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University of Nottingham



Time allowed THREE Hours

1. Read the instructions carefully before you attempt the questions. You are required to
comply with the instructions at all times.
2. You may consult your notes, textbooks, or any written materials. However, it must be
your own work where answers are attempted without any help from others.
3. Write your full name and student number on the front page of your submission.
4. Write in dark blue or black pen.
5. Use lined papers when answering the questions.
6. Start each question on a new blank page.
7. Write all steps in problem-solving clearly.
8. Draw a line through rough work or notes not considered as a part of your answer.
9. You may answer the questions in any order but write the question numbers correctly
and clearly.
10. Answer all questions. This module has 30% coursework assessment.


CIVE4107-E1 Turn Over

2 CIVE4107-E1

1. (a) With sketches, explain the effect of the rotation of the earth, surface
temperature and location of a place on the global circulation of wind. How does
the centrifugal force affect the wind speed in case of curved isobars?
[10 marks]

(b) Briefly explain the mechanism of the formation of a tropical cyclone.

Show that in case of a cyclone, the gradient wind speed, 𝑣!" has no upper limit
and explain the reason behind that.

[8 marks]

(c) Under what circumstances should wind tunnel experiments and Computational
Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis be carried out? Explain briefly the relative
advantages and disadvantages of the two methods.
[7 marks]

2. (a) With sketches, briefly explain what happens to a static cylindrical structure fixed
at ground level subject to increasing wind speed.
[7 marks]

(b) Briefly explain the mechanism of flutter in case of a flexible bridge, i.e., a long
span suspension bridge. What measures can be used to avoid flutter?
[6 marks]

(c) Explain how galloping may influence the vibration of long span suspended
cables? How can these large amplitude vibrations be controlled?
[6 marks]

(d) What is buffeting? Explain how it may influence the safety of structures?

[6 marks]

3 CIVE4107-E1

3 (a) Why is dynamic analysis important for structures? With examples, explain what
types of structures require dynamic analysis.
[5 marks]

(b) What is a single degree of freedom (SDOF) system? Write the equation of
motion for a SDOF system and explain the parameters. Under what assumptions
can you consider a single storey building as a SDOF system?
[5 marks]

(c) What is the significance of Dynamic Magnification factor? What factors influence
the dynamic magnification factor?
[5 marks]

(d) What is wind turbulence and how does it generate? Explain how the effect of
turbulence is taken into consideration in the wind load calculation?
[5 marks]

(e) Briefly explain how increase in Reynolds’ number affects the flow around a
cylindrical structure?
[5 marks]

CIVE4107-E1 Turn over

4 CIVE4107-E1

4. Figure Q.4 shows two portal frames to be constructed in close vicinity. The left frame is
the idealization of a 2 storey building and the right one is that of a single storey
building. Both frames are constructed using square columns of 300 mmX300 mm cross
sections. The floor heights, floor masses and column modulus of elasticity are as shown
in the figure. Assume a damping ratio of 2% for both the frames.


Ecol=30 GPa
3.2 m

10,000kg 6000 kg

3.0 m Ecol=30 GPa

Ecol=30 GPa

𝑢̈ g= 0.3(200𝑡)𝑚! /𝑠

Figure Q.4

(a) Calculate the frequencies and mode shapes of the 2 storey frame.
[10 marks]

(b) Derive an expression for the lateral displacement at the floor level of the single
storey building frame considering only steady state response. Assume the
structure is at rest at t=0.
[5 marks]

(c) Under what conditions will the frames impact each other if both buildings are
subjected to a horizontal ground acceleration of 0.3𝑠𝑖𝑛(200𝑡) m2/sec as shown in
the figure? Calculate the minimum distance 𝑆 (as shown in figure) between the
two buildings to avoid such impact.
[10 marks]

Note: The stiffness of a column fixed at one end and rigidly connected to a beam
at the other end is given by k=12EI/L3.

CIVE4107-E1 End

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