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Group Members: Abalayan, Ray Mark Section: BSA 4I CS (HORTI)

Adonis Jerry Chris

Cainglet, Joshua
Flores, Ralph
Ledesma, Thomas Clint
Pojas, Paul Christian
Sualog, Crisanto

A Review Paper on Lettuce Production under Various Substrates Studies

Hydroponic cultivation has been very popular in this generation; it has garnered
substantial attention in recent years for its potential to address challenges associated
with traditional soil-based farming. In particular, hydroponic lettuce production has
been a focal point, leading to numerous investigations into the use of various
substrates as alternatives to conventional soil. This growing interest is rooted in the
recognition of hydroponically grown lettuce as a vital response to the increasing
demand for fresh, nutritious, and sustainable food sources in a changing population
around the world.
This review paper aims to explore the diverse realm of hydroponically grown
lettuce, with a primary emphasis on the utilization of different substrates within this
innovative cultivation method. We aim to examine the advantages and limitations of
substituting soil with alternative substrates while also considering their implications for
crop yield, quality, and sustainability. The transition towards hydroponics and
alternative substrates for lettuce cultivation is motivated by several pressing concerns.
Rapid global population growth and urbanization are encroaching on arable land,
straining traditional farming methods. Furthermore, challenges related to soil quality,
water scarcity, and the imperative for more resource-efficient practices have
accelerated the adoption of hydroponic systems. Hydroponic lettuce cultivation,
encompassing a range of substrates, offers a promising means to mitigate these
challenges by boosting crop yields while reducing environmental impact. This review
paper seeks not only to offer a comprehensive overview of recent research but also to
underscore the pivotal significance of this subject in shaping the future of sustainable
agriculture. The insights gained from this exploration stand to benefit researchers and
practitioners and hold broader implications for global food security, environmental
sustainability, and the evolution of agricultural technology. As we go deeper into the
review, we aim to introduce the intricate world of hydroponically grown lettuce,
unveiling the substrates used and their associated advantages and limitations. By
examining the confluence of technology, sustainability, and food production, we hope
to contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of this dynamic field and its
potential to revolutionize the cultivation of one of the world's most valuable crops.
Main findings
In the study of Zamanipour et al., 2019, he found out that plant heights
increased with maturity, with M3 having the tallest plant at 7 DAT. Media mix M1 (60
rice husk + 30% coconut coir + 10% vermicompost) and M2 (60 coconut coir + 30%
brocken brick + 10% vermicompost) had the highest plant heights, possibly due to
better aeration, water-holding capacity, and biostability(Zamanipour et al., 2019). The
study found no significant difference in lettuce yield between 1.6 percent and 3.2
percent vermicompost tea treatments in a 50% nutrient solution. However, when no
vermicompost was applied, yield decreased. The study also found no significant
difference in yield between lettuces in 50% nutrient solutions and those in 3.2 percent
vermicompost applications with 25% nutrient solution(Miller & Miller, 2018). In terms
of total fresh and dry matter accumulation, UNS from coconut-coir dust reduced growth
by 3.01 to 18.39% and 3.32 to 18.08%, respectively, while UNS from hydration
reduced growth by 1.23 to 13.19% and 0.81 to 12.87%(Hossain et al., 2016).
Hydroponic crop cultivation, a modern, developed technique that produces
crops in a restricted environment without soil, has gained global popularity in recent
years (Zamanipour et al., 2019). Vermicompost have finer structure, more nutrients,
and higher microbial activity than other varieties of composts. They have been shown
to boost crop growth and yields in the greenhouse and field due to high microbial
diversity and population levels engaged in nutrient mineralization(Miller & Miller,
2018). The reuse of spent nutrient solution from substrate culture could boost the
efficiency of water and mineral consumption. As a result, an investigation was carried
out to investigate the influence of the employed nutritional solution (UNS) on lettuce
growth and quality(Hossain et al., 2016).
Carbonized rice husk is more sterile and can offer nutrients to some extent
during the early stages of planting, it has been noted that a lack of bio-stability can
result in severe volume loss, compaction, a reduction in air volume, easily available
water, and porosity due to mineralization, as well as changes in gaseous phase
composition due to carbon dioxide production (Zamanipour et al., 2019).
Hydroponically produced crops continue to rely on fertilizer solutions containing
expensive, fossil fuel-based inorganic nutrients. Alternative nutrient sources, like as
organic-based vermicompost, could supplement a considerable amount of traditional
fossil fuel-based hydroponic solutions(Miller & Miller, 2018).
The reliability of studies in agriculture depends on several factors, including
source credibility, experimental design, statistical significance, consistency of results,
publication date, and replication. Source credibility is crucial for assessing reliability,
while experimental design influences the quality of evidence. Statistical significance is
essential for assessing the strength of findings. Consistency of results indicates that
outcomes may depend on specific variables and contexts. Replication adds to the
reliability of scientific findings.
Due to mineralization, a lack of bio-stability can cause severe volume loss,
compaction, a reduction in air volume, easily available water, and porosity, as well as
changes in gaseous phase composition due to carbon dioxide production. These
modifications may eventually limit plant development (Zamanipour et al., 2019). It is
probable that the nutrient solutions including vermicompost became anaerobic at the
start of the fourth week due to dissolved oxygen depletion as microbial populations
expanded (Miller & Miller, 2018). The high pH and EC value of the ENS and UNS must
be adjusted on a regular basis for good lettuce production (Hossain et al., 2016).
In this study on lettuce production using perlite substrate, the research explores
the benefits of unconventional soilless cultivation methods, reflecting a growing trend
in agriculture. The results indicate that lettuce seedlings grown on 4 mm granulated
perlite treated with Vermiplant show optimal results, emphasizing the importance of
substrate selection and fertilization. Conducted at a university research center, the
study showcases a commitment to improving crop yield and quality. However,
potential controversies may arise regarding the variability of results under different
conditions, the environmental impact of perlite and chemical fertilizers, and the
commercial implications of specific products. While the article offers valuable
experimental data and a detailed methodology, its limited scope, lack of long-term
data, and generalizability, as well as the absence of a comparative analysis and
comprehensive discussion of controversies, are notable weaknesses ( Stoian, M., et
al. 2022).
Wee et al.'s 2016 study highlights the detrimental environmental impact of
improper agricultural waste management while exploring the potential of using oil palm
kernel waste as an alternative hydroponic substrate. The study investigates the effects
of various hydroponic substrates on red lettuce metabolite production, including
biochar, which has not been previously studied. Different treatments are compared,
revealing that red lettuce grown with palm kernel biochar (T3) exhibited high
carotenoid, anthocyanin, phenolic, and flavonoid contents, while lettuce in T4, a
combination of hydroton and palm kernel biochar, showed elevated chlorophyll levels.
Additionally, LC-MS-QTOF analysis identified a total of 38 metabolites, with E-
Suberenol, a potent antioxidant, showing a strong correlation with palm kernel biochar
treatments. The study concludes that palm kernel biochar can be a cost-effective and
sustainable hydroponic substrate, offering potential benefits for agriculture.
The study by Monica D. et al. (2023) examines soilless technology, particularly
hydroponics, which utilizes a supporting medium like cocopeat and a nutrient-rich
water supply to promote plant growth. This approach, enhanced by smart sensing
devices, maximizes green space in vertical farming while delivering significantly higher
crop quality and conserving water resources compared to substrate cultivation. The
research focuses on hydroponic lettuce cultivation using the Nutrient Film Technique
(NFT) and substrate medium, demonstrating superior results in terms of leaf growth,
culture cycle, leaf length, leaf perimeter, and leaf count for hydroponics. The Aqua
Crop simulator confirms these findings, emphasizing year-round production and
sustainable growth. However, it's noted that hydroponics consumes significantly more
energy compared to substrate cultivation. The study underscores the critical role of
smart sensing equipment in precision agriculture for real-time monitoring of
agronomical variables, ultimately leading to increased crop output.
The study titled "Growth Analysis of Lettuce under Different Substrate
Compositions" investigated the growth of lettuce in a greenhouse using various
substrate compositions. Six different treatments, including mixtures of organic
compounds, commercial substrate Plantmax®, and vermiculite, were tested, with
various growth variables assessed. The results indicated that mixtures of organic
compounds and Plantmax® led to enhanced lettuce growth, while vermiculite alone
did not yield satisfactory results. This research emphasizes the significance of
substrate composition in lettuce cultivation and the growing trend in horticulture
towards the use of organic substrates for their positive impact on nutrient availability,
aeration, water retention, and temperature regulation. However, questions regarding
the applicability of these findings to different lettuce cultivars and environmental
conditions may arise. Strengths of the study include its robust experimental design
and consideration of multiple growth variables, but it lacks long-term effects analysis
and focuses on a specific lettuce cultivar, suggesting potential benefits in exploring a
broader range of lettuce varieties and growth conditions. The quality of evidence is
enhanced by the study's methodology and statistical analysis, although the findings'
generalizability is limited to the greenhouse conditions and lettuce cultivar studied.
One notable gap in the study is the absence of information about the nutrient
composition of the organic compounds used in the substrates, which could provide
valuable insights into nutrient availability and balance.
The study found that alternative substrates, such as vermicompost, sterilized
sand, rice husks, and basalt powder, are effective in producing lettuce seedlings. The
seedlings produced with these substrates were larger than those produced with
commercial substrate, and the seedlings spent a shorter period in the nursery,
resulting in lower costs and less time for possible mishaps. The differences among the
alternative substrates were minimal, with substrates T1, T2, T3, and T4 being similar
for most of the parameters evaluated. Other studies have also observed the efficiency
of alternative substrates in producing lettuce seedlings, such as organic compounds
produced by a mixture of sunn hemp and Napier grass, cattle manure, chicken litter,
and worm castings. Alternative substrates in agriculture can include various materials
that serve as growing mediums for plants, particularly in soilless or hydroponic
systems. These alternatives may encompass coconut coir, peat moss, perlite, and
vermiculite, among others. Coconut coir, derived from coconut husks, has gained
popularity due to its renewable and sustainable nature (Hazarika & Deka, 2018). Peat
moss is another traditional option but raises environmental concerns due to its limited
availability and slow regeneration (Larcher & Scariot, 2017). Perlite and vermiculite
are lightweight, sterile, and porous materials often used to improve aeration and water
retention in growing media (Savvas & Ntatsi, 2015). These alternative substrates offer
options for growers seeking sustainable and efficient solutions in modern agriculture.
The research on alternative substrates in the production of lettuce seedlings
and their productivity in the field offers several strengths and weaknesses. A notable
strength is its potential contribution to sustainable agriculture by exploring eco-friendly
alternatives to traditional substrates, which can help reduce peat moss extraction and
its associated environmental concerns. Such research may lead to cost-effective and
environmentally friendly seedling production methods. However, a potential weakness
lies in the variability of alternative substrates, as their performance can vary based on
factors like nutrient content, water retention, and aeration. Moreover, findings from
seedling production may not always directly translate to field productivity, as field
conditions can differ significantly. Nevertheless, this research can play a crucial role
in diversifying and improving sustainable agricultural practices. While research on
alternative substrates in the production of lettuce seedlings has made notable
progress, there are still several gaps in the existing literature. First, there is a need for
more comprehensive studies that explore a wider range of alternative substrates,
including sustainable and locally available materials, to provide growers with practical
options that suit their specific regional conditions. Second, most studies focus on the
seedling stage, and there is limited research on how the choice of substrate for
seedling production influences the productivity of lettuce crops in the field, including
growth, yield, and quality. Understanding the long-term effects of alternative
substrates on lettuce cultivation can guide growers in making informed decisions.
Finally, there is room for more research on the environmental and economic
sustainability of these alternative substrates to assess their impact on resource use
efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and overall sustainability in lettuce production (Dresbøll
et al., 2019). Future research on alternative substrates for lettuce seedling production
and their field productivity should focus on several key areas. Firstly, investigating a
wider range of alternative substrates, including innovative materials and mixtures,
could help identify more sustainable and cost-effective options. Second, research
could delve into the long-term effects of these substrates on lettuce growth, addressing
issues such as nutrient retention, water usage efficiency, and environmental impact.
Furthermore, studies might explore the potential for automating substrate-based
systems to optimize resource utilization and labor efficiency. Finally, research should
examine how alternative substrates impact overall lettuce field productivity,
considering factors like crop yield, quality, and pest resistance, which could provide
valuable insights for sustainable agriculture practices (Singh et al., 2010).
The study assesses the impact of substrates on lettuce yield in aquaponic and
hydroponic systems, finding that coconut shell fiber is the most suitable substrate,
leading to higher yields, while phenolic foam results in lower yields. References to
previous studies, specific numerical data, and explanations for the findings enhance
the quality and reliability of the evidence. However, the study has limitations, such as
not analyzing the effect of different nutrient solutions on lettuce yield and the controlled
environment of the study, which may limit generalizability. Future research could
explore the impact of substrates and nutrient solutions in diverse regions and
conditions, further improving lettuce production in hydroponic and aquaponic system
(Roosta & Afsharipoor, 2012).
The article discusses the growing interest in vertical farming, especially for leafy
vegetables like lettuce, in urban areas with limited space for traditional agriculture.
Two research trials in 2018 and 2019 examined the effects of different substrates and
fertilizer rates on lettuce yield, considering fresh and dried lettuce weight, physical
substrate properties, and volumetric water content. The study found that 'Nevada' and
'Optima' lettuce varieties responded similarly to substrate and fertilizer rate changes,
with PB7 + C3 substrate and half the recommended fertilizer rate producing the
highest fresh weight in both trials. The study provides valuable insights into optimizing
lettuce yield in vertical farming but may have limitations in generalizability to other
crops and regions, as well as the absence of an environmental and cost analysis.
Future research should explore microbial communities in substrates, alternative
nutrient delivery methods, and the sustainability of vertical farming practices, among
other factors Wiggins, Z. et al., (2020).
The article discusses the importance of selecting the right substrate for lettuce
seedling production, highlighting its impact on seedling emergence, root system
development, production costs, and residue management. Among various substrate
materials, the use of 100% bee nest material (S1) is found to be the most favorable
option, resulting in superior emergence rate, speed, root length, number of leaves,
shoot dry mass, and total dry mass. The choice of substrate significantly affects the
conditions for seedling emergence and root development, aligning with previous
studies by Negreiro et al. (2004) and Ajalla et al. (2012). Trends in this field include a
shift towards sustainability and technology adoption, while controversies center
around substrate choices and disease/nutrient management. Ensuring the
sustainability of lettuce seedling production should be a key focus for future research.

The discussed studies provide insights into various aspects of lettuce
production, with a primary focus on substrate selection, hydroponic systems, and
alternative cultivation methods. Notably, these studies underscore the critical
importance of choosing the right substrate for lettuce cultivation, as it significantly
impacts plant growth, yield, and overall productivity. Zamanipour et al.'s (2019) study
highlights the benefits of specific media mixes and the potential of vermicompost in
enhancing plant growth in hydroponic systems. Furthermore, the studies explore the
advantages of hydroponic cultivation, including efficient resource use and the reuse of
spent nutrient solutions to improve sustainability. The investigation into alternative
substrates, such as coconut coir and vermicompost, reflects a shift towards eco-
friendly and cost-effective options in lettuce seedling production. The emerging field
of vertical farming is also acknowledged, highlighting challenges in substrate selection,
microbial communities, and nutrient delivery. The role of precision agriculture and
smart sensing devices is emphasized for optimizing hydroponic systems, while
balancing energy efficiency remains a concern. Collectively, these studies stress the
ongoing need for research and innovation to address these challenges, ultimately
contributing to more sustainable and efficient lettuce production to meet growing
demands while minimizing environmental impact. Future research should focus on
closing identified knowledge gaps and advancing agricultural practices for lettuce
In conclusion, the collective findings from the discussed studies emphasize the
critical role of substrate selection, with specific combinations and organic alternatives
like vermicompost significantly influencing plant height, growth, and yield in lettuce
production. The increasing global popularity of hydroponic systems is highlighted,
offering potential benefits for crop growth and resource efficiency through the reuse of
nutrient solutions. Moreover, the research on alternative substrates demonstrates their
effectiveness in producing healthy lettuce seedlings, with implications for
sustainability. While these studies address essential aspects of lettuce production,
they also reveal research limitations and gaps, indicating the need for more
comprehensive investigations, particularly in areas such as microbial communities,
long-term effects, and economic sustainability, to further advance lettuce cultivation

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