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Muhammad Naufal Listianto


1A Administrasi Logistik

importance of exercise for a healthy lifestyle.

Cohesion and coherence are two important elements in a discourse or text that mark a text.
Cohesion is the harmony or combination of relationships between each interconnected element in a
discourse or text so that a logical meaning is created. Meanwhile, coherence is the suitability of
language meaning in sentences and paragraphs so that sentences and paragraphs have a logical
reciprocal relationship. In short, cohesion is the harmony or blend of forms. An example of solidarity
is "Rani is a responsible child so she never acts carelessly." Coherence is the harmony or combination
of ideas, thoughts and facts that are formed into a logical thread, making it easier for readers to
understand the related message. In short, coherence is the harmony or blend of meaning. One
example of coherence is “I chose history as my specialization subject. Learning history makes me
more aware of the past events of the Indonesian nation. Every event in the past shaped the
personality of the Indonesian nation."

Exercise is an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Regular physical activity can help
improve heart health, reduce the risk of chronic disease, and improve mental well-being. However,
many people struggle to find the time or motivation to exercise regularly. One way to overcome this
challenge is to find an exercise routine that is fun and fits your schedule. For example, joining a gym
or fitness class can provide the structure and support needed to stick to a regular exercise routine.
Additionally, finding a workout buddy or exercise partner can help increase motivation and
accountability. Cohesion in this paragraph is achieved through the use of transition words such as
“however” and “additionally,” which help connect ideas and ensure the text flows. smoothly.
Coherence is achieved through the logical organization of ideas, with topic sentences that introduce
the importance of exercise and body paragraphs that provide specific examples and strategies for
maintaining a regular exercise routine.

Cohesion is a relationship between parts in a text that is characterized by the use of language
elements. The concept of cohesion basically refers to the relationship of form, meaning that the
elements of discourse (words or sentences) used to compose a discourse are connected in a
coherent and complete manner (Mulyana, 2005: 26). Coherence is defined as a pattern of
connection between one part and another, so that a sentence has a complete unity of meaning
(Brown and Yule in Mulyana, 2005: 30). In other words, coherence means 'connection' between one
sentence and another. Coherence also means a harmonious reciprocal relationship between
elements in a sentence (Tarigan via Mulyana, 2005: 30). The coherence relationship is the
connection between one part and the other parts, so that the sentence has a complete unity of

In conclusion, Cohesion is the relationship between parts in a text which is characterized by the
use of linguistic elements. Coherence is defined as a pattern of relationships between one part and
another, so that a sentence has a complete unity of meaning. Coherence also means a harmonious
reciprocal relationship between elements in a sentence.

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