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CAR and 5 core tools

(Highlight Review)
DATE : JULY 1st , 2019
Training Objectives Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

 Internal audtiors: có kiến thức để thực hiện công

việc đánh giá và chứng minh năng lực đánh giá (khi
được phỏng vấn bởi tổ chức đánh giá bên thứ hai,
bên thứ ba)
 Nhân viên thực hiện công việc: hiểu các yêu cầu
để thực hiện đúng đáp ứng các yêu cầu
Contents Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Năng lực chuyên gia đánh giá

HĐKP và báo cáo HĐKP

Một số thuật ngữ thống kê

5 core tools (Highlights)

Review and Open Discussion

Training Agenda Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

1:00PM – 4:30PM
Training Method Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

• Nghe diễn giải

• Thảo luận và phát biểu
• Chia sẽ kinh nghiệm
Training Evaluation Method Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Phỏng vấn, hỏi đáp trực tiếp lại lớp học để đánh giá
mức độ hiểu biết cho từng chủ đề training
Reference Documents Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

 ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems - Requirements

 IATF 16949:2016 Automotive Quality Management Standard
 IATF 16949:2016 – Sanctioned Interpretations (SI 14-15)
 ISO 9000:2015 Quality Management Systems – Fundamental
and Vocabulary
 ISO 19011:2013 Guidelines for auditing management
 5 core tools (current AIAG Reference Manuals) Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Năng lực chuyên gia đánh giá

Auditor competency Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

7.2.3 Internal auditor competency

Auditor competency Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

7.2.4 Second-party auditor competency Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Hành động khắc phục và báo cáo

hành động khắc phục
Corrective action Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness
Corrective action Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Qui trình báo cáo sự không phù hợp và hành động

khắc phục (đánh giá nội bộ)
Corrective action Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

8D report Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Một số thuật ngữ thống kê

Statistical Concepts Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness
Statistical Concepts Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness
Statistical Concepts Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Terms of Statistics
 Mean (X bar)

 Median

 Mode

 Range (R)
Statistical Concepts Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Terms of Statistics
 Ex1: 13, 18, 13, 14, 13, 16, 14, 21, 13

Mean = ? Median = ? Mode = ? Range = ?

Mean = (13 + 18 + 13 + 14 + 13 + 16 + 14 + 21 + 13) ÷ 9 = 15
13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 16, 18, 21
Median = 14
Mode = 13 vì 13 lặp lại nhiều nhất, 4 lần
Range = Max - Min = 21 - 13 = 8
Statistical Concepts Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Terms of Statistics
 Ex2: 1, 2, 4, 7

Mean = ? Median = ? Mode = ? Range = ?

Mean = (1 + 2 + 4 + 7) ÷ 4 = 14 ÷ 4 = 3.5
1, 2, 4, 7
Median = (2 + 4) ÷ 2 = 6 ÷ 2 = 3
Mode = Không có Mode vì không có phần tử nào lặp lại
Range = Max - Min = 7 - 1 = 6
Statistical Concepts Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Terms of Statistics
 Ex3: 8, 9, 11, 10, 10, 11, 10, 11, 12, 13

Mean = ? Median = ? Mode = ? Range = ?

Mean = (8 + 9 + …+ 12 + 13) ÷ 10 = 105 ÷ 10 = 10.5
8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 12, 13
Meadian = (10 + 11) ÷ 2 = 21 ÷ 2 = 10,5
Mode = 10 và 11 vì hai giá trị này đều lặp lại nhiều nhất, 3 lần
Range = Max - Min = 13 - 8 = 5
Statistical Concepts Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Terms of Statistics
 Deviation = distance between observations and
the mean (or average)

Observations Deviations
10 10 - 8.4 = 1.6
10 9 9 – 8.4 = 0.6
8 8 8 – 8.4 = -0.4
9 8 8 – 8.4 = -0.4
7 7 – 8.4 = -1.4
averages 8.4
Statistical Concepts Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Terms of Statistics
 Variance

Observations Deviations Squared Deviations

7 7 - 6.6 = 0.4 0.16 6
7 7 - 6.6 = 0.4 0.16 7
7 7 - 6.6 = 0.4 0.16 7
6 6 – 6.6 = -0.6 0.36
6 6 – 6.6 = -0.6 0.36
averages 6.6 0.0 0.24 Variance
Statistical Concepts Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Terms of Statistics
 Standard Deviation (Sigma) = square root of

Observations Deviations Squared Deviations

7 7 - 6.6 = 0.4 0.16 6
7 7 - 6.6 = 0.4 0.16 7
7 7 - 6.6 = 0.4 0.16 7
6 6 – 6.6 = -0.6 0.36
6 6 – 6.6 = -0.6 0.36
averages 6.6 0.0 0.24 Variance
Standard Deviation = square root (0.24) = 0.48
Statistical Concepts Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Terms of Statistics
 Standard Distribution (Normal/Gauss Dis.)

 Bell-shaped Curve (symmetric)

 Mean = Median = Mode
Statistical Concepts Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Terms of Statistics
 Standard Distribution
Statistical Concepts Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Terms of Statistics
 Variable data (Continuous data ) = dimension,
weight, temperature,…

 Attribute data (Discrete data) = yes/no,

Passed/Failed, Go/No-Go,…
Statistical Concepts Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness


Variation exists in everything

Too much variation lead to rework, scrap, or
customer problem
A perfect process would be no variation. No that
Variation is reduced = Process output is improved
Statistical Concepts Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Common Causes and Special Causes

 Common causes (natural causes) refers to the
many sources of variations that consistently
acting on the process. If only common causes of
variation are present and do not change, the
output of the process is predictable.

 Special causes (assignable causes) refer to

any factors causing variation that only affect only
some of the process output.
Statistical Concepts Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Common Causes and Special Causes

Statistical Concepts Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Process Control and Process Capability

Statistical Concepts Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Two mistakes and Over-adjustment

 Mistake 1: Ascribe a variation to a special
causes, when in fact the causes belong to the
system (common causes).
 Mistake 2: Ascribe a variation to a system
(common causes), when in fact the cause was
 Over-adjustment (tempering) is a common
example of mistake 1. Over-adjustment actually
increases variation by adding more variation
each time the process is changed
Statistical Concepts Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Type I & Type II error

 False alarm (Over reject) = Type I error

 Miss (Under reject) = Type II error Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

5 core tools
5 core tools Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

What are 5 core tools?

 SPC - Statistical Process Control

 MSA - Measurement System Analysis

 FMEA - Failure Mode and Effect Analysis

 APQP - Advanced Product Quality Planning

 PPAP - Production Part Approval Process Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Statistical Process Control

Statistic Process Control (SPC) Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

What is SPC?

SPC = Statistical Process Control

SPC Second Edition, Issued July 2005

Developed by Work Group
Chrysler, Ford & Genneral Motors
collaborated with AIAG
Statistic Process Control (SPC) Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Why do we need SPC?

 SPC = a prevention tool

Inspection = defect detection

SPC = detect process change

defect prevention

SPC Goal: detect, reduce & monitor variation

Statistic Process Control (SPC) Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Control chart

Note: áp dụng u, c, cp, p chart khi số lượng lỗi đủ lớn (≥ 5)

Statistic Process Control (SPC) Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Control chart
 Specification limits (Norminal, ULS, LSL)
 Control limits (CL, UCL, LCL)
 Sampling plans (Subgroup size, Subgroup
Frequency, Number of Subgroups,
Sampling Scheme)
Statistic Process Control (SPC) Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Control chart
Statistic Process Control (SPC) Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Control chart Formulas

Average and Range chart (Xbar R)

Statistic Process Control (SPC) Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Defining “Out-of-Control” Signals

Process Capability and Performance Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Pp, Ppk, Cp, Cpk

 Pp = Process Performance
 Ppk = Process Performance Index
 Cp = Process Capability
 Cpk = Process Capability Index
Process Capability and Performance Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Pp, Ppk, Cp, Cpk

Norminal Spec = T (Target)

tolerance range


parts spread width

tolerance range

parts spread width

Process Capability and Performance Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Process Capability Caculation

tolerance range

parts spread width

 part spread width > tolerance range → Cp < 1

 part spread width = tolerance range → Cp = 1
 part spread width = 3/4 tolerance range → Cp = 1.33
 part spread width = 3/5 tolerance range → Cp = 1.67
 part spread width = 3/6 tolerance range → Cp = 2.0
Process Capability and Performance Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Pp, Ppk, Cp, Cpk

Process Capability and Performance Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Pp, Ppk, Cp, Cpk



Process Capability and Performance Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Pp, Ppk, Cp, Cpk

Process Capability and Performance Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Acceptance Criteria

Results Interpretation
Index > 1.67 Meets acceptance criteria
1.33≤ Index ≤ 1.67 May be acceptable
Index ≤ 1.33 Does not meet acceptance criteria

(Sourse: AIAG PPAP 4th Edition) Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Measurement System Analysis

Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

What is MSA?

MSA = Measurement System Analysis

MSA Fourth Edition, Issued June 2010

Developed by Work Group
Chrysler, Ford & Genneral Motors
collaborated with AIAG
Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

 True value, Reference value, Observed value
 Discrimination, readability, resolution
(rule of 10, ndc)
 Replicable and Non-Replicable Measurement
 Accuracy: Bias, Stability, Linearity
 Precision: Repeatability, Reproducibility, GRR
 Agreement: Kappa, Miss rate, False alarm rate
 Acceptance criteria for a measument system
Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Summary of Terms
Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Accuracy vs. Precision

Measurement System Analysis (MSA) Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Acceptance Criteria Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Potential Failure Mode

and Effects Analysis(FMEA)
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

What is FMEA?

FMEA = Failure Mode and Effect Analysis

FMEA Fourth Edition, Issued June 2008

Developed by Work Group
Chrysler, Ford & Genneral Motors
collaborated with AIAG
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

 S, O, D, RPN

Risk Priority Number (RPN)

Severity x Occurrence x Detection= RPN
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Highlights Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Advanced Product Quality

Planning (APQP)
Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

What is APQP?

APQP = Advanced Product Quality Planning

APQP Second Edition, Issued July 2008

Developed by Work Group
Chrysler, Ford & Genneral Motors
collaborated with AIAG
Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

 Product quality planning timing (5 stages)
 Control plan
 Product-safety, special characteristics
Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Highlights Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

Production Part Approval Process

Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

What is PPAP?

PPAP = Production Part Approval Process

PPAP Fourth Edition, Issued March 2006

Developed by Work Group
Chrysler, Ford & Genneral Motors
collaborated with AIAG
Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

What is PPAP?
• Provide evidences that all customer engineering
design record and specification requirements are
properly understood by the organization

• To demonstrate that the manufacturing process has

the potential to produce product that consistently
meets all requirements during an actual production
Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

 Submission level
 Part Submission Warrent
Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) Your Partner in Thermal Protection & Wire Harness

PPAP Submission Level Table

Requirement Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
1.Design Record R S S * R
2.Engineering Change Documents, if any R S S * R
3.Customer Engineering approval, if required R R S * R
4.Design FMEA R R S * R
5.Process Flow Diagrams R R S * R
6.Process FMEA R R S * R
7.Control Plan R R S * R
8.Measurement System Analysis studies R R S * R
9.Dimensional Results R S S * R
10.Material, Performance Test Results R S S * R
11.Initial Process Studies R R S * R
12.Qualified Laboratory Documentation R S S * R
13.Appearance Approval Report (AAR), if applicable S S S * R
14.Sample Product R S S * R
15.Master Sample R R R * R
16.Checking Aids R R R * R
17.Records of Compliance With Customer Specific Requirements R R S * R
18.Part Submission Warrant S S S S R
19.Bulk Material Checklist S S S S R
S = The organization shall submit to the customer and retain a copy of records or documentation items at appropriate
R = The organization shall retain at appropriate locations and make available to the customer upon request
* = The organization shall retain at the appropriate location and submit to the customer upon request

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