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Experiment -1

Aim: Draw the given figure by using SolidWorks software.

Commands used: Circle, Arc, Line, Circular Pattern, Tangent, Trim, Smart Dimensions.


1. Double click the solidworks software open.

2. File =>New part=> ok.
3. Set default Unit system as => MMGS.
4. Select any one of the plane to draw the sketch.
5. Go to sketch commands=>Take circle and diameter of Ø26.
6. Take Circle with Ø60 at that same centre and the another circle of Ø84 at same centre.
7. Take circle of Ø10 on the middle circle an by using circular pattern make 8 circles of
Ø10 on the middle circle.
8. Now,Draw a circle of Ø16 at a distance of (x,y)=(8,40) from the first circle.
9. And draw another circle of Ø36 at that centre.
10. Now draw two circles of Ø26 & Ø52 at a distance of 85 from previous circles in same
11. Now draw Arcs on the circles and make that arcs tangential to the circles.
12. And make the Ø60 circle as reference geomentry(reference circle).
13. Now trim the unwanted lines.
14. Draw an arc between Ø52 & Ø36 circles and make it tangent to the both circles and
same in & outside of circles.
15. Draw an arc b/w Ø52 circle and Ø82 circle and make it tangent to both circles.
16. Drw an arc b/w Ø36 circle and Ø82 circle & makr it tangent to both circles.
17. Now trim the unwanted lines.
Result:Hence the object is drawn in SolidWorks software with proper dimensions.
Experiment -2

Aim: Draw the given figure by using SolidWorks software.

Commands used: line, circle, circular pattern, mirror, trim, tangent, dimensions.


1. Draw three circles of diameters 32, 85, 62 at the same centres.

2. Draw a circle of Ø14 on the middle circle.
3. And by using line command make a line from centre to the middle circle vertically.
4. And draw a small line b/w small circle(Ø14) and first circle with a distances of 4mm
from vertical line and same in opposite side also
5. Now trim the unwanted line on the small circles and trim the vertical line.
6. Now by using the circular pattern command make the circles with lines as 6 objects in
7. And trim the unwantedlines and make the dimensions constrained.
8. And make the Ø62 circle as reference circle.
9. Now take circles of Ø12 and 28 at the bottom left corners at a distance of (47,52) from
the centre of first circle.
10. Repeat the 9th step same on the top left corner with same dimensions.
11. Now draw arcs b/w outer circle of Ø28 and Ø85 for both top left corner and bottom
left corner.
12. And make the arcs tangential to the both circles and give the radius of 12mm for the
arcs and trim the line inner the arc.
13. Now by using mirror command and taking axis as vertical axis and objects to mirror
are both circles with arcs.

14. Now make all the dimensions constrained.

Result:Hence the object is drawn in SolidWorks software with proper dimensions.


AIM: To create a part model of the object as per the given dimension shown in figure.
Software used: - solid works 2013-14
Commands used: - Rectangle, Line, Arc, Extrude, Extrude Cut, Hole wizard and Fillet

Procedure: 1) Double click the solid works Icon on Desktop to open it.
2) File New Part click ok.
3) Set default unit system as MMGS
4) Select a top plane Right click Select Mode
5) Go to sketch Commands Rectangle Select corner Rectangle
6) Dimension: - smart dimension set the length = 100 mm, width= 40 mm.
7) Go to features Extrude boss/base Direction -1
Enter valve=10 mm
Select ok
8) Insert new sketch
- Select front face of the part body apply sketch
- Set normal to plane Draw profile on that face by using line
command as shown below

Design the feature by using smart dimensions

9) Go to feature Extrude boss/base Direction-1
Blind select reverse
10 mm (Enter value)
Select Ok
10) Select front plane- go to sketch mode
Sketch command Rectangle Corner Rectangle
Define the sketch smart dimension: 40×3.
11) Go to features Extrude cut Direction -1 Select through all
12) Features: - Hole wizard Hole type counter bore


ANSI Metric


Hex bolt- ANSI B M

Hole specification: - size M8

End condition

Select through all

Tick Ok, then select the face

12 a) wake up the center point
Click the positions tab
Move the cursor on to the circumference of the large arc and Drop it.
Go to feature: - fillet Select the radius as 8 mm
Select the corner edge of base feature Ok
Go to Horizontal Hole type Hole

Standard: - ANSJ Metric

Type: - Drill Sizes

Hole specification: -size 7.0

End condition: - Through all.

Select the Top of bottom plate

Repeat the procedure 1.2 (a) then apply

Go to feature: - filiet radius 3mm: select the faces as shown in main figure, apply.On body
Right click appearance Body Color Select ok

RESULT:Hence by using above commands the figure is obtained as per given dimensions.
AIM: To create a given object by using Solid Works Software using proper commands &

Software used: - Solid Works 2012-13

Command used: - Rectangle, Extrude, Extrude cut, fillet, chamfer, Hole wizard.

Procedure: - 1) Double click the solid works Icon, to open the software.

2) File New Part Ok

3) Unit system set MMGS Ok

4) Select Top plane as Sketch plane. Go to

5) Sketch based feature Rectangle Corner rectangle

Smart dimension set as 130×100

6) Go to feature Go to features Extrude Boss Direction -1

20 nm [enter value]

7) Select Top surface of the object as sketch plane and

Sketch based features Rectangle corner Rectangle.

Smart dimension to define a sketch 130×20

8) go to features Extrude Boss Direction -1


70 mm [enter value]


9) Features fillet fillet radius -20 mm select corner edges.

10) Select front surface of the object as sketch plane Go to sketch Mode

Sketch feature Rectangle Corner rectangle

Define smart dimensions 60×70

11) Go to features: - Extrude Direction Blind 50 mm (enter the value)

12) Select the front face again as sketch plane sketch mode is activated sketch
tools Line command

Draw a profile as shown below by using smart dimensions defined in the figure.

13) Go to feature & Extrude cut direction 1 through all ok.

14) Go to features chamfer select the front edge of the above profile.

Distance 30 mm

Angle 450
15) Select the left face of the object as sketch plane Sketch mode is activated
Sketch tools Corner Rectangle
By using smart dimension define as 20×20 mm

16) Hole wizard Hole type Hole Standard

ANSI metric

Type:-Dill size

Specification ∅ 7.0

End Condition through all

Select the left surface of object selected corner point of rectangle and use position
tab, circumference of the fillet select center point Ok.

17) Feature fillet fillet Radius 5 mm Select the remaining faces and click
18) Mirror Select mirror face /plane. Bodies to mirror Ok.
19) Save the part-2

RESULT:Hence by using above commands the figure is obtained as per given dimensions.
AIM: To create a given object using proper commands & Dimensions with the help of solid
work software.

Software used: - solid works 2012-13

Command used: Line, Rectangle, Hole wizard, Extrude, Shell, Mirror, fillet.

Procedure: 1) Double click the solid works Icon, to open the software.

2) File New Part ok

3) Unit system set MMGS ok

4) Select the front plane as sketch plane Sketch feature Line command

Draw the profile as shown below, by using smart dimensions define the object as
shown in figure

5) Feature Extrude Mid plane 90 mm Enter value ok

6) Feature Shell Parameters: - 8 mm Extrude value ok

7) Select the bottom face as sketch plane Sketch features Line command
Draw the profile as shown below and define it by using smart dimension.
8) Feature extrude Blind 8 mm Enter value & ok.
9) Feature Hole Wizard Hole Type: - Hole

Standard: -Ansimetric

Hole specification: -∅ 12.0 mm

End condition through all

Select the cover Extension face, move the cursor to circumference.
Place the hole at center point
10) Feature Mirror-1

Mirror face/plane: - Select Right plane

Feature to mirror: - Select front plane
Features to mirror: - select mirror-1

11) Features: - Mirror-2

Mirror face/plane: - Select front plane

Feature to mirror: - Select mirror-I
12) Select Top plane as sketch plane: - Select features Rectangle
Center Rectangle
13) Feature Extrude cut: - Through all ok.
14) Features: - Fillet: - Fillet radius:-3 mm
Select the front & back corner edges. Ok.
15) Features: Fillet -2:- Fillet radius:-3mm
Select the faces of the object ok.

Save the parts as part-3

RESULT:Hence by using above commands the figure is obtained as per given dimensions
AIM: - To create a given object using proper commands & Dimensions with the help of solid
work software

Software used: - Solid works 2012-13.

Command used: - Line, rectangle, circle, extrude, Extrude cut, hole wizard, fillet
mirror, offset entities.


1) Double click the solid works Icon, to open it.

2) File New Part Ok

3) Unit system set MMGS Ok

4) Select top plane as sketch plane Sketch feature Rectangle

Center Rectangle Smart dimension 110×75

5) Features:-Extrude Blind 12 mm enter value Ok.

6) Select Top face of the 1st part as sketch plane Sketch

Tools Rectangle Corner rectangle Draw it by using smart

Dimensions 60×48.

7) Features Extrude Blind

(110 mm (enter value) ok

8) Select the right surface of the part-2 as sketch plane sketch tools
Circle draw the circle of diameter 25mm and defines it as shown

in figure by using smart dimensions.

9) Feature Extrude Blind 12 mm (enter value) Ok.

10) Select the top surface as sketch as sketch plane corner rectangle

Define it by using smart dimensions.

11) Feature:-Extrude cut Directions- 1

Select Top face of base object


12) Feature: - Hole wizard: - Counter bore

Standard ANSI metric

Type Hex bolt ANSI B18.2.35 M

Hole Specification

Size M10

End condition through all

Select the part -3 i.e. cylinder and plane on center ok

13) Fillet: - Fillet radius: - 12 mm select the bottom part of right corner edge

14) Fillet: - Fillet radius:-3 mm

Select the bottom part and ok

15) Fillet-3 Fillet radius: - 6 mm

Select the right edges of the part-2 and ok

16) Fillet-4 Fillet radius:-3 mm select the bottom edge of the part-2 and ok

17)Fillet-5 Fillet radius:-3.5 mm select the edges of the part-2 and ok it.

18) Fillet-6 Fillet radius 4 mm, select the inner base edge of the part-2 ok it

19) Feature hole Wizard. Hole type Hole

ANSI metric

Drill size

Hole specification ∅ 5.0

End specification blind 10 mm

Select the top face of the part-2 and move the cursor on fillet edges and place center
point place it.

Features Hole Wizard Counter Bore

Standard:-ANSI Metric

Type: - HEX Bolt ANSI B18 2.3 5 M

Hole specification: Size- M6


End condition through all ok

Select top surface of the base

move the cursor on fillet circumference

Select the center point ok

Features:-Mirror Mirror face /plane

Select the face-1

Bodies to Mirror: - Select body ok

Select the front face on sketch plane sketch tool Circle Diameter 80

Features Extrude Blind

3 mm Enter value

Features Mirror Mirror face (or) plane front plane

features to mirror:- Select Extrude-4 i. e circle part ok

Select front face of the object as sketch plane Sketch tools Circle Diameter 60
mm ok

Features Extrude cut through all Ok

Select the front face of the object as sketch plane Sketch tools

draw a circle of diameter 70 mm and convert it as construction. Ok.

Also line command: - Centerline Draw lines from center of the circles at 450 only each.
Exit the sketch

Features: - Hole wizard Type: - Hole

Standard ANSI metric

Type Drill size

Hole specifications size 5.5

End condition through ok

Front surface select the inter section point construct circle and lines

Save it as part-4 and ok

RESULT:Hence by using above commands the figure is obtained as per given

AIM: To assemble the given part by using solid works software

APPARATUS: Insert components,rotate components,mates—



1. Go to Solid works
2. Select file New Assembly Ok
3. Set the default to MMGS
4. Insert components Browse select Housing ok
5. Insert components Browse select cover_PL&LUG ok
6. Select the hole of the cover plug and hole of the housing Mate
Concentric Ok
7. Select the inner surface of the cover plug and outer surface of the housing
Mate Coincident Ok
8. Insert components Browse select cover_PL&LUG ok
9. Go to Rotate components Rotate the component
10. Select the hole of the cover plug and hole of the housing Mate
Concentric Ok
11. Select the inner surface of the cover plug and outer surface of the housing
Mate Coincident Ok
12. Insert components Browse select worm gear ok
13. Select the surface of the worm gear Mate Advanced settings
width select another surface of the worm gear Tab selections
select two inner surfaces of the housing Ok
14. Select hole of the worm gear and hole of the housing Mate
Concentric Ok
15. Insert components Browse select worm shaft ok
16. Select the surface of the shaft and the hole Mate coincident
17. Insert components Browse select off shaft ok
18. Select the surface of the shaft and the hole Mate coincident
19. Insert components Browse select cover plate ok
20. Select the hole of the cover plate and hole of the housing Mate
Concentric Ok
21. Select the inner surface of the cover plate and outer surface of the housing
Mate Coincident Ok
22. Save the file

RESULT: Hence the given parts are assembled by using solid works software
AIM: To assemble the given part by using solid works software

APPARATUS: Insert components, rotate components, mates concentric, coincident,



1. Go to solidworks software.
2. Select file =>New=>Assembly=>ok.
3. Set the default to MMGS
4. Insert components=>browse=>select lower case=>ok
5. Insert components=>Browse=>select crank shaft=>ok
6. Select the hole of crank shaft and curved portion of lower
7. Select the outer surfaces of crank shaft and lower case
8. Insert component=>Browse=>select=>upper case=>ok
9. Go to rotate components =>Rotate the component
10. Select the lower portion of the upper case and upper surface of the lower
11. Insert component=>Browse=>select crank rod=>ok
12. Select the crank shaft and hole of the crank rod=>Mate=>concemtric=>ok
13. Go to advanced settings in Mate select the two inner surfaces of crank shaft and
two outer surfaces of crank rod=>ok
14. Insert components=>Browse=>select piston head=>ok
15. Select the piston head hole and other end of crank rod
16. Now select the piston head surface and upper case
17. Insert component=>browse=>select piston pin=>ok
18. Select the piston pin hole and piston head hole=>mate=>concentric=>ok
19.Now select the outer surface of piston pin and outer surface of piston

head=>Mate=>make a tangent=>ok.

20.Save the file.

RESULT: Hence the given parts are assembled by using solid works software

Aim: To analyze the given object using proper commands with the help of Solid Works

Software used: Solid Works 2012-13.


1. Open pump cover

 This part represents a cover that will be filled with oil under high pressure.
2. Set the units
 Click options and set units to SI.
3. Specify the material
 Select AL alloys and click 2014 alloy from list.
4. Define Fixture
 Select uppermost faces of four tabs and cylindrical faces of four bolt holes.
5. Define load set
 Select pressure for type of load
 Right click one of the faces on inside of pump cover.
 Click select Tangency.
 Set the pressure value and direction.
 Set the pressure value to 250 psi.
6. Create Mesh.
7. Run the Simulation.
8. Results
 Factor of Safety is less than 1, indicating that part is over stressed.
 Also view stress and Deformation plots.
9. Change the material
 Right click on 2014 Alloy icon
 Click apply/edit material
 Change the material
 Other alloys
 Monel(R) 400
10. Update
 Click run Simulation
 Return the analysis using new material.
 Factor of Safety be greater than 1.
11. Save & close the part.


Thus, the given object is analyzed by using Solid Works Software.


Aim: Determination of deflections, principal stress, von mises in axisymmetric component by

static analysis.

Software used: Solid Works 2012-13.


1. Open pressure vessel

 This part represents a component that will be filled with fluid under high
2. Set the units
 Click options and set units to SI.
3. Specify the material
 Select AL alloys and click 2014 alloy from list.
4. Define Fixture
 Select bottom faces of pressure vessel.
5. Define load set
 Select pressure for type of load
 Right click one of the faces on inside of pressure vessel.
 Click select Tangency.
 Set the pressure value and direction.
 Set the pressure value to 1 N/m2.
6. Create Mesh.
7. Run the Simulation.
8. Results
 Factor of Safety is less than 1, indicating that part is over stressed.
 Also view stress and Deformation plates.
9. Change the material
 Right click on 2014 Alloy icon
 Click apply/edit material
 Change the material
 Other alloys
 Monel(R) 400
10. Update
 Click run Simulation
 Return the analysis using new material.
 Factor of Safety be greater than 1.
11. Save & close the part.


Thus, the given object is analyzed by using Solid Works Software.

Aim: To analyze the study state and transient thermal analysis on a micro chip.

Software used: Solid Works 2012-13.


1. Design the part drawing of computers micro chip and open.

2. Set the units
 Click options and set units to SI.

3. Go to simulation

 Study advisor
 New study
 Thermal analysis
4. Specify the material
 Select AL alloys and click 6061 alloy from list.
5. Define Thermal loads
 Select the heat power value as 28W.
 Select the bottom surface of micro chip.
 Select conversion.
 Select all exposed faces except bottom surface.
 Given the values as 10 in convection and 25oc in temperature.
6. Create Mesh.
7. Run the Simulation.
8. Results
 Steady state Thermal analysis of the component is shown.
9. For transient analysis take the duplicate copy of the component.
10. Go to thermal study
 Properties
 Transient
 Give 10 sec and 3000 sec
 Ok.
11. Go to thermal loads
 Temperature
 Select initial temperature as 10oc
 Go to filter
 Filter the solid bodies
 Select the component.
12. Edit heat power and convection variable.
13. Run the simulation.
14. Result-
Transient thermal analysis of the component is shown.
15. Go to Result
 Right click
 Select probe and select any point on the component. It gives thermal plot which
varies time.
16. Save and close the part.

Thus the steady state and transient thermal analysis is done on the micro chip of a
Experiment -11
Aim: To perform a static analysis on I beam as per the given dimensions using Finite element
modeling and post processing

Software used: FEMAP 10.2

Steps involve: Pre-Processing, Analysis and Post -Processing

Pre-Processing stage:

1. Create a line using projected points as 0,0,0 and 1000, 0,0 ok and then cancel
2. Assign the material property using model- materials select as ANSI Steel
3. Assign property to model using Model- Property : define type of the element as Beam
and select the shape of the beam as I beam with width of top and bottom flanges as
150, 300, and thickness of the flanges are 15mm and total depth of the beam as 500
and thickness of the web as 20mm
4. For Define load as point load which is acting at end point of the beam with the
magnitude of 1000N acting downwards
5. For defining boundary conditions go to Model-Constraints –define the boundary
conditions select the first point of the beam and fixed it.
6. For meshing go to status bar Mesh- Mesh control -

7. Status bar Mesh – Geometry – select curve set as per menu

Ok it, go for methods normal to the view as per window shown

Below and ok it.


1. Analysis go to manage and select new ok

2. And select static analysis and ok analyze-load results and click continue

Post- processing:

1. View results
2. Deformed shape and also observe the shear stress distribution and bending moment
for post processor and select the same mention above.

RESULT: Thus static analysis on theBeam is done as per the given dimensions using Finite
element modeling and post processing
Experiment -12

Aim: To perform a Static analysis and Modeling or to find frequencies and Eigen values of
cantilever beam of length 2m having rectangular cross-section of 500X250mm2

Software used: FEMAP 10.2

Steps involve: Pre-Processing, Analysis and Post -Processing

Pre-Processing stage:

1 Create a line using projected points as 0,0,0 and 2000, 0,0 ok and then cancel
2 Assign the material property using model- materials select as stainless steel
3 Assign property to model using Model- Property: define type of the element as Beam
and select the shape of the beam as Rectangular beam with width 250mm and total
depth of the beam as 500.
4 For Define load as point load which is acting at end point of the beam with the
magnitude of 3000N acting downwards
5 For defining boundary conditions go to Model-Constraints –define the boundary
conditions select the first point of the beam and fixed it.
6 For meshing go to status bar Mesh- Mesh control -

7 Status bar Mesh – Geometry – select curve set as per menu

Ok it, go for methods normal to the view as per window shown

below and ok it.

8. Analysis go to manage and select new ok

9. And select static analysis and ok analyze-load results and click continue
10. Again go for analysis select new—and select model/Eigen values ok-load results and
click continue

Post- processing:

11. View results

12. Deformed shape and also observe the shear stress distribution and bending moment
for post processor and select the same mention above.
13. Bending moment diagram of the cantilever beam is shown below

14. Natural frequency of the 8th mode shape of the beam as shown below

RESULT: Thus static analysis on the Beam is done as per the given dimensions using Finite
element modeling and post processing
Experiment -13
Aim: To determine the deflections in 2D truss by performing static analysis using FEMAP

Software used: FEMAP 10.2

Steps involve: Pre-Processing, Analysis and Post -Processing

Pre-Processing stage:

1.Go to FEMAP ->select new

2.Assign the material using model- materials select as ANSI Steel 4340 steel

3. Assign property to model using Model- Property define type of the element as Rod and

give property values –area -1 sq –m

4.Go to model –Node-enter coordinates ok to the figure given

0,0,0 - ok

20,20 -ok

40,0 -ok








5. Go to model –element-select nodes 2 and 3->ok

Give area 1 sq.m – ok

6.Go to view –options – nodes –ID

so the nodes the identity

Go to view- options –element-ID

no of nodels and elements we created can be seen

7. For definining load as point load go to model-load-nodel-node 2,4 and 12 load acting with
a magnitude of 1000N acting downward

Select node2-load acts at this node with a magnitude of 3000N in X –direction

8.For defining boundary conditions go to model-constraints- nodel-select the first point of the
truss and fix it

select node 5 and 9 of the truss and fix it in Y and Z direction – ok

9.Go to analysis and select new –ok

10.Select static analysis and ok

Analyze load results and click continue

Post- processing:

1. View results
2. Deformation of the truss is observed
3. Go to post data – select – Total transition system

Select contour view and criteria view and view the results.

By Performing Static Analysis deflections in 2D trusses are determined.

Experiment -14
Aim: To determine the deflections in 3D truss by performing static analysis using FEMAP

Software used: FEMAP 10.2

Steps involve: Pre-Processing, Analysis and Post -Processing

Pre-Processing stage:

1.Go to FEMAP ->select new

2.Assign the material using model- materials select as ANSI Steel 4340 steel

3. Assign property to model using Model- Property define type of the element as Rod and

give property values –area -1 sq –m

4.Go to model –Node-enter coordinates ok to the figure given






5. Go to model –element-select nodes 2 and 3->ok

Give area 1 sq.m – ok

Next select all other nodes to create elements

6.Go to view –options – nodes –ID

so the nodes will be given identity

Go to view- options –element-ID

no of nodes and elements we created can be seen

7.For defining load as point load go to model-load –nodel- load acting at node E with a
magnitude of 1000 kg.

8.For defining boundary conditions go to model constraints –nodel –select the points
A,B,C,D and fix them in all directions.


9.Go to analysis and select New –ok static analysis and ok

Analyze load results and click continues.


1.View results

2.Deformation of the truss is observed

3.Go to post data-select-total transition select contour view and criteria view and views the

By performing static analysis, deflections in 3D Trusses are determined.

Experiment -15

Aim: To perform static analysis on the given solid part using Finite element modeling and
post processing

Software used: FEMAP 10.2

Steps involved: Pre-Processing, Analysis and Post -Processing

Pre-Processing stage:

1. Open File and Import solid part from the file which is in IGES format
2. Assign the material using model- materials select as ANSI Steel
3. Assign property to model using Model- Property : define type of the element as Solid
4. Define load as surface load acting on the inner surface of the solid with the
magnitude of 1000N acting towards inner surface
5. For defining boundary conditions- go to Model-Constraints –define the boundary
conditions select the holes and fixed it.
6. Status bar Mesh – Geometry – select solid set as per menu
7. For Analysis go to manage and select new ok

8. And select static analysis and ok analyze-load results and click continue

Post- processing:
9. View results

10. Deformed shape and also observe the shear stress distribution and bending moment
for post processor and select the same mention above.

RESULT: Thus static analysis on the solid part is done as per the given dimensions using
Finite element modeling and post processing
Experiment -16
Aim: To perform static analysis on the given solid part using Finite element modeling and
post processing

Software used: FEMAP 10.2

Steps involved: Pre-Processing, Analysis and Post -Processing

Pre-Processing stage:

1. Open File and Import solid part from the file which is in IGES format
2. Assign the material using model- materials select as ANSI Steel
3. Assign property to model using Model- Property : define type of the element as Solid
4. For defining boundary conditions- go to Model-Constraints – on the surface-select the
holes and fixed it.
5. Status bar Mesh – Geometry – select solid set as per menu
6. Define load at the nodal point with the magnitude of force is 1000N acting downwards
7. For Analysis go to manage and select new ok

8. And select static analysis and ok analyze-load results and click continue

Post- processing:

9. View results
10. Deformed shape and also observe the shear stress distribution and bending moment
for post processor and select the same mention above.
RESULT: Thus static analysis on the solid part is done as per the given dimensions using
Finite element modeling and post processing

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