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FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION presumed unconstitutionality.

Unless the government can

overthrow this presumption, the content-based restraint
O’BRIEN TEST will be struck down.

b. Content-Neutral - i.e., merely concerned with the incidents of

A governmental regulation is valid if: the speech, or one that merely controls the time, place or
manner, and under well-defined standards.
1. It is within the constitutional power of government;
2. It furthers an important or substantial governmental interest;  When the speech restraints take the form of a content-
3. The governmental interest is unrelated to the suppression of free neutral regulation, only a substantial governmental
expression; interest is required for its validity. Because regulations of
4. The incidental restriction on the freedom is no greater than is essential this type are not designed to suppress any particular
to the furtherance of that interest. message, they are not subject to the strictest form of
judicial scrutiny but an intermediate approach—
somewhere between the mere rationality that is required of
Overbreadth Doctrine any other law and the compelling interest standard applied
to content-based restrictions.

Prohibits the government from achieving its purpose by “means that sweep  The test is called intermediate because the Court will not
unnecessarily broadly, reaching constitutionally protected as well as merely rubberstamp the validity of a law but also require
unprotected activity”. The essence of “overbreadth” is that the government that the restrictions be narrowly-tailored to promote an
has gone too far; its legitimate interest can be satisfied without reaching so important or significant governmental interest that is
broadly into the protected freedom. unrelated to the suppression of expression.

*The SC said that a statute or regulation is void for overbreadth when it 2. Freedom from punishment subsequent to publication
offends the constitutional principle that a government purpose to 3. Freedom of Access to Information
control or prevent activities constitutionally subject to State regulation 4. Freedom of Circulation
may not be achieved by means that seep unnecessarily broadly and
thereby invade the area of protected freedoms.
Tests of Valid Governmental
Four Aspects of Freedom of the
Press 1. Clear and Present Danger Rule
 Whether the words are used in such circumstances and of such a
1. Freedom from Prior Restraint nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring
a. Content-Based- i.e., the restriction is based on the subject about the substantive evils that the State has the right to prevent.
matter of the utterance or speech.
2. Dangerous Tendency Rule
 a governmental action that restricts freedom of speech or  If the words uttered create a dangerous tendency of an evil which
of the press based on content is given the strictest the State has the right to prevent, then such words are punishable.
scrutiny in light of its inherent and invasive impact. Only
when the challenged act has overcome the clear and 3. Balancing of Interest
present danger rule will it pass constitutional muster, with  When particular conduct is regulated in the interest of public order,
the government having the burden of overcoming the and the regulation in an indirect, conditional, or partial abridgment
of speech, the duty of the courts is to determine which of the two 5. The Ombudsman and his Deputies shall not be qualified to run for any
conflicting interests demands the greater protection under the office in the election immediately succeeding their cessation from office.
particular circumstances presented. (S11, Art. XI, Const.)

_____________________________________________________________ Members of the Constitutional Commissions, the Ombudsman and his

Deputies must not have been candidates for any elective position in the
LAW ON PUBLIC OFFICERS elections immediately preceding their appointment.

General Disqualifications under the 6. The Ombudsman and his Deputies shall serve for a term of 7 years
Constitution without reappointment.

7. The spouse and relatives by consanguinity or affinity within the fourth

1. No candidate who lost in an election shall, within 1 year after such civil degree of the President shall not during his tenure be appointed as
election, be appointed to any office in Government. (S6, Art. IX-B) members of the Constitutional Commissions, or the Office of the
2. No elective official shall be eligible for appointment or designation in any Ombudsman, or as Secretaries, Undersecretaries, chairmen or heads of
capacity to any public office or position during his tenure. bureaus or offices, including government-owned or controlled
corporations and their subsidiaries.

Special Disqualifications under the

Constitution Eligibility and Qualification
Requirement (p.38 correction)
1. The President, VP, the Members of the Cabinet, and their deputies or
assistants shall not, unless otherwise provided in this Constitution, hold Eligibility – the state or quality of being legally fit or qualified to be chosen.
any other office or employment (practice of profession, business, or be The term usually used in reference to the Civil Service Law, refers to the
financially interested in any contract with the gov’t.) during their tenure. endowment or requirement or accomplishment that fits one for a public
(S13, Art. VII, Const.) office.
2. No Senator or Member of the HR may hold any other office or Qualification – endowment or act which a person must do before he can
employment in the Government, or any subdivision, agency, or occupy a public office.
instrumentality thereof, including GOCCs or their subsidiaries, during his
term without forfeiting his seat. Neither shall he be appointed to any Qualification is understood in 2 senses:
office which may have been created or the emoluments thereof 1. Endowment – refers to the qualities or attributes which make an
increased during the term for which he was elected. (S13, Art. VII, individual eligible for public office. It must be possessed at the time of
Const.) appointment or election and continuously for as long as the official
relationship continues (i.e., age, citizenship etc.).
3. The Members of the Supreme Court and of other courts established by 2. Act – refers to the act of entering into the performance of the functions
law shall not be designated to any agency performing quasi-judicial or of the office (i.e., taking of oath of office).
administrative functions. (S12, Art. VIII, Const.)
NOTE: Failure to perform an act required by law could affect the officers’ title
4. No Member of a Constitutional Commission shall, during his tenure, to the given office, e.g. the office of any elected official who refuses to take
hold any other office or employment. The same disqualification applies his oath of office within 6months from his proclamation shall be considered
to the Ombudsman and his deputies. (S2, Art. IX-A) vacant unless said failure is for cause beyond his control.

CSC MC No. 27 allows extension of service only for 1 year (instead of what
is needed to complete the 15-year service requirement for retirement).
However, the head of the agency is vested with discretionary authority to
allow or disallow extension of service of an official or employee who has
reached 65 without completing the 15 years of government service, to be
exercised in conformity with CSC MC 27.

In the Judiciary, the Court allows such extension if satisfied that the career
of the retiree was marked by competence, integrity, and dedication to public

*A person who has reached the compulsory retirement age of 65 may

still be appointed to a governmental position provided that it is a
coterminous or primarily confidential position.

*The tenure of a confidential employee is coterminous with that of

appointing authority, or is at the latter’s pleasure.

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