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UGC Surfacing Pilot Guidelines V2

Current Guideline Version: 2.3 Launch Edition (Mar 1, 2023)

Mar 1, 2023 (V2.3): Made the following changes:
- Added visual examples to many labels
- Clarified definition of Provides Additional Details About Pattern/Color/Silhouette label in Quality
- Clarified when Displays Product in Motion/Use should be selected specifically for clothing in
Quality Enhancements

Feb 27, 2023 (V2.2.1): Added “Product Tag” and “Top Product”labels in Suggested Products box.
Clarified instructions on how to go through Suggested Products and Product Search box. See more info
in Task 2

Project Background Overview

In its current state, a product page (PDP) only shows images uploaded by the seller. Displaying posts by
users (UGC) on a PDP will help with improving buyer understanding, and to envision a product being
used by customers. This labeling project aims to be an initial step in determining if a given UGC is
suitable for surfacing on a PDP. This project will assess a post’s relation to a product, and its overall
quality and suitability. Raters will both provide a ranking of quality and select from a list of
quality/relevance characteristics to aid in this process. Raters will also label for multiple diversity
characteristics to help surface diverse and inclusive posts from a wide range of users.

Please Read: The guidelines are structured so that portions of the job do not need to be completed if
certain criteria are met. Pay careful attention to the order in which you should be answering questions.

Task 1: Prequalifier & Quality Screening

The questions in Task 1 are located in the right widget (Guided Review Tree). These questions should be
completed first, prior to using the Product Match widget.

Question 1: Is there a product from the brand that is clearly visible?

Using the media in the left widget, identify if any of the following options are true. If None of the Above
is selected, the job will end here and no further questions will be asked. Note: This question is
multi-select. Select all options that apply.

a. Product/brand tag on top of a tangible product

i. Select this when there is either a product or brand tag (built-in location-tagging function)
on top of an actual productand that product is clearly visible. If the tag is not on a
product, such as on the background or someone’s face, or if the product is too small to
see the details of, do not select this option.
b. Product identified from brand markings
i. Select this option when a product is identified via a brand’s signature (logo, name, or
other clear indication) and the product is clearly visible.
c. Product mentioned in text or caption
i. Select this option when a specific product is mentioned to be being used or applied in the
text or caption. For example, the caption specifically mentions a specific lipstick is being
used in the picture, and there is visible lipstick being worn in the media. This includes if
the specific product’s name is seen in hashtags
d. None of the above
i. Select this option when none of the prior options are applicable to the media


Product/Brand Tag On Product Identified Product Mentioned in None of the Above

Top of a Tangible From Brand Markings Text or Caption

The Media does not

Brand tags are on top of have any tags, show
products Caption mentions/tags a any brand
brand and a related product names/logos, and
does not specifically
mention any
products in the
Brand name and
product name visible.
Either is acceptable
There is a product tag
seen in the Media

Question 2: Are any of the following quality issues present?

Using the left widget, identify if any of the quality issues listed are present in the media. The Seller
Specific Disqualifiers will be provided in a separate document. If any option other than “None of the
Above” is selected, the job will end here and no further questions will be asked. This question is
multi-select. Select all options that apply.

These quality issues should be selected on the generally more severe examples of the issue. For
example, minor stretching or minor lighting issues would not warrant a selection.

a. Image Quality - Bad Lighting

i. The media contains bad lighting such that details of the product are hard to distinguish,
or the picture is generally over/underexposed and would be considered a poor quality
b. Image Quality - Low Resolution/Pixelated
c. Image Quality - Photoshopped/Filtered
i. The media contains heavy filtering and makes the product look not as it actually does, or
the media contains a photoshopped, 3d render, or otherwise unrealistic version of the
product, or contains other photoshopped elements. The media should be generally
unedited or with light filtering only.
d. Image Quality - Stretched
i. The media is stretched or compressed to the point where the product is not well or
accurately represented.
e. Inauthentic - Stitched outfit from other sellers
i. The media is not an actual image of an outfit but is instead multiple images of clothing
stitched/edited together to resemble an outfit
f. Inauthentic - Seller Images
i. The media does not appear to be taken by a buyer, but instead resembles product photos
that you would normally find on a seller’s website. These are generally studio shots, white
backgrounds, and professionally done. Use discretion when determining if these are
potential seller images
g. Inauthentic - Repost from public figure
i. The media is of well known public figures or contains public figures stitched into the
h. Inauthentic - Non-Native to FB/IG
i. Contains watermarks of competitors of other platforms such as Tiktok, Pinterest, Reddit,
i. Improper Commercial Intent - Giveaway Posts
i. The media/caption clearly indicate the overall intent of the post is to do a product
j. Improper Commercial Intent - Re-Selling Products
i. The media/caption clearly indicate the overall intent of the post is to sell or resell
products. Examples of this include: Influencers/Users who run a reselling business
(Depop, Etsy, etc), the user posting the media is a retailer, distributor, wholesaler, etc and
their business is selling products.
k. Integrity Issue - Foul Language, Gestures or Actions
i. The media contains foul language anywhere in the image, caption or audio, foul gestures
(sexualized, inappropriate, gross), or actions such as harassment or generally other
unsavory or inappropriate behavior. Political/Ideological actions, clothing or other
1. Some examples of Inappropriate Actions/Gestures:
a. Poses/Hand Signs that represent curse words, sex acts or have violent
affiliation (middle finger, sexual poses, gang signs, etc)
b. Simulated Sex Act Movements/Poses (Does not include posing in lingerie,
c. Socially Unacceptable Costumes/Poses (Nazi, KKK, Blackface, etc) (Does
not include military or other cultural dress. Seek clarification if needed)
d. Political/Ideological Poses, Captions, Clothing, Actions, etc (Example:
political candidate clothing, voting flyers/posters, etc)
l. Integrity Issue - Contains Weapons
i. The media contains weapons such as firearms, explosives, knives, or other weapons in an
environment that is not directly related to the product. (An example of a knife being in the
image of a knife holder is acceptable. Someone holding a knife on the street would not be
m. Integrity Issue - Contains Illegal Activities or Products
i. The media contains illegal activities or products, or implies the performing of illegal
n. Foreign Language
i. TBD
o. Seller Specific Disqualifier
i. The media matches the criteria for a seller-specific criteria. See the Seller Specific
Disqualifier sheet for more information on specific seller’s disqualifier criteria.
p. None of the Above
i. None of the above options are present in the image.


Image Quality - Bad Image Quality - Low Image Quality - Image Quality -
Lighting Resolution/Pixelated Photoshopped/Filtered Stretched

The image seen in

the Media is clearly
distorted and
This image is out of focus
and would be considered
low resolution/pixelated
The lights in this image
The filter used in this
severely obscure the
image obscures the details
view of the product
of the product (the

This image is clearly not a

real product. It is a 3D
rendering of a product
In addition to this image
being over-filtered, it is
also pixelated and low

Inauthentic - Stitched Inauthentic - Seller Inauthentic - Repost Inauthentic -

outfit from other Images from public figure Non-Native to
sellers FB/IG
There is a competing
company’s logo seen

By looking at the product

images in the product
search, we can see that
the image used is similar
to those and probably not
an original image from
the poster of the media

There is a competing
company’s logo seen

Improper Commercial Improper Commercial Integrity Issue - Foul Integrity Issue -

Intent - Giveaway Intent - Re-Selling Language, Gestures or Contains Weapons
Posts Products Actions

Seller is running a store,

indicated in the
Media poster has
mentioned they are
running a product

Integrity Issue - Foreign Language Seller Specific None of the Above

Contains Illegal Disqualifier
Activities or Products


Task 2: Product Matching & Product Quality

Once Task 1 is completed, you should move away from the GRT (Guided Review Tree) and focus on the
Product Matching Widget located in the center of the rating interface. As a reminder, some answers in
Task 1 may result in the ending of a job early. If this is the case, Task 2 can be skipped via the “Skip”
option which will allow you to end the job. Once Task 2 is completed, you should return to the GRT to
complete Task 3 (see below).

Task 2 begins with completing Action 1. Once Action 1 is completed, Question 1-5 will be asked per
product matched. For example, if three products are matched in Action 1, Question 1-5 will be asked
three times, each set of answers corresponding to the respective product matched.

Action 1: Product Matching

To complete this action, think back to Task 1 Question 1, which asked if there were products clearly
visible or mentioned in the media. With that product or products in mind, use the Product Match
widget to search for them and select if they are found. Use the guide below for a more in depth
explanation of how to product match. Once you have identified the correct or most appropriate
product, select the best variant of it using the dropdown menu on that product.

New Guidance:Introduced Feb 27, 2023, the Suggested Products box now features tags displayed as
“Product Tag” and “Top Product”. These represent products that are directly tagged in the media by the
seller (Product Tag) or products that we have a higher prediction to be a match (Top Product). These
products should be viewed first when matching as they have a higher likelihood of matching. If that is
not the case, view the rest of products in Suggested Products. If the product is still not found, conduct
1-2 searches in the bottom, broader search box. If the product is still not found, skip matching and end
the job.

General Guidance on Selecting Matched Products

- Use everything in the post to make the most informed decision possible. This includes the
Shop name, the media image, the product/brand tags (bottom left of image), the caption,
and hashtags
- If you find exact matches of products when searching for products, select all of the
matches and rate them with the same confidence score. This is also applicable if the
product is offered in varying quantities (ie there is an option for a single and a two pack) if
the quantity cannot be determined in the image (ie makeup)
- Use the browser in-page search feature to find the Shop’s name to help quickly find clues.
(Ctrl + F in Google Chrome, for example)
- Fully utilized external searches (Google, Bing, etc) to learn more about the products or
find their official name in the catalog. Then return to SRT and search for that name.
- Sometimes the name given in a caption does not directly match a product’s full name, but
can most likely be assumed it is the same product. This is OK. For example, if a product’s
name is Sunset Dream Maximum Coverage Lipstick, and the poster refers to it as “Sunset
Dream Max Lipstick”, we can assume that they are talking about the same product and
match as “Completely Certain”. If it is too generic, like the poster simply saying “lipstick”,
that would be a lower confidence level since it may not be the correct product.
- Be sure to thoroughly search through the Suggested Products before making a final
selection decision. You may come across variants of a product seen. Use words in the
name of that product to try and find the product most applicable and accurate. Do not
make quick decisions based on initial searching.

Question 1: Please select the best carousel image showcasing the matched product (when applicable)
To complete this question, you will look at the various images available in the media and select which
image best showcases the product you are answering Q1-6 for. Non-carousel and video options do not
need a selectable option.

Question 2: Please locate the product in the selected media

To capture the product in the image, use your mouse to draw a red box over the product in the box
labeled “Select the product”. After drawing a box, press “capture”. Once completed for all products, hit
“next” under the “Captured selection” box and proceed to the next question.
Question 3: Please select the matching variant
Using the dropdown menu, select the variant of the product that matches the variant seen in the
media. For example, if the product in the media was green but the green version of the product was not
selectable during initial product match, select the green option if possible during this step. If the the
matching option is not available, please select the closest option to it (based on rainbow color shade or
other similarity).

Question 3: How confident are you in your product match?

Select the best option that represent the relationship between the product seen and the product
a. 5 - The product and variant are both exact match backed by strong signals
b. 4 - The product is exact match backed by strong signals, and the variant is a best guess without
obvious visual difference from the catalog image
c. 3 - The product is exact match backed by strong signals, and the variant is a best approximation
with noticeable visual difference from the catalog image
d. 2 - The product and variant is a best guess without obvious visual difference from the catalog
e. 1 - The product and variant is a best guess with noticeable visual difference from the catalog

Question 4: Which quality enhancements are visible in the media?

When looking at the product you selected in the media, which of the following characteristics are
Note: This question is multi-select
a. Captures Attention/Stands Out Against Background
i. The product is clearly the center of focus in the image and immediately stands out when
first viewing the product. The product is not in the background, side of the image, or
otherwise not the focal point.
b. Provides Additional Details About Pattern/Color/Silhouette
i. Showcases product features including the pattern, color, silhouette, and material in
specific detail. This generally occurs when there are close up images, videos or
commentary about these details.
c. Displays Product in Motion/Use
i. The product is shown in use or in motion. For example, running pants are shown on a
person while running, or a RC car is shown racing around.
1. Note: This should be actual movement/use, rather than the use of graphics to
simulate use.
2. Note: Simply wearing clothes/accessories is not enough to be considered “in use”
or “in motion”. They need to be performing an activity for which they’re intended.
For example: Gym shirt on someone working out in a gym
d. Product in Natural Environment
i. The product is in the environment that you would naturally find it in. For example, a firepit
placed in a back yard with a family around it or a office chair in a home office.
e. Re-Emphasizes or Highlights Product
i. Beyond being visibly seen in the photo/video, the product is mentioned or discussed in a
caption or in-video audio discussion.
f. None of the Above


Captures Provides Additional Displays Product in Re-Emphasizes or

Attention/Stands Out Details About Motion/Use Highlights Product
Against Background Pattern/Color/

The product is clearly the

focus of the image and This makeup product is
stands out against the shown in use
background (Screenshot from video)
In the video, the Media
poster spends time to
showcase the material of
the product
This product (beanie) is
shown being used in it’s
natural environment for it’s
intended purpose (cold

Question 5: If you were a buyer for this product, would this UGC influence your decision making and
purchase behavior?
This question is subjective and we are looking for honest opinions. Does this UGC showcase the product
in a positive way that provides more info about the product than a standard seller image and description
a. Yes
b. No

Task 3: Diversity & Inclusion Questions

Once Task 2 has been completed, move back to the right GRT (Guided Review Tree) widget to
complete Task 3, Diversity & Inclusion Questions. These questions are multi-select and apply to all
primary people found in the media. This question is multi-select. Select all options that apply.

Q1: What are the primary skintones represented in the media?

Select the skintones of all primary people found in the media. Primary people are people who seem to
be intended to be part of the photo/video, rather than bystanders or people in the background.
a. Light, Pale Light (1a on chart)
b. White, Fair (1b-2b on chart)
c. Medium, White to Olive (2c-3c on chart)
d. Olive, Moderate Brown (3d-3f on chart)
e. Brown, Dark Brown (4 on chart)
f. Black, Very Dark, Brown to Black (5 on chart)
g. Unknown (Black and white, no skin shown, etc)
Q2: What ages are represented in the media?

Although we cannot definitively determine age, we can do our best to make assumptions. Select the
age groups of all primary people found in the media. Primary people are people who seem to be
intended to be part of the photo/video, rather than bystanders or people in the background. Select
“Unknown” when there are not enough indicators to make an informed decision
a. <13
b. 13-30
c. 31-45
d. 45+
e. Unknown

Q3: What genders are represented in the media?

Select the likely genders of all primary people found in the media. Primary people are people who seem
to be intended to be part of the photo/video, rather than bystanders or people in the background.
Select “Other” when there are factors that make a decision difficult, there is no indicators of gender, or
the post states neither option is correct.
a. Male
b. Female
c. Other


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