The Sovereign Mind Method™ - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs

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The Sovereign

Mind Method
How to Discover Your Limiting Beliefs,
Delete Them in Minutes,
& Be Free.

Gladius Sovereign
The Sovereign Mind Experience - Get Lifetime Community + Courses + Training

Creator & Publisher: Gladius Sovereign

Copyright 2023 Sovereign Mind LLC. All Rights Reserved.

The ideas and procedures contained in this book are not intended as a substitute for therapy or consulting with your physician.

The Sovereign Mind Method™ is not a substitute for therapy or professional health care. Neither the publisher nor the author is

engaged in rendering professional advice or services to the individual reader. Neither the author nor the publisher shall be liable or

responsible for any loss or damage allegedly arising from any information or procedures in this book. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Table Of Contents

Philosophy & Foundations 5

Understand These De nitions 17

You Are NOT Your Beliefs 19

Circumstances Always Help Us See & Feel Our Beliefs 23

Sentence Completions - Discover Limiting Beliefs in Minutes 25

Sentence Completion Worksheets

Instant self-knowledge of hidden negative beliefs 30

The Sense Test - Instantly Feel & Sense Limiting Beliefs 38

The Limiting Belief Examples List (Try These) 49

The Sovereign Mind Method™ - Delete Your Limiting Beliefs 51

Step 1: Logical Sense Processing (Parts Work) 63

Step 2: Visual Sense Processing 67

Step 3: Emotional Sense Processing 77

Success Stories - See Lifechanging Results 80 - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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What’s Next? 86

The Sovereign Mind Experience

Delete Your Limiting Beliefs For Good
With Community Support + Live Training + Self-Study Courses 87

Claim Your $4,702 Bonus For Reading This Book To The End 89

Free Yourself. You Can Do It. Godspeed. 91 - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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3 Tools to Delete Limiting Beliefs

In this book, I will illuminate 3 tools of self-discovery and transformation. These tools used

in tandem will give you the near-magical ability to discover and delete any and all of your

self-limiting beliefs.

1. Sentence Completions empower you to discover your core limiting beliefs within
minutes by prompting your subconscious mind to reveal them instantly.

2. The Sense Test empowers you to viscerally feel and sense which beliefs are most
strongly limiting you, so you know which ones to prioritize deleting.

3. The Sovereign Mind Method™ empowers you to delete these limiting beliefs in a
matter of minutes - for good.

Limiting beliefs are akin to programs or spells that put us in a trance where we think, see,

feel, and act the same ways again and again unconsciously and automatically.

For your entire life, you've always had the ability to dispel limiting beliefs merely by asking

yourself the right questions. This text is merely a loving reminder of your true power.

The Secret? Beliefs don't JUST make logical sense.

Seeing is Believing.

Feeling is Believing.

Beliefs live in both your mind (visually) and body (emotionally).

You Create Your Reality. Every belief is a choice. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Philosophy & Foundations

What Are Limiting Beliefs?

Almost nobody alive has a true understanding of the foundational role beliefs play in our


Thankfully, this is rapidly changing.

Beliefs cause and create your State of Being.

Beliefs cause your negative thoughts.

Beliefs cause your negative emotions.

Beliefs heavily in uence your actions, though you’re always free to choose.

They cause you to think, feel, and act in speci c ways.

Beliefs are like Stories. Your Belief System creates the Story of Your Life.

Don't like something about yourself, your life, your circumstances?

Change the Story you're telling yourself.

Delete the Old Story. Create a New Story. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Limiting Belief Systems cause us to perceive reality through a false lens instead of reality

itself - the lens of a story that constricts our free will and capacity to choose otherwise.

That lens lters everything we see - ltering out experiences that do not align with what

we believe, and aligning us with experiences that reinforce our beliefs. The lens triggers

negative thoughts and emotions when we see “evidence” that reinforces the limiting belief.

Limiting beliefs always self-validate and self-reinforce negative patterns of thought,

emotion, and behavior.

We must rst become self-aware of our Limiting Belief Systems. Only through choosing

self-awareness can we wake up to the lies we’ve internalized, and make the free will

decision to break the spells holding us in an inauthentic state of being.

This process begins slowly, then moves quickly with practice.

If you believe you can change your beliefs, you’re right.

I invite you to pay close attention.

This might just change your life. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Language & De nitions Are All Just Belief Systems

This is merely a symbol consisting of 3 straight lines:

It has no meaning until you agree that its meaning is

“A, the rst letter of the English alphabet”

This is not a “bee”. It is what it is. It has no intrinsic name.

The mouth-sound “bee” you associate with it has no intrinsic meaning.

Other cultures call it a “nahala”, “मधुम खी”, “pī”, and “ ”

They use di erent symbols and sounds to intend the same meaning.

You DEFINE this thing as a “bee” which means “buzzing yellow-black honey-making insect.”

The moment you decide “that thing is a bee” it becomes a bee in your experience of reality. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Symbols and sounds mean anything you want. Once you decide, it’s de ned.

This is a curved line.

To you, it means “Capital letter C”.

You use a sound to describe it - the same sound you use to mean an English verb: See

Do you see what I mean?

De nitions are, in a sense, merely agreements about what things mean.

Every letter of every word of every language is just a series of beliefs and agreements.

It's all made up.

It is what you make it.

You Create Your Reality. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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You Create All Meaning In Your Reality

If you look closely at this chair, you’ll nd it’s made of wood.

If you look closely at this wood, you’ll nd it’s made of cells.

If you look closely at these cells, you’ll nd they're made of atoms.

No matter how closely you look, you won’t see meaning in this chair.

The meaning is not IN what you see.

You create meaning,

and project it ONTO what you see.

Take a look around you.

What does it all mean? - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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It’s your divine right to see things how you choose, with whatever story works for you.

You decide what it all means to you - always.

When you begin to truly internalize this, everything in your life will change immeasurably for the better forever. Because the

meaning you ascribe to an event creates your emotional response, shifting meaning shifts emotional response. Most people do

not currently exercise Free Will over the meaning they create and project. They allow their subconscious belief systems to

automatically generate interpretive meaning, and accept it as factual.

When they get red, they "see" that they're "not good enough" for the thousandth time, and so they endlessly su er. By

reclaiming Free Will over your meaning-making "muscles" you may begin to train them intentionally. With practice, you may

begin to automatically create empowering meaning for all of life's events.

Perhaps getting red means you're being divinely redirected into a higher purpose. Perhaps it means you're free to create

whatever you want now. Perhaps it means it's time to go on an adventure and travel the world. In truth, it always means what you

make it mean. Why not choose something Loving and Empowering?

I will continue to drop commentary throughout this book in small-text, inspired by William Wallace the Author of 7th Sense

Imaginal Healing. Occasionally, I'll drop little advanced nuggets that you're not supposed to know. Love You! - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Every Image In Your Mind Means What You Make It Mean

Remember that time that Sarah got mad at you? All that remains of that experience is an

image in your mind - a memory. It's not happening anymore, yet we can see it so clearly.

Does this image mean “I am not good enough”?

Does this image mean “Sarah is a jerk”?

Does this image mean “Women are not safe”?


Not unless you decide it does..

“Sarah is mad” just means “Sarah is mad”.

It is what it is.

Everything else is your story - your interpretation - your creation. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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The stories (beliefs) you attach to the image

create your emotional experience of the image.

Based on your interpretation of Sarah yelling, you could emotionally experience:

Calm (I am in control. I've done nothing wrong.)

Anger (I don’t deserve this. She's being a bitch!)

Shame (I did something wrong. I'm so sorry...)

Fear (I am not safe. I've got to get out of here!)

Which is right?

None of them. All of them.

It’s your choice what to believe. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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You Can Decide To STOP Feeling "Unworthy" Anytime

Oh no, you feel some sadness in your head again...

Does this sadness mean “I am not worthy”?

Does this sadness mean “I’ll always be alone”?

Does this sadness mean “There’s no point”?


Not unless you decide it does..

The sensation of sadness in my head could just mean "I feel sad".

It is what it is, until you IDENTIFY with the feeling, and ascribe MEANING to it.

Everything else is your story - your interpretation - your creation. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Limiting Beliefs are fueled by emotional energy. Beliefs make Emotional Sense.

That’s what makes them feel real until you dispel the illusion.

When you defuse the emotions & sensations you've tied to the belief, It loses emotional

power over you.

How do you do that?

Simply decide that the feelings no longer mean what they used to.

AND/OR stop IDENTIFYING with your feelings.

Break the Agreement. Stop consenting to the belief. It’s that simple.

You’ll see what I mean as you begin to understand The Sovereign Mind Method™. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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De nitions & Beliefs CREATE Your Reality

Your lived experience is a perfect re ection of the sum-total of your belief systems. All

undesired thoughts, emotions, and actions arise from belief systems and de nitions that

are out of harmony with your highest intentions. Said di erently, you never take a single

action or feel a single emotion without an underlying belief (system) at cause.

If you had no de nitions, your consciousness would be pure “isness” without distinction.

In that state of being, “All is One and One is All”.

Beliefs and De nitions are purely neutral instruments of conscious distinction. They are not

“Good” or “Bad”.

“Good” and “Bad” are just made up de nitions.

Beliefs & De nitions condense your experience of intention + meaning,

which codi es your experience into speci c thoughts,

which generates your experience of speci c emotions

which drives impulses to speci c actions.

Beliefs and De nitions are therefore the causal layer of ALL experience.

As you’re about to nd out, de nitions and beliefs are purely under your control, and by

updating your de nitions and beliefs to serve your highest good and excitement, you can

radically improve your experience. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Our beliefs always make sense in the moment of creation, and typically intend to ful ll a

positive purpose. For example, “I am not good enough” could serve a positive purpose that

motivates a child to change their behavior to get straight A’s in school to receive praise

(Love) from their father. We eventually outgrow the environments and evolve internally

past the useful shelf life of the belief, then they produce undesirable thoughts, emotions,

and actions. For example, later in life that same child as an adult may avoid making eye

contact with attractive women and feel insecure around them due to "I am not good


Nonetheless, there are beliefs which cause emotions and sensations to rise in your

experience which you would not prefer, and it is generally wise to not choose to believe in

stories such as “I’m not worthy” or “I’m not good enough”. Even those stories can be used as

fuel or motivation to achieve a speci c state of being.

There is no right or wrong; those are merely de nitions which we believe in.

It is therefore useful to de ne de nitions.

De nitions are beliefs, and therefore are multidimensional experiential constructs like any other belief. They have Logical

(Linguistic), Visual (Images, Metaphors, Examples), and Emotional (Energetic) components. By changing your de nition of a

concept, you change your experience of the concept. People unintentionally form confused de nitions such as “Love is Pain'' or

“Work is Hard”, which causes them to experience Love as Pain, or Work as Hard. This causes negative emotional energy to attach

to the concept of “Love” and “Work” respectively in their experience of reality. That’s not fun. Check your de nitions. Defusing the

negative emotional energy from the de nition drastically improves your experience of the concept. You can sculpt your

de nitions with positive Intent (Words, Images, Sensations) that radically rede ne your experience of that word/concept for the

better forever. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Understand These De nitions

Belief (n)

1. A program in the psyche / body generating speci c repeated thoughts, emotions,

and actions.

2. An agreement about what a speci c experience, symbol, or set of sensations


Belief System (n)

1. An interconnected matrix of Beliefs that compliment and reinforce one another.

Nick created a “high-achiever” belief system to counteract a sense of
2. A perceptual paradigm shaping how one views and experiences a speci c concept
Nick decided to explore and update his belief systems around Love and Self-worth.

[Beliefs] are multidimensional, multi-sensory experiences that a ect all aspects of our

psyche. They can appear as thoughts, physical sensations, emotions and feelings, urges,
drives, or invisible barriers.

— Lion Goodman, Creator of the Clear Beliefs Method - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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De nition (n)

1. a belief / agreement of the meaning of a word / word group, sign / symbol, or


2. A belief which constructs the meaning, images, and emotions tied to a speci c

Nick discovered a mal-formed de nition in his belief system that “Love is disgusting and
hurtful”. This de nition of Love made him feel emotional pain while watching couples kiss
in public.

Confuse (v)

1. The act of mistakenly fusing together two concepts which are truly separate.

Nick’s beliefs and de nitions made him confuse “Love” with “disgust” and “hurt”.

Discreate (v)

1. To undo the creation of; to unmake; to destroy.

Nick intentionally discreated this limiting belief system, and replaced it with more aligned
and empowering beliefs like "Love is always here" and "Love is beautiful". He now
experiences expressions of love as warming and joyful. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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You Are NOT Your Beliefs

I AM is a complete statement. Your core being begins and ends with "I AM".

Everything you create and place on top of "I AM" is your choice, and your responsibility.

You have free will and intention as tools at your disposal to shape and sculpt your being.

Every story you choose to create and believe becomes your story.

The collection of the thousands and thousands of stories you create through the formative

years of your childhood largely shapes your experience of reality.

"I am not good enough" "People are dangerous" "Life is hard"

"I am not worthy" "People are ignorant" "Life is stressful"
"I am too much" "People are crazy" "Life is a struggle"
"I am a burden" "People are irresponsible" "Life is a dissappointment"

You're free to choose to create and believe any story about any concept imaginable.

Every story creates and shapes your experience of reality.

The most foundational stories are built directly on top of "I AM". - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Core Beliefs create Thoughts.

Thoughts create Emotions.

Emotions drive Actions.

There's a reciprocal interaction between Action, Emotion, and Thought. Choosing new

actions can in uence and create new thoughts and emotions. Choosing new thoughts can

create new emotions resulting in new actions.

Free Will and Intention are fundamental in in uencing Thoughts, Emotions, and Actions

When you choose to take the leap into the unknown (Chosen Action), the prior fear

alchemizes into excitement and joy (Resulting Emotion), and after a long day of curious

wonder and exploration, you may nd yourself thinking "I'm so glad I did that!" (Resulting

Thought). You also can intend and choose a new perspective (belief) in any given moment,

which activates a new Way of Being, which creates new thoughts, emotions, and actions. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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You create your entire experience of reality by setting intentions and making choices about

what to believe.

You are a Sovereign Creator.

You Create it All.

Nothing is outside of your Creative Power.

Your Story is Your Choice.

"I AM" contains all of your Being.

"I AM this or that" is not who you truly are.

"I AM not this or that enough" is most certainly not who you truly are.

Do you intend to pretend you're a victim to your stories?

Or do you intend to choose to write them anew?

Your choice. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Beliefs cause you to see the same meaning again and again.

Meaning creates emotion.

Emotion drives action.

Most of the meaning you create is re exively, unconsciously, automatically created based

on what you believe, rather than intentionally created.

Rather than belaboring the point intellectually, I’ll illustrate with an example:

Sarah’s mother was very self-aware and communicative to her daughter. She told Sarah

that she was feeling cranky in the morning, and let her know that if she happens to snap at

her, “just remember it’s nothing personal, and I love you so much even when I’m upset”. In

the afternoon, Sarah dropped a spoon and it made a loud noise. Her mother snapped at her


Sarah felt a pang of anxiety. She remembered “it’s nothing personal; mom loves me”, took a

deep breath and let it go. The anxiety did not come back.

In an alternate universe, Sarah’s mother was not self-aware. She didn’t communicate her

emotional state to Sarah. Sarah dropped the spoon and her mother snapped the same way.

Sarah felt a pang of anxiety. She searched for an explanation why her mother was so mean

to her. She found it: “there’s something wrong with me”. She began ruminating on this

thought, and her anxiety worsened. She went into her room and cried. Anxiety and sadness

became fused with the spell “there’s something wrong with me”, which haunted her for the

next 40 years thousands and thousands of times. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Circumstances Always Help Us See & Feel Our

Limiting Beliefs

Circumstances that trigger emotional responses are a portal / window / gateway into your

unconscious belief systems.

You can choose to see these as opportunities to develop greater self-awareness by

discovering what beliefs are being triggered, or you can ignore them. If you ignore them,

you'll just keep experiencing the same pattern again and again until you choose to pay

attention and explore what you believe that's causing it.

Here’s a Magic Question you may ask yourself to discover the core beliefs causing your

emotional responses:

“What would someone have to believe in order to feel _____ when ____?"
Replace the blanks with your emotions and your circumstances.

Use “someone” rather than yourself in order to bypass self-censorship and overthinking.

What would someone have to believe in order to feel...

anxiety when an attractive person sees them?

fear when public speaking?

guilty when raising their prices?

avoidant when beginning a new task? - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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“Fear of Failure” DOES NOT EXIST

You say you’re struggling with “fear of failure”?

No you’re not. You’re actually not afraid of failure at all.

You’re afraid of what failure means to you.

“If I fail, it means I’m not good enough.”

“If I fail, it means I’ll have to start over from nothing.”

“If I fail, it means I’m a loser.”

“Failure” is just the portal into the deeper core beliefs you hold about yourself.

What you de ne as "failure" is the circumstantial trigger of emotional energy tied to beliefs.

Once you clear your core limiting beliefs tied to failure, failure ceases to mean anything

negative to you, therefore you don’t fear it.. You have a blank slate to create a new

empowering story of what failure means, like “failure is fuel to improve”.

Your emotional response (fear, anger, anxiety, shame, etc) is never about the thing itself.

It’s always about the story attached to it - what you make it mean.

In truth, "failure" does not exist. Failure is a man-made de nition. You can't see failure anywhere in the Universe. Nobody has ever

"failed" anything. They've set intentions, made choices, and moved their bodies. When their intentions didn't fully manifest, they

felt sad. Do you see "failure" anywhere in that sequence? No. It's not there. It never was until you believed in it. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Ask it.

Answer it.

Now you know what you believe. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Sentence Completions - Discover Limiting Beliefs in

We can prompt our subconscious to spit out our limiting beliefs like ChatGPT.

When you prompt your mind with the rst half of a sentence, it’ll automatically work to ll in

the blanks. This process is subconscious. Answers spontaneously pop into mind without

e ort.

You begin by prompting your subconscious with a “Sentence Stem” - an incomplete

sentence that directs your attention to complete the sentence as though you were

answering a question.

In response to each Sentence Stem, write 6-12 “Completions” that spontaneously ow from

your mind. These are un ltered, raw, uncensored answers to the prompt.

It’s important that you don’t think of the right answer but rather let all answers ow through

you without judging, analyzing, or interrupting the process.

Why does this work?

Your belief systems operate like a lter, the lens through which you process and experience

reality; beliefs shape thoughts before they enter your conscious awareness. This happens

entirely outside of your conscious awareness. As we become self-aware, we begin to see

that many of our thoughts are merely repetitions of what we believe. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Here’s a good visual to explain:

The moment you prompt yourself with any question, you instantly probe the depths of your

subconscious mind and belief system to search for an answer that makes sense. The

Sentence Completion technique is one of several e ective tools I use to probe the

subconscious for beliefs. It's a great tool for self-inquiry, because anyone can do it at any

time. It does not require a facilitator.

Sentence Completions have in nite use-cases beyond limiting belief discovery....

These are some of my favorites directly from Nathaniel Branden's practice:

If I bring 5 percent more awareness to my life…

f I am 5 percent more self-accepting…
f I bring 5 percent more self-responsibility to my life…
If I breathe deeply and allow myself to experience what self-esteem feels like… - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Here’s an example:

My inner critic judges me as…

Not doing enough
Not good enough
Nobody likes you

Your inner critic might have di erent judgements of you, but you get the gist.

The next step is to convert your responses into self-directed “I am” statements.

I am stupid.
I am not doing enough.
I am not good enough.
I am lazy.
I am worthless.
Nobody likes me. In this case, “I am” is not the proper format. Instead, we switch “you” to “me” to be self-

These are your candidate beliefs to test / validate via The Sense Test.

It’s obvious that some of these will feel emotionally charged. That’s perfectly natural. We’re

doing this exercise so we can become self-aware of what programs are subconsciously

causing our self-limitations. Only by becoming aware can we choose to transcend these

beliefs. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Converting Sentence Completions into Limiting

As a beginner, you'll simply convert most of your responses from the above Sentence

Completions into "I AM" statements, and proceed to test them with The Sense Test.

However, there's plenty of exceptions. Many of your beliefs don't contain your Identity ("I

AM"). They map onto other concepts. Take a look at these examples:

Sentence Stem: Limiting Belief Candidates:

My Father gave me a view of myself as... I am too lazy
I am too obsessed
Responses: I am not good enough
A smart kid I am not social enough
Capable of anything I set my mind to I am not creative enough
Too lazy
Too obsessed with videogames Strongest Limiting Beliefs:
Not good enough I am too lazy
Not social enough I am not good enough
Not creative enough I am not social enough

At a more advanced level, you can begin playing with combining sentence stems to

discover more beliefs. For example, "If someone felt they were too lazy and not good

enough, they'd probably also believe..."

You can also play with other concepts and language formats entirely. For example, maybe

it's not "I am not social enough" - it's "I am anti-social" or "I have no friends" or "I am

unlikable". - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Sentence Completions Worksheet - Inner Critic & Self-Views

Write 6-12 spontaneous, un ltered responses to each of the following Sentence Stems:

My Inner Critic judges me as…

When I'm at my worst, my Inner Critic judges me as...

Father gave me a view of myself as…

Mother gave me a view of myself as…

My siblings gave me a view of myself as…

My peers & teachers growing up gave me a view of myself as…

These help you discover the stories and beliefs you internalized about yourself from your

family, and social environments growing up. Your inner critic is often an aggregated

re ection of the judgements you received and internalized growing up. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Sentence Completions Worksheet - Core Beliefs Causing Fears

Write 6-12 spontaneous, un ltered responses to each of the following Sentence Stems:

If I get rejected, it means…

If I fail / don’t succeed, it means…

If I don’t live up to my potential, it means…

If I get red / lose everything it means…

If my partner leaves me, it means…

If I let people down, it means...

These help you discover the stories and beliefs that underlie your fears of certain things

happening in life. Nobody is afraid of getting rejected. Nobody is afraid of failure. Nobody is

afraid of losing money. They’re afraid of what all that means to them. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Sentence Completions Worksheet - Confused De nitions

Write 6-12 spontaneous, un ltered responses to each of the following Sentence Stems:

Love is…

Work is…

Life is…

Success / Failure (pick one) is…

Men / Women / People (pick one) are…

Rich People are...

Money is...

These will help you discover Confused De nitions in your Belief System. Ultimately, Love is

Love. Everything else is something you make up and believe. You’re welcome to keep

positive de nitions, and encouraged to eliminate negative de nitions that you nd.

We often wonder if we're subconsciously resisting abundance in Love and Money. If we've tied together the concept of "being in

a relationship" with "losing freedom" then we'll subconsciously avoid being in a relationship to preserve freedom.. If we've tied

together "Rich People" with "hurt the world" and "are greedy" and "are sel sh" then we'll subconsciously avoid BEING A RICH

PERSON. This is why it's so critical to do discovery work around our de nitions. Subconscious resistance comes from confusion

beneath our conscious awareness. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Sentence Completions Worksheet - Self-Knowledge Building

These are purely for your enjoyment and self-realization. You’ll be very surprised at the

magic that happens when you do these sequentially in order, saving the best for last. You’ll

be ready to receive deeper truths if you do the work rst.

Write 6-12 spontaneous, un ltered responses to each of the following Sentence Stems:

At the core of my being, I Am…

If I realized, accepted, and fully believed I Create My Reality…

If I realized I can decide to stop believing anything that doesn’t serve me…

When I decide to fully be my True Self…

The Truth I’m now ready to receive is… - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Belief System Language Syntax & Formatting

Always Use the Words that Make the Most Sense

Words are a delivery mechanism for meaning. Meaning is what causes us to feel emotion.

When you speak the words of a belief out loud, you invoke all emotion tied to its meaning.

Beliefs you don’t believe carry no meaning and therefore no emotional weight.

They aren’t real to you. They don’t make sense. They’re nonsense.

Your belief system is actually more unique than your thumbprint.

You created every belief using the language that made sense to you at the time.
When testing for beliefs, it’s important to discover precisely what words have the biggest

impact. Why? I've seen hundreds of times that one word makes all the di erence.

Always spell it out loud in the words that make the most sense to you.

Perhaps it’s not “nobody likes me” - it’s “nobody loves me” - or “I am not wanted”

Perhaps it’s not “I am not enough” - it’s “I am not good enough” - or “I am not worthy”

Perhaps it’s not “I can’t trust myself - it’s “I don’t trust myself” - or “I am untrustworthy”

One Word can make the di erence between discovering a core belief, and uttering

Here’s a helpful question to remember when using this technique:

“Is there another way to say this that’d make more sense to me?” - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Discovering YOUR Magic Words

Beliefs are formed using the words that made sense to you at the time you created the

That means your beliefs may have very speci c language di erent from most other people:

I can’t do it
I can’t do that
I can’t do what I want
I can’t do anything right
I am not safe
It’s not safe
This is not safe
The world is not safe

Do you see what I mean? Test multiple variants. You’ll be utterly shocked at the di erences.

When you experience emotion + sensation at the same time as a thought, you've

encountered a belief. Many of our thoughts from the Inner Critic begin with "You are".

You are not good enough

You are f#cking it up
You are not worthy

These can be stored in the psyche as separate beliefs from their "I AM" identity-level

counterparts. Try The Sense Test on both variants to see which one makes more sense to

you. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Confused De nitions: The Sneaky Limiting Beliefs You Didn’t

Know You Had
How you de ne things is how you experience them.

Confusion is CONcept-FUSion:

Fusing together two concepts which, in Truth, are separate.

There are hidden confusions in many of your de nitions for concepts that you don’t actually

intend or desire to be there. This idea is easily illustrated with common examples:

“Work is Hard”

“Change is Di cult””

“Love is Pain”

All of the above are beliefs that I categorize as Confused De nitions.

So long as you fuse the concept of “Hard” into your de nition of “Work”,

Work is always Hard forever until you decide not to believe that.

These beliefs can be emotionally charged, requiring Emotional processing to remove, but

here’s a fun Logical trick that should help you understand that these Confused De nitions

are utter nonsense:

1. Work is Work
2. Hard is Hard
3. Work is not Hard - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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The stories, labels, and de nitions you associate with the thing are not the thing itself.

The Thing is The Thing.

It Is What It Is.

That’s all it ever was.

You can use Sentence Completions to discover Confused De nitions in your Belief System.

Just follow this format, and allow your subconscious to spontaneously ll in the blank.

<Thing> is… or <Things> are… For example:

Being Authentic is…

Women are…
Change is…
Rich People are...
Loving People is…

You'll be surprised at what comes up.

We can even create beliefs around the sensation of confusion itself: "this is so confusing" and "I am confused". Try these with the

sense test. If these beliefs resonate for you, I recommend letting them go. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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The Sense Test

Speak it.

Feel it.

Now you know what to clear

next. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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What happens when you speak these words out loud?

“I am a squiggly duck turd”

"I am gravitational cumquats”

"I am earmu s joining mars”

Really try it. Speak the words out loud. What do you notice?

Perhaps a grin? A chuckle? A sense of lightness or confusion or neutrality?

These words are nonsense. It’s not possible to be a squiggly duck turd. Your identity isn’t

wrapped around the idea “squiggly duck turd”. When you say you are one, it doesn’t make


What happens when you speak these words out loud?

Pause a few seconds between each. Feel your body.

“I am not enough”

“I am not worthy"

“There’s something wrong with me”

Really try it. Speak the words out loud. What do you notice?

Perhaps that feels bad. Perhaps there’s resistance to even saying it. Perhaps a part of you

got defensive and rejected it. Perhaps when you said it, you didn’t feel anything but it “rang

or seemed true”. Perhaps you saw images of memories from your past ash to mind. These

are instant indicators that you may hold these limiting beliefs at a subconscious level.

Beliefs are psycho-somatic. That means beliefs live in both your mind and body. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Beliefs don’t just make Logical Sense. They make Visual + Emotional Sense too.

Beliefs are tied to speci c emotions and sensations in your body, as well as thoughts,

memories, and images in your mind.

Speaking the belief out loud automatically invokes the emotional energy, thoughts, and

images tied to it.

The Sense Test empowers us to use this hidden mechanism of beliefs to our advantage. By

speaking speci c combinations of words, and detecting which resonate most strongly, we

are able to uncover our core limiting beliefs in seconds.

When you say it, it either “seems true”, “rings true”, “feels true” or feels like nonsense.

It’s that simple.

If it's nonsense, we simply move on. If it does make either logical or emotional sense, you're

free to make a choice whether or not to keep that belief in your belief system. Most beliefs
that are tied to negative sensation like pain, sadness, fear, grief, shame, and anger are

worth letting go. We'll outline how to do that via The Sovereign Mind Method™.

Remember, not all beliefs make Logical sense. Our most severely limiting beliefs often

make Emotional sense. Simply by speaking words out loud, we can invoke the emotions

and sensations tied to a belief we hold on an emotional level. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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The Sense Test - Before You Begin

1. Cease all sensory distraction (stop eating/drinking, turn off music, be 100%
When you’re trying an exercise like this for the rst time, it’s important to be
present and pay full attention. You’ll be very surprised at rst at what occurs for
you, and it’s worthwhile to pause outside distraction so you have full access to
your body’s senses. As you become adept in this process, you can be more relaxed
with it. For now, focus.

1. Set your intent to be purely curious to discover what might come up.
You’ll probably discover beliefs you didn’t know were there, and beliefs you’ve
“worked on” that you don’t want to be there, but actually still are. Rather than
judging your experience, I invite you to be open and curious towards yourself. You
might discover something extremely useful.
2. Set your intent to be completely honest with yourself
Do not lie to yourself. If you feel something, it’s there. If you don’t, it’s not. It’s that
simple, and if you’re not willing to acknowledge simple truth you won’t nd this
method helpful. If you can set ego aside for a moment and just acknowledge what
comes up, you’ll be on the right path to overcome it.

Emotional Safety

Please only do this exercise during normal waking consciousness. Don’t do it if you’re

driving, operating heavy machinery, or under the in uence of mind-altering substances.

Sometimes you’ll feel strong feelings which can take time to dissipate. This is okay. Simply

take a deep breath, relax, and let them go. When exploring your beliefs, it’s helpful to do so

in a private, safe, quiet, comfortable environment. This creates space for safety and self-

trust, which are excellent foundations for inner work. This exercise is merely an invitation.

You may experience unpleasant emotions and sensations. Know these will pass. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Establish a Baseline for Nonsense First

I teach beginners to try The Sense Test (TST) with a couple of nonsense beliefs so they get
a felt-sense experience of what true nonsense feels like to them prior to trying TST on a

potential core limiting belief.

Speak the words below OUT LOUD - not in your mind.

I am blue multiplied by gira e

I am an antique chair pole dancing
I am the Pope’s musky dish rag

Speak the words above OUT LOUD - not in your mind.

How did that feel? Did you chuckle? Did you smile? Did you feel absolutely nothing?

Did you feel a little “nope” sensation somewhere in your body?

Make note of this sensation / experience. This is now speaking nonsense feels for you.

For most, speaking nonsense feels like:

Pure neutrality
A sense of “that just doesn’t land”


(or at the very least a trailhead to explore a related belief system) - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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The Sense Test - Basic Process

1. Take a deep breath and close your eyes.

2. Speak the words of the limiting belief out loud at the top of your breath.
3. Notice and write down any:
emotion/sensation that spontaneously occurs in your body
image/memory that ashes to mind
sense of truth/agreement
sense of defensiveness/rebellion that comes to mind
4. Rate the associated Charge on a scale of 1-10.
example: 7/10 tightness & sadness in my chest
example: 9/10 sense of truth & slight frustration in my head

“What words am I supposed to use with this?”

If you skipped straight ahead, go back and complete the Sentence Completions

Worksheets, reformat your responses into testable core limiting beliefs, and come back.

Alternatively, you can use the Limiting Beliefs Examples List in this book to see a list of the
most common beliefs I’ve helped others clear in my private practice.

“But I don’t want to a rm my negative beliefs out loud!”

Speaking beliefs out loud doesn’t intrinsically a rm; it merely invokes the energy tied to it.

I suggest that you intend to be curious to honestly discover what might come up.

You are merely creating an opportunity for self-awareness of what is alive within you.

You always control your intentions.. Intend to discover, not a rm. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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The Sense Test - Responses to Look Out For

In the sections below, we'll detail the types of responses you'll most frequently encounter

when using The Sense Test to discover your limiting beliefs.

Emotional Sense: Examples of Emotion & Sensation

The basic question is: “What do you feel and where in the body?”

You’re paying attention to your body sensations as they spontaneously rise in response to

speaking the belief out loud. You may feel any number of imaginable sensations, such as:

“I felt anger rise from my stomach up through my neck.. And a tingling sensation in my

“I felt a wall of sadness hit my chest.. And an air bubble right below my sternum.”

“I felt my heart start to beat faster while my face became ush.. And sadness behind my

“I felt an impulse to stand up and ght.”

“I felt like I wanted to curl up into a little ball and be small.”

“I felt completely empty inside and my mind zoned out.” - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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For those awake/adept to Energy, yes it’s possible to feel a belief’s energy beyond your

physical body. Just make note of all sensation arising in your eld, and where, noticing

images of your mind’s eye.. The rest of you, ignore that.

Even the slightest sensation constitutes belief.

Even if all you feel is a slight tingle, or a mild ash of anxiety,

these shifts in your state of being indicate that the belief resonates within you.

The di erence from 0 to 1 is more important than the di erence between 1 and 10.

You want your limiting beliefs to be a 0/10 (nonsense), not a 1/10 (making sense).

When it’s a 1, it still in uences your thoughts, emotions, and actions.

When it’s a 0, it doesn’t. You’re only truly free from a belief when it’s nonsense.

Your goal is to convert the undesired belief into nonsense:

that which makes NO SENSE AT ALL.

It’s tempting to go “ah that’s a tiny belief, I’ll clear that out later”. Do not think that way if you

truly desire to be a free Sovereign being. If you notice a cat turd in your bed, but think “ah
that’s tiny, I’ll clear that out later”, then you’re willfully sleeping in a poopy bed. Then your
partner shows up, notices your poopy bed, and is grossed out at you.. Notice your willful

ignorance impacts others. Just take a minute and clear it. Emotionally mild beliefs can be

processed and removed permanently in seconds when you internalize the Sovereign Mind

Method™. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Logical Sense: Examples of the “Sense of Truth/Agreement”

When we speak statements aloud we actually think are true, we tend to feel a sense of

agreement. My clients say things like “That just seems true - of course I can’t trust men”. Or

“Yep, that’s right. Work is hard.”

Be on the lookout for that Sense of Truth or Sense of Agreement.

It may arise as a little voice that says “Yep” or “That’s True”.

It may be felt as a body sensation like a “Gut-level Truth”.

It may be seen as in “That seems right/true”

When these sensations occur after using TST, it’s an indicator that the belief makes Logical

Sense to you. You actually agree with it in some sense.

Logical Sense: Examples of the “Sense of Rebellion/Defensiveness”

Sometimes when people speak statements aloud that they don’t want to be true, they get
rebellious and defensive.


Me: So what happens when you say “I’m not good enough”

Client: That’s nonsense. I don’t believe that.

Me: … I notice your tone shifted, and you didn’t actually say it. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Client: Okay ne. “I’m not good enough.” That’s total bullshit. I don’t believe it.

Me: … I heard you say it, then immediately inch into rejecting it. Did you notice that too?

Client: … Yeah, I guess so…

Me: Are you open to saying it from a purely neutral tone, and silently observing after?

Client: Yes. Okay… I am not good enough … … … Yeah, that feels shitty. I hate that.

Me: What do you feel in your body when you say it?

Client: Anger in my chest, and tightness in my throat.

The client has a relationship with this familiar feeling. They’ve learned to reject and

denounce it re exively. This distraction mechanism is a means to avoid experiencing it. It’s a

useful tool to minimize the pain of feeling it, but it’ll never resolve it permanently. To the

contrary, pretending it’s not there and burying it prevents it from ever being resolved.

Rebellion and Defensiveness must be acknowledged, and intentionally side-stepped to

get to the Truth beneath the surface. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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The Sense Test Worksheet

If you’d like to begin building self-awareness around your limiting beliefs, print this out and

write down your responses pen to paper. Kinesthetic engagement of your hand writing

creates deeper understanding than abstract thought.

1. Take a deep breath and close your eyes.

2. Speak the words of the belief out loud at the top of your breath.
3. Notice what happens, and write your answers to the prompts below:

The belief I’m testing is _______________________________________________

Does it make Emotional Sense? Y/N

If so, what Emotions & Sensations do you feel are tied to it?

I felt __________________in my __________________ Charge Level (1-10): ____

I felt __________________in my __________________ Charge Level (1-10): ____

I felt __________________in my __________________ Charge Level (1-10): ____

Did it make Logical Sense? Y/N

If so, how? (“It just seems true”, Sense of Agreement, Sense of Defensiveness)

____________________________________________________________________ - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Try It Yourself: Limiting Belief Examples List

You can try The Sense Test on any of these core beliefs. These are all beliefs I’ve helped

people delete using the Sovereign Mind Method™ in my private consulting practice and

public workshops.

As you read through the list, pay close attention to:

Which ones invoke strong emotions / sensations in the body?

Which ones seem / ring true?

Which ones invoke a sense of agreement / acceptance?

On a scale of 1-10, how much Charge is tied to each belief?

And remember as mentioned before, these speci c words might not perfectly line up to

your own beliefs. For example, rather than "I can't trust men" you might believe "men aren't

trustworthy" and that slight di erence in wording makes all the di erence.

That's why we always recommend using The Sense Test

(speaking the beliefs OUT LOUD) and not just reading them in your mind.

Take a peek, try The Sense Test, and write down the beliefs that make sense to you. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Self-Worth Beliefs Safety Beliefs

I am not good enough The world is not safe
I am not smart enough The world is dangerous
I am not pretty enough It’s not safe to be seen
I am not enough It's not safe to be my true self
I am not worthy It's not safe to speak my truth
I am not worth it It’s not safe to feel emotions
I am worthless Vulnerability is not safe
I am too much
Men are not safe
I am a burden
Women are not safe
I don’t matter
People are not safe
I am invisible
I am not safe
I am not important
It's not safe
I am not interesting

Love Beliefs Change Beliefs

I am unlovable I can’t change
I don’t deserve love Change is hard
I am unworthy of love Change takes a long time
I am not wanted Change is scary
Nobody wants me It's not safe to change
Nobody likes me Change is dif cult
Nobody loves me
Love is conditional
Time & Work Beliefs
Love is an illusion
I'm running out of time
Love doesn’t last
I am out of time
Love is not safe
There's not enough time
Love is fake / not real
Work is hard
This is overwhelming
Trust Beliefs I am overwhelmed
I don’t trust myself I am falling behind
I can't trust myself I am behind
I can’t trust people I can't do it
I can't trust men
I can't trust women
I am not trustworthy

Control Beliefs
I am out of control
I need to be in control
The way to be safe is to be in control - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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The Sovereign
Mind Method
Stop seeing it.
Stop feeling it.
It's nonsense. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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The Sovereign Mind Method™ - Delete Limiting

Beliefs in Minutes
The ability to remove harmful, fear-based beliefs on-command represents a revolution in

human consciousness. It's my sole intention to promote this technology as far and wide as

possible to maximize human freedom.

You're about to see, feel, and experience this for yourself. I'm excited for you!

Are you ready to do so? If you’re ready, are you willing?

If you’re ready and willing, let’s begin.

Beliefs are psycho-somatic multi-sensory constructs. They live in your mind and body

through Thoughts, Images, Emotions, and Sensations. Some of your most painful limiting

beliefs no longer make Logical Sense; they make Emotional Sense. You don’t think they’re

true; you feel them as real. They also make Visual Sense in that they color and shape how

you perceive reality, and reinforce patterns of experience wherein you see the beliefs play

out again and again.

The ancient Toltec civilization knew thousands of years ago, that beliefs only operate in our

psyche with our Agreement. We agree that these Thoughts, Images, Emotions, and

Sensations (TIES) contain speci c meaning. When we dispel the meaning we created and

tied up with our experience, we stop believing it for good. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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The success benchmark of a Sovereign Mind Experience is that your selected belief

literally becomes nonsense to you for good.

I share everything I know publicly, and support hundreds of people in freeing themselves

from limiting beliefs in our private community "The Sovereign Mind Experience".

If you choose to experience this method, go through it step by step, care-fully (fully caring

and paying attention). By practicing, you are learning fundamental skills to perceive reality

clearly. You also don't need to do it alone. You can get community support + self-study

education here:

Watch Live Demonstrations

I'm a huge believer in giving away massive value up front, so I've totally open-sourced this

technology. I just want as many people as possible to experience true inner freedom.

You can see several live demonstrations & workshops on my YouTube channel: - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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What Beliefs Should I Clear First?

First, there are no “shoulds”. “Should” does not exist. However, I do have a recommendation:

Clearing these kinds of beliefs makes everything in your life easier forever:

Change Limiters
Self-Trust Limiters
Self-Worth Limiters

If you believe you can't change, you're not going to change.

If you don't trust yourself, you'll second-guess yourself at every step of the process.

If you don't value yourself, you won't feel motivated to even try to improve.

These Belief Systems are therefore the rst priority when I'm working 1:1 with clients. It's

remarkable how when there's a baseline foundation of self-trust, self-worth, and openness

to change just how much progress we can make in extraordinarily short time.

Know that you can process any belief imaginable with the Sovereign Mind Method™ and

create great results. You're free to start with any belief / Belief System you choose. These

are my recommendation after spending 1,000 hours in practice to accelerate your

successful self-transformation. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Change Limiters
Change Limiters prevent you from believing that you can change quickly and permanently.

If you don’t believe that you can change quickly, you can’t. Some examples include:

I can’t change
Change is impossible
Change is di cult
Change takes a long time
Change is unknown

If you’d like a Logical reason to stop believing that nonsense, consider this:

Change is not “di cult”. Change is Change. Di cult is Di cult. Change is not “di cult”.

Every single moment of your reality from birth through death is a constant, e ortless,

immediate, permanent series of changes. You have never been the same being from one

year to the next, let alone day to day, let alone moment to moment. In Truth, there is

nothing other than constant now, which is constant change.

When you tried to change an aspect of yourself in the past, had some success by your

de nition, then “regressed” to a similar state of being (started drinking again, regained the

weight, etc), you didn’t “fail to change”. You changed, then changed again to a similar state

of being as before. You changed and changed again, because that’s what life intrinsically is:

an endless series of changes moment to moment. You are always changing, e ortlessly.

The idea that you "can't change" only seems real because you believe it. The moment that

belief is gone, suddenly you're free to embrace change with a curious open mind. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Self-Trust Limiters
Once you believe that you can change, the question becomes:

Do you trust yourself to change?

For many, myself once included, the answer is “no”.

Trust Limiters prevent you from believing that you can trust yourself (or others).

I can’t trust myself - always test for both variants of "can't" and "don't"!
I don’t trust myself
I am not trustworthy
I am not sure
I am not honest

These are some of the most damaging beliefs imaginable, because in e ect, they add a

layer of subtle self-judgment and self-doubt at every step of every decision making

process. People under this spell doubt the sincerity of their heart’s desires and intentions.

It’s of paramount importance to discover and clear these beliefs as soon as possible.

You actually always preserve and maintain impeccable self-trust; you just decided to trust a

decision not to trust yourself, and haven’t yet known how to reverse that decision. You have

no choice other than to trust yourself and your senses; they are an integral part of your


Maybe this is true: once upon a time, you made choices. You learned those choices have

consequences you don’t like. Now you make di erent choices. By de nition, you’re a

di erent being, because now is not then, and now you make di erent choices. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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It made sense to temporarily create self-doubt when you were making choices with

negative consequences or out of integrity.

That time is no longer happening. Could it be possible to trust yourself now?

If it still doesn’t feel safe to do so, ask yourself this: What part of me isn’t fully willing to let

this go, and why? What decisions do I need to make to be able to fully trust myself?

I can scarcely put into words the transformation that occurred for me when I let go of “I can’t trust myself”. It was rooted in

attempting to break free from addiction to cannabis and alcohol dozens of times and failing, as well as lying to loved ones in

order to cover up my tracks in addiction. When I realized I simply made choices with consequences, and saw people responding,

and felt strong feelings, I broke free from the illusion that “I can’t trust myself”. This applied a general lubricant to all of my choice

making forever. This enabled me to look people in the eye and speak intentions clearly without grimacing or second-guessing

myself. This allowed me to choose to say “YES” to beautiful things in life without hearing a self-doubting voice “you won’t do it”. It

essentially made me permanently 10% more powerful in every aspect of life forever to let go of that fucking lie that “I can’t trust

myself”.. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Self-Worth Limiters
Finally, we’ve arrived at my favorite belief systems to explore and delete with clients.

Discreating these lies creates indescribably powerful transformation in all aspects of life.

Self-worth limiters prevent you from honestly and accurately assessing your value and

worth as a human being, causing you to create, attract, and accept circumstances that limit

your well-being.

I am not good enough Replace “good” with the adjective of your choice: smart, creative, helpful,

fun, etc.

I am not enough
I am not worthy
I am not worth it
I am worthless
I don’t deserve it This has many variants. “Don’t deserve Love / Success / Happiness” are most

You have absolutely no idea what becomes possible for you when you let these go.

I wish I could describe it better than this:

Literally every single day of your entire life will be indescribably better forever.

All of your relationships will be deeper with more love, trust and safety.

Entirely new categories of opportunity will spontaneously arise in your imagination.

You'll suddenly feel free to pursue those new opportunities where fear once held you back.

You'll intrinsically love and value yourself more than ever before.

It's quite a good idea to let those go. I sincerely hope you choose to. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Personally, I removed my self-worth limiters rst because those beliefs caused the greatest pain and su ering in my life. It made

all the di erence in the world. I became authentically me in a way I didn’t know was possible until I experienced it. Reclaiming

self-worth is no di erent than reclaiming your divine birthright of self-love. I had to let these go rst to love myself at the deepest

levels I’d ever known in my life. From there, I removed my self-trust limiters and many hundreds of other beliefs over time.

I'm going to share a little secret with you now. It'll land well for the right kind of person. The God-Honest Truth is that You're a

Sovereign Being. You have absolute free will to decide what to believe and what not to believe. You've always had this power, and

most of us forget very early in life. You created every single belief that you're "stuck with" today. You can discreate all of your past

creations, because you're the Sovereign Creator of your personal reality. This method for many will provide an extremely e ective

and e cient shortcut. You need not spend $42,000 and 2 years of seeking, experimenting, and practicing to achieve the result of

freedom from limiting beliefs like I did. All healing is self-healing. You're creating all of this right now. I love you; thank you for

being here.

I made the free-will decision to dedicate my life, genius, and focus to championing the cause of human liberty. I want to live in a

world where everyone feels truly safe and free to be themselves. I want to see everyone's eyes lit up with passion when I walk

down the street. I want to feel deep meaning, love, and connection in every conversation. That's what makes me come alive.

That's what becomes possible when people are free. That's what this phase of human evolution is all about - transcending the

Old Paradigm to create a New Way of Being.

We are all Sovereign Beings. It's called the Sovereign Mind Method™ merely to remind you of this fact: You are Sovereign over

your mind. Nobody controls your mind but you. You are not a slave. You are the wise Kings & Queens of Self. Your Mind and Body

are your Kingdom which you rule with self-love and compassion. Your subjects are the aspects of Self long-forgotten by many:

the Inner Child, the Inner Critic, the Protector Parts, your Shadow, your Attention, your Intent, and your Will.

If humanity is going to survive the rapid advances in technology represented in AI, we must evolve morally to match our

technological advances. To evolve morally, we must reclaim free will over what we believe, so that we are not stymied by

hundreds of thousands of illusions and con icting belief systems that add endless su ering and emotional toil to our daily lives.

Every time you clear a limiting belief, you step into a new identity closer to True Self. There is no facet of human experience

which is not governed by belief. Belief in uences every single emotion you'll feel for the rest of your life. Belief in uences every

perspective you'll take on every issue imaginable. If you are ready and willing to free yourself from the beliefs that no longer

serve you, you will experience a Great Awakening the likes of which few ever realize. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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The Sovereign Mind Method™ - Core Process

The questions below are the present manifestation of what I call “The Sovereign Mind

Method™”. They guide your attention + intention to delete limiting beliefs at will.

We process every belief Logically, Visually, then Emotionally (in that speci c order). - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Step 1: Logical Sense / Parts Work

"Is there any part of me not ready to let this go for any reason?"

Welcome all parts with curiosity and compassion. Seek to understand their reasoning to

hold on. Reason with them, and reassure them it’s safe and wise to let this go.

"Part, are you open to letting this go of <belief> so that <bene ts>?"

When it agrees to let go, thank the Part with love, gratitude, and appreciation.


Step 2: Visual Sense

"Have I ever seen <this belief>?"

Unsee the meaning you ascribed to the images (memories) in your mind tied to that belief.

Witness the Images and Memories tied to the belief as a neutral observer, and realize you

always saw things happening and people behaving - not the belief itself.

Always ask yourself:

“Are you sure?”

Keep yourself honest.

Make sure there’s no visual trace of the belief left in your memories. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Step 3: Emotional Sense

"What emotions or sensations are tied to <this belief>?"

The intent of this question is merely to invoke the emotions and body sensations tied to the

belief. You can also revisit a memory where you felt the belief strongly, and allow yourself

to feel what you felt. Place your attention on the sensations and be with them fully.

As an alternative, you can ask: "Have I ever felt <belief>? If so, what does it feel like?"

This approach enables you to connect to it from your memory as opposed to the present.

"Does this sensation mean <this belief>?"

Focus your attention on ONE sensation at a time, and ask this question. The intent is to

break the agreement you made between that this particular feeling means this belief. Most

people either feel a “disconnect” occur, or notice the energy of the belief leaving their body.

When dispelled, move onto the next sensation tied to the belief and repeat until none are


Always ask yourself:

“Are you sure?”

Keep yourself honest. After disconnecting the sensation from the belief, make sure there’s

no tie whatsoever between the words and the sensation. If the connection is “sticky”, you

may need advanced processing, or there’s a part of you NOT READY to let it go. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Step 1: Logical Sense Processing (Parts Work)

Your conscious mind might be ready to acknowledge the limiting belief is nonsense, but a

part of your psyche may still be holding onto it for a speci c reason. Your goal is to discover

if that’s truly happening, and what that reason is.

Here’s a Magic Question to guide you:

“Is there any part of me not ready to let this belief go for any reason?”

If you get a “yes”, follow it up with another:

“Why is it important to this part of me that I hold onto this belief?

Listen carefully. Welcome this awareness with curiosity and compassion. If you try ghting

this part of you, it’ll only hold on tighter. From my experience, you can always secure the

part’s buy-in for letting go of the old belief, no matter how adamantly opposed it is at rst,

so long as you genuinely Love it and seek to understand it rst.

This part of you ultimately wants to have its core missing needs met. It’s holding onto the

limiting belief which creates a false sense of security. Almost every single time, the fear-

based belief is producing the opposite of its intended result today. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Here’s an example:

Seneca had a core belief of “there’s something wrong with me”. She wasn’t ready to let it go,

because an inner-child part of her sensed that it kept her safe. When we sought to

understand its reasoning, the Part revealed:

“It's always been this way. Who would we be if it weren’t for this belief? If we hold onto
“there’s something wrong with me”, then we can evade responsibility for undesirable
circumstances in life, and maintain a victim narrative. It’s also scary to embrace the idea of
our true power.”

This limiting belief is the part’s strategy for meeting Core Needs:

Safety + Comfort (avoidance of responsibility)

Stability (things have always been this way)
Identity (this is who we are)

I reasoned with the part:

“Seneca has developed herself to the point where she has plenty of other tools to keep her
safe. She’s developed a fantastic identity through other means, and no longer draws
pleasure from identifying with the story “there’s something wrong with me”. At this point,
this belief causes her to feel unsafe, discomfort, and instability in her body. It’s having the
opposite e ect that you want it to, because it’s tasering her nervous system with anxiety in
all her social interactions.Can you see that? - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Also, if your aim is to avoid being responsible for the bad circumstances of life, aren’t you
contradicting that by making the cause of those circumstances that “there’s something
wrong” with you? Your attempt to avoid responsibility literally takes 100% responsibility for
everything bad and wrong in her life by making it all your fault. Can you see that?”

Lastly, why would removing a limiting belief automatically compel Seneca to “embrace her
true power”? That’s like saying “if I take a thumbtack out of my eye that prevents me from
seeing clearly, that means I suddenly must open an orphanage for the blind”. Nonsense. If
she lets this belief go, she’ll probably just feel more comfortable in her body with less
anxiety.Can you see that?”

The part simply acknowledged point by point that the old reasons to hold onto the belief

were illogical, and made no sense. The Magic Question becomes: “Part, are you open to
letting this go so that Seneca can feel more genuine Safety and Stability in her body?”

The part agreed it’s time to let go. Seneca deleted the belief about 5 minutes later. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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After Logical Sense Comes Visual & Emotional Sense

Take a look at your hand. Doesn't matter which one.

Do you see it?

Do you feel it?

Of course. That’s how you know it exists. You can see it, and feel it, therefore it’s real to you.

The same is true of your beliefs.

Beliefs don't just make Logical Sense. They make Visual and Emotional Sense.

How you see your experiences and ascribe meaning to your feelings is what creates belief.

That's why we proceed to process every belief visually and emotionally with the

frameworks below. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Step 2: Visual Sense Processing

Take a look at your hand.

Do you see your hand?

Do you see intrinsic meaning anywhere on your hand?

Do you see that you’re unworthy anywhere on your hand?

Do you see that you’re not good enough anywhere on your hand?


Oh. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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That’s good news.

Take a look at the world around you.

Do you see stu ?

Do you see intrinsic meaning anywhere on the stu ?

Do you see that you’re unworthy anywhere on the stu ?



That’s good news. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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So far we’ve established that “I’m not worthy” doesn’t exist on your body,

and doesn’t exist in the outside world around you.

The only remaining place in existence it could possibly be is within your mind.

The Real Magic: Looking Through Your Past

Have you ever seen that you’re “not worthy” in your past?

“Yes! I totally saw that.”

Really! Where?

“I saw I'm not worthy when my parents kept ghting even after I asked them to stop.”

Oh, I see... Let’s take a closer look: - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Do you see “I’m not worthy” or two adults arguing?

Well.. I guess I just see two adults arguing..

Oh. Does seeing two adults arguing mean you’re not worthy?


So did you really see that you’re not worthy, or did you see your parents argue?

I saw my parents argue.. But I de nitely saw I wasn’t worthy in my past relationships. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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What did you see in your relationships that showed you that?

I saw my rst boyfriend Tyson cheat on me with my friend who was prettier than me.
It was really soul-crushing and I felt like I wasn’t good enough or worthy of his love.

I’m curious, how’d you nd out? Did he text you, did you walk in on them, what did you see?

He was man enough to tell me to my face. He got really angry when he saw I was upset,
and started berating me for being a shitty partner. It was so freaking painful; I feel it now.
After that conversation I went home and cried myself to sleep. I decided to break up with
him the next day and literally never heard from him again. He just ghosted me. God, it was
so toxic… - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Thank you. I feel you, and really appreciate you sharing your full story with me.

I’m curious, which story rings more true to you?

“I am unworthy”


“When I was 17, I dated a man named Tyson who eventually cheated on me with my friend.

He confronted me face to face to tell me he did. We had an argument, and he made

accusations against me. After that, I went home and cried myself to sleep. I decided to

break up with him the next day. I did not see him again.

…The second story is more true…

Did you see “I am unworthy” or did you see him in that memory expressing words and


I just saw him expressing words and emotions… Wow…

So did you really see “I am unworthy”?

No. I’ve never seen that. That’s absurd.

I’ve always been worthy. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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This train of realization is how you truly become free from the lie that you’re not worthy.

Seeing is Believing.

Thankfully, you never saw you’re not worthy.

You saw stu happening and people behaving.

When you saw stu happening, you made up a story that made sense at the time.

The story you chose is “I am unworthy”.

When you stop seeing your past that way, you stop believing in the story.

Look back through your memories.

Are your memories memories, or proof that you’re not worthy?

They are memories.

It is what it is - always.

The instant you break the agreement that THIS IMAGE IN MY MIND MEANS that "I'm not

worthy", the illusion exits your reality. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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You believe what you see, including the meaning you create and project onto your

experience. Once upon a time, you had a di cult experience or pattern of experiences

again and again. You interpreted these experiences to mean you’re “not good enough”, “not

capable”, “not important”, “not worthy”, etc.

This is a subtle form of confusion: concept-fusion.

You’ve fused together what you saw with the meaning you gave it. It’s not possible to see

meaning; you create all meaning and project it onto what you see. Let’s see an example:

I don’t actually see “I’m not enough” anywhere..

I see the letter “F” on a piece of paper. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Let’s see another example:

I see three kids pointing and laughing, not "I am not enough" or “nobody likes me”.

100% of the time, in every moment you’ve ever had your eyes open, without a SINGLE

exception, you saw things happening and people behaving. Everything beyond that is your
interpretation: your opportunity to create any story that serves and empowers you, or

hinders and limits you.

When you fully realize the simple truth that you saw people behaving and things

happening, not the belief, you’re free. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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The Magic Question that invokes this experience is:

“Have I ever seen <this belief>”?

“Have I ever seen that I’m not capable?”

“Have I ever seen that work is hard?”

“Have I ever seen that the world is a dangerous place?”

The true answer is “No” 100% of the time, without exception, ever.

LOOK CLOSELY THROUGH YOUR PAST the rst ~20 times you do this process.

UNSEEING AND DISCREATING THE MEANING from what you saw strips away the belief.

It’s tempting to bypass this with mere logical understanding. That’s not the point. The point

is to erase the disempowering meaning you created from your memories. Simply saying “I

know I didn’t see it..” does not create the experience of self-liberation from the old story.

Do this by seeing the experience as an experience, not the story you created and projected

onto the experience.

Did you see "nobody likes me", or children pointing and laughing at you?

Did you see "I am unlovable", or your mother paying attention to your siblings?

Did you see "I am a bad person", or you pushing a kid over when you were 7?

Did you see "I can't do it", or you staring frustrated at a math test when you were 10?

Did you see "I am a loser", or the girl you liked paying attention to another boy?

Did you see "The world is dangerous", or your father telling you that many times? - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Step 3: Emotional Sense Processing

I often ask people in private sessions what they mean when they say they’ve felt “not good

enough” and it always boils down to something like this:

"I feel anxiety in my chest, fear in my throat, and sadness down my legs... It sucks."

They report a speci c set of emotions and sensations in speci c locations of their bodies.

It always di ers from person to person. One person feels this, another feels a hollow caving

in sensation in their chest. Another feels heat building in their hands. Another feels tension

in their neck and fear in their stomach. It's entirely arbitrary.

The same belief can invoke completely di erent emotions and sensations from person to

person. This makes it obvious that there’s no such thing as feeling “not good enough”. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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We feel feelings, not English words and sentences.

Nobody has ever felt "not enough" in all of human history. Not one person. It can't happen.

The person on the right-hand side is under the illusion created by the belief. She thinks she

feels "not enough". The Truth is depicted on the left: she's feeling Tension, Fear, and Shame.

Who decided that just because those speci c emotions are present, it means she's "not

enough"? She did. She made those sensations mean that she's not enough with her mind.

How does she break the spell and see the Truth again?

By breaking the Agreement that "this sensation means that belief". - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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The emotions and sensations in our bodies have meaning because we Created and Agreed

to it, much like we created the meaning that the images and memories had in our minds,

When you intentionally disconnect the emotional energy from the belief, the belief loses

emotional power over you.

We disconnect the emotional energy from the belief with 2 simple approaches.

First, focus your attention on ONE sensation that's tied to the belief.

1. Ask Yourself: “Does this sensation truly mean <this belief>?”

With your attention on the sadness:
Does this sensation mean “I’m not enough”?

2. Declare Out Loud: “This sensation DOES NOT MEAN <this belief>!”
With your attention on the anger, declare out loud:
This sensation DOES NOT MEAN “I’m not worthy”!

The honest response to question #1 is "No. It doesn't mean that."

The moment you decide "No", the emotion / sensation immediately shifts. Some feel it

disconnect in their brain. Others feel the energy move across their body as it releases.

If someone ever wants to say "Yes, it does mean that", there's usually a part of them that

wants to hold onto the emotion for some speci c reason(s). Perhaps it's an Inner Child Part

who thinks believing "I am unworthy" gets Father's Love. Perhaps it's a Part that's identi ed

with the belief, and is afraid to let it go completely. Just know that Parts can and do surface

at this part of the process. If/when this occurs for you, simply welcome that Part with Love,

Curiosity, and Compassion. Return to Step 1 (Logical Sense) with this part, then come back. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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I highly encourage you practice this in our group sessions and online courses.

You'll have immediately meaningful results when you experience this for the rst time!

For more info & examples, go to

Success Stories - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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To see dozens more, go to

After helping hundreds of people clear over 1,000 limiting beliefs, I realized that this is

pretty much all I want to do inde nitely. It's the best use of my genius that I can conceive of,

and I will continue to serve hundreds and thousands more as we scale this technology. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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What’s Next?
You don't have to do this all on your own.
Through completing the exercises in this book, you’ve become intimately aware of what

self-limiting beliefs are holding you back.

Are you ready to let them go?

If so, I invite you to join us in The Sovereign Mind Experience 💛 - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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I've created 2 agship courses to help you further identify which limiting beliefs are holding

you back, and how to delete them for good in minutes, not months. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Weekly Group Training + Coaching Sessions

I am personally invested in your success when you're a part of this community.

Every week, we meet for live group Sovereign Mind sessions. We help each other discover

core limiting beliefs and practice letting them go via The Sovereign Mind Method™. Very

quickly, people are able to facilitate themselves (which is the whole point why I created this

in the rst place). It's a very powerful experience. See what students say: - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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This O er is Basically a Giveaway.

Here's What's Included in your LIFETIME Membership to

The Sovereign Mind Experience

💛 Ability to Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs For Good (♾ In nite Value)
👑 The Sovereign Mind Method™ Self-Study Course ($997 Value)

📓 Limiting Belief Discovery 101 Course ($97 Value)

🎁 Weekly 90-min Live Training & Demonstration Calls ($3,108 Monthly Value)
💵 Student Discounts to Facilitator Trainings & 1:1 Sessions ($500 Value)
👫 Community & Connections with Sovereign Minds (e In nite Value)

The Total Value?

$4,702 your rst month.

The Investment?

$197. That's it.

For just $197, you're grandfathered in as a Lifetime Member with Instant Access to all of our

courses + community + trainings. In 2024, we'll switch to a monthly membership model at

$97 per month. You're getting the best price as an early adopter.

Join Us: - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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You're invited to make a choice.

Are You Ready To Free Yourself

From Limiting Beliefs?
Stop Limiting Yourself.
Set Yourself Free.

Join Us

Use promo code "LOVE" to save $50 (Expires 9/15/23)

Your Price Just $147

"What if it doesn't work for me?"

ALL members bene t from a

Lifetime 100% Money Back Guarantee.
There's no reason not to try it. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

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Free Yourself. You Can Do It. Godspeed. - Free Yourself From Limiting Beliefs Now

Page 91
You Can Free Yourself From Feeling
"Not Enough"
"Not Worthy"
"Not Capable"
In A Matter Of Minutes...
You're the Sovereign Creator of your reality
You have the power to set yourself free from all limiting beliefs.
You have to choose it; nobody can do it for you.

If you're fully ready to release the beliefs and identities that cause
you the greatest su ering in your life... you will.
It'll take minutes, not months.
You'll be glad you did.

This book o ers multiple tools to identify your core limiting

beliefs, and the ultimate tool to delete them for good using
nothing but the Truth of your Senses - The Sovereign Mind

Be careful with this information.

With great power comes great responsibility.

Stop limiting yourself. Set yourself free.

We love you as you are, and we want to see who you really are
underneath those old stories.

Godspeed. Namaste.

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