14s Attempt Accuracy: 17%

Who among the following has released the Good Governance index for Indian States?
(निम्नलिखित में से किसने भारतीय राज्यों के लिए सुशासन सूचकांक जारी किया है)

2nd Administrative Reform

Commission (द्वितीय प्रशासनिक सुधार NITI Aayog (नीति आयोग)

Ministry of Personnel Public

Grievances & Pensions (कार्मिक लोक
Ministry of Home Affairs (गृह मंत्रालय)
शिकायत एवं पेंशन मंत्रालय)

Solution Hide
On the occasion of Good Governance Day (25th December), the government released the
Good Governance Index 2021. The index was prepared by the Department of Administrative
Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG), Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances, and
Pensions. so opt3 is right

Question 81

Your Time Taken: 2s Avg Time Taken By Others: 20s Attempt Accuracy: 84%

Sustainable Development Goal number 1-2-3 are associated with _ _ _ . (सतत विकास लक्ष्य
संख्या 1-2-3 _ _ _ से जुड़े हैं)

Poverty-Hunger-Health (गरीबी-भूख-
Hunger-Poverty-Education (भूख-

Hunger-Poverty-Gender (भूख-गरीबी- Gender-Poverty-Health (लिंग-गरीबी-

लिंग) स्वास्थ्य)

Solution Hide
In short, SDGs are:
Goal 1: No Poverty: End poverty in all its forms everywhere.
Goal 2: Zero Hunger: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote
sustainable agriculture.
Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at
all ages.

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Goal 4: Quality Education: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote
lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Goal 5: Gender Equality: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
so opt2 is right

Question 82

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 32s Attempt Accuracy: 52%

With reference to the SDF window of RBI, consider the following statement: (एसडीएफ़ खिड़की
के बारे में सही विधान ढूंढिए)
1. The full form of SDF is the Standing Deposit Facility. (इस खिड़की का पुरा नाम स्टैंडिंग डिपॉज़िट
फ़ै सिलिटी है)
2. It allows the client of RBI to deposit surplus money while accepting government
securities as collateral. (रिज़र्व बैंक के ग्राहक अपना अतिरिक्त पैसा यहाँ रखते हैं और बदले में उन्हें
सरकारी प्रतिभूति गिरवी दी जाती है)
3. SDF serves as the Upper Ceiling of the Monetary Policy Corridor. (मौद्रिक नीति गलियारे की
उपरी छत का काम करता है SDF)
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

1 only
1 and 2 only

2 and 3 only 1, 2 and 3

Solution Hide
Statement 1 is correct: The full form of SDF is the Standing Deposit Facility.
Statement 2 is not correct: SDF is designed to absorb surplus liquidity and does not require
banks to provide collateral while parking funds.
Statement 3 is not correct: SDF serves as the Lower Ceiling/Floor Rate of the Monetary Policy
Corridor. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has introduced a Standing Deposit Facility (SDF) as
a measure aimed at normalising the course of monetary policy.

Question 83

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 28s Attempt Accuracy: 62%

Which of the following statements is/are correct about Financial Services Institutions Bureau
(FSIB)? (फ़ाइनेंशियल सर्विसेज़ इंस्टीट्यूशन ब्यूरो के बारे में सही वाक्य ढूँढिए)
1. It aims to replace the Financial Stability and Development Council. (वित्तीय स्थिरता एवं
विकास परिषद को हटाके इसे बनाया गया है)
2. It will conduct recruitment interviews for the Chairperson of Public Sector Banks.
(सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के बैंकों के अध्यक्षों की चयन-साक्षात्कार का काम देखता है)
3. It will conduct recruitment interviews for the Chairperson of Public Sector Insurance
companies. (सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के बीमा कं पनीयो के अध्यक्षों की चयन-साक्षात्कार का काम देखता है)
Select the correct answer using the code given below:

2 and 3 only
2 only

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1 and 3 only 1, 2 and 3

Solution Hide
Statement 1 is not correct: The Union government has transformed the “Banks Board Bureau
(BBB)” into “Financial Services Institutions Bureau (FSIB)”.
Statements 2 and 3 are correct: It will make recommendations for an appointment and
conduct recruitment interviews of full-time directors as well as the non-executive chairperson
of banks and insurance companies.
FSIB would publish guidelines for selecting general managers and directors of general
insurance companies in the public sector. While recruiting new employees for state-owned
financial institutions is the board’s primary duty, it will also help state-run banks build their
business plans and formulate business strategies.

Question 84

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 30s Attempt Accuracy: 65%

Which of the following items is/are subjected to zero percent GST? (इनमें से किन वस्तुओं पर
0% GST लगता है)
1. Maps
2. Cheque books
3. Vaccines
4. Library membership fees
Select the correct answer using the code given below:

4 only
1, 3 and 4 only

2 and 3 only 1, 2, 3 and 4

Solution Hide
Option (b) is correct: Maps and Cheque Books attract 18% GST.
5% GST is imposed on Vaccines.
However, the Library membership fee attracts zero percent GST.

Question 85

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 26s Attempt Accuracy: 81%

Directions: For the Assertion (A) and Reasons (R), choose the correct alternatives from the
Assertion (A): RBI has increased the External Commercial Borrowing Limit under the
automatic route from 750 million dollars to 1.5 billion dollars. (रिज़र्व बैंक ने विदेशी वाणिज्यिक कर्ज़
की मर्यादा को बढ़ाकर 750 मिलियन डॉलर से डेढ़ बिलियन डॉलर किया है।)
Reason (R): RBI wants to prevent the weakening of the dollar (रिज़र्व बैंक डॉलर के कमज़ोर होने से
रोकना चाहती है।)

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Both A and R are true, and R is the Both A and R are true, but R is not
correct explanation of A. the correct explanation of A.

A is true, but R is false.

A is false, but R is true.

Solution Hide
Assertion is true: RBI has increased the External Commercial Borrowing Limit under the
automatic route from 750 million dollars to 1.5 billion dollars.
Reason is false: The move was intended to prevent the weakening of the rupee and not the
weakening of the dollar.

Question 86

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 22s Attempt Accuracy: 85%

What is the primary utility of NEER and REER datasets? (नीर और रिर डेटा की प्राथमिक
उपयोगिता क्या है?)

Analysing external trade

competitiveness via currency
Comparing interest rates in emerging
exchange rate Analysing. (मुद्रा विनिमय
economies. (उभरती हुए अर्थव्यवस्था में
दर के विश्लेषण द्वारा बाह्य व्यापार स्पत्मकता
ब्याज दरों की तुलना करना)
का विश्लेषण)

Check cross-country comparison of

Calculate Current Account Deficit in
the performance of stock markets.
the economy. (किसी एक अर्थ व्यवस्था में
(विभिन्न देशों के शेयर बाज़ारों के प्रदर्शन की
चालू खाते के घाटे की गिनती करना)
तुलना करना)

Solution Hide
Option (b) is correct: NEER (nominal effective exchange rate) and REER (real effective
exchange rate) datasets serve as indicators for assessing currency exchange rate and the
external competitiveness of an economy.

Question 87

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 33s Attempt Accuracy: 11%

Which of the following items are subjected to CRR and SLR requirements of Commercial
Banks in India? (निम्न में से किन चीज़ों पर CRR SLR लगाए जाते हैं)
1. Bank Deposits by Indian Residents (भारतीय निवासियों द्वारा बैंकों में दी गई डिपॉज़िट)
2. Loans given to Businessman (उद्योगपति को दिए गए कर्ज़)
3. Deposits made by Foreign Residents into Indian Banks. (विदेशी निवासियों द्वारा भारतीय बैंकों में
रखी गई डिपॉज़िट)
Select the correct answer using the code given below:

1 only
2 and 3 only

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1 and 3 only 1, 2 and 3

Solution Hide
Statement 1 is correct: CRR and SLR are required to be kept only for deposits to banks.
Statement 2 is not correct: Loans disbursed by commercial banks are not subjected to CRR
and SLR.
Statement 3 is not correct: RBI has recently waived/exempted FCNR (Foreign Currency Non-
Resident) Deposits from CRR and SLR requirements to reduce the weakening of the Indian
Rupee. REFER pillar3A handout for more.

Question 88

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 29s Attempt Accuracy: 58%

In the year 2022, IMF has increased the weightage assigned to which of the following
currencies under the Special Drawing Rights (SDR) calculation formula? (अपनी SDR फ़ॉर्मूला में
IMF ने किन मुद्राओं के भारांक को बढ़ाया है)
1. Yuan
2. Pound
3. Yen
4. Dollar
Select the correct answer using the code given below:

1 and 3 only 2 and 4 only

1 and 4 only
2 and 3 only

Solution Hide
Option (d) is correct: The IMF raised the yuan’s weighting to 12.28% from 10.92% in its first
regular review of the SDR evaluation since the Chinese currency was included in the basket in
2016. The US Dollar’s Weight went up by 1.65 percentage points from the last review in 2015.

Question 89

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 22s Attempt Accuracy: 69%

Which of the following is/are members of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for
Prosperity (IPEF)?
1. India
2. Japan
3. South Korea
4. China
Select the correct answer using the code given below:

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1 and 2 only 2, 3 and 4 only

1, 2 and 3 only
1, 3 and 4 only

Solution Hide
Option (c) is correct: Recently, India agreed to be a part of the Indo-Pacific Economic
Framework for Prosperity (IPEF), a US-led economic grouping comprising 12 countries. The
Prime Minister of India, who was in Japan for the Quad Summit, joined the U.S. President,
Japanese Prime Minister and leaders of ten countries at the launch of the framework in
Tokyo, initiating the path for negotiations among the founding members. These include
Australia, Brunei, India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, the
Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
Together, these countries account for 40 per cent of the global GDP. The economic
framework broadly rests on four pillars: trade, supply chain resilience, clean energy and
decarbonization, and taxes and anti-corruption measures. A joint statement suggests the
framework intends to “advance resilience, sustainability, inclusiveness, economic growth,
fairness, and competitiveness” in these economies.

Question 90

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 28s Attempt Accuracy: 44%

Adam Smith advocates that (एडम स्मिथ वकालत करते हैं)

1. Invisible hand of the free market is instrumental in economic growth. (मुक्त बाजार का
अदृश्य हाथ आर्थिक विकास में सहायक है)
2. Nations should decide their import and export strategy is based on the absolute cost
advantage theory. (राष्ट्रों को अपनी आयात और निर्यात रणनीति तय करनी चाहिए जो पूर्ण लागत लाभ
सिद्धांत पर आधारित हो)
3. When economy is at full employment, the aggregate supply will match the aggregate
demand. (जब अर्थव्यवस्था पूर्ण रोजगार पर होती है तो कु ल आपूर्ति कु ल मांग से मेल खाएगी)

Only 1 and 2
Only 2 and 3

Only 1 and 3 None of the given statements

Solution Hide
Statement 1 is correct: The term "invisible hand" first appeared in Adam Smith's famous
work, 'The Wealth of Nations'. The concept is based on the idea of free market which is said
to benefit the consumers. Invisible hand of the free market is instrumental in economic
growth because there is almost less or no government regulations over what to produce,
when to produce and how to produce. People or the business houses can produce as per the
demand of the market which encourage production and economic growth.
Statement 2 is correct: According to Smith, countries should specialize in the production of
goods for which they have an absolute cost advantage and then trade these goods for those
produced by other countries. Countries should also decide their import and export strategy.
Statement 3 is not correct: As per the British Economist John Maynard Keynes, when
economy is functioning at full employment, aggregate supply will match aggregate demand.
At this Equilibrium, we will have general price level.

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Question 91

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 8s Attempt Accuracy: 92%

Economic growth is usually coupled with? (आर्थिक वृद्धि आमतौर पर सुसंगत होती है) (UPSC-Pre-


Stagflation Hyperinflation

Solution Hide
Option (b) is correct: Economic growth is usually coupled with inflation. Economic growth
results in higher disposable income available with the consumers which increases the overall
demand along with the supply available for the consumers. This increase in demand spurs

Question 92

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 20s Attempt Accuracy: 81%

A rapid increase in the rate of inflation is sometimes attributed to the base effect. What is
base effect? (मुद्रास्फीति की दर में तेजी से वृद्धि के लिए कभी कभी आधार प्रभाव को जिम्मेदार ठहराया
जाता है. आधार प्रभाव क्या है) (Asked in UPSC-Pre-2011)

It is the impact of drastic deficiency It is the impact of the surge in

in supply due to failure of crops. (यह demand due to rapid economic
फसलों की विफलता के कारण आपूर्ति में भारी growth. (यह तीव्र आर्थिक विकास के कारण
कमी का प्रभाव है) मांग में वृद्धि का प्रभाव है)

It is the impact of the price levels of

previous year on the calculation of
inflation rate. (यह मुद्रास्फीति दर की None of the statements (उक्त कथनों में
गणना पर पिछले वर्ष के मूल्य स्तरों का प्रभाव से कोई नहीं)

Solution Hide
Option (c) is correct: The base effect refers to the impact of the rise in the price level (i.e. last
year's inflation) in the previous year over the corresponding rise in price levels in the current
year (i.e., current inflation).

Question 93

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 25s Attempt Accuracy: 48%

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Find incorrect statement(s) about PM-SEHAT Scheme: (पीएम सेहत योजना के बारे में गलत कथन
1. It is meant for all the residents of all the Union Territories of India. (यह भारत के सभी कें द्र
शासित प्रदेशों के सभी निवासियों के लिए है)
2. It provides health insurance cover upto Rs 2 lakh per family. (यह प्रति परिवार 2 लाख रुपये
तक का स्वास्थ्य बीमा कवर प्रदान करता है)
3. It is a component of Ayushman Bharat program. (यह आयुष्मान भारत कार्यक्रम का एक घटक है)

Only 1 and 2
Only 2 and 3

Only 2 Only 3

Solution Hide
st1 is wrong: The main aim behind the PM SEHAT scheme is to extend health insurance
coverage to all residents of Jammu and Kashmir. SEHAT stands for Social, Endeavour for
Health, and Telemedicine. It is a health insurance scheme for the Union Territory.
st2 is wrong: PM SEHAT provides free-of-cost insurance cover to all the residents of the UT of
J&K and It also provides financial cover up to Rs. 5 Lakh per family on a floater basis to all
residents of the UT of J&K and an operational extension of PM-JAY to 15 lakh (approximately)
additional families.
st3 is right: Prime Minister launched the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana
(AB-PMJAY) SEHAT scheme.

Question 94

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 25s Attempt Accuracy: 76%

Correct Statement about India Post Payment bank: (इंडिया पोस्ट पेमेंट बैंक के बारे में सही कथन है
/ हैं )

Its shareholding pattern is:

Government of India (51%) and LIC
it is an example of statutory
(41%) and SBI (8%). (इसका शेयरहोल्डिंग
corporation (यह वैधानिक निगम का एक
पैटर्न है: भारत सरकार (51%) और भारतीय
उदाहरण है )
जीवन बीमा निगम (41%) और भारतीय स्टेट
बैंक (8%))

As a payment bank it cannot give

direct loans on its own deposits to
any client. (भुगतान बैंक के रूप में यह
None of the above
अपनी डिपोजिट में से किसी भी ग्राहक को
सीधा ऋण नहीं दे सकता है)

Solution Hide
st1 wrong: 100% owned by government.
st2 wrong: it's a registered company under companies act. it is not statutory corporation.
st3 right: Payment banks are not allowed to give loans as per RBI licensing norms. When they
give loans- it's a 'agent' of other bank e.g. IPPB giving loans of HDFC as 'agent'. It's not giving
loans from deposits of its own clients. So Option C is right.

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Question 95

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 18s Attempt Accuracy: 73%

FRBM Act requires the Government of India to table following documents in the parliament
namely: (एफआरबीएम अधिनियम के लिए भारत सरकार को संसद की मेज पर निम्नलिखित दस्तावेजों को
रखने की आवश्यकता है जिनके नाम है)
1. Macroeconomic Framework Statement. (मैक्रोइकॉनोमिक फ्रे मवर्क स्टेटमेंट)
2. Gender Budget. ( जेंडर बजट)
3. Medium term Expenditure Framework (मध्यम अवधि का व्यय का खांका)

Only 1 and 2 Only 2 and 3

Only 1 and 3
None of the given

Solution Hide
The FRBM act also provided for certain documents to be tabled in the Parliament of India,
along with Budget, annually with regards to the country’s fiscal policy. This included the
Medium-term Fiscal Policy Statement, Fiscal Policy Strategy Statement, Macro-economic
Framework Statement, and Medium-term Expenditure Framework opt 3 is right.

Question 96

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 26s Attempt Accuracy: 75%

The Crowding out of the private borrowers happens when _ _ _ . (निजी उधारकर्ताओं को बाहर
किया जाता है जब _ _ _ .)

Household are consuming more and RBI decreases the statutory reserve
saving less (घरे लू खपत अधिक और बचत requirements (भारतीय रिज़र्व बैंक वैधानिक
कम हो ) आरक्षित आवश्यकताओं को घटाता है)

Government finances its rising deficit Government imposes restrictions on

through borrowing (सरकार उधार के the Foreign Direct Investments
माध्यम से अपने बढ़ते घाटे को पूरा करती है) (सरकार प्रत्यक्ष विदेशी निवेश पर प्रतिबंध

Solution Hide
One of the most common forms of crowding out takes place when a large government,
increases its borrowing and sets in motion a chain of events that results in the curtailing of
private sector spending. so opt 3 is right.

Question 97

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 19s Attempt Accuracy: 71%

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A person who is an income tax payer is not eligible to enroll in Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi
Maan-Dhan Yojana. This is an example of governments: (एक व्यक्ति जो आयकर दाता है वह प्रधान
मंत्री श्रम योगी मान-धन योजना में नामांकन के लिए पात्र नहीं है। यह सरकार का एक उदाहरण है)

Fiscal Prudence (राजकोषीय विवेक)

Fiscal Welfarism (राजकोषीय लोकहित)

Fiscal Slippage (राजकोषीय भूल ) Fiscal Repression (राजकोषीय दबाव )

Solution Hide
A person who is an income taxpayer is not eligible to enroll in Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi
Maan-Dhan Yojana. This is an example of a government of fiscal prudence. In a bid to avoid
these scenarios and mandate fiscal prudence, the Government of India passed the Fiscal
Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Act in 2003. Its objective was to
institutionalize fiscal prudence and reduce the country’s fiscal deficit in such a manner that it
gradually moves toward balancing the Budget. so opt 2 is right.

Question 98

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 18s Attempt Accuracy: 76%

In a welfare scheme if union government is responsible for bearing a 100% cost of funding
whereas the state government is not required to contribute money. Then such scheme is
labelled as _ _ _ _ in the Indian budgeting process. (एक कल्याणकारी योजना में यदि संघ सरकार
धन की सौ प्रतिशत लागत वहन करने के लिए जिम्मेदार है जबकि राज्य सरकार को धन का योगदान करने
की आवश्यकता नहीं है। फिर इस तरह की योजना को भारतीय बजट प्रक्रिया में _ _ _ _ नाम दिया जाता है)

Central Sector Scheme (कें द्रीय क्षेत्रीय

Centrally Sponsored Scheme (कें द्र
प्रायोजित योजना)

Non-Federal scheme (गैरसंघीय योजना) Centralized Scheme (कें द्रीय योजना)

Solution Hide
Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi: As per the reports, approximately 33 lakh ineligible
beneficiaries received Rs 2,326.88 crore under this scheme. Its objective is to provide income
support to all landholding eligible farmer families It is a Central Sector Scheme with 100%
funding from the Government of India. state government is not required to contribute money.
so opt 2 is right.

Question 99

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 20s Attempt Accuracy: 77%

Which of the following ministry implements HELP Policy?(हेल्प नीति का अमल इनमे से कॉनसा
मंत्रालय करता है?)

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Ministry of Power Ministry of Commerce

Ministry of Petroleum and Natural

Gas Ministry of Finance

Solution Hide
In the line with the vision of reducing hydrocarbon import dependency by 10% by 2022, the
Hydrocarbon Exploration and Licensing Policy (HELP) was launched by Ministry of Petroleum
and Natural Gas with the clear objective of boosting the production of oil & gas in the Indian
sedimentary basin. so opt 3 is right.

Question 100

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 18s Attempt Accuracy: 40%

Which of the following schemes has been merged under the Pradhan Mantri Anusuchit Jaati
Abhyuday Yojana (PM AJAY)? [प्रधानमंत्री अनुसुचित जाति अभ्युदय योजना के तहत निम्नलिखित में से
किस योजना का विलय किया गया है]
1. Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana (PMAGY)
2. Special Central Assistance to Scheduled Caste Sub Plan
3. Babu Jagjivan Ram Chatrawas Yojana
Answer Codes

only 1 and 2 only 2 and 3

all of them.
only 1 and 3

Solution Hide
Answer D: all 3 of them merged.

Question 101

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 26s Attempt Accuracy: 52%

Which of the following schemes are been part of the Pradhan Mantri Virasat Ka
Samvardhan (PM VIKAS) Scheme by Ministry of Minority Affairs? (निम्नलिखित में से कौन सी
योजना अल्पसंख्यक मामलों के मंत्रालय द्वारा प्रधान मंत्री विरासत का संवर्धन (पीएम विकास) योजना का
1. Seekho aur Kamao
3. Hamari Dharohar
4. Maulana Azad Fellowship
5. Haj Subsidy
Select the correct answer using the code given below:

1 and 2 only 2, 3 and 4 only

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1, 2 and 3 only
All of the above (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Solution Hide
Answer: (c) 1, 2 and 3 only
Explanation: The PM VIKAS Scheme is a converged scheme of Ministry of Minority Affairs
(MoMA) which converges five existing schemes of the Ministry which are Seekho aur Kamao
(SAK), USTTAD, Hamari Dharohar, Nai Roshini, Nai Manzil.#4 Maulana Azad fellowship is
discontinued. #5 Haj Subsidy is discontinued.

Question 102

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 26s Attempt Accuracy: 18%

Which of the following categories are eligible for the Pradhan Mantri Young Achievers
Scholarship Award Scheme for Vibrant India (PM-YASASVI)? (पीएम-यशस्वी योजना के लिए
निम्नलिखित में से कौन सी श्रेणियां पात्र हैं?)
1. Other Backward Class (OBC)
2. Economically Backward Class (EBC)
3. Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Tribes
4. De-notified Tribe (DNT)
5. Schedule Tribe
Select the correct answer using the code given below:

1 and 2 only 2, 3 and 4 only

1, 2, 3, 4 only
All five categories

Solution Hide
Answer: (c) 1, 2, 3, 4 only
Explanation: PM-YASASVI scholarship is available for students belonging to Other Backward
Class (OBC), Economically Backward Class (EBC), Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Tribes, and
De-notified Tribe (DNT). Option (5) Schedule Tribe is not mentioned as it is not covered by the

Question 103

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 19s Attempt Accuracy: 59%

Which of the following is the main objective of the PM Daksh Scheme? (निम्नलिखित में से कौन
सा पीएम दक्षिण योजना का मुख्य उद्देश्य है?)

Providing financial assistance to Promoting digital literacy in rural

farmers (किसानों को वित्तीय सहायता प्रदान areas (ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में डिजिटल साक्षरता को
करना) बढ़ावा देना)

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Providing skill training for SC, OBC, Promoting sports and physical
Rag pickers and other (SC, OBC, कू ड़ा fitness among youth (युवाओं में खेल और
उठानेवालों को कौशल प्रशिक्षण प्रदान करना) शारीरिक तंदुरुस्ती को बढ़ावा देना)

Solution Hide
Answer: (c) Providing skill training for membersSC/OBC/EBC/DNT persons, Safai Karamchar,
Waste Pickers.

Question 104

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 18s Attempt Accuracy: 69%

Which of the following is true about the PM-YASASVI scholarship? (निम्नलिखित में से कौन पीएम-
यशस्वी छात्रवृत्ति के बारे में सही है?)

It is only available for students in It is only available for students in

college (यह के वल कॉलेज में छात्रों के लिए class 1-10 (यह के वल कक्षा 1-10 में छात्रों के
उपलब्ध है) लिए उपलब्ध है)

It is available for students in class 9-

It is only available for students in
12 (यह कक्षा 9-12 में छात्रों के लिए उपलब्ध
class 10-12 (यह के वल कक्षा 10-12 में छात्रों
के लिए उपलब्ध है)

Solution Hide
Correct answer: D) It is available for students in class 9-12
Explanation: According to the fact given, the PM-YASASVI scholarship is available for
students in class 9-12. Options A, B, and C are all incorrect as they limit the eligibility to a
specific group of students within the class 9-12 range.

Question 105

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 20s Attempt Accuracy: 50%

Which of the following was the theme of the latest human development report published in
2022? [2022 में प्रकाशित नवीनतम मानव विकास रिपोर्ट का विषय निम्न में से कौन सा था?]

“Uncertain times, unsettled lives

Shaping our future in a transforming
“Dynamic Changes, Stable Lives” world” ["अनिश्चित समय, अस्थिर जीवन एक
["गतिशील परिवर्तन, स्थिर जीवन"] बदलते दुनिया में हमारे भविष्य को आकार दे
रहा है"]

“Shaping the Future in a Rapidly “Sustainable Development in an

Changing World” ["तेजी से बदलती Unstable Environment” ["अस्थिर
दुनिया में भविष्य को आकार देना"] पर्यावरण में सतत विकास"]

Solution Hide

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Correct Answer: (b) “Uncertain times, unsettled lives”

Question 106

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 11s Attempt Accuracy: 77%

Which of the following is credited with being the first to propose the concept of the Human
Development Index (HDI)? [निम्नलिखित में से किसे मानव विकास सूचकांक (एचडीआई) की अवधारणा
को प्रस्तावित करने वाला पहला व्यक्ति होने का श्रेय दिया जाता है?]

Amartya Sen [अमर्त्य सेन] Morris D Morris [मॉरिस डी मॉरिस]

Mahbub ul Haq [महबूब उल हक]

Paul Newmann [पॉल न्यूमैन]

Solution Hide
Correct Answer: (D) Mahbub ul Haq Was the first person .

Question 107

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 22s Attempt Accuracy: 49%

Which of the following statements is/are true about SMILE75 scheme? [SMILE75 योजना के बारे
में निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा/से कथन सत्य है/हैं?]
1. SMILE75 scheme is for rehabilitation of children orphaned in Corona.[SMILE75 योजना
कोरोना में अनाथ बच्चों के पुनर्वास के लिए है।]
2. SMILE75 scheme is run by the Ministry of Social Justice [SMILE75 योजना सामाजिक न्याय
मंत्रालय द्वारा चलाई जाती है]
Answer codes [उत्तर कोड]

only 2 [के वल 2]
only 1 [के वल 1]

both 1 and 2 [1 और 2 दोनों] neither 1 nor 2 [न तो 1 और न ही 2]

Solution Hide
B: only 2nd statement is right.SMILE75 scheme is for rehabilitation of beggars and its run by
Ministry of social Justice.

Question 108

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 16s Attempt Accuracy: 36%

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Which of the following is the focus of Atal Vayo Abhyuday Yojana?[निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा
अटल वयो अभ्युदय योजना का फोकस है?]
1. Financial security of senior citizen [वरिष्ठ नागरिकों की वित्तीय सुरक्षा]
2. Healthcare and nutrition of senior citizen [वरिष्ठ नागरिकों की स्वास्थ्य देखभाल और पोषण]
3. protection of property of senior citizen [वरिष्ठ नागरिकों की संपत्ति की सुरक्षा]
Answer codes [उत्तर कोड]

only 1 and 2 [के वल 1 और 2] only 2 [के वल 2]

All three [तीनों]

only 1 and 3 [के वल 1 और 3]

Solution Hide
all 3 correct. Atal Vayo Abhyuday Yojana [National Action Plan for Senior Citizens]= Social
Justice Ministry’s umbrella scheme for financial security, healthcare and nutrition, shelter and
welfare, protection of life and property, etc

Question 109

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 27s Attempt Accuracy: 36%

How many of the following conditions are recognised as disabilities under Rights of Persons
with Disabilities Act? [विकलांग व्यक्तियों के अधिकार अधिनियम के तहत निम्नलिखित में से कितनी
स्थितियों को विकलांगता के रूप में मान्यता दी गई है?]
1. Parkinson’s disease [पार्किं संस रोग]
2. Thalassemia [थैलेसीमिया]
3. Hepatitis [हेपेटाइटिस]
4. Sickle Cell disease [सिकल सेल रोग]
5. Acid Attack victim [एसिड अटैक पीड़ित]
Answer codes [उत्तर कोड]

Two of these conditions [इनमें से दो Three of these conditions [इनमें से तीन

स्थितियां] स्थितियां]

Four of these conditions [इनमें से चार

Five of these conditions [इनमें से पांच

Solution Hide
four of these conditions. Hepatitis is not recognised as a disability under RPH act. Whereas
Parkinson’s disease, Thalassemia, Sickle Cell disease and Acid Attack victim are eligible. So
the Correct answer is C
Make 3 statement mcq from fact “ “Atal Vayo Abhyuday Yojana is Social Justice Ministry’s
umbrella scheme for financial security, healthcare and nutrition, shelter and welfare,
protection of life and property.”

Question 110

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 26s Attempt Accuracy: 30%

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How many of the following statements is/are correct about Global Gender Gap Report?
[ग्लोबल जेंडर गैप रिपोर्ट के बारे में निम्नलिखित में से कितने कथन सही हैं/हैं?]
1. It is an annual report by the UNDP [यह UNDP की वार्षिक रिपोर्ट है]
2. It measures the gender-based inequalities in the 3 fields of life expectancy, education
and standard of living.[यह जीवन प्रत्याशा, शिक्षा और जीवन स्तर के 3 क्षेत्रों में लिंग आधारित
असमानताओं को मापता है।]
3. Iceland has been the first ranker in the last two annual reports. [पिछली दो वार्षिक रिपोर्ट में
आइसलैंड पहले स्थान पर रहा है।]
Answer codes [उत्तर कोड]

only one of the given statements is

only two of the given statements are
true [दिए गए कथनों में से के वल एक सत्य है]
true [दिए गए कथनों में से के वल दो सत्य हैं]

only three of the given statements None of the given statements are
are true [दिए गए कथनों में से के वल तीन true [दिए गए बयानों में से कोई भी सत्य नहीं
सत्य हैं] है]

Solution Hide
only 1 statement true.
#1 is wrong: it is by World economic forum.
#2 is wrong it measures inequality in the field of economic opportunity, education, health and
#3 is right Iceland is 1st ranker. Has only one out of the given three statements is true.

Question 111

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 14s Attempt Accuracy: 83%

What was the purpose of the Jaya Jaitley Task Force? [जया जेटली टास्क फोर्स का उद्देश्य क्या

To recommend policies for improving

To change the retirement age for
women’s education and livelihood.
EPFO workers.[ईपीएफओ कर्मचारियों के
[महिलाओं की शिक्षा और आजीविका में सुधार
लिए सेवानिवृत्ति की आयु में परिवर्तन करना।]
के लिए नीतियों की सिफारिश करना।]

To recommend an increase in the

To suggest reforms in the surrogacy
marriage age of girls [लड़कियों की
law. [सरोगेसी कानून में सुधार का सुझाव
शादी की उम्र बढ़ाने की सिफारिश करना]

Solution Hide
Correct Answer: C) To recommend an increase in the marriage age of girls

Question 112

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 14s Attempt Accuracy: 41%

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Decadal growth rate of population in percentage was highest in India in the year (भारत में
जनसंख्या की दशकीय वृद्धि दर प्रतिशत में सर्वाधिक किस वर्ष में थी?)

1991 1981


Solution Hide
The Decadal growth rate of population in terms of percentage was highest in India in 1971.
The population growth rate peaked during the decade 1971-81, perhaps in the year 1972-73
(based on the Sample Registration Scheme data).
So the Answer is C

Question 113

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 15s Attempt Accuracy: 73%

Consider the following statements: (निम्नलिखित कथनों पर विचार करें )

A) The year 1921 is called the Great Demographic Divide for India. (वर्ष 1921 को भारत के लिए
महान जनसांख्यिकी विभाजक कहा जाता है)
R) British Indian Government had initiated the census exercise from this year onwards. (भारत
की ब्रिटिश सरकार ने इस वर्ष से जनगणना की कवायद शुरू की थी)

Both statements are individually

Both are correct and R explains A
correct but R does not explain A

A is correct but R is false

A is false but R is correct

Solution Hide
st1 is right: The year 1921 is a “year of the great divide” in the demographic history of India
when mortality started to decline leading to an acceleration in the rate of population growth.
st2 is wrong: The then-British Government initiated the first census activity in India in 1865 for
the 1872 census. Post-Independence, the Census Act, of 1948 was passed for this purpose.
Since A is correct and R is false, so opt 3 is the correct answer.

Question 114

Your Time Taken: 2s Avg Time Taken By Others: 29s Attempt Accuracy: 65%

Which of the following is/are correct statements ? (निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा सही कथन है)
1. Infant mortality rate is defined as number infant of deaths under the age of 1 years per 1
lakh live births. (शिशु मृत्यु दर को प्रति 1 लाख में 1 वर्ष से कम आयु के बच्चों की मृत्यु के रूप में
परिभाषित किया गया है)
2. Child Mortality Rate is defined as number of child deaths in the age group of 6-14 years
per 1000 live births. (बाल मृत्यु दर को प्रति 1000 में 6-14 वर्ष के बीच बाल मृत्यु की संख्या के रूप में
परिभाषित किया गया है)
3. Maternal mortality ratio is defined as the number of mothers who die due to childbirth
related complications per 1 lakh live births. (मातृ मृत्यु अनुपात को उन माताओं की संख्या के रूप

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में परिभाषित किया गया है जो प्रति 1 लाख जीवित जन्मों में प्रसव संबंधी जटिलताओं के कारण मर जाती हैं)

Only 1 and 2 Only 1 and 3

Only 3
All three

Solution Hide
st1 is wrong: The infant mortality rate refers to the probability of dying between birth and
exactly 1 year of age, expressed per 1,000 live births.
st2 is wrong: Child mortality is typically defined as the number of deaths of children under 5
years of age in a given year per one thousand children in this age group.
st3 is right: The maternal mortality ratio (MMR) is defined as the number of maternal deaths
during a given time period per 100,000 live births during the same time period.

Question 115

Your Time Taken: 2s Avg Time Taken By Others: 21s Attempt Accuracy: 59%

According to Malthusian theory, which of the following can be called Positive Checks on
population? (माल्थस के सिद्धांत के अनुसार निम्नलिखित में से किसे जनसंख्या में सकरात्मक जाँच/
रोकथाम कहा जा सकता है)
1. Tsunami (सुनामी)
2. Plague (प्लेग)
3. Celibacy (ब्रह्मचर्य)
4. Famine (सूखा)

Only 1 and 2 Only 2 and 3

1, 2 and 4
Only 3

Solution Hide
According to Malthusian theory, the positive checks on population include famines, tsunamis,
earthquakes, floods, plagues, epidemics, wars, etc. Nature plays up when population growth
goes out of hand. so the opt4 is right

Question 116

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 18s Attempt Accuracy: 82%

PM-JAY SEHAT Yojana provides health insurance coverage to the residents of _ _ _ (प्रधानमंत्री
जय सेहत योजना _ _ _ _ _ के शहरवासियों को स्वास्थ्य बीमा कवरे ज प्रदान करती है)
1. Ladakh (लद्दाख)
2. J&K (जम्मू एवं कश्मीर)
3. Lakshadweep (लक्षद्वीप)
4. North Eastern States (उत्तर पूर्वी राज्य)

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only 1, 3 and 4 only 3 and 4

only 2
only 1 and 4

Solution Hide
Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya
Yojana (AB-PMJAY) SEHAT scheme. The main aim behind the scheme is to extend health
insurance coverage to all residents of Jammu and Kashmir. so the opt3 is right.

Question 117

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 17s Attempt Accuracy: 24%

Ministry of Women and Child Development implements which of the following? (महिला और
बाल विकास मंत्रालय निम्नलिखित में से किसका कार्यान्वयन करता है)
1. Integrated Child Development Services (एकीकृ त बाल विकास सेवाएं )
2. Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (प्रधानमंत्री मातृ वंदना योजना)
3. Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (जननी शिशु सुरक्षा कार्यकम)

Only 1 and 2
Only 2 and 3

Only 3 All of the given

Solution Hide
st1 is right: The Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme was launched on 2
October 1975, by the Ministry of Women and Child Development.
st2 is right: Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY) is a maternity benefit program
being implemented in all districts of the country with effect from 1 st January 2017. It is a
centrally sponsored scheme being executed by the Ministry of Women and Child
st3 is wrong: In Jun 2011, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India
launched the Janani–Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK), a national initiative to make
available better health facilities for women and children.

Question 118

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 14s Attempt Accuracy: 54%

National health policy recommends increasing the public expenditure on healthcare to at

least _ _ % of GDP. [राष्ट्रीय स्वास्थ्य नीति के अनुसार स्वास्थ्य पर सार्वजनिक खर्च बढ़ाकर GDP का कम
से कम _ _% करना है।]

4% 3%


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Solution Hide
National Health Policy (NHP) 2017 targets aim to increase public health expenditure to 2.5%
of GDP (from about 1.3% now), in a progressive manner, by 2025. Presently, 35% of the public
health expenditure is done by the Centre and 65% by the State governments. so opt3 is right.

Question 119

Your Time Taken: 1s Avg Time Taken By Others: 24s Attempt Accuracy: 86%

Govt provides direct money transfer to pregnant and lactating mothers under PM Matru
Vandana Yojana. Who among the following are eligible to avail this benefit? (पीएम मातृ वंदना
योजना के तहत गर्भवती और स्तनपान कराने वाली माताओं को सरकार सीधे धन हस्तांतरण प्रदान करती है
निम्नलिखित में से कौन इस लाभ को प्राप्त करने के योग्य हैं)
1. A woman who is a Government employee. (एक महिला जो सरकारी कर्मचारी है)
2. A woman who is working in a Maharatna Company. (एक महिला जो एक महारत्न कं पनी में काम
कर रही है)
3. A woman whose age is less than 19 years. (एक महिला जिसकी उम्र 19 साल से कम है)

Only 1 and 2 Only 2 and 3

None of the given

Only 3

Solution Hide
The Pradhan Mantri Matritva Vandana Yojana (PMMVY) was launched in 2017 as a flagship
maternity benefits programme of the Government of India. Earlier it was known as the Indira
Gandhi Matritva Sahyog Yojana and is run under the aegis of the Ministry of Women and
Child Development. It provides cash benefits are provided to pregnant women in their bank
account directly to meet enhanced nutritional needs and partially compensate for wage loss.
Statements 1, 2 and 3 are not correct: The PMMVY is targeted at the following beneficiaries:
All Pregnant Women and Lactating Mothers (PW&LM), excluding those who are in
regular employment with the Central Government or the State Governments or PSUs or
those who are in receipt of similar benefits under any law for the time being in force.
All eligible Pregnant Women and Lactating Mothers who have their pregnancy on or
after 1st January 2017 for the first child in the family.

Question 120

Your Time Taken: 4s Avg Time Taken By Others: 21s Attempt Accuracy: 92%

ICDS scheme provides _ _ _ services for the beneficiaries: (आईसीडीएस योजना लाभार्थियों के
लिए _ _ _ सेवाएं प्रदान करती है)
1. Pre-School Education (पूर्व प्राथमिक शिक्षा)
2. Nutrition (पोषण)
3. Immunization (प्रतिरक्षा)
4. Skill development of teenagers (किशोरों का कौशल विकास)

only 1, 2 and 3
only 1 and 4

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only 3 and 4 only 1, 3 and 4

Solution Hide
The ICDS Scheme offers a package of six services, viz.
Supplementary Nutrition
Pre-school non-formal education
Nutrition & health education
Health check-up
Referral services
so opt2 is right

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