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Candidate's Declaration

I hereby declare that this project work is the result of my own original research and that no pa

rt of it has been presented for another award to the institute of education, University of

Development Studies or elsewhere.

Candidate's name: Oduro Seth



Supervisor's Declaration

I hereby declare that the preparation and presentation of the project work was supervised in a

ccordance with the guidelines on supervision of project work laid down by the University of

Development Studies.

Supervisor's: Name: MR. NYAMADI GODFRED


The study was conducted to find out the causes of pupils difficulties in measuring the

density of irregular object (stone) among pupils of Rhema International Primary School, a

nd to find appropriate methodologies to remedy the situation. The research design used fo

r the study was action research. The target group was B4 pupils. The sample size (30) was

selected from the above named class. It was found at the end of the study that, the success

of using the displacement method as an instructional tool in the study underscores the

importance of integrating interactive and visual teaching resources. . The use of

displacement method in teaching must be given the due consideration when talking the ap

propriate method of teaching the density of irregular object. Finally, the findings of the st

udy were concluded and recommendation were made on the role of the teachers, parents,

Ghana Education Service (GES) and other stakeholders should play in order to improve t

he difficulties of measurement of the density of irregular object(stone) among pupils in ba

sic schools.

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Almighty God for the vision, strength
and enablement for this task to be accomplished. My next sincere thanks also go to the fol

lowing individual or group of people who in diverse ways helped me in the preparation of

this script. Foremost, my sincere gratitude goes to Mr. Nyamadi Godfred who is my super

visor and through his countless support helped me to come out with this piece of work. A

gain I am grateful to my mentor madam. Sumaya and all the staff and pupils of Rhema

International Primary School. I should not forget to express my gratitude to my mother M

ad. Kate Manu and my brothers and sisters for their financial support. My final thanks go

es to my co-mentees especially Opoku Agyemang Francis, Nana Yaa Pokua, Opoku

Mensah Jerry Johnson and Ofori Pamela for their support.

I wholly dedicate this piece of work to my mother Mrs. Kate Manu and the family of Mr.

Samuel Asamoah.

DECLARATION.................................. ii

ABSTRACT......................................... iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................ iv

DEDICATION...................................... v

List of tables ................................................ viii

List of Figures ..................................................................................................................... viii

CHAPTER ONE .....................................................................................................................1 INTRODUC

TION.................................................................................................................. 11 1.0 Overview

1.1 Background of the Study ...................................................................................................1

1.2 Description of the study area .............................................................................................5

1.3 Statement of the Problem ..................................................................................................6

1.4 Objective of the Study ........................................................................................................7

1.5 Research Questions ..........................................................................................................7

1.6 Significance of the Study ...................................................................................................8

1.7 Delimitation of the Study....................................................................................................9

1.8 Limitations ..........................................................................................................................9

CHAPTER TWO ...................................................................................................................11

LITERATURE REVIEW..........................................................................................................11

2.0 Overview ..........................................................................................................................11

2.1 Review of Related Literature ...........................................................................................11

2.1.1 Theoretical Review …………………………………………………………………..13

2.1.2. Conceptual Review .....................................................................................................16

Conceptual Background ................................................................................................16

Teaching Methodologies................................................................................................18

Benefits of the Displacement Method....................................................................................18

Limitation of the Displacement Method.................................................................................19

Assessment and Learning Outcomes..............................................................19

Studies have explored the limitation or potential drawbacks of using the displacement method to
measure the volume of irregular objects. ………....................................................................20

2.3 Empirical Review..............................................................................................................21

Empirical Literature Review on Displacement Method In Teaching Measurement of Volume of

Irregular Object …………………………………………………………………………………….21

Evidence-base Support…………………………………………………………………………….23

CHAPTER THREE.................................................................................................................24

METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................................24

3.0 Overview...........................................................................................................................25

3.1 Research Design ...........................................................................................................26

3.2 Population Of The Study .....................................................................................26

3.3 Sample Size and Sampling Technique ..........................................................................26

3.4. Data Collection Instruments ............................................................................................26

3.4.1 Observation ...................................................................................................................27

3.4.2 Test: ..............................................................................................................................27

3.5. Intervention .............................................................................28

3.6 Post Intervention..............................................................................................................35

3.7 Comparative analysis .......................................................................................................37

CHAPTER FOUR ..................................................................................................................39


AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...................……..,,,,,..............................39

4.0 Overviews ........................................................................................................................40

4.1 Findings ...........................................................................................................................40

4.2 Conclusion........................................................................................................................42

4.3Recommendations......……....................................................................................44 REFERENCE


1.0 Overview

In this chapter of the project, the researcher would present the background of the stud

y, give description of the study area, discuss statement of the problem as well as the purpose

of the project. Research questions would be formed to guide the researcher to investigate the

problems identified,. The significance of the project, its limitations, and delimitations will

also be discussed

1.1Background Of The Study

The importance of science and technology cannot be downplayed. Science and

technology are now the foundations of the educational system of every country. Numerous

studies by Riess, (200); Odzen, (2007) and Bajah, (2003) posited that for every country to

cope with the global world; there is the need to pay much attention to science and technology.

Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural

and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence (National Research

Council, 1996). Science has brought important contributions to health by providing treatment

for chronic diseases; whiles technology has profited us in acquiring treatments through the

use of various devices such as X-rays, electronic scans, surgical devices, and much more.

Studies by Riess, (200) and Twumasi, (2014) pointed out that for any country to

develop and compete with the world’s superpowers; it is crucial for that country to prepare its

citizens with the needed scientific understanding. To attain this laudable aim, several subjects
or courses such as Science, Mathematics, English, and others have been developed for

Ghanaian Basic schools (primary and JHS) students to study in schools.

Of all the subjects offered in Ghanaian Basic schools, studies by Karikari-Ababio,

(2003); Akyeampong, (2007); Mitchell Group, (2009) have implied that science subjects

have been and continue to be problematic for students resulting in dwindling performance in

science among students.

Nwagbo, (2001) affirmed that the declined performance in science by students is a

result of inconvenient and uninspiring methods used by science teachers in demonstrating

scientific concepts to the students.

The study of measuring the volume of irregular objects has been part of the Basic

school syllabus for some years now; yet it is one of the topics that most students find difficult

to understand due to its abstract nature and the theoretical method used to teach this concept

(King, 1993; Brain, 2017). According to Hughes (2005), understanding this concept is very

necessary as it appears in biology, physics, and chemistry aspects of sciences and is also

applied in our daily life activities such as buying and selling; hence steps should be taken to

assist young students at the Basic schools to this essential concept.

Studies by Hughes, (2005); Brandy, (2015); Brain, (2017) indicated that several

methods could be used to teach this concept but “the displacement method” stands out with

all conditions required to measure the volume of irregular objects. Since “the displacement

method” is worldly accepted and can be used to improve students’ understanding in

measuring the volume of irregular objects; it is, therefore, necessary to assist rhema

international primary basic four (4) Pupils to improve their performance and interest in the

concept measuring the volume of an irregular object.

1.1.1 How the problem was identified

The problem was found during one of the researcher's Natural Sciences lessons where

after the lesson had been delivered, some of the pupils found it very difficult to answer some

of the exercises given to them. The researcher initially taught the topics using only chalkboar

d illustrations and textbooks. After scoring the pupil's exercises the researcher noticed that so

me of the pupils did not understand the whole concept as most of them were scoring less than

half of the total marks. Based on the results, the perceived diagnosis of the problem is that the

students at Rhema International Primary basic four (4) have a perceived difficulty in

understanding and applying the concept of measuring the volume of irregular objects. This

perception is derived from the statement that this topic is one of the topics that most students

find difficult to understand due to its abstract nature and the theoretical method used to teach

this concept. Additionally, the exercise results indicate that the students' performance in this

area is not satisfactory. Therefore, there is a perceived need to address the students'

difficulties and improve their understanding and performance in measuring the volume of

irregular objects.

1.1.2 Pre-Intervention

To determine each student’s performance before the start of the intervention, a pre-test

was conducted in the class. The test was done under strict but relaxed supervision. After the

pre-test was collected, marked, and scored. It was noticed that the students’ performance on

the test were not encouraging. The table below shows the outcome of the Pre-test.
Table 1 Pre-test scores

Mark Number of Pupils Percentage (%)

0 3 10

1 6 20

2 16 53.3

3 2 6.7

4 1 3.3

5 1 3.3

6 1 3.3

7 0 0

8 0 0

9 0 0

10 0 0

Total 30 100

1.1.3 Diagnoses Of The Problem

The data shows the scores achieved by a group of 30 students. The majority of student

s, 53.3%, received a score of 2, making it the most common score in the group. A significant

portion, 20%, received a score of 1, while smaller percentages of students received scores of

0, 3, 4, 5, and 6, each accounting for 10%, 6.7%, 3.3%, 3.3%, and 3.3% of the group, respecti

vely. No students achieved scores higher than 6. Given that the pass mark was five(5) and it

was only two(2) pupils who were able to pass. One of the pupil scored 5 marks representing

(3.3%) and another one also scored 6 mark (3.3%) representing (6.6%) passed of the pre-test.
1.2 Description of study area

Nayirifo is a farming and marketing community located in the East of Yendi

Municipal in the Northern Region of Ghana. The community is composed of farmers who far

m maize, millet ,soya beans, groundnut and yam . Majority of the pupils come from this area

and the rest are from the nearby communities. Members of the community are both Muslims

and Christians. About eighty-five percent of them are Muslims and they go to Mosque every


The main occupation of the people living in the area is farming. The majority of the p

upils have to get to the market early morning before coming to school. Parents occasionally a

sk their wards to go to the farm and others to market after school hours and this prevents thos

e pupils from practicing what is learned at school.

Rhema International Primary is a mixed school and a mission sponsored school. The

school has a population of seven hundred and twenty-two (722) pupils. The teaching staff

strength by the time of the study is 21 comprising twelve (12) permanent staff members and

nine (9) teacher trainees.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

In a science lesson at rhema international primary basic four (4), it was observed that

students have problems measuring the volume of irregular objects. It was realized that most

of them could not take correct readings from the meniscus level and could not measure the

actual volumes of given solid irregular objects correctly. These difficulties were due to the

theoretical methods used by the class teachers in teaching this concept to the students. The

theoretical methods used by the teachers have made it extremely complicated for the students

to grasp the needed knowledge and mastery in measuring the volume of irregular objects

This action had affected negatively the student’s academic performance as well as

their inquisitiveness in science. If the problem of poor performance of students in science is

left untreated, then the country Ghana may forfeit great scientists like Archimedes, Einstein,


Studies by king,(1993); Brack, Dann, Wijayanth, Adock and Foster, (2016); Brain,

(2017) have shown that the displacement method of fluid could be used to enhance school

students’ performance in measuring the volume of irregular objects.

It is in light of this that this study was conducted to improve the performance of

rhema international primary basic four (4) Pupils in measuring the volume of irregular


The objective is to provide a step-by-step procedure for the pupils to follow in order

to calculate the density of the stone accurately. The problem requires understanding the

concept of density, measuring the mass of the stone, determining the volume of the stone

through water displacement, and calculating the density using the obtained measurements.

The pupils should also be guided on recording and interpreting the density value obtained.

The goal is to help the pupils gain a practical understanding of density and develop their

scientific measurement and calculation skills through this experiment.

1.4 Objective of the Study

The study sought to improve the performance of Rhema International Primary basic

four (4) pupils in measuring the volume of irregular objects using “the displacement method”

as an interventional strategy.

Specifically, the study intends:

1. To find out the causes of students’ difficulties in measuring the volume of irregular


2. To identify skills required in taking readings on graduated measuring cylinders

when measuring the volume of irregular objects.

3. To assess the impact of the displacement method on students’ performance in

measuring the volume of irregular objects.

1.5 Research Questions

The study was guided by the following three (3) research questions.

1. What are the causes of Rhema International Primary basic four (4) Pupils’

difficulties in measuring the volume of irregular objects?

2. What are the skills needed in taking readings on the graduated measuring cylinder

when measuring the volume of irregular objects?

3. To what extent would the use of the displacement method help enhance students’

performance in measuring the volume of irregular objects?

1.6 Significance of the Study

For successful work to be done, there should be some kind of importance attached to i

t to benefit individuals, the community, and the nation at large.

The main purposes of this project are to improve the researcher's method of teaching.

Enhance teaching aids and assist pupils to apprehend the concept of measuring an irregular o

bject(stone). This will enable the researcher to evade teaching abstractly.

It also enables the learners to develop aptitude in the subject and provide them with th
e essential skills to exploit or work with local objects to gain insight into science and technolo


Teachers and Educators: The study provides teachers and educators with a practical

and engaging teaching resource for introducing the concept of density to primary school

students. It offers them a structured approach to teaching scientific principles and encourages

active learning through hands-on experiments. The study can serve as a valuable resource for

lesson planning and curriculum development.

Curriculum Development: The findings of the study can contribute to the

development or improvement of science curricula at the primary school level. By

incorporating the displacement method and practical activities related to density

measurement, curriculum designers can enhance the overall quality and effectiveness of

science education. The study's outcomes can inform curriculum standards and guidelines.

Educational Researchers: The study may be of interest to educational researchers who

focus on science education and pedagogy. It provides insights into the effectiveness of using

the displacement method to teach density and explores its impact on student learning

outcomes. The findings can inform further research on instructional strategies, curriculum

design, and the integration of practical activities in science education.

1.7 Delimitation

As organized in the Out program for degree teacher trainees, the researcher is restricte

d to studying a problem identified in his school and the class in which he or she practices. Ho

wever, it is important to note that the project embarked on by the researcher in his class, Basi

c four (4), and the school of practice, Rhema international primary school, although specific t

o that context, holds relevance beyond its immediate scope. While addressing a particular issu
e within the researcher's school, it is worth acknowledging that similar problems may exist in

other basic schools, making the findings and outcomes of the study potentially applicable and

beneficial to a wider educational context.

1.8 Limitations

During the process of conducting this research, the researcher encountered a lot of pro

blems, which serve as impediments. Here are some of such barriers:

1. Getting reference materials was an arduous task for the researcher, primarily due to

the limited availability of resources within the local area. This constraint hindered the

researcher's access to comprehensive and diverse reference materials necessary for

conducting a thorough study.

2. The researcher faced a challenge when some pupils neglected to attend science

classes, resulting in the loss of vital data that would have significantly contributed to

the project. This issue arose from the students' perception that science is not essential

or relevant, leading to a lack of interest and participation in the subject matter.

3. During the practical-oriented lessons, maintaining complete silence when necessary

proved challenging for the pupils, particularly when they were grouped together. This

lack of silence in certain instances may have impacted the overall delivery and

effectiveness of the lessons, potentially affecting the accuracy and reliability of the

gathered data.

Despite encountering these constraints and challenges, it is crucial to emphasize that t

he validity of the study remains uncompromised. The researcher acknowledges and addresses

these limitations in the study, highlighting the impact they may have had on certain aspects of

data collection and analysis. Through careful consideration and appropriate adjustments, the r
esearcher ensures the study's validity is not undermined, taking steps to mitigate the potential

biases or limitations introduced by the mentioned constraints.


2.0 Overview

This chapter provided a review of related literature that supports the study. The literat

ure will be reviewed under the sub-headings; theoretical work, conceptual work and empirica

l review related to the study. It encompasses the previous studies on the topic, the gap, and

the definition of some keywords in the study

2.1 Review of Related Literature

The displacement method is a commonly used technique for measuring the volume of

an irregular object. This method involves submerging the object in a fluid and measuring the

volume of the displaced fluid, which is equal to the volume of the object. Several studies hav

e investigated the effectiveness of using the displacement method to teach the concept of mea

suring the volume of an irregular object.

Linn and Songer (1991) found that middle school students who were taught using the

displacement method had a better understanding of the concept of volume than those who we

re taught using traditional methods. Similarly, Adani et al. (2014) found that high school stud

ents who were taught using the displacement method had a better understanding of the conce

pt of volume than those who were taught using traditional methods.

Furthermore, Richardson et al. (2013) found that students who were taught using the d

isplacement method were more engaged and interested in science than those who were taught

using traditional methods. These studies suggest that the displacement method is an effective

and engaging way to teach students about measuring the volume of irregular objects. Howeve

r, further research is needed to determine the most effective ways to implement this method in

the classroom and to investigate its effectiveness in other educational settings.

Studies by Linn and Songer (1991), Adani et al. (2014), and Richardson et al. (2013)

demonstrate that the displacement method is an effective teaching technique that can improve

students' understanding of the concept of volume and increase their engagement in science. H

owever, further research is needed to determine the most effective ways to implement this me

thod in the classroom and to investigate its effectiveness in other educational settings.

In conclusion, the displacement method is a widely used technique for measuring the

volume of irregular objects. The technique involves immersing the object in a fluid and meas

uring the volume of the displaced fluid. The literature suggests that the displacement method i

s an effective and engaging way to teach students about measuring the volume of irregular ob

jects, particularly in middle and high school science classes.

Definition of Terms:

Volume: Volume refers to the amount of space occupied by an object. It is often meas

ured in cubic units such as cubic meters, cubic centimeters, or cubic feet.

Displacement: Displacement is the change in position of an object from its original p

osition to its final position. In the context of measuring the volume of an irregular object, disp

lacement refers to the amount of water that is displaced when the object is placed in a contain

er filled with water.

Archimedes’ principle: Archimedes’ principle states that the buoyant force acting on

an object submerged in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.

2.1.1 Theoretical Review

A theoretical review is a type of literature review that aims to provide a critical

analysis and synthesis of existing literature on a specific topic or research question (Bem,

1995; Fink, 2013). It involves examining and evaluating theories and concepts findings from

a variety of sources, such as academic journals, books, and other scholarly publications

(Cooper, 1984).

In this theoretical review, the researcher synthesizes information from the literature

into a coherent narrative that provides insight into the current state of knowledge on the topic.

The review may also involve identifying key themes and debates in the literature, and

critically evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of existing theories (Webster & Watson,



Constructivism is a learning theory that posits that individuals actively construct kno

wledge and meaning through their experiences and interactions with the environment. In the c

ontext of teaching measurement, constructivism emphasizes the importance of hands-on, inqu

iry-based learning experiences. By engaging students in practical activities, such as water dis

placement experiments with irregular objects, constructivist approaches allow learners to acti

vely explore and make sense of volume concepts. Students construct their understanding of v

olume by manipulating objects, recording measurements, and reflecting on their observations,

leading to a deeper conceptual understanding(Piaget, 1973).

Cognitive Load Theory

Cognitive Load Theory focuses on how the cognitive resources of learners are allocat

ed during the learning process. According to this theory, there are three types of cognitive loa

d: intrinsic, extraneous, and germane. In the context of teaching volume measurement, the dis

placement method can help manage cognitive load by reducing extraneous cognitive load. By
providing a concrete and tangible method for measuring volume, the displacement method si

mplifies the task and minimizes cognitive load associated with complex calculations or estim

ations. This allows students to focus their cognitive resources on understanding the underlyin

g concepts of volume and the relationship between object shape and displacement(Sweller,


Situated Learning Theory

Situated Learning Theory emphasizes the importance of learning within authentic and

meaningful contexts. In the context of volume measurement, the displacement method offers

a situated learning experience. By engaging students in real-world applications, such as deter

mining the volume of irregular objects, the displacement method connects abstract volume co

ncepts to practical situations. This theory suggests that learning is enhanced when students ca

n see the relevance and applicability of the knowledge and skills they acquire. By using the di

splacement method, educators can provide a situated learning environment that bridges the ga

p between abstract mathematical concepts and real-world scenarios(Lave, & Wenger, 1991)

Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)

The Zone of Proximal Development, proposed by Lev Vygotsky, emphasizes the impo

rtance of scaffolding and support in learning. According to this theory, students can achieve h

igher levels of understanding and skill development when they receive guidance and assistanc

e from a more knowledgeable other. In the context of teaching volume measurement, educato

rs can apply the concept of ZPD by providing appropriate support to students as they engage i

n the displacement method. This support can involve guiding questions, demonstrations, or p

eer collaboration, which help students bridge the gap between their current understanding and

the desired learning outcomes (Vygotsky, 1978) .

Multiple Intelligences Theory

The Multiple Intelligences Theory, proposed by Howard Gardner, suggests that indivi

duals possess different types of intelligence that influence their learning preferences and stren

gths. When teaching volume measurement with the displacement method, educators can consi

der the diverse intelligences of their students and design instructional activities that cater to di

fferent modalities. For example, students with a strong spatial intelligence may benefit from v

isual representations or hands-on manipulations of objects, while those with a logical-mathem

atical intelligence may excel in analyzing and calculating measurements. By incorporating m

ultiple intelligences, educators can create a more inclusive and engaging learning environmen

t (Gardner, 1983).

Self-Efficacy Theory

Self-Efficacy Theory, proposed by Albert Bandura, highlights the importance of indivi

duals' beliefs in their own capabilities to successfully accomplish tasks and achieve desired o

utcomes. When teaching volume measurement using the displacement method, educators can

foster students' self-efficacy by providing opportunities for success, offering constructive feed

back, and setting achievable goals. By experiencing success in their measurement tasks and d

eveloping confidence in their abilities, students are more likely to engage actively, persist in t

heir learning, and apply the acquired knowledge to solve real-world problems (Bandura,


These theories provide a theoretical framework for understanding the effectiveness of

the displacement method in teaching the measurement of volume for irregular objects. By con

sidering these theories, educators can design instructional strategies that promote active learni

ng, manage cognitive load, and foster meaningful learning experiences for students.
2.1.2 Conceptual Review:

The measurement of volume is a fundamental concept in mathematics and science edu

cation. Traditionally, students are taught to measure the volume of regular objects using form

ulas such as the volume of a cylinder or a rectangular prism. However, when it comes to irreg

ular objects, these formulas become inadequate. The displacement method, also known as the

water displacement method, offers an alternative approach to measuring the volume of irregul

ar objects. This literature review aims to explore the conceptual underpinnings of the displace

ment method and its effectiveness in teaching the measurement of the volume of irregular obj


Conceptual Background

The concept of displacement refers to the change in position or location of an object o

r substance. It is a fundamental concept in physics and finds applications in various contexts,

including motion, fluid mechanics, and volume measurement.

In the context of motion, displacement is defined as the change in an object's position

relative to a reference point or initial position (Halliday, Resnick, & Walker, 2014). It is a vec

tor quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction. Displacement can be calculated by

subtracting the initial position from the final position of an object (Serway & Jewett, 2018). F

or example, if an object initially located at position x1 moves to position x2, the displacement

Δx is given by Δx = x2 - x1. The direction of displacement is typically indicated by positive o

r negative signs, representing movement in the positive or negative direction along a coordina

te axis (Serway & Jewett, 2018).

In fluid mechanics, displacement is closely related to Archimedes' principle. Accordin

g to this principle, an object submerged in a fluid displaces a volume of fluid equal to its own
volume (Young, Freedman, & Ford, 2016). This displacement of fluid can be measured and u

sed to determine the volume of the object. The displacement method, based on Archimedes' p

rinciple, is commonly employed to measure the volume of irregular objects by immersing the

m in a fluid and measuring the change in fluid level (Young et al., 2016).

The displacement method relies on Archimedes' principle, which states that the volum

e of an object can be determined by the amount of water it displaces when submerged in a flu

id. By immersing an irregular object in water and measuring the change in water level, studen

ts can calculate its volume. This concept helps students understand that the volume of an obje

ct is equivalent to the volume of liquid it displaces, irrespective of its shape or dimensions.

Bennett (2015) highlights the conceptual advantages of the displacement method. He

argues that it provides students with a tangible and concrete experience of volume measureme

nt, promoting a deeper understanding of the concept. By engaging in hands-on activities, stud

ents develop a conceptual framework that allows them to generalize their understanding beyo

nd the specific context of irregular objects.

Teaching Methodologies

Several studies have explored different teaching methodologies to effectively introduc

e and reinforce the displacement method. Smith et al. (2018) emphasize the importance of sca

ffolding students' learning by starting with simple, regular objects before progressing to irreg

ular ones. This gradual approach allows students to build a solid foundation in volume measu

rement and transfer their knowledge to more complex scenarios.

To enhance students' understanding, Luo and Li (2019) suggest incorporating visual re

presentations, such as diagrams and animations, to depict the water displacement process. Vis

ual aids help students visualize the relationship between the object, water, and resulting volu
me, facilitating comprehension and retention of the concept.

Furthermore, technology integration has shown promise in teaching the displacement

method. Liu et al. (2020) developed a virtual simulation platform that enables students to man

ipulate and observe the water displacement process in a virtual environment. This interactive

tool enhances engagement, provides immediate feedback, and allows for repeated practice, fo

stering deeper conceptual understanding.

Benefits of the Displacement Method:

Conceptual Understanding: The displacement method provides a tangible representati

on of volume, enabling students to visualize and grasp the concept more effectively.

Concrete Experience: By performing hands-on measurements, students actively engag

e with the subject matter, enhancing their experiential learning.

Problem-Solving Skills: The displacement method encourages critical thinking as stud

ents encounter real-world irregular objects and apply mathematical reasoning to determine th

eir volume.

Integration of Multiple Subjects: The method promotes interdisciplinary learning, as s

tudents incorporate scientific concepts (e.g., buoyancy) and mathematical skills (e.g., measur

ement and calculation) into a single activity.

Limitations of the Displacement Method:

Equipment Availability: Implementing the displacement method may require specific

tools, such as graduated cylinders or water tanks, which might not be readily accessible in all

basic schools.
Accuracy and Precision: Measurement errors can occur during the displacement proce

ss, potentially impacting the reliability of results. Teachers must emphasize the importance of

careful measurements to minimize inaccuracies.

Assessment and Learning Outcomes

Effective assessment strategies are crucial to evaluating students' understanding of the

displacement method. Harris and Thompson (2017) propose performance-based assessments,

where students are required to measure the volume of various irregular objects using the displ

acement method. By applying their knowledge in real-world scenarios, students demonstrate t

heir conceptual understanding and problem-solving skills.

Research indicates that teaching the displacement method improves students' concept

ual understanding of volume measurement. Li and Wong (2021) conducted a pre- and post-te

st study, revealing significant improvements in students' scores after engaging in a series of di

splacement method activities. Students exhibited a more comprehensive understanding of vol

ume, showing the potential of this method to enhance learning outcomes.

Studies have explored the limitations or potential drawbacks of using the displac

ement method to measure the volume of irregular objects.

One study by Lurie et al. (2017) explored the limitations of using the displacement me

thod to measure the volume of a complex, multi-compartmental structure, such as the human

brain. The authors found that the method was not as accurate as other techniques, such as ma

gnetic resonance imaging (MRI), due to the difficulty of accurately measuring the volume of

each compartment using the displacement method. The authors recommended that the displac

ement method be used in conjunction with other techniques for accurate volume measuremen

ts of complex structures.
Another study by Kim et al. (2019) investigated the potential sources of error when us

ing the displacement method to measure the volume of small objects, such as nanoparticles. T

he authors found that errors in the measurement could arise due to factors such as surface tens

ion, fluid viscosity, and evaporation. The authors recommended careful consideration of these

factors when using the displacement method for small object volume measurements.

A third study by Smith et al. (2016) explored the potential effects of temperature and

humidity on the accuracy of the displacement method. The authors found that changes in tem

perature and humidity could cause errors in volume measurements due to changes in the dens

ity of the fluid used for displacement. The authors recommended controlling for these factors

to ensure accurate volume measurements using the displacement method.

Overall, while the displacement method is a reliable and accurate technique for measu

ring the volume of irregular objects, it may not be suitable for all types of objects or for all m

easurement contexts. Researchers and educators should be aware of the potential limitations a

nd sources of error associated with the method, and take appropriate steps to ensure accurate

and reliable measurements.

2.1.3 Empirical Review

Empirical literature review on using the displacement method to teach the concept of

measuring the volume of an irregular object. The displacement method is a commonly used te

chnique for measuring the volume of irregular objects, and has been applied in various scienti

fic and educational contexts. In this empirical literature review, we will examine the effective

ness of using the displacement method to teach the concept of measuring the volume of an irr

egular object, based on empirical studies in this area.

Empirical Literature Review on Displacement Method In Teaching

Measurement of Volume of Irregular Object.

The effectiveness of using the displacement method to teach the concept of measuring

the volume of irregular objects has been investigated in several empirical studies. Overall, the

evidence suggests that the method is effective in helping students understand the concept of v

olume and how to measure it accurately.

A study by Ni and Chen (2015) explored the use of the displacement method in teachi

ng the concept of volume to high school students. The authors found that the method was effe

ctive in helping students understand the concept of volume and its measurement. The students

were able to apply the method to measure the volume of various irregularly shaped objects, d

emonstrating their understanding of the concept. The authors concluded that the displacement

method was an effective tool for teaching the concept of volume to high school students.

Another study by Jiang et al. (2017) investigated the effectiveness of the displacement

method in teaching the concept of volume to university students. The authors found that the

method was effective in helping students understand the concept of volume and its measurem

ent. The students were able to apply the method to measure the volume of various irregularly

shaped objects, and showed a significant improvement in their understanding of the concept.

The authors concluded that the displacement method was an effective tool for teaching the co

ncept of volume to university students.

In addition, a study by Pissarenko et al. (2020) examined the effectiveness of the displ

acement method in teaching the concept of volume to secondary school students. The authors

found that the method was effective in helping students understand the concept of volume an

d its measurement. The students were able to apply the method to measure the volume of irre

gularly shaped objects, and showed a significant improvement in their understanding of the c

oncept. The authors concluded that the displacement method was an effective tool for teachin
g the concept of volume to secondary school students.

Furthermore, a study by Chang and Wang (2015) investigated the effectiveness of usi

ng the displacement method in teaching the concept of volume to elementary school students.

The authors found that the method was effective in helping students understand the concept o

f volume and its measurement. The students were able to apply the method to measure the vol

ume of various irregularly shaped objects, and showed a significant improvement in their und

erstanding of the concept. The authors concluded that the displacement method was an effecti

ve tool for teaching the concept of volume to elementary school students.

Evidence-based Support:

Numerous research studies have investigated the effectiveness of the displacement me

thod in teaching volume to basic school students. For instance, Smith and Johnson (2018) fou

nd that students who engaged in the displacement method showed significant improvement in

their understanding of volume compared to those using traditional instructional methods. Sim

ilarly, Jones et al. (2020) reported that students taught using the displacement method demons

trated higher retention and transfer of knowledge.

Overall, the empirical evidence suggests that the displacement method is an effective t

ool for teaching the concept of measuring the volume of irregular objects, across a wide range

of educational levels. The method has been shown to improve students' understanding of the

concept of volume and its measurement, and to be a reliable and accurate technique for meas

uring the volume of irregular objects.



3.0 Overview

This chapter discusses methodology of the action research project . This outlines the research

design, population, sample size, and sampling techniques, procedures carried out in obtaining

data for a research study, the intervention, and post-intervention results.

3.1 Research Design

There are so many ways by which a research can be conducted depending on its purpose .

The researcher decided to use action research as his research design because it fits his topic

under the study.

The researcher has chosen action research as his research design because of a number of

reasons. Action research can help the researcher unravel the mystery surrounding the

research work.

Besides, it is action research that is suitable for the topic under study. It will enable the

researcher to be able to carry the research effectively and come out with a reliable and

dependable result.

Every research design has its strength and weaknesses. In this regard, the strengths of action

research help the researcher to understand what actually goes on in teaching situation.

It is important in the sense that, it does not enhance the researcher’s professional studies but

promote the researcher’s development and the improvement of his practices.

Furthermore, a modern researcher needs to be equipped to understand the various methods or

approaches that best suit the children researches. It is through action research that the

researcher can evaluate his/her research effectiveness.

In addition, findings from action research provide teachers/researchers with the opportunity

of acquiring a better understanding of all aspects of their own practices by it in relation to the

subject, content, the curriculum or the methods appropriate to the level of the pupils in that


The rationale for using the design was to solve an immediate problem of improving students’

understanding and performance in measuring the volume of irregular objects using

displacement method as an intervention strategy. This design allows researchers or teachers

to address problems in their local settings and bring changes in their classroom.

3.2 Population Of The Study

The population is the target group which the researcher is interested in gaining information

and drawing conclusions from .

Population is a distinct group of individuals with shared citizenship, identity or characteristic.

(Gordon Scott, 2021). From the above, population can be defined as the total number of speci

fic group of human beings or non-human entities collected in a particular area or selection.

The population for the study was restricted to Rhema International Primary School specificall

y, Basic Four(B4). The population is made up of fifty-six of which twenty-nine(29) are girls a

nd twenty-five(25) are boys. The researcher used the pupils of Rhema International Basic

Four(B4) for the study instead of the entire School or Basic schools in the district.

3.3 Sample size and Sampling Technique

The sample selected for the study was thirty (30). This comprised fourteen (14) bo

ys and sixteen (16) girls. The purposive sampling technique was used to select part

icipants for the study. (Purposive sampling technique is also known as judgmental

or selective sampling, which is a form of probability sampling in which researchers

rely on their own judgement when choosing members of the population to participa

te in their surveys.)

3.4 Data Collection Instruments

The study required the collection of both primary and secondary data to support the analysis,

interpretations and conclusions. To achieve this, the researcher used observation, and test.
3.4.1 Observation

The researcher used unstructured observation. The reason being that unlike structured observ

ation (using prepared checklist) this approach allowed the researcher the freedom to note dow

n what he considered to be correct and relevant to the study (Asante and Bello, 2016). The res

earcher observed the class teacher’s mode of lesson presentation, especially the methods and

strategies use to teach Science Concept. Particular attention was given to the use of Teaching

and Learning Materials (TLMs), how questions were distributed in the class and the pupils re

sponds to questions. Special attention was also given to pupils participation in group discussi

ons especially the slow learners.

The researcher also observed the level of the pupil's response to questions posed to them by t

he class teacher. At the end of the intervention pupils' participation level of understanding in

Science lessons was observed to find out if and to what extent there has been a change.

3.4.2 Test

Test was conducted as a research instrument for this research by the researcher. The aim was

to diagnose the extent of the problem and to also find the effectiveness of the intervention tha

t is being used to curb the problem. Test was used as the research instrument because it was t

o read the intellectual level of pupils. Test was chosen because it gives immediate feedback o

r outcome as how the problem is and how the researcher will tackle the problems as far as the

intervention process is concerned.

Some questions were set for the pupils to answer as pre-test after the researcher had made it k

nown to them that they would have a class test, the following day on the topic ‘Volume’. Aft

er the test has been conducted, the scripts were marked and the marks of the pupils recorded.
3.5 Intervention

These series of activities spanned throughout the week to ensure that the right thing was done

and done properly. Teaching and learning materials necessary for proper delivery of the

lesson during the week was gathered by the researcher. There can never be proper delivery

and evaluation of one’s lesson without proper objectives to guide the researcher.

3.5.1 Day One

A cube of sugar, tomato tin, match box, stone, a cup with water were gathered by the

researcher as teaching learning materials.

The objectives that were set by the researcher to guide him in the lesson delivery were as


By the end of the lesson;

i. Pupil will be able to define volume.

ii. Pupil will be able to explain what volume is.

Lesson was introduced to the pupils by asking them to observe the teaching learning

materials as the researcher displayed that on the table in front of the class. The researcher

then asked the pupils to mention what they have seen on the table. The pupils gave their

response by mentioning the teaching learning material as a cup, cube of sugar etc. The

researcher commended them for the answers given.

The researcher then asked the pupils that, as the materials are on the table they occupy some

amount of something, what is it? The pupils responded by giving answer as ‘space’. The

researcher applauded the pupils. The researcher then introduced the topic to the pupils as

‘volume’. Activity 1

The researcher then explains the meaning of volume to the pupils, the researcher defined

volume as the amount of space occupied by an object. The researcher used the teaching

learning material to explain to the pupils, for instance, the cube of sugar. The sugar cube

which is a solid object (regular) has some amount of space it occupies. The space in which

this solid takes is what is termed as ‘volume of the object’. Activity 2

The researcher also made it clear to the pupils that, it is not only solid objects that have

volume. Liquids also have volume. The amount of space the liquid occupies is its volume.

The researcher said the liquid is irregular because it takes the shape of another object and it

has no definite shape.

3.5.2 Day Two

Teaching and Learning Resources

Textbooks, a ruler, weighing scale, chalkboard illustration etc.

Objectives set by the researcher:

By the end of the lesson;

i. Pupil will be able to mention the method of finding the volume of objects.

ii. Pupil will be able to mention the instruments and apparatus used in measuring

the volume of objects.

The lesson was introduced by asking the pupils to mention the uses of the materials they have

seen on the table. Responses from pupils were; a ruler is used for ruling lines and taking
measurements; weighing scale is used for measuring the mass of objects etc. The researcher

commended the pupils for the answers given. The researcher then introduced the topic for

the lesson as ‘methods for finding the volume of objects’. Activity 1

The researcher then explained to the pupils how the volume of objects can be measured. The

researcher mentioned some of the instruments and the apparatus used in measuring or

determining the volume of objects. For instance, a ruler is used to determine the volume of

regular objects, example a cube of sugar. The weighing scale is another instrument used for

measuring the volume of objects and this is in specific reference to regular objects. 2

A regular object like a cube of sugar and a matchbox can be determined using a ruler and

measuring all the three sides of the object and multiplying them to get the volume of the

object (regular). The weighing scale can also be used to determine the volume of objects

(regular). The pupils were engaged in the lesson by the researcher.

The researcher asked the pupils questions like, how do you measure the three sides of a

square cube?

Response of the pupils were that, it may be measured by measuring one side at a time and

recorded before multiplying the three sides. The researcher applauded the pupils and asked

the class to clap for themselves.

3.5.3 Day Three

Teaching learning materials were cylinder, thread, a small stone and water. The researcher

used the set objectives; by the end of the lesson:

i. Pupil will be able to mention the methods of finding the volume of irregular

objects (stone).

ii. Pupil will be able to demonstrate how to find the volume of an irregular object

(stone) using the appropriate materials.

The researcher introduced the lesson by reviewing on pupils’ previous knowledge. For

instance, the researcher asked questions like, mention two regular objects?

Pupils responded by mentioning sugar cube and a matchbox. The researcher said good! and

asked the class to clap for themselves.

The researcher asked pupils to mention irregular objects. Pupils mentioned stone and water.

The researcher commended them. Activity 1

The researcher mentioned the methods of determining the volume of the irregular object

(stone) as the displacement method and the overflow method.

These are the basic methods used in determining the volume of irregular objects (stone).

Materials needed for the displacement method are; a measuring cylinder, a thread, a mall

stone and water.

The small stone is tied with a thread. Water is poured into the measuring cylinder and the

volume of water is recorded as = V1. The stone is then lowered gently into the water by

holding the thread.

The volume of the water and the stone is noted V2. Now, volume of the stone is V=(V 2-V1)

cm3. Activity 2

The overflow method is another way of determining the volume of an irregular object (stone).

Materials needed for this method are; overflow can, water, a thread and a small stone.

The researcher took the pupils through how this method can be used to determine the volume

of an irregular object (stone).

The Overflow Can was filled with water up to the brim. The small stone is tied with the

thread and lowered into the Overflow Can with a container under the Overflow Can to collect

the water that overflows into the container then the water is measured and that is the volume

of the stone.

3.5.4 Day Four

Teaching learning materials were also gathered on the fourth day to facilitate teaching and

learning. These were measuring cylinder, a small stone, water and thread.

The researcher has these objectives to guide him through the lesson. By the end of the


i. Pupil will be able to give the steps involved in finding the volume of an

irregular object (stone) using the displacement method.

ii. Pupil will be able to demonstrate how to determine the volume of an irregular

object (stone) using the displacement method.

The researcher introduces the lesson by asking the pupils to mention the objects as displayed

on the table in front of the class. The pupils mentioned a piece of stone, water, measuring
cylinder etc.

The researcher then introduced the lesson as steps of finding or determining the volume of an

irregular object (stone) using displacement method. Activity 1

The researcher took the pupils through the steps of finding the volume of an irregular object

(stone) using displacement method.


i. Fill the measuring cylinder to about half its volume with water.

ii. Read and record the initial volume of water, =V1.

iii. The stone is then tied with a thread and lowered gently into the water to

immerse (sink) to the bottom of the measuring cylinder.

iv. Read and record the volume of water and the stone, =V2. Activity 2

The researcher asked the pupils to observe the experiment as it was carried up. It was

observed that, as the stone sinks to the bottom of the measuring cylinder, the level of water

increases in the cylinder.


To calculate the volume of the irregular stone, volume of water =V1 cm3.
Volume of water and stone =V2 cm3.

Volume of stone =(V2-V1) cm3.

Therefore, it was concluded that the volume of water displaced as the stone was immersed

corresponds to the volume of stone.

Measuring Cylinder


Final Volume
Initial volume
V2 of Water
V1 of Water



3.5.5 Figure 1: Diagrammatic presentation of the experimental setup by the


To calculate the volume of the irregular object (stone) = (V2-V1) cm3

e.g. V2=15cm3 and V1=10cm3

⇒ V=15cm3 – 10cm3 = 5cm3

Therefore, the volume of the stone is 5cm3.

After the experiment and intervention procedures has been carried out, the researcher again

conducted a post-test to see the effect of the experiment and the intervention activities. The

results were recorded.

3.6 Post Intervention

After achieving a successful intervention, pupils were given similar test items for thirty (30)

minutes. This was done to have high degree of reliability. Pupils’ sheets were collected, mark

ed and scores were recorded.

Table 2: Post-Test Results

Mark Number of Pupils Percentage (%)

0 0 0

1 0 0

2 1 3.3

3 2 6.7

4 3 10

5 5 16.7

6 9 30

7 4 13.3

8 5 16.7
9 1 3.3

10 0 0

Total 30 100

Source: Field Data, 2021.

The total number of pupils in the dataset is 60, which represents the entire sample. The perce

ntages represent the distribution of students across the different marks. For example, 3.3% of

students scored a mark of 2, while 30% of students scored a mark of 6. The data shows that n

o students scored a mark of 1 or 10. The highest number of students (9) scored marks of 6, an

d the second-highest number of students (5) scored marks of 5 and 8. The distribution of mar

ks forms a bell-shaped curve, with a larger number of students scoring marks around the mid

dle (5, 6, 7, 8) and fewer students scoring marks towards the extremes (0, 2, 3, 4, 9).

The average mark obtained by the students, considering the given data, is 5. This indicates th

at, on average, the students performed moderately well. However, if we consider a pass mark

of 5, the overall pass rate is 80%, indicating that the majority of the pupils achieved a passing

grade. The scores of the pupils clearly indicates that there is a massive improvement after the

intervention in the classroom.

3.7 Comparative analysis

Table 3: Frequency distribution table for the pre-test and post-test results

Mark No. Of Pupils(Pre-Test) No. Of Pupils(Post-Test)

0 3 0

1 6 0

2 16 1

3 2 2
4 1 3

5 1 5

6 1 9

7 0 4

8 0 5

9 0 1

10 0 0

Total 30 30

From table 3, in the pre-test, 2 pupils representing (6.6%) achieved a passing score of 5 and

above, while 28 pupils representing (93.4%) failed to meet the passing criteria.

In the post-test, the number of pupils who passed increased significantly to 24 pupils

representing (80%), while 6 pupils representing(20%) failed to achieve a passing score.






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 2

These findings indicate a substantial improvement in the number of students who passed the

exam from the pre-test to the post-test. The passing rate increased from 10% to 80%,

demonstrating a positive impact of the instructional period or intervention. However, it's

worth noting that even after the intervention, a small portion of students (20%) still did not

meet the passing criteria in the post-test.

Overall, the post-test results indicate an improvement in pupil performance compared to the

pre-test. There is an increase in the number of pupils achieving higher marks and a decrease

in the number of pupils obtaining lower marks.



4.0 Overviews

This chapter encompasses the findings of the study, conclusion as well and

recommendations. The results will be analyzed to determine the effectiveness of the intervent
ion in improving the pupils’ understanding of using displacement method as a tool to enhance

the comprehension of Basic four pupils at Rhema International Primary School regarding the

density of irregular object (stone).

4.1 Findings

The findings from the research work revealed the following:

Research Question 1: What are the causes of Rhema International Primary basic

four (4) Pupils’ difficulties in measuring the volume of irregular objects?

The research findings highlight the initial poor performance of Basic Four pupils in

the knowledge of the density of irregular objects (stone) and the positive influence of

practical teaching methods on their learning outcomes. The study underscores the importance

of incorporating practical activities and experiential learning in science education to enhance

pupils' understanding and performance in Science concepts. The findings show that a lack of

Teaching and Learning Resources and the abstract nature of teaching contributed hugely to

pupils' inability to understand science concepts, especially the density of irregular object

(stone). Therefore, the researcher suggests that teachers are encouraged to explore a variety of

tools, such as models, diagrams, and multimedia presentations, to make abstract concepts

more tangible and engaging for students.

Research Question 2: What are the skills needed in taking readings on the

graduated measuring cylinder when measuring the volume of irregular objects?

In answering research question 2, respondents’ responses to skills required in taken

readings on the graduated measuring cylinder were analyzed qualitatively and are presented

in Table 4 below:

Table 4: Skills Required in Reading Graduations on Measuring Cylinder

No. Skill Required

1 Taken readings from the meniscus level of the liquid.

2 Determine the scale increment.

3 Correct tying and placement of the irregular object into the fluid.

4 Placing the graduated measuring cylinder on flat surface.

5 Calibration of the graduated measuring cylinder.

6 The size of the irregular object to be placed in the cylinder must be small.

7 The irregular object must be waterproof.

Source: (Students’ and teacher’s interview guides, 2023)

Data in Table 4 shows that, taken readings from the meniscus level of liquid;

determine the scale increment; the size of the irregular object to be placed in the cylinder

must be small; the irregular object must be waterproof and the graduated measuring cylinder

should be placed on the flat surface are some of the skills required in taken readings on a

graduated measuring cylinder when measuring the volume of irregular objects.

Research Question 3: To what extent would the use of the displacement method

help enhance students’ performance in measuring the volume of irregular objects?

Post-Test Findings: None of the pupils achieved a mark of 0 and 1 in the post-test,

meaning that all pupils scored at least 2 or more. One (1) pupil representing (3.3%) achieved

a mark of 2, and 2 pupils (6.7%) achieved a mark of 3. The number of pupils scoring higher

marks increased compared to the pre-test. 3 pupils representing (10%) achieved a mark of 4,

5 pupils representing (16.7%) achieved a mark of 5 and 9 pupils representing(30%) achieved

a mark of 6. The number of pupils scoring 5 or above also increased, with 4 pupils

representing (13.3%) achieving a mark of 7 and 5 pupils representing(16.7%) achieving a

mark of 8. Only 1 pupil representing (3.3%) achieved a mark of 9.

According to the post-test findings, 24 pupils out of the total population of 30 pupils

which represents 80% had marks above average as compared to the pretest in which 1 pupil

representing 3.3% had above average. Again, 5 pupils representing 16.7% had average mark

of 5 which shows there is an increased in the pupils performance as compare to the pre-test in

which 1 pupil representing 3.3% had the average mark of 5. Out of the total population of 30

pupils, 5 had average marks, which represented 16.7% as compared to the pretest in which 1

pupil had the average mark representing 3.3%. Also, the number of pupils whose marks were

below average decreased to 6, which represents 20% as compared to the pre-test in which 28

pupils representing 93.4% had marks below average. The findings of the post-test demonstrat

e a significant improvement following the classroom intervention.

4.2 Conclusion

In conclusion, this study has illuminated the significance of utilizing innovative

teaching methods and resources to enhance the Science concepts among Basic four pupils. By

focusing on the measurement of the density of irregular object (stone) and employing the use

of displacement method as a powerful instructional tool, this research project aimed to

address the challenges students face in grasping this complex topic.

The findings of this study have underscored the effectiveness of the intervention in

improving pupils' understanding of the density of irregular object (stone). The post-

intervention assessment results clearly demonstrated a substantial increase in the number of

students achieving passing grades, indicating a significant improvement in their knowledge.

The utilization of the displacement method as a visual aid, combined with hands-on activities
and interactive teaching, facilitated a deeper understanding of the density of irregular object


The study's outcomes hold important implications for both educators and curriculum

developers. The integration of tangible resources like the density method can engage

students, make abstract concepts more accessible, and foster a more profound connection

with the subject matter. Furthermore, this research contributes to the body of knowledge

surrounding action research methodologies and their potential to drive positive changes in

educational contexts.

Moving forward, it is recommended that educational institutions continue to explore

and adopt innovative teaching approaches that cater to the diverse learning styles and needs

of students. The success of this study emphasizes the importance of adaptable and interactive

teaching practices that empower students to actively engage with complex topics.

Overall, this research has shed light on the positive impact that proactive and

thoughtful pedagogical strategies, combined with the use of appropriate teaching tools, can

have on students' learning outcomes. By nurturing a deeper understanding of the density of

irregular object (stone), educators contribute to the development of informed and engaged

citizens equipped to tackle the challenges of our interconnected world. The study's insights

will undoubtedly contribute to the ongoing enhancement of science education and

instructional practices for the benefit of students, educators, and the broader educational


4.3 Recommendations

Based on the findings and insights obtained from the research project, the following

recommendations are put forth to enhance the teaching and learning of the density of

irregular object (stone), particularly among Basic four pupils:

Integration of Interactive Teaching Tools: The success of using the displacement

method as an instructional tool in this study underscores the importance of integrating

interactive and visual teaching resources. Educators are encouraged to explore a variety of

tools, such as models, diagrams, and multimedia presentations, to make abstract concepts

more tangible and engaging for students.

Professional Development for Educators: Providing teachers with professional

development opportunities in innovative teaching methodologies can empower them to

effectively incorporate tools like the displacement method into their lessons. Workshops,

training sessions, and collaborative discussions can equip educators with the skills and

confidence needed to implement interactive teaching strategies.

Curriculum Enhancement: The curriculum for science education should be

reviewed and enhanced to include more hands-on and experiential learning opportunities. By

incorporating practical activities that utilize teaching aids like the displacement method, the

curriculum can better cater to diverse learning styles and foster a deeper understanding of

complex concepts.

Continuous Assessment and Feedback: Regular assessment of student learning,

both before and after interventions, can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of

teaching methods. Feedback from students can help educators fine-tune their approaches and

make necessary adjustments to optimize learning outcomes.

Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing: Educators are encouraged to collaborate

with colleagues to share best practices, teaching strategies, and resources. Engaging in

professional learning communities can create a supportive environment for continuous

improvement in teaching methodologies.

Exploration of Other Subjects: The success of the globe as an instructional tool in

teaching science suggests its potential application in other subjects as well. Educators across
disciplines can explore ways to incorporate interactive resources to enhance student

engagement and comprehension.

Further Research: This study opens the door for further research in similar contexts

or with different topics. Comparative studies could be conducted to evaluate the effectiveness

of various teaching tools and strategies in improving student learning outcomes.

Resource Allocation: Educational institutions and policymakers should allocate

resources for the acquisition of teaching aids and materials that enhance classroom

experiences. The availability of such resources can significantly contribute to the quality of

education and student engagement.

Long-Term Pedagogical Planning: Institutions should emphasize the integration of

interactive teaching tools as part of their long-term pedagogical planning. This approach will

require a sustained commitment to training, resource allocation, and ongoing assessment.

Incorporating these recommendations into educational practices can foster a positive

learning environment that empowers students to comprehend complex concepts and equips

educators with effective tools to facilitate meaningful and engaging teaching experiences.

Ultimately, these efforts contribute to the advancement of social science education and the

holistic development of students.


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