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Mental health is an essential part of our life that affects our lifestyle and the lack of understanding about

mental health in our society maintains a harmful cycle of silence and neglect, emphasizing the urge of
awareness about this topic among people. Some of the mental illness are very common yet becomes a
big taboo if discussed like depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), bipolar disorder.

Bipolar disorder also known as manic depression causes a person to have dramatic shifts in
emotions, moods and energy levels, moving from extreme lows to extreme highs. These shifts usually
happen over several days or weeks and in manic episodes the person feel highly energetic, overly happy
or optimistic, delusional but in a full manic episodes, these symptoms can reach a dangerous level of
extreme. The main cause of bipolar disorder is still unknown but is most likely to be happened due to
genetic and environmental factors. For example, one interesting clue is that people with family
members who have bipolar disorder are 10 times more likely to have it themselves another clue is that
some medications can trigger manic episodes. Even though there’s no cure of bipolar disorder but
identifying and treating individuals is extremely important, since there’s a real danger that the person
could harm themselves. One of the oldest treatment is Lithium Salts that work as a mood stabilizer also
talk therapy is also very effective way to teat this mental illness.


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