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Ethics – moral principles that govern a person’s  People only preserve dignity when they have

behavior or conducting of an activity. freedom of choice

 The individual should act according to
 Branch of knowledge that deals with moral
personal convictions, as long as they do not
harm the freedom of others
Biology – study of living organisms, divided into many
specialized fields that cover their morphology,
physiology, anatomy, behavior, origin, and  Health care workers - Helps practitioners treat
distribution patients with dignity, respect and decisions
made are fair and just.
Bioethics – branch of applied ethics that studies the
 Clients - Increased trust and confidence in the
philosophical, social, and legal issues arising in
healthcare system
medicine and the life sciences
 Health industry - It promotes the
Health Ethics – application of the core principles of consideration of values in the prioritization
Bioethics (autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justification of actions by health
justice) to medical and health care decisions professionals

Professional Ethics – encompasses the personal and PROMULGATION OF THE CODE OF ETHICS FOR
corporate standards of behavior conduct when REGISTERED NURSES
carrying out professional work, coded and varies
Article 1 Preamble
across different cultures.
Section 1
Health is a fundamental right of every individual. The
Bios (life) + ethos (behavior)
Filipino registered nurse, believed in the worth and
Later improved form four fronts dignity of each human being, recognizes the primary
responsibility to preserve health at all cost.
1. Experimentation on human beings
2. New technologies Section 2
3. Ecological ethics
To assume the this responsibility, registered nurse
4. Religion
have to gain knowledge and understanding of man’s
PRINCIPLES OF BIOETHICS cultural, social, spiritual, physiological and ecological
aspects of illness, utilizing the therapeutics process
Non maleficence
Section 3
 Premium non nocere (first of all, do not harm
the patient” The desire for the respect and confidence of clientele,
 Healthcare workers should not harm the colleagues, co-workers, and the members of the
patient community provides the incentives to attain and
maintain the highest possible degree of ethical
 Defends that benefits and resources should
Article 2: Registered Nurses and People
be fairly distributed
 All people should have access to decent Section 4
health care and treated in similar manner
Ethical Principles
1. Values, customs, and spiritual beliefs held by
 One should take positive steps to help others individuals shall be respected
 The healthcare professional should act in a 2. Individual freedom to make rational and
way that benefits the patient. unconstrained decisions shall be respected
3. Personal information acquired in the process
of giving nursing care shall be held in strict
 One should respect the right of individuals to confidence
make reasoned informed choices
Human Act vs Natural Acts of Man
 Nurses is a statement of the ethical values,
responsibilities and professional Human act:
accountabilities of nurses and nursing
 Knowledge of the fact
students that defines and guides ethical
 Freedom
nursing practice within the different roles
 Voluntaries
nurses assume.
 The code is foundational and to be built upon Natural acts of Man
in combination with the laws, regulation and
 Done without knowledge
professional standards of countries that
 Without consent
govern nursing practice.
 Involuntary
-Acts of man can become human acts when he
The ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses has four principal employs intellect and will in performing the act
elements that provide a framework for ethical
-Acts not morally accountable
conduct: nurses and patients or other people
requiring care or services, nurses and practice, nurses - Acts of persons asleep or under hypnosis
and the profession, and nurses and global health. - Reflex actions where the will has no time to
- Acts performed under serious physical
 The charts that follow the description of each violence
element of the Code are intended to assist
Ethics – human acts in light of morality, deals with
nurses to translate the standards into action.
principles of morality and well-defined standards of
 The ethical duties and values of nursing apply
right and wrong
to all forms of nursing services and roles:
clinicians, educators, students, researchers, Ethical – morally or acceptable and is connected with
managers, policy makers and others. beliefs and principles about what is right and wrong
MORAL sensitivity – recognition that an ethical
 To achieve its purpose the Code must be problem exists
understood, internalized and used by nurses
in all aspects of their work. It must be Moral Judgement/ Reasoning – choosing the course
available to students and nurses throughout of action and making judgements about what is right
their study and work lives and wrong

DISSEMINATION Moral Motivation – motivation to follow-through on

the choices made
of the ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses
Moral Character – the character required to execute
 To be effective the ICN Code of Ethics for the plan/ course of action chosen
Nurses must be familiar to nurses. We
encourage its dissemination to schools of
nursing, nurses in their workplace, the nursing  Occurring a person knows the right way for
press and other mass media. The Code should performing something but organizational
also be disseminated to other health limits would make the execution impossible
professions, the general public, consumer and for him
policy, making groups, human rights  In order to assist the patients or clients
organizations and employers of nurses. (individually, family, population groups or
NNAs are encouraged to adopt this Code, community) ethically, they have to develop
translating it into local language(s), or use it as sound ethical judgement, good grasp of
a framework to support their own codes of ethical theories, principles and guidelines and
nursing ethics. codes of ethics.
Key points on moral good: will behave in accordance with the rules dictated by
the society.
 Not only on how the said good affects
himself but also with those around him NURSING ETHICS – Applied discipline that studies the
 Empiric manner ethical dimensions and issues in nursing practice;
 Seek happiness Subset of health care ethics
 Study the soul of man
 Reason and will; rationality
 Contextualized • BON Resolution 220 series of 2004
 Benefits the honorable good
 The source of joy is the good; the root of • Provides guidance for carrying out nursing
pain is evil responsibilities consistent with ethical obligations of
 Bad or evil can be pleasing; but not the profession
necessarily honorable; honorable good • Provides guidance for safe and compassionate care
may be painful • Guarantees the public that nurse adheres to
 Goodness is objective; go after the good standards of professional practice
 It is desirable because it is good

Natural law

 A rule of reason, promulgated by God in

human’s nature whereby man can discern
through the use of his intellect.
 Designed to help God’s creature to find and
realize his purpose and end.
 For Good to be done and pursued, and evil is
to be avoided (Beneficence and Non-

Civil law

 Designed to protect the freedom of the

people (freedom to lead a good life away from
harm or evil).
 Designed by men of goodwill guided by the
use of their reason and intellect.

Cultural norms

 Product of the time and space related

concerns hence, conditions and needs of a
particular culture in the context of the time
and space it is happening shall be considered.
 Constantly changing depending on the
conditions surrounding it.
 Emerged from people of the same culture
aiming for survival and pursuing the good for
themselves at a particular time and space.

Code of ethics

Formal statements of the group’s ideals and values


contract with the society on how their professionals

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