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Make me an feedback form survey about the process in school registrar

School Registrar Process Feedback Survey
1. Overall Experience
 How would you rate your overall experience with the school registrar
 Very Satisfied
 Satisfied
 Neutral
 Dissatisfied
 Very Dissatisfied
2. Ease of Access
 How easy was it to access the school registrar for your needs?
 Very Easy
 Easy
 Neutral
 Difficult
 Very Difficult
3. Timeliness
 Were your requests and inquiries addressed in a timely manner by the
registrar's office?
 Always
 Most of the time
 Occasionally
 Rarely
 Never
4. Clarity of Information
 How clear and informative were the instructions and information provided by
the registrar?
 Very Clear
 Clear
 Neutral
 Unclear
 Very Unclear
5. Helpfulness of Staff
 How helpful and knowledgeable were the staff members at the registrar's
 Extremely Helpful
 Helpful
 Neutral
 Unhelpful
 Extremely Unhelpful
6. Suggestions for Improvement
 Please provide any suggestions or comments on how the school registrar
process could be improved.
7. Additional Comments
 Any additional comments or feedback you would like to share regarding your
experience with the school registrar process.

Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback. Your input is valuable in helping us enhance
the registrar services for all students and staff members.

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