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FRAN APTA 3B Sea an seme BLE geo ec CAL 6 BECTHUE ENGINEERING (EEE) sv ftisg erarcrafrns a afoenirongerar srabra fo av TeIaA G0+ Ors erAA TTR ST TETAS Rony Parvej’s SS eS | LE Fy py eo Vc_| Saturation Cutoff Ve>Va< Ve Cutoff Saturation Ve>Vp> Vc Reverse Active | Rony Parve's BEE Job Solution (V-1 4* Eton "P/N 6= 5.900 1) fess dhakaplaza.com Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4° Edition enfeaias dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics For Operation in the Active Mode (for Amplifier Application): Condition [i p-n transistor p-rp transistor Emitter-Base junction forward biased Vor > 0.5V Ve > 0.5V Typically, Vpp = 0.7 V Typically, Veg = 0.7V Collector-Base junction reverse biased Vic $0.4V Veg S04V Vee 2 0.3V Veg 2 0.3V is P 7 Current-Voltage Relationship eyo) pate) If the sign of Ir is negative, the transistor is being operated in cut-off region. TB ite Input and Output Characteristics of Different Configuration? The Collector current Ic is completely determined by the input current Ie and Vcs voltage. I te ic] Active region Vea Input characteristics of CB configuration Output characteristics of CB configuration The curve between Is and Vpe for different values of Vcr are shown in figure. Vee Ie a5 33 3 2 = I sal 5p tah a Cut-off region Vee Toput characteristics o£ CE contiguration Output characteristics of CE configuration ‘The output characteristics are the curve between Vce and Ic for various values of In. 6-6 //) eiffegrs dhakaplaza.com Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition efgrs dhakaplaza.com Part-6; Electronics PC Mond Lines eto saninnarenmmn resets oO) OAT DC load line is the locus of all possible operating point at which BIT remains in active region. Ro Re Vee Ves Icsat + Ifbase current In < / , then the transistor is being operated in active region. + If base current Ip > oe | then the transistor is being operated in saturated region. Vee + Collector current, Ic = “°° —© for above figure. + At saturation, Vcr = Vers * Vee = Vec at cut-off when Ic = 0. + Maximum value of current, Ienax = 52° in ideal case. (Taking Vee ~0 at saturation] c + Power dissipated in a transistor Pp =Ic Vee + Power dissipation is maximum in active region and minimum in cut-off and saturation region. ee BJT Current-Voltage Relationship in Active Mode. ait = jase Current Bri led tad = Collector Current Ic miter Current a=" saturation Current es ‘Ve = Base-Emitter Voltage Ie=Ic+Is = (B+1) I Vr = Thermal voltage = 7 = 25 mV at room temperature VBE Ic=Ise@ YT for n-p-n transistor YEB Ic=lse YT for p-n-p transistor "Rony Parvej's BEE Job Solation (V-1) 4% ition) 6 = 7401) enfeyrts dhakaplaza.com Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition aifegrts dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics BJT Bias Configurations Type _ Configuration Pertinent Equations Fixed-bias Nee Veo — aaah To = Bly le = (B+ Dip Ver = Veo ~ Ie Re Emitter- i) Voc ~ Vor bias oe 9 Ry + B+ WRe Tc = Bla te = (B+ Wp we’ B+ DRe Ne Vec ~ Ic (Re + Re) Voltage- Voc divider bias ‘ APPROXIMATE: . RV BRe = 10Ry fe RillRas Em = awe Vi 6 p= Ema Mae "| 2 Rm + B+ DRE Ed fe Io = Bl le = (B+ Wp Vee = Vee — Ie (Re + Re) Vee = Vee — Ic(Re + Re) Collector Nee = Voc — Vee feedback nt a Rp + Bie + Rp Tc = Bla te = (B+ Yip a Vee = Vec ~ Ic(Rc + Re) fe Emitter Ip = VEE VBE follower b Rett : To = Bla le = (B+ Vlg Be Vee = Ver ~ le Re Ms Common- 1, = Ene base - Re ke wee + Ip pele = Bla ae vec Vee = Vee + Voc ~ le(Re + Re) Vea = Veo ~ IcRe Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4% Editi = 6 =8) etwas dhakaplaza.com Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition afar: dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics Unloaded BIT Transistor Anpifiers Configuration % te Fixed bias Meaum(1kA) | Medium (2A) | High (-200) High (100) =| Rolin, =[Rdre} | _| clo |] _ PRef “ln oF RMR + Bd =[m = [Re val ee 1091) | = 10Ro | «| -AE 2 : (ro 10Re, (ro = 10%) a = S08) ‘Mediumm(1kA) | Medium (2k) | High (-200) High (50) =[Riletae]| =[Relre] | _[_Relre | |_ BRR te GF RoARiTR + Br =[K Re 14), r= oR) | =| AE | ee “ o te Re ro = 10RD (= WR High (100k) | Medium (2Ka) | — Low(-5) High 60) = [ale =[e] | _[ _¥ | _# 1+ Re . 2% Bre + Re)| (anylevelot rs) £ B+ % R =[® 3 calBRE ale Re) Re > we) High ooKn) | Low@oay | Low(=1 = [Role =[Relre | Re hth Dy = Bite + Re) ale = = [Ree] ego O Ren) Low 20) | Medium¢2xay | High 200) =| Relre =[ Ro} | go ah Fe a ee Re >> rd) . Medium (1kM) | Medium (2k9) | — High (-200) High 60) * Po [Relate T, fe at ag || (= toro (ro = 10RS) Rony Parvej's BEE Job Solution (V-1)4*Editin) = 9) afr dhakaplaza.com Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4% Edition enfegrs dhakaplaza.com BJT Transistor Amplifiers including effect of Rsand Rt Part-6: Electronics Configuration w/M 4 retullRe, Ral. Re Including leubRelr tlie Ralbr, Relre Ruled Rill, Re Incting % RilRaIBre Relro Yec RE= ile =1 RAR IBC, + RE Including 2 =I RilRi1 Br, + Rid) ee lhe Red Relre Re Including ry: beled a lel Ree Relre =(RubRo) Z = RibRIBlee + Red Re 7 Including r,: =tRul Re) av = RilRalBeee + Ro) = Re te Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4 Edition enfegiqs dhakaplaza.com Configuration ‘Ay, = VolVi z Le Rud Re) Ryle, + Re) Re fe, Tecung re “teat rthatRed RalBlre + Re) = Re ‘Re, Voc =(RiIRo) Rr " sats wl fe si Te lAv| . ; zs Tad 52 : ella : in ta thats hes the =] Bae " Pali] nie Yee RRO Re Re Sor. BRE = Rede A Re Wa Keyl = kag + a ~18ilRo ke ; a = “ilo, wang’ || 22 adel a z i Re ereli] aa Wohidugzaman Shial 01774 FBGA 1 FEES a yan Yb ia ‘etter ahakaplaza.com Rony Parvej's BEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition Part-6: Electronics Sesh Job: For, Var = 0.6 V, Is = 3.3 x 10°, Vz = 25.6 mV, f= 100, Re = 1k, Vee = 15 \V; find Ip and Ic using small signal model of BJT analysis, : BCPCL-22, PGCB-20 Solution: . Ie =Ise' 33 x 10-1 x elasaxio"!) = 4.98 x 10-4 A = 498 HA Ans. ale _ 498 Ip = = SB = 4.981 Ans Th the following BIT cireuit, Veo = 12 V;Rc=3 KQ, Veeq=8 V and B = 80. Find | TGTDCL2i Re and Iog. Assume the transistor is made of silicon. Ry Red lc Cc 2 ts 4 Ey pee E Solution: r = VecrVong __12-07___ Ra = Tg ~ anierxio-? ~ 676.65 kn Ans. " Rony Parvej’s BEE Job Solution (V-1) 4 Edition 612 etféerais dhakaplaza.com Rony Parvej’s BEE Job Solution (V-1) 4% Edition ‘etf@aras dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics 3 _| Find Ip, Ie and Vee in the following circuit: WZPDCL 1k 15V 100k B= 100 10V Solution: Yop-Vor 10-07 9 as tox : 1 ee = oaa0 231A: le=Bln= 100% 93 WA=9.3 mA Ans. Vee = Vee ~ Ie Re = 15 -9.3 x1 =5.7V Ans. In the following circuit, Ic = 10 mA, and B = 250. Find I and Ie. 1kQ 4 150 kQ DPDC-16 (SAE) Solution: Let, the transistor is being operated in active region. Ans. Ip = Ip + Ic = 0.04 +10 = 10.04 mA 5. | Find Ic and Vex. [Example 4:4, Boylestad] re wat JGTDCL-21 +200V (SAE, Electrical), "ee BCPCL-18, \ DPDC-16 Rony Paryej’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4% Edition anfegis_dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics Solution: Ja = eS NY O° Re + B+ Re 430k0 + (51) kD) 193 V = geiko ~ 101HA Ic = Bla = (5040.1 wa) = 2.01mA Vee = Vee ~— I{Rc + Re) = 20V — (2.01 mA\(2kN + 1kM) = 20V - 6.03V = 13.97V Ficate MIB I = 2 MA A Veg @ B Ga AIM AN PPA [Example 4.4, Boylestad] #20 6 KGDCL-21 (SAE) Vec - IpRe — Vox Ie R, Vee = IeRe — Vee — Ie Re = 20-430 Ip —Vop - 11g = 0 = Vec~IcRe —Vee-IcRe =0 => 20-430 Ip —Vop — 1 (Ic + 1p) =0 3 20-(2x2)-Vee - (2x1) =0 => 20 - 430 Ip -0.7-1(2 + Ig) =0 => Vee =14V Ans. = Ip =0.04mA (mE Ne Ny ATH A FATA RA TA Veg MATA BTCA 2 AR AAR BHD eraARS A AeaT ATT MS Ic = Ip OTT —=50 Ans. WH Se ACCT Gaba aor aca Ges ATH FEY Vy TATA TY 0.04 DIMETE AAH Ie = Ie + Ip = (B+ 1)lg] Mat BH TAT OF ANT MTRE AMAT |p AFA 1 | Rony Pars BEE. Sion (V-) 4b Eion OTN 614 eee fouaa aa Seda OoTMTeeTATA APKC Ro = 100 kQ, Ri = 49 BS Is, Ie 6 Vee a AF fa FAL — — =2kO, Vor =0.7 V aap —— Voge 9 V Rp 7 PGCB-21 (SAE, EnT) iT Re Solution: Vec — IpRe — Vee — IpRe = 0 Vec — IpRe — Vox — (B + 1p Re = 0 9-07 TOOT TGS ED xT = ONS MA = 415 uA Ans, Ip = (B + Dp = (49 + 1) x 0.0415 = 2.075 mA Ans. Ver = Ve — Ve = Veo — IpRe = 9 - (2.075 x 2) = 4.85 V Ans. ‘Alcs oafeera Wala GT CHEAT NRE Re = 2.2 kQ, Vec = 9 V, B= 501 epiceribreaa areca faa sea Praahee arc hem CITE Vex = 0.3 V, Vee = 3V, Io=2 MAI Ry Gat Ro a AIA FAR FHA | [Similar to Example 9.25, Mehta] ov Yoo BPDB-21 (October) (SAE, Electrical) Rony Parve)'s EEE Job Solution (V-1)4% Edition frit dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics Solution: == 2 = 04ma a= B53 Rm Veo —Va _9-1.9 * = = 5 kn Ans. Ig = Ic + Ip = 2 + 0.04 = 2,04 mA Ry Ip 0.04 177 e = Vee — leRe = 9 - = . Ve = Vee — leRe = 9 - (2.2.x 2) = 4.6V =": 36 - aroun = 7040 Anal Ve = Ve Ver = 46-3 = 1.6V . Vp =Ve + Ver = 1.6+03=19V 9] Find ls, Ic and Vee. Given, Ry = 200 KA, Ra = 190K and Rs = 40 KQ. BREB-18 Solution: {As the Si diodes are in series with opposite polarity, one of the two diodes will always be in reverse biased and ‘opened. So, the circuit can be then redrawn as 2 wv a+ B+1) Re 390+ (G0+i)xa 7OHA ABs RRR, = 390! Tc= B lp = $0 * 43.76 wA=2.188 mA s 2=Re Ans. p=50 po oR los ve Ry = O54) ka = 2.188 «22.188 * 1 cia Rony Patvej’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4% Edition __ eifegris_dhakaplaza.com Part-6; Electronics _ 10 | Find Ic and Vce in the following circuit. BOF-14 10v Solution: Veo ~Vs < 3 ‘cc ~ Vee, 10-07 Rp+@+xRe Gxi0)+ G04 x2 1.79 mA Tc=B Is = 100 x 1.79 x 10° = 179 mA * Vee = Veo —Ic Re ~IeRe = Vec — Ic Re -Ic Re (+ le=Ic] = 10—(179 x 10%) x 10 — (179 x 103) x 2= 7.852 V Ans. 11] Find Ie, Ie and Ic. ( was not given ® ) MIST M.Sc.-2015 Solution: Let, B= 90. Vee — Ie Re - Ves — Is Re — Vos = 0 > Vee — (B + 1) Is Re — Ves — Ip Ra — Vas = 0 [+ Ie=(B +1) Is] => — (B+1) IpRe+t Ip Ro = Vee— Vew- Von _Vee-Veo-Vep___ 10-07-28 gag = Ib" yaRgtRp (0+ 1) x (68x 10%) + (400x103) Ic=B In= 90 x 9.46 WA = 851.419 pA Ans. Tp=In + Ic =9.46 + 851.419 = 860.879 pA Ans. ‘Rony Parvei's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4* Edition... _ 6-1 afegrts dhakaplaza.com EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition lazacom —____Part6: Electronics 12. | Determine the voltages at all nodes and the currents through all branches. Assume, | BPDB-18, B=100. BAPEX-16 vt =+10V v= -10V Solution: As base is grounded, Ve = Ves = 0.7 V Ver —-Vep _10-0.7 p= = = 4.65 mA Ans. Re 2 Ie~ ale= oo Ie= TeRa «4.65 mA = 4.6 mA Ans. Tp = Ie—Ic = 4.65 ~ 4.6 = 0.05 mA Ans. Ve=Vec + Ic Re == 10+ 4.6 x 1=-5.4V Ans. 13 | In the following circuit the base current is 25yA, the emitter current is 1.5 mA, the | PGCB-18 base emitter voltage is 0.7V and the emitter voltage is SV. Calculate a, f and collector voltage Vc. 15V RSs Ry ve R, -15V Solution: * a B 59 bog33 A a a= = = =Vee~e Re +p 1459 09833 Ans = 15 (1.475 « cn) x5 Ic =14.99A Ans. iat B= iy ‘Ans. Rony Parve’s BEE Job Soliton (V-1)4* iin) 618 anf gras dhakaplaza.com Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition atti¢gias dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics 14 [Determine all node voltages and branch currents, Assume = 100. | BUET M.Sc.-19, (Example: 6.4, SedraSmith] BTCL-15, “ BITAC-21 (SAE), DPDC-20 (SAE, G-2G) Rew ara ay Ky Vp Re = 33kN SY Solution: Vg = 4-Vpp = 4-0.7 = 33V +10V 33. 009% 1 = 050m g3 7 ima ® Ye ana “6 _ 100. aos sai w-a99x47=33v@ Je = 0.99% 1 = 0.99 mA © 1.00 - 099 = 001 ma 4-07=33v@ Vo = 10-JoRe = 10-0.99x 4.7 ~ 45.3 V dee de Bal = Tor ~ O01 mA = 33k 33 Js Beim® [ Ciibs aca Baca way Baca Orr NCIS fears HITT RAT AT, BT BAT SPT fae ORG ACEI | 15 ] Analyze the following circuit to determine all node voltages and branch currents. Assume | NWPGCL-15 a forward junction drop of 0.7 V and =100. (Similar to Example 5.4, Sedra-Smith] DECEMBER +10V Res 47K Vv Re=3.2K0 ¥ Solution: 4v, To= Bln = 0.01021 x 100= 1.021 mA p— Vee=4—0.7=3.3-V Vo = Vee ~ Ie Re = 10 - (1.02 4.7) = 5.20V p= maa Sr = 0.01021 mA _ Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 48 Baton 0 6519 Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4% Ealtion iifegrs dhakaplaza.com Pat-6: Electronics The transistor in the circuit of figure has B = 100 and exhibits a Vag of 0.7 V at | BUET Ic = 1 mA. Design the circuit so that a current of 2 mA flows through the collector | M.Sc.-16 and a voltage of +5 V appears at the collector. (Example 6,2, Sedra-Smith] +15V Re 16 Re =15v Solution: Ans. Ip = B+ 1p = 101 x 0.02 = 2.02 mA Since Vag = 0.7 V at I¢ = 1mA, the value of Vag at Ic = 2 mA is Voge = 0.7 + VrIn(2) = 0.717 [Vp = 25 mV] Vor 5) ie oreioF = 7.0708k Ans. 17 ] Inthe following circuit, Vaz = 0.7 V, B = 100 and the BIT is operating in active | BWDB-I7 mode. Calculate base, emitter and collector currents, [Similar to Example 6.7, Sedra-Smithy Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition 6200) ef eiae dhakaplaza.com Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition __aiff@ a2 dhakaplaza.com ____ Part-6: Electronics Solution: In p-r-p transistor, Ves = 0.7 V. As base is grounded, Ve = Ven = 0.7 V Vee-Vep 5-07 Te zoo 21S mA Ans. Tom ale = 76 te = S « 2.15 mA = 2.13 mA ‘Ans. Ip=Ie—Ie= 2.15 ~2.13 = 0.02 mA. Ans. 18 | Determine the base current Ip and Ve from the following Circuit. Consider B = 100. [Example 6.8, Sedra-Smith] +10V e5v Rom 2k NWPGCL-19 Solution: Mohiduzzamon_ Shiul Ic = Bly = 100x 0.043 = 4.3 mA 01774 FBGLLE «HEEB Ve = Vee = Ich = 10-43x2 = +14V 19 | Find the power dissipated in the following circuit. Consider B = 100. * +10V in oR 45v Row 2k BCMCL-20 = _ i ‘Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition erff@ jas. dhakaplaza.cons a Solution: 1, = £27 — 9.043 mA ‘Total power dissipated in the BJT circuit ee Vee tn + Veele Ic =P I= 100 x 0.043 =4.3 mA = (0.7 x 0.043) + (1.4 x 4.3) 6.05 mW Vee Ie Re - Vee = 0 Vee = Vee —Ie Re = 10- 4.3 x2= 1.4 V 20 | In the circuit shown in Fig., measurement indicates Ve to be +1.0 V and Vr to be +1.7 V. | EGCB-20, ‘What are a and f for this transistor? What voltage Vc do you expect at the collector? | BUET MSC- [Exercise 6.14, Sedra-Smith 6" Edition] 14, ey, BUET MSc.- 12 10 " % Ye smn ita -hy Solution: Va=1V,Ve=1.7V,a=2,8=2,Vo~? -V; lp =o = ‘Ans. pale Ans. m4 Ro Vo=Vee+leRe=~ 10+ (1.65x 5)= 1.75 V Ans. Ic = Ie — In = 1.66 - 0.01 = 1.65 mA 21 _| Consider the circuit of Fig, for the case Voc = Vee = 10 V, I= mA, Ra = 100M, Re= 8] JOCL-18 KA and B = 100. Find de voltage at base and current through Rs . (Exercise 6.51, Sedra-Smith] Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4% Edition tf grt? dhakaplaza.com. _____ Part-6; Electronics Solution: Ip =1mA « Current through Rp, Ip = as 5 we = 0.0099 mA ~0.01mA Ans. « devoltage atbase, Vp = Vag — IgRg = 0 — (0.99 x 100) =-099V =-1V Ans. rata Beret a8 Seca Sea e CONeBRere aoa foo Rate CRAIC RAT p00 -10V 22 | Determine Vee and the Ic . [Example 4.7, Boylestad] ae M.Se.- av I Solution: = G9 KOY3.9 KM) 39k +3940 ~ 255*O B= Babe. Rak Vee = Veo ~ le(Re + Re) = GIKNR2V) ay = 22.V~ (085 mAY(10 kM + 1.5 KM) 39 kN + 3.9K hyo any: =122Vv ‘—" Ip Ema vot 9” Ry + (BF URE -—_2V-07V TSS KN + (41V(1S KD) a 13V. TS5KN +2115 = 6.05 HA Inserting the Thévenin equivalent cies "Rony Pare BBE ob Sonics VA ASERRGAINNNINNN 6230 eae dhskaplaza.com Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition effets dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics| 23° Tn the following voltage divider BIT circuit, Voc = 12 V, Rc = 5 kQ, Var = 0.7 V, | BCPCL-16 Ty = 0,008 mA and f= 100, Find Ve Solution: Tc=B Ip = 100 * 0.008 = 0.8 mA Ve=Voc~IeRe= 12-08% 5=8V Ans. 24 | Draw the quiescent level of Ic and Veen the following circuit: Bangladesh Bank-13 ‘Solution: Vee ~ Ic Re ~ In (Ri + Ra) ~ Var ~ Te Re = 0 => Vee~ fla Re~In (Ri + Rs)—Vae~(B+ 1) In Re =O. fle fl & le= (+ 1) ls ever le = le en 9HET@ XS] => B Is Re + In (Ri + Ra) + (6 + 1) Ip Re = Veo~ Vaz Vc - Vee 4-07 =e BRo+ RL+R2)+(BFI)R 90X44 G47 +5)+ OOF TO c= B In = 90x 2.32 mA= 208.86 mA Ans. Now, Voe-IcRe~Vce-IeRe=0 = Voc~IeRe~ Vee ~Ic Re= = Vee = Vee ~ Ie Re - Ie Re = Te= Ic] .32mA Ans. = 208.86 x 10° x 4— 208.86 x 10° x 10= 1.076 V Ans, | Rony Parve}'s EEE Job Solution (V-1)4*Edition 6-24 = en gras dhakaplaza.com 25__] Find Ic and Ve. Assume B= 100. [similar to Example 4.12, Boylestad] +10V. 15k tok 5ko -10V ‘Solution: Vee — Ic Re — Ip Re — Ie Re - Ver — Vez = 0 > Vec-Ic Re-In Ra—Ic Re - Vee — Vee = 0 © Vcc -B Is Re—Is Re—B Ip Re - Vee — Vee=0 © IpRs+f Ip Rc+ Is Re = Vec— Vos — Vee © In (Rs +B Rc+B Re) = Voc ~ Vee ~ Vee 10-07 Vi Rp +BRc+BRe 10+100X15+100x5 Ic = B In = 100 = 9.60 = 960 WA = 0.96 mA. Ans, Ve = Vee ~ Ic Re = 10 - (0.96 x 15) =-4.4 V ns. 26 ] Determine the quiescent levels of Ico and Veeo for the following network. [Example 4.12, Boylestad] lov 5 DPDC-15 Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition Solution: 250k + (90) 93V _ 93V ~ 250k0 + 531kQ ~ 781k 91 pA enfégrs_dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics Icq = Bly = (90)(11.91 pA) 1.07 mA Vee ~ IkRe + Re) 10V ~ (1.07 mA)(4.7kO + 1.20) OV - 631V 27 In the following circuit, Vcc = 20 V, Vo = Ic, In, le & a in the following circuit. (similar to Example 4.12, Boylestad] 10 V, Rc = 5 kQ and Re = 600 kQ. Find | BCIC-19 Yee Solution: Ve =v) =10V 10 “oo” 0.0155 mA 2—0,0155 = 1.9845 mA Ic _ 19845 ie 2 0,99225 > IS Ip FE Et ‘Rony Parvej"s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition etfs dhakaplaza.com ___—Part-6: Electronics ‘28 | Determine Vce and In : EGCB-14 SH AA de uae _ 12v. 2Av" Vee = Ie Re = Vee ~ le Re + Vee = 0 Vee ~ Ie Re ~ Ver ~ Ip Re + Ver = 0 Vee = Vee ~ Ie Re—Ie Re + Vee = 2.4 - 0.4167 «2.4 - 0.4167 x 1.24 1.2 =2.099V=2.1V Ans. 29 | Find the value of Re in the following circuit: PGCB-14 1,= 1.275 mA 24k 10v Solution: Using Mesh analysis through B-E loop, Ver - Vor—Ie Re= 0 Vee—Vae _ 4 Ry = eevee ie qa7s = 259 KD Ans. 30 | Given the load line of Fig. and the defined Q-point, determine the required | BWDB-18 values of Veo, Re, and Ra for a fixed-bias configuration, (Example-4.3 Boylestad, 11th Edition) eee Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition etf@ers_dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics Solu Vee = Voc = 20V at Ic = OmA Ip = 25 yA [by interpolation from Q-point] Ve = et Vee = ov Voc _ 20V = Ye _ OV Lae ied Re= 7. = Joma ~” Vee ~ Vi Ip = Voom Var v-07Vv ar Rp oa 7k 31 | Determine the required current, voltage, and power ratings of a power BJT. Consider | BIFPCL-15 the common-emitter circuit in Figure. The parameters are Rt = 8 2 and Vcc = 24 V. [Example 8.1, Electronic Circuits Analysis and Design by Donald A. Neamen] Voc Ry vo yy Solution: For Vee ~ 0, the maximum collector current is For Ic = 0, the maximum collector-emitter voltage is Veecmax) = Veo = 24V The load line is given by Veg = Ve¢ — I¢R,, and must remain within the safe operating area, as shown in Figure. The transistor power dissipation is therefore 4 cp (V) Pr = Vee le = Wee ~leR,) le = Veo le ~ 12 Ry ° ” “yee? ‘The current at which the maximum power occurs is found by setting the derivative of this equation equal to zero as follows: _ Rony Parvei's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4 Edion 6 = 28ers dhakaplaza.com Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition enfegs dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics Py At 0 = Veo — 2IcR Tig 79 = Vee Bek which yields Veo 24 le= oR, zee 154 The C-E voltage at the maximum power point is Vee = Vec — le Ry = 24 — (1.5 x8) = 12V ‘The maximum power dissipation in the transistor occurs at the center of the load line. The maximum transistor power dissipation is therefore Pr ce Ie = 12 1.5 = 18W To find a transistor for a given application, safety factors are normally used. For this problem, a transistor with a current rating greater than 3A, avoltage rating greater than 24 V, and a power rating greater than 18 W would be required. Ans. ACH 27 BIT circuit Fa GAT Voc = 5 V, Re = 10 kQ, Ra = 500 kQ, B = 100. Vas A AAT 8 HS Cl ICA GAT BIT fB active region 4 Be Fata OT ta FAL Veo ley 3 Re % DPDC-20 32 @ (SAE) tah fe V4 Vee = Solution: 7 Vp = Vag = 0.7V 1, 18797 ‘3 "500 For being operated in active region, In must be greater than zero. Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4 Edition = Yen -07 avs =Phe Von ~°. Now, Ic = B lp = 100 x = Ve Veo te Re = 5 — “88 = OF Vac = Vp — Vo = 0.7 — (6.4 = 2Vg5) = Vpn — 5.7 For being operated in active region, Voc $0.4 2Vpp - 5.7 $0.4 04+ 5.7 2 Von $3.05V Vea < «". For being operated in active region, 0.7 V < Vay < 3.05 V Note: —X 10 = 5 — pp + 1.4 = 6.4-2WVo5 Ans. Voltage relations | NPN Mode PNP Mode Ve < Va < Ve Active Reverse Ve < Vp > Ve Saturation. Cutoff Ve> Va < Ve Cutoff Saturation Ve> Va > Ve Reverse Active. Note: For Operation in the Active Mode (for Amplifier Application): Condition n-p-ntransistor__ | ___p-t-p transistor Emitter-Base junction forward biased Veg > OSV Vea > 0.5V Typically, Vag = 0.7V Typically, Veg = 0.7 V Collector-Base junction reverse biased Vac $0.4V Veg S0.4V Veg 2 0.3V Vee 20.3V Current-Voltage Relationship fee ot rai (2) Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition 630 af gas dhakaplaza.com Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution 14% com ‘Alcoa HC Vee = 5 V, Vi =1kO, B= 45 Ba Daler sale core crew: PG FAR? Ip I HIT FO? Vee | | ‘ 33 ~ BCMCL-20 te (SAE) yor he Solution: Let, The transistor is being operated in active mode. 6 Ve=Vec-W =S-1=4V Vp = Voge = 0.7V (Assumed) Vac = Vp —Ve = 0.7-4=-3.3V Veg = Ve —Ve = 4-0 =4V As, Vac $ 0.4V & Veg = 0.3 V the transistor is, being operated in active mode. Ans. Aicoa Aleco effete atcara Scars lag comever Fela eA | [Similar to Example 6.6, Sedra-Smith] 8V N= agW ie 62 a si SGCL-17 34 (SAE) B= 100 5Q Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4” Edition efeers dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics Solution: As both C-E and C-B junctions are reversed biased, the transistor will be in cut off mode. So, Te=In=Ic=0A Ans. Va =Ve=0V Ans. Ve=8V Ans. Explanation: Since the base is at zero volts and the emitter is connected to 8 V through Re, the base~ emitter junction cannot conduct and the emitter current is zero, Note that this situation will obtain as long as the voltage at the base is less than 8.5 V or so. Also, the collector—base junction cannot conduct, since the n-type collector is connected through Rc to the ground while the p-type base is at ground too. It follows that the collector current will be zero. The base current will also have to be zero, and the transistor is in the cutoff mode of operation. The emitter voltage and collector voltage will be zero, since the voltage drops across Re and Rc are zero. 35 | Determine whether the silicon transistor in the following circuit is in saturation | BB-18, or not. Assume Vce (si) = 0.2 V. NPCBL-17 Solution: Veco -Vcesat _10- 0.2 = sat 9.8mA tes Re 1000 Let, the transistor is being operated in active mode. Vee -VeE _ Re Ic = Ip = 50 x 0.23 mA = 11.5 mA. As Ic>Icyat, the assumption was wrong and the transistor is being operated in saturation mode. In = 0.23 mA Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition enfegrs dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics 36 | Find Vc in the following circuit. Check whether the BJT is being operated in active | DWASA-17 region or not. 10V 4.7KQ ‘Ve 6Vv 3.3K. Solution: Ve= Vee ~ Ic Re = 10 - 1.6 x 4.7= 2.48 V [Considering lc = Ie] But, Vc (= 2.48 V) < Va (=6 V). So, the transistor is in saturation mode. Let, Vce.su= 0. Ve= Ve + Veesn= (Va — Vee) + Veesa= (6 - 0.7) +0.2=5.5V Ans. 37 _| Determine the operating point (Q point) of the transistor in the circuit shown below DPDC-19 ov 12k Solution: Given, B= 50, Q-point (Veg, log) =? Let us assume the transistor is being operated in active mode. — 0.80459 mA. Ip As, the sign of Ic is negative, our assumption was not correct and the transistor is being operated in cut-off region. Ic=0 A and Vee= Vec=9 V. Q-point (Vceg, Icq) = (9V, 0A) ADL _Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solutis enfegias dhakaplaza.com 1) 48 Edition ‘Rony Patvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4* Edition anfegias dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics 38] Given the device characteristics of Figure (a). Determine Vc, Rs, and Re for the NWPGCL-1j fixed-bias configuration of figure (b). [Example 4.19, Boylestad] Yeo 3 X Ky 159 @ © Solution: From the load line ¥, Veo =20V t= Loca ae Standard resistor values: Rc = 24k Ten Hee| am Rp = 470 kD Re|anov | with Ry = “CCT “Ae Using standard resistor values gives and Re= tee = 20V-07V _ 193V Wp= All pA oo 40 pA 40 wA | which is well within 5% of the value specified. =2Veasna| = 4825K0 8m 39] Determine Ry and Re for the transistor inverter, i'/cm =10 mA. [Example 4.24, Boylestad] | BUET M.Sc 15, [Example fant 4.24, Boylestad} % Ne wv hov tov ov) ov v 7 7 Solution: ‘Choosing /y = 60 A to ensure saturation and using I At saturation: Jo, = ec ic ¥-0.7V _10V-07V obtait Ry = EOIN 2 ETON 255k easy “een = ly rr a Re If we choose Ry = 150 kO, which is a standard value. Then lov Re= =1ko Jy 2 LOOT SON OIN 69 pa 10 mA i" Ra 150k Te, and =O pA>—* = Atsauron: fy = “Es = 1OBA 0 wa pO aA ge OHA Therefore, we use Re = 150 kM and Ro = 1k. Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4 Edition 6-34 . emf&grrs dhakaplaza.co! Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4% Edition _ aifégits dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics 40_] Determine the minimum value of Ip that will produce saturation. (In saturation Vex 2 0.2 | DPDC-14 vy) 10V 47 ka Vin B,.= 200 12M. = Solution: Let, Vee = 0.2 V for minimum value of Ip in saturation. Vee — lesaninRe — Vee sanin= 0 Vec-Vcesatmin __10-0.2 Tessin = eS — SB = =: cas Re a7xa08 | 2085 mA Icsatmin Tpstnin = ae @1_| Find the value of Ro required to ensure saturation when Via = 5 V. What should be the | AB-I7 value of Visto cut off the transistor? Assume Vce(a)= 0 V and B = 50. 15V RoSi2KN Ra Ve Solution: —Vegsat 15-0 = LecmMbssat = 12.5 mA st 1.2 103 Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition etifegris_ dhakaplaza.com: Part-6: Electronic, @2_] For the circuit shown in figure bellow, what minimum value of Ip is required to saturate | BIFPCL-19, the BIT, if foc is 200? Also calculate the maximum value of Ra when a Vis of 5 V drives | APSCL-16 the BIT into saturation. Neglect Vers. [Similar to Example 6.3, Sedra-Smith Vee =10V. oS 1kO Vout Vin Boc= 200 | Solution: Tevsat) Tesaty _ 10 Togm) = =~ = 0.05 mA laemin) = “go = Z99 = 008 R, Vin Vaz) _ 5-0.7 Pee Tamia 22) 10008. = 86k 43_| Determine the minimum value of current gain required to put the transistor in| NWPGCL~ saturation when Vis = +5V. Assume, Vara) = 0.8 V and Vee(ay = 0.12 V. +12V Solution: Vs -Voe(saty _ 5-08 tee loan =P GPEC = 2 FTE = 0.0s25ma | OM MY Vec ~ Vee(saty _ 12 - 0.12 Vee (sa = 0.12 V, Te(sat) = Re = 3 = 2.376mA Brain Teteat f op Heat = 2376 | 45.25 w 46 Bon .0525 To(sat) >A Rony Parve)’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4* Edition = 6-36 ef gE dhakaplaza.co Rony Parvej's BEE Job Solution (V-1) 4 Edition __enfewa: dhakaplaza.com —___Part-6: Electronics. efficiency. [Example 12.7, Boylestad] Solution: = Voc x (2 tp) = 20 x (2 x 1.28) Ans. =#.2 -psw Ans. 2m, 2x16 I we NS we S & > Ip For a class B amplifier providing a 20 V peak signal to a 16 9 load (speaker) a | MPI 44 | power supply of Vcc = 30 V, determine the input power, output power and the 45 | Find the output impedance and voltage gain of the following BJT amplifier. | ERL-17 [Example 5.1, Boylestad] Solution: DC analysi Voc ~ Veg _ 12V - 0.7V = eo a ea n= iy Ig = (B + Mig = (101)(24.04 wA) = 2.428 mA. 26mV __26mV Tg 2428mA = 10.109 n= Zo = role = S0KMI3KN = 2.83k2 [Note: te = FE ab a MOTO EEA TRCD Vr = 26 mV MAE RA-PHCAT FROG Vz = 25 mV TIM FH RAEI] 6-37 siffeqri: dhakaplaza.com Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4! Edition efif@grs dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronig Find No Load Voltage Gain, Ay and Input Impedance Z;in the following circuit. Consider, r, > 10 Re. [Similar to Exercise 5.36, Boylestad] nv RPGCL-2 IF \ | = Solution: Using DC Analysis, Veo Vor _ 120.7 _ In= Rp 1x 108 = 113A Tg = (B +1) Ip = (180 + 1) x (11.3 pA) = 2.045 mA _26mV __26mv__ Str, nossa ot, rg WRe Re. BRAG an = ga = HT BF Ans. Z;, = Ra ll Bre = (1 MO) Il (180 x 12.71) = 2.283kQ = Ans. Alcoa Draferda Soralereras Aiecoa ST CTA BIR, Var = 0.7V, B = 100 AR Gm = 92 mA/V 1 Pasar At aret TaRE Bie Vi = 0 --TS Garcathe ore ote Io MAR Vee ca ar Faeha aPH ae PHetTCRTA CBI CHA Vo/Vi FS AA a FPA! [Example 6.14, Sedra-Smith] Nec =10V BTCL-22 47 (JAM) Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4% Edition” 6538.9) enfegris dhakaplazac® Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4* Edition aiifearis_dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics Determinin; erating Point: When vy; = 0, Ip = Sg = 0.023 mA Ic = B Ig = 100 x 0,023 = 2,3 mA Veg = Vec — IeRe = 10- 2.33 =3.1V + Operating point (Veg, Ic) = (3.1V,2.3mA) — Ans. Determining Voltage G: Using Hybrid-r Small Signal Equivalent Circuit Model, Rap = 100k £ me 1.09 ka. Gm 9 Tr 109 % Yoe= 7+ Rep! 109+ 100 *”! # | H = 0.011 y V9 = — GmUreRe = — 92 X 0.011 y; x3 b = —s04vjv Ans. AB_| Given: ga=40mAVV, Ie =1 mA, 1, = 2.5KQ, r= 25 KO, P= 100, d= 0.99. Determine the voltage | BUET M.Sc. gain, [Similar to Example 6.14, Sedra-Smith] :: 1B Solution: Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1)4* Edition 6-39 enfears dhakaplaza.com Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4% Edition eiifegs dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electron U% = -InVoe Re = — 40x (0.2 4) X1=- By =-8 V/V Ans. The parameters of a transistor are given as B =180 and Early voltage, V, = | BUET M.Sc.-21 150 V. If it is biased at I¢g = 3 mA, what will be the hybrid-x parameter r, 49 | (output resistance)? (a) 50kKQ. = (b+)9MQ_~—(~)278Q_—(d) 35K. Explanation: Ans: A. [Val _ 150V 1%) Sly Tae =50k2 50 | Draw the equivalent circuit of following BJT DNCC-16 c Te + 2 Vee Ib a Tp z Solution: ib i. #& 1o-— Cc we Sr - ? ‘i Vie E ‘Small Signal Equivalent circuit in hybrid-x model Small Signal Equivalent circuit in hybrid-T model (51 [96 n-p-n transistor 4% common emitter configuration 4a foa Sig BWDB-17 (SAE Solution: 6-40 enfegrs dhakaplaza.co! Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 44 Edition Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4 Badition enfearas dhakaplaza.com ye ——1 a > e r e Wohiduzzamon Shiu! O1724 738225 , FEEL ‘common emitter configuration Part-6; Electronics 52 | Draw a common emitter amplifier circuit using a bipolar junction transistor. EGCB-12 Solution: Ie Vout ‘G48 Common Collector Amplifier 42 foa IGT 44x 4A input ¢ output Ab characteristics curve SFA! (SAE-2) Configuration: Ie Input Input Signal Signal Common Collector Configuration of n-p-n transistor | Common Collector Configuration of p-n-p transistor PaAg's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition SOLA SRA? “dhakaplaza.com Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4% Edition aifegs dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics Characteristics Curve WA Teta) elie saturation oe Var2v We eay Region “0 20 ot t * Vee (V) 1 2 aoe ee, Cutoff Region Curve ist : Output Characteristics Curve of Common Collector Configuration ofn-p-n tansstor | Se Common Collector Configuration of n-p-n transistor 34 | npn Braferba aa SaR-aAOIa ae PH-STs OA FAH A biasing eo | ~PGCB-19 ae sigs (SAE) Solution: Input Signal Common Emitter Configuration of n-p-n Transistor Common Collector Configuration of n-p-n transistor 55. | Tate foam err a OHTA Ga BIT FI Active Mode a 444 Saturation | NPCBL-19 Mode 4 #18 C41 (SAE) Rony Parve}’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4 Edition Hie 642 enf& gms. dhakaplaza.com Rony Paryej’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition efégrs dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics Sol Active Mode Saturation Mode Cut-off Mode Junction Bias Junction. Bias Junction. Bias Emitter to Base | Forward Emitter to Base | Forward Emitter to Base | Reverse Collector to Base | Reverse Collector to Base | Forward Collector to Base | Reverse a proereey ‘aot mode Tna CE configuration, an emitter resistor is used for - BUET MSc-21 36 (a) Higher gain (b) AC signal bypass (©) Stabilization (d) Collector bias Explanation: Ans: C. Emitter resistor is placed during emitter biasing technique. A capacitor parallel to emitter resistor is placed to bypass ac signal because if ac signal passes through emitter resistor, then the operating point may shift. To increase gain, we need to modify the circuit. To bypass the ac signal, we use capacitor. Emitter resistor is used for stabilization. To bias the collector, we need to give a signal to base. 57 _| What are the applications of BIT? Draw the output and input characteristic curves of N- | AB-17 type BIT. Solution: Application of BJT: In — + Logic circuits + Multivibrator + Time delay circuit + Oscillator +: Modulator + Switeh ete. + Amplifier + Demodulator 58 | How does transistor act as switch? BCIL-18 Solution: When voltage is applied in base, current flows through collector-emitter path. Thus the transistor is ON. Again, when there is no voltage in base, the transistor is OFF: Thus, transistor acts as switch. “59 _| Why biasing is needed in electronic circuit? BREB-18 Solution: For setting appropriate Ic and Vee. Rony Parvei's EEE Job Solution (V-1)4*Edition 643.) efffBgPR dhakaplaza.com Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4% Edition aifeatas dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics 60 | Sketch the transistor characteristics curve for Iy = 5 WA to 25 pA with SA increment. Assume Vcr | BB-18 does not exceed breakdown. ‘Solution: ° 3 10 1s 2 Vee 61 _| Draw the diagram of a push-pull amplifier? Explain it's operation. Why is it called | BOF-14 so? Solution: Circuit operation: The input signal appears across the secondary AB of driver transformer. Suppose during the first half-cycle (marked 1) of the signal, end A becomes positive and end B negative. This will make the base-emitter junction of 7;: reverse biased and that of T,2 forward biased. The circuit will conduct current due to T;z only and is shown by solid arrows. Therefore, this half-cycle of the signal is amplified by Tiz and appears in the lower half of the primary of output transformer. In the next half cycle of the signal, 7;; is forward biased whereas 7,2 is reverse biased. Therefore, 7; conducts and is shown by dotted arrows. Consequently, this half-cycle of the signal is amplified by 7; and appears in the upper half of the output transformer primary. The centre-tapped primary of the output transformer combines two collector currents to form a sine wave output in the secondary. Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4% Edition 6-44 enf@gre dhakaplaza.com Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4 Edition eiffgrqs_dhakaplaza.com: Part-6: Electronics Sl. Question ‘Answer Reference Determine: (a) Inq and Iq (b) Vero. (a) Example (©) Vo and Ve. (d) Voc Tp = 47.08 pA 41 &42, (e) Saturation level Icq = 2.35 mA Boylestad Voc =+2V (b) Veg = 6.83 V 1 (© Ve =0.7V Vc = 6.83 V (@) Vac =- 6.13 V (©) Ics = 5.45 mA Determine the required values of Vcc, Re, and Re for a Example fixed-bias configuration from the following load line and | Vec = 20 V 43, the defined Q-point. Boylestad Re=2kQ Rg =772kQ 2 For the emitter-bias network of figure, determine: @1=40.1 pA | Example @Is (b) Ic (©) Vee 44846, @) Ve (©) Ve (Vp (b)Ic=2.01mA | Boylestad (g) Vac (h) saturation current 3 (©) Vee = 13.97 V (@) Ve = 15.98 V (©) Ve = 2.01 V Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4% Edition 645 enfegrts_dhakaplaza.com Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4% Edition enfegs dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics v0V (Vs=2.71V (@) Determine the de bias voltage Vce and the current Ic for the following voltage-divider configuration. av () Repeat the analysis of figure using the approximate technique, and compare solutions for Icg and Veg. (©) Repeat the exact analysis of figure if B is reduced to 50, and compare solutions for Icq and Vceq. (@) Vee = 12.34 V Tc=0.84 mA (b) Vee = 12.03 V Ic = 0.867 mA (Vee = 12.69 V Ic= 0.81 mA The results shor relative insensi of the circuit to the change in B. Even though Bis drastically ccut in half, from 100 10.50, the levels of Ico and Voeq are essentially the same. Example 48,49 & 4.10, Boylestad (a) Draw the load line for the network of figure-1 on the characteristics for the transistor appearing in figure-2. (b) For a Q-point at the intersection of the load line with a base current of 15 mA, find the values of Ico and Vceo. (©) Determine the de beta at the Q-point, (d) Using the beta for the network determined in part (0), calculate the required value of Rs and suggest a possible standard value. ) log=3. Veeq Example 41, Boylestad Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition EN CLIN Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition eifegrs dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics Voce 8V (©) B= 220 (d) Ra = 910 kQ reo Wohiduzzaman Shi | O1ZZ4Y7BERRS ¢ FEEL $ Determine the levels of Icg and Vceg for the voltage- Example 6 _| divider configuration of figure using (a) the exact and (b) 4.11, approximate techniques and (c) compare solutions. Vero =3.88 V Boylestad Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition 6-47 eife@ras dhakaplaza.com 1) 4” Edition 's EEE Job Solution ie difference between exact and approximate solutions. Ig is about 30% greater with the approximate solution, - whereas Vee, is about 10% less. ‘The results: ate notably diferent in ‘magnitude, but even though BAe is only about three times larger than R,, the results are still relatively close to each other. (a) Icqgq= 1.07 mA_ | Example Vee =3.69V | 4.12 & wv (b) Icq=1.2mA | 4.13, Vero =2.92V_ | Boylestad (a) _ Determine the quiescent levels of Icg and Veo for the network. Even though the level of B increased 50%, the level of Icponly increased 12.1%, 7 whereas the level of Vceo decreased about 20%. If the network were a fixed bias design, a 50% increase in P would have rested in a 50% increase in 1p and a dramatic (b) Repeat (a) using a beta of 135. (50% greater than | change in the location of in Example 12). the point Determine the de level of Is and Ve for the network. Tp=355pHA | Example ay Ve=9.22V | 4.14, Boylestad 8 Given the network of Figure-I and the BIT characteristics of | (b) B= 248 Fxample 9 | Peres: . 4.15, (@) Draw the load line for the network on the | (¢) Jy = 28 WA Boylestad characteristics. _Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4* Edition. 6-48 enfegras dhakaplaza.com Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Solution (V-1)4" Edition —__etif@ art dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics (®) Determine the de beta in the center region of the characteristics. Define the chosen point as the Q-point. | (4) [og = 6.9 mA (©) _ Using the de beta calculated in part b, find the de value Voso= 154 of Is. a (@ Find Icq and Iceo. sey sok asoka tour nl Answer of (a): in Determine Vceg and leq for the network. Vcr = 11.68 V | Example é Icq=4.16mA | 4.16, Boylestad Rony Parvej's EBE Job Solution az dhakaplaza.com Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4% Edition efeers_ dhakaplaza.com Patt-6: Electronic, J Ver, B29 10uF Re Vee Determine the currents Ir and Ip and the voltages Ver and Example Ves for the common-base configuration, 4.17, Boylestad a u For the following network Example (a) Determine Icq and Vera. 4.18, (&) Find Vp, Vo, Ve, and Vac. Boylestad gVec=20V Re 2 47kKQ 12 10pF Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4* Edition 6 = 50) gtffeqgs dhakaplaza.co” Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4% Edition __atfféts_dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics Determine Ve and Vp for the network of Fig. Example 4.19, Boylestad 13 wy Determine Vc and Ve for the network. Ve=8.53V Example Vp=~11.59V 4.20, Boylestad %0 14 Determine Vcc, Rs, and Rc from the device characteristics | Vec = 20 V Example of the fixed-bias configuration, 421, Te (mA) Ra = 482.5 kQ. Boylestad =470kQ Be 15 O-poin 99=40 HA OV Vee Given that Ioq = 2 mA and Veeq = 10 V, determine Ri and | Ri = 86.52 k Example Rc for the network. 4.22, Re =2.8kQ Boylestaq 16 ” The following emitter-bias configuration has the following Example specifications: 4.23, Tog = ¥% Icsat Ve=18V Boylestad Tear = 8 mA B= 110 Re = 639.8 kO Determine Rc, Re, and Re. 17 Determine the resistor values for the network for the | Re=1kQ Example indicated operating point and supply voltage. Yee =20¥ 4.24, Boylestad Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition etfs dhakaplaza.com ___Part-6: Electronics -18 Determine the levels of Re, Re, Ri, and Ro for the network | Re= 1k Example for the operating point indicated Re =200k0 425, Voc #20 Ri=10.25kQ | Boylestad R= 16k 19 Calculate the constant current Tin the cireuit. 4.65 mA Example 429, } Boylestad 20 SLKQ 2k 20 Calculate the constant current I in the circuit. 3mA Example 430, Boylestad 21 Roy P/E eb Slaton (Vet) 4 don eeu dhakaplaza.com een Determine Vee for the voltage-divider bias configuration. | ~ 10.16 V Example 431, Boylest 2 Determine Re and Rc for the transistor inverter if Toa: = 10 mA. Example (Ans: Ra = 155 kQ = 150 kQ, Re = 1 kQ) | 4.32, Yeon 10V Boylesta Ve 23 hov ov ov 7 For the following network: Example (a) re= 10.712 Sal, Boylestac (©) Zo=3kQ (@) Ay =~ 280.11 24 (©) Zo = 2.83 kQ Ay =~ 264.24 (a) Determine re. (b) Find Zi (with ro = « Q). (©) Calculate Zo (with to = « Q). (d) Determine Ay (with ro= « ). (©) Repeat parts (c) and (4) including ro = $0 kQ in all calculations and compare results, Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4!" Edition jaza.com For the following network, Determine: (a) re = 18.44.02. 52, Boylestad (b) Zi= 1.35 2 (c) Zo = 6.82 (d) Av = ~ 368.76 (¢) Zi= 1.35 kQ 25 Zo= 5.98 kQ Ay =— 324.3 (a) te &) Z (©) Zo (with r= « 2), @)— Ac(with re = 9). (©) The parameters of parts (b) through (d) if ro = 50 kQ and compare results. For the following network, without Ce (unbypassed), Example determine: (a) = 5.992 5.3, Boylestad (b) Z:= 59.34 kQ (6) Zo=2.2kQ (d) Av == 3.89 ee 4 7 > Zz (a) fr Oo) & (©) Zo(withro=« 2). (d) Av (with ro = & Q). 's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4% Edition 6 = 55.6 anf eqrte dhakaplaza.com Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition enfegris dhakaplaza.com -6: Electronig The transistor in the circuit has B = 100 and exhibits aa Vez | Re= 5 kQ Example of 0.7 V at Je = 1 mA. Design the circuit so that a current | Re = 7.07 kQ 6.2, of 2 mA flows through the collector and a voltage of +5 V Sedra- appears at the collector. Smith +15 V Re 27 Re -15V In the circuit, the voltage at the emitter was measured and | 0.93 mA; Exercise found to be -0.7 V. If B = 50, find Ir, Ip, Ie, and Ve. 18.2 pA; 6.13, +10V 0.91 mA; Sedra- 45.45 V Smith 28 -10V In the circuit, measurement indicates Va to be +1.0 V and | 0.594; Exercise ag _ | Veto be+1.7 V. What are a and f for this transistor? What 6.14, voltage Ve do you expect at the collector? -1L75V Sedra- Smith Rony Parvei's BEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition 96S 56 ute an Rony Parvei's BEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition fgets. dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics Ip = 0.01 mA +10V 5ko 1 Ke 100kQ 5kO -10V For the circuit in Fig,, it is required to determine the value | (a) 1.7 V Example of the voltage Vos that results in the transistor operating | (b) 2.64 V 63, (a) inthe active mode with Ver =5 V (©) 105V Sedra- (b) at the edge of saturation Smith (c) deep in saturation with Brorcea = 10 ‘ For simplicity, assume that remains constant at 0.7 V. The transistor B is specified to be 50. 30 Determine all node voltages and branch currents. Assume | Ve = 3.3 V Example that B is specified to be 100. 64, Sedra- a Smith Rony Parvgj's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 44 Edition. _ eiffegrs dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics HOV ~] Determine the voltages at all nodes and the currents Example through all branches. Assume that the transistor B is 65, specified to be at least 50. Sedra- +10V Smith 47k 32 +6V 33k0 Determine the voltages at all nodes and the currents Example through all branches 6.6, +10V Sedra- Smith 33 Determine the voltages at all nodes and the currents Example 34. | through all branches, 67, Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition tf rts_ dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics vi=+10V I= 4.6 mA Sedra- In = 0.05 mA Smith v-=-10V Determine the voltages at all nodes and the currents in all | Tp = 0.043 mA Example branches. Assume B = 100. 6.8, +10V Sedra- Smith 35 Determine the voltages at all nodes and the currents | Va=3.13 V Example through all branches. The minimum value of B is specified 69, to be 30. Sedra- +5V Smith 1kn 36 10k = 10k0 =v -nony Pav BEE 6 Staton WEVA aHdoA/ PTI 6=59° aera aakaplaza.com Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4 Edition ___aifegras_dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics Determine the voltages at all nodes and the currents Example through all branches. Assume f= 100. 6.10, +5 Sedra- Smith Pee ies 37 100k oe n= i a sk Evaluate the voltages at all nodes and the currents through all branches. Assume f= 100. Example 6.12, Sedra-Smith +3 38 10 ka Fro +3 ps ka =v -3v Design the following circuit to obtain a de emitter current Exercise of 1 mA, maximum gain, and a + 2 V signal swing at the | Rp = 162 kQ D6.49, collector; that is, design for Vcr = +2.3 V. Let Vec = 10 V =160kQ Sedra- and B = 100. Smith Vee Re=7.7kQ =75kQ 39 Re Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition eng dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics Chapter- 6.2 : Operational Amplifier Reference Books: 1. Fundamentals of Electric Circuits by Charles Alexander and Matthew Sadiku 2. Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits by Robert F. Coughlin, Frederick F. Driscoll 3. Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits by Ramakant A. Gayakwad Configurations Characteristics Vout = Vis Ya Vout Voltage follower or buffer | Vv, ‘Compares two voltages and switches its output to 1 Vv. indicate which voltage is larger. Wy cue . = {ie ; when V; > Ve fout = Vs 5 whenV, < Vp ae (Where, Vs is the supply voltage and the op-amp is powered by + Vs and ~ Vs) Re 4 ag We ay ‘n' Vout fout =~ 5 Vin Inverting amplifier Ry Ve Von out Non-inverting amplifier Ry R y Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4® Edition. axifeges_dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics Ro = (14+ >)ha- Vo = Tae tay (ta Instrumentation amplifier Cc Inverting integrator ; 1 Vout = — 7 | Vin dt + Vina ; (where Vin and Voye are functions of time, Vinietat is the output voltage of the integrator at time t = 0.) At any single frequency: toe cate oR tf RC Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4* Edition 6-620 enfegrs dhakaplaza.com Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition enfearas dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics dV, c Vout = RO dt %e—| \ out. | At any single frequency: VY = WRC v, = — nf RC Inverting differentiator ‘The op amp is an electronic unit that behaves like a voltage-controlled voltage source. ‘An op amp is an active circuit element designed to perform mathematical operations of addition, subtraction, ‘multiplication, division, differentiation, and integration. ” Balance G1 8 b No connection Inventing input Gj 2 7h Ropes lnm 2 oo Oat Noniavering input 3 o—s Noninverting input G3 6 f Output da 5h Balance 908 ais eid A typical op amp: (a) pin configuration ‘Ofiet Nall (©) circuit symbol. i [be nt 4 i f Powering the op py The equivalent circuit of the nonideal op amp. Characterstics of ideal Op-Amp: Infinite Open-Loop Gain Infinite Input Impedance Infinite Bandwidth Zero Output Impedance Zero Noise Contribution Zero output Offset Differential Inputs Stick Together mayaepe Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition 668i AY enfegre dhakaplaza.com Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition enfeeirs dhakaplaza.com fio ob Exam Questions UST) Part-6: Electronics 1 Find the output of the following circuits: = 31" BCS > lov, Vig Wb in 1 Bo Solution: x Vor. ara Rp ate 2 Find the gain in the following op-amp circuit. BUET ska MSc. 10ka Vo ay (+) 3ka Solution: ain = 2 ony 3 GTCL-16 Reo 7x Solution: 330 -* 125-120 33 1 mV Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1)4" Edition = 6 — 64 28 (129-22 a7 *6 ) = 7 * 18 = 1020 mV = 1.02 V Ans. enfegris dhakaplaza.com 10ka 10ka PGCB-21 . (SAE-3) Solution: wine My snes 1= 79 x =-6 10 10 Ve =— 75 XV 7g X2 =--2= -(-6)-2=4 V Ans. Find Vo BUET 1Ka jo MSc.-17 Yo 2kQ 5 Vv, & 2 p>. Vo + Solution: Ry RE ones, WO GM) Y= mR hg ae T xWo> x Va 10V,-5V, Ans. Find ig in the following ideal op-amp. 10kQ DPDC-20 6 (SAE, G-2G) _ Ron Parvei's BRE Job Solution (Vi) 4° Bdkion NO NEO 6565/4001 etfeepie dhakaplaza.com Rony Parvei’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition enfeers dhakaplaza.com _ Part-6: Elect Solution: _ 100 y 2 100 2 =-10 -20=-30V Va xy - Ex =-FPx1 — Gp X2 = — 10 —20 0 ig == -2 = -6383mA Ans. 7] Calculate the output voltage of the following amplifier. Input signals are Vi = FOCB 0.3 0s cit and V2 = 0.2 cos vt DWASA oka 20Ka \ SKQ eee , -4V,-2V 4x 0.3coswt —2x0.2coswt 1.2cos wt — 0.4cos wt 1.6 cos wt Ans Calculate vp and i, in the following op-amp circuit, [Example 5.6, Sadiku] 5kQ 10kQ Se oy 8g ave cana ’ z PGCL2 b 2kKQS% Vv - Solution: %= Bey =O x2 sox J Rte oe ae The current i, is the sum of the currents through the 10-kQ and 2-kQ resistors. Both of these resis have voltage v, = — 8 V across them, since v = v, = 0. Hence, Rony Parve's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4 Edition =66 enfant dhakaplazas Rony Parvei’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4 Edition, _aiffearts_dhakaplaza.com Part-6; Electronics 9 Assuming ideal op amp find the voltage gain (Vo/Vi) of the following circuit: Ry DPDC-19 Solution: R ra Vo =-p- Kv on Ra s a =-10 Ans. For the following op amp circuit, find the voltage gain v/v. [Similar to Exercise | BTCL-21 5.23, Sadilcu] 1002 a 100 Ag Loy, 109 Solution: Applying nodal analysis at non-inverting terminal, 1009 vj-0 _ 0-0 , 0-% 7 = +8 109 10 10 100 y, >—v ov even My ae = to ~ 100 10a i v% 00 = = -10 bs > ii ae Ans. j neal 11__| Drawa3 input summing amplifier using Op-Amp. | __ BICL-15 Solution: R Re M Rp % R Yo ‘ ‘dhakaplaza.com Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4! Edition aifears_dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electroni Bicwa aD, Vi = 1 V, Vi =2V, Vs=3 V, Rr = 500 kA, Ro = Ro = Re= 1 MO WA Vo GAA FS? h ik 12 vjo—ww——,_[ TGTDCL-I8 R. (SAE) 2 V, S -0 Vy, bop te Vv,o—ww— Solution: 13 | Find V. of the following circuit. DWASA. ska axa ¥ Solution: va ea Ans. 14 _ | Inthe following op-amp, Vi = 50 sin (1000t) mV, V2 = 10 sin (3000t) mV, V3= | DPDC-15 0 and Ri = 33 kQ, Re = 10 kQ, Rs = 10 kQ and Rr= 330 kQ. Find Vo. R Re M Rp ‘y Ry Yo Vs Solution: Vo = LV, ~ 2M, — HEV =~ 22 x (50 sin 1000¢) ~ 3 x (10 sin 3000¢) 2x 0 = — 500 sin 1000t — 330 sin 3000¢ Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition. Ans, 6-68 ~ enfgrts: dhakaplaza.co Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4* Edition enfeaias dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics 15 | Find ipin the following op-amp circuit. [Similar to Exercise 5.28, Sadiku] It | in DWASA-21 16 | Find the ratio of Input voltage and Output Voltage in the following operational amplifier | DPDC-16 Solution: Vo=(1+92) xv. => 8. 5 Ans ve Find the value of Rrin the following eireuit, BCMCL-20 +12V “19 v es u 3v Re 5x 3 v= 75V aka 5 Solution: Y= (1 +3) vs caifeaiat dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electron ‘Rony Parvej's FEF Job Solution (V-1) 4® Edition 18 | Find Vo using superposition theorem DNCC-16 ba | R | a | Solution: ' ‘When only V1 is active and V2 =, then applying voltage divider rule: ; = ae fa, | Y= Vo RR | Ry Ry Ry adenee xv; Vo = Vor (145) * Y= (+7 m* nik When only Vs is active and Vi = 0, then applying voltage divider rule: Ry Mn axe Ry Ry & Vo =Vo2 = ( = — = Vor 149) x¥a= (+2 n* nen" Applying superposition theorem (bth Vand Vai active) Ry Vo=Vor + Von = (142) xpBex vs + (14) xg xVe de 19 _ | Find Vo in the following Op-Amp circuit. DWASA- ¥, 2 KA Solution: "Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4* Edition) When only V; is active and V2 = 0, then applying voltage divider rule: XM = gM = 06 & 9 + Vo=Vor= (1434) x¥ou = (143) x06n, =6%, Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition __stff@ 8. dhakaplaza.com Part-6: Electronics ‘When only V2 is active and V; = 0, then applying voltage divider rule: Ry 2 Ye = Van = Rams XV = Tyg XM = 04s R & Vo= Vou = (145) x Vga =(149 3) x04 r= 4, Applying superposition theorem (both Vi and Vs is active) Vo = Voi + Vo2 =6%y +4V2 Ans. [STON A TATS HCA VAR UTREPIN HHS Sats AVIA A ACS, TAT Aw FSV aT Pare aaa TATA Vo = {(1 +54) x (gE) x va} + (1+ 22) x (SE) x vy) apm coer cme Rewer eT aT TEA} Find Vo in the following circuit when Vi = V2= 055 V. BICL-17 ia Rv 44a a 20 a Lon 20 12k “RV Solution: 12 12ka Y= Fy 7p 05 = 03750 Rv At V; node, Aka a lo» =% _%-% i 4x0 v 4 12 > 30i= %) = Vy= Voiqaaigo xiiovd pisnitih may > Vy= %- 3+ 3% X AY, — 3V, one 4x 0.375- 3x05 oe = 4x0375- 3x05 NA = 0V Ans. " Alternate Solution: Ry v= (142 Rony Parve’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition @tféatas dhakaplaza.com Part-6; Electron Find vp in the following circuit. 50k loKa 5 E 21 0 ty BIFPCL lov + 10kQ 10Ka Solution: 10 . 50k 4" Tot Da At Vy node, 10ka sv = 5-% _%-v% . Lo = 3 10 50 ee 4 5-5 _S-w% 10kQ > Fo 50 10kQ = %=5V Ans. Alternate Solution: By Ry 0 50 i Y= (1+ 3)e— Hh (45 x5-25x5 = 30-25 = 51 22 | Using superposition theorem, Determine the Vo of the Op-Amp: 70ka AW, BIFPCL- {> Solution: = (+2) xataxva}+{ (2+) x 353855 Va} = 10Va + 5 Vi A | Rony Paves EEE Job Soliton (V-1) 4% Edition” Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (Vii) 48 Balition _aiffegs dhakaplaza.com Part 6: Electronis 23. | Find Vo in the following circuit: BWDB-18 2R Solution: 5 ae ig 2R RR ie = v= (1428) xvi= (1428) x UR vis (142) x dex2e2V ie sighie . 2R ah 2R RUR ay z 3 Vo= (1424) x vy GS )x ah Vir 142) xa CD=-1V Vo=Vo+Va=2+(-1)=1V Ans. 24 Find R¢ for having gain 5. BADC-20 1kQ sy, yo 2KO Ry 3kQ Solution: Using voltage divider rule, Vj = ==> x V; = 0.6667 The circuit is like non-inverting amplifier where Vs is input voltage. 2a = (1442) x, = (14%) x 0.6667 % vo Re s inten 2 Ba (14%) x 0.6667 = 5 [Given, gainse = 5] © R= (sag - 1)x3=195k0 Ans, 67 25 | Calculate the output Vo for following non-inverting op-amp: NWPGCL-15 a DECEMBER pL Yo =(1+%) y 26 In the following circuit, Vi =10 sin (200zt), V2 =10 cos (200nt), Ri= 1 kQ, Ro = | NWPGCL-1S 4kQ, R3 = 5kQ & Ry=10 kQ. Find the output voltage when t=1/400 sec. Rp Ry Vy Rs Ry Solution: R; : x Ry ia . 4 ve Oy Vy Ly, Rs Veg" Ry Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition @ttf@ ghz dhakaplaza.com —__—Part-6; Electronics 4 ue rie Applying voltage divider rule: Vy = a Va = Zag * Va = 0.67 Vp q R Y= (1+) - Hy = (144) 067% - 4x =3.35V,—4V4 = 3.35 x 10 cos (200nt) —4 x 10 sin (200zt) 335 cos (200 x 180° x 4.) — 40 sin (200 x 180° x 2) 33.5 cos (900) — 40 sin (900) = 335 x 0-40 x 1 Wohiduzzaman Shiuf O1724 738225 ; FEEL =-40V Ans. 27 _ | In the following circuit, Vi =1.2 V, V2= 2.5 V, Ri = 1k, Ra = 2 KQ, Ry =2kQ| BCIC-19 and Ra = 3 kQ. Find the output voltage Vo. Ry R yw Ry 1 _ovy % R Solution: R2 Ry yt Mg Va Rs Ra te ‘ok a Applying voltage divider rule: Vj = man’ = yx 25=15V (142) x15-(2x1. Part-6; Electronics Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition enfeers dhakaplaza.com Aicoa ASCE Vo AA TIA PS? 100 kQ 100 kQ “ i la TGTDCL-18 28 20kQ : >_1—oy, (SAE) vo S20ka | Solution: | ® e i 4 ie ‘ie > Yaw Yo Vy Rx Re SOX Ms = aes XV = 05 Vs Applying voltage divider rule: ¥, = “2 Ey) & = 00) ae =Y- Vo = (1492) x, - Ext = (1428) x05y,-i2 xv = W-Ve Ans. Find vp in the following circuit. 30 Ra -1v 4 1Vo x, ae 29 oe JGTDSL-21 2Vvo—. He 1a 109 ol 10 Using Voltage divider rule, Yj = 25 x2 = 1V As voltage of positive and negative pins are same in op-amp, voltage of negative pin = V, = 1V. ‘According to op-amp's characteristics no current can go from negative pin to positive pin, | eng dhakaplaza.com So, using nodal analysis at negative pin, Rony Parvej's BEE Job Solution (V-1)4*Edition = 6 = 76. Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4% Edition afar dhakapiaza.com_ _ Part-6: Electronics Incoming current = outgoing current 30 |, na _ -1V0—w— nA hth=l 1 4) = 4a bh ly! = Y= Ivo 1 3 > 10a > Ans. Ifvp = a + bsin wt, determine the value of a and b in the following circuit 50 kQ 10kQ 30 > NESCO-21 2sinwt = 2Vv G Solution: nants (142)y, 0S Re RY a= 2 x Qsinat) +(1 +3) x2) = -10sinwt —12 =-12 -10sinot Comparing with vp = a +b sin wt, we get a = —12 and b= —10. Ans. Alternate Solution: ente-go sat te Hainnat go At node ‘a’, ow A = sina =C2) 2-4 i = 10kQ Prats = 5x (2sinwt +2) =—v9—2 2sin wt) 2 = ¥ 12 -10sinwt Comparing with vp = a + bsin wt, we get a = —12 and’b = 10, Ans, Rony EEE Job Solution (V-1 laza.com. Find v9 in the following circuit. ska —i— tka is 31 BGDCL-21 aw —! uv@é 2K % _y a4 _2% 4k Yaar gxmas = Ahh 1.2-Vy _ Vj-V0 At V, node, = = 8 3 48-44 =%-% = SV, —%=48 ve % 2% > Sx—P- = LB . = v=2057V Ans. Frees wie TALS COMTS Vo ia ate Fea Seq 4a FA OP-AMP {B ideal. [Exercise 5.9(a), Sadik 2kQ 2B SS PGCL-21 {> ——. (SAE, ET) im @) @ av % Solution: 7 Voltage at inverting and non-inverting terminal of the op-amp will 2k be equal. A AW Y= Me =v Due to infinite input impedance no current will be flown through the op-amp and all of | mA current will be flown through 2 k& resistor. Vp — Vo = (1 mA) x (2k) = 2V V9 =V,-2V =4V—2V=2V Ans. Rony Parvej’s | Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Solution (V-1) 4" Edition enfeerts_dhakaplaza.com Part-6; Electronics 33 | Calculate the Output Vo of the following circuit: DPDC-14 Solution: The given circuit is a circuit diagram of instrument amplifier. Comparing with the formula of output of instrument amplifier, Yo = (W,~¥,)(14+ ZL) B= (12-18) (142 x9) x Ny 34 | 4246 Op-Amp Integrator 43 foal SEA! roe Solution: Part-6: Electronics Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Solution J —— 1" BCS 35 | Find the output of the following circuits: 3 q R 4% OW > a is ‘0 Solution: 1 Vom — aa J vide Ans. 36 Find the output of the following circuit when Vin = 10 cos 2n x 10° t. EGCB-14 OnE 100 ka Vw Solution: 1 Vo=- 77 J Vindt Bie emt fh 3: ~~ qaowae® xaaxae* fo 10 cos (2m x 108) de 1 eo ee =x 100x 103 x0.1x10-§ 2nx 11 wo Sexier [10 sin (20 x 103)e] 5 sisin (20 x 108)t Ans. FAcH AMS APSA GAT Vi = 10 sin (200t) 14¢ V2 = 15 sin (200t) RAT Vo 4A A BS? AAT I-AA OHA CHAAR SIT CAPE PTA 05 MQ Z i yo ir DPDC-20 ay R (SAB) R Yor 0.75MQ p>. Ho Rony Parvej’s EEE Job Solution (V- Solution: 1 Edition ©) laza.com —————_—~Part-6: Electronics forage v, dt 1 DISTORT IOS * | 1Osince00. at — ea ea aaeay * | 15sin 2000 at 1 z x {10 x sin cor 2000)} + 1 xfs Kap Koos (2001)} = 0,033 cos (200t) + 0.075 cos (200t) = 0.108 cos (200t) Ans. Tf, Ry = 100k, R, =10kN, Rs = Ry = 20k0, C =104F, v, = 10sin5t, V and vs = 10 cos 2t; Find vp. R 4o-WwF Gi Ry R, iT 0 > vy Re S 1 5 >t BCIC-22 Fg Tr ¢ »50—|} By | 5 Solution: 1 J de ee a eRe y tac | : oy f to sn stat A x [sat G00 x 10%) x (40 x 10-4 xf eR (0x 10%) x G0 x 10-4) =I [+1 x fro x ; x(- cos5t)}] — [10 x St) = 2cos St—50t Vw vs = —R,C oy = —(100 x 10) x (10 x 10°) x aocos2t)= = -1x {10 x 2x (—sin2¢)} = 20sin2t Ry Ry 0 20 5 hal ee Jp * eos St—50t) — 55 * (20sin 2¢) 4cos 5t+ 100t — 20sin2¢ ‘Ans. "Rony Parvej's EEE Job Solition (V-1) 4H Edition) 90) S810) enfeeAs dhakaplaza.com

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