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CGE25411 Understanding Society

Take-Home Exercise I
(Time allowed: 6 hours)
Starting time: 12:00pm (Nov.18)
Deadline: 18:15pm (Nov.18)

Read the instruction first

Except those who have received my approval email for late submission, students
must submit their work before 6:15 pm to Turnitin on Moodle. The total no. of
reference is within 4 , and the total word limit is within 1200 words for all questions.

Late submission will be punished in the way that 10% of marks will be deduced for
every 60 minutes late.

And there is ONLY allowing to submit your answer for ONE time for turnitin
checking, no second check (for re-submission) allowed. In order NOT to become a
plagiarism case, please don’t copy directly from your source of information, but
make use of your own word to repeat your understanding of the idea from your
information source (i.e. paraphrasing). If you use too many direct quotations, you will
be easily getting a very high rate of similarity. The tolerance degree is NOT more
than 20% of similarity (excluding the references and cover page (if any)). Once more
than 30%, your work will be picked out for further investigation by the Faculty.

Your answers must be put on a separate paper , you need write down your full name,
student ID and those question no. for your answer. Students who do not answer the
question one by one (with question no.) , or present the answers in one piece of
essay format , marks will also get deduced (around 10 marks will be deduced).

Question section
Read the following news reporting, and then answer those 5 questions after this
news reporting. The Chinese text is the original news and the English translation is
done by Google Translation.

區議會選舉︱林琳指上門叩門尋三會提名屬「滋擾」 田北辰:坐喺度唔郁

District Council Election︱Lam Lin said that knocking-on-doors to

seek nominations from the three associations is a "nuisance". Tian

Beichen: Sitting here and do nothing that will be regarded as I am

not trying my best

2023 年 11 月 07 日 00:26 Sing Tao News 07 November 2023

實政圓桌其中 4 名參選人早前在區選提名期間「逐戶叩門」,共向 241 人叩

門,當中 200 人沒有應門,15 人應門後拒絕聽取他們的政綱介紹,田北辰早
(7 日)在立法會一個委員會指出,過往選舉需要自行尋找三會提名,如無法

Four candidates from the Roundtable had earlier "knocked on doors from door to door"
during the district election nomination period, knocking on the door of a total of 241
people (who are the assigned members who can nominate candidates) . Among them, 200
people did not answer the door, and 15 people refused to listen to their political platform
introduction after answering the door. Tian Beichen earlier criticized this move as "a
complete betrayal of the responsibilities that a nominee should have." DAB Joint Election
Committee member Lam Lin pointed out at a Legislative Council committee today (7th)
that in past elections, we had to search for nominations from the three committees
ourselves. If we could not find them, we could only "hope that they would see some of our
news reports." However, in order to obtain nominations in this election , some applicants
even went to the homes of members of the Three Associations to "ring the bell" and
disturb other people's families. They believed that such an approach was undesirable
because "it is not easy to review their own abilities, or they may be in trouble." They asked
how to ensure that the Three Associations The meeting will be undisturbed.

Lam Lin from the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong
Kong (DAB) said that going to the homes of members of the Three
Associations to "ring the bell" (for getting the nomination) would
disturb other people's families, and believed that this approach was

Tsang Kwok-wai pointed out that candidates use more hasty
methods to obtain nominations and can call the police for help if

Tian Beichen responded that our efforts to seek nominations are
now being called a "nuisance."

Tian Beichen (Michael) said bluntly, "If you knock-on-the-door to
seek for nominations, you say I'm a nuisance; if you sit here and
feel depressed, you say I'm not trying my best to get nominations,
so why don't you just tell me directly that you won't let us become
the candidate for the election?"
Di Zhiyuan said that it was difficult to get nominated, and Tsang
Kwok-wai responded that it was too easy to "defraud people to get
seats" in the past.


Tsang Kwok-wai: If necessary, call the

名。他認為安排行之有效,因現時已有 399 位已報名人士。他補充,參選人士

Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Tsang Kwok-wai

emphasized that election arrangements are currently being
improved to allow interested candidates to seek nominations.
Candidates with political party backgrounds can apply for a roster to
obtain information on members of the three associations in order to
strive for nominations. People with no background will also be
arranged by the Home Affairs Department to convey their wishes,
and then members of the three committees will decide whether to
be nominated. He believes that the arrangement is effective
because there are currently 399 people who have signed up. He
added that candidates use more "hasty" methods to obtain
nominations. If relevant people feel the need, they can call the
police for help, emphasizing that if they do not use peaceful and
rational methods to seek nominations, they may not get the
nominees. The recognition caused even more disgust. He also said
that in addition to improving the electoral system and
arrangements, he also hopes to improve the electoral culture and
will do more publicity in the future.


Tian Beichen: I was called a "nuisance"

after trying so hard to find a nomination.

Tian Beichen, who had previously tried unsuccessfully to seek nominations for party
members, was strongly dissatisfied with the "nuisance" remarks. He pointed out that it is
already very difficult for small political parties to contact members of the Three
Committees, and they (Members of Tien’s organization) did not want to use knocking on
doors until the last moment. The method was thankless and ultimately failed to obtain
enough nominations for party members to run. Now their efforts to seek nominations are
being called a "nuisance." He earlier asked the government to hold a meeting for
candidates and members of the Three Associations, but was rejected again.

He criticized: "Knocking on the door to ask for nominations, they say I'm a nuisance;
sitting here feeling depressed, and saying I don't try my best to find nominations. And they
don't want to hold meetings to listen to our political platform, so why don't you just tell me
directly that you don't let us become candidate for this election?" "


“The Third Side” MP Dick Chi-yuan also pointed out that this time the nomination is
more difficult. Tsang Kwok-wai said that obtaining nomination "will not be easy at least"
because it was designed because it was too easy to obtain nomination in the past. He
pointed out that in the past, "anyone can do it without any procedures or under "You can
enter the election only if you have a certain number of nominations", which refers to the
fact that many people who are not patriotic and patriotic to Hong Kong, and have no
experience in working in the region, entered the election purely by "shouting slogans" in
the political atmosphere. In addition, there were bad election techniques at the time, thus
To "cheat" seats, it is necessary to improve the electoral system and implement patriots
governing Hong Kong to prevent chaos and ensure the stability of "one country, two

Tsang Kwok-wai reiterated the need to ensure the implementation

of patriots governing Hong Kong in the electoral system. For
example, the nomination needs to be checked by competent and
credible people, excluding those who are not patriotic and Hong
Kong people, non-regional people, people who are not sincerely
working for the region, and non-competent people; and then by The
Qualification Review Committee determines whether to support
those who are loyal to the SAR government; and finally takes an
oath to support the SAR government. Failure to do so will result in
disqualification. He pointed out that the heavy institutional
protections allowed patriots to govern Hong Kong, describing it as
"natural" that it would be more difficult than before. He also pointed
out that if candidates find it difficult to get nominated, it is proof
that the system is functioning as it should. He emphasized that
winning the trust of voters is not easy, and candidates need to
"practice it personally", not only to "feel good to themselves, but
also to others."

Tsang Kwok-wai clarified that the nomination of members of the
three associations is not a selection process, but that candidates
need to gain their trust, because members of the three associations
have the responsibility to ensure that candidates love the country
and Hong Kong, are capable and willing to serve the community. It
is also said that candidates need to trust the electoral system and
the members of the three committees. If they trust the members of
the Legislative Council, "Just as I trust you as members of the
Legislative Council, you must have the overall situation in mind and
will not believe that you are purely for your party’s private
interests." As for whether candidates will be arranged to meet with
members of the three committees, Tsang believes that the current
arrangements are reasonable and there are sufficient channels for
interested candidates to seek nominations.

accessed at 08/11/2023


1. From the above news, What is the nomination mechanism proposed after the
change of electoral system in District Council after 2020? (20%) (word limit:
150 word)

2. What are the differences in the election method before and after the change
of the electoral method around 2020-21? (30%) (word limit: 400 word)
3. What kind of the political system HKSAR (before and after 2020-21) has
according to those political systems you learnt from this course? Why do you
have such judgement? (20%) (word limit: 200 word)

4. What kind of legitimacy does the HKSAR government enjoy if from the
perspective of Weber’s classification of authority? (10%) (word limit: 100

5. To what extent do you agree that the new electoral system can enhance the
legitimacy of the HKSAR representative bodies? (10%) and Why? (10%) (word
limit: 300 word)


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