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An extempore speech is where you are just invited to say something about an occasion without a
prior notice i.e., you had no prepared to give a speech.

Example, you attend a parent’s meeting in a school and you are suddenly called forward to say
something due to your status in the society.

These speeches are often not expected to be very organized and professional but you have to make
sure it’s not boring.

A very important factor to consider when giving this kind of a speech is language. Use the language
you are well familiar with. Otherwise, you will run blank.

The following technique can be used to quickly organize this kind of a speech;

P-P-I-T technique





The first thing that should come into your mind is the people present.

Assuming it is in a graduation ceremony, say something about the graduands, the invited guest, the
institution administration and any other persons present, usually recognizing their good works and
congratulating their efforts and even appreciating being given an opportunity to say something.

Secondly, keep in mind the place. Say something about it. How does it look like, do you like it?

Thirdly, take care of the issue at hand. Say something about a graduation ceremony. What’s your
opinion about such ceremonies?

Finally, take care of time. What happened in the past or is likely to happen in future or your
anticipations in relation to the current status? i.e., you hope the graduands will turn out to be better
people in the society in days to come. To this point you can then conclude your speech.

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