SCIC Task 2

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My core values and beliefs:

As a web developer, a set of core values and beliefs, are given bellow

 Quality and Excellence: I strive for excellence for my work and deliver high-quality products
that meet or exceed client expectations.

 Continuous Learning: I have a mindset of continuous learning. I tried updated on the latest
technologies, tools, and best practices in web development to improve my skills and deliver
better results.

 Collaboration: Always I want to maintain a collaborative and inclusive environment. I prefer

to work well with others, open to feedback and contribute positively to team dynamics.

 Adaptability: The field of web development evolves rapidly, so I always ready to embrace
change and adapted with new technologies.

 Responsibility: I always take my ownership for my work. I try to deliver projects on time,
meet deadlines.

 Security Awareness: I prioritize the security of the applications. I always try to stay informed
about security best practices and try to implement measures to protect user data and
sensitive information.

My goals and aspirations:

 I strive to master various programming languages, frameworks, and tools related to web
development. I believe that continuous learning and staying updated with industry trends
are essential for success. I have learned front-end development & in future I want to be full-
stack developer.
 I love to contribute to open-source projects to collaborate with other developers, gain
visibility in the community, and enhance your coding skills. It's also a great way to give back
to the development community.

 I also prefer to explore opportunities for remote work worldwide and on-site work.

The first steps you will take to build your personal brand:

 I will develop a personal website: Showcase my portfolio, skills, projects, and provide
information about myself.

 LinkedIn profile: It’s help to make a personal brand.

 Using platforms GitHub to display your work.

How does Personal branding differ from self-promotion, and why is this distinction important:

1. Intent and Focus:

 Personal Branding: Focuses on creating a holistic and authentic image that reflects
my values, skills, and personality. It's about building a long-term reputation and
making a positive impact in my field.

 Self-Promotion: Primarily emphasizes promoting oneself for immediate gain or

recognition. It can be more transactional and short-term, often centered around
specific achievements or goals.

2. Authenticity:

 Personal Branding: Stresses authenticity and transparency. It involves presenting an

honest and genuine representation of who you are and what my stand for. It goes
beyond achievements to encompass your character, values, and the way you
interact with others.

 Self-Promotion: May sometimes prioritize highlighting successes without providing a

deeper understanding of the individual. It might focus more on projecting a positive
image rather than a complete and authentic representation.

3. Relationship Building:

 Personal Branding: Emphasizes building meaningful and lasting relationships with

my audience, peers, and community. It involves engaging with others, sharing
insights, and contributing to the community.

 Self-Promotion: Can sometimes be more self-centered and transactional. It might

prioritize personal gain over building genuine connections.

4. Content and Communication:

 Personal Branding: Involves sharing a mix of content, including personal

experiences, knowledge sharing, and insights. It aims to contribute positively to my
industry or community.

 Self-Promotion: Tends to focus more on achievements, successes, and accolades.

Communication may revolve around highlighting personal accomplishments.

Importance of the Distinction:

1. Authenticity and Credibility:

 Personal branding is about building credibility and trust by being authentic. It

involves a genuine connection with your audience, fostering trust over time. Self-
promotion, if perceived as insincere, can erode trust.

2. Community Contribution:

 A strong personal brand often involves contributing to my community or industry. It

goes beyond self-promotion by actively participating in discussions, sharing
knowledge, and supporting others.

3. Relationship Building:
 Personal branding fosters genuine relationships with peers, clients, and the
community. Self-promotion, if done excessively, can strain relationships and create a
perception of self-centeredness.

What are you most proud of?

As a web developer, I most proud of my personal Projects, Skill Development, Innovation, Client or
User Satisfaction, Contribution to Open Source, Community Involvement, Learning and Growth,
Recognition etc.

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