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1. English pen friend, Paul. He asked you about your TV in your country.

One of my hobbies is watching TV. There are many fantastic programs for me to watch. Sometimes I can
spend my whole day watching TV. Could you tell me about TV in your country? Are the programs
interesting to you? What is your best favourite TV program? What is that program about? How much TV do
you watch every day? Do people in your country watch too much TV these days? I’m looking forward to
hearing from you soon.
Dear Paul,
I’m very glad to hear news from you. My hobby is very similar to you. I also spend all my day watching TV. In
my country, there are many programs on TV for all kinds of people at a variety of ages: for children, for
teenagers, for the young and for the old. I really like these programs. And recently, I am very interested in one
program for the younger generation called “Who is the billionaire?” This program’s format is that one player
needs to answer all fifteen questions to be a winner and receive the prize up to 100 million Vietnam Dong.
“Who is the billionaire?” is very useful because it provides me with a lot of knowledge in many aspects of life. I
watch TV about one hour every day when I have dinner with my family and before I go to bed. In my country,
people watch TV when they see that one program they like is on TV. I hope we will talk with each other more
in the next letter.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully.

2. You are helping to organize a concert at your college. The local English language newspaper is sending a
reporter, Jane Nolan, to the concert. You have received a letter from Jane Nolan.
I am pleased to say that I am able to come to your college concert on 6th July. Our readers are always
interested in events like these. I would be grateful if you could give me a little more information about the
concert. What kind of music will be performed? I will need to take some photos, so could you tell me when I
will have the best opportunity to do this? Also could you let me know who I should interview and why? I
look forward to hearing from you.
Dear Jane Nolan,
I am very glad to receive your letter and would be grateful if you can attend the Poland -Vietnam Friendship
concert 2016 at our college.
The concert aimed to increase the unity and cultural exchanges between Poland and Vietnam and shall be took
place on 6th July. It has the attendance of conductor Terjie Mikkelsen, violinist Bui Cong Duy, composer Vu
Nhat Tan and other musicians. In the concert, they will perform Norwegian Artists' Carnival of composer Johan
Svendsen and Ha Noi, Ha Noi… and Ha Noi of composer Vu Nhat Tan and some famous symphonies.
The concert will be organized at our college’s hall, so I will arrange a good-viewing place where you can take
photos whenever you want. Moreover, there are a few minutes at the end of the concert for interviews. You can
use that time to conduct an interview with the concert’s guests to know their experience, career and so on.
If you would like any further information, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Best Regards,

3. You recently received an email from your English-speaking friend, Pat, inviting you to visit and stay with
his family.
You said you’d like to come and stay for a while in the summer, so I’m writing to ask if you’d like to visit in
July. By the way, it’s my brother Tim’s 18th birthday on 10th July so try to be here then, because there’ll be
a big special party to go to. Lots of our friends and relatives will be there! I’m on holiday in July too, so
perhaps we could go camping or a few days as well? If you’re coming, let me know if there’s anything else
you’d particularly like to do. Then I can make some plans.
Dear Pat,
It is great to hear from you. I have 3 month holiday in the summer from June to August so that I will definitely
visit your country in July. I still remember that I gave Tim best wish on his birthday in the last year and
promised to meet him some day there in the future. It will be a nice time to attend his birthday and meet your
friends and relatives.
Going camping is also my plan in the trip to your country this time. I trust that it is much more interesting to go
with you. We will have a lot of fun then.
I would like to take further study after graduating. I will do research of some universities in your country. Could
you help me visit these universities when I stay there? I really appreciate your help. I am looking forward to
meeting you in your country soon.
Best regards,
4. You have received a letter from your English-speaking friend, Sam, asking you about a festival in your
I’m studying different festivals from around the world for a project I’m doing. Can you tell me which is the
most important festival in your region and when it happens? Also I’d be very grateful for any information
you could give me about the festival itself. If you think it is worth it, perhaps I could come and see what it’s
like. What do you think? If I come, will you be free? I'd like to see you again and perhaps we could visit the
festival together.
Dear …..,
Viet Nam is a country with 54 ethnic minority groups so there are so many festivals throughout the year.
However, most festivals take place after the TET holiday which is the most important festival of the Kinh
group. TET festival, which is also called Lunar New Year Festival, often falls between late January and early
February; it is among the most important holidays in Vietnam. Officially, the festival includes the 1st, 2nd and
3rd day in the Lunar Calendar; however, Vietnamese people often spend about nearly a month to celebrate this
special event. It is to thank God for the arrival of spring with a variety of blooming trees and flowers after a
cold and harsh winter. Many activities are organized to celebrate the festival. Many kinds of traditional food
are made to welcome the festival. I recommend you go to Vietnam for the TET festival to learn about our
culture. I will take you around to see the festival.
Your sincerely!

5. You have received the following letter from your English-speaking friend, Sam, asking you about how to
get to your apartment from the airport.
Thanks for inviting me to stay with you when I visit your country next month. I’m not sure how to get to
your apartment from the airport. Could you write back giving me some basic instruction? What would be the
best method of transport for me? I’d prefer one that isn’t too expensive! Just one other thing- What will the
weather be like when I get there? ( Just so I’ll know what clothes to pack)
Dear …..,
I am very happy to hear that you will visit my hometown. It is very far from the airport to my home. You have
to get off the plane at Noi Bai airport in Ha Noi. You can go to Thai Nguyen by taxi, car, or bus. It takes about
two hours. The bus is very cheap, but you will have to catch 3 trips. Taxi is the most convenient way. However,
you have to pay more for a taxi than a car. I think moving by car is most suitable for you.
About the weather, it is autumn here, so you should bring summer clothes. My country has a tropical climate. It
is always hotter than yours.
Hope to see you.

6. Some English friends, Peter and Sue Hall, have written to you for advice. Their 20-year-old son, Tom,
wants to get a job teaching English in your country.
Tom’s doing a teacher-training course at the moment, as you know, but he thinks he ought to learn
something of the language before he comes, which seems like a good idea. He’s bought a “Teach Yourself”
book on the language, but we were wondering if you had any other suggestions which would help him. It’s
quite a while since he studied a language at school, so he’d also be really grateful for some general tips on
learning a language.
Dear …….,
Teaching English in Vietnam is a great job, but your son will have many troubles with language differences.
He should spend time learning Vietnamese in many ways. “Teach yourself”book is a good way, but I think take
part in a course where he can improve communication. Speaking and listening are very important skills for his
daily life in a foreign country. Some overseas students have to eat bread for a long time because of language
barriers. Try to practice more and more he can. Why doesn’t he come and live with my family some weeks. He
will have a chance to interact with Vietnameses, we can help him familiar with new life here. Believe me, it is
the best way. Write back and tell me what you think.

7. You recently helped organize a college ski trip and you have received an email from Ms. Janet a parent of
one of the students.
I understand you were one of the organizers of our son's ski trip. I have to say my husband and I were
extremely dissatisfied with the arrangements. You know my son and his classmates were eager to join the trip
at first. But when he came home, my son informed us that the lessons were fewer than promised and the
accommodation was inadequate. Can you please give us a satisfactory explanation?
Dear Mrs. Nora White,
Thanks for your reflection. Firstly, I am really sorry about your dissatisfaction. On the day when we organize
the ski trip, the weather is not really good, so we have to cut down on some activities. The plan changed
because of objective reasons. Moreover, most students are 10 years old, too adventurous lessons will make
them scared. The second thing – accommodation – is our mistake. We ordered the hostel too late, it was out of
good rooms. We have to choose the cheap ones. We will pay back the student some accommodation money.
We are sorry about this dissatisfaction once more. We will learn from experience next time.
Yours faithfully!

8. You have just received a letter from your English penfriend, accepting your invitation to come and stay
with you just after Christmas..
Thanks very much for the invitation to stay with your family for a few days after Christmas – of course I’d
love to come! I’ve already found out about flights, and I could arrive at 12.30 midday on the 27th December.
As you know, I’ve never been abroad during the Christmas holidays so I have no idea what to expect. What
kinds of things do you normally do then? And what’s the weather like there at that time of year? Let me
know if there are any special clothes I should bring with me.
Dear Lizze,
I’m making plans for our holiday in Vietnam. When you come, I will take you around my city for a full day.
After that, as other people, we will choose a place for travelling. I suggest we come to Sapa. You will like it.
There are many ethnic groups with different colourful traditional clothes. Nature is really beautiful with plum
flowers everywhere. The foods are very special, you should taste and feel. Sapa is the coldest city in my
country, it often has snow in the winter.
When you come, it is the mid-winter, remember to bring the clothes which can help you keep warm. However,
the weather here is not as cold as your hometown. Yours!

9. You are studying English in London and you’ve just received a letter from your friend, Ken, who is a
sailing instructor on the south coast.
And I’m really enjoying the job. By the way, we’re going to run weekend sailing courses for complete
beginners. Why don’t you come down to Hamble and do one? You’ve always said you wanted to . learn to
sail, so this would be an ideal opportunity. And after only a few weekends you could get your certificate. We
start the first one next month – let me know if you’re interested.
Dear Ken,
Thanks for your letter. I am very interested in your weekend sailing course. However, I am having some
subjects this term, unfortunately, one class is on the weekend. It will finish in three weeks. The first course will
start too early. If there are any other courses, which begin when I finish my class, I will register after my class
ends. One more thing, I really worry about the fees. You know, I am a student. Money is always a problem with
me. Are there any policies which can reduce the fees for students to participate in the course? If it is, what
procedures will I have to prepare ?
Please write back to me soon and let me know more information. Love!
10. You have received an email from a friend from an English-speaking country, Max, who recently stayed
with you. During his visit, he met your friends.
I really enjoyed my time with you and it was great to meet all your friends. I’d love to hear some news about
them. How are Tim and Eddie? Have they still got their band? I thought they were really good. Have they
played anywhere since I was there? And what about Ruth? Did she get the job in the museum? I know she
really wanted it. What are Richard and Anna doing? Have they gone travelling? I think they said they were
planning to do that. I often think about you all and what a great time I had. Please keep me up to date on
Dear Max,
I was surprised when I received your email. You do not know how much we miss you.
How are you these days? Has your first semester started yet? You must be nervous because of studying in a new
school, meeting new friends and working with different teachers. Do not be afraid, we are always here for you.
We still talk about you whenever we meet. Tom sometimes reminded us about your jokes with Richard. We all
agree that we had such an amazing summer when you stayed in our city.
Do you know how famous Tom and Eddie are now? Hardly saw them around me due to the fact that they have a
live tour through 6 cities in our countries. I am so pleased that they succeeded in making their dreams come
Next week, Richard and Anna are going to visit Paris- the most romantic city in the world. Hearing them
sharing about their one-week traveling, I am so jealous of them. About Ruth, unfortunately, she did not get a
place in the museum. However, she never gives up. We all know that and I believe she can make it.
And about you, how is your life in America? We are so excited to hear from you. Please write to me soon!
Your friend,

11. Your English friend, Tom, came to visit you recently and he has sent you a letter and some photographs.
I really enjoyed staying with you. Here are the photos I took. Which one do you like best? When I got home,
I realized I’d left my watch behind. It’s green and gold. You haven’t found it, have you? I think we’ll have a
great time together when you come here in September. We could either spend the whole time in my family’s
flat in the city or stay on my uncle’s farm in the countryside. Which would you like to do?
Dear Harry,
It’s great to hear from you. Vietnam is a beautiful country where you can see lots of wonderful scenery. If I
were you, I would spend my holiday in the capital city Hanoi. You can spend some time touring round in The
Old Quarter, eating traditional foods along the streets, visiting some famous places of interest such as Hoan
Kiem Lake, Mot Cot Pagoda, and Temple of Literature. You can travel by bike with the help of Google Maps,
but traveling by motorbike taxi is also a good idea for you. Don’t worry about the accommodation. There are a
lot of hostels in Hanoi and the price is not so expensive.
I’m really happy to join you on your holiday. When you arrive in Hanoi, just call me and I will come to your
Best wishes,

12. An English friend of yours, Anne, is a student. She has written to you asking for advice.
We’d love to know when best time of year to visit your country. Also, we want to meet people of our own age
(17-18). What’s the best way to do this? We don’t want to carry too much stuff, so can you tell us what
clothes we should bring? And while we are there, would you like to join our group and travel round with us?
I think it would be great fun?
Dear Anne,
I am really pleased to get your letter and get to know that you are going to visit our country next year. Well, the
best time to visit my country is during the summer, from April to June. Since this is the beginning of the
summer, the weather is extremely nice. It seems sunny all the time and the temperature is around 35 degrees. In
addition, the best way for you to meet people aged from 17 to 18 is in Hanoi. As you know, Hanoi is the capital
of Vietnam which is the most modern and busiest city in Vietnam. You can easily find young people
everywhere, especially in famous places where tourists often visit such as Hoan Kiem Lake or old quarters.
They like hanging out with their friends to find foreigners to practice English with. I am sure that you are
welcomed by the people of my own age who are very sociable and hospitable.
I suggest that you should not bring too much stuff because you can buy them in Vietnam where there are a
variety of high-quality clothes at a very reasonable price. If you prefer bringing your own things, my suggestion
is summer clothes like shorts, tank tops, skirts, swimsuits.
I have my summer holiday in May so I will be available to travel around with you. I will be your free tour
guide, taking you to visit our stunning Hanoi as well as the most attractive beaches and places in Vietnam. I
promise you will really enjoy your trip in our country.
I look forward to welcoming you to Vietnam.

13. Your Scottish friend, Maggie, has sent you an email asking you to help her organize a special surprise
birthday party for her brother Rupert.
We must make sure that Rupert doesn't know we are planning this surprise. I'm not sure how many people
to invite but our house is definitely too small. Do you think we should book the Royal hotel for the evening
and have the party there? I've also been wondering what we could all buy as a present. What do you think?
Could you come the day before the party to help with preparations? There's a lot to plan so I'd really like
your help. Can you suggest something else that will really make the party special?
All for now, best wishes, Maggie
Dear Maggie
I am so happy to receive your letter.
I am willing to help you organize a special party for Rupert. I am sure that it will be an unforgettable memory
with him. I think holding a party at home is a great choice to have a cozy atmosphere. I know your house is
quite small, so you should invite up to 20 closest friends and relatives. Besides, you should hold a garden party
so that everyone can try barbecue while dancing.
About birthday present, I suggest giving him an e-bike. He will study at high school soon, so an e-bike is really
necessary for him to go to school more easily.
I feel so excited right now. I will come to your house the day before. I am looking forward to seeing you soon.

14. You have just received a letter from your English pen friend.
Guess what? My parents have given me some money for passing my exam, so I can splash out on something
really special. I can’t choose between buying a new computer or saving up a bit more and getting come
clothes. Which do you think would be better? And can you suggest what exactly I should get?
Hi John,
It has been a long time since our last writing when you started studying for the university entrance exam. First
of all, congratulating on passing your important exam with such a
a great result that deserves your effort. Gift from parents is always a wonderful motivation for us to get
outstanding performance for any exam and finally you can successfully achieve it and now, the happiest
moment is thinking of how to use that amount of money wisely. With 1000 USD, If I were you, a computer
would be the first thing I want to spend money on because it is an indispensable device supporting you the most
during your school year because your major is information technology. The second thing is you should also buy
some new clothes to be ready to become a freshman with the most cheering mood ever when going to school.
However, It will be better if you can have a good plan of spending money to make sure that after that there is
still a small amount of money for saving up for your future.
Hope that you and your family will have a lot of fun and make the best decisions these days.
Best regards,

15. You are planning to visit your friend Robin in Canada. Robin has written to you.
My friends and I are going to a sports camp in the mountains in July. We’d love you to join us there. We
can play tennis, hockey, football, basketball and other sports. We can stay in rooms or sleep in tents. Which
would you prefer? We’ll cook together in the evenings. Is there something special from your county that you
could cook? You could fly over to Canada a few days before the sports camp and stay with me here in the
city. What would you like to do before we go to the camp? Write soon. Robin
Hi Robin,
Glad to hear that from you. It’s great for me to join you and your friends.
I would like to choose tents, since we’re going to a sports camp aren’t we? So it should be more interesting to
merge yourself in the nature, enjoying fresh air and everything the
city couldn’t provide us. And it must be very promisingly exciting to explore your country’s natural beauty,
being in a different climate from my hometown.
Also, there are some traditional dishes of my country I could bring to the camp too! Keep waiting and I’ll
surprise you all.
Last but not least, I prefer to arrive some days in advance so I could take some rest after a long flight, and
maybe get to know something about your city and Canada right?
If there is anything you want to tell me, just write. I’m looking forward to the trip.

16. You have just received a letter from your English penfriend, Mark, inviting you to come and stay with
him in the summer.
I’m sorry I haven’t written sooner, but I’m busy helping my parents out on the farm.
It’s a great fun though I haven’t got used to getting up at six every morning to milk the cows. We often have
the radio on while we’re doing it, so it’s not too bad. Then, once we have had breakfast, we tend to spend the
rest of the day outside, either in the fields or looking after the sheep. Do you remember Lady, our oldest
sheepdog? Well, she has just had puppies! If you are free in the summer, you could come and see them all
and help with the harvest as well.
Let me know if you can make it – we’d love to see you again.
Dear Mark,
I am so happy to hear from you. Through your writings, I believe you are having a great time with your family.
There is nothing better than helping around and being with your loved ones.
Anyway, remember last time I mentioned I was looking for a part time job? Well, I’ve got one at a small
restaurant. The owner allows me to work four hours a day after school. It helps me have extra money for
summer plans.
I had few pictures of Lady, can’t wait to see her babies. This summer I will have 2 months off from school, I
will definitely come to visit, perhaps at the end of June. With that, I can buy myself some time to prepare for the
trip after our semester ends. I will let you know as soon as I have my departure date set.
Let me know your suggestion on my time in Britain.

17. You have received the following letter from your English-speaking friend, Natalie.
Thanks for inviting me to stay with you when I visit your country next month. I’m not sure how to get to
your apartment from the airport. Could you write back giving me some simple directions? What’s the
cheapest means of transport? What will the weather be like when I get there? What kind of clothes should I
Dear Natalie,
I am so happy to welcome you to my beautiful country. My apartment is located in the city center and it’s really
easy to find.
From the airport, the most convenient means of transport is to take is taxi. It will cost about 20 dollars to get to
my place in Tran Hung Dao Street. However, there is another way, which is the shuttle bus from the airport to
Quang Trung Street. You can catch it with less than 3 dollars right outside the airport. Once getting on the bus,
just give me a call, I will be waiting for you at the bus stop.
According to your schedule, you will reach Hanoi at the beginning of summer. At that time, the atmosphere is
extraordinary as spring has just passed and the weather is not as hot as it is in June.
Shirts, shorts and a great pair of shoes will work for your time in Hanoi. Sun cream is advised if you don’t want
to get sunburn.
I look forward to having you here.

18. You received an email from your English friend, Jane. She asked you for some information about the
way to keep fit.
I enjoy my job but I often sit at a computer all day. I don’t get much exercise so I often feel tired. I consider
going to the gym but I often work very late. Could you recommend something else I should do to keep fit?
Do I really need an instructor or I can do by myself? Also, do I need to buy any equipment to do exercise?
Does it cost much to buy them? I look forward to your reply.
Dear Jane,
I am very happy to hear from you again. I really understand your situation because many people are facing up
with this difficulty in modern life. I think you do not need to go to the gym or buy any equipment to do
exercise. You only need to wake up a little bit earlier than normal and spend 30 minutes per day working out at
home. Working out at home can give you more freedom and flexibility and fit into your busy schedule. You
can do several simple exercises such a squat, plank, push-up or take break time to walk around your office. The
level will increase day by day, don’t push yourself to reach a high target at the beginning.
In addition, do not forget to prepare a menu with healthy dishes: drink 1.5 – 2 liters of water per day, eat salads
and fresh fruits, and avoid using caffeine, cigarettes, and fast food as much as possible. I hope my suggestions
can help you to improve your health in some ways. And you can search for more information to know more
about how to work out at home from the Internet.
I’m looking forward to hearing your good news in the next letter.
Yours faithfully,

19. You received an email from your English friend, Lily. She asked you for some information about
traditional festivals in your country.
I have just watched such a fantastic program about traditional festivals in the world. There are not many
festivals like these in my country. Are there many traditional festivals in your country? Which is the most
popular one? Could you tell me about it? In what time of the year does it happen? What do people often do
in this occasion? Is it widely known by international tourists? Do young people in your country still enjoy
it? I look forward to your reply.
Dear Lily,
I am so glad to hear from you. There are many traditional festivals in Vietnam. The most popular countrywide
festival is our Lunar New Year Festival, also known as Tet. It celebrates the new year in the Lunar Calendar,
normally in January or February of the Catholic Calendar. People will buy new clothes, clean or refurbish and
decorate their houses with beautiful kumquat trees or cherry blossom trees. On the first day of new year the
elders will give lucky money to the youngsters, packed in red envelopes. I am sure you heard about this festival
because it is widely known by international tourists as well. We young people still enjoy it very much as we
will have a long holiday and spend time with families and friends, last but not least receive lucky money. If you
find it interesting, you are welcome to join us in the coming Tet.
Sincerely yours,

20. You have recently applied for a job at a summer camp for children. You have just received a letter from
Ms. Johnston asking you for more information to support your application.
Your application has made a positive impression on us, but we need more information in order to fully
evaluate you as a candidate. First of all, how old are you? Secondly, we would like to know what, you think,
makes you the ideal candidate for this job. Finally, we have two positions open, one at Pebble Beach, and
another at Spruce Mountain. Pebble Beach is our busiest, most popular location, while Spruce Mountain is
a beautiful wild area near a national park. Which would you prefer? Please send us this information as
soon as possible, and feel free to ask if you have any further questions.
Dear Ms. Johnston,
Thank you very much for your kind response. I would like to answer all your questions below and hopefully I
am qualified for the job.
I am 28 years old. I am very friendly and outgoing person, love kids and have experience working with kids in
my previous job as a tutor. Regarding two opening positions, I would love any of them if I have this chance to
work with you in this wonderful organization. I can handle pressure therefore working in a busy location is not
a problem with me. On the other hand a wild area near a national park sounds very attractive. I am willing to
relocate to wherever the job requires.
I have no question at the moment and will contact you if I do. Please feel free to contact me if you need any
other information.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,

21. A Canadian friend, Matt, recently visited you and has just sent you a letter.
You mentioned when I was there that you would like to come to my town to study next year. Please let me
know how long you’re thinking of coming for and what would you like to study so I can find information
for you. Also, if you come in the summer we could do a trip together either to the Rocky Mountains or to
Vancouver. Which would you prefer? If you like I could arrange for you to share a flat with some friends of
mine. Would you be interested?
Dear Matt,
It was totally my pleasure to have you here. I hope you had a great time. Thanks a lot for your intension of
helping me find the course information. I would love to come for studying English for three months during
summer. Do you know any language schools which provide such courses?
Besides, I completely love the idea of us having a trip together. I would like to visit the Rocky Mountains as I
already visited Vancouver. It is a lovely city; However, I would prefer a completely new experience.
It is so kind of you for helping me with the accommodation as well. I would be more than happy to share a flat
with your friends, as there will be chances to meet new people. I believe we will have such a great time next
summer. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best wishes,

22. You are going to stay with your English-speaking friend, Alex, for the weekend
It’s great that you can visit me this weekend. A new activity centre has just opened near my house. Shall we
go? There’s a climbing wall at the centre, or they can take us sailing on the river. The staff at the centre
also take groups into the hills to go mountain biking. Which activity would you prefer to do? I think we’ll be
tired on Saturday evening so maybe we should just stay in and do something. So what do you think we
should do? I’m so excited about your visit. Can your parents bring you to my house on Friday evening
rather than Saturday morning?
Dear Alex,
I am eager to visit you this weekend. We should definitely go to the newly opened activity centre as you
All the activities you mentioned are interesting but I prefer to go mountain biking. I think it is a good
opportunity for us to improve our health. Besides, we can make friends with the other persons who have the
same hobby with us.
After a long day with many activities, we should have a barbecue dinner; then, we can relax and listen to the
songs we both love.
My parents agreed to bring me to your house on Friday evening so that we will have more time together. I
cannot wait to see you on Friday.

23. You have received the following email from your English pen friend:
I was thinking about your visit this summer and thought that while you were here, you could pop in and
meet some of my family who live in the North. I had a chat with them and they would love to meet you. You
could even stay with them for a few days. I have put their name and address below in case you want to write
to them. Why don’t you drop them a line and tell them about yourself and what you are planning to do? Let
them know when you are planning to come so there will not be any surprise. There are loads of things to see
and do where they live and they would be only too glad to give you some ideas.
Their details: Mr and Mrs Jordan, 17 Ken Road, Carlisle CA3 4AS
Dear Mr and Mrs. Jordan,
My friend Peter has told me about your family and I am glad to know that I could stay with your family for a
few days in my upcoming summer trip. I write this email in order to introduce myself and talk about my
planning so that we can get to know each other better.
I am going to visit your city in the middle of July when I have finished my final exam. I have heard many times
before about famous beaches in your hometown. I want to visit some fishing village to see their daily routine
and I wonder if I could go fishing as well. I am really excited to experience your city as a local. I would be very
appreciate if you could give me some more ideas for my trip.
I am looking forward to your reply soon.
24. You have received an email from your English-speaking pen-friend Harry, who is planning to come to
your country for a two-week holiday.
Hi! Great news! I’ve got two weeks free this summer and I’d really like to spend the time touring round
your country. What do you think I should try and see? Another thing, what would be the best way to travel? I
will also need somewhere to stay – but not too expensive, of course. If I do come, will you be free to travel
round with me for some of the time? It would be great if you could.
Hi Harry,
You do not know how excited I am to hear you are coming to my country for two weeks this summer. I have
got a part-time job this summer, so I could only travel with you in Hanoi and some places near Hanoi. However,
I could make a detail plan for your trips and I will tell my friends to take care of you wherever you travel within
Vietnam. In my opinion, the best way to explore Vietnam is to live as if you are a local. There are so many
traditional customs that you may find it interesting when you experience our country that way. There are
thousands of home-stay all around Vietnam that you could stay and taste the culture as well. The price is also
another advantage when you take a home-stay. Price for one night is only around five to 8 dollars. If you are
lucky, sometimes they could offer you some special traditional food. By the way, I have to say that Vietnamese
cuisine is one of the best in the world.
I will make a detail plan for you and send you next week. If you have any question, feel free to ask me. I would
be happy to help you.
25. You have applied for a job helping out at a summer camp for children, and you have just received a
letter from Mr. Jones asking you to come for an interview.
Your application made a very good impression on us, and we would like to invite you to come for an
interview. We will be holding the interviews on the first and second weekends in May. Are you available for
either of these weekends? As you know, we are located in the Cairngorm Mountains. We will hold the
interviews there, and although we realize that this is a long journey for interviewees, we think it is important
for you to see our location and facilities first hand. Of course, we will pay for your travel expenses. Finally,
we would like to know when you would be available to start work. We look forward to meeting you, and
please let us know if you have any questions.
Dear Mr.Jones,
Thank you for inviting me to interview for the position of helping out children at your summer camp.
I am very excited to be considered for this position, and I look forward to having a chance to meet with you.
About the scheduling options suggested in your email, I would like to schedule an interview with you on the
first weekend in May.
I am glad to know that the interview will take place at the camp. It will help me get familiar with the location
and facilities there. Therefore, if accepted for the position I will have my job done better. I also appreciate your
payment for my travel expenses.
In terms of time to start working, I am available to do the job whenever you need me to start.
Thank you for your time and consideration. If I can provide you with any further information prior to the
interview, please let me know.
Best regards,
26. You have received an email from a friend from an English-speaking country, Patrick, who wants to find
a summer job in your country.
I’d love to spend the summer working in your country. I think I could learn a lot! Do you think it would
help me improve my knowledge of your language? I have some experience of summer jobs in supermarkets
and last year, I worked in a restaurant all summer. What summer jobs might be available in your area? I
would not expect to earn a lot of money, of course, but do you think I’d earn enough to pay for my expenses?
Finally, if I get a job, would it be possible to stay in your house? Please write me soon.
Dear Patrick,
I am very glad to hear that you would like to spend your summer working in Vietnam. It opens up new
possibilities and shows you knowledge impossible to understand from books alone. Certainly, you will be able
to develop your Vietnamese well.
There are lots of part- time jobs available here. If you want to do something out of what you have done before
in supermarkets and restaurants, here are my some suggestions. As an English native speaker, you can apply
for teaching positions in English centers. Another choice is signing up to be a fitness instructor. I know you are
a sporty person, and you will have an absolute free opportunity to engage yourself in sports.
In terms of salary, if you take either of these jobs above, I think that you would make enough money for your
expenses. So don’t worry.
I would love to welcome you to my house to stay during your visit in Vietnam.
Your friend,

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