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Ex. m/v Stilianos K

Registered Owners: Maritime Betwa LLC

Bareboat Charterer: Bright Shipping S.A.
Managing Owners: Żegluga Gdańska Sp. z o.o.
Gdańsk, Poland
Technical Department Contacts:
Żegluga Gdańska Sp. z o.o., Poland
+48 58 301 72; -

Cargo Management:
Mr Peter Wind, Wind Shipping ApS, Denmark
+45 5663 1999 –

General Information: (version Oct 22)

Built Mitsui, Japan 2010
Flag Marshall Islands
Kind of Ship Bulk Carrier with Cranes/Grabs (Mitsui 56)
P&I West of England P&I
IMO Number 9478779
Official Number 8170
Call Sign V7A2039
Class BV I+HULL+MACH General Cargo Ship, nonhomload Unrestricted Navigation +Aut-Ums
MMSI 538008170
Sat. phone +870773301034 +48 666 381 106
Inmarsat C: 453851749
E-mail address:

Principal Dimensions:
Summer Deadweight 55625 mt – TPC 55,80
Length Overall 189,99 m
Length BP 182,00 m
Breadth, Moulded 32,26 m
Depth, Moulded 17,90 m
Summer Draft, Extreme 12,573 m
Gross Tonnage 31,230
Net Tonnage International 18,516
Suez Canal GT/NT 32,189.68 / 29,633.94
Panama Canal NT 25910
Cargo Gear:

4 units electro/hydraulic deck cranes each 30 tonnes SWL, Working radius at swl 30mt 26 mtrs,
Maximum clear outreach 9.87mtrs.Cranes capable of use in grab operation. When cranes on grab
or logs or skip/bucket duty maximum gross lifting limited to 24mt (ttl weight of grab skip/bucket
and cargo). No more than 1 crane to be worked at a hatch, Owners will not supply crane men
from crew. Ambient temperature for cranes operation: Minus 10 degr C to Plus 45 degr C.

SMAG type 4 X 12.0 cbm
(Adjustable to 6.0 to 12.0 maximum capacities - max cgo density 1.25- 2.50 mt/cbmt)
Suitable for bulk cargoes with material grain size min 1.00mm – max 50.00mm



No. 1 12,722.10 12,138.20 17.60 x 18.92
No. 2 14.717.40 14,095.90 21.12 x 18.92
No. 3 14,659.40 13,056.30 21.12 x 18.92
No. 4 14,717.40 13,095.90 21.12 x 18.92
No. 5 14,051.80 13,730.50 21.12 x 18.92
TOTAL 70,868.80 68,116.00

Tank-top dimensions: Minimums excluding lower stools, bulkhead corrugations etc.

Hold No.1 Length 27.30m, Width forward bulkhead 10.50m, mid 21.90m,aft 23.80m
Hold No.2 Length 29.04 m, Width 23.40m
Hold No.3 Length 29.04 m, Width 23.40 m
Hold No.4 Length 29.04 m, Width 23.40 m
Hold No.5 Length 28.16 m, Width forward bulkhead 23.40m, aft 09.50m

Australia holds ladder fitted: YES

No cargo to be loaded on main deck and hatch covers.
No NAABSA allowed.

Tanktops strength:
No 1 21.80 mt/sqm
No 2 18.70 mt/sqm
No 3 22.50 mt/sqm
No 4 18.70 mt/sqm
No 5 22.60 mt/sqm

Distance WLTHC:
Distance from water line to top of hatch coaming
a) In Normal ballast condition (exclude No.3 CH) and HFO 1063mt, DO 43mt, FW 186mt:
Aboutt 15.50 meters
b) In Heavy Ballast condition (including No.3 CH) and HFO 1000mt, DO 50mt, FW 200mt:
about 11.80 meters
Hold no 3 can be ballasted
Speed / bunker consumption per day [mt]:
Speed Ballast Speed Laden In Port
M/E +A/E MGO M/E+ A/E Idle Working MGO
Eco 12,5 23,5 0,1 12,0 23,5 0,1 3,3 5,0 0,1
Full 14.0 29,50 0,1 13,5 30,5 0,1 3,3 5,0 0,1


VLSFO Basis 85% 1290 mt
ULSMGO Basis 85% 417 mt

The aforesaid speeds and consumptions are guaranteed from beginning to end of sea passage, at open sea,
during good weather days namely, days up to and including Beaufort Scale 4 (11-16 knots ) and total combined
(sea and swell) significant wave height confined to limits max 1.25 meters with no adverse currents and no
current factor, not exceeding Summer Draft and, excluding: any voyage under 36 hours duration, periods
during reductions of speed for safety, sailing in piracy areas, in congestion, in reduced visibility, maneuvering
or sailing in shallow/restricted waters and when approaching/entering/leaving ports, rivers, canals, etc.

In case of cold climate and/or reduced speed additional boiler consumption of 1 mt LSMGO per day should be
expected. Any loss of time is to be set off against any saving in consumption and any excess consumption is to
be set off against any saving in time.

Cost and time (including any deviation time required) to meet (S)ECA requirements and/or National
regulations in operation in ports to which vessel is bound, including ballast exchange, to be for charterers'
account. Under no circumstances will any claim be deducted from hire unless and until it has been agreed by
both parties.

The term "about" means 0.5 knot allowance in the speed of the vessel and 5% increase in the total bunkers
consumption. Any performance evaluation report submitted to Owners must reflect all related terms agreed
in vessel’s description including the set offs and allowing for both ‘about’.

The vessel shall have the liberty to use LSMGO for maneuvering in/out of ports, starting of a/e, navigating in
shallow/restricted/busy waters, canal and rivers. If needed vessel may use some extra VLSFO for boiler.

The types and quantities of fuels on redelivery shall always be appropriate and sufficient to allow the Vessel
to reach safely the nearest port at which fuels of the required types are available.

The charterers are at all times to supply fuel and compliant fuel to the vessel of maximum Sulphur content
0,5% VLSFO and 0.1% LSMGO m/m of a stable and homogeneous nature and suitable for burning in the
Vessel’s engines or auxiliaries complying with

Low Sulphur Marine Gas Oil: ISO 8217/2010, fuel standard revision, cd 2010 and any subsequent revision
thereof: DMA distillate. All bunkering procedures must meet SOLAS regulation VI/5-1 and Regulations 14 and
18 of Annex VI MARPOL 73/78.
Different bunker supplies shall always be loaded in segregated tanks, subject to vessel’s bunker tanks

The Charterers shall be liable for any loss or damage to the Owners or the Vessel caused by the supply of
unsuitable fuels and/or fuels which do not comply with the specifications and/or grades set out above,
including the off-loading of unsuitable fuels and the supply of fresh fuels to the vessel. The Owners shall not
be held liable for any reduction in the Vessel’s speed performance and/or increased bunker consumption nor
for any time lost and any other consequences arising as a result of such supply.

BIMCO Bunker Quality Control Clause for Time Chartering:

(1) The Charterers shall supply bunkers of a quality suitable for burning in the Vessel's engines and auxiliaries
and which conform to the specification(s) mutually agreed under this Charter.

(2) At the time of delivery of the Vessel the Owners shall place at the disposal of the Charterers, the bunker
delivery note(s) and any samples relating to the fuels existing on board.

(3) During the currency of the Charter the Charterers shall ensure that bunker delivery notes are presented to
the Vessel on the delivery of fuel(s) and that during bunkering representative samples of the fuel(s) supplied
shall be taken at the Vessel's bunkering manifold and sealed in the presence of competent representatives of
the Charterers and the Vessel.

(4) The fuel samples shall be retained by the Vessel for 90 (ninety) days after the date of delivery or for
whatever period necessary in the case of a prior dispute and any dispute as to whether the bunker fuels
conform to the agreed specification(s) shall be settled by analysis of the sample(s) by VPS or by another
mutually agreed fuels analyst whose findings shall be conclusive evidence as to conformity or otherwise with
the bunker fuels specification(s).

(5) The Owners reserve their right to make a claim against the Charterers for any damage to the main engines
or the auxiliaries caused by the use of unsuitable fuels or fuels not complying with the agreed specification(s).
Additionally, if bunker fuels supplied do not conform with the mutually agreed specification(s) or otherwise
prove unsuitable for burning in the ship's engines or auxiliaries the Owners shall not be held responsible for
any reduction in the Vessel's speed performance and/or increased bunker consumption nor for any time lost
and any other consequences.
Different bunker stems shall always be loaded in segregated tanks, subject to vessel’s bunker tanks availability.

Marine Fuel Sulphur Content Clause:

(a) For the purpose of this Clause, "Sulphur Content Requirements" means any sulphur content and related
requirements as stipulated in MARPOL Annex VI (as amended from time to time) and/or by any other
applicable lawful authority.
(b) The Charterers shall supply fuels to permit the Vessel, at all times, to comply with any applicable Sulphur
Content Requirements. All such fuels shall meet the specifications and grades set out in this Charter Party.

The Charterers also warrant that any bunker suppliers, bunker craft operators and bunker surveyors used by
the Charterers shall comply with the Sulphur Content Requirements.

The Charterers shall indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless the Owners from any and against all losses,
damages, liabilities, delays, deviations, claims, fines, costs, expenses, actions, proceedings, suits, demands
arising out of the Charterers’ failure to comply with this subclause (b), and the Vessel shall remain on hire
All details “about” End

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