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R/F Tabuena St. Sagpon, Daraga, Albay









Students are key stakeholders and the most essential resources in education. It is
absolutely necessary to direct students to exhibit an acceptable attitude and behavior within and
outside the school. In an attempt to achieve an organized and peaceful school environment and
maintain law and order, the school management specifies rules and regulations to guide the
activities of members of the educational institution. Education is a lifelong process that begins at
home and continues as a formal and informal training. How a person learns and his or her
success in learning the lessons of life are contingent upon earlier lessons. Attitude affects
perceptions and development through the learning process and is ultimately manifested in

Different strategies to maintain discipline have been employed both at the national and
school levels. Among others, the adoption and deployment of school rules and regulations in
secondary schools is the main target for monitoring and curbing students’ behaviors.

Discipline is a prerequisite for almost everything a school can offer to students. It links both
the culture and the climate of a school, and for a satisfactory climate to exist in a school, a
certain level of discipline must exist. In schools where discipline is a serious problem—for
example, when students bully each other—parents prefer to transfer their children to better
schools. Since the well behaved students usually perform well, their transfer to another school
can affect the overall performance of the former school.

Perception is a process of interpreting and understanding one’s environment. It is the

process through which people select, organize, and interpret what they see, hear, touch, and
smell, and create meaning from such things and respond to the world around them.
Furthermore, perception is also a process through which people receive, organize, and interpret
information from their environment. The secondary school students’ perception on school rules
and regulations, therefore, has a great effect on the way they obey and adhere to such rules
and regulations

A student, even when outside the school premises, shall be subjected to corresponding
disciplinary action and penalties under any of the following circumstances: Discipline is the
deliberate, or lack of, action to regulate behaviour. It is the practice of frank and strict adherence
to legislation and guidelines, and cultural standards and values; the ability to control oneself or
other people, even in challenging circumstances. Discipline means teaching acceptable
behaviours and unlearning maladaptive behaviours with support, guidance and direction in
managing behaviour. It is about setting limits, clarifying roles, responsibilities, and mutual
expectations and creating a predictable, orderly and stable life.

In line with the famous quote, “choices have consequences”, not observing or practicing
discipline should result in some form of corrective measures. Situations abound where,
unfortunately, such a ‘correction’ results from a serious trigger with devastating consequences.
An example is the global Coronavirus – technically referred to as COVID-19 – that has evolved
into a pandemic in less than four months, causing untold suffering, and death, worldwide. Lack
of individual discipline, including observing simple instructions like washing hands thoroughly
with soap, keeping a one-to-two-meter social distance, and going into self-quarantine for 14
days, is exacerbating the exponential spread of the pandemic.

In the learning environment, indiscipline can manifest itself in disobeying set rules,
bullying, truancy, lateness to school, cultism, alcohol and drug abuse, insulting/assaulting,
sexual harassment, stealing, rioting, striking, setting school fires, ‘gassing of learners, and many
other anti-social vices. If allowed to continue, such indiscipline manifests itself later in life. In
contrast, inculcating discipline at an early age helps to bring order in the different facets of a
person’s life – you just need to look at our security or military forces.

The objective of disciplining any student is to help the student develop and maintain self-
control, respect for others and socially acceptable behavior. All policies and procedures
regarding student discipline shall be designed to achieve these broad objectives. Disorderly
students shall be dealt with in a manner that allows other students to learn in an atmosphere
which is safe, conducive to the learning process and free from unnecessary disruptions.

The Policy Members of the College are expected to carry out their scholarly work with
honesty, to meet the highest ethical standards of evidence, and to acknowledge the
contributions and scholarship others. As members of CCJE community, students are expected
to demonstrate appropriate academic conduct. They are responsible for their actions, whether
acting alone or in a group. The College will vigorously investigate allegations of academic
misconduct. While taking all reasonable steps to protect the rights and interests of individuals
whose work or performance is questioned.

 Pursue a research culture in the curricular and instructional programs;

 Aim to be a leader in the various profession by becoming centers of development and
 Strengthen community involvement and community services;
 Adhere to a set of core values among the students and the school community

Rules and regulations, as mentioned, are put in place to provide order and standards in
the school, and any breach can create an imbalance. Discipline teaches accountability and
responsibility in students, as well as on teachers who may not be behaving in ways that adhere
to the school’s policies. In this portion, we will discussed the Student Discipline Policies, Rules
And Regulations. The College maintains administrative sanction as necessary measures to
develop its student into well-balanced persons, who are willing and ready to face and overcome
whatever problems that may confront them. The Bicol College Inc, adheres the following
 The College instills discipline in the students by inculcation of love of GOD,
teach the rights and duties of citizenship, strengthen ethical and spiritual
values, and develop good moral character and personal discipline.
 The College produces students who are assets to themselves, their families
and the community at large by being useful citizen, productive workers and
accomplished leaders in the various fields of human endeavors.

The Bicol College, Inc. students are expected at all times to observe and abide by the
laws of the policies, rules and regulations prescribed by the College. Members of the College
are expected to carry out their scholarly work with honesty, to meet the highest ethical
standards of evidence, and to acknowledge the contributions and academic work of others.As
members of BCean community, the students are expected to demonstrate appropriate conduct.
They are responsible for their actions, whether acting alone or in a group. The College will
vigorously investigate allegations of misconduct while taking all reasonable steps to protect the
rights and interests of individuals whose work or performance is questioned. The rules of
conduct and discipline are intended to foster order and harmony among and between all
segments of the College. Any student found guilty will be dealt with appropriate disciplinary
sanctions as provided herein.

The school uniform identifies a student with the institution where she is enrolled in. The
uniform is the sacred symbol of the school outside the campus. The student is held liable
administratively for the damage done to the name and image of the College due to misconduct
of the student who is in school uniform outside the campus. All students therefore must wear the
prescribe school uniform with dignity to preserve the good name of the College. The female
students must wear the Bicol College, Inc. standard uniform with the approved design. The
prescribed length of the skirt is knee length. However, they can also wear prescribed pants. To
match the standard uniform, all female students are required to wear plain black shoes. Boots-
like shoes, slippers, sandals, step-ins, colored shoes are prohibited inside the campus.

This study shows that students’ awareness of school rules and regulations and their
perception toward promoting good behavior are statistically associated. This means that a better
understanding of the school rules would increase the effectiveness of rules in promoting good
behavior of students.Students’ attitudes on school rules and regulations have a significant
association with the perception toward promoting good behavior. Students should have enough
understanding about school rules and regulations to exercise easy and effective
implementations. A study by found that many students think that most school rules are good
and without these rules, the school would not be a pleasant place.

Positive discipline allows students to learn and adapt their behaviours to meet
expectations in the classroom, while simultaneously teaching them how to make better choices
in adulthood. The choices include taking time to reflect deeply about self and life, in order to be
grounded on an issue

Discipline is the key to attain and achieved our goal’s in life. We as a future educator’s,
discipline and academic performance are the core in today’s education. While in student’s
learning, discipline has a very important role in the life of every individual, by being well-
disciplined we can encourage everyone to be disciplined as well. Discipline also helps us to
become a better version of our selves and it can help us to be a better person in this world.
However, indiscipline students is one of the major problem in every school today. Disruptive
behavior is one of the concern in school’s and parent’s and to the fellow students whose
education may be affected. This article was carried out to establish the relationship between the
teachers, school’s discipline and the academic performance of students.

There are some students whom did not abide some rules and regulations of the schools
but only a few because almost all the students , I observed are following the rules and
regulations especially the wearing of proper school uniforms, wearing IDS and etc., most
commonly rules is the minimizing of voice that cannot be avoided inside the class especially If
the teacher is not around but I think, it’s a normal scenario.

The improvement in students’ awareness of school rules and regulations would enhance
their perception toward promoting good behavior because when students have enough
understanding of school rules and regulations, they can behave well, and this offers a good
learning environment.

Discipline is a significantly important quality to have in every walk of life. Discipline is

certainly the ladder towards success. Furthermore, discipline brings out the best in us. Most
noteworthy, discipline keeps our body, mind, and soul under control. It helps them to build a
positive attitude towards everything. This helps them to improve their performance slowly and
steadily. Finally, discipline helps students to build a healthy mind which is very important to
develop a healthy body.

Discipline is very important, as seen, at both levels: individually and collectively for the
society. It helps people to showcase their attitude and represent their character and thinking.
Both the body and the mind are honed by discipline. Discipline helps to address individual
problems and develop a society that is both peaceful and respectful. Therefore, it would be right
to say that without discipline there is no life at all. It is the right way of doing things in well a
behaved manner. It needs a control over the mind and also our body. Some person has the
natural property of self-discipline however somebody has to develop it inside them. Discipline is
also the ability to control on our feelings and do right thing at right time as well as overcome the
weaknesses of every individual. Life without discipline is incomplete and unsuccessful. In this
world we need to follow some rules by respecting our elders and also the seniors.Discipline in
academic performance of the students is one of the most important key in education. Students
must know the importance of discipline into their academic performance and how can influence
it into their studying.

Why we need to become disciplined? Discipline helps everyone to achieved their goals
in life and it will lead to a better future of every individual. A well maintained disciplined person
can encourage everyone to be disciplined as well. Being an educated and disciplined person,
we as an individual need to show the positive impact of being a well disciplined to other
students for them to know how important discipline in the life of every individual.

In order to prescribe the standards of good behavior, school rules and regulations should
be emphasized, and enough awareness should be aroused in students. In future work, the
effectiveness of school rules and regulations on academic achievement and the impact on life
value should be investigated.

As a BCean student, I can say that following the school rules and regulations is very
effective when it comes to implementing a good and high quality standard of education.

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