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Camarines Norte State College

College of Arts and Sciences

Daet, Camarines Norte





Bachelor of Arts in History

April, 2024

This chapter presents the historical background of Barangay Catandunganon, Mercedes,

Camarines Norte.

History is the study of past events and the written accounts of these events. It provides a

sense of where we have come from and what our heritage is, allowing us to understand our place

in society and the forces that shape it. History also offers truths about the past from which we

can draw lessons for today and devise policies for dealing with current problems. It enables us to

have a deep understanding of the past, which in turn helps us to sense the political direction a

society is taking and the future that awaits it. While historiography can be influenced by bias and

individual discourses, the past itself is a once existent reality that cannot be replaced by

postmodern fiction. Readers have the right to know the facts as they are, as history teaches us

that not learning from the past can lead to repeating mistakes. It helps us understand where we

come from and our role in society's development. By learning from the past, we can make better

decisions in the present and plan for the future. Although different perspectives can shape how

history is told, the events themselves are real and important to learn from. (Talbot et. al, 1994)

The first settlement in Mercedes was a small land now called Catandunganon. The early

settlers were mostly sea going people who were forced to seek cover in the island when caught

by unexpected strong winds while at sea. At first their stay was only temporary, the purpose

being to wait for better weather for navigation, until there came a time that they made the place

their home. The name CATANDUNGANON was taken from CATANDUANES, said to be the

original home of settlers. The people of Catandunganon, having the numerous, spread on to

Barra proper being pa coastal land, ports were established in Barra, foreign traders such as the
Chinese and Arabs came to the ports, and intermarried with the inhabitants, thus making Barra a

sort of meeting place not only for commerce but also for culture.

Orzech (2023) found out that the barangays of the Philippines are the smallest political

unit in the nation's governing system. Originally, barangays were simply independent Philippine

villages named for the balangays (sailboats) that brought original Malay settlers to the land. The

word barangay was originally formed from the Filipino word balangay. A balangay was what

Malay settlers called the sailboats that brought them there, and referred to the village of family

members typically onboard. Each of these boats was headed and controlled by a datu, or leader,

who then retained that title and general governing power once they reached their destination.

When the Spaniards came, Barra like all the rest of Philippine territory come under the

authority of the conquerors. Barra which had become Mercedes during the Spanish Era

continued serving as ports, this time for Spanish ships from Manila, Legazpi and other places.

Spain's sovereignty in the Philippines ended in 1898 with the coming of the Americans.

American forces were sent to the different parts of the Philippines, including Mercedes. The

province of Ambos Camarines was divided into two provinces: Camarines Sur and Camarines

Norte. Mercedes became a part of Camarines Norte. Because of the prosperity of Mercedes, the

residents felt the barrio more than qualified for the category of the town, so they sent a petition

for the conversion of the barrio into a town. Unfortunately, the petition was not acted upon

favorably. World War II came, and after that, liberation. Mercedes remains a barrio. During the

term of Congressman Esmeraldo Eco, a movement to make Mercedes a town was once more

initiated. This time, through the efforts of Congressman Eco, a bill Republic Act No.431 was

passed making Mercedes a town. The bill was approved and signed by President Elpidio Quirino

and Mercedes was inaugurated as a municipality on August 8, 1948. Alfredo de los Reyes and
Agapito Zabala were appointed Mayor and Vice Mayor respectively and they started serving

their position upon inauguration. In the 1950 elections, Gideon Reyes Evalla, a former teacher,

won as Mayor and Onofre Sulit became the Vice Mayor. Other officials of the municipality then,

were; Cipriano Villareal, Municipal Secretary; Atty. Generoso Obusan, Justice of the Peace;

Catalino Cajan, Municipal Treasurer: Santiago Boral, Chief of Police and Luisa Reyes,


During the Spanish regime, Barangay Catandunganon had no road leading to Daet.

People had to travel on feet or ride on animals. People then and built a narrow trail, the houses

are made in “Nipa” and their resources are fishing and agriculture, there is no store or market in

the Barangay. When the Americans came and built a more or less concrete road reputedly, the

first asphalted road in the province. This improvement in land transportation helped in progress

of commerce trade and of the municipality.

This research aims to narrate historical background, to know the historical development

in Barangay Catandunganon and significance of the development of Barangay Catandunganon in

terms of economics

Importance of the Study

This study will be beneficial to the Residents of Barangay Catandunganon, Local

Historians, Society, Students, Teachers and Future Researchers. This will give information about

the History and Development of Barangay Catandunganon in Mercedes, Camarines Norte (2005-


Historians. This will serve as a source of information and reference in their studies on

the history of barangays.

Teachers. This will provide teachers with additional knowledge about the history of a

previously unknown barangay.

School Administrators. This will serve as a source of information in planning activities

to promote development within their jurisdiction.

Community of Catandunganon. This study will make the community members aware

of their local history. It will inculcate in their minds and hearts a sense of identity and pride in

being Filipinos.

Future Researchers. This will serve as a source of information and reference for future

studies or related fields.

Objectives of the Study

The general objective of this study is to identify the History and development of

Barangay Catandunganon in Mercedes Camarines Norte (2005-2015). Specially, it sought to

answer the following questions to; (1) narrate the historical background of Barangay

Catandunganon; (2) to identify the historical development in Barangay Catandunganon; (3) to

know the significance of the development of Barangay Catandunganon in terms of economics.

Scope and Limitations

This study aims to narrate the History and Development of Barangay Catandunganon,

Mercedes, Camarines Norte (2005-2015). It will explores the historical background and

development of Barangay Catandunganon in terms of ecoomics.

The researchers will collect information and gather data exclusively from this specific

group of people within the barangay. They will not include residents who have not lived in the

barangay for fifty (50) years or more, nor individuals from outside the barangay who may have

knowledge of its history. The aim is to ensure that the study receives insights and firsthand

accounts from individuals who have the most knowledge and experience regarding the history

and development of Barangay Catandunganon.

Time and Place of the Study

The study started the 2nd semester of the Academic Year 2023-2024 and ended in the 1 st

semester of the Academic Year 2024-2025 at Camarines Norte State College.

Plate 1: Local of Barangay Catandunganon, Mercedes Camarines Norte


This Chapter present a review related literature and relating to the studies of Barangay

Catandunganon Mercedes Camarines Norte.

Arias (2019) The rural-urban interactions and interdependence between Iloilo City and

the Province of Guimaras, with the goal of discovering policy implications for improving links.

The nature and characteristics of links are compatible with ideas on rural-urban interactions

based on the flow of goods and sectoral activity. There were previous structures in place to

facilitate the formation of a metropolitan arrangement, but they were not sustained, because of

shifts in local leadership and objectives. There were further impediments to its development

caused by a lack of a national enabling strategy to support the alliance. Policy gaps at the

national and municipal levels hampered the development of rural-urban links, particularly in

transportation and infrastructure.

In connection with this study, rural-urban interactions and interdependence between

Iloilo City and the Province of Guimaras is relevant to understanding the development of

Barangay Catandunganon. It examines the dynamics and interdependence between rural and

urban areas, particularly in terms of the flow of goods and sectoral activity. The article

emphasizes the importance of sustained structures and leadership in driving development,

highlighting the impact of leadership changes on the trajectory of rural areas. It also identifies

transportation and infrastructure as impediments to rural-urban links, echoing the challenges

faced by Barangay Catandunganon. By addressing policy gaps at the national and municipal

levels, researchers studying Barangay Catandunganon can find potential solutions to improve

transportation and infrastructure, ultimately aiding the rural area's development.

Primavera (2018) Thriving economy and current ranking as the richest city in South

Luzon in terms of yearly income, Santa Rosa is also referred to as the Lion City of South Luzon.

Most people’s first impressions of this city are of the more recent buildings in the southern

section, where residents congregate for both work and play. The northern region of the city,

known as the Poblacion or bayan, is often disregarded. It is here that the city’s civilization began

and where historical sites have been constructed and restored over time to maintain the Spanish

Colonial era. Since the region is near the lake, native Filipinos who have a history of being

skilled craftspeople, farmers, and fishermen had already settled here before the Spanish arrived.

In Connection with this study, the article provides historical context and development

narrative of Santa Rosa City, which can be used as a reference point when studying the history

and development of Barangay Catandunganon in the municipality of Mercedes. Key connections

include the presence of historical sites and Spanish colonial influence, settlements by Filipinos

who were skilled farmers, fishermen, and the potential for economic development in the region.

Saksono (2021) With a clear vision and competent local government management, San

Isidro, a fourth-class municipality in Nueva Ecija, has recently undergone development that can

act as a model for other towns of a comparable size, assisting them in increasing the

effectiveness and efficiency of their community development. It is important to keep in mind the

rich past of San Isidro. In the past, this town held the highest rank in the province of Nueva

Ecija. Surprisingly so, considering that rice is the main crop grown there and that most people

are farmers. In order to anticipate development-related issues and to support development,

physical planning must go hand in hand with town or city advancement.

In connection with this study, importance of effective local government management and

planning in the development of small towns or barangays like Catandunganon in Mercedes,

Camarines Norte. San Isidro a fourth-class municipality in Nueva Ecija, it emphasizes the

significance of having a clear vision and competent local government leadership in driving

development. Furthermore, it highlights the role of physical planning in supporting and

anticipating development-related issues. This connection emphasize the relevance of studying

the history and development of Barangay Catandunganon and understanding the potential impact

of effective governance and planning on its growth as a developing barangay.

Zarraga (2020) Tarlac’s Poblacion has been identified as the site of the province’s future

Central Business District, despite the fact that the city is ready for development while neglecting

its rich historical history. Minimal efforts are made to preserve it, and the situation worsens with

constant migration of locals, clearing operations of vendors, and demolition of many historical

structures, all in the name of progress.The study’s goal is to introduce a framework for

promoting physical and socioeconomic development by bridging the social, cultural, and

economic facets of a locale.

In connection with this study, it was the very first center so many people are involved in

the festivities and celebrations that take place here as we get older. The number of people is

decreasing, and the people who live here are changing. Throughout history, social movements

have pushed for change and significantly impacted society

San Guillermo (2023) It requires that 8,920 hectares of virgin forest land in the province

of Isabela be set aside, particularly within the boundaries of the municipalities of Echague and

Angadanan. Prior to the proclamation, the area was home to “AETAS,” who would meander
through the forest and cross rivers and creeks. Due to the abundance and richness of its forest

resources, logging concessionaires have been drawn to invest in timber logging businesses.

Consequently, roads were built throughout the reserved area to facilitate the transportation of

forest products to and from the Alicia and Angadanan markets, which are home to industrial

sawmills. This significant development made it possible for more people to migrate to the area

and use the potential agricultural land for cultivation. Thinking about the possible financial.

In Connection with this study, Similarly, The case of Barangay Catandunganon, which is a

small barangay in Mercedes, Camarines Norte, it’s development may also be influenced by the

utilization of resources. Depending on the specific resources available in the area, such as

agricultural land or natural attractions, the influx of people and development activities can be

similar to what occurred in the mentioned Isabela province.

Gul & Gokce (2020), the industry in Europe began to develop rapidly and created a need

for workers. Therefore, people who have financial difficulties in Turkey constitute an essential

part of the migration to many European countries. Although Turkish citizens went there to earn

money and return to their country in the early years, most of them eventually settled and started

living there. Approximately 5.5 million of the 6 million Turkish people living abroad live in

Western European countries. These people, who started a new life abroad, tried to maintain their

cultural values on one hand while trying to adapt to the social and cultural structure of the

countries where they live on the other side. .

In connection to this study they are originally from Catanduaes, after migrating from

Catanduanes they lived permanently and build family and social life after finding occupation to

live. (Data of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2017).

Noyes, et. al, (2022) Vital to understanding rural communities is analyzing the health

disparities and barriers to health that exist there. Given the health issues and poverty that exists

in rural communities, it is clear that research that includes rural New Yorkers is essential.

However, just as there are barriers to health, there are barriers to health research. Inadequate

access to healthcare is an issue in the US, particularly in rural areas. Rural healthcare consumers

compose a hard-to-reach patient population. Too few providers exist to meet population health

needs, and fragmented communication impairs rural health systems’ ability to function. These

issues exacerbate the difficulty of ensuring acceptable and appropriate delivery of healthcare

services, which compound all other barriers to healthcare access for rural residents. Each

dimension of access must be monitored to improve patient experiences and outcomes for rural


In connection to this study, barangay Catandunganon has limited access in health care

system. The transportation going to the place is only tricycle and habal-habal but only limited to

some areas thus it affects the health of a person because it doesn’t have near hospitals. The travel

from the barangay to the nearest hospital is one hour away. Because of this other factors like

financial and beliefs may affect on its health so they choose to go to albularyo instead, while

other consult on barangay health center. (Coombs N.C., et. al, 2022).

Putri, L.P., et. al, (2022) Rural area definitions generally refer to classifications based on

topography, access or distance to urban facilities, agricultural landscape or population

density. Redressing the urban/rural disparity in health outcomes is one of the fundamental

challenges to achieving health equity. Although rural populations may not always have poorer

outcomes compared to urban dwellers, lack of access to healthcare in rural areas—related to

fewer healthcare workers and facilities—contributes to higher mortality and morbidity among

rural dwellers than otherwise may occur.

In connection with this study the Brgy. Catandunganon is in Rural area that is located

outside towns and cities. As per the resident said, before the number of houses is only 5 and

known as ghost town. On this day the total population is 391 with 120 household. The barangay

is divided in to two puroks, rural areas are typically low-density, small settlements, agricultural

and forestry areas, and areas lacking substantial development.

Strosnider et. al, (2017) investigate rural environments in developed countries,

concluding that the level of citizen satisfaction in rural populations is high, which means there is

an improvement in the population’s quality of life. On the other hand, Mouratidi (2020) studies

the subjective well-being of rural versus urban environments. In its study, it concludes that, in

developed countries, satisfaction levels in rural areas are high enough to create a higher level of

subjective well-being, while in less developed countries, rural areas cannot compete with urban

areas in terms of well-being because they have failed to build their economic and social

potential. This research constitutes a guidance manual for political and social actors that, applied

in the design and implementation of public policies in the provision of public services, generate a

differentiating factor in citizen satisfaction and loyalty.

In connection to this study the barangay catandunganon increased in population since

then. As the time goes by they have their own small church, barangay hall and court, barangay

health center, Day Care Center and some have their own stores.

According to Krefis, et. al, (2019) The relationship between green and blue spaces

(vegetation and bodies of water) and health and wellbeing has been the subject of increasing

research interest in recent years, with a substantial body of evidence now showing that contact
with natural environments is associated with positive health and wellbeing outcomes. In

accordinance with Robin,. et., a,.. (2020) In the context of climate change, proximity to local

green and blue spaces may also mean exposure to extreme weather events such as floods, which

can have negative impacts on health and wellbeing. As stated by Yeager, et. Al,. (2018)

additionally, access to green spaces has been associated with reduced risk of physical health

problems such as cardiovascular disease and respiratory illness. Based on De Vries, et. al,.

(2016) Similarly, exposure to blue spaces has been linked to improved health outcomes,

particularly in relation to mental health. Importantly for the present study, local neighbourhoods

and environments have been shown to be particularly important for older adults’ health and

general wellbeing, particularly in relation to the opportunities for physical activity and walking.

In connection to this study the place of brgy. catandunganon is near in sea, river, forest

and mangrove areas. The main occupation of the residents are fishing, farmers, catching crabs

and making nipa’s made of nipa palms. The place is surrounded of blue and green spaces and has

benefited the residents in their daily living in terms of occupation, health and emotional. Older

people living in this barangay can engage into physical activities because of the environment of

the place. More over because of the natural phenomenon that the people experience it also affects

the economical development but because of the natural green and blue spaces of the

environment, the people have courage to continue their work and hobbies in this place.
Theoretical Framework

Theoretical Framework The researchers in this study apply structural change Theory and

modernization theory. According to Hollis Burney Chenery an American economist, the author

of structural change theory, all developing countries pass through the same structural

transformations as today’s developed countries did when they were developing. These

transformations include shifts from agriculture to industry and from rural to urban status He

defines economic development as a set of interrelated changes in the structure of an

underdeveloped economy that are required for its transformation from an agricultural economy

into an industrial economy for continued growth. Modernization theory by Max Weber, a

German sociologist. According to Max Weber, the economic development, cultural change, and

political change go together in coherent and, to some extent, predictable patterns. Once a society

starts to industrialize, a variety of related changes become almost inevitable, such as urbanization

and bureaucratization, and eventually, changing gender roles.

These two theories are related to our present study, Structural Change theory and

Modernization theory, help us understand how individual actions and community collaboration

contribute to development in Barangay Catandunganon. The residents work together to improve

development and the economy, but the extent of these changes is influenced by factors like

resources, economic conditions, and people's attitudes. By studying these factors and the insights

from the theories, we can better understand how individual actions, community collaboration,

and external factors impact development in Barangay Catandunganon.

Structural Change
Modernization Theory

Max Weber (1950)

Hollis B. Chenery, (1971)

History and Development of Barangay

Catandunganon, Mercedes, Camariner Norte,


Figure 1. Theoretical Paradigm

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of this study exemplified below. This part will serve as the

backbone of the study, it has three main parts: Input, Process, and Output model.

The Input contains the historical background of Barangay Catandunganon, historical

development and significance of the development of Barangay Catandunganon in terms of


The process pertains to the data collection through interview and observation, data

analysis, discussion and interpretation of data.

The Output will be conducted based on the data that will be collected. The expected output

of this study is the accurate and effective information of History and Development of Barangay

Catandunganon, Mercedes, Camarines Norte (2005-2015).


background of
Catandunganon History and
*Data collection Development of
*The development Barangay
through; Interview,
of barangay Catandunganon,
Observation, Data
Catandunganon Mercedes,
analysis and
Interpretation. Camarines Norte
*Significance of the (2005-2015)
development of
Catandunganon in
terms of economics.


Figure 2: Conceptual Paradigm


This chapter presents the description of the research process that includes the Research

Design, the Respondent of the study, Data collection, and Materials to be used in Data

Gathering, Ethical standard/consideration.

Research Design

The researcher in this study used Historical qualitative research and snowball sampling

method to determine the History and Development of Barangay Catandunganon, Mercedes,

Camarines Norte (2005-2015). Historical qualitative research is important for studying the

history and development of Barangay Catandunganon because it allows us to gain a deeper

understanding of past events and experiences. By distinguishing the historical documents, oral

interviews, and other qualitative data, we can reconstruct the narratives and stories that shaped

the barangay over time. Snowball sampling is a relevant method for our study, as it helps us

identify and connect with individuals who have first-hand knowledge about the history and

development of Barangay Catandunganon (2005-2015). This method involves starting with a

small group of participants, and then asking them to refer us to others who may also have

valuable information. Through this approach, we can gather a group of people with relevant

knowledge, different perspectives and experiences.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study consist of fifteen (15) respondents Male and Female aged

fifty (50) to eighty (75) years old, families who have resided in Barangay Catandunganon for
fifty (50) years and more, the barangay officials and other individuals who have observed the

development of Barangay Catandunganon are also considered respondents for this study.

Data Collection

The researchers conducted structured questionnaire with barangay officials, and residents

of Barangay Catandunganon who have resided there for fifty (50) years or more, and witnessed

the History and Development of Barangay Catandunganon (2005-2015). These individuals were

considered primary sources for the study. The researchers conducted a thorough review of

relevant materials, including journals, written records, internet sources and textbooks, to obtain

guidance and support their findings. The primary objective of this research was to find out the

History and Development of Barangay Catandunganon (2005-2015). As part of the research

process, secondary sources, such as library research, were used to determine whether previous

studies had already been conducted in the same area. Visits were made to several locations, the

Camarines Norte Provincial Library, Tourism Office of Mercedes Camarines Norte, and the

office of the Barangay Council of Catandunganon, to gather more information and data.

Materials to be used in Data Gathering

The researchers in this study used interviews to collect a variety of information. Cameras

were to document and take pictures for documentations that were related to the study, and pen

and paper were to list down the important notes during brief inquiries Audio recorders and video

recorders were also employed by the researchers to enable easy retrieval of the interviews when

necessary. This method served as a means of preserving the data obtained by the researchers

during the interviews.

Ethical Standards/ Consideration

Before going to barangay Catandunganon, we ask permission from their barangay captain

if we can conduct an interview with the residents and if we can explore the area, to observe and

to interact with the residents.

During the interview, we ensured the ethical handling of participants' information by

carefully using it exclusively for our study, Respecting their consent and confidentiality is very

important to us. We asked for their permission before asking any questions to ensure they

weren't pressured into participating. They willingly chose to take part. To protect their identities,

we will keep their names a secret when talking about their responses. The information we

collected during the interviews was kept safe and private to prevent unauthorized access. We

also made sure to be upfront about the purpose of the study, who we are, and how we'll use the

data. We gave the participants a chance to ask questions or express any concerns they had about

the study during a feedback session.


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