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The behavior of a teacher in a classroom context is very paramount in influencing both

behavioral and academic outcomes for the students are diagnosed with emotional and behavioral

disorders. That means the more positive a teacher’s behavior is in a classroom setting then the

students too will excel or succeed in their academic performance (Shah, 2009), just like

aggressive behavior repetitions give room for the rise and development of relationships that are

negative between the teachers and their students (Ladd & Burgess, 1999). This is a notion that is

held in high regard by Sutherland et al., (2008) who say that ways or techniques of teacher

instructional behaviors and the given classroom contexts can lead to the relationship between

learning and behavior problems of students with emotional or behavioral disorders (EBD)

(Sutherland et al., 2008).

I do believe that my teaching behavior affects my students' academics and emotions positively.

Firstly is the teaching philosophy that I employ which is student-oriented or the learner-centered

teaching strategy that progressively focuses on the learner. In this regard I let the learners

influence their own learning and I take the position of a facilitator. Through this, I take on the

position of a learner myself as I listen and observe their activities, especially as a guide. Learners

in this case are more encouraged given the fact that the teacher gives them room for ingenuity

and creativity in handling their knowledge acquisition and implementation. With positivity, the

learners are enthused to do more research when given project assignments. I have witnessed this

enthusiasm during the presentation of projects, and also during open discussion of assignments.
I always make room for feedback from the learners in regards to their assignments and my

teaching strategies. I try my level best to ask the learners both directly through questions and

answers and indirectly through anonymous questionnaires about my teaching strategy and the

content. This is to find out how they feel or think in regard to its viability and reception. This

practice helps to instill in the learners a feeling that they should be open to feedback whether it is

positive or negative. It also further helps the learners to learn how to take negative feedback

positively. This prepares them to handle feedback from the teacher about their assignments hence

impacting them positively academically.

My practice of also motivating my learners also impacts them positively. I believe a teacher

should be aware of the learners and also learn how to compliment and encourage them in order

to boost their morale in the classroom activities and off classroom activities. This grants the

learners an impetus to strive and be the best that they can be academically and emotionally.

Besides, this practice helps to build a positive teacher-student relationship that is essential in

promoting an effective learning experience or environment. Teachers who encourage their

learners create not just students, but colleagues or friends. When your learners are your friends

then reaching out to you as a teacher is very viable, hence impacting their emotions and

academics positively. Learners find it easy to consult a teacher who is open and friendly.

Finally, I am welcoming and hospital to my learners. I try my level best to make my students feel

at home no matter their background or learning disability. I try to make sure that my diverse

class is as inclusive as possible. I instill respect and tolerance for everyone in order to boost

positive healthy relationships and interaction within my classroom context. This in turn bridges

teamwork and collaboration leading to learners learning from their friends. When it comes to
activities or assignments that are supposed to be accomplished in groups, learners will feel very

safe since they are respectful and tolerant of each other.

Conclusively, I think a teacher should be what he or she wants his or her learners to be. The

learners learn a lot from their teachers. Learners do not only take the content delivered by the

teacher but they also make considerations for the behavior of the teacher. So, that means a

teacher should be a mirror for the right values that will impact the academic and emotional

progress of the learners from a positive perspective.


Ladd, G. W., & Burgess, K. B. (1999). Charting the relationship trajectories of aggressive,

withdrawn, and aggressive/withdrawn children during early grade school—Arizona State



Shah, S. S. A. (2009). Impact Of Teachers Behaviour On The Academic Achievement Of

University Students. Journal of College Teaching & Learning (TLC), 6(1).

Sutherland, K. S., Lewis-Palmer, T., Stichter, J., & Morgan, P. L. (2008). Examining the

Influence of Teacher Behavior and Classroom Context on the Behavioral and Academic

Outcomes for Students With Emotional or Behavioral Disorders. The Journal of Special

Education, 41(4), 223–233.

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