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DESIGN OF ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION: Lighting Design January 21, 2017 at the IESL

Design of Lighting
21st January 2017

Dr. Asanka Rodrigo

Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Moratuwa

 To provide an in depth knowledge on lighting systems both
artificial and natural, including design concepts, codes &
standards and practical aspects.

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DESIGN OF ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION: Lighting Design January 21, 2017 at the IESL

Lighting Principles
 We perceive the world around us using light, either
natural or artificial.
 Light plays a critical role in how we perceive space.
 It influences how we act in that space.
our performance, mood, safety, security and decisions.
 Lighting also has strong social and emotional


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Original fixtures Full cutoff fixtures

“The percentage of drivers turning in to the station and the mean number of
of gasoline sold daily increased immediately following the change of lighting
from the
drop-lens, non-cutoff luminaires to the flat-lens, full-cutoff luminaires”

An Evaluation of Three Types of Gas Station Canopy Lighting

P.R. Boyce, C.M. Hunter, and S.L. Vasconez, Lighting Research Center
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Lighting History
• Street lighting as we know it began
approximately 300 years ago.

• These were oil lamps placed on wooden poles

• By the early 18th century oil lamps were still

used but the poles and lamps were made of
cast-iron fixtures.

• The beginning of the 19th sewer gas lamps

come into use.

• By the 20th century electric lamps were in wide


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What is lighting now?

• Street lighting
• Roadway lighting
• Parks
• Stadiums
• Parking lots
• Landscaping
• Residential
• Buildings
• Pedestrian Pathways

Architecture Street Lighting


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Decorative Lighting

e 10

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Main goals for lighting System

Energy Focusing on the highest
Identify sustainable standard of reliability will
lighting solutions to minimize repair hassle and
achieve operational allow you to optimize your
cost sav ings through maintenance regime
reduction of energy Energy

Aesthe tics Maintenance

Aesthetics Investment choices
Ensure the quality of choice s Lighting proposals are
light is not financially illustrated in a
compromised, Cost of ownership model to
compliant with norms quantify the savings.

 About 25% of electricity in Sri Lanka is used for lighting.
 The peak demand occurs mostly due to lighting.

e 12

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Contribution of Lighting to Demand



Source : LOAD RESEARCH, Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority


Source : LOAD RESEARCH, Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority

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Light pollution

• It is wasted light that performs no function or task

• It is artificial light that goes where it’s not supposed to go

• Neighbor’s window
• Into the sky

Illumination Principles
• What is light?
• Defined as visually evaluated radiant energy.

• Why is it visually evaluated?

• As seen by humans.
• The sensitivity of human eye to radiation is taken into account.

• What is radiant energy?

• Electromagnetic radiation.

• Optical radiation
• Electromagnetic radiation which lays in the wavelength range 100
nanometers to 1 millimeter is referred to as optical radiation. Slid
• It follows that optical radiation covers visible radiation together with e 16

ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) radiation.

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Visible Spectrum
• Light is characterized by frequency, or more
commonly, by wavelength
• Visible light spans from 400 nm to 700 nm
• or 0.4 m to 0.7 m; 0.0004 mm to 0.0007 mm, etc.

Our limited sensitivity to light

• In bright-light situations (photopic), our sensitivity peaks around 550
nm, going from 400 to 700
• In the dark, we switch to scotopic vision (rods), centered at 510 nm,
going from 370 to 630

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Spectral Content of Light

• A spectrum is a plot representing light content on a
wavelength-by-wavelength basis

Lighting Principles
1. Basic Radiometric
• Radiometry is the study of optical radiation
• Light,
• Ultraviolet radiation, and
• Infrared radiation
• The most common unit in radiometry is the watt (W), which
measures radiant flux (power).

2. Basic Photometric
• Photometry is concerned with humans’ visual response to light
• Photometry examines only the radiation that humans can see,
• The most common unit in photometry is the lumen (lm), which
measures luminous flux.

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Radiometric and Photometric Quantities

Quantity of Illumination
• Solid Angle ( )
• A solid angle is the three-dimensional equivalent to a two-
dimensional angle.
• A solid angle is measured in steradians (sr),

• Steradian (sr) defined as :

• “the solid angle subtended at the centre of a sphere by an area on
its surface numerically equal to the square of the radius.”

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Luminous Flux
• Luminous flux,
• The most common measure of light
• denoted as F or
• Measured in lumens. (lm)

• Illuminance(E)
• llluminance is the density of light
incident on a surface measured in lumens
per square meter
• lm/m2=Lux (lx)
• llluminance does not account for any of
the reflective or transmissive properties
of the surface.

Luminous and Radiant Energy

• Measures of all the energy received at a particular point or all
the energy contained in a particular radiation field.

• Luminous energy,
• Denoted by the symbol Q
• Measured in lumen-seconds.

Radiant energy is measured in watt-seconds,

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Luminous and Radiant Density

• The amounts of energy per unit volume
• Luminous energy,
• Denoted by the symbol U
• Measured in lumen-seconds/m3,

• Radiant density,
• Measured in either watt-seconds/m 3,

Illuminance (Lux)

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Luminous Intensity
• The unit of luminous intensity (I) is the candela (Cd).
• One lumen is equal to the luminous flux, which falls on each square
meter (m2) of a sphere one meter (1m) in radius when a 1-candela
isotropic light source (one that radiates equally in all directions) is at
the center of the sphere.
• A 1-cd light source emits 1 lm/sr in all directions (isotropically).

Typical Luminous Intensities

Candle 100W incandescent Sun

1cd 110cd 3x1027cd

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Relationship Between Candela and

• A lamp with an intensity of 1 candela produces 4π
lumens of light flux.

• Example : A 500 watt Tungsten Halogen lamp has

intensity of 10000 lumens. Its mean spherical intensity is:

• Luminance (L) is the illuminance per unit solid
angle, measured in lm/m2/sr or cd/m2.
• Luminance is the density of visible radiation (photopic
or scotopic) in a given direction.
• Measurable quantity that most resembles a person’s
perception of brightness


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Basic parameters

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Basic Photometric Measurement

• The Inverse Square Law
• The intensity of light per unit area is inversely proportional to the
square of the distance from the source (essentially the radius)

Where d = the distance from the light source.

• If the illuminance on a surface is 40 lux (lm/m2) at a distance of 0.5
• meters from the light source, the illuminance decreases to 10 lux at a
distance of 1 meter

• Note: the inverse square law can only be used in cases where the light source
approximates a point source.

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Lambert’s Cosine Law

• Lambert’s cosine law states that the illuminance falling on any
surface depends on the cosine of the light’s angle of incidence, θ

Cosine Law

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Lambert Cosine Law

EB = Eo cos3 β

X-axis: Distances as percentage of height h

Y-axis: Illuminance as percentage (100% at point O)

Example 01
A walkway is illuminated by 250 W lamps each having a luminous
intensity of 4750 candela in all directions below the horizontal. Each lamp
is installed at a height of 6 m and the distance between them is 16 m.
(a) Calculate the illuminance contributed by each lamp:
(i) directly underneath,
(ii) 8 metres from the base,
(iii) 16 metres from the base,
(iv) 32 metres from the base.
(b) The total illuminance at:
(i) the base of each lamp post,
(ii) midway between the base of each lamp post.
(c) Sketch an illuminance profile

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Light Sources
• Incandescent
• Halogen
• Fluorescent
• Compact
• Fluorescent Lamps
• LED’s
• Fiber Optic Sources

Lamp Selection

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Performance of Lamps
• Performance of electric lamps are compared primarily with
respect to
• Luminous efficacy

• Colour temperature or colour rendering index

• Average lifetime of service (hours)

Colour Temperature
• The color appearance of the lamp itself.
• Expressed on the Kelvin scale (K)

• The theoretical foundation behind color temperature:

• Imagine a block of steel that is steadily heated until it glows first
orange, then yellow and so on until it becomes “white hot.”
• At any time during the heating, we could measure the temperature
of the metal in Kelvin (Celsius + 273) and assign that value to the
color being produced.

• For incandescent lamps, the color temperature is a "true" value;

• For fluorescent and high intensity discharge (HID) lamps, the value is
approximate and is therefore called “correlated color temperature

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Colour Temperature

Colour Temperature
• “Color Temperature” and “Correlated Color Temperature” are often
used interchangeably.

• Three values used in the industry:

• "warm"
• "neutral" or intermediate
• "cool"
• Lower the temperature is, the warmer the source, and vice versa

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Colour Temperature

• MacAdams Ellipse Criteria

Colors which are

indistinguishable, to
the average human

Use for LED Chip


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1931 CIE Chromaticity Diagram

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Colour Rendering
• The ability of a light source to render colour of surfaces accurately can
be quantified by the colour-rendering index.
• This index is based on the accuracy with which a set of test colours is
reproduced by the lamp of interest relative to a test lamp, perfect
agreement being given a score of 100.

Colour rendition

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Lamp Types

Incandescent lamps
• Features
• E cacy – 12 lumens/Watt
• Colour Rendering Index – 1A
• Colour Temperature –
Warm (2,500K – 2,700K)
• Lamp Life – 1-2,000 hours

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Halogen lamps
• Features
• Efficacy – 18 lm/Watt (12 lm/W for incandescent )
• Colour Rendering Index – 1A
• Colour Temperature – Warm (3,000K-3,200K)
• Lamp Life – 2-4,000 hours

• Advantages
• More compact
• Longer life
• More light
• Whiter light (higher colour temp.)

• Disadvantages
• Cost more
• Increased IR
• Increased UV
• Handling problem

Discharge lamps
• Light is produced by exciting gases or metal vapours.
• not by heating a filament,
• by applying voltage between two electrodes located in a discharge
tube filled with inert gases or metal vapours

• Two main groups depending on the operating pressure

1. Low-pressure discharge lamps.
• These lamps contain inert gases or a mixture of inert gas and
metal vapour at a pressure well below 1 bar.
• Due to the low pressure there is hardly any interaction between
the gas molecules Pure line spectrum.
2. High-pressure discharge lamps
• Operated at a pressure well above 1 bar
• Higher interaction in the discharge gas broader frequency

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Fluorescent Lamps
• Fluorescent lamps are the most commonly used
commercial light source
• Low-pressure discharge lamp using mercury vapour
• Fluorescent lamp construction consists of a glass tube
with the following features:
• Filled with an argon or argon-krypton gas and a small amount of
• Coated on the inside with phosphors
• Equipped with an electrode at both ends

Fluorescent Lamps

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Linear Fluorescent
• Standard Incandescent Lamps
T12 : 1 1/2“= 12/8 “ diameter straight fluorescent lamp.
• no longer a good choice

More efficient fluorescent lamps

T10 : 1¼ = 10/8 “
T8 : 1” = 8/8 “
T5: 0.625”= 5/8 “
T2 : ¼” = 2/8 “

Compact fluorescent lamps

• Advances in phosphor coatings and reductions of tube diameters have
facilitated the development of compact fluorescent lamps (CFL).
• CFL has the same properties as conventional fluorescents
• However luminous efficiency is limited due to the relatively small
volume of the discharge tube

Two types
• Integral Units.
• These consist of a CFL and ballast in self-
contained units
• Modular Units.
• The modular type of retrofit compact
fluorescent lamp is similar to the integral
units, except that the lamp is

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• Features
• Efficacy – 60 lumens/Watt
• Colour Rendering Index – 1B
• Colour Temperature – Warm, Intermediate
• Lamp Life – 7-10,000 hours

High-Intensity Discharge (HID)

• HID lamps are similar to fluorescents in
that an arc is generated between two
• Used mainly for large area applications
• Provide higher efficacy and longer service
• Most common types are mercury vapor
(MV), metal halide (MH), and high-
pressure sodium (HPS)
• Metal Halide – 100/lumens per watt
• HPS – up to 150/lumens per watt
• MV – being phased out

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Low-pressure sodium lamps

• Visible radiation is directly produced by the discharge of sodium
• Wavelengths of 589 and 589.6 nm (the characteristic yellow sodium
• When started, sodium lamps initially generate a red colour
• Caused by neon that is also present in the gas filling which serves to
initiate the discharge process

• Features
• E cacy – 100 – 200 lumens/Watt
• Colour Rendering Index – 3
• Colour Temperature – Yellow (2,200K)
• Lamp Life – upto 16,000 hours
• Warm up – 10 minutes, hot re-strike – up to 3 minutes

High-pressure mercury Vapour

• Widely used for outdoor and industrial applications
• Especially when good color rendering is not a priority
• Short quartz glass discharge tube
• Mixture of inert gas and mercury

• Features
• Efficacy – 50 - 60 lumens/Watt
• Colour Rendering Index – 3
• Colour Temperature –Intermediate
• Lamp Life – upto 16,000 hours, poor lumen maintenance

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High-pressure sodium lamps

• The light produced is yellowish to warm white producing average to
good colour rendering
Instead of the monochrome yellow light produced by the low-pressure
sodium lamp
• Comparable to mercury lamps with regard to their construction and
• Small discharge tube

• Lamps is made of alumina ceramic, since high-pressure sodium

vapours have an aggressive effect on glass.

High pressure sodium lamp

• Features
• E cacy – 50 - 140 lumens/Watt ( better CRI, lower Efficacy)
• Colour Rendering Index – 1 – 2
• Colour Temperature – Warm
• Lamp Life – upto 24,000 hours, excellent lumen maintenance
• Warm up – 10 minutes, hot re-strike – within 60 seconds

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Metal Halide Lamps

LED (Light-Emitting Diodes)

• LEDs are solid-state semiconductor devices that convert electrical
energy directly into light.
• LEDs can be extremely small and durable
• Some LEDs can provide much longer lamp life than other sources.
• Can generate red, yellow, green, blue or white light
• LED lamps are the newest addition to the list of
• energy efficient light sources.

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Typical LED

Efficacy Comparison

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• The “luminaire” is the correct term to
describe what is more commonly known
as a “lighting fixture”

• The word “fixture” has legal implications

associated with permanently installed
building equipment

• Over 100,000 types and styles of

luminaires are made worldwide

Classification by Light Distribution

• One of the most important characteristics of a
luminaire is its distribution pattern
• Most common distribution patterns:
1. Direct light,
• with the luminaire mounted above the area to be
lighted and its output directed downward
• At least 90% of light goes downward

2. Indirect light
• the luminaire directs all of its light toward the
ceiling or a wall, relying on the illuminated
surface to reflect the light toward the work area
• At least 90% of light goes upward

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Common Distribution Patterns

3. Mostly direct
• the light is primarily directed toward the workplace,
but which has some indirect distribution as well
• Gives 40% uplight; 60% downlight
4. Mostly indirect
• the indirect distribution is the largest percentage of
the output
• Gives 60% uplight; 40% downlight

5. Direct/indirect
• the two distribution amounts are approximately equal

6. Diffuse
• the luminaire radiates light more or less equally in all

Common Distribution Patterns

7. Directional,
• the output is aimed in a specific direction

8. Asymmetric,
• the output is directed more strongly to one
side than another

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Metal Halide Surface Mount Recessed Lighting

Flood Light Spot Lamp Fixture

Pendent Type Highbay Recess Mount Surface or Pendent

Luminaire Fluorescent Fixture Mount


Halogen Symmetrical Beam Asymmetrical

Floodlight Floodlight Beam Floodlight

CFL Roadway T5 Lamp Roadway Cast Aluminium

Lighting Lighting Top Opening

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Light Distribution
• Provided as polar plots 20cd
of luminance intensity 15cd
(Cd) against the angle of 10cd
incidence. 5cd dir 105deg- 5cd

• Part of photometric dir 90deg- 10cd

data dir 75deg-
• Usually supplied by the 12cd
manufacturer of the dir 60deg- 15cd
dir 45deg- 17cd
dir 30deg- 18cd
dir 15deg- 19cd
dir 00deg- 20cd

Light Intensity Distribution

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Light Intensity Distribution



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Lighting Design Concept

• Illuminance levels and types of lighting will ensure optimum visual
performance, high productivity and safety at operating costs which are

• Qualitative Planning
• gain as much information as possible about
• the environment that is to be illuminated,
• how it is used,
• who will use it, and
• the style of the architecture

• Quantitative Planning
• Illumination has the central criterion
• uniformity,
• luminous colour,
• shadow quality and
• the degree of glare limitation

The Layered Approach to

Lighting Design
• Begin by thinking in layers

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Layer #1 –The Ambient or General

Lighting Layer
• Generally the relatively uniform lighting of the space.
• Tends to establish mood.
• Includes
• uniform downlighting,
• indirect lighting (uplighting and wallwashing), and
• some special techniques,
• but can also be the decorative lighting

• Called “general lighting” if at task levels (300-500 lux or

• Called “ambient lighting” if lower than task levels

The Ambient Layer

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Layer #2 - The Task Layer

• Generally limited to “task lighting” of the HORIZONTAL
WORK SURFACE at work locations.

• Tends to help create drama.

• Usually produces 500 lux or more within a small area.

Ambient and Task Lighting

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Layer #3 - The Display or

Focal Layer
• Generally limited to accent lighting and similar effects,
primarily through VERTICAL AND OTHER NON-

• Tends to create drama, with greater drama the result of

greater contrast between the brightness created by Focal
Lighting and Ambient Lighting.

• Usually involves key displays at 1000 lux or more.

Ambient, and Focal Lighting

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Layer #4 - the Decorative or

Traditional Layer
• In general, adds the decorative luminaires called for by
the architecture/interior design style, period, motif.

• Is usually expected to contribute to the ambient

illumination. In many designs, the decorative lighting will
be the ambient lighting.

• Usually reduces contrast .

Ambient, Task, Focal and

Decorative Lighting

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Chandelier (decorative/

Chandelier (Focal

Down light (task)


• Cove (ambient)

• Chandelier (decorative)

• Under cabinet (task)

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Lighting Calculations
 Translates “Lumens Needed” into “How many fixtures are needed”
1. Point Source Calculations

2. Lumen Method Procedure

Point Source Calculations

• This method of calculation is suitable for schemes with a
small number of light sources and
• When it is necessary to calculate the illuminance at a small
number of points.

• Computer programmes have allowed this method to be

extended to schemes with a large number of sources.

• It is assumed that the light reflected onto the working plane

from walls, ceilings etc., is negligible.

• Use the inverse square law and cosine law.

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Lambert Cosine Law

Point Source At point P, on surface A
E A = I / d2
At point O, on surface
Eo = I / h2
Also, cos β = h/d
I From above eqns,
EA = Eo cos2 β
From cosine law
EA EB = EA cos β
EB Therefore,

Eo EB = Eo cos3 β

Lambert Cosine Law

EB = Eo cos3 β

X-axis: Distances as percentage of height h

Y-axis: Illuminance as percentage (100% at point O)

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Non-uniform sources
• Light sources are seldom symmetrical in output
• Light output in a given direction is called the luminous intensity

Curve A
If the light source is symmetrical in
output, then 80 cd/1000 lm would be
its intensity in all directions

Curve B
more realistic output for a bare lamp

Curve C
If reflectors were used, the output
would be concentrated even more


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Lambert Cosine Law for

Non-uniform sources
Non-uniform sources:
EB = EO cos 3 β
EB = I cos 3 β
Now, I is a function of β.
Therefore illuminance,

EB = I(β) cos3 β
EB = I(β) cos β

• A luminaire has an output as shown by the below polar curve. It is
mounted 2 meters above the working plane and is fitted with an 18W
compact fluorescent lamp whose output is 1500 lumens. Calculate:
(i) The illuminance on the working plane directly under the lamp
(ii) The illuminance on the working plane 2 meters to one side.

 ~21%

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• A luminaire has an output as shown by the below polar curve. It is fitted with an 150W
high bay lamps. Each lamp is installed at a height of 6 m and the distance between them
is 20 meters. Calculate the total illuminance at:
(i) the base of each lamp post,
(ii) midway between the base of each lamp post.
and sketch an illuminance profile on a straight line joining the base of each lamp post.

Lumen Method
• Provide a simple procedure to estimate E

• Arrange things so that most of the calculation can be done,

once and for all, for a range of standard conditions

• Solving for lighting needs (determine how much light is

needed then how many fixtures are needed)
• Determine area receiving light (usually task surface, floor or work
• Define the desired illuminance (in Lux)
• Lumens needed = Area of space (in m.) x Illuminance (in Lux)

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Some assumptions
• A simple empty rectangular room with 3 “surfaces:”
• Ceiling,
• Walls,
• Floor
• Diffuse reflectances
• Room surfaces are uniformly lighted
• The room floor (work plane) is of particular interest

If we make these assumptions . . .

• There is a way to determine the total number of lumens
that get to the floor of a room
• Accounting for direct light from the luminaires
• Accounting for interreflected light from walls, ceiling, and floor
• A Coefficient of Utilization, CU, is this calculation,
bundled into one number

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Reflectance of Room Surfaces

To approach these ratios the following reflectances are recommended

Ceiling 80 – 90%
Walls 40 – 60%
Work surfaces and equipment 25 – 45%
Floors 20 – 40% 103



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Total light onto the work plane

• The CU is the total light onto the work plane, (the floor in
this case) divided by the total lamp lumens

• Stated in a different way:

• CU accounts for the luminaire efficiency

• Even so, it is possible for CU >1.0 105

Standardizing the calculation

• So room proportion and reflectance can be

• CUs can be calculated once for a wide variety of


• Fix the floor reflectance at a common low value

• Let wall and ceiling reflectance vary over typical values
• Let room proportion vary from a wide, low room to a

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Standardizing the calculation

• Standard room proportions
• Cavity Ratio is a convenient way to specify room proportion (US

• What CR means:
• Low and wide: RCR=1
• Cube : RCR = 10
• High and narrow: RCR = 20


Cavity Ratios
• In the zonal-cavity method, the effects of room
proportions, luminaire suspension length, and workplane
height upon the coefficient of utilization are represented
• Room cavity ratio (RCR),
• Ceiling cavity ratio (CCR), and
• Floor cavity ratio (FCR).

• For irregular shape


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Room Proportion (Europian Definition)

• Room index (RI) is the ratio of room plan area to
half the wall area between the working and
luminaire planes.
• =
( )

where L = length of room

W = width of room
Hm = mounting height, i.e. the vertical distance between the
working plane and the luminaire.

Effective reflectance

• Each different reflectance on a surface contributes

according to its size

• 
• These are approximated by these

• 

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Effective reflectance
• Average reflectance can be used to account for
different reflectance of large surfaces

• In this case the average wall reflectance is lowered due to

large, low-reflectance objects on two of the walls 111

Effective reflectance

• The equation that does this is

•  is the area weighted average reflectance

• 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. are the different reflectances
• A1, A2, A3, A4 etc. are the different areas

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Coefficients of Utilization

• EFF-Efficiency of Luminary
• DN- Downward Illumination
• UP- Upward Illumination
• SC- Spacing Criteria 113

Standardized tables CUs

• Here is standard table of CUs
• pw = is a common way to print w, the wall reflectance
• pcc = cc, the ceiling cavity reflectance

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Using CUs
• A room has a proportion such that RCR=5
• The floor, ceiling and wall reflectances are
• f = 0.20 cc = 0.80 w = 0.50
• CU =0.51

Linear Interpolation
• Particular data for luminaries might not be read from table


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Using CUs
Sometimes you have to interpolate

• A room has a proportion so that RCR=5

• The floor, ceiling and wall reflectances are
• f = 0.20 cc = 0.80 w = 0.60
• CU =0.54

Light Loss Factor (LLF)

• Recoverable LLF
• Lamp lumen depreciation (LLD)
• Luminaire dirt depreciation (LDD)
• Room surface dirt depreciation (RSDD)
• Lamp burnout factor (LBO)
• Although room surface dirt depreciation (RSDD) is a
recoverable factor, it is often ignored in lighting
calculations and maintenance programs.

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Light Loss Factor

• Non-Recoverable LLF
• Luminaire ambient temperature factor
• Voltage-to-luminaire factor
• Ballast factor
• Ballast-lamp operating factor
• Lamp position (tilt) factor
• Luminaire surface depreciation


Lamp Lumen Depreciation (LLD)

Light Loss due to Ageing


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Luminaire Dirt Depreciation (LDD)

• Dust, smoke film, oil and dirt accumulate on the reflective
surfaces of fixtures, lenses and lamps.


Luminaire Maintenance Categories


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Dirt Depreciation Graphs


Laminar Maintenance


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Lumen Equation
• The lumen equation can have two forms:


Illuminance Recommendations


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• We have a room that is 9.15mx9.15mx3.5m
• How many 70W metal halide downlights are needed to
produce E = 350 lux on the floor?
• Working Plane Height: 0.76m
• Initial lamp lumens are 5600 lm

• Assume With w = 0.5, cc = 0.8

• Lamp lumen depreciation = 0.85
• Luminaire dirt depreciation = 0.9


Spacing Criteria

Spacing Criteria is the maximum ratio of spacing to

mounting height of the luminaire above the workplane that
provides reasonable uniformity of illumination within the
Spacing ratios for specific luminaires are given in the data
sheets published by each manufacturer.
This number, usually between 0.5 to 1.5,
when multiplied with the mounting height, gives the
maximum distance that the luminaires maybe separated
and provide uniform illuminance on the workplane

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A simple uniform distribution can be adopted.


d/2 d


Spacing Criteria
For luminaires using essentially point sources of light, such as
incandescent or HID lamps, the number of luminaires per
row should be in proportion to the width-to-length ratio of
the room

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Uniformity Recommendations
Application Uniformity of illuminance in critical
plane of measurement
max : min av : min

Non-critical areas: 50 : 1 -
parks, gardens, amenity lighting
Working areas 20 : 1 10 : 1
Most building facades
Sports training areas

Even lighting of plain light-coloured 10 : 1 5:1

surfaces Spectator sports areas
Filming and television 3:1 1.5 : 1

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Lumen method on a spreadsheet:

Describing the room


Lumen method on a spreadsheet:

E required, CU’s, and lamp lumens


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Lumen method on a spreadsheet:

Getting the results


• Glare is caused by high luminances or
excessive luminance differences in the
visual field
• Two types
• Disability glare
• Reducing ability to see or spot an object.

• Discomfort glare
• Visual discomfort in the presence of bright
light sources, luminaries, windows or
other bright surfaces
• In the indoor lighting, the main concern is
about discomfort glare.

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Disability glare


Over 300 watts does not increase visibility;

wasted energy lighting the night sky.

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Glare – glare limitation


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Direct Glare

Glare Index: method in indoor lighting

• Psychological glare is rated by the standardized Glare Index (GI-European) or Unified
Glare Rating (UGR-US)
• Glare Index

• The IESNA (Illuminating Engineering Society of North America ) defines UGR as

L = background luminance (in cd/m2 )

L = the luminance (in cd/m2 ) of the i part of the glare source in the direction of the eye,

ω = the solid angle (in sr) of the i part of the glare source,

p = the position index of the ith part of the glare source


***This method can no longer be used for large light sources (solid angle > 1 sr) or small
light sources (solid angle <0.0003 sr).

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ω – Solid angle
p – Position index

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Position Index Data


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Glare Limitations

Avoid Glare
• To avoid glare due to bright light sources, lamps should
be shielded.

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How to Correct Glare

• Using several small low-intensity light fixtures rather than
one large high-intensity light fixture.
• Keeping general lighting levels at recommended levels.
• Increasing the brightness of the area around the glare
• Using light fixtures that diffuse or concentrate light well.
Indirect light fixtures or direct light fixtures with parabolic
louvres are two possibilities.
• Covering bare bulbs with louvers, lenses or other devices to
control light.
• Using adjustable local lighting with brightness controls.

How to Correct Glare

• Positioning light fixtures to reduce
reflected light that is directed toward the

• Apply flat or semi-gloss paint and matte

finishes on 'offending' surfaces. Remove
highly polished and shiny objects.

• Positioning the work station so that

windows and fluorescent light tubes are
parallel to the worker's line of sight.

• Do not position the work station so that

light fixtures are to the front or directly

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• Localized-general lighting uses overhead fixtures in addition to
ceiling fixtures to increase lighting levels for particular tasks.

Minimize direct glare with indirect


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Recessed lighting done badly

Recessed lighting done well.

Light trespass

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Bulb moved
up under
opaque cap

own fixture

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Use shielded Fixtures

Daylight Integrated Approach

• For successful daylight/electric

lighting integration
• Appropriate luminaire and lamp packages
• Appropriate control systems
• Understanding the client’s expectations
and needs
• Understanding the client’s
occupation patterns
• Correct commissioning
of the systems

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Optimum use of Daylight

• Achieving very high levels of daylight usually

means large windows and tall rooms;
• Associated with excessive heat gain and loss, and a
high building cost.

• Very small windows make little use daylight as

a source of energy
• Occupant satisfaction tends to be lower


• Maximize North and South Faces

• Minimize East and West Faces 162

• Orientation Desired but Not Required

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Window Size and Total Energy Cost


Roof elements for Daylighing

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Use of Daylight


Daylight Control


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Daylight Control Algorithm


Lighting Design Using Software


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Operational Concerns
• Electrical Distribution System- TT/TN/IT
• System Earthing/Structural Earthing
• Lightning and Surge protection
• Electromagnetic Interferences and Compatibility

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Energy Efficient Lighting Design

• For energy-ef cient lighting
• Lamps with high luminous ef cacy,
• Electronic operating gear,
• Luminaires optimised for optical control,
• Daylight utilisation and
• lighting management

• Two main factors involved in the energy

efficient lighting systems are
• the lamp wattage and
• the duration of its operation

Lighting Handbook 10th Edition

IES - Illuminating Engineering Society


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Standards on Lighting
• IESNA (Illuminating Engineering Society of North America)
• IES LM Standards

• LM-9-09 Electrical and Photometric Measurements of Fluorescent Lamps

LM-66-00 Electrical and Photometric Measurements of Single-Ended
Compact Fluorescent Lamps
LM-45-00 Electrical and Photometric Measurements of General Service
Incandescent Filament Lamps
LM-51-00 Electrical and Photometric Measurements of HID Lamps
LM-54-99 Lamp Seasoning
LM-59-00 Electrical and Photometric Measurement of Low Pressure Sodium
LM-40-01 Lift Testing of Fluorescent Lamps
LM-47-02 Life Testing of High Intensity Discharge (HID) Lamps
LM-49-01 Life Testing of General Lighting Incandescent Filament Lamps
LM-60-01 Life Testing of Low Pressure Sodium Lamps
LM-65-01 Life Testing of Single-Ended Compact Fluorescent Lamps
LM-58-94 Guide to Spectroradiometric Measurements
LM-78-06 Total Luminous Flux Measurement of Lamps Using an Integrating
Sphere Photometer

• LM-41-98 Approved Method for Photometric Testing of Indoor

Fluorescent Luminaires
LM-46-04 Photometric Testing of Indoor Luminaires Using HID or
Incandescent Filament Lamps
LM-10-96 Photometric Testing of Outdoor Fluorescent Luminaires,
LM-31-95 Photometric Testing of Roadway Luminaires Using
Incandescent Filament and HID lamps
LM-35-02 Photometric Testing of Floodlights Using High Intensity
Discharge or Incandescent Filament Lamps
LM-11-97 Photometric Testing of Searchlights
LM-75-01 Goniophotometer Types and Photometric Coordinates
LM-63-02 Standard File Format for the Electronic Transfer of
Photometric Data and Related Information.

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LED Standards
• Test method and measurement IESNA LM-79
• Chromaticity specification ANSI C78.377
• Test method for lifetime of LEDs IESNA LM-80

Thank You
Dr. Asanka S. Rodrigo
Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Moratuwa-Sri Lanka
+94 11 2640312 (Direct)
+94 11 2650301 Ext: 3212
+94 77 7958976

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Technical Specifications Centera LED Fully Luminous 2x2
Performance Data
Model Color Temperature Input Power* Efficacy (lm/W) Light Output** DLC 2.0 Listed Test Number
CENLED22SSQ4335U1 3500K CCT 43.11W 85.8 3700 lm Yes UL790233
CENLED22CC4335U1 3500K CCT 43.07W 79.8 3441 lm Yes UL790234
CENLED22CP4335U1 3500K CCT 43.10W 63.3 2729 lm No UL790235
* Delivered lumens
** Consult a lighting engineer to meet specific requirements

Photometric Data Centera LED 2x2 recessed direct with straight sides, square center diffuser - *Please note, data is simulated.
Luminaire Data Coefficients of Utilization Candela Plot
180 150 120
Catalog Number CENLED22SSQ4335U1 CC Wall 80 50 30
Lab Test# UL790233 RCR 70 50 30 10 50 30 10 50 30 10 ACROSS
(#) Power Supply (1) DRIVER LED 50W 1.5A 0 119 119 119 119 111 111 111 106 106 106 ALONG
1 110 105 102 98 99 96 93 95 93 91
# Boards (2) LED 64 chips 21.375" 90
2 101 94 88 82 88 83 79 85 81 78
24V 800mA 3 93 83 75 69 79 73 68 76 71 67
Color Temperature 3500K 4 86 74 66 60 71 64 59 68 63 58
Input Watts 43.11 5 79 67 58 52 63 56 51 61 55 51 500

Delivered Lumens 3700 6 73 60 51 45 57 50 45 55 49 44

7 67 54 45 39 51 44 39 50 43 38 60
Operating Life 80,000 hours (L70) 8 62 49 40 35 47 39 34 45 39 34
Fixture Efficacy 85.8 lm/W 9 57 44 36 30 42 35 30 41 35 30 1000

10 53 40 32 27 39 32 27 38 31 27
Zonal cavity method Effective floor reflectance = 20%

0 30

Zonal Lumens and Percentages Luminance Summary (Candela/M 2 )

0-30 1102 29.77 45 3766 3768 3823
0-40 1744 47.13 55 3349 3465 3675
0-60 2917 78.83 65 2932 3257 3747
0-90 3700 100.00 75 2477 3261 4046
40-90 1956 52.87 85 1896 3175 3785
60-90 783 21.17 S/MH: 1.3 SC(ALONG): 1.2, SC(ACROSS): 1.3
90-180 0 0.00
0-180 3700 100.00

11212014 REV 3.7

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