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Six Figure Sales Rep | Plug & Play

Start the Call

→ Welcoming the prospect & setting the right expectations for how the call is going
to go.

[very simple pleasantries - make sure their camera is on]

Pre-frame: So the purpose of this call is just see what your goals are, where you’re at
currently, just to see if we can even help you in the first place. Sounds good?

→ The goal here is to gather all of the information you need about the prospect.

When it comes to [objective], do you know what you’re looking for specifically?

When unclear about goal: What’s the long term goal here? What are the
outcomes that you’re looking for specifically?

And what are you doing to achieve that goal now?

How long have you been doing it that way?

Do you feel like what you are doing now will get you to [achieve xyz result] as quickly
as you want, or do you feel that some small changes need to be made?

Why do you feel that way?

How long have you been trying to achieve that goal as a whole?

Because you have been wanting to achieve this for XYZ years, what makes it really
important now?

Do you think now is the time to draw a line in the sand and really commit to yourself
and get yourself in the position where you have xyz-goal?

Six Figure Sales Rep | Plug & Play

→ Help the prospect see what would change in their business/life once they achieve
their goal.

Let's say we help you get XYZ-goal, and you [paint the picture]... what actually
changes for you? How would life be different for you?

What does that allow you to do that you… can’t right now?

What do you think it would do for your kids/family?

Where does that allow you to be?

When you’ve achieved XYZ, how do you think your family will react?

If you had gotten that after wanting it for X years, what would it feel like finally
achieving it…

→ Help the prospect see what their future would look like if they don’t fix the problem

Now, the other side of doing this is not doing anything. The other side of this is you
make no change. What does that ultimately look like?

And would you be satisfied with that? That you’re still in the same position x years
from now?

Why not?

Is it time you honestly draw a line in the sand and do everything you need to achieve
XYZ like you mentioned you wanted?

Six Figure Sales Rep | Plug & Play

Transition to Pitch
→ Tell the prospect you CAN help them.

I don’t have many other questions for you really NAME, based on what you’ve said I
think you’re in a perfect place to work closely with [owner] to make that goal a reality.

So let me break down what the X looks like from your perspective, and if everything
makes sense, you feel like we can get you where you want to be, we’ll get you set up
and rocking and rolling on the call, and if not, that’s totally fine as well.

→ Present the solution to their problems so they can see clearly how you will help

The program is an investment of $10,000.

and what you’re getting for that is a *one line description of what it is and the result
they’ll get*

How we’re going to do that breaks down to 3 main steps:

[Your pitch is you making your THESIS STATEMENT for why a prospect has not had
success so far, and why they will have success through your product. The biggest
move you can make in the pitch is not listing features, but helping them see
(through simple language and analogy) what the missing piece has been on their
journey all along.]

Six Figure Sales Rep | Plug & Play

Pillar structure is:

1. Analogy so they "get" your point ("If you throw darts with your eyes shut, do you
think many of them will hit the bullseye? No. This is what you're doing by throwing
random products on Amazon, hoping one of them hits the bullseye.")
2. What we do ("So what we do is 'open your eyes', by showing you the exact
blueprint to find profitable products, so that it becomes far more predictable
because you know what you're aiming at")
3. Details (optional) ("We show you through detailed training and hands-on
coaching calls of what to look for.")
4. So that you can get X benefit ("So that you can have a winning product that
gets you to 10k")
5. "Make sense?"

(repeat for every pillar of your offer)

Temperature Check
→ Make sure they’re certain that this is the solution they need (are they red hot or ice

Any questions, concerns, red flags on anything that we’ve spoken about so far?

So most important thing, before we talk about onboarding or anything else, based
on what I’ve broken down for you, do you feel like this can get you to XYZ GOAL?

if uncertain: I sense a little uncertainty, totally fair. If you came in here and did
everything we asked you to, do you feel like there’s anything in there that
wouldn’t work?

What parts about our process makes you feel like it can?

Six Figure Sales Rep | Plug & Play

→ Process the payment on the call.

Great so that’s all I have for you, so all we’ll do from here is:

● get you inside the course

● get you inside the community
● book your onboarding call
● and then you’re good to go

Process the Payment Yourself

*pull up the checkout page & share your screen*

So, whenever you’re ready, just read out the best card number for you and we’ll get
you rocking and rolling so you can start [achieving XYZ result].

[Process the payment, then walk them through onboarding steps]

They Process It Themselves

Great, so what I’m going to do is, I’m going to send you the checkout link in the
zoom chat. While you’re processing that on the call, I’m going to start setting up your
account so that we can get everything set up together and you can hop off the call
ready to dive in and start your journey to becoming a [end-result]. Sounds good?

[Set up their account and wait for the payment to go through before onboarding

Six Figure Sales Rep | Plug & Play

| Every objection needs to start with this process before you solve it

Tie Down — Confirm that, besides the objection, they feel like this can get
them their desired result

Totally okay. Can I ask, do you feel like what we have gone through CAN actually get
you to XYZ goal so you CAN achieve EMOTIONAL DRIVER? Or how do you feel?

Why do you feel like it could?

Solve — Actually handle the objection

[This process will look differently for every objection, but now you have leverage to
understand what the actual objection is and you’ve tied them down before handling

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