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Five sets of critical questions

1. Question Set 1
- Where was this text published ? (in peer-reviewed academic journal or a non-
academic source?)
 Answer:
I think that this text was published in a peer-reviewed academic journal because this
text follows a structured format commonly found in an academic journal articles such
as Abstract, Introduction, Objective, Review of Literature, Findings, and References.
Besides, the text provides information on the dates of receipt, revision, and acceptance,
suggesting that it underwent a peer-reviewed process.
- When was this text published? Is the text up-to-date or outdate?
 Answer:
The text was received on 24-01-2024, revised on 13-2-2024, and accepted on 28-02-
2024. So, it's relatively up-to-date, being published in early 2024.
2. Question Set 2
- Who is the author of the reading text? What are his/her credentials, profession and
educational background?
 Answer:
The authors are Dr. A. Geetha, who is an Associate Professor and Head of the
Department of Business Administration at Bharath Institute of Higher Education and
Research, and Mahesh Prabu Arunachalam, a Senior Manager in Software
Development and Engineering at Charles Schwab and Co. Dr. A. Geetha has
credentials in academia, likely holding a Ph.D. in a relevant field, and Mahesh Prabu
Arunachalam has professional experience in software development and engineering.
- Is the text biased or objective? (Does it present one-sided arguments or a balanced
 Answer: The text appears objective, presenting a balanced view of various trends
shaping the IT industry without overt bias towards any specific viewpoint.
3. Question Set 3
- Who was the text written for? (general audience or academic audience?)
 Answer:
The text seems primarily written for an academic audience . This is because the text
gave its depth of analysis, references to scholarly literature, and technical or specialize
terminology, suggesting aim at academic audience rather than general audience.
- Why did the author write the text? (to contribute knowledge about the topic, to
convince/ entertain/ warn the audience, to give advice, advertise a product/ service, or
report information?)
 Answer:
The author wrote this text with the aim of contributing to knowledge about new trends
in the IT industry and providing useful information for IT professionals, businesses and
people interested in this field. By synthesizing and analyzing these trends, the text
provides an in-depth overview of how Information Technology is evolving and
affecting business and society.
 Answer:
4. Question Set 4
- Does the author present or imply his/ her opinion about the topic in the text? What is
his or her opinion? Doest the text present a convincing argument or reliable
information about its topic? (Briefly explain why it is convincing/ reliable, or why not).
 Answer:
 In this text, the author does not directly present personal opinions about trends in
the Information Technology industry. Instead, they rely on references and research
from other experts to present trends and analyze them further.
 This text achieves a high level of persuasiveness and credibility because it relies on
a broad base of academic knowledge and careful analysis of current trends in the IT
industry. Honesty in citing sources also increases the credibility of the text.
However, its persuasiveness may depend on the reader's ability to evaluate and
apply the information provided to their context.
5. Question Set 5
Has the author done empirical research about the topic? (YES or NO?)
a) If “YES”, answer the following questions:
- What are the major research results/ findings? What is the author’s conclusion? Are
charts and graphs used in text?
b) If “NO”, answer the following questions:
- Do the author use such types of evidence as anecdotes, visuals items, statistics,
quotations to support his/ her points? Is the evidence convincing and effectively used?
- If there is no evidence, how are the author’s points supported?
 Answer:
 Yes, the author has done empirical research about the topic, as evidenced by the
review of literature, synthesizing and analyzing references from academic sources
and industry reports.
 The major results of the study are reflected in the “Findings” section of the text, in
which the author summarizes the impportant trends in the IT industry and their
effects such as the spread of AI adoption, transformations in the field of
CyberSecurity, cloud computing benefits, or the potential of decentralization and
Blockchain technology, or its impact on shaping the future of the IT industry.
 The author’s conclusion focuses on the immportance of understanding and adapting to
the new trends in shaping the future of IT industry and emphasizes the need for
continued research and monitoring of further developments in this field.
 Charts and graphs are not directly mentioned in the provided text, but they may be
present in the original published version.

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