Smartirrigation Publishes 2020

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Smart Irrigation system using Internet of Things

Conference Paper · February 2020

DOI: 10.1109/ic-ETITE47903.2020.271


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3 authors, including:

Anitha A Asha Jerlin

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2020 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology and Engineering (ic-ETITE)

Smart Irrigation system using Internet of Things

A. Anitha Nithya Sampath M.Asha Jerlin

School of Information Technology School of Information Technology School of Information Technology
and Engineering and Engineering and Engineering
2020 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology and Engineering (ic-ETITE) 978-1-7281-4142-8/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 10.1109/ic-ETITE47903.2020.271

Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore Institute of Technology

Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India. Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India. Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India.

Abstract— Central Intelligent Agency (CIA) fact book usage from the ground level, is used for the domestic use,
ranked India a number 2 out of 238 countries. India takes of industrial and environmental uses that increases the water
17% of world’s population, but with 4% of fresh water scarcity problem. If such amount of water is used for other
resource. Out of which 80% of water is used for agriculture. usage , then the main use of water for agriculture has been
Country like India, has very good natural resources, but not shirked, causes the population to think about the optimal way
used in a congruous way. This lead to make water as an of water management.
adequate resource. So it is time for us to utilized the available
water in an efficient way and to amend the victuals One such method of water management is irrigation
productivity of the nation to compete with the world’s growth. system. Irrigation is a method of conveying water to food
The most critical thing is to manage the water system with the crops or cash crops to maximize the amount of crops yield.
available amount of water. In most of the agriculture lands the The usage of irrigation systems have not done in a optimized
crops are over watered with out checking the soil dampness. way do reduce the utilization of water in an efficient way.
This leads to the waste of water resource which can be utilized This causes more water then obligatory to be used or for
in some other areas where there is in need of water. Issue there not to be enough water to ascertain salubrious crops. As
related water system are constantly obstructing the stated by the World Bank that irrigation management system
improvement of the nation. So to enhance the water dwells to promote and sustain irrigation systems of the
management system, some of the smart techniques are evolved. groundwater level, that are previously placed and improves
The paper is to present an internet of things (IOT) based smart
the areas of irrigation to increase the quantity of crops
irrigation system to identify the dampness in the soil and to
control the watering of the crops automatically. The primary
motivation behind the ventures to keep up soil dampness level As it is proven that efficient utilization of water through
so that there is no damage to the harvests. Soil dampness irrigation system has improved the growth of agriculture. But
sensors fundamentally utilized for estimating the gauge water spraying timing is depend on decisions such as time to
volumetric water content. Microcontroller are utilized for irrigate and what level to be irrigated. In the modern era,
getting the information from the water system sensors and watering the plants by traditional methods are replaced by
after that pass the information on the web utilizing GPRS
the automated devices. Some of the benefits of automated
module. The most intriguing highlights of this activities are
shrewd water system with brilliant control and around right
irrigations system includes lowering the water electricity bill,
choice dependent on the continuous field information. The prevents uneven watering and the plant gets required amount
controlling procedure of these tasks should be possible utilizing of water by avoiding wastage of water. On considering the
the remote sensors or framework associated with the Internet water scarcity and wasting the water by providing to the
and every one of the activities should be possible by combining agriculture land which is already with enough humidity is not
every one of the sensors, for example, WI-FI or THINGS the proper way of farming. So before automated irrigation,
SPEAK modules. Since much of the general population are not one should decide that the agriculture land of that location is
known with the smart techniques, the primary focus is to make in need of water and how much water to be irrigated for the
common layman to know and to use these techniques to field. To make an automation system, we are need of soil and
improve the productivity with adequate resources. plants water condition, plant growth and phonological stages,
availability of water, quality of water, weather conditions,
Keywords— Internet of Things (IOT), smart irrigation, soil and the operational eminence of the irrigation system.
moisture sensor, Water level sensor, Temperature, humidity Various research have been done and the most of automated
I. Introduction system are implemented commercially. But instead of
automation we have integrate with smart irrigation system in
Indian economy mainly focus of agriculture. A country which the wide scope to automate the complete irrigation
with consistent agriculture magnification can have the system on time.
sustainability in world economy. Country like India, has very
good climatic condition to grow sundry agriculture crops. In this paper, we are building a IOT building irrigation
But at the same time land and water are the more crucial system using ESP8266 Node multipoint control unit (MCU)
resources in India. Among these two, inadequacy in water module and digital temperature and humidity sensor
resources causes sizably voluminous impact on the yield of (DTH11) sensor. Also thing speak server is used to track the
agricultural crops. So, water scarcity has an astronomically land condition to receive the moisture level in the soil.
immense impact on victuals engenderment. Absence of water Sprinkler system is also an irrigation bases system, where the
makes the farmers to struggle to produce crops and this water flows through the tubes and water the plants according
makes a downfall to feed every human in the growing to their needs. The necessary water based on the land
population. According to International Water Management environmental conditions such as Moisture, temperature and
Institute(IWMI) states that the 70% of accumulated water humidity can be identified by the smart system and the
power will be switched on to provide enough water to the



978-1-7281-4142-8/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE

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2020 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology and Engineering (ic-ETITE)

plants. The automated systems which are already temperature and sultriness along with other factors can be of
implemented has the limitations like sending the alert paramount[8]. A traditional approach to quantify these
message or the SMS to the mobile but the data was not factors in an agricultural environment betokened individuals
stored permanently for further use. The aim of the paper is to manually taking quantifications and checking them at sundry
provide smart irrigation system with automated devices and times. This paper investigates a remote monitoring system
the store the data in the IOT cloud. Also Rain alarm and soil utilizing Zigbee. These nodes send data wirelessly to a
moisture detector circuit are also used to build the smart central server, which amasses the data, stores it and will
irrigation system. sanction it to be analyzed then exhibited as needed and can
additionally be sent to the client mobile. Anitha have
The paper has been planned as follows: Section 1 confer proposed home security system using IOT [9]. The system
about the need of irrigation system and the enhancement to will inform the owner about any unauthorized entry or
IOT cloud based smart irrigation system, whereas Section 2 whenever the door is opened by sending a notification to the
discuss about the literature review. Section 3 explains the user. After the user gets the notification, he can take the
materials and the research methodology proposed followed necessary actions. The security system will use a
by Section 4, which provides the experimental analysis. The microcontroller known as Arduino Uno to interface between
paper concludes with Section 5. the components, a magnetic Reed sensor to monitor the
status, a buzzer for sounding the alarm, and a WiFi module,
II. LITERATURE SURVEY ESP8266 to connect and communicate using the Internet.
The main advantages of such a system includes the ease of
A remote quantification and control system for green setting up, lower costs and low maintenance. Parameswaran
house predicated on Global System for Mobile GSM-SMS has discussed on an irrigation system based on soil
was proposed by Jinling which sends the status of the dampness[10]. Sultriness sensor is utilized to discover the
temperature and sultriness of the green house through SMS soil dampness and predicated on the solenoid valve. Along
and by remote machines, the contrivances are controlled to with the climatic conditions the crops should be water by
water the plants utilizing sensors and automated contrivances knowing the pH level of the water and the soil to yield the
[1]. Gautam and Reddy proposed an innovative GSM better crops. Monitor is utilized to show the pH level,
Bluetooth predicated remote controlled embedded system for moisture level and temperature.This will ameliorate the
irrigation [2]. Suresh have proposed an architecture farming system for better productivity.
predicated on the capabilities of current and next-generation III. MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY
microcontrollers and their application requisites[3].
Microcontroller utilized for the system is promising that it A smart irrigation system is configured with various
can increment system life by decreasing the puissance eessential components as listed as follows.
utilization resulting from lower power consumption. • ARDUINO Uno
Kansara has proposed astute irrigation system utilizing
IOT [4]. They proposed the technology of irrigation where • DHTll Temperature and Humidity Sensor
the human intervention can be minimized. if there is a
change in temperature and sultriness of the circumventions • Connecter wire
the sensors reads the vicissitude in temperature and sultriness • Bread Board, Laptop
and gives signal to interrupt the micro-controller to make the
contrivance on or off. Archana and Priya proposed a • Water level Sensor
microcontroller predicated system that supervises the water
• Soil Moisture Sensor.
level and the aread to be irrigated [5]. Sensors are present to
check the presence of water in the field. Once the field Some of the software requirements are ThingSpeak
desiccates sensors sense the requisite till the sensors is application, Arduino application, C Programming for
deactivated again. Anitha have proposed and garbage Arduino
monitoring system using IOT using sensor on lid of the
garbage bin that detects the level of garbage based on the
height of the bin [6]. 1. Arduino Uno
Uddin proposed a model of variable rate automatic Arduino Uno is a PC equipment, that is open source
microcontroller predicated irrigation system [7]. Solar power which organizes the components by the programming
is utilized as only the source of potency to control the overall language and integrates the enterprise with the client group
system. Sensors are placed on the paddy field and these to produce microcontroller packs. These micro-controlled
sensors perpetually sense the waterlevel and give the packs are used as an intelligent agent which was
message to the farmer apprising the waterlevel. Without programmed to detect and to control working of the system
visiting the paddy fields, farmers can get the information in the real-life Sample Arduino Uno is shown in Fig. 1.
about the waterlevel. Predicated on the waterlevel, a farmer Generally, Arduino boards are inexpensive and used in
can control the motor by sending a message from his cellular various operating systems. It is easy and flexible for the
phone even from a remote place. However, if the waterlevel beginners. It is compatible with various languages such as
reaches to the hazard level; the motor will automatically start C++ and JAVA .
without attestation of farmer to ascertain the opportune
waterlevel in the site. Chavan and Karande had proposed to
develop a perspicacious wireless sensor network (WSN) for
an agricultural environment. Monitoring agricultural
environment for sundry factors such as soil moisture,

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2020 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology and Engineering (ic-ETITE)

Fig.1 Arduino Board

2. DTH11 Sensor:
DTH-11 sensor is a very popular sensor for measuring
the humidity and temperature with +0.5 degree accuracy.
DTH-11 sensor consists of a moisture sensing sensor, a
temperature sensor and an IC on the back side of the sensor. Fig.3 Soil Moisture Sensor
It comes with 4 pins and 3 pins. In Figure 2, how to connect 4. Wifi Module
using DTH-11 sensor has been explained.
ESP-8266 is a cheap Wi-Fi module. It has dual
functionality, it can carry and drive the entire application and
can control other micro-controller units. It's working power
range is 3.0 to 3.6 volts. It has a built-in TCP/IP stack.

Fig.2 : DTH-11 Sensor

3. Soil moisture sensor
The Fig.3 shows a sort of soil moisture sensor. It
contains two tests by methods for which current will go into
Fig 4. Wifi Module
the dirt, at that point scrutinizes the obstruction of the soil,
which will peruse the dampness level. We know the nearness 5. Water Level Sensor
of the water makes the dirt more inclined to lead the power
effortlessly, which implies R(resistance) is less in the such Water Level Sensor is a clean-to-utilize, charge effective
kind of soil, while dry soil has poor conductivity of intensity, unreasonable degree/drop fame sensor that is procured by
in this way dry soil upholds more insurance than the wet soil. method for having a succession of parallel wires uncovered
Sensor is structured on this property of intensity. There follows estimated beads/water amount so it will choose the
should be a point that believers the obstruction into voltage, water degree. Smooth to finish water to simple sign change
this is done using circuit which show inside the sensor, and yield simple esteems can be quickly perused Arduino
which changes over the opposition into voltage. advancement board to pick up the level alert impact.

Fig 6. Water Level Sensor

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2020 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology and Engineering (ic-ETITE)

products. The IOT basically based arranged framework given

amid this examination are valuable to achieve such an
Specifications of the Water level sensor is given as undertaking. The prototype framework examination of this
follows: study enables monitoring any agricultural arrive and keeps
voltage: DC3 5V up moisture of the dirt. This thought will unquestionably
encourage any country move to sensible Agriculture. The
current: less than 21mA framework is foreseen to figure and create records in period.
Type: Analog The real execution of the framework would require changes
in detecting component, innovations and supply code in spite
Detect Area: 4ommx16mm of the fact that the approach and control remain steady. The
Humidity: 11% -90% non-condensing proposed system was demonstrated with the help of
Thingspeak cloud. ThingSpeak is an IOT analytics place to
Product Dimensions: 62mmx2ommx8mm accommodate to sanctions to aggregate, depict and analyze
6. Bread Board and jumper wires real-time data streams in the cloud. ThingSpeak gives instant
envision of data posted by the contrivances with the
competency to execute MATLAB code. Additionally , it is
often utilized for prototyping and proof of concept IOT
systems that require analytics.

A. Proposed system
The data is first collected from the different sensors here
Sensors like Moisture level of soil, Temperature of the area,
air moisture and Water Level are used. They are attached to
a breadboard which is intern connected to the Arduino
Board. The data from the board is sent to the Arduino IDE.
The programming language that is used runs instructions
which extracts the data and reflects. If the data is not valid
then the process ends is clearly shown in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10
Fig . 7 Bread Board

Fig.9 Proposed system

Fig.8 Jumper wires

A breadboard is a solider less contrivance for ad interim
template with test circuit designs. A bounce wire (generally
called jumper, jumper wire, jumper interface, DuPont wire,
or DuPont interface – named for one creator of them) is an
electrical wire or social occasion of them in a connection
with a connector or stick at each end (or from time to time
without them– essentially "tinned"), which is commonly
utilized to interconnect the sections of a breadboard or other
model or test circuit, inside or with other hardware or parts,
without soldering. Singular bob wires are attached by
implanted their "end connectors" into the initial way gave in Fig.10 Data flow diagram of the proposed system
a breadboard, the header connector of a circuit board, or a
In the proposed system, we effectively develop a
The primary aim of the study is to develop a framework framework which can help in a programmed water system
to stay track of remote soil wetness from an abroad area and gadget through concentrate the dampness level of the field.
to deal with the moisture of soil so it doesn't influences the The shrewd water system contraption ends up being a

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2020 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology and Engineering (ic-ETITE)

valuable gadget since it robotizes and manages the watering sensor, humidity sensor, Soil moisture sensor and water level
with no guide intercession. The essential bundles for this sensor indicated as attributes as A1,A2,A3,A4 respectively.
mission are for agriculturists and plant specialists who do
now not have enough time to water plants. Table 1. SAMPLE DATASET

The dampness sensors and temperature sensor degree the

dampness degree (water substance) and temperature of the
unmistakable vegetation. On the off chance that the Created at Created entry
dampness level is situated to be underneath the coveted level, Date Time id A1 A2 A3 A4
the dampness sensor sends the flag to the Arduino board 09 March 07:22:2 107
which triggers the Water Pump to appear ON and supply the 2019 4 113 35 51 49 6
water to particular plant. The machine might be likewise 23 March 07:28:3
drawn out for out of entryways utilization. The working 2019 1 191 40 72 48 547
model of the proposed system was depicted in Fig.11 and 17 March 06:18:2
Fig.12. 2019 4 138 37 71 44 589
22 March 07:19:5 132
2019 2 118 29 68 40 4
13 March 07:27:1
2019 6 132 32 51 49 562
23 March 08:05:1 112
2019 0 174 37 61 33 9
09 March 07:21:2
2019 8 165 36 61 45 703
19 March 06:01:5
2019 4 172 33 77 45 674
21 March 08:36:2 137
2019 6 180 38 53 34 9
20 March 07:37:2 123
2019 6 180 26 78 32 0
08 March 08:49:1 138
2019 1 176 28 50 28 5
14 March 07:48:1
2019 1 113 36 70 25 421
20 March 08:08:3 140
Fig 11. Working model of the proposed system 2019 6 105 38 57 35 1
10 March 06:59:3 136
2019 7 108 29 71 46 9
11 March 06:30:2
2019 2 159 40 78 27 304
14 March 07:46:5 124
2019 5 105 32 71 37 2
23 March 07:03:5
2019 2 130 36 61 33 948
16 March 07:50:1
2019 5 148 39 79 39 356
08 March 06:10:0
2019 9 128 30 80 31 625
05 March 06:09:1
Fig 12. Complete connection of the proposed model 2019 0 107 26 67 35 729
20 March 08:58:2
VI. EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS 2019 6 175 36 71 31 659
The experiment was carried out by taking the input from 23 March 06:33:0
the DHT11 sensor. The moisture sensor gives analog output 2019 5 159 38 64 43 986
which can be read through the ESP8266 NodeMCU analog 26 March 07:02:1
pin A0. Since the NodeMCU cannot give output voltage 2019 4 108 34 55 25 368
greater than 3.3V from its GPIO so we are using a relay 19 March 06:21:1 138
module to drive the 5V motor pump. Also the Moisture 2019 9 146 34 57 43 8
sensor and DHT11 sensor is powered from external 5V 28 March 08:11:0
power supply. 2019 7 161 25 65 41 589
The data collected from various sensors are listed in the 19 March 08:14:1
table below. Table.1 contains the data from Temperature 2019 8 146 34 66 39 804

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2020 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology and Engineering (ic-ETITE)

29 March 07:02:3
2019 4 186 33 56 34 827
11 March 08:40:5
2019 2 158 28 65 50 545
07 March 07:10:1
2019 8 163 32 72 34 785
04 March 07:26:4 126
2019 7 129 33 58 33 2
19 March 08:12:4
2019 2 136 32 67 27 680
27 March 06:31:0 111 Fig.15 Soil moisture recorded by soil moisture sensor
2019 6 103 37 69 45 1
16 March 07:25:2 146 The water level sensor is used to record the water level
2019 3 199 31 73 47 9 from the various places of the fields of the Vellore districts.
08 March 06:42:4 This is clearly shown in the following Fig. 16.
2019 3 190 37 76 29 428
10 March 06:49:0
2019 4 189 40 65 30 916

The temperature recorded by the DTH11sensor from the

various dates and from various time period on various places
of Vellore shown below in Fig. 13.

Fig 16. Water level recorded by water level sensor

These data are imported in the thingspeak cloud for the
visualization and the correlation between the temperature and
humidity is calculated. The correlation between the
temperature and humidity places important role in watering
the plants. So based on the correlation we can start the
irrigation system or switch off. The correlation is shown in
the following Fig. 17 using the Mat lab visualization app
using thingspeaks.
Fig 13. Temperature recorded by DTH-11 Sensor
Similarly, the humidity recorded by the DTH11 sensor
form the various places are depicted in the graph below as
Fig. 14.

Fig 17. Correlation map between temperature and

The working space of Arduino was depicted in the Fig.18

Fig 14. Humidity recorded by DTH-11 Sensor

The soil moisture level recorded by the soil moister
sensors are depicted graphically in Fig.15.

Fig. 18 Arduino workspace

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2020 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Information Technology and Engineering (ic-ETITE)

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