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English homework – Romeo and Juliet, Prologue and Act 1

1. The two households, the Montagues and the Capulets, are bitter enemies with a long-
standing feud. The exact cause of the feud is not specified in the play, but it is clear
that there is deep animosity between the families.

2. The Prince threatens anyone from the Montague or Capulet parties who breaks the
peace again with the punishment of death. He declares that the next breach of the
peace will result in the execution of the responsible party.

3. Romeo finds out about Capulet's feast from a servant who is unable to read the guest
list. Romeo happens to encounter the servant and offers to read the list for him. In
gratitude, the servant invites Romeo to attend the feast.

4. In Act 1, Scene 3, Juliet expresses her thoughts on marriage to her mother, Lady
Capulet. She says that she has not given much thought to marriage and has not
considered it. However, she agrees to consider Paris as a potential suitor because her
parents want her to.

5. Mercutio suggests that Romeo should dance and compare other beautiful women to
his love, Rosaline, at the party. However, Romeo responds by saying that he has never
seen anyone as beautiful as Rosaline and is not interested in dancing or flirting at the

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