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Mid-infrared emission of quantum-dash-based quantum

cascade laser structures
V. Liverini, A. Bismuto, L. Nevou, M. Beck, J. Faist
Institute for Quantum Electronics, ETH Zurich, 8092 Zurich, Switzerland
Wolgang-Pauli-strasse 16, HPT H4.1, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland

Abstract: We developed two mid-infrared quantum cascade laser structures based on InAs quantum dashes
embedded either in AlInGaAs lattice-matched to InP or in tensile-strained AlInAs. Both devices emit
between 7 and 11 µm.
©2010 Optical society of America
OCIS codes: (140.5965) Semiconductor lasers, quantum cascade; (250.5590) Quantum-well, -wire and -dot devices

1. Introduction

Now-a-days quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) are well-established coherent sources of radiation in the mid-infrared
(IR) and terahertz regions. Even though in the mid-IR these devices work extremely well, they could still benefit
from improved threshold currents and higher wall plug efficiencies. It has been proposed that replacing the quantum
wells (QWs) in the active region by quantum dots (QDs) would decrease the scattering mechanism caused by the
lack of in-plane confinement of QWs, which leads to the above-mentioned limitations [1].
So far mid-IR electroluminescence from quantum cascade structures has focused on the GaAs material system
[2], which allows for easy InAs QDs formation by Stranski-Krastanov epitaxial growth mode. Unfortunately, in this
material system, electron extraction from the QDs is very difficult. On the other hand, it is easier in the InP material
system, where one could also profit from well-known processes which allow for excellent thermal extraction leading
to record performances [3]. The disadvantage of this system is that the InAs QDs growth results in quantum dash
(QDash) or wire formation due to the lower strain between InAs and InP. Nonetheless, InAs/InP QDash interband
lasers have been demonstrated in the near IR and photodetectors in the mid-IR [4,5]. Here we show for the first time
electroluminescence from InAs QDash-based QCL structures.

2. Experiment and discussion

The devices developed in this experiment were grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on slightly n doped InP.
The two designs can be seen in Fig. 1. In the first design, 4 ML of InAs QDashes were embedded in a lattice-
matched Al0.238In0.528Ga0.234As QW. These QDashes have a broad (88 meV) room temperature (RT)
photoluminescence (PL) peaked at 850 meV. The goal of this design was to inject electrons in the excited state of
the QDashes/wetting layer (WL), after capturing them in the first energy level of the AlInGaAs QW, and to extract
them via the following InGaAs QWs, as shown in Fig. 1a. Emission could then occur either from the excited state of
the QDashes/WL to their ground state (a vertical transition, red arrow) or from the QDashes ground state to the first
level in the following InGaAs QW (a diagonal transition, blue arrow). In the second design, the InAs QDashes were
embedded in tensile-strained Al0.64In0.36As, and their broader (150 meV) RT PL was peaked at around 920 meV. In
this design, shown in Fig. 1b, we aimed directly at a diagonal transition from the ground state of the QDashes to the
first energy level in the following InGaAs QW (red arrow).

Fig. 1 (a) Design 1: InAs QDashes embedded in an AlInGaAs thick QW; (b) Design two: InAs QDashes embedded in strained AlInAs.

After MBE growth, the devices were processed as 10 to 13 µm ridges, isolated by Fe-doped InP and cladded in
an InP waveguide. Fig. 2a and Fig. 2b show the light-current-voltage (LIV) characteristics at 80K for a 3-mm long
device (design one) and for a 4.5-mm long device (design two), respectively. The IV curve of the first design shows
a slight alignment at about 6 V and no other noticeable feature, while the LI curve shows a slightly quadratic
increase. On the other hand, for the second design we see curve two alignment features in the IV: one around 8 V
and a second one around 24 V. The LI curve follows the features in the IV by starting to increase linearly at around
15 V and rolling off slightly at around 24 V.

Fig. 2 LIV curves at 80 K: (a) for a 3-mm long device of design one; (b) for a 4.5-mm long device of design two. The dots indicate the biases at
which the EL curves in Fig. 3 where taken.

For each of the red dots in the IV curves a spectrum was taken using an FTIR spectrometer (Fig. 3). For the first
design we see that at low biases the spectrum has a peak at around 120 meV and one at about 150 meV. With
increasing bias, the high energy peak dominates. By comparing this spectrum with the one free of laser cavity
effects obtained from the side of the ridge (black line), we conclude that some internal absorption at around 130
meV, probably due to the AlInGaAs QW E1-E2 transition, is responsible for the observed spectrum and prevents
lasing. On the other hand, the second design behaves consistently with the idea of a diagonal transition with the EL
peak shifting from 110 meV to 170 meV in the bias range of 15 to 24 V. Above 24 V the electrons are probably
injected into higher energy states of the extractor, demonstrated by the higher energy transitions in the EL signal at
27 V. Unfortunately, in this case laser action might be prevented by the lower current of the device (see Fig. 2b
compared to Fig. 2a).

Fig. 3 Normalized EL signal at 80 K for (a) design one and (b) design two. Red: emission from the facet; Black: emission from the side.

3. Conclusions
Two different QCL structures based on InAs QDashes were developed and tested. They both emit light in the region
between 110 and 170 meV (7-11 µm). The design based on QDashes grown on strained AlInAs seems more
promising for the realization of a QCL based on a 3-d confined active region.

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