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A. C, AC Appeal Cases

ALL ER All England Law Reports

App. Cas. Law Reports Appeal Cases

B. & C. Barnewell and Cresswell’s Reports, K.B

C.B. Common Bench Reports (1840-56)

C.B.N.S., C.B. (N.S) Common Bench Reports (1856-65)

Ch. D., Ch Chancery Division

Ex. Ex. D. Exchequer Division Reports

K,B., KB., K.B.D., KBD Kings Bench Division Reports

L.J.C. LJC Law Journal Chancery (1831-1946)

L.J.K.B., LJKB Law Journal Kings Bench Reports (1831-1946)

L.J.Q.B., LJQB Law Journal Queens Bench Reports (1831-1946)

L.R. Ex., L.R. Ech Law Reports Exchequer (1865-75)

L.R.C.P., LRCP Law Reports Common Pleas (1865-75)

L.R.Eq., Law Reports Equity (1865-75)

L.T., LT Law Times Reports (1859-1947)

LAT Lands Tribunal

Lyds Rep. Lloyds, Law Reports

NRLR Northern Rhodesia Law Reports

QB Queens Bench

R&N Rhodesia and Nyasaland

SCZ Supreme Court of Zambia Judgment

TLR Times Law Reports

TPTC Town and Country Planning Tribunal

WLR Weekly Law Reports

ZR/ ZLR Zambia Law Reports

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