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Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Diploma in

Electrical and Electronic Engineering in the Faculty of Information Sciences and

September 2023


__calon bagi Diploma
I/We, candidate for the degree of

_________________________________________________________, Management &

Science University mengakui bahawa :
Management & Science University certify that :

i) Tesis saya/kami telah dijalankan, digubal dan ditulis sendiri di bawah penyeliaan :
My/Our thesis was personally developed, conducted and written by us under the
supervision of

ii) Data saya/kami adalah data asal dan saya/kami sendiri mengumpul dan
menganalisisnya; dan
My/Our data are original and personally collected and analysed and

iii) Saya/Kami akan sentiasa mematuhi syarat, polisi dan peraturan MSU mengenai
penulisan tesis, termasuk undang-undang Hakcipta dan Paten Malaysia.
I/We shall at all times be governed by the conditions, policies and regulations of the
MSU on thesis writing, including the copyright and Patent laws of Malaysia.

Jika saya/kami didapati melanggar perkara-perkara di atas, saya/kami dengan relanya

menepikan hak penganugerahan Ijazah saya/kami dan tertakluk kepada syarat dan peraturan
disiplin Management & Science University.
In the event that my/our thesis be found to violate the conditions mentioned above, I/we

voluntarily waive the right of conferment of my/our degree and be subjected to the

disciplinary rules and regulations of Management & Science University.

_______________________ __________________
Nama Calon Tandatangan Calon Tarikh
Candidate’s Name Candidate’s Signature Date

Faculty of Information Sciences and Engineering
Management & Science University


(Certification of Project Paper)

Saya, yang bertandatangan, memperakukan bahawa

(I, the undersigned, certify that)

calon untuk Diploma
(candidate for the diploma of)

telah mengemukakan kertas projek yang bertajuk

( has presented his/her project paper of the following title)


seperti yang tercatat di muka surat tajuk dan kulit kertas projek
(as it appears on the title page and front cover of project paper)

bahawa kertas projek tersebut boleh diterima dari segi bentuk serta kandungan, dan meliputi
bidang ilmu dengan memuaskan.
(that the project paper acceptable in form and content, and that a satisfactory knowledge of
the field is covered by the project paper).

Nama Penyelia
(Name of Supervisor) : ____________________________________________________

(Signatute) : ____________________________________________________

(Date) : ____________________________________________________


The successful culmination of any academic project is the result of persistent effort,

unwavering dedication, and support from various sources. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to

my project supervisor, Dr. Nor Izzati, and my friends and family, whose steadfast support

played a pivotal role in the triumph of my mini project.

Dr. Nor Izzati, my project supervisor, deserves special acknowledgment for her

invaluable guidance, mentorship, and unwavering support throughout the entire project

duration. Her expertise, encouragement, and constructive feedback were instrumental in

shaping the project into a cohesive and well-executed piece of work. Her commitment to

academic excellence and adept navigation through challenges were pivotal to the success of

this endeavor. Dr. Nor Izzati's dedication to her role as a supervisor not only enhanced my

academic understanding but also significantly contributed to my personal and professional


Furthermore, I express my sincere appreciation to my friends, who served as a constant

source of motivation and camaraderie. The exchange of ideas, collaborative efforts, and

shared experiences enriched the project, making the journey more enjoyable. Their

enthusiasm and willingness to lend a helping hand during challenging moments made a

significant impact on the favorable outcome of the mini project. The camaraderie and shared

commitment to academic excellence cultivated a positive environment that greatly contributed

to the project's overall success.

Lastly, the unwavering support of my family served as the bedrock that sustained me

throughout the project. Their encouragement, understanding, and belief in my capabilities

provided the necessary foundation for me to persevere in the face of challenges. The sacrifices

they made to ensure I had the time and resources required for the project did not go unnoticed.

My family's constant encouragement and belief in my abilities have been a driving force behind

my academic pursuits, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

In conclusion, the successful completion of the mini project is the outcome of a

collaborative effort involving the guidance of Dr. Nor Izzati, the support of friends, and the

unwavering encouragement from my family. Each of these individuals has played a unique and

indispensable role in this achievement, and their contributions have not only enriched my

academic journey but have also left a lasting impact on my personal and professional growth.

As I progress in my academic and professional endeavors, I carry with me the lessons learned

and the gratitude for those who have been instrumental in this success.



September 2023

Faculty: Information Sciences and Engineering

The objective of this project is to design a portable fruit picker using Arduino and to analyze

the efficiency of the fruit picker with various degrees of positions of the servo arm. This project

was done due to the high workload for the farmers and the need to bring two different

equipment to do two different tasks which are harvesting and trimming. The portable electronic

fruit picker is built around a simple yet effective mechanical and electronic design. There are

two types of heads which will be provided which are a pruner head and the saw head. The

pruner head works just like a scissor which allows the user to cut the fruit stem with the push

of a button. The saw head is designed to cut a larger stem or wood which can be used to trim

a tree. The device is divided into three parts which are the head, pole, and controller. The head

is connected to the controller via three meters of wire. This means that the device can be

installed to up to three meters pole in length. Thus, it makes the pole replaceable in case

anything happens to the pole. The results show that the final position of the servo arm affects

the efficiency of the fruit-picking process. This is due to the dullness of the pruner’s blade.

When the degrees of the servo arm’s position increase, the overlapping region between the

pruner’s blade will increase. Thus, the cycle needed for the pruner to severe the fruit stem will

decrease. In conclusion, the portable electronic fruit picker presents an innovative solution for

the challenges faced in fruit harvesting without relying on sensors or computer vision

technology. This final project showcases the successful integration of mechanical and

electronic engineering principles to improve traditional farming practices. The device's

simplicity, efficiency, and accessibility make it a valuable tool for enhancing fruit harvesting

operations and promoting sustainability in agriculture and horticulture.






September 2023

Fakulti: Sains Maklumat dan Kejuruteraan

Objektif projek ini adalah untuk mereka bentuk pemetik buah mudah alih menggunakan

Arduino dan untuk menganalisis kecekapan pemetik buah dengan pelbagai peringkat

kedudukan lengan servo. Projek ini dilakukan kerana beban kerja petani yang tinggi dan

keperluan untuk membawa 2 peralatan yang berbeza untuk melakukan 2 tugas yang berbeza

iaitu menuai dan memotong. Pemetik Buah Elektronik Mudah Alih dibina berdasarkan reka

bentuk mekanikal dan elektronik yang ringkas namun berkesan. Terdapat 2 jenis kepala yang

akan disediakan iaitu kepala pemangkas dan kepala gergaji. Kepala pemangkas berfungsi

seperti gunting yang membolehkan pengguna memotong batang buah dengan menekan

butang. Manakala kepala gergaji direka untuk memotong batang atau kayu yang lebih besar

yang boleh digunakan untuk memangkas pokok. Alat ini terbahagi kepada 3 bahagian iaitu

kepala, tiang dan pengawal. Kepala disambungkan ke pengawal melalui wayar 3 meter. Ini

bermakna peranti itu boleh dipasang pada tiang sehingga 3-meter panjang. Oleh itu, ia

menjadikan tiang boleh diganti sekiranya apa-apa berlaku pada tiang. Dalam keputusan, ia

menunjukkan bahawa kedudukan akhir lengan servo mempengaruhi kecekapan proses

memetik buah. Ini disebabkan oleh kekusaman bilah pemangkas. Apabila darjah kedudukan

lengan servo meningkat, kawasan bertindih antara bilah pemangkas akan meningkat. Oleh

itu, kitaran yang diperlukan untuk pemangkas untuk teruk batang buah akan berkurangan.

Kesimpulannya, Pemetik Buah Elektronik Mudah Alih membentangkan penyelesaian inovatif

untuk cabaran yang dihadapi dalam penuaian buah tanpa bergantung pada penderia atau

teknologi penglihatan komputer. Projek akhir ini mempamerkan kejayaan integrasi prinsip

kejuruteraan mekanikal dan elektronik untuk menambah baik amalan pertanian tradisional.

Kesederhanaan, kecekapan dan kebolehcapaian peranti menjadikannya alat yang berharga

untuk meningkatkan operasi penuaian buah-buahan dan menggalakkan kemampanan dalam

pertanian dan hortikultur.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................................... VI

ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................... VIII

ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................................... X

List of Figures ...................................................................................................................... XIV

List of Tables ........................................................................................................................ XVI

CHAPTER 1 ............................................................................................................................. 1

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 1
1.1. Project background .............................................................................................. 1
1.2. Problem statement ................................................................................................ 2
1.3. Objective ............................................................................................................... 3
1.4. Scope Of the Project ............................................................................................. 3
1.5. Limitations ............................................................................................................ 4
1.6. Significance Of the Study .................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER 2 ............................................................................................................................. 6

LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................................................................... 6

2.1. Review of Current Situation ................................................................................ 6
2.2. Review of Related Literature .............................................................................. 7
2.3. Review of Related Product .................................................................................. 9
2.4. Summary ............................................................................................................. 20
CHAPTER 3 ........................................................................................................................... 23

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY ............................................................ 23

3.1. Project Methodology .......................................................................................... 23
3.2. Development Methodology ................................................................................ 26
3.3. Hardware and Tools ........................................................................................... 32
3.4. Software Requirement ....................................................................................... 39
3.5. Circuit Diagram .................................................................................................. 40

3.6. Circuit Simulation .............................................................................................. 41
3.7. Project Schedule ................................................................................................. 43
3.8. Prototype Of the Product ................................................................................... 44
CHAPTER 4 ........................................................................................................................... 45

Results and Discussion ....................................................................................................... 46

4.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................ 46
4.2. Results ................................................................................................................. 47
4.3. Critical Discussion .............................................................................................. 51
4.4. Summary ............................................................................................................. 53
APPENDICES ........................................................................................................................ 60

Appendix A .......................................................................................................................... 60
Arduino UNO Datasheet ................................................................................................... 60
Appendix B .......................................................................................................................... 63
Futaba S3003 Servo Datasheet ......................................................................................... 63
Appendix C.......................................................................................................................... 64
Coding of the Prototype .................................................................................................... 64


Figure Page
2.1 Design of a Robotic Pneumatic Pruner 8
2.2 Design and Experimental Evaluation of a Form Trimming Machine 9
2.3 Fruit Picker 10
2.4 Design of Portable Fruit Picking Device 10
2.5 Design and Development of a Battery-Operated Portable Mango Harvester 11
Design and Development of a Battery-Operated Portable Mango Harvester
2.6 11
2.7 The Design of a Fruit Picking Device 12
Circuit Diagram for Development of an Advanced Mango Picker with
2.8 13
Automatic Sorting Facility
Final Prototype for Development of an Advanced Mango Picker with
2.9 14
Automatic Sorting Facility
Prototype of Colour Based Vegetables and Fruit Cutter and Sorter Using
2.10 15
Design of Picking Robot Visual Servo Control Based on Modified Fuzzy
2.11 16
Neural Network Sliding Mode Algorithms
Prototype of Research on Hand-Held Dual Motor Driven Harvester for Tree
2.12 18
Circuit Diagram of Research on Hand-Held Dual Motor Driven Harvester
2.13 18
for Tree Fruit
2.14 Prototype of Autonomous Fruit Harvester with Machine Vision 19
2.15 Kart 20
2.16 Robotic Arm 20
3.1 Project Methodology 24
3.2 Designing the Prototype 26
3.3 Testing the Cutting Mechanism 27
3.4 Development Methodology 27
3.5 Flowchart (Servo Motor) 29
3.6 Flowchart (DC Motor) 31
3.7 Block Diagram 32
3.8 Pruner 33

Figure Page
3.9 5V Relay 34
3.10 20kg/cm Servo Motor 34
3.11 Circular Saw Blade 35
3.12 DC Motor 36
3.13 Arduino UNO 36
3.14 Push Button 37
3.15 Battery Holder 38
3.16 Lithium Battery 38
3.17 Arduino IDE 40
3.18 Proteus 8 Professional 41
3.19 Circuit Diagram 41
3.20 DC Motor Button is Pressed 42
3.21 Servo Button is Pressed 43
3.22 Main Part 45
3.23 Controller 45
3.24 Controller to the Main part 46
3.25 Fully Assembled Prototype 46
4.1 General Overview of Experiment Method 47
4.2 Trend For No. Of Cycles Taken When Final Position of Servo Arm Is 140° 48
4.3 Trend For No. Of Cycles Taken When Final Position of Servo Arm Is 160° 50
4.4 Trend For No. Of Cycles Taken When Final Position of Servo Arm Is 180° 51
4.5 Measuring using Multi Woodworking Sliding Gauge 52
4.6 Comparison of The Trends Recorded from The Experiment 53


Table Page

2.1 Value of Forces Generated by Fingertips 7

2.2 Comparison of The Specification with Related Product 21

3.1 Cost for The Prototype 39

3.2 Project Schedule 43

4.1 Number of Cycles Taken When Final Position of Servo Arm Is 140° 48

4.2 Number of Cycles Taken When Final Position of Servo Arm Is 160° 49

4.3 Number of Cycles Taken When Final Position of Servo Arm Is 180° 51

4.4 Data Measurement of Portable Fruit Picker 52

5.1 Comparing Efficiency with One of The Related Product 57



1.1. Project background

Agriculture stands as a crucial industry responsible for nourishing the ever-expanding global

population. Nevertheless, it grapples with several challenges, including scarcities in labour,

escalating operational expenses, and the demand for more efficient and eco-friendly practices.

In response to these challenges, the agricultural sector has been actively exploring innovative

solutions that harness technology to automate and enhance various agricultural tasks,

particularly in the domain of fruit harvesting.

Fruit picking presents itself as a labour-intensive and time-consuming endeavour that

traditionally hinges on manual labour. Achieving efficient fruit harvesting without

compromising fruit quality and crop yield is of paramount importance. The conventional

methods employed for fruit picking not only consume significant time but also demand physical

exertion. This often poses difficulties for farmers in recruiting and retaining skilled labour,

especially during peak harvest periods.

Thus far, fruit pickers have typically fallen into two categories: fully mechanical, requiring

manual operation, and fully automated electronic devices akin to robots. The goal for this

project is to design a semi-automated fruit picker. This means that it still necessitates human

involvement but leverages electronic components such as servos, Arduinos, and DC motors to

make the task significantly more manageable. Moreover, the project transcends the realm of

electrical and electronics disciplines, encompassing elements from mechanical engineering

courses. This includes the crucial task of calculating the force required for the scissor

mechanism to cut the fruit stem effectively.

1.2. Problem statement

The agriculture sector serves as the backbone of global food production, yet it is confronted

with an array of challenges that impede efficiency and impose innovative solutions. A critical

challenge within agriculture is the labour-intensive and time-consuming process of fruit

harvesting, which often relies on manual labour. The existing methods of fruit picking, while

essential, are marked by inefficiencies that lead to labour shortages, increased operational costs,

and an imperative for precision and sustainability. In light of these challenges, the need becomes

evident for a new solution: a semi-automated portable fruit picker specifically designed for

agricultural purposes. This mini project seeks to provide a practical, cost-effective, and

sustainable alternative to traditional fruit-picking methods. The core problems addressed by this

mini project encompass the precision and waste reduction, high workload required to pluck

fruit, and the need of extra equipment to harvest a fruit that’s located on a tall tree or trimming

the tree branches.

The challenges in fruit harvesting within the agricultural sector can be categorized into four

main areas. Firstly, there is a need for precision and waste reduction. Manual fruit picking often

results in damage to both the fruit and the trees, primarily because of the fruit falling freely

from the tree to the ground or when the fruit is pulled directly from the tree. This results in a

loss of fruit quality and overall efficiency. Secondly, there is a concern about the high workload

required for manual fruit plucking. Workers have to exert significant force on the fruit stem to

separate it from the tree, leading to quick fatigue. This happens because the applied force aligns

with the direction of the fruit stem, causing it to undergo elastic and plastic deformation before

breaking. The third challenge involves the need for additional equipment when harvesting fruit

from tall trees. Workers often require ladders to access fruits that are beyond their reach, and

this process is physically demanding. Employers also bear the financial burden of providing

ladders, which can be costly.

Lastly, the problem of using different sets of equipment for trimming tree branches is addressed.

Many fruit picking devices serve only one function, which is fruit harvesting. In cases where

tree branches need trimming to prevent them from reaching other trees, a separate set of

equipment or devices becomes necessary, adding complexity to the harvesting process.

In summary, these challenges prompt the development of a specialized semi-automated portable

fruit picker to improve precision, reduce physical strain, eliminate the need for additional

equipment, and provide a comprehensive solution for both fruit harvesting and tree branch

trimming in agriculture.

1.3. Objective

The objectives of the project are as follows:

1. To design of portable fruit picker using Arduino for agriculture purposes.

2. To analyse the efficiency of the fruit picker with various positions of the servo motor’s

arm as the parameter.

1.4. Scope of the Project

In this project, there are several fields that need to be research or studied on which is

mechanical engineering, electrical and engineering and agriculture. This is because the

engineering parts need to be studied in order to get more knowledge and ideas on how to design

and ensure the prototype to be working properly. On the other hand, the agriculture knowledge

is important because the device will be use in agriculture sectors. For example, in agriculture,

different kind of fruit will have different strength on the stem. For example, chili’s stem is much

softer compared to pear fruit stem. Thus, it will take more force to cut the pear’s fruit stem

compared to the chili’s fruit stem.

1.5. Limitations

The limitation of this mini project is that the portable fruit picker device won’t be able to work

in a rainy weather. This is because the electronics part of the device is not fully cover to the

extend to become waterproof. To make the device waterproof, the design of the device has to

be designed with precision by using a proper tools or machine. By having a proper tool, the

place where the electronic components located can be sealed out like a small box while the

wires can be put inside of the rod to ensure that it’s not expose to the rain.

Moreover, the mini project doesn’t have sensors to detect the ripeness of the fruit. This is due

to the effort to make the device semi-automated and not relying on sensors. To have the feature

of detecting the ripeness of the fruit, some sensors or camera has to be connected to the Arduino.

In addition, the Arduino has to use the IoT feature by using Wi-Fi module so that the worker

can get the data of the ripeness of the fruit through their phone. By doing so, the cost to build

the device will be much higher.

1.6. Significance of the Study

The agricultural sector occupies a central role within our society, responsible for the oversight

and cultivation of fruits and vegetables. Despite its paramount importance, the agricultural

sector often struggles to attract a workforce, primarily due to the physically demanding nature

of the work. Moreover, even with the advent of advanced technologies, the high costs associated

with their implementation remain a formidable challenge for agricultural companies.

The development of this innovative device holds the promise of not only alleviating the physical

strain on laborers but also enhancing the overall quality of fruit harvesting. This improvement

stems from the device's ability to significantly reduce the effort required for fruit picking when

compared to the traditional manual method. Furthermore, the device serves as a means to curtail

human errors in the harvesting process, notably in preventing fruits from falling to the ground

and potentially compromising their quality.

In addition to these advantages, the device offers a dual-headed solution, featuring both scissor

and saw functionalities. This versatile capability reduces the need for additional equipment,

such as ladders and small saw machines, which typically incur substantial costs for agricultural

companies. Thus, the device not only streamlines the fruit harvesting process but also stands to

contribute to the cost-effectiveness and overall efficiency of agricultural operations.



2.1. Review of Current Situation

The circumstances encountered by fruit pickers are heavily influenced by several key factors.

Such as their location, the prevailing season, and the type of fruit they are tasked with

harvesting. These factors collectively contribute to a distinct set of conditions characterizing

the work of fruit picking.

The work of fruit picking is notably physically demanding. It necessitates the constant

application of manual labour and the enduring stamina to cope with extended working hours in

the fields [2]. Tasks such as bending, stretching, and carrying substantial loads of fruit are

routine aspects of the job. The financial aspect of fruit picking can vary significantly, contingent

on a range of factors. The location of the work, the specific fruit variety being harvested, and

the local labour regulations in effect all contribute to the fluctuation in income for these

laborers. Payment arrangements may involve piece rates, weight-based wages, or hourly


Furthermore, the working conditions for fruit pickers can be demanding. They are frequently

exposed to outdoor elements, including extreme heat, cold, and rain. In certain cases, there is a

risk of pesticide exposure, which necessitates stringent safety precautions [3]. Securing suitable

lodging and reliable transportation is a common challenge faced by seasonal fruit pickers. While

certain employers may provide on-site accommodation, many do not, leaving the workers to

make their own arrangements.

In summary, fruit pickers contend with considerable physical and economic demands in the

performance of their vital role in the agricultural sector. The ongoing imperative is to uphold

their well-being and rights, thereby preserving the integrity of this essential workforce.

2.2. Review of Related Literature

2.2.1. The Effect of Manual Harvesting of Fruit On The Health Of Workers And The

Quality of The Obtained Produce

As stated by Młotek, M., Kuta, Ł., Stopa, R., & Komarnicki, P. (2015). The article delves into

the intricacies of harvesting these delicate apples, underscoring the preference for manual

harvesting methods complemented by contemporary techniques over mechanical alternatives.

Furthermore, it sheds light on the physical strains encountered by apple pickers, with a

particular emphasis on the potential issues concerning the upper and lower limbs as well as the

spine. To mitigate these concerns, researchers are actively engaged in initiatives aimed at

enhancing working conditions and formulating guidelines to ensure the well-being of apple

pickers while simultaneously preserving fruit quality. These research endeavours encompass

various examinations, such as assessments of muscle contractions and surface pressures

essential for the act of picking and transporting apples. The table of values of forces generated

by fingertips engaged in apple picking by rotation technique.

Table 2.1: Value of Forces Generated by Fingertips [1]

2.2.2. Design of a Robotic Pneumatic Pruner for Robotic Apple Harvesting

The authors of the article are Kahya, E., & Selçuk, A. R. I. N. (2019). The article delves into

the significance of agricultural mechanization technology, particularly the integration of

computer-aided systems and robotics in the agricultural sector. These technological

advancements aim to enhance agricultural processes, boost overall efficiency, and reduce the

reliance on manual labour. These studies explore various algorithms and methods, with a key

emphasis on achieving high levels of accuracy and minimizing error rates.

Additionally, the article underlines the significance of specific pressure values in pneumatic

systems and their direct impact on the force applied during the cutting process.

Figure 2.1: Design of a Robotic Pneumatic Pruner [4]

2.2.3. Design and Experimental Evaluation of a Form Trimming Machine for

Horticultural Plants

As stated by Li, M., Ma, L., Zong, W., Luo, C., Huang, M., & Song, Y. (2021). This article

focuses on the creation of a trimming machine designed to trim a small plant from various

angles. The project highlights the utilization of a circular saw blade and a 24V DC motor for

trimming the plant, and notably, it accomplishes this without relying on sensors.

Furthermore, the paper introduces a novel concept, suggesting the addition of a "trimming

feature" to the mini project. This additional function aims to enhance the efficiency of trimming

tree branches from a distance. The proposal outlines the use of multiple DC motors and circular

saw blades in the trimmer to achieve this improved efficiency and distance coverage.

Figure 2.2: Design and Experimental Evaluation of a Form Trimming Machine [5]

2.3. Review of Related Product

2.3.1. Fruit Picker

The paper was written by JUMAT, M. S. I. B., MASROR, M. F. B. M., & TONY, E. E. A.

(2020). The article is about a fruit picker tools without using Arduino but still use batteries and

an electronic component such as DC motor. As for the cutter, the device uses a scissor which is

tied to a rope while a DC motor is used to control it. The product also has a net which can catch

the fruit one it falls.

Figure 2.3: Fruit Picker [6]

2.3.2. Design of Portable Fruit Picking Device

From the article written by Zheng, L., Xu, L., & Chen, X. (2019, April), it is another example

of a related product that uses Arduino microcontroller. This product employs a pruner as its

cutting tool, making it a breeze to cut fruit stems with precision and ease. In terms of the

mechanism for catching the fruit, the product incorporates the use of cloth to ensure that the

fruit gently lands without incurring any damage during the process.

Figure 2.4: Design of Portable Fruit Picking Device [7]

2.3.3. Design And Development of a Battery-Operated Portable Mango Harvester

The article was written by Kumar, R., Kumawat, L., Somra, A., & Ajay, M. P. (2023). The

devices crafted by the authors are notable for their lack of Arduino or any microcontroller

components. Instead, these products rely on a circular saw blade, skilfully controlled by a DC

motor. Additionally, the device boasts a clever catching mechanism where the authors have

ingeniously employed a net to capture the fruit as it falls. This unique approach showcases an

inventive alternative to complex electronic systems.

Figure 2.5: Design and Development of a Battery-Operated Portable Mango Harvester [2]

Figure 2.6: Design and Development of a Battery-Operated Portable Mango Harvester

(Cutter) [2]

2.3.4. The Design of a Fruit Picking Device

As stated by author of the article [8], this device is a semi-automatic where a manpower is still

required. The design included a cutting/sniping blade, an adjustable angle feature for the fruit

picker head, and a telescoping rod for reaching various heights. The mobile sniping blade could

be activated by pulling a control rope, causing it to close in on and cut the fruit stem. Once the

pulling force is released, a retraction spring returns the sniping blade to its original position.

The control rope retractor also assists in extending the telescoping rod while maintaining

tension on the rope. The fruit picker neck assembly consisted of a worm gear drive linked to an

inner telescopic shaft running along the outer fiberglass telescopic pole's length. The opposite

end of the inner shaft connected to a spring-loaded knob, which, when turned, transferred

rotational motion to the worm gear drive, thereby adjusting the vertical angle of the fruit picker

head. Figure 2.7 shows the main part of the device.

Figure 2.7: The Design of a Fruit Picking Device [8]

2.3.5 Development of an Advanced Mango Picker with Automatic Sorting Facility

The article was written by H. Masum, M. Pati, S. Mahato (2023) [9]. This advanced mango

harvesting device streamlines the complete process, handling cutting, gathering, weighing,

sorting, and packing of mangoes. Mounted on a telescopic stick, the tool comprises a cutting

head with dual toothed blades, a gear train, a DC motor, a jaw attachment, and a touch sensor

for initiating the cutting action. A collecting aperture beneath the cutting area integrates a strain

gauge sensor for automated weighing. Mangoes are conveyed through a flexible hose to the

ground-level packing area, where an automatic sorting system, overseen by a microcontroller

board, guides them to the appropriate box based on weight information obtained from the strain

gauge sensor. This automated procedure eliminates the necessity for human involvement,

ensuring both efficiency and precision. The circuit diagram of the project is shown in Figure

2.8 while Figure 2.9 shows the final prototype of the project.

Figure 2.8: Circuit Diagram for Development of an Advanced Mango Picker with Automatic

Sorting Facility [9]

Figure 2.9: Final Prototype for Development of an Advanced Mango Picker with Automatic

Sorting Facility [9]

2.3.6 Colour Based Vegetables and Fruit Cutter and Sorter Using Arduino

As stated by the author [10], the document outlines the utilization of the ESP8266 WIFI module

for transmitting control signals to the machine. These received signals are then sent to the

Arduino, which operates in conjunction with the universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter.

The unit's movement is facilitated by seven motors and three motor controllers, with two L293D

high-power motor drivers employed. One driver manages the wheels' movement in all

directions, while the second controls the arm's up-and-down motion and oversees the cutting

action. The cutting action is triggered by a colour-detecting sensor, and once vegetables exit the

factory, they are placed on a tray and subsequently sorted into the appropriate compartment of

the container based on their colour.

Figure 2.10: Prototype of Colour Based Vegetables and Fruit Cutter and Sorter Using Arduino


2.3.7 Picking Robot Visual Servo Control Based on Modified Fuzzy Neural Network

Sliding Mode Algorithms

This article was written by Chen, W., Xu, T., Liu, J., Wang, M., & Zhao, D. (2019). By

examining the kinematic and dynamic relationships governing the joint angles of a manipulator

in an apple-picking robot, the sliding-mode control (SMC) method is introduced to enhance

robot servo control, aligning with the characteristics of servo control. However, a major

challenge in sliding-mode variable structure control is chattering. Factors such as speed, inertia,

acceleration, and switching surface are considered when approaching the sliding die surface.

Concurrently, neural networks exhibit characteristics of approximating non-linear functions and

not relying on system mechanism models. Consequently, the fuzzy neural network control

algorithm proves effective in addressing chattering issues arising from the variable structure of

the sliding mode, thereby enhancing both dynamic and static performance of the control system.

A comparative experiment is conducted in a laboratory setting, applying the PID algorithm,

sliding mode control algorithm, and the improved fuzzy neural network sliding mode control

algorithm to a picking robot system. The results confirm that the intelligent algorithm reduces

the complexity of parameter adjustments and enhances control accuracy to a certain extent.

Notably, the robot employs a gripping method for fruit harvesting instead of using any cutting


Figure 2.11: Design of Picking Robot Visual Servo Control Based on Modified Fuzzy Neural

Network Sliding Mode Algorithms [11]

2.3.8 Research On Hand-Held Dual Motor Driven Harvester for Tree Fruit

The author [12] A fruit harvesting device equipped with adjustable frequency and vibration

features comprises a modular picker that incorporates a picking rod, backpacks, a vibration

mechanism, a control mechanism, and a clamping mechanism. The picking pole has a handle

at one end and a fixed mechanism at the other end, with the clamping head of the clamping

mechanism installed on the fixed mechanism. A force handle, connected to the clamping head

via a connecting line, is positioned on the picking rod to facilitate the opening or closing of the

clamping head. The vibration mechanism is situated on the fixed mechanism to induce vibration

in the clamping mechanism. The control mechanism, located in the backpack, is connected to

the vibration mechanism through a wire, enabling the control of the vibration mode.

When the grip handle is held, the force handle can be clamped or released using the connecting

line to adjust the clamping for different thicknesses. The vibration mechanism, affixed to the

fixed mechanism, causes the clamping head to vibrate, resulting in the shaking of branches and

the detachment of fruit from the tree trunk. Depending on the type of fruit being picked, the

vibration mode and frequency can be altered, applying varying excitation forces to tree branches

to facilitate the harvesting of different fruit varieties. The structural diagram and 3D model are

illustrated in Figures 2.12 and 2.13, respectively.

Figure 2.12: Prototype of Research on Hand-Held Dual Motor Driven Harvester for Tree Fruit


Figure 2.13: Circuit Diagram of Research on Hand-Held Dual Motor Driven Harvester for

Tree Fruit [12]

2.3.9 Autonomous Fruit Harvester with Machine Vision

This article was written by Almendral, K. A. M., Babaran, R. M. G., Carzon, B. J. C., Cu, K. P.

K., Lalanto, J. M., & Abad, A. C. (2018). Figure 2.14 depicts an autonomous fruit harvester

with integrated machine vision, composed of three primary elements which are a mobile

platform known as "kart" in this context (Figure 2.15), machine vision (Figure 2.15) and a 6-

degrees-of-freedom (6-DOF) robotic arm (Figure 2.16). The system commences with stereo

vision utilizing a green colour detection algorithm to recognize the tree's leaves. Information

regarding the tree's position and distance is relayed to the Arduino microcontroller, enabling

motor control for the kart. As the kart approaches the tree, the subsequent phase involves an

orange colour detection process. The fruit coordinates are then communicated to the Arduino,

guiding the robotic arm's motors to harvest the orange fruit from the tree and deposit it into the

basket positioned in front of the kart.

Figure 2.14: Prototype of Autonomous Fruit Harvester with Machine Vision [13]

Figure 2.15: Kart [13]

Figure 2.16: Robotic Arm [13]

2.4. Summary

Table 2.2: Comparison of The Specification with Related Product

Criteria Microcontroller Cutting Additional Arduino

Article mechanism features

Fruit Picker None Scissor None Manual

Design of Portable
Arduino Pruner None Semi-Automatic
Fruit Picking Device

Design And

Development of a
Circular Saw
Battery-Operated None None Semi-Automatic
Portable Mango


The Design of a Fruit Dual-tooth

None None Semi-Automatic
Picking Device Blade

Development Of an

Advanced Mango Snipping Weighing

Arduino Automatic
Picker with Automatic Blade Scale

Sorting Facility

Colour Based

Vegetables and Fruit Sorter (Base

Arduino Scissor Automatic
Cutter and Sorter on Colour)

Using Arduino

Criteria Microcontroller Cutting Additional Arduino

Article mechanism features

Picking Robot Visual

Servo Control Based

on Modified Fuzzy Sliding-Mode-

Gripper None Automatic
Neural Network Control (SMC)

Sliding Mode


Research On Hand-

Held Dual Motor Vibration

Arduino None Semi-Automatic
Driven Harvester for System

Tree Fruit

Autonomous Fruit

Harvester with Arduino Gripper None Automatic

Machine Vision

Design of Portable

Fruit Picker Using Trimming

Arduino Pruner Semi-Automatic
Arduino for Feature

Agriculture Purposes

From the comparison done in table 2.2, it shows that most of the automatic and semi-automatic

device uses a microcontroller. This is because the microcontroller will act as a brain of the

device. In addition, it is much easier to operate and modify in case if the result is not satisfying

enough. For automatic devices, the microcontroller is important to receive feedback from

sensors and control the output components such as motor or lights. On the other hand, some of

the semi-automatic devices are not using any microcontroller. This is due the components that

was used. For example, the study that titled “Design and Development of a Battery-Operated

Portable Mango Harvester” uses a circular saw blade and a DC moto which doesn’t need any

command or program to activate the component.

In terms of the cutting mechanism, most of the previous study uses a customize blade or a

scissor while 2 of the studies uses a gripper. This is because a pruner can provide a lot of strength

and toughness while a blade or scissor will provide sharpness for the cutting mechanism. For

studies that uses gripper, the device does not focus on cutting the fruit stem but rather severing

the fruit stem which is just like when it is harvested manually.

This project will be focussing on the cutting mechanism for the harvesting features while adding

an additional feature which is the trimming features to make the device more reliable. Arduino

is needed for this project in order to control and trigger the servo. Moreover, the final position

of the servo arm and the speed for the servo arm to reach its designated position can also be

modified by changing the coding uploaded into Arduino.



3.1. Project Methodology

In the context of this mini project, data is gathered from a combination of prior studies and the

creation of new datasets. The process of achieving the best design and coding for the device is

an ongoing endeavour, involving trial and error to ensure optimal functionality.

In navigating the intricate journey toward design excellence, the emphasis lies on ongoing

refinement and optimization. Utilizing a cyclical method involving testing and fine-tuning, the

goal is to unlock the full potential of the device. This dynamic and iterative approach births

inventive solutions with the capacity to revolutionize fruit harvesting within the agricultural


Additionally, it's vital to acknowledge that this project draws upon knowledge from various

disciplines. Understanding electronics is necessary for working with sensors, computer

programming, and automation. Mechanical engineering knowledge is equally important,

focusing on machinery and its functioning. Lastly, a grasp of agricultural practices ensures the

fruit picker performs effectively in the field.

In conclusion, this project combines different knowledge areas and a strong dedication to a

flexible and careful development process. As the work moves forward, it aims to use combined

knowledge to make a new solution that can make fruit picking easier and improve the quality

of fruit harvested. The flow of the methodology is shown in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1: Project Methodology
Phase 1: Planning

During the planning phase, the project's mission and objectives are meticulously charted, and a

comprehensive assessment of the required resources is conducted to establish a well-defined

course for the endeavour. This initial step includes the determination of specific timelines and

a thorough exploration of potential risks, which collectively serve as the cornerstone upon

which the project's structure is built. This is also a brainstorming phase to come out with a title

for the project.

Phase 2: Data Collection

Data collection is a vital step where we gather important information and materials from various

places in a methodical way. This process forms the essential foundation for making smart

decisions while finishing the project, ensuring that essential facts are available for making

informed decisions as the project unfolds.

Phase 3: Design

In the design phase, a highly detailed plan for the project is carefully crafted, with careful

consideration given to factors like layout and user interface. This thorough step is essential to

ensure the project aligns effectively with its goals and caters to the needs and preferences of its

users. This is also the step where the prototype is starting to be build. Figure 18 shows that one

of the steps that was done in the designing phase. The prototype was made by cutting a few

plastics box to make some holes where the wires and components can be installed or assembled.

Figure 3.2: Designing the Prototype

Phase 4: Coding

The coding phase is when the project's design becomes a real working thing. This happens by

making detailed code and instructions that make the project work, connecting the original

design idea to the actual product that works. The coding was selected after a few more test on

using other commands was done. This is to find the most efficient commands that should be

used for the prototype. The program that was used for the prototype are as shown in appendix


Phase 5: Trial and Error

The trial-and-error phase is the crucible where the project undergoes rigorous testing and fine-

tuning. It is a dynamic process of iterative assessment that focuses on identifying and rectifying

any issues, glitches, or deficiencies. This phase allows for the project's progressive refinement

and enhancement. Figure 20 shows one of the steps that was done in the trial-and-error phase

which is testing the strength of the metal piece that was connected from the servo to the pruner

and to observe the movement of the pruner itself.

Figure 3.3: Testing the Cutting Mechanism

Phase 6: Troubleshooting

The troubleshooting phase is a crucial part of maintaining the project's functionality. It involves

the identification and resolution of problems, inconsistencies, or malfunctions that may arise

over time. This phase ensures that the project remains reliable and effective throughout its

operational lifespan.

3.2. Development Methodology

Figure 3.4: Development Methodology

Unlike the methodology for creating the project, the methodology to develop the project will

be a little different. To create the project, the first phase usually be a planning phase while to
develop the project, the first phase is data collection. This is the part where all the data from the

project will be collected including the data regarding on the upgrades that is intended.

The second phase is where the planning starts. This is where the developer plan what to add for

the project and where to add it. The place of the modification is important because, with too

many changes, the project will not work as it was intended to.

The coding phase is just the same as the methodology for creating the project. It is the phase

where the coding for the microcontroller is done. Afterwards, it’s the implementation phase.

This is the phase where the idea for the development is implemented on the project or device

such as adding the sensors.

Next is the Trial-and-Error phase, it is the same as the methodology for creating the project. It’s

the phase where the product will be put to a several test to ensure that it is working the way it

was intended.

Finally, there is the Troubleshooting phase where a repair or troubleshooting is done to find the

source of the problem if any, and solve it. This phase is important to ensure that the product

remains reliable and effective throughout its operational lifespan.

3.2.1. Flowchart

Figure 3.5 shows the project flowchart for fruit picker (servo motor) whilst, Figure 3.6 shows

the flowchart of trimmer (DC Motor).

Figure 3.5: Flowchart (Servo Motor)

In this mini project, the fruit picker device is designed to provide two distinct features. The

primary feature, serving as the core function of the device, is the fruit picker itself. This essential

component is specifically created to assist farmers in the process of fruit harvesting. It is

achieved by employing a 20 kg/cm servo motor, tightly integrated with the Arduino

microcontroller. The servo motor's role is to facilitate the movement of 180 degrees, enabling

the opening and closing of the pruner, a crucial mechanism for fruit harvesting.

Figure 3.6: Flowchart (DC Motor)

Furthermore, an additional feature is incorporated into the device, offering a trimming function

that can be employed for cutting small branches. This feature is executed through the utilization

of a relay, a 9V battery, a DC motor, and a circular saw blade. When the trim button is activated,

the Arduino receives a signal, causing it to send a 5V voltage to the relay. Simultaneously, the

9V battery powers the DC motor, enabling it to control the circular saw blade's operation. This

secondary feature adds versatility to the device, making it suitable for tasks beyond just fruit

picking, expanding its utility in agricultural and horticultural activities. Figure 3.6 and 3.5

illustrates on how the mechanism works.

3.2.2. Block Diagram

Figure 3.7: Block Diagram

The block diagram in Figure 3.7 provides a visual representation of the components involved

in this project, specifically highlighting the input, output, and controller elements. Within this

schematic, we observe a total of three distinct inputs integrated into the circuit. These inputs

encompass two push buttons, a switch, and a power supply, each playing a unique role in

controlling and powering the system.

At the heart of this project lies the utilization of an Arduino UNO as the central microcontroller,

orchestrating the operations of the entire system. Serving as the brain of the project, the Arduino

UNO processes input signals and issues commands to the various output components.

The output side of the diagram features two notable components: a DC motor and a 20 kg/cm

servo motor. These output elements are the physical effectors, responsible for translating the

signals from the microcontroller into mechanical motion or actions. The DC motor is a key

driver for various tasks, while the servo motor offers precision and controlled movement,

making the system versatile in its applications.

3.3. Hardware and Tools

3.3.1. Pruner

A pruner is a manual tool employed in gardening and horticulture for trimming small branches,

stems, or twigs from plants, shrubs, and trees. It typically comprises two sharp blades: one

curved for encircling the branch and the other straight for cutting when the handles are pressed

together. Pruners are available in different styles, such as bypass pruners and anvil pruners,

each tailored for specific uses in the care of gardens and landscapes. These tools play a crucial

role in achieving accurate and well-managed pruning, contributing to the healthier and more

visually appealing growth of plants.

Figure 3.8: Pruner

3.3.2. 5V Relay

A relay, a type of electro-mechanical component, serves as a switch. When a direct current (DC)

energizes the relay coil, it controls the opening and closing of contact switches. Typically, a

basic 5V relay module consists of components such as a coil, as well as two contacts known as

normally open (NO) and normally closed (NC).

Figure 3.9: 5V Relay
3.3.3. 20 kg/cm Servo Motor

A servo motor with a 20 kg/cm torque rating is a specific type of motor. Torque measures the

motor's capacity to generate rotational force or turning strength. In this case, a 20 kg/cm rating

signifies that the servo motor can produce a maximum force equal to lifting a 20-kilogram

weight at a point located 1 centimetre from the motor's central rotation. Such servo motors,

with this level of torque, find common usage in a wide range of applications, including robotics,

automation, and mechanisms demanding precision control and significant power.

Figure 3.10: 20kg/cm Servo Motor

3.3.4. Circular saw blade

A circular saw blade is a cutting implement usually created with sharp teeth along its circular

perimeter. It partners with a circular saw, an electric tool, to cut a wide range of materials like

wood, plastic, metal, and more. Circular saw blades are available in various sizes and designs,

each suited for particular cutting tasks. They are frequently used in activities such as

woodworking, construction, and DIY projects, delivering effective and accurate material

cutting when attached to a circular saw. The choice of these blades depends on factors like the

material being cut, the desired cutting precision, and the specific type of circular saw in use.

Figure 3.11: Circular Saw Blade

3.3.5. DC Motor

A DC motor, which stands for Direct Current motor, is an electrical apparatus that transforms

electrical energy from a direct current power supply into physical motion, typically in a circular

or rotary form. These motors function by utilizing a steady flow of electrical current moving in

one set direction, generating a magnetic field that engages with the motor's internal components

to create movement. DC motors find frequent use across a range of applications, such as in

machinery, robotics, automotive systems, and household appliances. They are valued for their

capacity to deliver precise control over both speed and direction. DC motors are available in

various sizes and configurations, providing a broad array of power and speed choices for a

variety of tasks.

Figure 3.12: DC Motor

3.3.6. Arduino UNO

The Arduino Uno is a popular and easy-to-use minicomputer for people who like electronics

and programming. It's great for beginners who want to learn about tiny computers and how they

can control things. The Arduino Uno uses a tiny brain called the ATmega328P. It has places

where you can connect stuff like sensors and motors. People like the Arduino Uno because it's

not too hard to use, and it can do lots of different things. You can tell it what to do using special

software that's not too complicated. You can make all sorts of projects with it, like making lights

blink or building robots. And if you need help, there are lots of friendly people online who can

show you how to do things and share ready-made programs to make your projects easier.

Figure 3.13: Arduino UNO

3.3.7. Push Button

A push button is a straightforward but handy electrical part created to either finish or stop an

electric circuit when you press it. It's frequently seen in many everyday things like doorbells,

elevators, and even computer keyboards. When you press the button, it typically connects an

electric path, letting electricity go through the circuit. This can lead to different actions, like

switching on lights, making a bell ring, or making an electronic device do something specific.

Push buttons are popular because they're easy to use and are a crucial part of how people interact

with many gadgets and machines.

Figure 3.14: Push Button

3.3.8. Battery Holder

A battery holder, also known as a battery mount, is a compartment, either integrated or separate,

designed to contain cells. When it functions as a separate compartment, it can be affixed to a

cell-powered device. Its primary purpose is to securely hold the cells and provide power to the

attached device.

Figure 3.15: Battery Holder

3.3.9. 3.7V Lithium Battery

Ternary lithium batteries operate at a voltage of 3.7V, and it's important to note that not all

lithium batteries share the same voltage. For instance, lithium iron phosphate batteries have a

voltage of 3.2V. In general, lithium cobalt oxide batteries, which feature a ternary positive

electrode and a graphite anode, can achieve a full charge voltage of approximately 4.2V. On the

other hand, lithium iron phosphate batteries have a lower full charge voltage, reaching only


Figure 3.16: Lithium Battery

Table 3.1 below shows the cost for the important components that was spend for the prototype.

This project focusses on small farmers or organizations. So, the cost to built it has to be cheap

while the item that was bought has to be reliable and good enough to achieve the project


Table 3.1: Cost for The Prototype

Item Quantity Price (RM)

Arduino Uno 1 49.90
5V Relay 1 5.00
Pruner 1 15.00
9v Battery 1 9.00
Battery Holder 1 4.00
3.7V Lithium Battery 3 32.70
DC Motor 1 30.00
Circular Saw Blade 1 10.00
20kg/Cm Servo Motor 1 25.00

Push Button 2 2.00

TOTAL 180.60

3.4. Software Requirement

3.4.1. Arduino IDE 2.2.1

Arduino IDE 2.2.1 represents the 22nd iteration of the Arduino Integrated Development

Environment (IDE). This software is specifically crafted for the purpose of programming and

transferring code to Arduino microcontroller boards. It functions as a user-friendly platform for

tasks like coding, modifying, and uploading code to various types of Arduino boards. In this

version, you'll find improvements and fixes to enhance the overall programming experience for

those using Arduino. Arduino IDE 2.2.1 is a significant component of the continuous evolution

and enhancement of the Arduino software environment. It plays a pivotal role in simplifying

the process of creating projects and applications for Arduino boards, catering to the needs of

hobbyists, students, and professionals. The IDE encompasses a variety of features, including

code editing capabilities, access to code libraries, and tools for overseeing and managing your

Arduino-based projects.

Figure 3.17: Arduino IDE

3.4.2. Proteus 8 Professional

Proteus 8 Professional is a well-known software tool primarily crafted for designing electronic

circuits, conducting simulations, and creating layouts for Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs). It is
developed by Labcenter Electronics and is widely used by engineers, students, and

professionals working in the field of electronics and electrical engineering. This software

package offers a broad array of features and capabilities that support the entire process of

electronic design. It aids in tasks ranging from generating and testing circuit diagrams to

formulating and enhancing PCB designs. One of its notable advantages is its built-in simulation

environment, allowing users to assess and validate circuit functionality before transitioning to

the physical PCB design phase. Proteus 8 Professional is renowned for its adaptability and is

commonly applied in projects involving microcontrollers, sensors, and various electronic

components. It plays a pivotal role in simplifying the creation and assessment of electronic

circuits and systems, establishing itself as a fundamental tool for those engaged in electronic


Figure 3.18: Proteus 8 Professional

3.5. Circuit Diagram

In this mini project, a relatively uncomplicated open-loop circuit has been designed as shown

in Figure 3.19.

Figure 3.19: Circuit Diagram
The two buttons served as an output for the Arduino while the Arduino will send a signal

indefinitely. Despite that, the current from the Arduino will not trigger the relay or the servo

without pushing the button. The operational principle of the buttons in this circuit is akin to

that of quick switches.

3.6. Circuit Simulation

Figure 3.20: DC Motor Button is Pressed

When the first button is pressed, it triggers the activation of the relay, and as long as the button

remains pressed, the relay maintains a connection, allowing voltage to flow as shown in Figure

3.20. Consequently, voltage powers a DC motor, causing it to operate. However, when the

button is released, the relay ceases to receive voltage, halting the DC motor. The rationale for

employing a relay in this setup is rooted in the DC motor's power requirements. The Arduino

can provide voltages in the range of 3 to 5 V, while the DC motor necessitates 12 V to achieve

its full operational speed.

Figure 3.21: Servo Button is Pressed

Regarding the second button, its function is to control a servo connected to a pruner. When the

second button is pressed, the servo undergoes a 180-degree rotation. This movement is

engineered to close the pruner, effectively cutting a stem or branch. When the button is no

longer pressed as shown in figure 3.21, the servo returns to its initial position, opening the

pruner. This dual-button system facilitates the control of both a high-power DC motor and a

precise servo for tasks like stem cutting, making it a versatile and practical project.

3.7. Project Schedule

Project schedule shown in Table 3.2 shows that collecting data is the phase that took the most

time since it is important to gather all the data and formula before start designing the prototype.

This is done so that building the prototype progressed swiftly.

Table 3.2: Project Schedule

The Gantt chart depicted above provides an overview of the task planning required to

successfully accomplish the mini project. The planning phase for this mini project spanned two

weeks, a duration necessitated by the intricate nature of establishing the project's foundational

elements. During this period, it was imperative to delineate the project's capabilities and the

methods through which these capabilities would be realized.

Furthermore, the phase of data collection emerged as the most time-consuming aspect of the

project's preparation. This extended timeframe was driven by the critical significance of

accumulating all requisite data and formulas before commencing the project's execution. This

meticulous data gathering phase serves as a pivotal precursor to ensure the project can advance

efficiently and with a well-defined trajectory. The rest of the tasks have been explained in the

project methodology part above.

3.8. Prototype Of the ProductThe prototype is designed with 3 separate parts which are the

main part, the controller, and the body. The main part is the part that consists of all the

important mechanisms which are cutting, catching, and trimming mechanisms. The main

part is connected to the controller with wire while the body is just a replaceable pole.

3.8.1 Main Part

This part consists of the cutting mechanism and the trimming mechanism. Other than that, the

catching mechanism also assembled to the main part. Figure 3.22 shows the main part of the

prototype. The electronic components that were connected to the main part is the battery holder,

servo, and DC motor.

Figure 3.22: Main Part

3.8.2 Controller

This is the part where most of the electronic components are placed such as Arduino, Relay, 9V battery

and the push buttons. This part is designed for the users to use to control the main part of the prototype.

Figure 3.23 shows the controller part of the prototype while Figure 3.24 shows the connection between

the main part to the controller. Finally, Figure 3.25 shows how the prototype looks like with all the parts


Figure 3.23: Controller

Figure 3.24: Controller to the Main part

Figure 3.25: Fully Assembled Prototype



4.1. Introduction

Figure 4.1: General Overview of Experiment Method

Chapter 4 in this thesis will present all the data that has been recorded regarding the efficiency

of the fruit picking mechanism. There are two parameters that was considered for this

experiment which is the final position of the servo arm and the diameter of the stem. The

outcome of this experiment is the number of cycles taken to cut the fruit stem. The final position

of the servo arm was set and experimented at three different angle which is 140°, 160° and

180°. In addition, there are five different diameters of the fruit stem that was experimented on

which is 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7 cm. Moreover, there are three graphs that will illustrate the

difference between the number of cycles taken to cut the fruit stem. The figures below depict

the content of the results and discussion sections, as shown in Figure 4.1.

4.2 Results

4.2.1 Final Position of Servo Arm at 140 °

Table 0.1: Number of Cycles taken when Final Position of Servo arm is 140°

Final Position of Servo Diameter of The Fruit Number Of Cycles Taken to Cut
Arm (°) Stem (cm) the Fruit Stem
140 0.3 5
140 0.4 8
140 0.5 15
140 0.6 Fail
140 0.7 Fail

Table 4.1 above shows the number of cycles taken to cut the fruit stem that was recorded with

various diameter of the fruit stem. From the table, it shows that the number of cycles taken is

skyrocketing from 8 until 15. Other than that, when the diameter of the fruit stem reaches 0.6,

the cutting mechanism could not cut the fruit stem. the test was done until 25 cuts, if the cycle

is more, it will be counted as fail because it is not efficient enough to help the users.

Number of Cycles To Cut The Fruit Stem Vs Diameter of

The Fruit Stem
16 15
Number of Cycles to Cut the Fruit


0 0
0.3 cm 0.4 cm 0.5 cm 0.6 cm 0.7 cm
Diameter, cm

Figure 4.2: Trend for Number of Cycles Taken When Final Position of Servo Arm Is 140°

From Figure 4.2, it shows that the line graph moves upward exponentially from 0.4cm until

0.5cm. after that, the mechanism starting to fail to cut the fruit stem. This is due to the force

that was produce by the servo is not strong enough to cut the fruit stem. Since force is the

product of mass and acceleration. This means if the acceleration is increased, the force produced

will increase. In addition, the servo has a limit on the force that it can produce as shown in

Appendix B.

4.2.2 Final Position of Servo Arm at 160°

Table 0.2: Number of Cycles Taken When Final Position of Servo Arm is 160°

Final Position of Servo Diameter of The Fruit Number Of Cycles Taken

Arm (°) Stem (cm) to Cut the Fruit Stem

160 0.3 3

160 0.4 4
160 0.5 8
160 0.6 10
160 0.7 Fail

Table 4.2 illustrates that when the final position of the servo arm is at 160°, it could cut the fruit

stem up to 0.6cm in diameter. Compare to when the final position of the servo arm is set to 140°

which can only cut up to 0.5cm of fruit stem diameter. This shows that the amount of force

produced by the servo is increasing with more space given for the pruner to accelerate.

Number of Cycles To Cut The Fruit Stem vs Diameter
Number of Cycles to Cut the Fruit of The Fruit Stem

4 3

0.3 cm 0.4 cm 0.5 cm 0.6 cm 0.7 cm
Diameter, cm

Figure 4.3: Trend for Number.of Cycles Taken When Final Position of Servo Arm is 160°

According to the graph that is shown in Figure 4.3, it shows that the number of cycles taken is

not increasing linearly. This is because the amount of voltage supplied by the Arduino is not

enough to be stable to travel along the 3m wire. When the length of wire increase, the resistance

of the wire will increase. Thus, it needs more amount of voltage to be stabilized. By adding a

voltage regulator and separate power source, the electrical current can reach it final destination

with enough voltage.

Moreover, the cutting mechanism failed to cut the fruit stem with diameter of 0.7cm. This is

due to the limit of force that can produce by the servo. Each type of servo has maximum force

that it can produce while the servo that was used for the prototype of this project produce

20kg/cm which equivalent to 1.96Nm.

4.2.3 Final Position of Servo Arm at 180 °

Table 0.3: Number of Cycles Taken When Final Position of Servo Arm Is 180°

Final Position of Servo Diameter of The Fruit Number of Cycles Taken

Arm (°) Stem (cm) to Cut the Fruit Stem

180 0.3 1
180 0.4 2
180 0.5 4
180 0.6 7
180 0.7 Fail

From Table 4.3, it shows that the number of cycles to cut the fruit stem is less than when the

final position of the servo arm is at 160°. With more space given to the cutting mechanism, it

will create more acceleration thus, increasing the force produced.

Number of Cycles To Cut The Fruit Stem vs

Diameter of The Fruit Stem
Number of Cycles to Cut the

8 7
Fruit Stem

0.3 cm 0.4 cm 0.5 cm 0.6 cm 0.7 cm
Diameter, cm

Figure 4.4: Trend For Number of Cycles Taken When Final Position of Servo Arm Is 180°

Graph in figure 4.4 shows that the number of cycles taken to cut the fruit stem with 0.3cm is

decreasing to a single cycle. Moreover, it took only two cycles to cut the fruit stem with 0.4cm

while for fruit stem with 0.5cm still took less than five cycles to be cut. When the final position

of the servo arm was set to 180°, the overlapping area between the two blades of the pruner is

increase when the pruner closed. With further final position, the distance travelled by the cutting

mechanism thus will increase the velocity produced since velocity is distance over time. In the

end, it will increase the acceleration and force produced. This result shows that the number of

forces produces by the mechanical factors is enough for the harvesting task.

4.3 Critical DiscussionTable 4.4: Data measurement of portable fruit picker

Final Position of The Servo Arm
140° 160° 180°
Diameter of
The Fruit 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Stem (cm)
Number Of
Taken to 5 8 15 Fail Fail 3 4 8 10 Fail 1 2 4 7 Fail
Cut the
Fruit Stem

Figure 4.5: Measuring using Multi Woodworking Sliding Gauge

There are three sets of data that were collected from this project as shown in Table 4.4. The

measurement that was done is regarding the efficiency of the fruit picking feature with three

different final positions of the servo, which are 140°, 160° and 180°. Results obtained from the
experiment reveal that the pruner, reliant on force and blade overlapping, experiences increased

efficiency with higher degrees of the servo arm's position. Figure 4.5 shows the tool that was

used to measure the diameter of the fruit stem that was cut.

Number of Cycles to Cut The Fruit Stem vs Diameter Of The

Number Of Cycle To Cut

16 15
The Fruit Stem

8 10
8 8
5 7
4 4 4
2 0 0
0 1
0.3 cm 0.4 cm 0.5 cm 0.6 cm 0.7 cm
Diameter, cm

Figure 4.6: Comparison of the Trends Recorded from The Experiment

Figure 4.6 shows that the highest number of cycles taken the cut the fruit stem was 15 which is

when the final position of the servo arm was set to 140° trying to cut the fruit stem with 0.5cm

diameter. On the other hand, the lowest number of cycles taken to cut the fruit stem was

produced when the final position of the servo arm was set to 180° and cutting a fruit stem with

0.3cm diameter. This experiment shows that the force produced by the cutting mechanism plays

a huge role in where with more force produced, the smaller number of cycles taken to cut the

fruit stem.

In addition, with more distance travelled by the servo arm was also one of the factors of increase

in force. This is because of the velocity that is increasing with more distance travelled. This

was proved when the final position was increased from 160° to 180°. With that changed, the

number of cycles taken to cut the fruit stem increase more linearly and less compare to when

the final position of servo arm was set to 160°. In essence, the results indicate that a higher

servo position results in increased blade overlap, thereby reducing the cycles required to sever

a fruit stem.

However, limitations are identified as the pruner can only sever up to a 0.5 cm diameter of the

fruit stem at a final servo position of 140° due to a smaller overlapping region on the blade.

Surprisingly, even with a final servo position set at 180°, the device can only cut up to a 0.6 cm

diameter of the fruit stem, attributed to the torque and strength produced by the servo.

4.4 Summary

The experimental findings offer a comprehensive evaluation of the performance and constraints

of a fruit stem cutting mechanism. Table 4.1 reveals a notable surge in cycle count, reaching a

peak of 15 cycles, indicating inefficiency when dealing with a 0.6cm diameter fruit stem. The

efficiency threshold is established at 25 cuts, beyond which any additional cycles are deemed


In Figure 4.2, there is a noticeable exponential increase in cycle count between 0.4cm and 0.5cm

fruit stem diameters, attributed to insufficient force from the servo. Table 4.2 further delves into

the impact of servo arm position on force production, demonstrating that a final position of

160° allows for cutting a 0.6cm diameter compared to 140°, which only manages up to 0.5cm.

The force generated by the servo increases with more space, enhancing the acceleration of the


Figure 4.3 underscores the non-linear growth in cycle count due to inadequate voltage supply

from the Arduino along a 3m wire. It is suggested to introduce a voltage regulator and a separate

power source to stabilize the electrical current. The cutting mechanism encounters failure when

dealing with a 0.7cm diameter, emphasizing servo force limitations (1.96Nm, Table 4.2).

Table 4.3 indicates a reduced number of cycles required to cut the fruit stem when the final

position of the servo arm is at 180°, highlighting the correlation between servo position and

force production. Figure 4.4 emphasizes the importance of velocity, acceleration, and force in

efficient cutting, evident in the decrease in cycle count for smaller fruit stem diameters. Table

4.4 presents efficiency data for three servo positions (140°, 160°, 180°), revealing enhanced

efficiency with higher servo positions. Figure 4.5 illustrates the measuring tool for fruit stem


In Figure 4.6, the highest cycle count (15 cycles) occurs at 140° for a 0.5cm diameter, while the

lowest count is observed at 180° for a 0.3cm diameter. Increased force and distance traveled by

the servo arm contribute to improved cutting efficiency, as evidenced by the correlation between

servo position and blade overlap.

Nevertheless, limitations emerge, such as the pruner's incapacity to cut beyond a 0.5cm

diameter at 140° due to a smaller overlapping region. Surprisingly, even at 180°, the device

struggles with a 0.6cm diameter, indicating constraints imposed by servo torque and strength.



5.1 Introduction

Chapter 5 of this thesis will conclude the project and prototype that has been built and tested.

Moreover, there is also a comparison of the efficiency of the fruit picker device with one of the

related products that was taken as a reference. In the comparison, instead of using the number

of cycles taken to cut the fruit stem, the comparison was done by comparing the time taken to

cut the fruit stem. The time taken for the servo to complete a single cycle from the initial to the

final position is 0.7s.

5.2 Conclusion

In conclusion, the development of the semi-automated portable fruit picker represents a

groundbreaking stride in mitigating manual labor in fruit harvesting. A comprehensive

comparison with the author's previous study [7] as shown in Table 5.1 indicates that the

efficiency of the fruit-picking mechanism in both projects is notably similar, as evidenced by

the data presented in Table 7. Notably, the pruner of this device achieves a remarkable

completion time of only 0.7 seconds for a full cycle.

The parity in efficiency is particularly evident up to the point of cutting a 0.4 cm diameter stem.

However, discernible distinctions emerge when dealing with stems of 0.6 cm and 0.7 cm in

diameter. This disparity underscores the pivotal role of servo torque in influencing the force

exerted by the cutting mechanism. It becomes evident that a higher torque results in an

increased force applied by the cutting mechanism.

The integration of a trimming function adds a layer of versatility to the device, further

enhancing its efficiency in agricultural operations. The device's capability to swiftly complete

cycles and adapt to varying stem diameters positions it as a valuable asset in the modernization

of fruit harvesting practices. This innovative development signifies not only a technological

advancement but also a substantial stride in addressing the challenges encountered by the

agricultural sector. The semi-automated portable fruit picker stands as a testament to the

potential for transformative solutions in the realm of agricultural automation.

Table 0.4: Comparing Efficiency with One of the Related Products

Design of Portable Fruit Picker Using Design of Portable Fruit

Arduino for Agriculture Purposes Picking Device

Diameter of branches (cm)

0.3 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.5
Time Taken
(s) 0.7 1.4 2.8 0.4 1.2 2.5

5.3 Recommendations

During the experimental phases of the project, several problems were faced regarding

increasing the efficiency of the prototype. The problem with the force generated by the servo

can still be increased by adding several more components which as a voltage regulator and

another power source to increase the voltage received by the servo. Another improvement that

can be done to improve the cutting mechanism is by using a DC Motor, Voltage Regulator, and

a DC Motor Driver. DC motor can generate more force based on the voltage supplied.

Other than that, the improvement can also be done by changing the cutting mechanism to a

much sharper cutting mechanism. When compared to the cutting mechanism that was used by

the previous studies, most of the devices used a customize blade that can fit to their devices.

This is because the sharpness of the blade can help the cutting mechanism to cut much faster.

Thus increase the efficiency of the device.

The last recommendation for the improvement of the project is by adding the solar panel to the

controller part. This is because the device will most likely be used during daytime which will

make the solar panel an excellent addition to the prototype. This could save so much power for

the controller battery.


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Appendix A

Arduino UNO Datasheet

Product Reference Manual

SKU: A000066


The Arduino UNO R3 is the perfect board to get familiar with electronics and coding.
This versatile development board is equipped with the well-known ATmega328P and
the ATMega 16U2 Processor.
This board will give you a great first experience within the world of Arduino.

Target areas:

Maker, introduction, industries


1. ATMega328P Processor
1.1. Memory

• AVR CPU at up to 16 MHz

• 32KB Flash



1.2. Security

• Power On Reset (POR)

• Brown Out Detection (BOD)

1.3. Peripherals

• 2x 8-bit Timer/Counter with a dedicated period register and compare

• 1x 16-bit Timer/Counter with a dedicated period register, input
capture and compare channels.

• 1x USART with fractional baud rate generator and start-of-frame

• 1x controller/peripheral Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
• 1x Dual mode controller/peripheral I2C
• 1x Analog Comparator (AC) with a
scalable reference input

• Watchdog Timer with separate on-

chip oscillator
• Six PWM channels
• Interrupt and wake-up on pin change

1.4. ATMega16U2 Processor

• 8-bit AVR® RISC-based microcontroller

1.5. Memory

• 16 KB ISP Flash

• 512B SRAM
• debug WIRE interface for on-chip debugging and programming

1.6. Power

• 2.7-5.5 volts

Appendix B

Futaba S3003 Servo Datasheet


...S3003 FUTABA SERVO...

Detailed Specifications
+Pulse Width Control 1520usec
Control System: Current Drain (4.8V): 7.2mA/idle
3-5 Volt Peak to Peak Square
Required Pulse: Current Drain (6.0V): 8mA/idle
Counter Clockwise/Pulse Traveling 1520-
Operating Voltage: 4.8-6.0 Volts Direction:
Operating Temperature
-20 to +60 Degree C Motor Type: 3 Pole Ferrite
Operating Speed (4.8V): 0.23sec/60 degrees at no load Potentiometer Drive: Indirect Drive
Operating Speed (6.0V): 0.19sec/60 degrees at no load Bearing Type: Plastic Bearing
Stall Torque (4.8V): 44 oz/in. ( Gear Type: All Nylon Gears
Connector Wire
Stall Torque (6.0V): 56.8 oz/in. ( 12"
45 Deg. one side pulse traveling
Operating Angle: Dimensions: 1.6" x 0.8"x 1.4" (41 x 20 x 36mm)
360 Modifiable: Yes Weight: 1.3oz. (37.2g)

Appendix C

Coding of the Prototype


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