RokuAka - 11 Part 6

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Winning Glen's sympathy later, such sympathy

may have some use in the future under the above

Tears are a woman's weapon. If you think

(want) to be sharp and survive, you should do the
But... Even though she was sharp enough to
think like that a little, she still couldn't change
reality as before. She became not such a cunning

(That's good. There's no problem with that

and otou-sama or Ignite... In the end, it's me who
makes the decision... This is my sin... This I have
to carry something...)

(the most).
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Eve unconsciously finished drinking the cup placed on
the plate above.

"... Sorry for not accepting"

As if she couldn't wait any longer, she left the teacup

and stood up -

"... I can't ask you again"

Glen said back to Eve ——

"...I will wait for you to take the initiative to tell me"

"... Female!?"

Eve couldn't help but stiffen immediately.

Glen did not intend to look at Eve, but rather

keep your face turned in a different direction.



Their eyes were gout like before without any resolution.

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They lost something too precious, so they couldn't

simply get close to each other.

However, the resentment seems to show signs of


"You, who understands what you're saying...!"

Eve was planning to escape Glen's room ——

The result was probably because his heart was so

panicked that he accidentally tripped over the pile of
documents at his feet.


The body began to move forward ——


Glen unconsciously kicked the chair out

stood up, reaching out to Eve ——

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The two people on the ground fell into a group.

"That's hurt..."

Eve said these words casually,

But actually a little bit doesn't hurt.

"... Nee~”


She was riding Glen on his back.

It seems like a thousand pounds are hanging by a thread now

Glen's boundaries became her meat cushion.

"Anou, ah, sorry... I wasn't paying attention..."

"Apologize later, and quickly let me wake up. You

don't see yourself as anything."

"... At?"
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Eve lowered her head to look at herself again.

Because of wrestling, the cloak on his body slid down, the

collar of his underwear also opened wide, and the corner of
his shirt turned upward.
The little girl's legs were exposed outside. The seductive
temptation of her chest and black lace pantsu suddenly

This image - from the outside, there is no doubt that she

pushed Glen down.

"What, what, what, what ——"

Eve, like a normal bright and innocent girl, blushed bright

red, still not moving but frozen in place.

(the most).

"Sensei, you've worked hard! Let's make you some late-

night snack——"

"Ka ka, this is what the three of us did at the same time
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"Un, would you like to eat ——?"

Sistine, Lumia, and Ryel arrived on time to

arrest the adulterer.
" " " "......" " "“

Everyone said nothing


"Glen and Eve... What are you doing now? ...

Wrestling practice?"

Except Ryel's situation is unclear. Wait

( kind ) for her to finish ——
"Come on, Eve-san aaaaaaaa!? You, you,
you, you came to the present, what are you
doing ya ——!?"
"Uwa... Clearly, it's so clear and decisive
okay, push sensei down... Wow..."
Sistine let out a crazy cry, Lumia also used
her hands to cover her blushing face
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expression, still peeking from the gap at Glen
and Eve's body positions.

"It's really too bold!?

Hey, this is an adult —— is this an adult
female attack!? ... Aaaa no
no no no no no no! This is a school ——!”

"Eve-san is indeed... Sensei..."

Sistine and Lumia fell into unprecedented
"Oh... You girls are finally..."
Eve single-handedly covered her face and let out a
deep sigh.

"... Yes, please come down quickly for me.

It will (severely) kill me."
Glen also let out a deep sigh.
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After finally eliminating the misunderstanding.

The situation evolved into ÿeveryone

At the same time eat a late night mealÿ.

Everyone is sitting around now because Glen made

a sandwich before joking and eating happily.

Although it was supposed to be Glen who made the

late-night snack, no matter how he thought about it, the
largest sandwich basket was not something he could
eat all by himself——

"...What kind of formation is this?"

Sistine and Lumia sandwiched Eve on the left and

right, opposite Ryel.

Glen is now facing her,

It is also true that it is the furthest away from her position.

"Un? Suddenly there's no meaning?"

"Ahaha... This is just sitting casually"

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Sistine and Lumia both started to be too
wary of Eve.
"... Listen... Don't you guys still have some
misunderstanding in your heart..."

Eve was about to explain ——

"Hey, this is! Ah, okay, okay! This is to
prevent Sensei from suddenly attacking Eve-
san like that with nirvana charm ——"

"Bach Mieu... You're here to keep me safe

become something beast"

Sistine's brain still seems to be in chaos. She was

speaking a little incomprehensibly——

(I... I won't lose... Uu uu uu... )

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Lumia was also staring at her without blinking at
her as a love rival.

Just like that...

"Glen, is it delicious?"

"This is my attempt to make... Strawberry tartlets


"... Un, the food is delicious, the taste is so new"

"Really, it's so good, eat a little more"

Ryel didn't pay attention to focusing on restraining

Eve Sistine and Lumia on the other side, but rather
the Moe Moe look on his face and let Glen go out to
make himself a sandwich.
It can absolutely be said that ÿRyel sits and catches the

fisherman for his own advantageÿ.

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"You guys know it's there everywhere you go
That much, my friend..."

Glen ate the bread in the middle (middle) and

picked up the strawberry tartlets to look for some
strange food, somewhat reluctantly exclaiming...

Suddenly —— he discovered that kind of thing.

The ground was filled with all kinds of documents

and documents... Lifting it up revealed a strange page

"...Un? What is this?"

Glen picked it up, holding up the oil lamp next to it.

The writing on the top is extremely scribbled.

As if using a super level

Heavy pen on paper dances pen to paper

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From this, roughly half of the writing is no longer
able to clearly recognize the content between reading
(learning) and reading (studying) it is ——

—— to Glen · Radars

ÿBackyardÿXXXXXXXXX. is a trap. It's ——


—— Don't use fire. Will get X, will get XX.

Absolutely do not use fire.

—— be careful Alicia III. Her real identity is


"...What the hell is this?"

Glen couldn't help but feel an evil cold.

He had never seen this type of paper before.

If you want to say that someone is joking, yes

The part also makes other people's skin crawl.
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The page itself has properties that can be seen
everywhere, and the water level is also a normal
water level. The language used is also Mandarin.

However, these [...] words... make people feel

a sense of urgency and sincerity between these

The heavy sense of danger and gloomy

atmosphere seemed to be able to pop out from
between the lines... Just looking at it made me feel
uncomfortable all over, as if I was about to gradually
go crazy. .

"... Mm”

The more Glen looked at it, the more his headache

became, so he quickly turned his gaze away from the pape

Without realizing it, his whole body was sweating

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He indifferently watched Eve and the girls bla
bla bla - indifferently considering.

The middle sentence that needs attention just

now is ÿ with ÿBackyard
Alicia theÿ III ÿ.
Glen knew a lot about these two key words and

But legends are just legends. Moreover, the

ÿConstruction of the Back Houseÿ
itself is also an
government project. Shouldn't there be danger.

But... It feels very unusual.


Using common sense to think (want) that page

is indeed a joke, there is no doubt that it is a joke -—

Throwing the page down and forgetting (death)

until there's a piece left is the correct way to handle
the joke.
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But ——
"... Nee~, Eve”

Glen held this piece of paper in front of Eve,

who was chatting with Sistine and the girls.
"... What is this"
"I have something to tell you..."
Eve didn't understand and looked towards Glen's
complicated expression.
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The reinforcement camp, whether day or night, suddenly

disappeared ——

—— Finally, the decisive battle came on the same day.

On this day, ÿArzanoÿEmpire Magic Academy was

enveloped by a certain tense atmosphere here.

Glen led the 40 students of the second year class, along

with Maxim students - 40 exemplary students gathered in the
middle of the school yard.

Of course, here we still cover Glen, Maxim and Eve,

who is responsible for being the referee.

Other students from the academy from east, west, south,

north, and four Teaching Towers peeked at the situation in
the courtyard... They held their breath and concentrated.
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Think and see what path school takes you on.

"The staff is exhausted, let's see the results..."

"Un, next time we can only deal with all our strength"

The second committee of students is in a hurry

At the same time, full of fighting spirit ——

"Ah, it's so troublesome. I really want to come

Star? Isn't the result obvious..."

"Okay, okay, I'll follow my will

They travel here.”

The exemplary students were just as lazy and

arrogant as before.

"Are you ready to write your resignation

application, Glen-kun?"

"Ah... I don't know yet"

Glen shrugged and countered Maxim's sarcasm.

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"Say it again... Eve-kun. I didn't think about it
You must stand on the other side."
Maxim said to Glen standing next to him
Eve continued with her expression thrown aside.

"You are extremely young and beautiful,

talented and powerful. Actually, I am very
satisfied with you. Throw away that third-rate
lecturer and join me here?"
Maxim presented the gentleman with a face to face
Eve held out an olive branch.

"I can provide you with all kinds of conveniences

at this academy. I also know your situation. I can
also say it in front of you otou-san later... ?"

"No need. I'm not standing there either
Glen over here, I just have a thought (want
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) complete the mission otou-sama gave me. If he
asks me to be his sensei, I will be his sensei.”

Faced with Maxim's unkind intentions

Taking advantage of this, Eve snorted indifferently.

"Then let's say, how can otou-sama listen to

you like a small person say "useful words"? He is
indeed the current Grand Duke of Empire 3.

You don't even think for yourself."


"Nee~, eager old man. Even though you're

only a handful of years old, you're still in a hurry
to start a conversation. Let's quickly start the duel
- your disciple and I will fight for survival."

Glen stepped in to let Maxim go

I couldn't bear it but clicked my tongue.
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"Hmm, okay. Survival Battle... Rules now
like you said before"
Survival Battle is a form of magic competitio

All participants in the competition scattered

across the vast arena to begin the sports
The person participating in the competition must
search alone for other participants, use magic to fight
with others, and survive to the end. If you encounter an
unfavorable situation or think (want) to temper your
magic power, you can run away or hide.

This continues until there is only one living

person left. If the time is running out and there
are still many people living in that place, then
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Hitting the dead number determines the winner... These
are the basic rules of magic combat.

But this time it was Glen and student Maxim who


Therefore, as long as the other side is born in the end

There are many people on the other side right away.

Different from the Demon Army War - there was no

general solution to the situation and suddenly the
commander commanded

All participants in the competition must rely on their

own judgment of actions, now encountering battle over
and over again to survive.

"About being judged by people... Don't you think

making judgments about accumulated points is too

Bad Maxim laughed.

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"Therefore, this time the verdict is to use
faintingÿ—— it's just a simple [loss of combat ability] to
be judged to be eliminated, so what? No need to
worry... You can use attack and defense There is no
major problem with the limited use of elementary spells.

Using a spell that only has low damage power is a

basic spell, but if you have to hit it until you faint, then
you will be considered "disqualified"—in other words.

(Do you want a big massacre? This rule is so


Or could it be said that he is now worried that if he

uses his accumulated points to invent the referee, Eve
will favor Glen?

No matter how you say it, you can only accept it.
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Because the current rules regulate the right to
accept the duel on one side.

"You agree? There, let's quickly go to the Backyard.


After confirming all the rules, Maxim pulled out the

ÿNotebook of Alicia IIIÿ... It was a magic book that
could control ÿopen a Backyardÿ.

"Wait, I also want to add rules here."

Now, before Maxim started, Glen suddenly said

"I agree to bring faint" is considered to be
disqualified from the judgment. But this time I think of
completely banning the use of heat system spell. If you
violate this rule, you will immediately quit... This rule
you want (need) to receive"
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At this moment, the model students'
disdainful eyes and scolding voices were
directed towards Glen.
"Puu... Forbidden heat system spell?
Too humble”
"This is too unusual... This group of [...]
Are you that afraid of getting hurt, un?"
The heat spell system is currently
considered to be particularly vulnerable to
magical dangers when using elementary spells
Hearing that he was about to take care

faintÿ was taken over, Glen panicked —

Model students naturally think like that.

However, Glen persisted in making this rule

"Both sides are equal. Please, just

If you have heat inflammation, you can't take note of it."
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In Glen's mind - of course it was that
strange piece of paper.
—— Don't use fire. Will get X, will get XX.
Absolutely do not use fire ——
That warning... Gave him a bad feeling.

"Prohibition of heat inflammation...? ... Ah, really

no, is there such a thing...?"
Maxim seemed to remember something
as he glared intently at Glen.
"Is that boring page originally written by
you? Glen · Radars"
Maxim said, causing Glen to open his eyes wide.

(This idea... Could it be that Maxim also

received the strange page?)
"Huh, I didn't know you brought this kind of thing
here because you wanted to upset the military's mind
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or ) what do you think (want)... I don't have that much
control. Then let's say you also don't have rules for

Surely it was Glen who was joking that Maxim

expressed his refusal.

"Wait, if I don't need the spell of the heat system,

I'm willing to become a victorious duel with a gift."

Eve held her hands together in front of her

chest said with a calm expression.

"If you win, I will immediately join your side.

Whether it's being your secretary or (or) being your
lover, I will accept it... This offer is not bad for you,
right? "

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Maxim used his lower gaze to observe Eve's
lithe figure from head to toe... He let out a soft

"... Oh, un. Alright. Come here right now...

Even though I'm not very happy..."

The cavalier took the bait.

(nee~, nee~ Eve... You're too angry...)

Glen quietly issued a warning to Eve.

(This idiot, you still don't understand? Why

can't you lose your light at the moment of danger?)

Eve seemed to have no words left to say to

him as she fiercely glared at Glen.
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(Do you know? From that guy's reaction... we can
almost confirm that the strange news was not created by
their faction)

(——!? )

(In other words, the person who brought that news is

extremely likely to be participating in this duel and has
some personal goodwill. Although I don't know the reason,
I don't want to try. experience, but I feel that the current
Backyard ÿuse ÿvery free from inflammation and heat
system spellÿ)

(Is there really such a thing...)

( and. Backyardÿ In addition, ÿAlicia's
IIIÿ... Although they are all just a few legends, they are
nothing short of a huge number. You must too
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Be careful, this Survival Battle might be complicated.

Eve and Glen are currently talking quietly ——

"Are you guys prepared well?

Let's start quickly..."

Maxim rummaged through a sheet of ÿAlicia's

III ÿ notebook ——
"... <open door>“

Using his middle finger, he pointed towards a

certain word or sentence on a document - in the
blink of an eye, magic power began to swell, the text
emitted a strong light... At the same time -

Around the Education Building, the surrounding

landscape began to distort.

The four East, West, South, North, and North Teaching

Towers begin with the center located in the middle of the courtya
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The person is to (make) the center rotate clockwise.

Humanity does not have any changes, only the

world moves ——

The speed gradually became faster, faster and

faster - because the Teaching Tower became
distorted, the world was rotating - so the surrounding
scene was no longer distinguishable to the naked

Then, while continuously returning to the scene

- new scenes are slowly appearing.

After breaking a certain critical point, the world's

rotation began to gradually slow down, and finally
stopped completely.
What lies ahead is a strange situation.

It's some pre-hearing architectural object.

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Behind there is a huge archway, outside the door
is an infinite galaxy-like space.

How do I feel as I step out the door, afraid that I

will forever be bound by the infinite darkness here,
and I won't be able to return yet.

The auditorium is extremely wide open. The

stone wall was built with an exposed floor on the
outside, and the jewelry inside wanted (needed) to
be simpler and more open than the jewelry inside
the Magic Academy. Along with saying it's a great
hall, it's like saying it's a citadel.

It's a bit dark around, the atmosphere is relatively

(so) heavy. Falling from ancient places, the light
shines (point), reluctantly dispelling the darkness.

The front auditorium is located deep inside and

is high without meeting the top of the garden. On all
four sides, it continuously extends to the stairs.
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The surrounding hall has several fan (wing) doors.

Glen looked up at the garden.

Above was swallowed up by the depths of darkness

here, so it was impossible to see how many floors there

From the size of the front room and the height of

the ceiling, you can roughly imagine how big this
structure is.

"Hey, this isn't a joke...?"

"That's amazing... Another dimension of our

academy clearly has something like that...!?"

"Hey, is this the current creation of [...] that

Backyard dimension?..."

"Even though I heard it's on a very large scale...

But this is too big..."

Glen and Eve couldn't help but exclaim ——

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"You, do you understand this? Just by using this
Backyardÿ, the school will have great development..."

Even Maxim's proposal to use the Backyard was
ÿ shocked by its majesty.


Only Mabel, even though this scene shocked everyone

in the school district, still seemed inexplicably calm, still
carefully observing the surrounding direction.

The current group of people has enough admiration for


Maxim once again pointed his finger up.

Memoirs of Alicia III ÿ words.

" door
A fan (wing) appeared and now stood slouched
ÿ forward
in the central hall in front of the students.
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"People who pass through this fan will " door ÿ

be randomly teleported to the "Backyard" somewhere

inside the Teaching House.
The students first set up their formations and decided
to to this".
decide "the door is due

"Can you guarantee that you haven't kept your

disciple in a very advantageous position?"

"Oh... If I want to defeat your disciple, I don't need

to play childish games at all."

"I will use a wide-range enemy search barrier to

confirm the students' locations. There is no possibility
of brazen behavior."

Currently, Eve and Maxim confirm the following

other details ——

Glen turned his head to look at the students in the

second class who were shocked by the huge Backyard.
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"Okay guys!"
After relaxing, the students regained their
composure and looked towards Glen.
"You don't need to worry about the future of
the academy, nor do you need to worry about
whether or not I will be expelled! In short, give it
your all! Use the results of these two weeks of
special training to the fullest extent. go out!"

Glen's confident smile gave them a lot of

courage ——
"Of course, sensei! Just leave it to us!"

"Yes! We have to try!"


Sistine, Lumia, and Ryel responded firmly.

"Okay! Everyone, let's work together!"
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"Un, it's time to reveal the results of the special

"Hmm... You can't always passively take the


With Kash, Wendy, Gibul leading the second group

The students' enthusiasm began to skyrocket.

Although the exemplary students were laughing

loudly at them, no one was paying attention to them at
this time.
"Very good! Come on!"

Glen now gave the order ——

The second class students enthusiastically walked toward

the doorÿ.

—— (boom).

The gentle sound of the ground echoed around.

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Whoosh —— the emptiness created a ringing sound in
my ears that now lingers in my ears.

"...Where is this?"

the door and through ÿ Sistine carefully went

observed the surrounding environment little by little.

This seemed to be an extremely vast stone room, with

an extremely ancient architectural style.

There is a podium, and there are also more or less

unknown rows at long tables. The ceiling is also exceptionally

Of course, except for her

there are no other people.

Is this a classroom? If it's the real scale of the Backyard,

than the Big Magic it seems like it's a little bit smaller
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There were no windows, so it was very dark.
The vision is also not exploited, giving people a
feeling of suffocation that makes others unable to

Packed in the top wall

oil lamp flashes weakly (only) —
It's like a prison somewhere.

"This is the ÿBackyardÿ... It's really open, but

I'm too lazy to go to school in such a dark place."

The Survival War has begun.

Sistine once again raised her spirits and was

alert to the surrounding situation.
"... And?"

Suddenly, she saw that on the wall of the

classroom was a propaganda sign of some kind...
On the top was a piece of goat skin.

The parchment above is written thus:—

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—— Playing with fire is forbidden inside the Education

—— violators will be prosecuted ÿ

punishment verdict ÿ
Principal · Alicia III.
"It's forbidden to play with fire...? Un, it
seems like sensei said, Wouldn't it be better to
not use heat-type magic? But this can also be
considered as an internal teaching in the genera
context." ..."
Sistine looked for a moment to see what he said
next and narrowed her eyes.

"What do you mean by 'punishment yes

verdict'? It feels strangely good."
Saying this was useless, so Sistine quickly
started taking action.
"The first request is to be quick
friends gather. Good... Need to try.”
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Sistine deployed a barrier to find enemies and left
the classroom.

Then the now complex, maze-like corridor slowly


In other aspects ——ÿ in pre-auditory learning.

institute ÿ

Right now, countless window-like images appeared

above Glen and the others, waiting for them.

The windows in the image are all hallways or

classrooms —— they are all ÿ
Backyard ÿ inside the scene.

Some of the windows in front of it still showed the

silhouette of a student looking for a student in the

There is also a ÿBackyardÿ in mid-air.

Simple internal map of Education Tower.
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The Survival Battle started 30 minutes later
"Huh huh huh... Don't you guys feel absolutely

As if because the students didn't have any

great movements, Maxim suddenly opened his
mouth to speak.
"This book is very convenient to write and write"

notebook smiled and ÿAlicia Maxim's

III ÿ kept it for Glen to see.

"Based on this book, you can control all

functions of ÿBackyardÿ.
If that's the case, feel free to use all your magic
to keep Giao Hoc Lau inside the projected scene."

"Okay, okay~, awesome, awesome"

Glen was a little proud of Maxim.

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(Really, that notebook... After all, it's a grimoire... But it
holds such powerful power... How could such an object come
to his hands. ..? )

Feeling a bit unreasonable, Glen frowned.

(say... What happened in the end...)

Glen looked toward the top of the image. A "No Playing

announcement appeared in the With Fire"
ÿ middle of several images.

Judging from how many times this picture has appeared,

perhaps the entire Backyard is covered in this type of thing.

(That and that warning page... Is there really any


"... Glen... Crossed his face and started to rise up"

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Following Eve's eyes, she looked up... Just as
Eve had said, the battle must have begun on the
spot where she encountered the situation ——

Some corridor now ——

"You stop"
A sudden voice rang out, causing
Sistine, who was alone in the hallway, to
stop walking.
In front of the intersection there were two
people - there was still (still) a person coming from
her behind the classroom behind the door.

The three exemplary students were attacking her

in an offensive manner.

"Humph... You're the only one who

seems to be a relatively (comparatively)
resilient student... I'm sorry, we want
(need) to hurry up so you can quit."
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"Think we're despicable? Ha ha, don't blame
me, this is ÿSurvival War


The exemplary students firmly believe they have

the advantage, firmly believe they will win.

However, Sistine didn't say a word, just entered

combat mode without saying anything.

On the other hand, in a certain classroom right

now ——

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh aaah ——! I'm so lucky, I

found this treasure ——!"
Lumia appeared in front of model students ——
Deen was gesticulating with joy.

"Obviously I met a very gorgeous second-class

girl - blonde with big breasts -chan! I'm obviously so
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"Ahaha... Congratulations..."
"Ah, it's okay, it's okay! I don't want to hurt
you! Besides, if I win over you, will you go on a
date with me? Okay? I'll let you understand now.
ant) for a moment, I'll be resilient and cool again!"

"Anou... When it comes to dating, please let me


"Give me some face. A woman just needs to

be serious and obey a strong man. Like that ——"

Deen raised his left hand towards Lumia, who

showed a complicated smile ——
On the other hand, some present
There is no cover in the hallway ——
"... Found you"
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A body suddenly towards is above
hallway leading to model students —
Zack continued speaking behind his back.

As soon as I turned around, I discovered it was Gibul.

(tsk), I'm temporarily looking for an enemy

about a... Zack punched his mouth in response.

"Huh? Is there something to do?"

"Isn't this obvious? ... Came to you a few days ago

Zack laughed and turned his head to look at Gibul.

"Ha, what's so cool about that mongrel? Are you

an idiot? Isn't it good to sneak attack me from behind?
—— even though I won't sneak attack between you"

"Stop talking nonsense and start quickly"

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Speaking, Gibul pushed up his glasses
and stared at Zack fiercely.
On the other hand, there are certain stairs
and high places.
"Ahaha ha, found it!"
"Ka ka ka... What should you eat?"

"... Wendy”
"No problem, we're 2v2, I'm the midfielder,
you're responsible for helping."

Encountering the situation of two

exemplary female students, Wendy stood in
front of Teresa ——
Then, in a certain ritual laboratory ——

"Yeah! Finally found one! Oh, my luck has

always been so bad
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Finally... It's clear that if we don't keep time, the prey
will be taken by someone else!

"Anou... Don't think you can

Just like last time, it can be done!"

Kash doesn't hold him back at all

shouted angrily into the model student's eyes.

The vast presentÿ Backyard ÿ places

Glen and Maxim's students gradually began to

have a full-blown conflict ——

—— The Survival War has just begun.

Maxim still looked confident

Backyard ÿ inside the place pictures.

Because he is sure of victory.

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Students themselves continuously ÿAccurate
educationÿto study the guidance, thorough
magician's force suddenly improved beyond the level
of proficiency.

He brought the magicians here who did not need

other training and completely ignored them, keeping
them trained to become the strongest ideal magiciansÿ.

That's right, magic is ultimately just a weapon of

war. Education, survival wisdom - these are all
meaningless. It's all unrealistic talk.

Putting these useless things aside, cultivating pure

strength is the only way to enter the true path of
magicians. This is exactly what educational magic is.

Therefore, this match has already been decided,

there is no possibility of losing.
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This is an unquestionable victory performance
competition, to let the school's bookworms who have
never seen big waves and storms open their eyes
and boundaries, and prove that their educational
motto is the best and most delicious propaganda.

But ——

"< great breeze >!"

"< lightning crystal electricity >!"

"It's so slow! < the wall light


The magic power and magic power present in

the corridor collided and exploded.

Sistine was clearly competing against three

people at the same time, but she was still able to
neutralize the attack with unparalleled precision.

"There's chaos everywhere...!"

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"Very strange ——!? The three of you came
forward together, so you should be able to win

"Disgusting! Surrounding her ——! Surrounding

her ——!"

We were being teased by her right at the palm

of our hand - such an idea caused a mistake in
the cooperation of a model student. He plans to
get behind Sistine ——

"<< lightning crystal electricity >>——!"

"Mm aaaaaaaaaa ——!"

Sistine took the opportunity to use her left hand to

release a lightning bolt that hit him.

"Disgusting —— but, you're done!"

"<pure white ——"

The remaining two exemplary students aimed

at Sistine's magical power · chaotic rhythm creature
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at a glance, planning to confront
Sistine used the shock-type cold spell spell
literature --

(pop)! Sistine's right hand suddenly shot out

another flash of lightning, defeating that model
student's face -

"No —— hey, just now this was ——!"

"< great wind >——!"

Take a breath and adjust your magic power. The

creature beats Sistine and chants the spell again ——

Currently, the ÿwhirlwind (Gale·blow)ÿ was

mercilessly rolling up the last model student, holding
him up against the wall.

"How is it possible... That was the second level just now

guide...!? Like that, a technical college..."
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The student's eyes widened in surprise... Finally,
he fell down helplessly, losing consciousness.

"Good, success! As expected of Eve-san's

personal heir!"

Sistine cautiously observed the general situation

around the situation, relax and leave

ÿ... I... Lost... ÿ

" how? You now understand that I am very


Deen looked down helplessly and curled up next

to Lumia's feet.
However... Deen-kun is really awesome.
I didn't expect someone to be so resilient... So
good... ÿ

ÿha ha ha, you finally understand! How? Are

you infatuated with me? ÿ
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un... I, this is the first time I've seen someone
like you... ÿ
Do you agree that I am a woman? ÿ
un... Hope to be taken care of, Deen -kun...

Lumia spoke in a gentle voice,

He raised his face and looked up at Deen...

—— Lumia smiled bitterly as she happily embraced

the dream of sleeping Deen.
"Ahaha... Sorry"

Not long after the magic battle began, she

immediately changed the spell, releasing what
appeared to be ÿVolt shock (Shock·Volt)ÿ ÿHypnotic
sound waves (Sleep·Sound)ÿ.

Because the other side is absolutely right

Lumia was too careless, so she chose the wrong room
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read the mantra —— the immediate result is like

"...We can't lose"

His normally gentle face now seemed
urgent and serious.

She also started walking towards the

next battlefield ——
"You, what exactly are you...!?"
Zack had absolutely no way to hide his
"< the direction of the void screams here · echo
here · wind spirit roars >——!"
Gibul released his compressed air and flew back here.

"Tch ——< great air barrier >!"

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Zack quickly launched ÿAir Screen (Air·Screen)ÿ,
now surrounding himself with an air barrier.

The compressed air bullet (fired) explodes and

causes huge shock waves and sound waves.

"Mm... <thunder star ——>"

Right now I'm in the middle of a big shock, Zack

raised his finger, intending to counterattack Gibul.

But Gibul is no longer here.

He rushed next to the internal classroom.

"Bastard, damn it ——! Don't hide ——"

Zack was about to run into the classroom in pursuit


A handful of faces entered the door, and three

beams immediately shot out from the inside of the classr
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blink. He quickly turned his face back

"Disgusting! <pure white dong lam>


Zack angrily brought his hand into the classroom,

releasing cold air.

"Ka ka, how... You can't see this right now...!"

Just as Zack was planning to boldly walk into the

classroom, thinking about how to deal with him ——

"< great breeze >——!"

The spell flew from behind Zack.

It's Gibul. He had returned from the back door of the

classroom to the hallway.

"Female --"
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The stormy war hammer swept from behind
Zack ——
"Big, < great barrier wall >——!"
He reluctantly revealed the ÿAir Screen
"Uwa aaaaaaaaaa ——!"

However, the force of the storm was the same as

before, pushing its body back more than ten meters, and
the sole of its shoe was also clearly rubbed off a block.


Gibul pushed his glasses and stared at

Zack without any care.
"Disgusting... You, what happened to
Zack was unwilling and gritted his teeth.
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Gibul compared to before the duel during the
war was not much more resilient.

However, he immediately judged that the ability

and the previous judgment were like two people.

Can very quickly and accurately judge what the

next step should be.

"What did this thoughtful person just do...!?"

"Didn't I tell you to stop talking nonsense... Just

dive in"

"Tsk... Still (still) putting my nose on my face...!

Okay, then I will use all my strength to deal with you! —
Let's see if you can keep up with me!"

"Hmm... Compared to Eve-sensei, your slow

pace makes me yawn."
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"Don't look down on people! < thunder star >
—< second shot ( hair ) >——< third shot ( hair ) >

Zack suddenly performed ÿVolt shock

(Shock·Volt)ÿ 3 consecutive chants.

Gibul used his body to avoid escaping

first play ( hair ) with second play ( hair ).

"<disastrous fog >——"

Then use the third dissipation spell to cast

(hair) ——
"Female --!?"

"——< thunder star >!"

Gibul's tit for tat ÿVolt shock (Shock·Volt)ÿ shot

towards the standing person and appeared at
Zack's place - this situation seemed familiar.
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"Line aaaaaaaaaa ——!?"
The electric shock hit Zack's left hand.

Gibul recalled the fight between the fierce and

powerful Zack before, which made Zack feel
incomparably humiliated.

"What exactly happened here!?"

Maxim's angry shouts filled the front of the
room, shrinking and echoing.

Countless images above solemnly declare

one truth - exemplary students are caught in a
bitter battle.

——It's not just a hard fight, it's basically the

same as being completely oppressed.

"Impossible...! With my ÿ Exactly

educational mottoÿ to teach students, how could
they be trapped by this academy's bookworms -
how could they fall into the net?"
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bitter war! They should have obtained an overwhelmin
victory! But why —

Glen turned his head to look in that direction

Amazed with humiliation, Maxim's face turned red.

"Anou... Those [...] people have become like me

The middle imagination is even stronger..."

Even Glen had a surprised look on his face,

looking forward to the students' expressions.

Therefore, this person behind the initiator is...

"Eve-kun... You, what are you doing!? How are

you going to train them!?"

Eve pulled back her hair and spoke coldly.

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"... It's nothing. I just followed the
teachings you taught them once... The
higher quality you use."
"Wha...!? It's impossible for light to do
something like this..."
"They originally had such strength, but
they weren't proficient in using it yet."

"Deceit, deceive people... The students

of this school cannot possibly have such
strength...! This place is really being
eroded by the "wrong education scene"
here. ..!"
"It's very simple. Your education is secretly
thinking that you want high efficiency rates to
improve the magician's force, thinking that laying a
foundation is meaningless. And Glen's education is
that it doesn't care about efficiency, Little by little, it's
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Basic magician... In the end, who is superior and

who is inferior, is it very clear?"

"The result is right in front of your eyes. Will you

obediently admit it? Your educational motto is
"wrong"... It was wrong from the start."

"No way... That's impossible

power...! I, my educational motto...!"

Maxim was upset and stopped at the top of the


One by one, his students were killed by Glen's


The general situation has been decided.

Glen the students were like splitting bamboo ——

Mud in (squeak)!
"A aaaaaaaaaaaaa ——!"
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The exemplary male student was completely
covered in electricity and collapsed.

Ryel put out his left hand without a sound,

standing next to him.
"Un, it's too much now. If it touches that
part of my body, my spell can also be used."

Ryel mumbled a bit smugly.

"... Studying is effective... Even though I don't
remember clearly what I learned"

Ryel's new ability ——ÿVolt shock

(Shock·Volt)ÿ 0 firing distance ——
She began to search for the next victim of
this extremely confusing new special skill.

“Over here! Teresa, hurry up!

Hurry up!"
"Come on, one..."
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Wendy pulled Teresa's hand and ran
down the hallway
"Ha ha ha ha —— stop for me!"
"Don't think I'll let you run——!"

Two exemplary female students chased after

them ——
Wendy and Teresa and the other two
girls engaged in a 2-on-2 magic battle -
feeling that the situation was not good, they
decided to run away.
Wendy and Teresa kept running away,
often turning back to check the situation ——

Finally, pass a certain car hanging on the

corridor ——
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The exemplary students did not pay attention
to this line. You guys are trying to get past the
time when ——

(tap) (pop) ——
" "A aaaaaaa ——!?"“

A wall-like wall appeared to rise, causing two

female students to faint.

"Good! This worked!"

"Only for exemplary students to respond to

magical trap conditions...Success"

"Magicians don't necessarily have to fight head

on, right!"

Wendy and Teresa clapped their hands in

congratulations with smiles on their faces ——

"< thunder star electric >——! < thunder star t

electricity >——!”
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"< great breeze >——!"

Countless electrons quickly accompanied each other

A fierce wind blew towards Lynn.

"Light (points), <brilliant shield wall · prevents

disaster · protects me >...!"

However, as before, she suppressed her fear and

persistently opened her eyes, chanting ‹ Black Magic ›
ÿForce Shieldÿ.

The light barrier now hangs a hair's breadth away

from the boundary protecting her.
"A... A...!"

Lynn was so tired that she was breathing heavily

rough air, tears stagnating in the upper eye rims.

Even so, she was still trembling in a state of alert,

guarding against the next wave of attacks.
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"Disgusting... How long do you think you're going
to be involved, you're short...!"

"Obviously, we didn't conduct any random

counterattacks, dare to ——!"

The two model students were annoyed and stared

at Lynn.

"Can you quickly throw it away? You seem to be

doing your best to practice defense... But you can't
attack, right?"

"Un, you haven't even counterattacked even once!"


That's right, Lynn will only have to follow Glen's

plan for the next two weeks, constantly accepting -
suddenly resisting Eve's attack.
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Lynn doesn't have any tricks that can defeat the

From her personality, from her ability, she is not

suitable for fighting.

But, even so.

(Do your best to make the opponent use more

spells... Consuming the opponent... It's like coming
to help everyone, here? I, I can only... Do that kind
of thing... )

Lynn wiped her tears with a handful and pressed her

body down.

"Tsk... What the hell! Fara! Next move will decide

victory or defeat!"

"Un, Jelid, cooperate with me ——< lightning t

electricity >——!"

Two exemplary students at the same time

Lynn chanted the mantra ——
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"Light (pointing), <brilliant shield wall·

Lynn thought wrongly, I'm afraid it was

because she was too tired -
She could only bewilderedly look at the purple
electricity flying towards her ——
"Lynn ————————!"
Someone used ÿPhysical·Boost)ÿ to
strengthen his body, flying in front of Lynn, using
his own body to protect her.

"Voice, Kash -kun!?"

"Are you okay!?"

It was clear that the electronic energy was
still frantically invading his own body step by
step, Kash also showed a resolute smile.
"It's hard for you, you go back! <h no ——>“
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Kash immediately directed two model
students to chant the mantra.
"Ha! You're so slow! Miscellaneous! <thunder
crystal electricity >——!"

"<frozen bullets (shot)>!"

The model student released ÿVolt Shock
(Shock·Volt)ÿ and ÿCold Air Bullet (Shot) (Freeze·Shot)ÿ
without any mercy and gathered in the chanting bay of

echo here ·——”
Purple electricity flowed from his body,
blocking the ice in front of his body that had
combined with his right arm and leg - but
Kash, as before, did not stop singing.
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"Hey, this guy! Before, I pressured myself
Use several times (heavy) Tam Chuc resistance —

"Too rude!"
"<·—— wind spirit roars >!"
Now the exemplary student stared blankly at the
bottom - Kash's spell was completed.

The compressed air bullet (fired) passed through a line

The arc guides them away.
"A aaaaaaaaaaa ——!?"

The exemplary student was blown away
by the loud explosion and vibration - and then
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"Riddle!? Disgusting, could it be...!?"
The three exemplary students looked around
They just happened to be flying from here
without knowing ÿVolt Shock (Shock·Volt)ÿ
stare and shoot.

"Where are you hiding, you despicable villain...!"

"One gun (spear) and one gun (spear) is it

bothersome? ... Disgusting!"

There is now an end corridor between them - the

stairs are nearby.

Cecil used ‹ Black Magic › ÿ Self Transparent

ÿ on his own body with ‹ Black Magic ›
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ÿSound cut out (Noise·Cut)ÿ, completely hidden.

Right now, Cecil can't be captured by a model

student who is bad at finding enemies.


Of course, after all, he has allocated most of the

deep consciousness domain resources to maintain the
hide system (forced) spell, and right now he cannot
use the attack that can defeat the opponent with one
strike. Click on the text.

(But this is enough... With the invisible enemy

allowing them to continuously apply pressure... Leaving
them both physically and mentally exhausted. .. I'm
from a secret place nearby... Like that)
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Even though I also understand how despicable I
am, I'm still (or) determined to be cruel.

Cecil secretly followed and quickly left the scene of

the group of exemplary students...

"Hateful... Hateful aaaaaaaah...!"

The group of model students disappointed one

scene after another, causing Maxim's anger to reach
its peak.

"Where is Mabel!? Where is the best Mabel on my

side? Hurry and destroy everything for them, Mabel

Maxim shouted frantically towards the image.

However, among these countless images, there is

no Mabel.
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Could it be that the magic camera has a dead angle

"Oh. Mabel... Was there a student in the fight to

suppress the White Cat?"

Glen said somewhat reluctantly.

"That's right, among the students Maxim, only she is

out of line. I'm afraid she's not disguised as a student. I
just told the students, "If you see Mabel, run quickly."

"... I think so too, this is correct"

"Now that she has taken action before, I hope that

Sistine and Gibul, the main forces of the second group,
will quickly reunite..."

"Ah, Mabel said as much as she could

The power to change the situation... You guys"
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"The tangerine peel is thick and has sharp
nails. It makes me even think (want) to lift the
ban on Ryel's swordplay and ‹Alchemy ›"

However, the contrast between Glen and

Eve's worries was that Mabel continuously did not
"Mabel aaaaaaaaaaa ——!"

Maxim hissed angrily across the room.

... This place is a place surrounded on all four

sides by tall bookshelves, similar to a study room.
Deep inside, what appears to be a very noble
opening is the rosewood tree. On the table are
placed documents, lit candle holders, paper
blades, pen feathers, ink and water bottles, and
all kinds of stationery.
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Extend drawers in one display
old-fashioned grip (hair) pistol.
It seems like it can provide users at any
time - no, it seems like someone just happened
to use this place -

The candlestick and oil lamp swayed,

giving the dark room a faint light (pointing) —
this was indeed the "Backyard".
Principal's office —— Alicia's office III.

There is absolutely no way to get to this

place through ordinary means.
This is from the ÿBackyardÿ school, there
is absolutely no way to detect people entering
the secret room.
The only person who knew the method of
entering was the late Alicia III himself.
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However, currently there is a young girl standing in
this room so no one could enter the room.

It's Mabel.

She took off her clothes, only her underwear


Then I used the feather pen on the desk and the

bottle of water ink, borrowed the candle holder and the
lamp, and now my whole body was constantly describing
something up and down.

"...Fortunately, there is still plenty of water remaining"

While Mabel was mumbling, she didn't stop writing.

She herself is extremely scribbled, it can be said that

she dances her pen into writing.

Like a fire that burns to a place that feels like it's tied up
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"... There's still a bit... There's still a bit of heavy

editing to complete...
I can immediately escape her control..."
Write write write ——

She kept talking incomprehensibly, desperately

trying to write on her own body.

"Hurry up... It's not too early..."

A drop of sweat from constantly maintaining beauty

The same calmness flowed down her forehead

"Want to come... She wants to come... Want to come...!"

Currently in the dark.

No one could hear Mabel whispering ——

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What surprised everyone was that in the decisive

ÿArzanoÿ Empire Magic Academy's fate in the Survival
Battle, Glen II showed an overwhelming advantage.

The premonition of victory made the students of

class two fight even more courageously.

But at this moment —— the event happened


"Don't think that you can continue to move forward

like this... Silver-haired woman...!"

Currently, the Backyard is on the third floor of a

hallway at the central intersection.

Sistine was ejected from the surrounding hallway

There are four model students surrounding him.
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"Huh huh huh... Don't blame me, guys... Survival
War really wants (needs) no means."

One of them... Zack said to Sistine.

He was now easily subdued by Gibul, and now

escaped with a hair's breadth.

With his other companions, he planned to show

his bravest side before killing Sistine.

"Ha ha ha, you can still pretend to be annoyed

with this."

From the right hallway came the model student

—— Nyss also had to say it with a big heart.

From the left side of the hallway come the male

student and from the back of the hallway come closer to
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Students also firmly believe that they will win.

"If we just eliminate you, we will immediately win...

Go and die."

"... Really?"
However, Sistine was not moved at all, she
calmly entered a fighting state.

Faced with impending defeat, her sharp

eyes did not have any feeling of sadness or
So the appearance is left to the students
The pattern feels even more uncomfortable.
"Tsk, it definitely makes people burn
Human... Is it just the face that's cute...!"
"Okay, quickly kill her!"
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The exemplary students towards Sistine
raised their left hands, intending to chant a spe

Blink --
"A aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ——!?"

Making other people's skin crawl, the screams

of pain came from somewhere in the back yard,
and now they were all around.
From this echo size to see if the sound
source is right away


Including Sistine, everyone inside couldn't

help but stiffen.
This sound - no matter how you think
about it, it's not normal.
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It's not like the current Survival War where
people feel miserable or groan unwillingly in the
midst of defeat.

It is the misfortune of being faced with

something that can no longer be understood and
cannot be imagined - the collapse of reason and
soul causing the final struggle.

"Wait, wait a minute... That one called just now

pathetic... Is it a bit strange?"
Sistine tried to compress her whole upper and lower body to get out

cold sweat uncomfortable feeling said that.

"... Ah? Is this really the current Survival War?

You, are you looking for an excuse to exile

Zack spoke firmly... But he didn't dare to move

step by step.

Passed not long after.

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In the space dominated by emptiness, a strange

sound came.
(scratch), (ssh), (ssh)......

Sistine felt that the sound was coming from the

right, left, back of the hallway deep inside and
approaching here.

"Wha, what...?"

Concentrate on looking.

From the corridor deep inside, from the dense

darkness ——

There is something darker and darker

surrounding something here that is slowly... Slowly


The faint firelight shining on the wall of the

corridor was faintly shining
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light comes from the darkness to its body

“Hey, hey, this is…!?”

No one dared to move.
Everyone said something speechless.
Even though he had experienced the Great Sistine
War several times ——

Because, in front of something, it is truly

beyond human imagination.
That kind of thing - temporarily has a human
Xu wears thin clothes on his body
Look at the curve, it must be a woman?
But other than that, the outside parts are too
unlike humans.

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