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Lee and Grambo 1

Eunjae Lee and Wyatt Grambo

Comm 101

30 November 2023

Outline for Exploring Positionalities & Relationships Presentations

I. Introduction (Approximately 1min.)

A. Attention Getter:

Wyatt: According to the National Institute of General Medical

Sciences, any two people have 99.6 percent identical DNA. With this
much similarity between us as individuals, it is amazing the diversity
that can be found.

B. Background and Audience Relevance:

Eunjae: Diversity makes communities stronger and more vibrant.

Learning about intersectional identities, positionalities, and
relationships allows us to better understand others around us.

Wyatt: By gaining a better understanding, we can learn to appreciate

and embrace our differences while also focusing on similarities that
bring us together.

C. Speaker Credibility:

Wyatt: Eunjae is a student from Korea who is majoring in computer

game design.

Eunjae: Wyatt is a student from the United States studying

economics. Though both of us come from completely different parts
of the world, we agree that individuals have their own ideas and
values that cannot be automatically assumed through cultural

Wyatt: Through this project, we have striven to get to know each

other better as individuals while at the same time respecting and
understanding our cultural backgrounds.
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D. Thesis (Eunjae): Through exploring our unique positionalities and

identities, my partner and I have gained an appreciation for our
differences and each other’s cultural backgrounds.

E. Preview of main points:

Eunjae: Today we are going to talk about three differences that make us
unique individuals: our chosen majors, the ways we maintain
relationships, and our approaches to conflict.

Transition to first main point: (Wyatt) The first difference we would like to
discuss is our difference in college majors.

II. Body (Approximately 3 ½-5 ½ mins.)

A. Main Point 1:

1. Subpoint 1 (Wyatt): As Eunjae was born in Korea, some

of his perspective on life comes from Korean culture. For example,
he is influenced by the Confucian ideal. Eunjae believes that being
Korean affects him a lot, and yet he feels some parts of Korean
culture do not fit him. He believes that this is the reason why he
became an introverted person. He is also strongly influenced by the
internet community. For example, he told me that most of his
personality is influenced by the people that he met on the internet. It
is his interest in these online internet communities, especially those
centered around his favorite video games, that sparked his interest
in the field of computer game design. This passion for gaming led
Eunjae to choose the computer game design major at Mason Korea.
It is through studying this major that he can continue to pursue his
passion for games and participate in making games that others can

2. Subpoint 2 (Eunjae): Growing up as a middle class

American, having a strong work ethic and the belief that you can
make something of yourself if you work hard were two things
Wyatt learned at a young age. As a child, Wyatt was encouraged to
learn about business through activities such as starting a lemonade
stand or selling unwanted items at a yard sale. When he got older
and realized I wanted to start earning my own money, he applied
for his first job at a grocery store. Working part-time jobs made
him realize how much good management can improve employee’s
Lee and Grambo 3

working conditions. His appreciation of business and financial

transactions between different people led me to pursue a major in
economics with a concentration in management. He wants to have
the opportunity to be a leader in the business world and to have a
positive impact on employees and others that he interacts with

3. Subpoint 3:

Wyatt: The two of us have chosen very different majors. Eunjae has
chosen to pursue computer game design while Wyatt has chosen to
pursue economics. These majors will also impact our future careers
and lifestyles. Eunjae wants to make games that others can enjoy.

Eunjae: Meanwhile, Wyatt wants to pursue business management and

ensure a positive working environment for those around him. Both of
us have chosen our majors based on our unique perspectives and
experiences, and these majors will continue to shape us into the
people we will be in the future.

Transition (Wyatt): Now that we have finished discussing our college majors, we
would like to discuss our differences regarding our unique approaches to personal

B. Main Point 2:

Wyatt: A key concept discussed in class and the online readings is

Social Penetration Theory. This theory originated in 1973 from the
work of psychologists Irwin Altman and Dalmas Taylor. This theory
states that mutual self-disclosure is essential to forming and
maintaining any relationship. What this means is that regardless of it
being a romantic relationship or friendship, a relationship can only
grow if both parties are able to equally share information about
themselves with each other.

Eunjae: According to the Uncertainty Reduction Theory, we go

through stages in a relationship based on how much we feel
comfortable sharing with the other. Therefore, the more comfortable
two people in a relationship feel about sharing personal information,
the closer they will be.
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Although my partner and I maintain relationships in different ways,

we both agree on the importance of those relationships and being able
to communicate on a regular basis.

1. Subpoint 1 (Wyatt): As an introverted person, Eunjae

says he usually spends time doing indoor activities alone. His
favorite indoor activity is playing video games. Eunjae says that
his personality is completely different when he is in public
compared to when he is in the house. When he is in public, he says
he is quiet and not very outgoing. In these situations, he usually
waits for others to approach him or reach out. However, when he is
in private he becomes much more active. He mentioned the
difference between how he acts around old friends and new
acquaintances. He feels much more comfortable with familiar

Eunjae primarily maintains relationships by sending messages or

playing video games with his friends. He especially likes to chat
and connect with others while playing his favorite games. He and
his friends enjoy playing games together because it helps them
grow closer together.

2. Subpoint 2 (Eunjae): As an ambivert, Wyatt loves

spending time with others, especially his close friends. Nevertheless,
sometimes it can also be important for him to find time to be alone to
recharge. This is especially true if he is around others who he is not
very close with. For example, though he loves spending hours with
others and having their company, he also feels the need to have
personal time to refocus on priorities and responsibilities. He feels
that he is most productive and focused when he is working
independently. And yet Wyatt feels that he is most happy when he is
spending time with close friends.

His relationship management approach involves spending quality

time with his friends face-to-face on a daily basis if possible. He
loves staying busy and experiencing life’s ups and downs with
others. For Wyatt, an ideal friendship involves both members
being able to confide in each other and share about personal
experiences. He has found that, this semester especially, a key way
he maintains relationships is setting aside time to eat meals
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regularly with his friends. This could be in our cafeteria on campus

or anywhere from Triple Street to Seoul.

3. Subpoint 3:

Wyatt: In terms of relationships, we both showed differences but also many similarities
at the same time. For example, each of us interacts with and
spends time with his friends in different ways. Eunjae enjoys
playing video games with his friends and messaging them online.

Eunjae: On the other hand, Wyatt enjoys going out for meals with friends and
connecting with them face-to-face. Though we spend time with
our friends in different ways, we both value our relationships and
strive to enjoy our friends’ company on a daily basis.

Transition (Eunjae): Now that we have discussed the way we connect with others in
interpersonal relationships, we will explore our differences in approaching conflict.

C. Main Point 3:

Wyatt: Both of us have taken a test to help us better understand our

conflict styles. The several approaches to conflict include the
following: avoiding, competing, accommodating, collaborating, and
compromising. Eunjae received the results from his test as being an

Eunjae: However, Wyatt was determined to be someone who

accommodates. Each of these approaches to conflict has different
ramifications on how we interact with others and respond to

1. Subpoint 1 (Wyatt): Out of the five potential styles,

Eunjae’s results showed a sixty-seven percent match with the
avoider approach to conflict. The results also showed a sixty-four
percent match with problem solver. Eunjae said the results really fit
him because he often avoids problems if he can. Although, he also
mentioned that if he can’t avoid the problem, he works to fix it. He
prefers this approach to conflict because he often gets too stressed
about problems in his life. To avoid the stress, he simply does his
best to ignore the problem.

2. Subpoint 2 (Eunjae):
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Out of the five potential styles, Wyatt’s results showed a ninety-

three percent match with the accommodator approach to conflict.
Among the many strengths of an accommodator is the natural
tendency to seek to understand and embrace the viewpoints of
others. This means that as an accommodator, Wyatt tends to put
other’s opinions and wishes before his own in group settings in
order to ensure harmony and to continue moving forward. He is
usually a very flexible person, yet this can occasionally mean he
does not voice his own opinion or get what he wants in a situation.

This approach to conflict helps him when he works at his job in

customer service at a fast food restaurant back at home. Whenever
customers have complaints or concerns, he always does his best to
listen and make them feel understood so that he can solve the
problem. This almost always takes away the tension and results in
a satisfied customer. On the other hand, when it comes to eating
out with his brother back at home, he usually lets him choose.
However, this can sometimes mean that they go to a hamburger
restaurant, for example, when Wyatt would have preferred to eat
Mexican food.

3. Subpoint 3:

Wyatt: Both of us prefer not to argue when it comes to our individual

approaches to conflict. For Eunjae, conflict is often overwhelming.
For him, the best way to deal with a disagreement or conflict is to
simply avoid it.

Eunjae: On the other hand, Wyatt tends to be an accommodating

force in any conflict situation. He tends to deal with tense situations
by embracing the viewpoints of others and seeing arguments from
diverse perspectives.

Transition and signal closing:

Wyatt: To conclude this presentation, we would like to restate the theme of this
presentation as well as restate the three main differences in identity that were
previously discussed.

III. Conclusion (Approximately 30 seconds-1 minute)

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A. Restate Thesis (Wyatt): My partner and I have gained a greater

appreciation for our differences and cultural backgrounds through
learning more about each other’s identities and positionalities.

B. Review Main Points (Eunjae): We presented three different

points: college majors, differences in approach to relationships, and
conflict management.

C. Memorable Closer (Eunjae): Difference is the most precious

property of humanity. By accepting this difference and recognizing
similarities with others, we could make a stronger community. Thanks for

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