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Descend into Avenus

3-5 sentence summary of the adventure. Convey the premise, objective,
high-level overview of the plot.
Scene Template
Where does the scene take place?
Focus on the best ideas, the reasons people should be excited to play
this adventure. Who will the heroes encounter there? What challenge will they need to overcome?
What important information will they learn about the story?
Setting and Background
How does it lead them to the next scene?
Where does the story take place? What makes this place interesting,
unusual, different from what we’ve seen before?
What does the GM need to know about the history of this place?
Character Name
Appearance, personality, occupation, powers, roleplaying .
Motivation. What do they want? How do they try to get it?
Intro Conflict. How do their desires conflict with players’ goals?
Exposition, setup. Introduce the heroes and the world around them. Secrets. Information players will learn from/about them.
Where do the heroes begin the adventure?

Exciting Adventure Hook

The first scene that draws heroes into action, and gives them the initial Read Aloud Text
set of tasks to accomplish, leads to follow. Visual description, key information players need to know.
Actionable things players can interact with or investigate.
How do the heroes encounter the problem? How can you make them
Evocative detail. Sound, smell, sensation, movement.
care about solving the problem?
Opportunities and dangers it presents.
The First Milestone
The first obstacle the heroes need to overcome as they strive towards
their goal.

Unexpected Complication
A more difficult challenge. Crisis, major setback, everything goes
wrong? Villain makes a move? A surprising twist/reveal changes the
direction of the story. Raise the stakes and threat level.

Awesome Climax
Final, most important/dangerous challenge that resolves the main
conflict. Epic scene at a cool location.

Grand Dukes
Ulder Ravengard, a career officer within the Flaming Fist- Currently
Thalamra Vanthampur, a cunning patriar who built her family's
wealth and lifted herself out of poverty.
Dillard Portyr an elder businessman who is apparently rather easily
Belynne Stelmane currently absent largely replaced by Galdon
Shattershield due to her absence through illness)

Adventure Writers’ Room: we are a group of GMs who meet in the discord voice chat, and challenge ourselves to improvise a one-shot adventure
(like this one) in 2 hours. We’re looking for some friendly and creative people to join us! More adventures here.
Authors: Lumen, Phaselancer, Maeloki.

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