Grade 10 Term 4 Real BSB 1

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10 - sinflar uchun Cambridge Prepare second edition Grade 10 kitobining “Unit

17-20” bo’limi yuzasidan summativ baholash

(4-chorak BSB vazifalari)

Baholas Bo’lim nomi Topshiriq Topshiri Baholash kerak bo’lgan ball

h turi turi q shakli jihatlar
BSB - 1 Unit 17 Unit test 1 Mixed Vocabulary 25
Unit 18 tests Grammar
BSB -2 Unit 19 Unit test 2 Mixed Vocabulary 25
Unit 20 tests Grammar

FB Aktivlik 10
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O’quv qurollarining
ChSB Revision Test BSB-1 - BSB-2 yuzasidan 40
Of Unit 17- takrorlash
Umumiy: 100
Summative Section assessment Term 4-1. Variant #1 for Grade 10
Student’s name____________________________Class____________________
Vocabulary (O’BTD.EFL.10.Ling.2.1., 2.2., 2.3., 2.4.)
1. Read the phrases and write the words. 1 point for each correct answer.

1. a piece of art made from stone or wood __________

2. a book that tells a story about imaginary people __________
3. a room or a building which is used for showing works of art __________
4. a room where an artist or photographer works __________
5. the people who sit and watch a performance at a theatre, cinema, etc. ________
____ / 5
2. Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in
brackets. 1 point for each correct answer.
colour | reception | stress | run | teach
1. My sister loves athletics. She’s a really fast _______.
2. I love my history lessons. The _______ is brilliant.
3. When we got to the hotel, the __________ checked us in and showed us to our
4. I like the bright blues, reds, greens and yellows in that painting. It’s very
5. Doing exams every day for a month is very ___________.
____ / 5
Grammar (O’BTD.EFL.10.Ling.1.1., 1.2., 1.3., 1.4.)
3. Complete the reported commands. Use the reporting verbs in brackets. 1
point for each correct answer.
1. The angry parent said to her daughter, ‘Go and tidy your room now!’
The angry parent _______________________________. (order)
2. My sister said to me, ‘Can you do me a favour?’
My sister __________________________________. (ask)
3. Dad said to us ‘You mustn’t open that email. It’s got a virus.’
Dad ______________________________________. (warn)
4. My friends said to me, ‘Don’t stop! You can finish the race. Not far now.’
They ____________________________________________. (encourage)
5. The teacher said to the class, ‘Everybody turn to page 34.’
The teacher _____________________________________________. (tell)
___ / 5
4. Complete the second conditional sentences. 1 point for each correct answer.
1. If it __________________ (be) my birthday tomorrow, I __________________
(ask) for a new computer.
2. I __________________ (be) disappointed if I __________________ (fail) my
3. If I __________________ (have) a pet, I __________________ (not have) a
4. If we __________________ (get) a virus on this computer, it
__________________ (take) a long time to clean it.
5. If you __________________ (eat) more fresh fruit and vegetables, you
__________________ (feel) healthier.
___ / 5
5. You are going to write a biography. Choose a famous person or someone
you know. Write about 50-80 words. Here are some ideas to help you.
• When were they born?
• What are the important dates in their life?
• What are their main achievements?
• What interesting facts do you know about them?
___ / 5

Total: ___ / 25
Summative Section assessment Term 4-1. Variant #2 for Grade 10
Student’s name____________________________Class____________________
1. Read the phrases and write the words. 1 point for each correct answer.
1. a room where an artist or photographer works ________
2. the people who sit and watch a performance at a theatre, cinema, etc. ________
3. the life story of a person written by someone else________
4. someone who writes poems________
5. someone who tells the actors in a film or play what to do________
____ / 5
2. Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in
brackets. 1 point for each correct answer.
Clean | science | pain | design | nature
1. My sister wants to study physics or chemistry and become a famous _________.
2. I lost my new necklace but luckily the ___________ found it in our classroom.
3. I would make a thriller if I could be a film _____________ for a day.
4. My brother’s very shy but he’s in the school play. He isn’t a _______ performer.
5. I hurt my elbow when I was playing tennis and it’s still quite _________.
____ / 5
3. Complete the reported commands. Use the reporting verbs in brackets. 1
point for each correct answer.
1. My friends said to me, ‘Don’t stop! You can finish the race. Not far now.’
They ______________________________. (encourage)
2. The teacher said to the class, ‘Everybody turn to page 34.’
The teacher _____________________________________. (tell)
3. He said to his friend, ‘Please go shopping with me. You’ll enjoy it.’
He _________________________________________. (persuade)
4. His mum said to him, ‘Don’t forget to pack your sunglasses.’
His mum ____________________________________. (remind)
5. Her friend said to her, ‘If your hand still hurts, you should go to the doctor.’
Her friend __________________________________________. (advise)
____ / 5
4. Complete the second conditional sentences. 1 point for each correct answer.

1. If we __________________ (get) a virus on this computer, it

__________________ (take) a long time to clean it.
2. If you __________________ (eat) more fresh fruit and vegetables, you
__________________ (feel) healthier.
3. I __________________ (not have) fun if I __________________ (go) shopping
on my own.
4. We __________________ (not be) late if there __________________ (not be) a
traffic jam.
5. My brother __________________ (play) basketball if he __________________
(not play) football.
____ / 5
5. You are going to write a biography. Choose a famous person or someone
you know. Write about 50-80 words. Here are some ideas to help you.
• When were they born?
• What are the important dates in their life?
• What are their main achievements?
• What interesting facts do you know about them?
___ / 5

Total: ___ / 25
Baholash mezoni

Topshiriq # To’g’ri javob ball # To’g’ri javob ball
turi Variant 1 Variant 2
1 sculpture 1 1 studio 1
2 novel 1 2 audience 1
3 gallery 1 3 biography 1
4 studio 1 4 poet 1
Vocabular 5 audience 1 5 director 1
y Total 5 Total 5
1 runner 1 1 scientist 1
2 teacher 1 2 cleaner 1
3 receptionist 1 3 director 1
4 colourful 1 4 natural 1
5 stressful 1 5 painful 1
Total 5 Total 5
1 ordered her daughter 1 1 encouraged me to 1
to tidy her room finish the race
2 asked me to do her a 1 2 told the class to turn to 1
favour page 34
3 warned us not to 1 3 persuaded his friend to 1
open that email go shopping with him
4 encouraged me to 1 4 reminded him to pack 1
finish the race his sunglasses
5 told the class to turn 1 5 advised her to go to the 1
to page 34 doctor
Total 5 Total 5
1 was/were / ’d ask 1 1 got / would take 1
2 ’d be / failed 1 2 ate / would feel 1
3 had / wouldn’t have 1 3 wouldn’t have / went 1
4 got / would take 1 4 wouldn’t be / 1
5 ate / would feel 1 5 would play / didn’t 1
Total 5 Total 5
Writing Total 5 Total 5
Total 25 Total 25

Assessment criteria for writing

Success Descriptors
5 The topic is covered accordingly.
When performing the task, an extensive lexical and grammatical
structure is used within the task.

Efficient organization of ideas through various connecting


The content and form correspond to the expected results.

The topic is covered appropriately with the exception of one or
two minor omissions.

When performing the task, a good lexical and grammatical

4 structure is used within the task.

Clear organization of ideas through various connecting elements.

In general, the content and form correspond to the expected

The topic is not disclosed enough; and/or material mismatch.

When performing the task, the appropriate structure and

vocabulary are used.
Inadequate organization of ideas through simple connecting

The content and form do not meet the expected results.

The topic is not disclosed or does not correspond to the material.

When performing the task, a narrow lexical and grammatical

2 structure is used within the task.

Unsuccessful or inconsistent attempts to meet the expected results,

but the content and form do not meet the expected results.
The topic is not disclosed, there are significant omissions in the
content and a significant inconsistency.

When performing the task, a narrow lexical and grammatical

structure is used within the task.

Lack of organization and connecting elements;

Does not meet expected results.
Task not completed; or completely inappropriate or illegible

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