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Report on llindi Diwas Celebration

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I{indi Language-just as its name is as jingling as a music to the ears when hear<J, powerful,
mighty and having a sense of belongingness when spoken an<J as mesmerizing when written. The
Constitution of India adopted and gave the status of the 'Official Language to Hincli, on 14
September 1949. From that day onwards - 14 SEP is celebrated every year as the ,HINDI
DIWAS'. The NSS tJnit of (iovcrnment College of Education, Sector 20 I), Chandigarh
organized an Enlightening, Magnetic and Informative "WEIIINAR" on ',Celebrating IIINDI
DIWAS. to mark the need, uses, importance and virtue of our (Matribhasha I IINDI) which is
the need of this hour now and always, inviting the staff and students of the entire GCE
GCE, Sector 20, Chairdigarh is a pre-eminent and leading foremost educational institution
teacher education in Northern India, in the city beautiful- Chandigarh, India. It is the
single teacher education college functioning under the Government Sector, affiliated
with the
Punjab University, Chandigarh. Dr. Dipanshu Sharma, Assistant Professor warmly
welcomed the
Head of our Institution Dr. A.K. Srivastava who very precisely and cleeply made everyone
about the Importance of Hindi Language and its widespread coverage in our daily life ranging
from Indian films to television- Hindi is the most widcspread used ancl lovecl language
by the
masses' Sir further explained that l-lindi language is widespread not
only in India but also in
other countries of the world like Sumatra, Malaysia, etc. With widespread glob
alization and
increase in trade, a new version of I-lindi has arrived with the name
of -,,HINGLISH,,helping
the various countries of the world to communicate with each other. Further
stressing importance
on The lmportance of I'lindi, he also stressecl that i0-12 states of India like
Arunachal pradesh,
Himachal Pradesh have their "l{ajbhasha as }'lindi" and I-lindi is not only great
as a languagc
but also has a vast and great and rich literature like Ramayana, poems of ' Shri Ramdhari Singh
Dinkar, who was also seen as a National poet in LIin<ti due to his rich and great contributions
the FIindi Literature. Hincii is the language of the common masses, each and every one
literate or not is able to understand Hindi language easily and without any difficulty. Sir
Sanskrit also
explained the journey of the origin of the Hindi language and its usage in Vedic and
stressing the imporrance and pride of the FIINDI I-ANGUAGE. Principal oongratulated Dr'
Kusum for organizing an essay writing competition on the eve of Hindi Diwas. Dr. Kusum
announced the name of winners and also gave best wishes lor the Hindi Diwas. Dr. Sheojee
Singh congratulated the NSS cell of the college for organizing a webinar on the occasion

Hindi Diwas and also motivated the faculty and students to use the Hindi language in day to day

Further honorable Principal Sir made the entire GCE pledge that "We all would try to use Hindi

as our language for day to day work and give it as much respect and pride that it needs" and
congratulated the winners of the students who won participated in the essay writing competition.

principal concluded his speech by congratulating the entire team of Program Coordinators; Dr

Ravneet Chawla, Mr Ravinder Kumar,Dr Dipanshu Sharma, and for organizing the programme

so well.

Dr I{avneet Chawla beautifully and energetically expressed hersell'and also shared her desire to
learn as well as give exam of Hindi Language as Hindi was her second language in school time.

Dr Ravneet Chawla also congratulated Prateeksha and Haridev (student repertoires of the event)
and Bharat (the Student I'f Coordinator) boosting the morale of the entire team.

Ilaridev at the en<l expressed vote of thanks on the behalf ol'all the students and pledged on
behalf of all the students that we as srudents - the Youth will take the responsibility to protect
our Hindi Language and Culture and take it forward always. Since it is now the responsibility of
-1HE YOUTH' to take the responsibility of taking our Hindi Language to great heights.
'Ihe Webinar was
The programme concluded beautifully with all singing our National Anthem.
indeed creative. Information * busted and full ol'cnlightenment and brought belore us all never

known facts before us about our Ilindi Language and boosted the morale of all to work for the
encouragement and spread of Hindi Language and Culture and take it to great heights.
Glimpses :



La! 3(}.720Aal:

NSS Program Officers Princi

\ al >A
Dr. RavneetChawla_fuaP Govt. College of F.ducation,

Mr. Ravinder ru-ar/\ Sector 20D, Chandigarh

Dr. Dipanshu Sharma +AruP

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arrftd $rrET fr t ffi fiil
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firtg qrqt t mft.Fr rqqr( ilfrf, fr,n rmrSnf + i}tr fr <rg
rIFr frTr rrril' I


lir'* r;ir

NSS Program Officers


Dr. Ravneet Chawla

Govt. College of Education,
Mr. Ravinder Kumar
Sector 20D, Chandigarh
Dr. Dipanshu Sharma

l; College Website

3. Dr. Rajni Thakur
{rilfirqfqTmr@ EiAre

Gfr fflT lrnr06 (14 Rr*ryt, 2021)


rfiffingdr frd-tr dsa qffiFrdr


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G-fr Rag #r rnsqr

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eTqr aEI felailf&fi t fAa- 3fia-flE-n fur a-c;T qffifr-dT ffi-l

trd-s H;rfl
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frqqlf{qt fr sriq Rqr I Ts e'mftdi * Me-dF dI {fug TnK,
qf{unfl 9H qcFK t- qzra aM qT'd fr
3if{ Ef. <;l-fi 6qn- r& f e'mftdl mr
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d. m-wr {rs$rq fefffiT HdrB{rililq,
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