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CLASS VIII (2020– 21)

Attempt the following assignments on pin pages / A4 sheets (if readily

available at home) or as directed

A. Articles and Determiners:
Q.1. Tick the correct article:
1. Harsha was (a,an,the) king.
2. I want to be (a,an,the) pilot.
3. This is (a,an,the) pen I bought yesterday.
4. We will be going to (a,an,the) Alps for vacation.
5. She is (a,an,the) liar, there is not (a,an,the) ounce of truth in her words.
Q.2. Rewrite the following sentences correctly:
1. French is the easy language.
2. I am the Indian at heart.
3. You are the wise to say that.
4. The honesty is a serious virtue.
5. How blue a sky looks!
Q.3 Fill in the blanks with (demonstratives) –“this that, these or those”: -
_____ bouquet is lovely as ______ flowers are fresh. I was not in favour of
selecting _____ roses at the next shop because ______ shopkeeper does not
bring fresh flowers everyday. I am sure my mother will be happy to get ______
bouquet because she loves flowers.
Q.4 Fill in the blanks with possessives: -
_______ school bus had not come, so we waited under a tree. We kept ____
bags under a tree and played in _____ shade. Some monkeys were sitting on the
trees with ____ tails hanging above our heads. One of the boys pulled a
monkey’s tail. The monkey slapped _____ cheek and took away a few of _____

B. Adjectives and Degrees of Comparison:

Q.1 Identify the adjectives and mention their kinds: -
1. What he said is an absolute truth.
2. Give the beggar some food.
3. This room has been decorated by my mother.
4. His grandparents are of Indian origin.
5. These walls need whitewashing.
Q.2. Complete the following sentences by using an adjective in the comparative
form: -
1. The jug on the table is ____ than the one in the cupboard which cannot
hold much water. (big)
2. He has not acted in a play earlier. They wanted someone _______ than
him. (experience)
3. Rita selected _____ pair of shoes because she did not have enough
pocket money. (cheap)
4. The words of the speaker were ______ after the mike was adjusted.
5. She could have bought the ______ pair of socks which would look good
with her dress. (long)
Q.3. Fill in the blanks with ‘later’,‘latter’, ‘latest’ or ‘last’: -
1. The match will start ______ than I expected.
2. Among the two plans, I prefer the former to the _______.
3. I reached school _______ than usual.
4. ______ year we met her at the exhibition.
5. I love to follow the ________ trends in fashion.
Q.4. Change the following as directed:
1. Jay is better than Fiza in English. (Rewrite Using Positive Degree of
2. Joy is stronger than any other boy in his localty. (Rewrite Using
Superlative Degree of Comparison)
3. Tomatoes and onions are costly. (Rewrite Using as-----as)
4. Silk is softer than cotton. (Rewrite Using Not as-----as)
5. Sachin is better batsman than any other of his team members. (Rewrite
Using Superlative Degree of Comparison)
C. Nouns and Pronouns:
Q.1 Fill in the blanks with the given nouns and state their types:-
Milk, Glass, Students, Intelligence, Swarm
1. A______ of bees gathered in the garden.
2. Her bangles are made of ______.
3. Sachin’s _______ has made him what he is today.
4. The project has to be prepared by the _______ of class viii.
5. Two litres of ________ is sufficient for making the pudding.
Q.2 Fill in the blanks with correct form of nouns given in the bracket: -
1. We should give ……. (alm/alms) to the poor.
2. It is not easy to break these doors of ……… (iron/irons)
3. Please buy two ……… (juice / juice cans) from the store.
4. Do you like …….. (fish / fishes)?
5. He was giving her …….. (advice / advices) when the phone rang.
Q.3 Identify the nouns as given in the brackets in the following sentences: -
1. Her new dress looks beautiful. (subjective case)
2. Saurabh Mehta is the captain of a large ship. (subjective case)
3. I bought a computer for my brother. (objective case)
4. I arranged the books on the rack. (objective case)
5. He gave Rani a gift. (Dative Case)
6. Farida sang a song for Raj. (Dative Case)
Q.4 Choose the appropriate reciprocal and distributive pronouns from the
brackets and complete the sentences: -
1. ________ of the men received the award. (Either / Neither)
2. Rita and Sita have known ________ for so many years. (each one / each
3. _______ of you can come along with us. (Either / Neither)
4. ______ of the classmates came to meet me when I was not well. (Each
/ Either)
Q.5. Correct the following sentences and rewrite them :-
1. I saw a boy what was wearing a funny dress.
2. This is not mine pen.
3. We did the work themselves.
4. I cannot find myself pen.
5. With who are you going to see the movie?

Q.1. Read the following stanza and answer the questions:
I. Not a crumb to be found
On the snow covered ground;
Not a flower he could see
Not a leaf on a tree.
a. Name the poem and the poet.
b. Which season is being talked about in the stanza?
c. What difficulty is being talked about in the above lines?
d. Find the synonym of “A piece of bread” from the above stanza.
e. Find a pair of rhyming words from the stanza.

II. Macavity’s a mystery cat,

He’s called the Hidden Paw
For he’s the master criminal
Who can defy the law?
a. Name the poem and the poet.
b. What is Macavity’s nickname?
c. Which law does Macavity break?
d. Find a pair of rhyming words from the stanza.
e. What is the meaning of the word “Mystery”.

Q.2 Answer the following questions briefly:

a. What did the author spot in the junk shop? (The Best Christmas Present In
The World)
b. How did the author open the last drawer? (The Best Christmas Present In
The World)
c. Who was Sanjeev and how did he sacrifice his life? (Tsunami)
d. When Almas’s father felt the earthquake what did he do? (Tsunami)
e. What helped the East India Company to overpower Indian princes? (Glimpses
of Past)
f. What was Regulation III Act? (Glimpses of Past)
g. How does the camel react to his fate? (How The Camel Got His Hump)
h. Give the meaning and make sentences:
Puffing, Enthusiasm, Tsunami, Universal, Accustomed

ग्रीष्मकालीन अवकाश कार्यपत्रक

ह िं दी

निम्ननिखित प्रश्न आपकी पु िरावृनि के उद्दे श्य से हैं अप्रैि और मई के महीिे में पाठ्यक्रम को पूर्ण करवा
निया गया है । इससे ि केवि आपकी पुिरावृनि होगी ,आपको याि करिे में मिि नमिेगी । निम्न प्रश्नोों को
नकसी शीट में नििकर फ़ाइि में सोंभािकर रिें।

प्रश्न- 1 पाठ्यपुस्तक वसोंत के पाठ 1 से 5 तक के पाठोों को ध्याि में रिते हुए निम्ननिखित प्रश्नोों के उिर
क) कनवता" ध्वनि "के कनव कौि हैं ?
क) कनव िे कनवता में नकस को बिििे की बात की है ?
क) कनव कनवता में नकस बात को बार -बार िोहरा रहे हैं ?
क) कनवता में कनव िे नकस ऋतु की बात की है ?
क) बििू कौि था?
क) बििू को सोंसार में नकस चीज़ से चीढ़ थी?
क) बििू अपिा कायण नकस चीज़ पर बैठ कर करता था?
क) बििू को गाय क्ोों बेचिी पड़ी थी?
क) िेिक िब आठ - िस वर्षों के बाि मामा के गााँ व गया तो उसिे क्ा पररवतणि िे िा?
क) िेिक िे बस को कैसी अवस्था में बताया?
क) िोगोों िे बस को 'डानकि' क्ोों कहा?
क) ‘सनविय अवज्ञा आों िोिि’ नकसके िेतृत्व में, नकस उद्दे श्य से तथा कब हुआ था? इनतहास
की उपिब्ध पुस्तकोों के आधार पर निखिए।
क) कनव सुि और िु ुःि को नकस भाव से ग्रहर् करता है ?
क) कनव नकि बोंधिोों को तोड़िे की बात कर रहा है ?
क) कनव िे अपिे आप को िीवािा क्ोों कहा है ?
क) सोंचार के कुछ आधुनिक साधि निखिए।
क) 'महात्मा और कनव' के िाम से नकिका पत्राचार सोंग्रह प्रकानशत हुआ और उसमें नकिके
पत्र सोंग्रनहत है ?
क) पत्र को उिू ण , सोंस्कृत, कन्नड़, तेिुगु तथा तनमि में क्ा कहा िाता है ?
क) 'पत्र बहुत अहनमयत रिते हैं ।' तकण सनहत अपिा नवचार निखिए।


प्रश्न -ररक्त स्थाि भररए –

क) िे विारी निनप ................. से …………….. नििी िाती है ।
क) भार्षा के सोंनचत ............. को ................... कहते हैं ।
क) िेपािी और बोड़ो की निनप ................... है
क) भार्षा के शुद्ध रूप का ज्ञाि करािे विा ............ कहिाता है ।
क) नपतािी द्वारा कम्प्युटर पर काम करिा ..................... है।
क) मााँ द्वरा कबीर को समझािा ............................. है ।
क) निि वर्ों का उच्चारर् िाक और मुाँह से होता है ,………………… कहिाते है ।
क) भार्षा के सभी वर्ों के ............... को वर्णमािा कहते हैं ।
प्रश्न -निम्ननिखित शब्ोों के तत्सम रूप निखिए
क) घोडा
क) िाि
क) वार
क) पााँ व
प्रश्न -रूढ , यौनगक और योगरुद्ध शब्ोों में अोंतर बताइए
प्रश्न -निम्ननिखित शब्ोों की सोंनध कीनिए –
क) मिुः + हर
क) िारी + ईश्वर
क) पो +अि
प्रश्न -निम्ननिखित शब्ोों की सोंनध -नवच्छे ि कीनिए-
क) उड्डयि
क) तथैव
क) सोंशोधि
क) उपयुणक्त
प्रश्न -निम्ननिखित शब्ोों के वर्ण – नवच्छे ि कीनिए-
क) िक्ष्मर्
क) तात्पयण
क) प्रस्थाि
क) दृनिकोर्
पूरक पुस्तक
प्रश्न -गौरा कौि थी उसके शारीररक सौोंियण का वर्णि कीनिए।
प्रश्न -िेखिका को गाय पाििे का सुझाव नकसिे निया था ?
प्रश्न -ग्वािे िे गौरा को सुई क्ोों और कैसे खििाई ?
प्रश्न -िू ध िोहिे की समस्या कैसे हि हुई ?
प्रश्न -घीसा का िाम घीसा कैसे पड़ा?
प्रश्न -घीसा के माता नपता के नवर्षय में बताइए-|
प्रश्न -घीसा से गााँ व के बच्चे बात क्ोों िहीों करते थे ?
प्रश्न -घीसा िे गुरू िी को गुरू िनिर्ा के रूप में क्ा निया व कैसे ?

प्रश्न -2 निम्ननिखित नवर्षयोों में से नकसी एक नवर्षय पर अिुच्छेि निखिए–
क) िि ही िीवि है
ि) मेरी यािगार यात्रा
प्रश्न -3 अपनी ब न को पत्र हलखकर र्ोगासन करने के हलए प्रेररत कीहिए।
प्रश्न -4 निम्ननिखित नचत्र का वर्णि40 - 50शब्ोों में कीनिए–

प्रश्न -5 आपके िेत्र में 3 निि से पािी िहीों आ रहा है उस समस्या से िूझ रही िो मनहिाओों के बीच सोंवाि
निखिए ।
प्रश्न -6 पोनियो रनववार पर सरकार द्वारा भेिा गया एक सुोंिर ,सनचत्र और रों गीि नवज्ञापि तैयार कीनिए ।

1.Why is the drip system of irrigation is excellent for areas like Rajasthan?
2.What are silos?
3.Why does the government usually maintain a buffer stock of grains?
4.What do you mean by nitrogen fixation?
5.A simple pendulum makes 10 oscillations in 20 seconds. What is the time period and
frequency of its oscillation?
6.We have learnt that vibration is necessary for producing sound. Explain why the
sound produced by every vibrating body cannot be heard by us?
7.Suppose a stick is struck against a frying pan in vacuum. Will the frying pan vibrate?
Will we be able to hear the sound? Explain.
8.Two astronauts are floating close to each other in space. Can they talk to each other
without using any special device? Give reasons.
9.List tree sources of noise pollution in your locality.
10.Explain different types of plastic and their usages.
11. Penicillin was discovered by which scientist?
12. What is the difference between nylon and rayon?
13. Malaria is caused by which type of microbe?
14. What is fermentation?
15. What is communicable disease?
16. What is a pathogen?
17. What is food preservation?
18. What is nitrogen cycle? Draw a neat labelled diagram.
19. Identify the machine and write its function ?

20.Solve the cross word puzzle


( Beginning from the “Start” shade the path with correct solution and reach the
End )
Using Laws of Exponents correct the given statements
1) On 31 December 1600, East India Company was granted the monopoly to
trade with eastern world for 15 years by –
a. Queen Victoria b. Queen Elizabeth
c. King George d. Lord William
2) Resources which are found everywhere are called –
a. Ubiquitous resources b. Localised resource
c. Actual resources d. Potential resources
3) No foreign power can interfere in the internal affairs of our country. It implies
that India is –
a. Sovereign b. Secular
c. Socialist d. Democratic
4). He became the Governor of Bengal in 1758 –
a. Robert Clive b. Mir Jafar
c. Mir Qasim d. Tipu Sultan
5). Using resources carefully and giving them time to get renewed is called –
a. Resources Degeneration b. Resources Conservation
c. Resources Utilization d. Resources Exhaustion
6) This fundamental right protects all other fundamental rights –
a. Right to equality b. Right to constitutional remedies
c. Right to freedom d. Right to freedom of religion
7). The Munda rebellion was one of the tribal protest led by –
a. Mirsa Munda b. Birsa Munda
c. Kols d. Bhils
8). ‘Doctrine of Lapse’ policy was devised by –
a. Lord Wellesley b. Lord Dalhousie
c. Robert Clive d. Lord William
9). The Europeans traders wanted Indian peasants to cultivate –
a. Wheat b. Rice
c. Indigo d. Pulses
10). Chhota Nagpur Tenancy Act was passed in –
a. 1805 b. 1905
c. 1908 d. 1912
1. The first tribal revolt in the Chhota Nagpur region was organised by________.
2. The Khasis stood in revolt against the British to construct a______ passing
through their area.
3. Lord ___________ made the permanent settlement in by a regulation in
4. _______ and ________ are examples of cash crops.
5. The _____________ System involved collecting revenue directly from the
head of a group of villagers.
6. A ___________ is an introduction to the constitution.
7. The rivalries between _________ and ________ led to the three Carnatic
8. All citizens are __________ before law.
9. Solar energy is a ___________ resource.
10. In India, the modern period began around the _____century.


a. Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources.
b. Biotic and Abiotic Resources.
c. Mahalwari System and Ryotwari System.
d. Doctrine of Lapse and Subsidiary Treaty.


Q1) What is meant by colonisation?
Q2) What is a constitution?
Q3) Mention primary and secondary source materials of history of modern
period with the help of examples.
Q4) Why is the word ‘secular ‘ incorporated in our Preamble?
Q5) What is the importance of dates in the history?
Q6) Why was Chhota Nagpur Tenancy Act passed?
Q7) Why was the battle of Buxar fought? What was its impact on Bengal?
Q8) Why is land an important resource for human beings?
Q9) In what way was the battle of Plassey significant?
Q10) What is Resource?
Q11) Why did the peasants of Bengal revolt against the indigo planters?
Q12) What led to the Khasi Revolt?


Q1) Why is conservation of resources necessary?
Q2) What are the fundamental duties of the citizens? Mention any five.
Q3) Describe Birsa Munda’s role in the Munda revolt of nineteenth century.
Q4) Describe various sources of Modern Indian History.
Q5). What was the effects of the land revenue settlements introduced by the
सिंस्कृत कार्यपत्रक
Sub: Computer
(To be done in notebook)
Chapter -1 Operating Systems
Do as directed
1. Make a hirearchical Structure on various types of Operating Sysytem
along with examples.
2. Write down some Mobile OS used now a days .
3. Write down basic or default icons of desktop and write its usage.
Chapter -2 Spreadsheet : Fuctions and Formulas
Write the formula to be entered to get the result in the given problem


Turn your idea into action - Make a Craft Work item using waste material .NOTE - Your
Best out of waste master piece will display in Art Exhibition after Lockdown.

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