Chapter 11

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Reviewer: 2nd Semester A.V

CHAPTER 11: COUNTERPRODUCTIVE been productive time had the employees not let
BEHAVIORS AND EMPLOYEE the organization in the first place.
DISCIPLINE New employees will also need time to adjust to
their work and to meet organizational standards
Counterproductive Behaviors - behaviors that and goals.
explicitly run counter to the goals of an

 The most commonly studied PREDICTORS OF TURNOVER

counterproductive behaviors have been
tardiness and absenteeism and their A 2008 study by Carbonell in the Philippines found
impact on organizational commitment and that employees prioritize factors like cooperation,
withdrawal; alcoholism and its relationship growth opportunities, and relationships with
with increased absence from work; and supervisors over pay and benefits. The study
the effect of substance abuse on work surveyed 1,678 employees from various
performance and increasing antagonistic companies and found that eight factors predicted
behaviors the intention to quit, including compensation
quality and company vision. Age and position in
Other forms of counterproductive behavior include the organization also influenced employees'
gambling in the workplace (such as using the decisions to stay or leave, with older and
internet to gamble), its financial, legal, and managerial employees tending to stay longer.
psychosocial consequences on the employee, and
the adverse effects on the workplace. Trust and cooperation are important but not
enough to retain employees; opportunities for
growth and quality of compensation also play
significant roles. Another study found that work-life
Counterproductive Behavior in Philippine conflict, organizational support, and job fit are
Organizations important predictors of turnover. Organizations can
Employees consider workmates as friends and reduce turnover by focusing on increasing
that relationships go beyond work to affect employees' self-worth, competency, and the
personal lives. Likewise, Saito et al (2011) meaningfulness of their tasks.
suggested that Filipinos tend to be more motivated
and productive when working in groups or teams
with face-to-face interaction. BURNOUT - a syndrome of emotional exhaustion,
depersonalization, and reduced personal
Given this collectivist culture, counterproductive accomplishment.
behaviors may involve interaction with other
people or may be motivated by social relationships  Intention to quit is high when employees
feel too exhausted or burnt out from labor.
PAKIKISAMA (Filipino Value) - means to be
concerned about, to be supportive of, and to RELATIONAL AGRESSION - aggression
concede to public opinion in social situations in demonstrated between groups or individuals with
order to achieve group cohesion. the intention of destroying relationship structures in
the organization. It can take the form of verbal or
EMPLOYEE TURNOVER non-verbal action meant to utilize sociability
According to the 2011 Labor Turnover Survey processes to create animosity.
conducted among 700 large enterprises in Metro RUMORS - spreading rumors can be either
Manila, turnover rate across industries is at 8.5 positive or negative. However, the majority of
percent. However, the story is different in the call rumors are typically negative, sometimes leaning
center industry where about 27 percent of call on the offensive or the derogatory. These rumors
center agents leave their companies only after six can range from valid and reliable facts, to false
months to a year of service. information aimed to destroy reputations.
Employee turnover remains a fundamental
 The more familiar one is with the social
concern for organizations because of its costs.
environment; the more likely rumors will
Since an organization will have to rehire and
retrain new employees to hill in a position turnover
 Similarly, the more familiar people are with
costs include lost productivity-what would have
each other, the higher the likelihood that
rumors will occur.
Reviewer: 2nd Semester A.V

 Another type of discrimination that exists

in Philippine organizations is against
SILENT TREATMENT - the exclusion of one's
rivals, making sure that they are "out of the loop"
 A survey conducted in 2008 by
and are thus less likely to influence agenda.
Hechanova and Soriano showed that
 By undercutting individuals and making although 69 percent of heterosexual
sure that they are out of the group, workers feel comfortable working with
individuals affected by the silent treatment gays or lesbians, 31 percent are willing to
are ousted in social environments and are do so as long as they act "straight" with
left to work on their own. them.

BACKSTABBING - the study also looked at SCHOOL DISCRIMINATION - another common

individuals who were the subject of rumors. They discrimination occurring in organizations is based
were reported to have low sociability scores that on perceptions and biases on schools.
may have led to little interaction with other
 Although employers do have the right to
members of the organization. The participants also
choose their employees, the bigger picture
reported that they would engage more in
is that such stereotyping results in the
backstabbing individuals with high sociability.
rejection of thousands of graduates year
 Since they cannot spread rumors because after year simply because they did not
of the lack of people who will listen, they graduate from the Big 3 schools.
end up demonstrating behaviors meant to
sabotage tasks or duties of the in-group.
Prevalent Counterproductive Behaviors in the
These behaviors can range from
Philippine Workplace
demeaning actions to spreading of rumors
to produce public shame. TARDINESS - the most prevalent
counterproductive behavior
SEXUAL HARASSMENT - one of the severe
forms of counterproductive behavior, sexual  When asked what counterproductive
harassment takes on various forms: it can begin as behaviors they themselves are doing, the
cracking sexual jokes, sexual statements such as participants admitted that being tardy at
sharing one's sexual activities, passing notes with work tops their list. A common reason
sexual innuendo, and can move on to making cited for tardiness is commuting and
sexual advances, asking for sexual favors, or even traffic.
the extreme of touching oneself sexually in front of
the one being harassed. GOSSIPING - second in the survey was gossiping
among members of the organization. This is rooted
DISCRIMINATION - he applied prejudice in which from the societal and collectivist nature of the
negative social definitions are translated into Filipino, as described earlier in this chapter.
INTERNET USE - Ranked third was accessing
 Those perceived to have less influence, social networking sites while working. Though
power or authority in a social setting tend most would consider this a way of de-stressing
to be more prone to discrimination. during work breaks, this eats away at company
 Discriminated individuals or groups may
find restrictions to their privileges and  When an employee gets too engrossed in
rights Although there are numerous types accessing a site, this causes prolonged
of discrimination (such as race, gender, breaks. Some employees deliberately
age, religion, disability), the most common access such social websites even during
in the Philippine workplace appears to be regular work hours, resulting in lowered
related to gender, gender identity, and productivity.
school discrimination. ABSENTEEISM - fourth most prevalent behavior
GENDER DISCRIMINATION - one of the most is absenteeism. This is related to tardiness, where
common types of discrimination in organizations is the employee may need time away from work to
leveled against women workers. deal with family affairs or care for young children.

FAVORITISM - fifth, interestingly, is the

occurrence of favoritism in the workplace. This is
Reviewer: 2nd Semester A.V

particularly evident when employees struggle for then management has the right to
the same or for limited positions within an discipline its employees.
organization 4. Transfer or reassign employees provided
there is no demotion in rank or a
 By playing favorites with their bosses, diminution of salary, benefits and other
they, at the very least, become familiar to privileges.
their superiors, and at most are 5. Demote any employee provided it is not
considered during succession planning. tainted with unfair labor practice.
Dealing with Counterproductive Behaviors 6. Dismiss an employee pursuant to
company rules and regulations.
Respondents in the study shared that the time-
tested process of talking directly to the person is On the other hand, specific rights of the employees
still the number one choice for correcting are:
counterproductive behavior. 1. Self-organization as mentioned in Article
This is done by inviting the erring individual to 243 of the labor code; this right to organize
his or her direct superior's office, to the cannot be bargained away and in fact
Employee Relations office, or to any higher middle managers can form their own labor
office as necessary. As an alternative, superiors organizations as they see fit.
can talk to the employee on the spot to rectify the 2. Conduct collective bargaining or
actions. negotiation with management, as
stipulated in Article 255 of the labor code.
Other procedures used are reprimanding the 3. Engage in concerted activities,
employee, either through written or verbal including the right to strike in
means, conducting investigations as part of the accordance with law. It should be
due process, and dismissing grave offenders. stressed that the main purpose of going on
a strike is to enforce their demands. There
are two accepted forms of strike according
refers to the rules and policies that govern and a) Economic strikes whose purpose is to
organize employment, how these are established clamor for higher wages or for other
and implemented, and how they affect the needs immediate conditions such as shorter
and interests of employees and employers. workday, higher rate of overcompensation,
and other economic benefits.
 The focus of LMR has broadened from the b) Unfair labor practice strikes where the strike
formation and operation of national and is held because of unfair labor practices of
local institutions and collective bargaining the employer and is done with the purpose
to strategic human resource policies. of desistance from further committing them.
 Disciplining and opposing 4. Enjoy security of tenure which is a right
counterproductive behaviors, is hinged on of paramount value recognized and
rights of both employer and employees guaranteed under the Philippine
and should be done within the limitations Constitution. It demands that workers
set by law. should be dismissed only for just or
authorized causes and after due process.
Management has the legal right to: 5. Work under humane conditions, which
1. Hire employees; as subjected to the would be:
limitations found in law, a collective a. Not exceeding eight (8) hours of work in a
bargaining agreement and general day
principles of fair play and justice b. Paid night diffe erentiall
2. Change the working hours of the c. Compensated overtime work beyond the
employees; for the advancement of the regular hours of work
employer's interest and not for the purpose d. A rest period of not less than twenty-four (24)
of defeating the rights of the employees consecutive hours after every six (6)
3. Prescribe rules; as deemed necessary and consecutive normal work days
proper for the conduct of its business and e. Additional compensation for rest days,
to provide certain disciplinary measures in Sunday, or holiday work
implementing these to assure that they will
be complied to. If the rules are violated,
Reviewer: 2nd Semester A.V

f. Employees who have rendered at least one for a loss or damaged property due to the
year of service shall be entitled to a yearly employee, and if it is because of absences
service leave of five days with pay f. The annual 13th month pay is required to
g. Maternity leave of 60 days for normal be paid to the employee not later than
deliveries and 78 for Caesarian; paternity December 24 of each year with the
leaves of seven days; solo parent leaves of up employee having rendered at least one
to seven days month of service. Even employees who
h. No woman, regardless of age, shall be have resigned terminated or retired at any
employed or permitted or suffered to work. with time before the time of payment of the
or without compensation 13th month pay is entitled to this benefit in
i. No child below fifteen (15) years of age shall proportion to the period he worked during
be employed, except when he works directly the year
under the sole responsibility of his parents or
guardian, and his employment does not in any g. Overtime pay stipulates that the employer
way interfere with his schooling may require an employee to work on
j. Any person between fifteen (15) and eighteen regular holiday but the employee shall be
(18) years of age may be employed for such paid twice or 200% of his regular rate. If
number of hours and such periods of the day the holiday work falls on the scheduled
as determined by the Secretary of Labor in rest day, the employee gets 260% of his
appropriate regulations regular wage. If an employee does not
k. Any child's employment or participation in work on a double holiday, he gets 200% of
public entertainment or information through his regular wage; but if he works, he gets
cinema, theatre, radio or television must have 400% of his regular wage.
an employment contract approved by the child's h. Retirement benefits are intended to help
parents or legal guardian, with the express the employee enjoy the remaining years of
agreement of the child concerned, if possible, his life, lessening the burden of worrying
and the approval of the Department of Labor his financial support, and are form of
and Employment (Republic Act 7658) reward for his loyalty and service to the
l. Safety from sexual harassment acts employer. Retirement is optional at 60
years of age, but compulsory at 65.
6. Living wage or the amount of family
income needed to provide for the 7. Participate in policy decision-making
family's food and non-food processes affecting their rights and
expenditures with sufficient allowance for benefits as may be provided by law.
savings and investments for social
Employee Discipline and the Labor Code
It should be noted that:
Beyond rights accorded to employers and
a. The minimum wage rates in every region employees, the implementation of employee
of the country shall be prescribed by the discipline is hinged on the Philippine Labor
Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Code.
b. The employer may not unilaterally The social justice provision of 1987 Philippine
eliminate or diminish wage and other Constitution provides that "those with less in life
benefits enjoyed by the employees should have more in law” echoing the credo of
c. Bonuses are an act of generosity and President Ramon Magsaysay. The labor code
cannot be demanded as a matter of right stresses that "construction (of the law is in favor of
from any employer labor.”
d. The wages shall be paid at least once
every two weeks or twice a month All doubts in the implementation and interpretation
e. The employer can make necessary salary of the provisions of this Code, including its
deductions if they are consented by the implementing rules and regulations, shall be
employee, if these are union dues, if these resolved in favor of labor" (Philippine Labor Code
are withholding taxes, social security, Article 4 1974). Thus the law is in favor of the
PhilHealth or Home Development Fund laborer and can exercise their full legal rights
(Pag-Ibig) contributions, if they are due to in accordance to the Code. It also stipulates that
an employee cooperative, if it is a payment it is responsibility of management or the
Reviewer: 2nd Semester A.V

company to protect the rights of both the family or his duly authorized
company and its employees. representative

Their management prerogative to discipline must

be done in good faith. The Constitution Employees in managerial or middle
emphasizes that though management can management posts may be dismissed merely on
discipline its own workers, "no person shall be the grounds of loss of confidence. Loss of
deprived of life, liberty or property without due confidence should not be simulated, nor used as a
process of law" (Section 1 Article III Philippine subterfuge for causes improper, illegal, or
Constitution 1987). unjustified.

DUE PROCESS - defined in the labor code as

"simply an opportunity to be heard or, as applied to
administrative proceedings, an opportunity to
explain one's side or an opportunity to seek
reconsideration of the action or ruling complained

During hearings, evidences are critical in

substantially proving the error of the employee
(substantive cause) and should be showcased in
the rightful manner (procedural due process).

For instance, in dismissing an employee from

work, two notices are required to be given to the
erring employee: (1] the intention to dismiss,
indicating acts or omissions complained against;
and [2] notice of the decision to dismiss and an
opportunity to answer and rebut the charges
against him.


administrative process, most employees up for
dismissal cases are temporarily suspended from
work; this is not a penalty but a mere positive
action so the employee will no longer pose a threat
to the employer or its employees.

The law (Article 282 of the Labor Code) provides

some instances where emplovees can be outright
dismissed from their respective institutions:

1) Serious misconduct or willful

disobedience by the employee of the
lawful orders of his employer or
representative in connection with his work
2) Gross and habitual neglect by the
employee of his duties
3) Fraud or willful breach by the employee of
the trust reposed in him by his employer or
duly authorized representative
4) Commission of a crime or offense by the
employee against the person of his
emplover or any immediate member of his

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